HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/25/1989 Business Meeting 211 • JULY 25, 1989 • BUSINESS MEETING 1. ROLL CALL The City Counci'metilri session on this date at 2:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Yakima, Washington. Mayor Pat Berndt, presiding, Council members Clarence Barnett, Lynn Buchanan, -:=Lynn Carmichael; -Jerry ''Foy and Bernard Sims present on roll call. Henry Beauchamp present at 2:05 P.M. City Manager Zais, City Attorney Vanek, City Clerk Roberts and Deputy City Clerk Toney also present. 2. INVOCATION `-t- ' The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council member Barnett. 3. OPEN DISCUSSION FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Assistant Mayor Buchanan announced that on Saturday, July 22nd, Mayor Berndt became the second Mayor of Yakima to climb Mt. Adams, which is 12,276 feet high. For the benefit of the Council members who were not able to attend the Capitol Theatre luncheon, Mayor Berndt commented briefly about that luncheon. She indicated they were given a tour of the Capitol Theatre and were told some of the history of the building. 4. CONSENT AGEND Mayor Berndt referred to the items placed on the Consent Agenda, questioning whether there were) any additions iort�ideletions. from ,., questioning Council' = members • or;- citizens present. It was the consensus of the Council that the off - agenda Item No. 13 B, be added to the Consent Agenda. The City Clerk then read the Consent Agenda items, including reoiutionsj'and ordinances by title. It was MOVED BY CARMICHAEL, SECONDED BY FOY, THAT THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS READ, BE PASSED. Unanimously carried by roll call vote. (Subsequent paragraphs preceded by an asterisk ( *) indicate items on the Consent Agenda handled under one motion without further discussion') A2 {, 7 ' 5. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Ted ' Bosfield, SunDome Project Manager, presented the Council members with a SunDome shirt, jacket and cap as an expression of appreciation for all of the support the SunDome project has received from the City. He stated last night the same items were presented to the City of Union Gap, andto the three County Commissioners this morning. Clayton Rosenberg, 705 North 4th Avenue, addressed Council to inquire why nothing has been done about the two vicious dogs at 622 North 4th Avenue as they have been reported many times. John Hanson, Director of Finance and Budget, stated he will meet with Mr. Rosenberg following the Council meeting to discuss thet of the complaint.--: i, ,r j== _ u . :.t• na :of :. Mr. Rosenberg also asked about the' abandonedcabinstn :\Wil-low that -' being used for • driig -; - purposes . He asked why the City cannot remove the buildings and then bill. that expense to the owners or place a lien against the property. He said these cabins have been - -- condemned by - City'' of f ic' ials, and boarded up to prevent trespassing. Mr. - Rosenberg was informed that City staff has been working on the issue of the abandoned buildings for some time now, however, this is a lengthy process due to the legalities involved in such a matter. Staff assured Mr. Rosenberg that they will continue to focus on - the'�'abandoned properties and work at a resolution to the situation. AAD /1 2 1 2 JULY 25, 1989 Phil Pleasant, 701 South 7th Avenue, referred to Item No. 14 on last week's agenda, Second Quarter 1989 Capitol Projects Status Report submitted by the City Engineer, and asked who is looking out for his interest (as a black citizen) to see that black workers are given the opportunity to work on some of the City projects. He said the City needs to take extraordinary measures to see that blacks are hired for some of the City projects rather than making the, requirements so rigid that they (the black businessmen) are excluded from the work force. City Manager Zais stated certain guidelines. and goals have been established for minority representation and hiring, and the City encourages each contractor to meet those goals. He added that the City cannot mandate an explicit number of minorities, or a percentage of minorities, due to recent decisions by the Supreme Court, however, Mr. Zais added that the City still requires a good faith effort on the part of the contractors by asking that each minority group to be given representation and consideration in the hiring process. The contractor's decisions are based on experience and availability, and in many instances the contractors have established training programs for entry level positions. City Manager Zais stated the City cannot discriminate as to one specific race over another; that would be subject to court action. He said