HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/2013 07 2012 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) - Hearing II, 12: t BUSINESS OF THE CITY COUNCIL YAKIMA, WASHINGTON AGENDA STATEMENT Item No. 7 For Meeting of: March 5, 2013 ITEM TITLE: First Public Input hearing on the 2012 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER). SUBMITTED BY: Steve Osguthorpe, AICP Community Development Director CONTACT Archie M. Matthews, ONDS Manager (509) 575 -6101 PERSON /TELEPHONE: SUMMARY EXPLANATION: Each year as part of the process of submitting to HUD the 2012 year end Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER), the City holds two public input hearings to accept comments on the year end report. This is the first public input hearing on the 2012 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) as of March 5, 2013. Resolution Ordinance Other (specify) Contract: Mail to: Contract Term: Amount: Expiration Date: Insurance Required? No Funding Source: Phone: APPROVED FOR SUBMITTAL: City Manager STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct first public input hearing. BOARD /COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Click to download ❑ Draft 2012 CAPER Report Ilili The City of Yakima Office of Neighborhood Development Services DRAFT Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report For Year of 2012 ,' , l i-*/ 4 4 t . . ‘ h II � (dor) ; t" J. For further information, contact: The Office of Neighborhood Development Services 112 S. Eighth Street Yakima, WA 98901 509 -575 -6101 2012 Consolidated ual Perfo once Evaluation Report INTRODUCTION Each year the City of Y. a receives funding from the Federal Gove cut for two entitlement progri s: Co 'Ty Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HO bwestment P ; erships (HO I ), These pro: i u c : with them some very specific reg ements in the : - as of planning and repo g. This doe cut is the red * ed : i ual report for both pro! Kno as the Consolidated nal Peifo ance Evaluation Report (CAPER), it provides data on the pro gr: s and activities for which funds provided by CDBG and HO I were spent, The CAPER is rten to provide the specific info • ation ed by Housing and Urban Development ) regulations, and is sub Red to HUD for review and approval. This sub "ssion follows a mandated 15-day public co u ent period. At the s e ne, it also provides the oppo ry to report to the local co ry (Citizens and Elected cials) on the activities and successes of the past year. The p nary p se of Co Ty Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the HO Investment Pi ership Pro : (HO I ) is to help meet the needs of low/moderate income residents while developing a strong co ut "ty with the provision of decent housing, a suitable li • g en o' ent and expanding econo "c oppo 'ties wi the City " Is of Yakima. F ING RES° 'CES For the year 2012, the City of Yi . ' a received $887,581 in CDBG funds, and $393,i ii in 110 I fimds, for a total of $1,280,581. Pro' is revolved back into the existing budgeted pro gri as defined and voted on by the Yakima City Co ciL Much of the data red ed by as to how the funds were spent is provided via the compute • d system ktm as Inte :ted Dish orient and Info nation System (IDIS). Copies of the s ary reports created by this system are attached to the CAPER. HUD Required Narrative State nts • ASSESS I NT OF FIVE- ' GOALS C S CDBG phi g s : 'th a doe i ent lo as the Consolidated Plan. This doe it ent outlines broad goals and strategies to meet the identified needs of the co ii *ty served by the CDBG pro gri . The City Council of Y ii a has desi .ted progr. s to s - e city wide, with no specific defined target area in d, thus m: g pro : available to all low/moderate income individuals wi a'a the City of Y: The City Council has also, in response to citizen input, identified goals and objectives to guide the p1 a ed expenditure of these funds. These goals are foe - on the folio ' 'ag areas: 1. Cleanup neighborh 2. Access to se *ces and infrastructure 3. Access to safe, decent, affordable housing 4. More even distribution of econo t 'c groups throughout the City of Y: a 5. ficono at "c Development: more jobs, better job skills. 6. Economic Development: new and increased small businesses and development oppo *ties. 7. S- 'hes available to more people. 8. CDBG funds provide only part of the ov- : budget. 9. Increased ci -n p 'cipation. 10. Historic Pres - ation. Taken from the 2012 . a ual Action Plan budget, activities address the above referenced goals as follows: • The allocation of funds for Co at Ty Se nes is always a top priority for the City Council. • The Single Family Exterior P t pro ii strengthens our i ordable housing efforts. • The Graffiti Pro LI a provides benefits to co a a Ty services. • The goal for our Econo M Development expenditures is to expand our local economy and provide jobs for low/moderate income persons. • Housing co a -ling helps keep decent affordable housing reach of our area residents. Basic se 'nes like water and sewer are still not available to all area residents and the Office of Neighborhood Development Se *nes strives to continue working a essively to expand these se Mes. • The CDBG Single F ly Rehabilitation, the Elderly/Disabled Rehabilitation, and the Relocation progr. s all assist in m g housing afford €ale. • The Lead -Based P • t Abatement helps keep our housing stock safe and affordable, • e addressing ' po t en • o ental conce . • D • g all our housing rehabilitation, we work diligently in incorporating Historic Pres ation conce within our co 'ty. N erous goals were set for all pro s d g the City's budget process. Most of these goals were met or surpassed, as statistical info lion provided 'thin