HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/24/1957 Business MeetingF'240 JUNE 24, 1957 The City Commission met in regular session, Mayor Alderson, Commi"ssioners'Schutt and Mathews present on roll call. City Attorney absent. The minutes of the regular °meeting of June 17th and adjourned meetings thereof were approved as read® Moved by Mathews, seconded by-Schutt that Ordinance No. B -2042 relating to the organiza- tion and personnel of the Police Department, said ordinance having been read and con- sidered at the regular meeting of June 17, 1957 and tabled, be passed as read: carried, Alderson, Schutt and Mathews voting aye on roll call. .ORDINANCE';NO. ".B- 204:2'; SAN DRDII�ANCEArelating,,tb :the. "organization ana���personne =l' of =-the= .Poll,cet"Department ` of :'..the ; Cite =of = _Yakima;,prov =id'ng'.for the'= appointment of -members? ;Here of, and - repealing: Ord1n-arcfe.'No­ '.A -200 i... :.. Moved by Schutt, seconded by Alderson that Resolution No. C -1488, said resolution clarifying the responsibility of the City Treasurer with respect to parking meter re- ceipts, be passed as read: carried, Alderson and Schutt voting aye on roll call. Mathews not voting. RESOLUTION NO. C- 11.88, A RESOLUTION clarifying the responsibility of the City Treasurer with respect to parking meter receipts. WHEREAS, R'CW 43.09.200 authorizes the Division of Municipal Corporations to issue rules and regulations pertaining to parking meter receipts; and WHEREAS,'under date of December 18, 1953, Bulletin 30 -A issued by said Division under and pursuant to ,the authority'of RCW 40.09.200 provides that the City Treasurer shall be responsible for parking meter collections. NOW, THEREFORE, in order to conform to the request of the State Examiner and to conform to said law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA: The City Treasurer shall have charge of all personnel as to maintenance of parking meters and collection of parking meter revenues. ATTEST: J. A. SMITH City Clerk ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION this 24th day of June, 1957. (S E .A L) JOE K. ALDERSON Mayor Moved by Schutt, seconded by Mathews that we do now adjourn to meet again in regular session at the hour. of 10 ofclock a.m. on Monday the 1st day of July, 1957: carried, Alderson, Schutt and Mathews voting aye on roll call. ATTEST: J Y C L E R K M A Y 0 R 1 1 [l