that in terms of the goals, the contractors have met or exceeded the 10,E standard with respect to the total composition of minority representation. Mr. Pleasant said he is not in agreement with the Mr. Vanek's interpretation of the recent Supreme Court decision. Mr. Zais . f :pointed out to, Mr• . - Pleasant- that staff has invited him to meet with contractors at pre -bid conferences to discuss the need for bringing into consideration other minority representation and he has not always been available to attend those meetings. Mr. Pleasant responded he has been in attendance at certain meetings and the way he has been brow beaten, he does not see that it was beneficial because blacks are still not being hired. It was pointed out to Mr. Pleasant that blacks are not the only minorities the City must concern itself with in this regard. Council member Beauchamp stated he thinks part of Mr. Pleasant's frustration is that not enough effort is made by the City to encourage participation on the part of the contractors to hire blacks. Mr. Pleasant concluded his comments saying,it. is the City's responsibility to see that he is included, not excluded from participating in, City contracts. 6. RECONSIDERATION OF YAKIMA AVENUE ANGLE PARKING PROPOSAL (CONTINUED FROM JUNE 6, 1989) Planning Manager Don Skone reviewed the staff report stating that on June 6, 1989 Council moved to reconsider Paul, Cook's request for angle; ,parking,, the -300 block,pf East - Yakima,,,Avenue (shown as Exhibit A in the report). The request had been tabled by Council in April of 1988 pending , canpletion pf ; the Yakima Central ,:Business District Plan..-On June 6th Council directed staff to meet with Mr. Cook and other property owners and representatives in the 300 block of Yakima Avenue to further discuss this issue. This was :done, and on 13th..,staff met with Mr. Cook who indicated that he wished to revise his proposal to request angle parking only on the west side of the block. He asked that the City develop a cost estimate for this proposal and further requested that the City bear the entire cost of the requested parking change. The revised plan and the $11,093 cost estimate were presented ata. meeting with adjacent property owners and business managers; the majority of whom were not supportive of Mr. Cook's request. Mr. Skone noted that there are differences of opinion regarding the parking and it is the consensus of_the business community that there needs to be a resolution of the function of Yakima Avenue; whether the street is to be pedestrian or traffic oriented. It currently operates in a compromised fashion, as was pointed out by the consultant hired in 1986 to study the parking and traffic pattern of the Downtown Central Business District. The consultant presented three options for Yakima Avenue; 1) to maintain the current pattern, 2) to upgrade Yakima Avenue to an arterial street, or 3) to downgrade it further, making it more of a pedestrian street. Following the recommendations of the AAD /2 JULY 25,.1989 • • 213 consultant, the Council was approached by the Yakima Central Business District Association requesting. .the- .synchroni.zation :'of the „...traffic signals., a smoother traffic flow. About the same time,. Council was •approached by a representative of the Yakima Mall requesting the removal of the mid - block crosswalks. In both : instances, Council, directed staff to concur with the requests. Mr. Skone stated the parking features should follow the function of a street_ and Council needs to make a decision as to what the function of, Yakima Avenue will be in the future. Council member Beauchamp asked the status of the suggestion to compromise on this issue by changing the degree of the angle, providing.a'clearer view • for the person backing out of an angle parking space. Mr. Foy interjected that the other part of the compromise was to eliminate the angle parking shown in Exhibit A, which is fifteen parking spaces, reducing it to six angle parking spaces. No action was taken on these options at that meeting. Council member Sims asked if the original parking on Yakima Avenue had been a result of a Local Improvement District? Staff indicated they did not know and , would have to research that question. Council member Sims inquired if the significance of having Yakima Avenue designated a minor arterial is for funding sources? City Engineer Dennis Whitcher, responded that Yakima Avenue is one of very few streets that qualifies for very few sources of funding. Federal money received by the City comes from FAUS money and must go to an arterial street. He stated 'other sources of funding used for street improvements are 1/2 cent gas tax monies. He added that Public Works Trust , .Fund, . Loan :,money is, available for „roadways, Jaowever, that money is highly competitive and the City makes application along with every other city hoping to ,receive,•funding; Council : Sims asked what is. considered a minor arterial and what is the duration of that designation? Mr.. Skone stated a minor arterial is a designation that Council would place on a street and :,,that designation in effect as long as the Council .wishes. Council member Foy referred to the last page which indicates this is a policy matter for the Council. He suggested taking the portion of Yakima Avenue, from the freeway to the railroad tracks, and designate it as a minor arterial. Mr. Skone again reviewed Mr. Cook's original and amended which reflects the 30 degree angle parking for 1/2 of the block. Council member Carmichael questioned the safety factor of the 30 degree angle and Traffic Engineer Mike Donahue stated the 30% angle parking was first mentioned by Public Works Director Copeland. Mr. Donahue stated the degree' of safety is difficult to determine ' in either case. Council member Foy stated he believes similar types of difficulty exist with parallel parking if there is an oversized vehicle parked behind you. Mr. Foy reiterated this is a policy issue that Council needs to address, therefore, it was MOVED BY. FOY, - :SECONDED BY BARNETT, ..TO ADOPT ' OPTION #1 (The Council may authorize additional angle parking on Yakima Avenue as specifically requested by Mr. Cook or by others in the future.) Al Royal, 150 Fortune Road, Naches, Washington, representative of the Yakima Mall, read a letter from Dave McCartney, president of the Westside.- Menccants. Association, supporting the: continuation of parallel parking on Yakima Avenue, and synchronization of the traffic lights. Mr. Royal also spoke as representative of the Yakima Mall stating angle parking on Yakima Avenue is not in the best interest of the lir future of the downtown'area. Mr. Royal urged Council to adopt Option #3, the designation of Yakima Avenue as a minor,arterial. Lenore Lambert, 905 South 22nd Avenue, President of the North Front Street Association, read a letter urging Council to support the reclass of, Avenue back to an arterial status, with the • subsequent elimination of angle parking. Council member Sims asked how far west on Yakima Avenue is the arterial designation to extend? Mrs. Lambert responded that in the past staff and area merchants have identified the downtown area as the freeway to 10th Avenue. She added that she does not believe that was specifically discussed in the traffic and parking study, although they were reviewing the entire area. Mrs. Lambert stated she believes angle AAD /3 214 JULY 25, 1989 parking would be a detriment as far west as the railroad tracks. She commented she was under the impression that the consultant's study related to the property from the freeway to 10th Avenue, and she believes the merchants have the same understanding. Walter Philip, 11 North 40 Avenue, partner of Paul Cook, stated angle parking already exists on Yakima Avenue and he does not see the reasoning behind the decision to deny Mr. Cook's request. Applicant Paul Cook, 3465 Old Naches Avenue, Naches Washington, stated he would like the record to show that he was in support of the "A" Street proposal made by Joe Morrier a few weeks ago. He stated as far as the angle parking request is concerned, if it is not feasible for his business, he would like to know why it is allowed for the Jade Tree and Lee Semon businesses. Mr. Cook said he has been waiting for =a - -year and -a -half for 'ah answer" arid= he is asking that Council be fair and consistent. He added if it is not allowed in the 300 block of Yakima',••then it'should be eliminated '' entirely on Yakima' Avenue:. Skip Semon, 1808 Yakima Avenue, representative of Semon Clothiers, J read a letter- urging Council not to make a policy decision that will eliminate angle parking on Yakima Avenue.' He added•- that is well aware of the ramifications as he has been involved in the Central Business District Studies and the selection of the consultant to conduct the studies. Mr. Semon asked that Council make a decision that will allow the many benefits =of- -angle parking on Yakima Avenue to continue. He stated he obtained the signatures of 19 fellow merchants and property owners yesterday afternoon and submitted those to the City Clerk at this time. Mr. Semon suggested that Council consider what is best for the merchants who create the City's tax base and occupy the downtown area, making it a livable space and improving upon it. Mr. Semon commented it has never been demonstrated to him that there has been an inordinate amount of rear -end collisions