this doc ent demonstrates. (Please see table 3A for S ary of Specific ual Objectives) The City of Y • a continues to work with local agencies to overcome the obstacles in se ' g the special needs populations in Yakima. The City of Yakima takes great care in not hindering the activities as identified in the Consolidated and ual Action plan. • AF t ' LY FUR'!' G F HOUSING The Analysis of Impe ' ents to F • Housing Choice of the City of Y • a id tifies a n ber of potential b 'ers. Under the Direction of the City Council this office provides a Housing Counseling service to help overcome these b . Tho ds of contacts de each year to assist rent , landlords and homeo ers. The City of Y • a continues to provide doc ents and info ation as well referrals to legal assistance groups, to credit counseling agencies, and other offices in a direct attempt to overcome fair housing pediments. Every effort is made to assist clients to resolve their ulty in a satisfactory m er as is demonstrated in this doc ent as to the diverse group of f ' ies and individuals benefiting from our activities as supported through federal resources. The follo • g actions were taken in 2012 to atively er fair housing: • 2,995 walk -in clients, with another 4,677 clients were served with the Housing Counseling Hotline for a total of 7,672 clients s ed through this pro in 2012 with Housing Co eling. • ONDS met with local housing lenders and realtors to present City sponsored housing pro s. • O S continues to meet and work with. Co unity Housing Development Org ° ° lions (CHDO), such as Habitat for H 'ty and OIC of Washington to contimially address local needs for : h i atively er f: • housing within the City of Y . • AFFORDABLE HOUSING The City of Y u : concentrates our CDBG affordable housing efforts in three pro s: Single ; y P t, Single Family Rehabilitation and the Lead Based it Abatement progr. . These pro gr: s served a combined to of 106 homes, helping qualified low to moderate income homeo ers with greatly needed home rep: to continue to live safely in their o homes ith basic heat power, water and : *tary conditions. The City of a received Neighborhood Stabilization Prow% funds through the Washington State Dep: ii ent of of ierce. These funds were used to purchase distressed pro - *es and foreclosed properties. This enabled the City of Y: * i a to subdivide parcels into a to of 12 vacant lots to even y receive as many new single family homes, c ently 11 homes have been fully constructed, *th e (9) of the eleven (11) homes have been sold to qualified low and moderate income first e homebuyers, and the three (3) remaining homes still for sale. This pro i : it is in p ership with OIC of Washington and Y i ii: Valley Habitat for H *ty, both certified Co *ty Housing Development Orgi tions (C 0). The City of Y; * ii a continues to work closely Th the Yakima Housing Authority to sink'. - about affordable housing oppo *ties for the fu - • CON I OF C FOR T. HO I LESS e this proLi n does not - eive regular budgeted funding from the City of Y; : we continue to redo - the importance of assisting with pro! : ii that serve the homeless. D g 2012, ONDS worked closely *fit the local Continu t of Care, kno as the Homeless Network of Yakima County. The network made progress in providing se *ces to these people, including contlii g to m t ig available cold weather shelters d g the ters. Mc 'iicy funds were applied for and &ants awarded to provide a n is her of different se *ces at 'dely-scaftered sites throughout the co ty, including the City of Y I. 0 IRACTI0NS Under the direc:ion of the Y. a City Council, ONDS continues a successful p ership progr with the City Codes Division. This is working to combat problems that would othe 'se lead to er deterioration of neighborh , and reduce the quality of life of area residents. The City of Y: la or Th a large variety of volunteers and volunteer-based organizations and self-help agencies, which assisted in p ating twenty-one (21) homes, providing vol teer labor for the S a 'or/Disabled Exterior P it progr: The City also works with People for People and the Northwest Cot u unity Action Center both of which provide vol ateers to p: t-out graffiti and do alley and vacant lot cl - -up, as well as snow removal for the elderly and disabled. These joint yen - pro: : help provide a "Positive Work Experience" to the individuals, as well as providing much needed co Ty se 'ces to the neighborhoods. The City continues to work with Juvenile Justice, the Y: i ' asa Co aty g Court, the Y; 1$ a Co ty DUI Court and the Y: ii a Co ty g Court to provide a location for court-ordered co 'ty se '0e to convicted offenders to serve their court-appointed coii ty se "ce hours, 0 a S uses these individuals to paint- out a ti and do alley and vacant lot clean-up, as well as snow removal and wheel chair up assembly to disabled homeo ters. Neighborhood Development Se "ces continues to p; er with Public Works to provide alley cleanup and lot specific cleanup through the Senior/Disabled Rehabilitation pro : at in helping q ° a ed pro: appli its, as well as weed abat aaent d g the s tier months using vol teer labor. Public Works then pays any costs associated with d i p fees for any properties other than qualified applicants through the CDBG Senior/Disabled Rehabilitation prom The City of Y: a continues to combat Lead-B: - d P at issues throughout the city by doing lead-based p:* at inspections, risk assessments and :a cc ex at a ations for applicants of the • ier-Occupied Rehabilitation pro at s. 0 a S also continues to work with the local Clean Air Authority in helping q : ed homeo a ers change out their "im-certified wood b g stoves" "th alternate, more efficient heating sources. • CO I BASED DEVELOP P NT ORGA TION (CP DO) GIC of Washington as a certified Co ry Based Development �g .: don continues to manage Co 'unity Se "ce Progra s at the City of Yakima South East Co unity Center (SECC). (See the (touched "Qu erly Progress Reports" as sub * ed by OW of Washington concerning the individual progra served at SECC) • NEW I 0' t I D RE AL 11ON S TEGY A 'SA) The NRSA includes the South East Co unity Center and the progr . s and people served by OIC of Washington as a certified CBDO. (See attached SECC Quarterly Ru im). 