HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/1987 Business Meeting • 74 • JUNE 9, 1987 BUSINESS MEETING • 1. ROLL CALL The City Council met in session on this date at 2:00 P.M. in the C Chambers of City Hall, Yakima, Washington. Assistant Mayor Clarence Barnett, presiding, Council members Pat Berndt, Lynn Buchanan, Lynn Carmichael,IJerry Foy and Bernard Sims present on roll call. City Manager Zais, City Attorney Vanek, City Clerk Roberts and Deputy City Clerk Toney also present. Henry Beauchamp absent and excused. I 2. INVOCATION The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Assistant Mayor Barnett. Assistant Mayor Barnett read a proclamation designating June 20th as Golden • Olympics Day in Yakima. Art McManigal, of the. Local Chapter of Telephone Pioneers of America, accepted the proclamation, along with Dorothy Lloyd, President of the Local Chapter of Telephone Pioneers. 3. OPEN DISCUSSION FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER None 4. CONSENT AGENDA 1 Mayor Beauchamp referred to the items placed on the Consent Agenda, questioning whether there were any additions or deletions from either Council members or citizens present. Council member Sims requested Item No. 9 be added to the Consent Agenda, however, Maud Scott, resident of southeast Yakima, requested it remain off the Consent Agenda. The City Clerk then read the Consent Agenda items, including resolutions and ordinances by title. It was MOVED by Carmichael, seconded by Sims, that the Consent Agenda, as read, • be passed. Unanimously carried by roli_ call vote. Beauchamp absent. . (Subsequent paragraphs preceded by an asterisk ( *) indicate items on the Consent Agenda handled under one motion without further discussion.) *5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 28, 1987 The Council minutes of April 28, 1987 were approved, having been duly certified accurate by two Council members and no one present wishing to have said minutes read publicly. 6. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION A. PRESENTATION BY THE MARTIN LUTHER KING COMMEMORATIVE COMMITTEE Reverend Joe T. Denman, 814 Central Avenue, Pastor of the Greater I Faith Baptist Church, read a letter making the following requests: 1) Change Race Street to Martin Luther King Way, 2) Change the name of Washington Swimming I Pool to Martin Luther King Swimming Pool, 3) Permit a bronze sign to be placed in Martin Luther King, Jr.• Park with the following quote, "Exemplifying Dr. King's Life," and 4) Placement of a sign on South First Street and Fair Street; both signs to read "Martin Luther King Way to Martin Luther King Park." He asked that the signs be illuminated for night visibility. Reverend Denman stated the southeast conuuunity has raised $1,000 to be used toward the purchase and placement of the signs. He stated if the requests are granted, the southeast community would like to express their appreciation by conducting a march from the small park on South 2nd Street and Race Street to Martin Luther King Park where a dinner will,be held. This event is proposed for July 18th, 1987. Cecil Collins, 217 North 34th Avenue, spoke in favor of these requests quests and encouraged Council's approval. Assistant Mayor Barnett stated Council would give consideration to; these requests, however, no formal action will be taken at this time. Ray Honore, 514 South 4th Street, addressed Council regarding the poor condition of South 4th Street. He presented a petition from residents of the neighborhood requesting street repairs be made. Mr. Honore stated many of the sidewalks in this area are also in need of repair. Council member GR.A &M /1 1 . • 75 JUNE 9,' 1987 • ' Carmichael informed 'Mr. Honore of the City's sidewalk - repair program in which the haneowner and the City equally .share the cost of the sidewalk repairs. She indicated he could obtain more information on this program from John Hanson, Director of Budget and Finance. -_ James Newbill; Yakima Valley Community College, addressed'Council regarding the possibility of the City of Yakima forming a Sister City relationship with a city in the Soviet Union. Council told Mr. Newbill this issue was discussed at the May 19th Council meeting and it was decided that an • additional Sister City relationship was not feasible at this time due to . ' •financial and time restraints. It' was also rioted that the City has declined a number of other similar` requests for the same reasons.