due to people backing out of angle parking places on Yakima Avenue. Council member Beauchamp asked what are the advantages of arterial street designation versus the angle parking? Mr. Royal reiterated that angle parking on Yakima Avenue is not in the best interest of the City. He stated that the major exit from the Yakima Mall parking structure comes down 3rd Street with many of the customers making a left• turn onto:. Yakima' Avenue. -' He' stated' ' with the anticipated expansion of the Yakima Mall, the traffic will be dramatically increased, making it all the more- difficult to turn .9 left on Yakima 'Avenue• due• to people backing out of angle parking on Yakima Avenue. , ''Regarding the anticipated; increased level of traffic on Yakima Avenue, Mr. Semon commented that the Transpo study indicates that the core area can handle 25 -40% more traffic volume before an unacceptable congestion level is reached. Walter Philipp stated he does not see why angle Lparki:ng is not feasible for Mr. Cook's and his property if the businesses right next to them are allowed to have angle parking. He also asked if it is not in the best interest of the merchants to have traffic move at a slower pace so the displays in the store windows can be seen. Mayor Berndt commented that to have angle parking on Yakima Avenue because other businesses already have it is a step backwards. She stated the City spent a significant sum of money to synchronize the lights and remove the mid -block crosswalks on Yakima Avenue because the merchants on Yakima Avenue requested it, and now people are back saying "we have to slow traffic down on Yakima Avenue." She stated she is confused and a little frustrated. Mayor Berndt stated she is trying to look at what is best for the future of the City. She commented there seems to be sane real lack of coherencey oh the' part of''' the= business • - community' -- and• the City Council is caught in the middle. AAD /4 JULY 25; 1989 21 George Pechtel, 1112 Swan, commented he is not a merchant or property owner on•Yakima Avenue and he will not be affected one way or another by the decision made today. He commented further that he has been involved with the traffic and parking studies that have been going on for a number of years with regard to the downtown area. Mr. Pechtel stated Mayor Berndt just mentioned an important point; that. "being the studies are projecting into ,the 1year 2000- 2025. He stated there has been a considerable amount of money spent to bring economic development to Yakima. Referring to the Transpo study, he commented that the consultant was surprised to find diagonal parking on a main thoroughfare, regardless of the designation. He stated he thinks all diagonal parking needs to be removed from Yakima Avenue; however, if Mr. Cook is being singled out, then that is "totally unfair. Mr. Pechtel stated funding is • important and there are things that need to be done on Yakima Avenue to make those funds available. He referred to the Transpo study, stating it indicates there is plenty of parking in the downtown area with the exception of the Friday following Thanksgiving and one other day of the year. Mr. Pechtel stated the Council should not take this step backwards, as the Mayor has indicated, by adding additional angle parking. He encouraged Council to remove all angle parking on Yakima Avenue. i, .. • Tom Hargis, 701 South 22nd Avenue, stated he owns property in the downtown area, adding that he has been:observinglthe plans_for the ddwntown area for.the. past four years and has noticed that even the experts change their opinions. He stated that the comment made that. Mr. Cook's request for angle parking will create a problem due to amount of cars exiting the parking garage on "A" Street, turn left on 3rd Street, and then go east on Yakima Avenue, is not logical. Mr. Hargis said he makes that turn often and it is impossible for more than three cars to get through the intersection on a green light, and if the traffic is heavy, only one car can make it through the light. He said as _far as•the flow of traffic on Yakima Avenue is concerned, when the Westside Merchants requested that the traffic signals be synchronized, he conducted an experiment wherein he would drive from the Holiday Inn to Dave McCartney's business at 405 West Yakima Avenue just to • see how long the _drive would take him. He reported that the shortest time was three -and- one -half minutes and the longest time was slightly over four minutes. He stated he thinks when the lights are synchronized and the mid -block cross walks are removed, it can't possibly make much difference. He said he feels it was a mistake to take out the mid -block cross walks because people still