HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/1939 Business Meeting & 4/2/1939 Adjourned Meeting5 45 April 17, 1839 The City Commission met in regular session, Mayor Riley and Commissioners Washburn and Clark present on roll call. Moved by Riley, seconded by Washburn "that the minutes of the regular meeting of Monday, April 10th, 1939 and adjourned. meetings thereof be a.pproved.. as - rep.d: carried., Riley, Washburn and Clark voting. aye on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. C -395, A RESOLUTION authorizing the sale of Lot 19, Block 5, Tenna.nt,& PJlile s' Modern Addition to North Yakima ( now Yakima) , according to the official_ plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Auditor of Yakima County, Wash- ington. 'WHEREAS, the City of Yakima is the owner of the following de- scribed real property situated in Yakima, Yakima County, Washington, to -wit: Lot 19, Block 5, Tennant & Miles' Modern Addition to North Yakima ( now Yakima) , according to the official plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Auditor of Yakima. County, Washington, by reason of a deed therefor issued by the Treas- urer of Yakima County, County of Yakima, State of Washington, to said_ City of Yakima, on sale of said oropertyy for delinquent ta.xds, and WHEREAS, it appears to be for the best interest of said. City of Yakima to sell said premises to WILLIAM M. BARTO a.nd. DAISY E. BARTO, husband and wife, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TI RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON: That said above described premises be and. they are hereby author- ized to be sold to WILLIAM M. BARTO and DAISY E. BARTO, husband and. wife, for the total sum of Four Hundred Fifteen and 80 /100 ($415.80) Dollars, payable ae. fcllows: the sum of Two Hundred Eighty and. No /100 ($280.00) Dollars in cash upon the execution of the contract herein authorized. and the balance of One Hundred Thirty -five and 10/100 ($135.80) Dollars in monthly payments of Five and No /100 ($5.00) Dollars, beginning May 10, 197Q, and continuing until the enti.rA amount has been paid.. All. deferred pay- ments to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum payable monthly with prin- cipal payments. The purchaser under said contract sh.a.11 also agree to pay all assessments against said premises falling due under any Local Improvement District or Districts hereafter created er arising from levies hereafter placed against said prem- ises, and the Mayor and City Clerk of said_ City are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract in duplicate with said purchaser under the terms hereinabove set forth. Said agreement to be entered into sha 11 also contain s-.11itable provisions requiring any buildings upon said premises to be insured at the expense of the second parties in a solvent insurance company satisfactory to first party as its interest may appear and shall contain a, provision that in case of destruction of or damage to any buildings or improvements on said premises such damage or _loss sha1_1 be the loss of second parties and shall not be a, ground for rescission of said contrast;. and said contract shall also contain a suitable provision providing for forfeiture thereof upon failure of second party to make any payment of princcpal, interest, taxes or assessments therein provided for when same shall become due or delinquent, notice of such forfeiture to be for 30 days and service thereof to be by serving same personall upon second pa.rties,or by mailing to them at Yakima, Washington, and a, further provision shall be placed therein that upon final payment of said principal and interest and taxes and assessments the first party shall convey said premises. to second parties by a good and sufficient Quit Claim Deed conveying all the interest said City of Yakima, has now in said premises; and the further provision shall be contained' in said contra.dt against the assignment of second parties without the consent of first party had and obtained. DATED at' Yakima, Washington, this 17th clay of April, A. D. 1939. ATTEST: PEARL BENJAMIN, (S E A L) E. B. RILEY, City Clerk. Mayor. Moved by Washburn, seconded by Riley that Resolution No. C -395 be adonted as read: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call.. RESOLUTION NO. C -396, A RESOLUTION fixing the time for hearing on Petition to vacate a portion of Pacific Avenue from the Alley Wert of Naches Avenue to the Alley East of South 6th Street. WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Commission of the City of Yakima, a. municipal corporation, praying for the vacation of a. portion of Pa- cific Avenue from the Alley 'lest of Nach.es Avenue to the Alley East of South 6th Street, described. es follows, to -wit: The south 30 feet of the north 60 feet of the E2 of the NW-1 of the NE4 of Section 30, Township 13 North, Range 19 E. W. M., excepting therefrom the alleys and streets In South Park Addition extending across this stria of land. It being the intention t'o vaca.te a. pastel. of 'land 30 feet in width lying adjacent to and just north of