0 S also serves the " A through the Single F. ily Rep:* Pro u as well as the Public Se *ce pro . that assists q ed low to moderate income Senior/Disabled with emergency heating assistance (See table 14). Econo *c Development is also an activity that benefits through the ' A desin ation, but due to CDBG budget reductions there were no Econo at Development funds budgeted for 2012 other than the Section 108 loan fund, which has not developed an application at this a e even though potential projects are c - ntly being reviewed. • LEVERAGING RESOURCES The Y: Si a City Co • cil continues to essively address ii ti and neighborhood clean-up efforts within the City of Y: i * saa, and continue to direct CDBG Co ata a ty Se 'ce resources in supplying equipment and staff supe Rion to local volunteers, thereby producing 10,045 volunteer ho Had the City paid for these ho the cost to the : • ayers would have far exceeded $100, The City of Yakima p: it erships with local Co a. unity Housing Development Org: `zations (C I 0), such as the local Habitat for H • *ty and OIC of Washington, in the Neighborhood Stabiliaation Pro : at (NSP) on the N. 3 Street ' ordable Housing Project. 0 05 leveraged an es to $650,000 of state NSP funds, approximately $200,000 CDBG for tincture, approximately $750,000 of HO P Investment funds and appro ately another $450,000 of private non- profit investments by both OIC and Habitat for H My. Finally, our Co u S "ce sub- : tees are asked to leverage our contribution with other funding. Often this outside funding exceeds the total ount of our portion. These pro! s combined resulted in essential se '0es being provided to hundreds of persons each year 0 /WO I N BUS I SS E RERISE The City of Yakima continues to actively encourage women and minority contractors to p cipate in the Cities construction activities. Please see the attached IZ t,E contract and subcontractor activity report. CDBG NA 1 • Consolidated Plan Priorities, Needs, Goals, and Objectives • FUNDING PRIORITIES As illustrated by statistical info as :tion provided in this CAPER, the City of u a has utilized our CDBG funds effectively. The goals identified in the 2010-2014 Consolidated Plan are the basis for all ftmding decisions. As previously discussed, all CDBO funds and expenditures can be directly ed to one of the Plan goals. And for 2012 all Block it expenditures were for the benefit of low/mod- te income persons, either individually doc tented as low/moderate or as a qualified area benefit se g a low/moderate clientele comprised of over 51% of the area populace. • FL C GES There were no substantial . as endments or changes to the 2011-2014 Consolidated Plan in 2012. • EFFORTS IN C I G OUT P . NED ACTIONS Please refer to the info si ation included in the introduction as well as the Ni ative Statements. The City of Y "i a certifies that it is folio g a c ent HUD- approved Consolidated Plan. It has p ued all reso es that were proposed in the Plan; it has f' and impartially provided requested cc i* • cation of consistency as specified in the Plan, and has not hindered Consolidated Plan 'asplementation, • RESOURCES CER CATLONS i I I *LE I NTATTON As previously described, 0 S and the City of Yakima actively and successfully pursued funding and other assistance from a . 'ety of sources in addition to CDBO and HO I . This effort has :sa atically increased the impact of the two pro! s. As req d, 0 S provides the req ed ce * cations of compliance with all relevant Federal Regulations, and reg es the same certification from all contractors and sub- ii = tees. ONDS works carefully to 'a a plement all the pro . : a identified for action in the Consolidated Plan, and, in no case, does an g to as pede these efforts. • NATIONAL 0 C S All 2012 activi ies and expenditures were used to help accomplish one of the three national objectives of the CDBG legislation. These are; o Low/Moderate Income Benefit o Prevention of Si u or Blight o Urgent Health and Welfare • DISPLACE I NT t RELOCATION CO PL • CE g • 2012 0 aS had no activity that req ed relocation assis ce to a displaced homeo Cr, • ECONOMIC DEVELOP I NT There were no lino instances d g 2012 where jobs were made available to low/moderate income persons and not taken by them. • LOWMODERATE INCO I BENEFIT All activities were for the benefit of low/moderate income persons. Evidence for this is contained in the individual file for each activity. • HOUSING RE: • : ILITATION I g • 2012, CDRG funds were spent on housing rehabilitation for single-. "ly homes o ed by the residents. • NEIG : I 0 = I D STABU V TIDE* PR a - The City of Y. * a also received Neighborhood Stabilization Progr funds through the Washington State dep: cut of Cot erce in the ount of $650,000. allowed the City of Y; a to purchase one foreclosed property 'th a substandard :emus building. This stub 'was d- olished and the single lot was sub divided into two parcels and constucted two (2) new single family homes that were sold to qualified low to moderate income first • e homebuy- The City also used a portion of these funds to purchase a foreclosed single family home and is c ently rehabilitating the home and it too be sold to a low income first e homebuyer in p : ership with