cross there. He commented that a Local Improvement District was formed to install the mid -block crosswalks and he is still paying on that L.I.D. even though the cross walks were removed. Council member Barnett stated Yakima Avenue is not a thoroughfare and that is why we have one way streets. Mr.. Barnett jstated : he has heard the concerns of those on the east and west sides of Yakima Avenue, as well as the 'businesses in between _who have concerns. He stated he is most upset by staff's statement indicating they believe Yakima Avenue should be an arterial rather than a pedestrian street. He said the one way streets were created for • those who want to go on through town without traffic delays. He added that historically, Yakima Avenue has been a people street and the businesses. _need.; ,people. on . the street : for, survival. Mr. Barnett stated there are many elderly people who can only come downtown to shop if angle parking is available. He stated that he feels a parking mix makes some sense as it is a means to ,maintain the downtown area and is an encouragement to those who may wish to come in and fill some of those vacant stores. Mr. Barnett stated he also`has heard that.designation of .Yakima Avenue as an arterial will lower. the 'land „values in. this -area, • and .:if.,. this:, is true, he • feels the _arterial designation: is in error. Mr, stated the applicant has a good argument in the sense that, he,feels•_Yakima Avenue should be a "people place ". Mayor Berndt relinquished the gavel to Assistant Mayor Buchanan to comment on the issue. She stated she finds it difficult to believe that senior citizens can only park in two blocks on Yakima Avenue AAD /5 • 2 1 6 JULY 25, 1989 at this time. She stated there are plenty of parking lots with angle parking available for shoppers in the downtown area. She stated this council made a decision several months ago to get the traffic moving on Yakima Avenue as it is the City's major connection with the freeway to downtown Yakima. Mayor Berndt said she sees adding angle parking in the downtown area as a step backwards from the direction in which the Council has teen heading. She further commented that she does not see any inconsistency with vacating "A" Street and denying angle parking; her vote on "A" Street was for economic development, not for a person or a project; it was for economic development-She stated. her vote_on this.issue is also for economic development and,for the best use of Yakima Avenue. _ Council member Sims stated it looks like the compromise position in this whole argument is that Yakima Avenue becomes a minor arterial • from --the freeway.:. up to .. 10th--Avenue, with the exclusion of 3rd Street, west to 1st Street. Council member Beauchamp said he is torn between this particular issue because he sympathizes with the merchants that have spoken, but he really .doesn't• see the benefit of the• - arterial designation just to speed traffic up on Yakima Avenue. He stated further he does not see the justification of Mr. Royal's statement that the elimination of angle parking on Yakima Avenue will make it easier for traffic to exit from the mall parking garage onto 3rd Street, to Yakima Avenue and then onta the freeway. Mr. Beauchamp stated after hearing Mr. Semon's point of view on the issue, he has changed his feeling on the issue. Council member Buchanan stated the first priority is to move more traffic through on Yakima Avenue and the Council has attempted to do this by removing the mid -block cross walks and synchronizing the traffic lights. He said if the downtown area is to be a people place, speed bumps could be installed to slow the traffic down and keep the wider sidewalks rather than reducing them as this plan calls for. Mr. Buchanan indicated he sympathizes with Mr. Senon in wanting to keep. angle parking where. it is. now, but he sees no reason for the City to spend $11,000 on this project. Council member. Carmichael _urged the Council to vote against the motion, stating if the motion fails she will move to adopt Option #3. She said we'are not talking about speeding up the traffic as • • -much • as we• • are- talking.. ;about moving it through without so many stops. She explained that the downtown core area -is the 16 block area referred to as being governed _ by the Downtown Area Redevelopment Committee (DARC). She indicated _the. four parking lots in the CBD area are a result of the need for more parking for •downtown •- shoppers•. .. •She 'noted that everyone -that„ signed • Mr. Semon's letter has a parking lot located behind their business and will not suffer any loss in that regard. She reiterated the need for the Council to look to the future needs of downtown Yakima. The question was called for a vote on the motion. Motion failed by 5 -2 roll call vote. Beauchamp, Berndt, Buchanan, Carmichael and Sims voting nay. It was MOVED BY CARMICHAEL TO: ADOPT.. OPTION #3.. (This.. option would re- designate all of Yakima Avenue, as a minor arterial and qualify for Federal funding for future improvements — however, this would require the elimination of all angle parking presently authorized on Yakima Avenue. The motion died for lack if a second. It was MOVED BY SIMS,, SECONDED, BY .BUCHANAN., TO ADOPT .OPTION #4, WITH THE...CLARIFICATION THAT:YAKIMA: AVENUE... BE. DESIGNATED A..MINOR ARTERIAL . FROM "THE `: FREEWAY _ TO .1OTH AVENUE,.. EXCLUDING . 