each of the following described lots: Lot 8, Block D, Lots 8 and r .5 4. April 17, 1939 _ 9 Block E, and Lot 9, Block. F all in .South Park Addition to North Yakima, Washington Territory (now Yakima., Wash.) according to the official plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Auditor of Yakima. County, Washington; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C OMMISSION OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA: That said Petition shall be brought on for hearing and determina- tion on Monday, the 15th day of May, 1939, at the hour of 10 :00 o'clock in the fore- noon on said day at the office of the City Commission of the City of Yakima at the City Hall in Yakima, Yakima County, Washington, or as soon thereafter as the same may be heard, and that notice of such hearing be given as provided by lawn. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 17th day of April, 1939. ATTEST: PEARL BENJAMIN, (S E A L) E. B. RILEY, City Clerk. Mayor. Moved by Washburn, seconded by Clark that Resolution No. C -396 be adopted as read: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. RESOLUTION N0. C -,97, A RESOLUTION providing for.the letting'of a new contract for City printing and advertising, and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, ourauant to Ordinance No. 256 of the City of Yakima, the City Commission called for bids for city advertising and printing, and in response thereto, received two (2) bids, one from the Yakima Daily-Independent at the rate of 442 per column inch per . insertion, and one from,-the Yakima Daily Republic, at the rate of 452 per column .inch per insertion; and WHEREAS .said contract for said City advertising w„s thereurnon let a.nd awarded to the Yakima. Daily Independent; a.nd WHEREAS, said Yakima. Daily Independent has now ceased publica- tion and the only other newspapers printed and published in the City of Yakima are the Yakima Daily Republic and the Yakima Morning Herald, both of which are owned and op erated by the Republic Publishing Co.; and WHEREAS the-City of Yakima, has some notices in connection with the oublic works and improvements of the City of Yakima, which.need immediate publica- tion, and the Yakima Daily Republic is willing to enter into a contract for the City advertising for the remainder of the year at the .rate of its bid aforesaid.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED.BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA!: That the contract fdr city advertising and printing for the remainder of the. term as provided under Ordinance No. 256, and until the third Monday In February of 1940, be awarded to the Yakima Daily Republic at the price of 452 per column inch -per insertion, and that the proper officers of the City of Yakima enter into a. contract with the said Yakima Daily Republic for such city advertising. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Yakima, this 17th day of April, 1939. ATTEST: PEARL BENJAMIN, (S E A L) E. B. RILEY, City Clerk. Mayor. Moved by Washburn„ seconded by .Riley that Resolution No. C -797 be adopted as read: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. C -398, A RESOLUTION authorizing the sale of Lot 19, Block 8, Original Town of North Yakima (now Yakima), according to the official plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Auditor of Yakima County; Washington. WHEREAS, the City of Yakima is the owner of the following de- scribed real property situated An Yakima County, State of Washington, to -wit: Lot 19, Block 8, Original Town of North Yakima (now Yakima), according to the official plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Auditor of Yakima County, Washington, by reason of a deed therefor issued by the Treasurer of the City of Yakima, County of Yakima, State of Washington, to said City of Yakima., on s�.le of said property for delinquent assessments, and WHEREAS, it appears to be for the best interest of said City of Yakima. to sell said premises to .PETER A. BARR and VERA E. BARR, husband and. wife, NOW, THEREFORE, -BE TI RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON:, That s='-.id. above described premises be and they a re hereby authorized to be sold to PETER A. BARR and. VERA E. BARR, husband. and wife, for the total sum of. Two Hundred Tir!enty -five and No /100 0225.00) Dollars, and the Mayor, E. B. Riley, is hereby authorized to execute a deed to said premises, and the City Clerk, t 547 April- 17, 1939 Moved by Washburn, seconded by Clark that this being the time for the postponed hear- ing on Resolution No. C -391 providing for the construction of a sewer system beginning at the intersection of Lenox Avenue t7,ith 10th Avenue South, et al; and there being In- sufficient protest in writing or otherwise, against said improvement or any part there- of; it is ordered that the ordinance creating a local, imuovement district be passed as finally read: , carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. ORDINANCE NO. B -377, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of property in the City of , Yakima., Washington, by