HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/15/2008 00 Agenda (Revised) David Edler, Mayor t4 ' • Micah Cawley, Assistant Mayor y .* 1I Yakima Kathy Coffey Cot Council Rick Ensey Agenda � Norm Johnson ',. �,,°, ""': '' < - Bill Lover • 129 N. 2nd Street,Yakima,WA. Neil McClure Phone: (509)575 -6000 Fax (509) 576 -6614 City Manager Email: ccouncil @ci.yakima:wa.us • www.ci.yakima.wa.us Richard A. Zais, Jr. Anyone wishing to address the. Council, plea 611 found on the tables and give it to the City Clerk YAKIMA CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS MEETING APRIL 15, 2008 — 5 :00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS — YAKIMA CITY HALL 1. Roll Call 2. Executive Session — Property acquisition and Prospective Litigation 6:00 P.M. — PUBLIC SESSION 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation /Pledge of Allegiance — Assistant Mayor Micah Cawley III 3. Open Discussion for the Good of the Order A. Proclamations • National Day of Prayer — Linda lasella • Law Day — Dan Tessler and Cynthia Martinez . B. Special presentatio s / recognitions • Donation to Yaki a Fire De rtment from Nob Hill Casino for protective equipm t • Update on Fisher P rk C mmittee — Tom Hinman • Extreme Winter Weather Program update — Dave Hanson C. Status report on prior meeting's citizen service requests D. Appointments to Boards and Commissions 4. Consent agenda *All items listed with an asterisk ( *) are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion without discussion. A citizen may request Council to remove an item from the Consent Agenda, and if approved, it will be considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. *A. Council Minutes *B. Council Committee Meeting Reports / Minutes 1. Economic Development — April 2, 2008 2. Intergovernmental Committee — April 7, 2008 3. Budget Committee — April 3, 2008 III 4. Downtown Futures Committee — March 26, 2008 5. Neighborhood Development Committee — March 19 and 27, 2008 • Yakima Ittital The mission of the City of Yakima is to: focus on preserving and improving public safety, promote a regional 0 I' approach to services; act as a catalyst for economic development; and, build a positive image of the community. I f 1994 5. Audience Participation - Community members are invited to address items that 1111 are not listed on the regular business meeting agenda. A guideline of three (3) minutes per speaker is in place in order to allow as much opportunity as possible for audience participation. A speaker's time may be extended at the discretion of the Mayor and/or the consensus or vote of the Council. Written communication and e-mail messages are strongly encouraged. CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS 6. Consideration of a Resolution approving a grant request for funding Assistance for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program project to the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board (RCO) for development of a youth soccer complex 7. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to obligate a maximum of $130,000 from the City's Community Development Block Grant program for the Yakima Food Bank to purchase real property at 313 -315 South Second Street 8. Consideration of Legislation regarding the Yakima Farmer's Market: A. Resolution authorizing execution of a Concession License Agreement between the City of Yakima and the Yakima Farmers' Market B. Resolution authorizing temporary street closures for the Yakima Farmers' Market *9. Finance Division 2007 Year -End Reports: A. Revenue and Expenditure B. Treasury Report C. Accounts Receivable `10. Consideration of Final Contract Payment for Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Phase 1 Project $1818 (Adopt Standard Motion V -B — accept project; and approve final payment) *11. Set date of Public Meeting for May 6, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. to consider approval of the final plat of Phase I of Scenic Plateau. *12. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing execution of a Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. to develop the plans, specifications and estimate for the repairs needed on the Nob Hill Boulevard overpass. *13. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing execution of a contract amendment with the State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Child Support to extend the Healthy Families Yakima program for an additional year *14. Consideration of a Resolution approving $18,108.10 grant from the City's Community Development Block Grant program to the Catholic Charities Housing Services Rose of Mary Terrace senior housing project • 7 0 *15. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing execution of a contract with Lexipol LLC for development and training on a new Police Department Policy and Procedure Manual ORDINANCES *16. Consideration of legislation amending the Classification and Compensation Plan for certain City employees and legislation amending 2.20.100A; 2.20.100B; 2.20.100C; 2.20.100D; 2.20.110A; 2.20.1108; 2.20.110C, all of the City of Yakima Municipal Code *17. First reading of an Ordinance amending the 2008 Budget in the General Fund to purchase firefighter helmets funded by a community donation (No action required at this meeting; second reading scheduled 5-6-06.) *18. Consideration of Legislation regarding the second annual Washington State Law Enforcement Technology Conference: A. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute contracts for the technology conference B. First Reading of an Ordinance amending the 2008 Budget and making appropriations in the 000 - General Fund, Finance Department (No action required at this meeting; second reading scheduled 5- 6-08.) 