3RD _ STREET TO 1ST STREET. Council member. Buchanan_encouraged....Council to. work towards making Yakima Avenue an arterial street designation. The question was called for a vote on the motion. Carried by 4 -3 roll call vote. Barnett,. Beauchamp and Foy voting nay. Council member ..... _ - Carmichael • - stated:.this :.is • not - going to solve our problem. Council member Foy voiced his disappointment that Council did not resolve AAD /6 JULY 25, 1989 217 the issue.of parking for Mr Cook, adding that he (Mr. Cook) has - been waiting for a response for over "a year in regard to the request for angle.parking in front of his busness:� �' ,:- Mayor Berndt commented that the Council is still waiting to review • and discuss the downtown study and she does not see any urgency in removing the rest of the angle parking until that has been done. She stated she certainly intends to vote for the issue of removing all angle parking from Yakima Avenue when the issue of the study comes before the Council. Council member Foy challenged her to take that action today rather than delaying the issue further. He stated the issue today is that of a parking request; not whether Yakima Avenue should be designated an arterial. Mr. Foy stated the designation of an arterial can be changed by the election of ,a new body, and Council may change that designation from year t� year if it •so desires. Council member Buchanan commented Council has been known to- change its mind on a lot of issues with regard to Yakima Avenue. Council member Carmichael pointed out that she was on the prevailing side of"the vote':taken on both motions and would like to offer another motion with regard to Item #6. It was MOVED BY CARMICHAEL, .SECONDED BY BERNDT (after passing the gavel to - Assistant Mayor' Buchanan), TO APPROVE RECOMMENDATION #3 IN CONJUNCTION WITH ITEM #6. Under discussion, Council member Sims asked how far west on Yakima Avenue is the designation of a minor arterial to extend? Council member Carmichael amended the motion, extending the designation of a minor arterial fran the freeway to 16th Avenue, the amendment was seconded by Mayor - Berndt - after passing the gavel to Assistant Mayor Buchanan. Council member Sims stated he thinks this action is premature as he does not see the need to designate Yakima Avenue as an arterial at this time. Council member Carmichael countered that changes are taking place in the business community and feels that this action is justifiable. Council member Barnett stated he is concerned about making a decision on this prior to reviewing the consultant's study of the downtown area. The question was called for vote on the motion. Motion failed by 6 -1, roll call vote. Barnett, Beauchamp, Berndt, Buchanan, Foy and Sims voting nay. • 7. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION REGARDING HAZARDOUS VEGETATION AND DEBRIS PROGRAM Code Administration Manager Shampine stated he had nothing,to add to the report and knows of no one present to speak to the issue. Resolution No. D-5615 having been read by title, it was MOVED BY BUCHANAN, SECONDED .BY SIMS, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. Unanimously - 'carried by roll call vote. RESOLUTION NO. D- 5615, A RESOLUTION authorizing the Code Administration Manager to clear certain weedy lots. 8. REPORT FROM DEPARTMENTS OF FINANCE AND BUDGET AND PUBLIC WORKS -- REGARDING REFUSE TAX RATES COMPARED WITH OTHER UTILITIES - CITY AND PRIVATE ' 'Director of Finance and:Budget commented this report is a result of • Council's request 'stemming from the 'February `28, 1989 Council ''`m wherein Council asked staff to a comparison of private and public tax rates. Council member Barnett asked is staff proposing an increase in the in -lieu of tax for private refuse haulers with the funds to be used by Parks and Recreation? • Mr. Hanson stated,-• "No, not if Council accepts the report as it stands." City Manager Zais. stated if there was direction from Council to proceed with this tax and change the position that is currently in effect, then