Habitat for H Ty. F e ore, the City purchased an additional three blighted undeveloped lots for redevelopment two of those lots have been subdivided into two and three parcels, respectively and a total of five (5) new single f. ily homes were consfructed, and sold to qualified low to moderate income first e homebuyers. Five (5) more homes have been constructed on the rem" g five (5) building lots, one ha g been sold to a qualified low/moderate income first a e homebuyer and four (4) more still for sale. HOME N ' TIVE • 110 I F S DIST IUTION CATE •RIES All HO I funds were distibuted according to the categories of need idenfified in the Consolidated Plan. With the exception of Co unity Housing Development Org: . tion (CHDO) funds, all funds were spent on Homeo ership activities, • TCH RE• P I FO • 840107 and 8 40107-A Please see the attached PO 840107and 840107-A for repo i g the HO match requirements. The info i ation req ed on convects and subcontracts with minority and women- o a ed businesses was provided on a sep: te report The City of Yakima continues to encouri .e women and ority-o ed businesses. • 110 I ASSISTED RENTAL HOUSING INSPECTIONS All affordable rental housing "ts previously assisted with HO I funds were monitored according to the prescribed schedule. All were found to be in proper condition and all were in compli cc 'th affordability coat ia 'tments. • AFT TIME TING All HOME projects ; - marketed according to approved h u ative marketing actions as req d by . • SECTION 3 REPOR I G As rca ed by the Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as ended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u, mandates that the Dep ent ensures that employment and other economic oppo 'ties generated by its housing and co a a a a ty development assistance pro gr. s are directed toward low and very low income persons, pi 'cularly those who are recipients of gove a aa ent assistance housing. Therefore the City of Y 1 ia a du y sub Is the req ed Section 3 Su a ary Report to HUD : natty. • SELF EVALUATION The stated i *ssion of the CDBG prom: and ONDS is to assitt in developing a more viable co *ty by helping to provide decent, affordable housing, a suitable II g en o u ent, and econo "c oppo *ties, p wily through se ° g low and moderate income - ons. In seeking to accomplish this goal, ONDS continues to operate one of the most diverse and successful CDBG programs in the entire region. Great care is taken to provide sip : at famding and assistance in several ar - ONDS is also unique in that we provide many of these se 'ces directly rather : a through sub-. : a tees or contractors, which allows more individuals to be assisted while holding the cost do sik °ficantly by e i tin. the need for a third party. Our s *ces can be divided into four categories: econo "c development, co a a a 'ty se °ces, housing, and " as structure, Wi a a each, we provide a v. 'ety of specific progr: as and se *ces. We believe that . * a the constraints of our budget we do an excellent job in each area. The affordable housing needs in Y: are so great that the challenges sometimes seem ins a turntable. Yet we find that upro g a house in a neighborhood often s s a tend that extends too many other homes. The City of a continues to reco - there are still people in this co at "ty who do not have access to public water and sewer for their homes. So the exp a ion of these se 'ces continues to be an * a po t issue for many reasons, including the health of the cot as ty. Y: as a's Senior/Disabled Home Rehabilitation Pro at s enabled 106 homes to rem. safe decent housing, successfully m ag well over 100 occup : ts and keeping them within their homes, and out of the already over-burdened public housing system, or nursing homes, thus sa a g h dreds of thousands of tax doll: in financial support through social se 'ces. For all we do, there is much more that needs to be addressed. We must continue to work more efficiently, and do a better job mioritizing our efforts and investments. Projects that provide the a - :test a - a efit for the most people at the lowest cost continue to need funding. Basic h a i a needs must be met with a continually s a g budget, Basic h a an needs such as power to supply heat in the ° ter, water for 4 a g, s. "tary sewer systems to protect our valuable derground water sources and replacing failing septic systems, thereby protecting areas from surface water con : at a ation. Basic human needs, such as safe, clean, affordable housing continue to be a top priority for the City of Y ENCOIINTS The City of Yakima continues to enco ge Cl -n p scipation and : e pro: : u info ation a able throughout the year to the public as defined in the adopted "Citizen Participation Policy". (Any received 'tten public co 'tent on this doe at ent will be added to the end of this doc is ent and sub it tted to accordingly) *OutcotnefObjective Codes Availability/Accessibility ordability t Sustainability .4 r Housing DH-1 17/11-2 D11-3 Suitable Living Environment SL-1 SL-2 SL-3 Economic Opportunity F0-1 E0-2 1 E0-3 Table 3A — Summary of Specific Annual Objectives # S An , Ob Sou of Perth II ance E • I A Dote • Objective* ° In tors Number N her Owner Rousing OH-1 In. A. • of pe • us to HO 1 and N if -r of Units 7 2 • - housi z I nt/ a 4, ile housing NSP for lot sold and 5 Suitable g f 0 gli n cot « "oh using .„•• "sition„ ho 's Mine. S •• ••ettal Affo • . *le housing development • Communite Development SL-1 Jn i S . tie Li " tg CDBG N H • r of 2 0 Suitable living En ' • I u eat •ugh the buildings abatement of Dang• • Buildings removed gf,„3 • e s *le L* ° CDBG • es till! 100 1788 , Suitable ° gf en" n• • -stt with S z' • b • ght into :°1„•ility • gh the I-, in of Code compliance with Compliance in I 1. . • • • - Nei * •s $ H. " • and Suitable CDBG N ttbcrof 2,500 7,672 1 i• lit g Emiro nt n tugb clients se s• h• - to • :sk dio • estant and Ho *rig Co 'ling pro: - Public Facilities SL-3 t .ilLtyofS tie L° COBG Con r - of 1 0 Suitable living/ Enviro eat • gh the e building S tbiity Rehabili . 