the, construction of a. pipe sewer with the necess- ary wye branches, manholes, flush tank and water connection therefor; establishing a. local improvement district; providing for the method of pa.,yment therefor; and creating a, special fund ", was introduced by Washburn and read by the City Clerk. Moved by Riley,, seconded by reading and read by title o call. Moved by Riley, seconded. by reading and r ead in fall: Moved by Riley, seconded by carried, Riley, Washburn a Clark that Ordinance oily: carried, Riley, Clark that Ordinance carried, Riley, Wash Clark that Ordinance nd Clark v oting aye No. B -377 be passed to its second Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll No: B -377 be passed to its third aurn and Clark voting aye on roll call. No. B -377 be 'passed' a's f ina.11y read.: on roll call. Moved by Washburn, seconded by Riley that this being the time for the postponed hear- ing on Resolution No. C -390 providing for the construction of a Portland cement concrete sidewalk eight feet in width on both sides of South. Fifth Avenue between West Yakima and West Chestnut Street, a nd there being no protest in writing or otherwise to said improvement or any part thereof; it is ordered that the ordinance creating a local im- nr.ovement district be passed as finally read.: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. ORDINANCE NO. B -378, . enti tied, "AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of property in the City of Yakima, Washington,. by the construction of Portland Cement Concrete sid.e- walks eight feet in width; establishing a local improvement district, providing for the method of payment therefor, and creating a special' fund." was introduced by Washburn and read by the City Clerk. Moved by Riley, seconded by Clark that Ordinance No. B- 378,be passed to its second reading and. read by title only: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. Pearl Benjamin, is hereby authorized and. directed to attest the same for an(_ on behalf passed- of the said City of Yakima. reading and read in full: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark ADOPTED BY THE CITY C OM11RISSION, signed and approved. this 17th No. B -378 be roll call. day of April_, 1939. as finally read: r Moved by Riley, ' ATTEST: PEARL BENJAMIN, (S E A L) E. B. RILEY, o'clock City Clerk. and Clark voting aye on roll Mayor. call. Moved by Washburn, seconded by Riley that Resolution No.'C -398 be adopted as read.: ' carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. Moved by Washburn, seconded by Clark that this being the time for the postponed hear- ing on Resolution No. C -391 providing for the construction of a sewer system beginning at the intersection of Lenox Avenue t7,ith 10th Avenue South, et al; and there being In- sufficient protest in writing or otherwise, against said improvement or any part there- of; it is ordered that the ordinance creating a local, imuovement district be passed as finally read: , carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. ORDINANCE NO. B -377, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of property in the City of , Yakima., Washington, by the, construction of a. pipe sewer with the necess- ary wye branches, manholes, flush tank and water connection therefor; establishing a. local improvement district; providing for the method of pa.,yment therefor; and creating a, special fund ", was introduced by Washburn and read by the City Clerk. Moved by Riley,, seconded by reading and read by title o call. Moved by Riley, seconded. by reading and r ead in fall: Moved by Riley, seconded by carried, Riley, Washburn a Clark that Ordinance oily: carried, Riley, Clark that Ordinance carried, Riley, Wash Clark that Ordinance nd Clark v oting aye No. B -377 be passed to its second Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll No: B -377 be passed to its third aurn and Clark voting aye on roll call. No. B -377 be 'passed' a's f ina.11y read.: on roll call. Moved by Washburn, seconded by Riley that this being the time for the postponed hear- ing on Resolution No. C -390 providing for the construction of a Portland cement concrete sidewalk eight feet in width on both sides of South. Fifth Avenue between West Yakima and West Chestnut Street, a nd there being no protest in writing or otherwise to said improvement or any part thereof; it is ordered that the ordinance creating a local im- nr.ovement district be passed as finally read.: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. ORDINANCE NO. B -378, . enti tied, "AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of property in the City of Yakima, Washington,. by the construction of Portland Cement Concrete sid.e- walks eight feet in width; establishing a local improvement district, providing for the method of payment therefor, and creating a special' fund." was introduced by Washburn and read by the City Clerk. Moved by Riley, seconded by Clark that Ordinance No. B- 378,be passed to its second reading and. read by title only: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. ADJOURNED