it would be staff's recommendation that 'those funds be ear marked for Parks and Recreation. He added that accepting this report as submitted, maintains the current tax rate. Gary Owens, 2801 1/2 Terrace Heights Avenue, Manager of Yakima Valley Disposal, encouraged Council to be consistent in this AAD /7 • 218 JULY 25, 1989 matter. It was ® D.BY SIMS, SECONDED:. BY °BEAUCHAMP.,: TO ACCEPT THE REPORT... Unanimously carried by voice „ vote. *9. REPORT FROM WATER DIVISION REGARDING CORPS OF ENGINEER REQUIREMENT FOR LEVEE MAINTENANCE' The report.from the Water Division regarding the Corps - of Engineer requirements for levee maintenance and staff recommendation to appropriate $10,000 from the 474 -Water Operating Fund for this purpose, was accepted. * 10. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF FEDERALLY Ill REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR EPA GRANT FUNDING FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION._.NO..D- 5616, RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to •. ,. ,• sign all •. applications, grant agreements and amendments, and other documents relating to wastewater facilities 'planning and construction grants. • *11. APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT AT 115 WEST "I” STREET FROM WASHINGTON STATE JUICE TO AMERICAN FOODS CORPORATION The transfer of,the right -of -way use permit from Washington State Juice to American Foods Corporation for a 6,foot cyclone fence at 115 West "I" Street, was approved. *12. APPROVAL OF SECOND QUARTER 1989 TREASURY REPORT (STANDARD MOTION VA - ACCEPT REPORT) The Second Quarter 1989 Treasury Report regarding the investments of the City, was accepted. * 13. APPROVAL OF.OUT-OF -STATE TRAVEL FOR: A. CHIEF BEESON TO INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA The Out -of -State travel''for•Chief Beeson, Fire Department, to attend the International Association of Fire Chief's Conference, in Indianapolis, Indiana, August 26 -31, 1989, at a cost of $1,600, was approved. B. BOB SHAMPINE, CODE ADMINISTRATION, TO PALM DESERT, CA This it was brought to the Council as an off- agenda was placed on the Consent Agenda. The Out -of -State travel for Bob Shampine, Code Administration Manager, to attend the 67th Annual Education and Code Development Conference, in Palm Desert, California, September 8 -15, 1989, at a cost of $850, was approved. . 14. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING ANIMAL CONTROL ENFORCEMENT AND SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT ON DOG LICENSE Ordinance No. 3186 having been read by title, it was MOVED BY'FOY, SECDNDED BY CARMICHAEL,.MAT`: THE ORDINANCE ...BE. PASSED,,.WITH THE ACCEPTANCE. OF - THE . MEMORANDUM:.OF UNDERSTANDING .:PREPARED BY THE CITY . ATTORNEY.::.. Unanimously carried by roll call'.vote. Council member Barnett stated his reason for voting in favor of the ordinance is because it is his understanding that a study has shown that dogs have enhanced the quality of life for senior citizens, especially those who are conf fined : ..ORDINANCE NO. 3186,. AN ORDINANCE establishing civil infractions and monetary penalties for violation of animal control ordinances; exercising municipal powers in accord with RCW 35.22.280 (35) providing waivers for animal license fees; and enacting Section 6.20.180, Subsection 6.22.050C as a new section and subsection of the City of Yakima Municipal Code. AAD /8 219 JULY 25, .1989 *15. CONSIDERATION' OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 1989 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING MATCHING FUNDS FOR FRUITVALE CANAL WASTEWAY PIPING .PROJECT (SECOND READING) An Ordinance appropriating matching funds for the Fruitvale Canal - Wasteway Piping project, having been read by title only at the previous meeting, was brought before Council for a second reading. ORDINANCE NO. 3187, AN ORDINANCE amending the 1989 budget for the III City of Yakima; and making an appropriation of $194,310 in the Public Works Trust Construction Fund for expenditure during 1989 for the Fruitvale Canal Wasteway (PP &L Canal) Piping Project. *16. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 1989 BUDGET AND '- APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR- PHOTOCOPIER PURCHASE (FIRST READING) An Ordinance appropriating funds for photocopier purchases, having been' read° by title only at this-meeting, was laid on-the table for two weeks, until August 8, 1989. 