` • B: VIDEO' PRESENTATION FROM.'LARRY MATHEWS • • Larry Mathews, 805 South 17th Avenue, addressed Council regarding legislation for pit bull terriers /dangerous and vicious dogs. He commented last week a 13 year old boy was bitten by a pit bull and'the dog currently is'i• quarantine. Another person was mauled on Friday of last week, however, Mr. Mathews stated he is not at liberty to discuss the particulars of this incident due to pending litigation. Mr. Mathews then presented a three minute video which was recently aired on one of the local news stations on the behavior of pit bull dogs. • Rick Shaw, of the Humane' Society, presented literature on pit bulls to Council for their-'information. . -, Fred Williams,'807 Tieton Drive, a local house mover, stated' he moved a house March 14, 1987, and paid a $5 deposit at that time: He stated more than ten weeks later he received a billing for an additional $80 and questioned why it takes the City 'so long to process a billing. He stated ten weeks is too long to receive a finalized billing. . • 7. PUBLIC MEETING'CONSIDERING THE REPORT FROM THE HEARING EXAMINER REGARDING THE ' REQUEST FROM BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD TO' REZONE' PROPERTY IN THE'VICINITY OF'1 WEST YAKIMA AVENUE Assistant Mayor Barnett stated" this is a 'public meeting consider the request of Burlington Railroad to rezone property located in the . vicinity of 1 West Yakima Avenue from CBD and M -1 to CBDS'(Central Business Support- District.) Don Skone, Supervising 'Associate Planner, stated this ' ''request will'allow for a wider range of commercial property uses for the property involved: He stated the Hearing Examiner has • recommended approval 'of the rezone "request. Mr. Barnett stated Council has been provided with a copy of the Hearing Examiner' s ' recomnendation regarding this proposal, and asked if any of the Council members have had prior contacts by proponents or ' opponents 'of the rezone; there were none. Mr :. Barnett 'then opened the public meeting to allow those opposing or supporting:the rezone to -make comments. . ' John Maher, Property - Development •Specialist' with -Glacier Park Company, Property Manager for Burlington Northern 'Railroad's "Washington property, spoke in support of the' rezone request, andi`enbouraged approval by Council. Council member Carmichael asked if the Central Washington Railroad will be allowed to continue: to use the property."'Mr. Maher stated Central Washington Railroad will'continue to operate' under a grandfather clause. He stated Central 'Washing "ton Railroad has been apprised of this rezone - and are aware of the request befor&Council at this time. Frances Hare of the Yakima Valley Museum and Trustee for the Washington' Trust for Historic Preservation, expressed'regret that the Museum had not been notified about - 'this rezone request. She stated the Yakima Valley Museum is very interested in what is going on 'in the downtown area and requested staff'include them on their tailing when there are issues pertaining to demolition or change in the historic buildings ''in the area.' There being no other citizens • present to speak td - the issue, .the' public meeting w closed. City Attorney • Vanek inquired if this is a '29 acre tract or a 2..9 acre : tract. It was MOVED . by Foy, seconded by Berndt, to accept the Hearing Examiner's recommendation as cbrrected'to the proper acreage or square footage, and that include the facts and findings of the public meeting. The question was called •for a vote on the motion. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. 8. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION REGARDING HAZARDOUS VEGETATION AND DEBRIS ABATEMENT PROGRAM - '' . GR.A &M /2 ' • 76 JUNE 9, 1987 Director of Community & Economic Development Glenn Rice stated this is a routine matter•which has been before Council a number of times: -Staff is recommending Council approve the appropriate resolution. Assistant Mayor Barnett directed attention to the last three property owners listed in • the report and asked if they are being assessed the $350 fine. He pointed out that .all of the other property owners are being assessed a fine and questioned if these should not_ also .be fined. Mr. Rice stated he will look into the matter and make the necessary adjustment. It was MOVED by Foy, seconded, by Sims, to remove the names of the last three property owners from this list. Unanimously - carried -by voice vote. Beauchamp absent... Assistant Mayor Barnett indicated for the record the names ofyAssociated.- Grocers, Nellie and Valerie .Jones and - William Cahoon- have been omitted from the report. The resolution having been read by title, it was MOVED by Buchanan, seconded by Foy, that the resolution be adopted. Unanimously carried by roll call vote. Beauchamp absent. • RESOLUTION -NO., D- 5356,, A, RESOLUTION authorizing the Code Administration Manager to clear certain weedy lots.. - - 9. REPORT: FROM DEPARTMENT OF- PUBLIC WORKS REGARDING STATUS OF WASHINGTON POOL REPAIRS /OPENING • • Director of Public Works Jerry Copeland reviewed the - status report concerning repairs made to Washington Pool. He stated repairs have been made to several leaks -and crews.are currently in the process of removing and repairing same of the expansion joints in the bottom of the pool. Mr._Copeland stated it is anticipated the pool will open July 1, 1987. It was MOVED by Foy, seconded by - Buchanan, to accept the-.report. Unanimously carried by voice vote. . Beauchamp absent. 