'on of e • • • lic Facility at SECC I31-1-3 Decent Housing n i Suitable CDBG Con run.. - of 1 0 Suitable * gi SL-3 living iron ,-nt aimed ' - t a building ° • . through Rehabilitation of existing public Facility at Y-Pal Public Se ees SL-3 « . Aerate il - "1.ime CDBG N 1 « - r of 7 6 Suitable Ii * ge Senior/D' : *led He: e « 1 SL -1 fricrei , the range of services CDBG N u « - r of 1,000 7,122 Suitable available to i ist persons by N sies lining S .' i . 'Sliy assisting 01C/ South i , servi.- at Co unity SECC Center. (SECC) ' DH-3 • ,.. rit Hsi ' s i awl Suitable CDBG N 4 0 ' of 2,500 5,475 Suitable II' SL-3 Li UgE " « ..4 tS .* is by li -tions s " ..-..« Sust ability • . ' ling . . ' ti its Neighlairh« i 1 Simile Family Rehabilitati s n . D11- , Single F. 0 Rehab" " : *on of CDBG N « r of Utiles 65 106 A . "lability/Accessibili 1 1,1 o • icr . «tee Low to Moderate 1 Y ., loco - homes. s , i DI1- Rao u tiou CDBG N II Mr of 1 0 - ent L7 ix tits . Ystal honaing/Affo . . « le with rut« . tion mists , - ATTACHMENTS • Community Based Development Organization (CBDO) OIC of Washington Quarterly Reports for South East Community Center • Annual HOME Performance Report with Minority Business Report and Women Business Enterprise Report • HOME Match Report c E� rrt 0 m 40.." gt Lima C 0 a) .13.3 lAWWWWWWI sa 0 0 . >c. 0 m 2.. E Mtei 0 E > 0 E co E ._o o 0 .N1 CITY OF Yi I A OFFICE OF NEIGHBO 000 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SUBRECIEPIENT/COMM ITY SERVICE PROJECT QU TERLY PROGRESS REPORT (PUBLIC SERVICES OR HOUSING) Report Period: January 2012 - March 2012 Subrecipient: OIC of Washington (OIC) Project: Southeast Community Center Person Completing the Report: Adrienne Garner/ Chris Link Job Title: WC Program Manaer/OIC Chief Operations Director Contact Telephone Number: 509-248-6751 I. Describe current status of project (for example: planning, procurement, predeveiopment, construction, activity underway, service marketing, ect.) During the first quarter of 2012 the center has been able to continue to provide much needed services not only to the residents in Southeast Yakima, however to residents throughout the region. Volunteer Program - In the month of March we put in place an infrastructure in which our volunteers would go through a process and receive training prior to becoming of volunteer. We have successfully had 38 volunteers go through the process and are ready to volunteer when called upon. After School Program - Also in March we were able to re hire Eric Lee part time to supennse the After School Program. Our attendance has increased since his return and has provided stability to the program. Mr. Platte continues to tutor twice per week. His focus is reading, however he is skilled in all areas and can tutor kids through the 1,2 grade. Food Pantry The center's Food Pantry is open for one hour each week on Mondays. During the last quarter we served over 1000 people with food. In February our OIC Food Bank Manager, Melvin Gray began to manage the Food Pantry at the center in hope to increase attendance and provide support services. This addition to the Southeast Team has made quite the difference, in the way that we are able to serve families. Senior Services - We continue to have a strong senior group that participates in services at the center. These services include Senior Nutrition (managed by People for People), the Volunteer Pmgram, Foot Care, Dental Care (provided by ALTC) and Senior Bingo. We have not been able to find anyone to instruct the Fitness Course that was once provided. If we find someone that is interested ALTC will pay for the cost of the training. „ Music Studio — Mitch Weary is a contracted staff who provides services to youth and adults who are . interested in teaming how to produce music. The Studio is open Monday through Friday 2:00pin — 5:00pm. . 2, Describe significant actions taken during this report period: Southeast Community Center received a $ 5,000 grant from Parker youth Foundation to provide a Soccer and Softball Camp for girls 5-13 years of age during the summer months. The coach for the activity will be Eric Lee. Eric has over 20 years of experience in coaching a variety of sports and so we feel that with his skill and knowledge our children and youth will be able to compete in school organized sports. In March we applied for a $ 15,000 grant to Legends Casino to support our i ual Christmas Activity and a grant application was also submitted to Mutual of America, Community Partners Grant for $ 25,000. We are waiting for the final results of those applications. We continue to diligently search for . , grants that provide both administrative and direct service dollars. 3. Describe and provide reasons for changes in the original project goals/milestones: As we begin to develop new partnerships our goals may change. We are always seeking to provide additional services from the center so that we are able to meet the needs of the community. 