19. Other Business 20. Adjournment A Council packet is available for review at the City Clerk's Office, Library, and Police Dept. An abbreviated packet is also available on -line at www.ci_yakima.wa.us under Quick Picks. THE NEXT COUNCIL BUSINESS MEETING IS MAY 6, 2008 AT 6:00 P.M. 0-*I 3 1 David idler, Mayor Micah Cawley, Assistant Mayor Yakima ?.. Kathy Coffey Rick Ensey 3 City Council Form Johnson h, '" Agenda Rill Lover 129 N. 2nd Street,Yakima.WA. 98901 Neil McClure Phone: (S09) 575 -6000 • Fax (509) 576 -6614 City Manager Email: ccouncil @ci.yakima.wa.us • www.ci.yakima.wa.us Richard A. Zais, Jr. Anyone wishing to address the Council, please fill out the form found on the tables and give it to the City Clerk . BUSINESS MEETING APRIL 15, 2008 -- 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS - CITY HALL 1. Roll Call 2. Executive Session - Property acquisition and Prospective Litigation 6:00 P.M. — PUBLIC SESSION 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation /Pledge of Allegiance -- Assistant Mayor Micah Cawley II 3. Open Discussion for the Good of the Order A. Proclamations • National Day of Prayer — Linda lasetla • Law Day — Dan Fessler and Cynthia Martinez B. Special presentations / recognitions • Donation to Yakima Fire Department from Nob Hill Casino for • protective equipment • Update on Fisher Park Committee — Tom Hinman C. Status report on prior meeting's citizen service requests D. Appointments to Boards and Commissions 4. Consent agenda *All items fisted with an asterisk (*) are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion without discussion. A citizen may request Council to remove an item from the Consent Agenda, and if approved, it wil4 be considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. *A. Council Minutes B. Council Committee Meeting Reports / Minutes 1. Economic Development — April 2, 2008 2. Intergovernmental Committee — March 24 and April 7, 2008 - 3. Budget Committee — April 3, 2008 4. Downtown Futures Committee — March 26, 2008 III 5. Neighborhood Development Committee — March 19 and 27, 2008 Yakima The mission of the City of Yakima is to: focus on preserving and improving public safety, promote a regional T A approach to services; act as a catalyst for economic development; and, build a positive image of the community. 1 l J I I 9 1994 5. Audience Participation - Community members are invited to address items that are not listed on the regular business meeting agenda. A guideline of three (3) minutes per speaker is in place in order to allow as much opportunity as possible for audience participation. A speaker's time may be extended at the discretion of the Mayor and /or the consensus or vote of the Council. Written communication and e -mail messages are strongly encouraged. CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS 6, Consideration of a Resolution approving a grant request for funding Assistance for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program project to the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board (RCO) for development of a youth soccer complex 7. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to obligate a maximum of $130,000 from the City's Community Development Block Grant program for the Yakima Food Bank to purchase real property at 313 -315 South Second Street 8. Consideration of Legislation regarding the Yakima Farmer's Market: A. Resolution authorizing execution of a Concession License Agreement between the City of Yakima and the Yakima Farmers' Market B. Resolution authorizing temporary street closures for the Yakima Farmers' Market *9. Finance Division 2007 Year -End Reports: A. Revenue and Expenditure B. Treasury Report C. Accounts Receivable *10. Consideration of Final Contract Payment for Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation Phase 1 Project $1818 (Adopt Standard Motion V -B — accept project; and approve final payment) *11. Consideration of a Resolution setting the date of May 6, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. for a Public Meeting to consider approval of the final plat of Phase I of Scenic Plateau. *12. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing execution of a Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. to develop the plans, specifications and estimate for the repairs needed on the Nob Hill Boulevard overpass. *13. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing execution of a contract amendment with the State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Child Support to extend the Healthy Families Yakima program for an additional year *14. Consideration of a Resolution approving $18,108.10 grant from the City's Community Development Block Grant program to the Catholic Charities Housing Services Rose of Mary Terrace senior housing project 15. Consideration of a Contract with Lexipol LLC for development and training on a new Police Department Policy and Procedure Manual 2 • ORDINANCES *16. Consideration of legislation amending the Classification and Compensation Plan for certain City employees and legislation amending 2.20.100A; 2.20.100B; 2.20.100C; 2.20.100D; 2.20.110A; 2.20 .1108; 2.20.110C, all of the City of Yakima Municipal Code *17. First reading of an Ordinance amending the 2008 Budget in the General Fund to purchase firefighter helmets funded by a community donation (No action required at this meeting; second reading scheduled 5 6 - 08.) *18. Consideration of Legislation regarding the second annual Washington State Law Enforcement Technology Conference: A. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute contracts for the technology conference B. Ordinance amending the 2008 Budget and making appropriations in the 000 - General Fund, Finance Department (No action required at this meeting; second reading scheduled 5 6 - 08.) 19, Other Business 21. Adjournment • A Council packet is available for review at the City Clerk's Office, Library, and Police Dept. An abbreviated packet is also available on -line at www.ci.yakima.wa.us under Quick Picks. THE NEXT COUNCIL BUSINESS MEETING IS MAY 6, 2008 AT 6:00 P.M. 0 - */ 411 • 3