10. REPORT FROM DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE & BUDGET REGARDING AUTOMATED. MAPPING PROPOSAL (CONTINUED FROM 2/3/87) Information Systems.Manager Rick 'Pettyjohn stated this is a more detailed report on the automated mapping as requested at the February 3rd, 1987 • Council meeting. The purpose of this report is to expand upon the cost justification process started in February, to propose an implementation method-which would allow.accrual of benefits from-the mapping system;as soon as possible, and - respond -to questions raised ,.by Council. at that, meeting. He expanded on the cost. justification method used for the report, .and then responded -to Council'-s: inquiries. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the • implementation of the automated mapping system, additional staffing, funding source, fiscal impact, •departmental needs and benefits, etc. Director of Finance _and- Budget Hanson and City Manager Zais clarified funding sources for this project., In 1987,.$94,798 will be taken from the CMSI contract settlement, $15,000, fran the Sewer Fund, and.$48,437 from the Water /Sewer Fund. Total •additional operating and enhancement-costs for the mapping system for•years,1988 through 1991 are projected at $164,200 -- an average of $41,050 •per year. Following further discussion, it-was_ MOVED by Foy, seconded by Buchanan, -to accept Items 2 -7 of-the staff - _recommendation. Under . discussion, - -Council member Foy explained he did not include Item 1 of the staff recommendation because. he does not -agree with the additional staffing requests and does not believe the pay range for the.Department Assistant III_ shou-ld.be set at Step 5. The question was called ,for the vote on. -the motion. Carried by 5 -1 voice vote. Barnett voting nay and Beauchamp absent. (Items 2 -7. of the staff recommendation were: 2) Authorize ,staff- to draft the appropriate legislation necessary to accept the Department of Natural Resources. offer to sell, surplus Arc -Info to the City, 3) Authorize upgrade of • • Arc -Info License to allow operation.on the City's PRIME 9955,_4) Authorize staff to prepare bids for purchase of Mapping Station hardware, 5) Authorize staff to-preparei. bids for; the purchase of engineering work station hardware • and software, 6) Authorize staff to negotiate a contract.with Environmental Systems Research Institute for technical .support services, and 7) Instruct staff to draft•the appropriate legislation..to appropriate $94,798 from the software contract settlement (a General Fund appropriation) and $48,437 from the Water /Sewer Fund. The remaining $15,000 funding is already provided by appropriation in the Sewer Fund.) • - • * 11. CONFIRMATION OF CITY MANAGER APPOINTMENTS TO THE UTILITY RATE ADVISORY BOARD The appointment of George R. Reed as the public utility representative on the Utility Rate Advisory. Board, to fill the vacancy left by John Ward, for a GR.A &M /3 • 77 JUNE 9, 1987' term to expire July 28,'1989, and the reappointment of Brad. Card, as the engineering representative, for a three year term to expire July 28, 1990, were confirmed. *12. SET DATE OFHEARING FOR SCENIC DRIVE SEWER L.I :'D. FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR JULY 14, 1987 • July 14, :1987 was set as the date of hearing''on the final assessment for Scenic -Drive Sewer L.I.D. No.1040. • - *13. CONSIDERATION OF LEGISLATION REGARDING YAKIMA POLICE PATROLMANS ASSOCIATION (YPPA) LABOR NEGOTIATIONS: • A. RESOLUTION-AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF- COLLECTIVE BARGAINING CONTRACT WITH '''YPPA FOR 1987/88 RESOLUTION NO. D -5357, A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk of 1 the City of Yakima to execute - 'a collective bargaining agreement for calendar years 1987 -1988 with the Yakima Police - Patrolmans.Association. B. ORDINANCE AMENDING CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION' PLAN FOR CERTAIN CITY EMPLOYEES • ORDINANCE NO. 3022, AN 'ORDINANCE relating,to City personnel;= adopting a ' classification.. and compensation plan for 'City-' employeesto be effective July 1, 1987; amending Subsection 2.20.100 A, 2.20.110 A,..and Subsection 2.20.100 G, all of the City of Yakima Municipal Code, and declaring an emergency. • • C. ORDINANCE AMENDING :BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR' YPPA LABOR ' - NEGOTIATION'SETELEMENT'' (FIRST READING)' An ordinance appropriating* for Yakima Police - Patrolmans Association labor negotiation .settlement, having-been read by title only at this meeting - `wasp• laid on the table for two weeks or.until•June 23, 1987:.