4. During this quarterly period, were contract funds spent or obligated? YES Upcoming Activities: April 2012 Oregon State University Students at Southeast Community Center, for A Day of Service. . Spring Break Day Camp — Elementary aged children will be able to participate in recreational activities free of charge during Spring Break Week. The hours are 9:00am — 4:00pm Monday through Thursday. Annual Volunteer Luncheon — This event in hosted to honor all of the volunteers who unselfishly donate their time to support activities at the center. Money Smart - Is a Financial Literacy Course sponsored by Banner Bank. This four week course is designed to engage low-income people to manage their finances. At the end of the four week course each * . individual will receive $ 100.00. May 2012 Annual Caregiver Conference — Occurs in the month of May in recognition of Foster parent Appreciation. There is a collaboration of services providers who sponsor the annual event. Foster . Parents and Relative Caregiver's are invited from across the region to attend the 2-Day Conference. ( : ftespectftilly submitted, Adrienne Gamer, Program Manager ..31, L amartier notrittlrinQty kaeri:er wen galenoar a-age a or a Quick Links: Website 0 Intranet WEE CALENDAR: SOUTHEAST YAKIMA COMMUNITY CENTER ALL CALENDARS V i" Sunday Monday ToeSda • Wednesday Ilnumday Friday Saturday Q 2 0 4 1 Moo Tax P ' . • rater Anon Tax Preparation panne .. mom - • rr 107 Room 107 , ROOM 0. . . , .., GeMCA 11.40.1a)n p pankar Ntappon , AARP Tax Drenerason . . yams a'aaea Saccer Removal K. . , I - MLR 'Leanne - GYM 01141.0111P111110rt . "Realm RAMP Sapper . , 1 le -eye - Gom m . yeloma Ratley Soccer MAP Tax Preperapprc i AAAP Tax oremrabort : Venom valley Soccer Aolno Tax memento:yr a r a ,„,., .,r, a gn ,, , . Lesoue - GAR A == 107 I R... 1.7 12,3aus - GYM * • • 107 s .• S • . APPAP MiAntann I I PAP.r RAPRAL AARE Tax Pcsooratsv harper Nonnex, 1 AARP Tax Preperapen . ' .. 107 ROOM 107 . . Heenan Sooner Imam* • Memorial 11= = - 1- 2112 i . -, • *A. D 2 NAAR., Renmax NaLMAA I . , I , ipLA Farm* MAMA . Q. ,,.• . 12 1„ 121 .10, 10 117 : 10, . . . . . Yaktma ROMA 'Waxer AAPP TAM Me00 ', ,AARP TOP P 1 RASP Tax oreeerelton MRo Tax oretterarem ,, Samar FAX arm - . Leaave - GYM ROAR 107 . • • r• 10 t Room 107 „Room 107 NARA E . y . . I Ammo Ereinn - GYM 1 keraor Notalloo ; !Stew NotAtioo 11 ARRA MatntAn 1 „RAPP Tax oreneratron • : • . . norm 107 . • . • . lament marrow m x It ri a - . a. r ,, manna volley Hover Memonel 11... .1 - MIK i anio, tiutm 1 . 4; Rcar 0 Menne - GTM mom I 1100 Gm." - 1 ., 4 may • a to bg 21 122 - ,as Q . ...as 4 I ;, • • ' Yakirna Vai1eY SaCCe moo Tan Pmeneratien . . ' '' T 1 Pe *pm. . r A,ARP yax Prenerat.1.41 AARP Tax Prep:taxa/Ian „- '. F,...1 af - ..., Reunue - GYm Room 107, ' • • ...„.10 ' ' m 107 ' .P 107 . H. - . [NAACO - Room 0 I Senror metratom 1 mon nototion Senior notritem r AARP Tax RacArao.on 2 , ScAm 107 " menoon r ar Leame Memo Valley Hover Hormonal fr• -r RI - mix i I : *.• I) , Remove - Rom . ma lam, tin rt - • H. l* IScl4Pl Ilutlnt°1 r2 ww,r, la as 22 aa ssaar.a valley GRUA .1 - MLA ' .. . AARP Tax Pr.,. Harem 1 'Myrna - mcK ' . , „1,eagae - GYM 1 '..n. 107 E PAPOL ML/1111101 I 1 AARE Tax P.ALARataal - i polo' 0201101 ' AAA 107 ' ,NECC Volunteer Trainman i - 1,•• El ,„ Merman Smoot Loonuo i - '• Nutrew I 1 ' I ; Yakve Ramer Soccer ; ,Yalsere vaney ormye i m , Mame - GYM r [NAACP • ALE Ross ' ass- ........... ..._ ......... .. . Erb Calendar lostructrana ( 'a WHOM hitp://seyrewebeal.yvoir.orgioalengagasp?date=2012-2-1&action=rnonth 12/18/2012 arriagagitactaL 1 (An ..110. 1 2-4)21111t` °I , ...etrIlltoL TV ..-ar a.2-12alatur .e. s Jr &&& & A Quick Links: I Website I Intranet WEB CALENDAR: SOLITHEAST YAKIPIA COMMUNITY CENTER MI CaMINDARS aM Sunda MonDD e /Du aaia Weew .1 y Tiluaralay Friday Lakuteiay ---. ---- . , . ' . l &a::Dran arceeratua ' ..... at . ... GtaMatax rt, ralcarieS ' .... 107 - . • D , 1 Mamma ',Maar Smcet aaaraa LLD &we: atwaa <LADD - tt ,Leamtv - Gym .....u....,L,1 ...,... 1 - -.... , Ca ........... ..... 4 .5. 12 Takata Varer Gartr R - rtgrar INY 2 212 14 227 111 Tragra 2 3 11 2/ SCNC2 M.22.101r NNIMIO221 :SE1 m m X .• ., . Margaaa 20 - 2,2 120012.2 GYM '..... .107 Leamat - ttxt1r5 'M. 107 SFCC Raft Maxim ' , Naar .. NC g, 100 Ira 100 ra. I ar-Nr Tar rrelareatarg 1-02 . g tjaranagry - 2,.. .. -gra i IN• gaal - , - Carrara Meetar 1 • .,,,. . rjA gragurra Ramer Gracta - RN Igg I - GYM 1 ••••••••*• 41 I I r ,Semy 14 ft. I TaXama Valley Naar a Mearrxml • . .t - Milt i arammaxal ammatat - mut , ,.xa .. Gym . 11422,an Ncrce tram/ • • ... .1 ... .. 2 , I 1 aaanna Lava Smite .aa.... N '. r ... AAR..a. matamamxm rt,a0P Tax Preveramm MMP,P Tax amateratma 1 &taw :FUN cara-r :wawa& AMMONS - Laeaeue Gau Naar 107 ... .7 G . — .. aDC Starr ,,, .1- , . ........ m ■,e 1 . .. cmur , kora Garitte I I ak■ma Ramer Samara - , Merman Xmaccaleamm 1 • attrastMal . MMT 1 ........... .... t .1- M .. tt 3Dium Vaary Smarr 1 m ram.. aa.a..,..., km • IV . OM ) • ' '*41 6 Nigiltan i - .. IA a2 W 21 ,21 n 21 1 _ .... raaare Mattel Smart' lai ar - M X... t artamat Tax Neramean MAP Tax ra22222 amp Tax 2222,..„, s , , 0, . y m xx jraxim • Gym t ,. • . 107 ... 107 i ...m. 107 .. 0 .tm - GYM - Staa aleatara - • •' - &_n • Yaktgre yaw Race: i meaupa, .. , .1- HI& i 1 - - - - 'Dm DDDE, .. ar mmosy, 1 GaDDDE 1 t, C DoitsiDe ,- Da.. ICO •"" . ® MMX i 1 :mom * . ram a . 12.4 t . • • • 1 - mxx 1maamm; tondos . • .. araaw v Scam I 0 x O k Ramer SefreK . SPreer rettna, i "" 2 _ 1 ni 2§ 2Z 21 !re '32 LI 1 1 terra Nagra Garra perior laantort 1 I wa aais rtelargrteal I NAPS Tar . y■ rad, 1..a.11.... aar • ttat 107 L*. 107 i SECC La& awaral - • .. . Lser. 10mm a . .. ritX 'a, p .ractur tatitmtam 1 1 mum N -, ....* ., ■ 1= NarITIN I &lac& &ANL &Rau - Mr 200O212002 ,120 lab 19a rds Marragal 122221- 1112 WIND 221grattar TM Orrettre Nectar) - R.. ,a- a [NAACP - NONNI 0 ..