MEETING, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 19392 1.0 A. M. The City Commission met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Riley and Commissioners Wash- burn and Clark present on roll' call. Moved by Washburn, seconded by Clark that Resolution No. C -399 be adopted as rend: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. C -399, A RESOLUTION providing for the letting; of a contract for the improvement of property in the City of Yakima, Washington by the construction of Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalks, 8 feet in width, and declaring an emergency. I WHEREAS, the City of Yakima, by Ordinance No. B -378, passed and approved by the City Commission on the 17th day of April, 1939, created a. Local Improve- ment District for the improvement of the following described property, to -wit: Lots 1 to 3 and 12 to 16, inclusive, of Block .271 and Lots 4 to 10, inclusive, of Block 291, said Blocks being located in Capitol Addition and Ker' s Addition to the City of Yakima; by the c on- struction of Portlana cement concrete sidew -a.lks eight (8) feet in' wid.th; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the construction work on said side- s, walks be commenced. itmediately in order to enable certain improvements now under con- struction to be completed on adjoining property; and M. Moved by Riley, seconded by Clark that Ordinance No. B -378 be passed- to its- third reading and read in full: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. Moved by Riley, seconded carried, Riley, Washburn by Clark that Ordinance and Cle. rk voting aye. on No. B -378 be roll call. passed as finally read: Moved by Riley, seconded by Washburn t hat we do now adjourn to meet Thursday, April 20th, 19.39 at 10 o'clock A. M: carried; Riley; Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. ADJOURNED MEETING, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 19392 1.0 A. M. The City Commission met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Riley and Commissioners Wash- burn and Clark present on roll' call. Moved by Washburn, seconded by Clark that Resolution No. C -399 be adopted as rend: carried, Riley, Washburn and Clark voting aye on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. C -399, A RESOLUTION providing for the letting; of a contract for the improvement of property in the City of Yakima, Washington by the construction of Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalks, 8 feet in width, and declaring an emergency. I WHEREAS, the City of Yakima, by Ordinance No. B -378, passed and approved by the City Commission on the 17th day of April, 1939, created a. Local Improve- ment District for the improvement of the following described property, to -wit: Lots 1 to 3 and 12 to 16, inclusive, of Block .271 and Lots 4 to 10, inclusive, of Block 291, said Blocks being located in Capitol Addition and Ker' s Addition to the City of Yakima; by the c on- struction of Portlana cement concrete sidew -a.lks eight (8) feet in' wid.th; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the construction work on said side- s, walks be commenced. itmediately in order to enable certain improvements now under con- struction to be completed on adjoining property; and M. r April 17, 193g WHEREAS, it is to best interests of the City to have said improve meats completed on said adjoining property, and. there not being sufficient time to advertise for bids for said construction work; and WHEREAS, A. S. LONG is a, competent and responsible contractor and is willing to enter into a contract for the construction of said sidewalks in accorcfande ,with the plans and- specifications therefor, and of the City Engineer of the City of Yakima.l;: and to do said work at the estimated cost 'thereof made by the City Engineer of 'the City of Yakima., to -wit, at the price of twenty -one cents (21Q�) per square foot; and. WHEREAS, it is to the best interests of the City of Yakima to declare an emergency and enter into a. contract with the said A. S. LONG for said improvement at the City Engineer's estimated cost thereof, without calling for bids therefor so that said construction work.may be commended immediately. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF YAKIMA: 1. That because of the facts hereinabove set forth, an emer- gency is hereby declared to eyist. 2. That the calling for bids in connection with the above referred to improvement be dispensed with and that a contract therefor be awarded to A.. S. LONG *,t .the City Engineer's estimated cost thereof, to -wit, at the price of 21,E per square foot, and that the work on said improvement be commenced immediately, and that t he'pro.oer officers of the City of Yakima be, and they are hereby author- ized to enter into a proper contract in accordance with this resolution. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, this 20th day of April, 1939. ATTEST: - PEARL. BENJAMIN, (S E A L) E. B. RILEY, City Clerk. Mayor. Moved by Riley, seconded by Clark that we do now adjourn: carried, Riley, Washburn and Cla rk voting aye on roll c al.l . AT TE ST: C i t y C 1 e r k. Mayor.