` "`14. CONSIDERATION OF .AN ORDINANCE AMENDING' THE CLASSIFICATION AND" COMPENSATION - PLAN DUE'TO PUBLIC WORKS' REORGANIZATION (ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR) '' • " •• • • ' ORDINANCE NO. .3023, AN ORDINANCE relating to City personnel; adopting a classification and -Compensation plan - for City'employees to: be effective ' July 12, 1987; amending Subsections 2.20.110 A, and Subsection 2.20.110 F, all of the City of'Yakima Municipal Code. • * 15. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE •1987 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR YAKIMA CENTER RESTAINING PROLJECT- (SECOND READING) An Ordinance appropriating- funds for the Yakima- Center restaining. • having been read by title only May 26 1987 meeting,. was brought before the Council for a second reading: ., ORDINANCE NO. 3024, AN ORDINANCE amending the 1987 budget for the City of Yakima; and making an appropriation in the )70- Capital Improvement Fund for the Convention Center for expenditure during1987. •1_6. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING DISCHARGE OF BLOWGUN AT ANIMALS OR FOWLS ' • _ ,'•, ORDINANCE., NO 3025, _ ; ORDINANCE . _relaying ; to public safety and morals; defining blowguns and blowgun darts; prohibiting the discharge of a blowgun at any animal, or fowl; and enacting Section 6.04.047 as new section of the i City of.- Yakima Municipal Code:. ..; • 17. OTHER BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE' TRAVEL FOR DAVE EYLES, CABLE TV COORDINATOR City Manager Zais stated there is an off - agenda item for Council's • consideration. Director of Community & EconoMic Development Glenn Rice stated this item has been budgeted for 1987 and he is requesting concurrence GR.A &M /4 `' '78 JUNE 9, 1987 on this request. It was MOVED. by Berndt, seconded by Carmichael, to approve the request of out of state travel as submitted. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. Council member Carmichael encouraged Council members to .attend. the workshop on Washington State Local Government which is to be held Wednesday,, June 17th at the Association of Washington Cities Conference. She indicated a draft of the history of. Washington's Local GoveLIuuent has been prepared by the committee and a copy will be ' available ' in the Council office for those who would like to review the document. • City Manager Zais mentioned there is a fifth Tuesday this month, June 30th, and asked if Council would prefer to schedule a meeting for that date to discuss the draft sewer comprehensive plan and continue questions. on the water comprehensive plan. It was the general consensus of. the Council not to meet June 30th. Regarding the requests -made earlier today by Reverend Denman,.Assistant Mayor Barnett asked what response Council would .like-to-prepare. Council members expressed their opinions on the various requests made by•Reverend.Denman, and it was the general consensus that staff would research these issues and return to Council with a report on the costs involved and other possible ramifications. Regarding the-request from Ray Honore about repairs to 4th Street, Mr. Zais stated staff will review the situation and bring a response to. Council on this also. • • Council Information • Items of information supplied to Council were: Letter from Jump, Huibregtse Associates, Inc. recommending award of Nob Hill Blvd. Improvements - Street Improvements Project No. 85053 to Superior Asphalt & Concrete Co. 5/28/87; Memo from Fire Chief regarding Follow -up Report on Department Reorganization. 5/29/87; Memo from Dave Eyles, Cable Communications, regarding McCaw Cable System Channel Realignment: 5/29/87; Memo from Code .Administration Manager regarding Nordstrom Request. 6/2/87; Memo from Block Grant Manager regarding Rental Rehabilitation Program. 6/4/87; News Release regarding Transit Achieves 96% Reliability :Rate. 6/2/87; May.1987 Minority Business Enterprise Report; Minutes of the April 22, 1987 Yakima District Board of Health meeting; Minutes of the March.7, 1987 Civil Service Commission meeting; Minutes of the March •25, .1987 Police and Fire Civil Service Comuission meeting; Agenda-for June 8, . 1987 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting and . minutes . of its May 11, 1987 meeting; and Yakima Center Management Monthly Report for May 1987.. 18. EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND PROSPECTIVE,LITIGATION (ALLOW APPROXIMATELY- 20 MINUTES) It was MOVED by Sims, seconded by Buchanan, to move into Executive Session for the purpose •of discussing pending litigation and collective bargaining for approximately 20 minutes, • and .immediately adjourn the meeting thereafter. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. 19. ADJOURNMENT • Following the completion of the Executive Session, the meeting was adjourned at the hour of 4:56 p.m. • READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BY," t __.. - COi..IL ER jx54 DAT`' ATTEST: V 7 COUNCIL MEMBER r`'E A ar, CITY CLERK '"; ASSISTANT `MAYOR MINUTES PREPARED BY /t , , \ J/ DEPUTY LTY CLEW GR.A &M /5