„ , Samos NI .. - Ref:All Raw V0ley saac &taw :LW Socce< o , - Lem Row . wee Calendar las:rue:ions i ,p l a m aaw al a ,07 1 Na latp:Ilseyecwebca1.yvo i c., ot eridar 0202081202012-3- 1 &acticin=ifionth 12/1 8/2012 2 . _ CITY OF Y I A OFFICE OF NEIGHBO* OOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SUBRECIEPIENT/CO I UNITY SERVICE PROJECT QC • TERL,Y PROGRESS REPORT (PUBLIC SERVICES OR HOUSING) Report Period: April 2012 - June 2012 Subrecipient: OIC of Washington (OIC) Project: Southeast Yakima Community Center Person Completing the Report Adrienne Garner/ Chris Link Job Title: OIC Program Manager/OIC Chief Operations Director Contact Telephone Number: 509-248-6751 1. Describe current status of project (for example: planning, procurement, predevelopment, construction, activity underway, service marketing, ect.) During the second quarter of 2012 the center has been able to continue to provide much needed services not only to the residents in Southeast Yakima, however to residents throughout the county. Volunteer Program - During this report period there were 2,058.44 hours donated by community volunteers. The hours served were primarily spent in programs that involved both youth and children. Although we have other programs, this is where our greatest need is. Currently we have over 70 volunteers who have gone through the internal process to work at the center. This includes a Volunteer Application, Background Check, and an Orientation with a member of the OIC management team. After School Program - The After School program has continued to grow with the addition of Eric Lee added to the staff He brings years of experience of working with children, youth and parents. We are confident that we will continue to excel in the type of program offered. Our participation hours for the second quarter were 9,510.57. These hours included youth that attended the 100 Jobs 100 Kids Youth Job and Career Fair in April 2012. This year we hosted over 300 teenagers from round the valley. Food Pantry - The center's Food Pantry is open for one hour each week on Mondays. During the last quarter we served over 2000 people with food. The OIC Food Bank Manager, Melvin Gray continues to work with volunteers and community partner's to make the program successful. Senior Services - We continue to have a strong senior group that participates in services at the center. These services include Senior Nutrition (managed by People for People), the Volunteer Program, Foot Care, Dental Care (provided by ALTC) and Senior Bingo. . 2. Describe significant actions taken during this report period: Southeast Comn inky Center received a $ 5,000 grant from American West Bank to provide a Recreation Supervisor for the Surnmer Program. The staff person will be hired on a temporary basis for 10 weeks. We are still waiting to hear on our application to Mutual of i erica, Community Partners Grant for $ 25,000. We continue to diligently search for grants that provide both administrative and direct service Neighborhood Health signed a long term lease agreement with OIC/Southeast Yakima Community . Center. They will have a satellite efface located in the clinic area of the building. This is a great addition to the center, as they will initially focus on providing affordable health care to seniors and then move into serving children and families. In April 2012 we partnered with Apprisen and Banner Bank to provide a Financial Literacy Course, Each participant that completed the four week course received $100.00. There were 156 participation hours with 24 out of 27 padieipants graduating. . The Oregon State University Students arrived at the Center on April 30P, for A Day of Service, The students took the day to re-paint the gymnasium. It was very exciting for students to seek us out, and ask to do a service project. This marked the third year that Oregon State Students volunteered at our center. During Spring Break the center hosted a Day Camp for elementary aged children who were able to participate in recreational activities free of charge. The hours are 9:00am — 4:00pm Monday through Thursday, We hosted 116 individual children during the week. On April 30 we hosted our i ual Volunteer Luncheon. This event in hosted to honor all of the volunteers who unselfishly donate their time to support activities at the center. We had a very good turnout, with attendees that ranged from seniors and parents to Executive Directors and other Community . In May we partnered with Century Link to provide to provide a Basic Internet Course to low-income people. If participants met the eligibility requirements they were also able to purchase a Netbook for $150.00 and receive interact for $9.95 per month. This class was provided both in English and Spanish by Jose Gutierrez, who is a staff person in the OIC TT Department. 'We received a $2,000 grant for hosting the classes which will be used for technology at the center. Also in May we partnered with Children's Administration to host the . ual Caregiver Conference. This activity occurs in the month of May in recognition of Foster Parent Appreciation. There is a collaboration of services providers who sponsor the annual event, Foster Parents and Relative Caregiver's are invited from across the region to attend the 2-Day Conference. Caregiver's are offered an array of training , options that will support the work that they do in razing for children. in June we started our Summer Recreation program enrolling over 140 children and youth by the end of : June. Our sumrner seems very promising and we are currently looking for funds to assist with swimming. . 