17. OTHER BUSINESS Council member stated the Council Transit Committee has received an request from the Board of Directors of the. Central . Washington State Fair to establish a Park and Ride location at the Rosauers /Ernst Hardware parking lot for the duration of the 1989 Fair. She explained that one third of the parking lot at the Fair grounds will be out of use due to construction at the intersection of 10th Street and Nob Hill Boulevard. Council member Carmichael stated the Fair Board has presented the City with a check in the amount of $1,000 to help defray the advertising expenses for the Fair shuttle this year. Therefore, it was MOVED BY CARMICHAEL, SECONDED BY BUCHANAN, TO CONCUR WITH THIS .RECOMMENDATION AND ESTABLISH THAT PARK;AND RIDE LOr AT THE ROSAUERS /ERNST.PARKING IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FAIR. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Council member Buchanan stated night before last he witnessed a City Fire truck having difficulty making a turn at the intersection of 10th Avenue and Summitview while enroute to a brush fire. He suggested Council take a look at acquiring an additional amount of right -of -way at that location as that is the only good access to .that particular of town. Council member Sims commented that the City has many different departments located in various sites within the City and he would like for staff to conduct a study regarding the use of FAX machines within the operation of the City. Mr. Sims stated the time and the cost of not using a FAX machine justifies the use of the machine. Council member Foy asked Council to give thought to HR2140, which involves use of - a Bill trying to free up the ability: of a major' frame sitting in a building in this town that can't be used for transmitting information from one point to another because that is not according to the judge's view point. He stated this is an excellent Bill that cities need to take a look at with regard to use of FAX equipment. City Manager Zais commented that the FAX machine is a major benefit to the City. He added that the City installed the first one in the Engineering Department in the,early - 1980's when the City was involved in litigation relating to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. A second FAX machine was installed in the Purchasing Department about a year- and -a -half ago. Council member Barnett asked for an estimate of the improvements that the City will likely have to make for access to and from the fairgrounds in connection with the building of the SunDome. He asked if the City is going to be expected to participate in the I -82 changes? City Manager Zais stated it is very difficult to provide a figure, however, there are many studies currently being done that will be of assistance in this regard. Mr. Zais noted that streets, curbs, lighting, sidewalks, etc., will be 'a public cost in the future as a result of the construction of the SunDome. Council member Foy stated 18th Street and Pacific is being AAD /9 220 JULY 25, 1989 rehabilitated by the County as the main entrance to the parking lot. He stated there will be a need for bus turnouts, fire lanes, emergency equipment, etc. He stated possibly within three weeks Council will receive a report with recommendations as to ..the. overall issue . Council member Barnett.asked for information from Mr. Hanson as to the amount of additional appropriations made to the budget, general fund and the utilities fund. 4 - 4 . Council member Foy informed Council that a sponsor (who wishes to remain anonymous) paid for the shirts, caps and jackets . presented -to -the City. Council as an expression of appreciation for the City's assistance thus far in the construction of the SunLome. Council member Carmichael stated she has heard that Cooke Cablevision has been sold and she would like to know about this. Mr. Zais stated there will be a memorandum in the Council's packet about this next week, as they have announced a rate increase. Information Items: Items of information supplied to Council were: Memo from Director of Public Works and Traffic Engineer regarding Monthly Service . Requests for June 1989; Monthly Report from Chief of Police for June 1989; Letter from U. S. Department of HUD regarding Closure of 1988 CDBG Monitoring Finding. 7/6/89; Adoption Schedule for Yakima Downtown Futures Plan. 7/13/89; Agenda for July 26, 1989 Regional Planning Commission meeting; and Minutes of the July 11, 1989 Yakima Youth Commission meeting. 18. ADJOURNMENT. • . There, being : no further business, to, come before the Council, . it was . .,., MOVED •.BY_ - BUCHANAIJ„ ' SECONDED<.BY;,. CARMICHAEL,,.;THAT.iTHIS„ MEETING BE . .ADJOURNED:AT'"THE: HOUR :OF'4:17 P.M. Unanimously.. carried by,voice vote. p'9 READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE ;, / � /0 r . . . . .. se ICIL MEMBER •, DATE. 9 ATTEST: 'OUNCIL EMBER ' DATE (/ CITY CLERK MAYOR • Minutes prepared by Deputy City Clerk, Barbara J. Toney, CMC. • AAD /10