3, Describe and provide reasons for changes in the original project goals/milestones: As we begin to develop new partnerships our goals may change. We are always seeking to provide additional services from the center so that we are able to meet the needs of the community. ' il l .: o n ,:,.., 1 4, During this quarterly period, were contract funds spent or obligated? YES Upcoming Activities: July 2012 During the month of July there are no planned special activities. Floweyer, all of the planning for national Night Oth will take place during this month. i August 2012 National Night Out occurs each year in August and is held to bring awareness regarding drugs and crimes throughout various communities. We take this opportunity to invite community partners to have resource tables so that families are aware of the services available. ; September 2012 In September 2012 the Southeast Staff will plan and prepare for the uprotning After School Program s year. This will include training, outreach, and program evaluation. tiftk A /0 Respectfully submitted, Adrienne Garner, Program Manager 00111ttliC0JZ 1, 0 a:amid Quince "ty 7....C.ULDI EV CD LEdICLIUMA 1 ama 0 VI I / Quick Links: 1 Website - Intranet WEB CALENDARc SOUTHEAST YAKIMA COMMUNITY CENTER ALL CALENDARS Ne EDIERLY Merida Tuesday Wedge Sclay P ITIMagay Fru lay Ma1117/7P ./. 1/ : 0 t 1 a - • SPIN Mak Dav Came a A* 1 3k .f. • ,.. 50(11111 z , h WY COme Seco NEON= . - GYM LE - GYM - Gym Cafettema - - ' SPAM Nutragm - AARP Tax ?Remota?? • • . - * • -** • MARI Rats MR L. - *4 Catenate : • .. 107 . — ' - - D. D • • Tak macretatem ' Mge tam Amma - genmt Nottem - R. 107 AMP Tax ' * atm mym Carettem _ 1 1 %MAI • 1 ' 99000 01.0004901 0 .-r 4kiL , 1(03 901V 190 KM7 Manatee um - . IMMO 100 Ms ' ' P • Cameak — ra • - , . ," .* D Seam Natkamta - • .. , - . E t 4 tat - mm , I 2 10 IL, ce ;13 -IS ;1331t7 en MIL SERE fa MIX 1 Iglu tri ter rcprn IRIS) to MLR, mass •33171 m mak ?ask 1 • 5171M? ?Straw - AARP 'Mx Preammum 1 AARP Tax • • . • -Rat OM 707 PteRatattam Salm m Rimy • , Ca Cl • - - 10? • .. 10? ' .- 107 7 .? 3111 Meat Attm - Mak Ma'am - akmakt Nutptm - „301.14Mam - ...1 a 4 w ..,1 - GYM ,Calattekta , , - erg - - . . .. I PERM POP ' 7 ' 311NDEEREM - SECC PAM Acton - Sege ECK 471701 - t . gym k . , , ... ' 9000919 • • ■ -91,1 RECCE • GYM I * NE • - t • D ill ili. lz a li LE 21 Sanas Numtma • '133111 tee kciu m MIK mom, 1 5E10 en MIK immn 110910 01 YELL man Catalano 1 , ' 90 909 • 00101 90900101 • Sea90 • ' 1 9 1 0 1, 0t s• C6a00 190 * • 1.17A WS caresca , ,Calmiktka Caletteka i . " . Career Fair - - .DI ....1 D ' 4 SEGE Nicht Nam i CREED ORIMEN014m i SECC Mktg Mal • ! SYm mem „ . k PM - * .. D . i 5y14 . rrenere . . . 5ECC Neht . - 'CI , L2 aa ILI 22 Q a , Seam 170070m1 - i Dula DDunteer , Mem markup - 1 Alga Sega * tat - SRAM° .. Cana - ■ yeralwym - 711.1( Rum 1, - ,. 3 • .. a • " I ' • MCC Meat Men - Seem Nutramt - . 3 _Am/ - 1 Sm. Ilkagea • 3knot Nuttam - --M „ , 1 Was% . 1 . SECC Maki • * • sett mkakt man - MST Markt Aram - GYM GYM . t . t Strtan - 371E ,N0t2m t c _ as M Meade - *la 0000 • 15E1U IA AM tom ELM - tow atentel - , Taa • M i EKG NNht ALtmc , , GYM . ■ WO C0J0D0ar InEttECDORS EXPREE E '„„ http://seyeewebeal.yvoic.orgicalendar.asp?date=201 2-4- 1 &action0-month 12/1 8/2012 . 5ournrast r urc.rma uomm—ry Lenter wet) toarenaar r-age a or 1 . . . . Quick Links: i Website I Intranet WEB CALENDAR: SOUTVIEAST YAKIMA COMMUN/TY CENTER ' ALL CALENDARS Kr 1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wanton :alley ThutSEEE Franey Saturday I * 2 Senor frontal' " Celli in MLK reOn, „,„ r SEIU in MLA rOOKI ., "DEIN tn KICK rODn 1 Cafeteria . ,. . ".... KArIkA Nntotion- 5RAKX DirtrAM- 5ErINK NutrrtiOn- . Kgottrib Collar. bon , r .f. ,, . r CeLeterra Coefeterm . i mpaired insure! - rant -inner 1 . ' i money Smart - mite demi D . i KONA1 . i Maxon Soccer Leartue . a 7 8 2 ila ii. Q . 2 . i . i ISEIU in MLK rrE)rn 1 LKEILJ M MLK room SeMer Nutriterri i Sentor NutraBom. SeMMr MULMMQM ... . ' Cafeteria i Cafeteria cafeteria . . . . . Y . Senior fitentroo- Senna Nitertion- . . Cafeteria Cafeteria m- . ,f Hi . ,I i i . Money Smart - Mid . ; meaner' in. er arraorie . d....... . , ____ . le Mal „M. U.D. j2 1.8 MY i a i 1 linarsta - eta * ro Senior Nutoteror i 5emOK MLANDonr idereneer arnference ..,. !Caregiver Conference . Cafeteria i Cafeteria . ar . , Senior notritemi Sneer anntere Senna reartion . . . ,Cafeterta t i mo a Smart - Mid : Mercemmi et e .1 - Cafeteria ii. Caretere . . . i ,Arxrrn 1) . . . : . Mexican Soccer Lea ue ' . . . . ,....._ , .29 al 22 an :24 as A isziuiiimin ere sran Nutrition Inmate in mtla rDefrt 1 knOr Naritt■Ort° j Denser MAnnore 10m$12 in !ILK rorgra , Centeno _ . , i Cafeteria .5Krarnr Netrittaer - a 'it Notetriati . i . t .r, - . i marren Smart - min perm, '. ..; foundial tit t a i - i merean Seater Leamm i tt o ; 27 re r '30 s Safi) in Mae rum I : Inman ei MLR rOOKM ,SEIII 111 ?ILK morn 1 1 ' . . . . . 11 . 1 Send autetemi t ISEIU in red r•• Senior tratetcm- . ' 1 Cafeteria t ! I t Send fratritton- apeman Soccer Leaman I .. in 't ..... mereorai Dowd Room D Web CNIen0Ar Irl$trUCCIDAS ao i 9. http://seyrowebeal.yvoic.orgicalendar..asp?date=2012-5-1&action=riaoryth 1/712013 011itkileilbt 1 clikilLiil 1 ,-Aillitil° " Y 4.-CIILCI VV CU 1.,ctiUiiiicli ... a6E.- i u 1 . Quick Links: 1 Website 1 Intranet WEE CALENDAR SOUTHEAST YAKIMA COMMUNITY CENTER 1 ted ,CALEN OAR a mrj Sunday Monday Tuna d Wedne-sday Tlya;dday diiday Saturafay . somata r men Room 1 50111 r min Roma • MEDI El " o• 106 I ca Seri fe n e tutralar , - . 2 i 1 HEKEX Nutryton:_ _fn. N - - !Find - min ' m 1 Demor Nutrairtir 1 Renter Notritmo- fun Memo - • • • D 1 deleterm Cafe r . a rl Cafeteria l Cafeteria • Nutramor I : , . 1 Mexyan SayeE LeKaut GEEeter0 i - y.... G . DENS IEBEE • . ' Hontererce Roc D • I 10 11 Ma n 14 ,1„5„ A I A A Kloorog 1 EBBW HPLEAKKI- Berner Not•rt•Mm [IRMO ' MTK BOMA 1 EBAK2r Hotrition- 5BAMK NOtt•t•On- JunetHenth • GYM I 1 2(4' • ,. COftien4. : Careteria Ca.feteTta ... ,...... . ' : . Nutntom. KEEP THE HEAT - HEE i I INANCP - Hoorn 0 — I MEE . et . er teaen :canna . -Do i • : „,.• Roma 0 . Le : DOHS -• - .' „ . . . ' . ; ' Coaference • • • 0 • . . . . ' . . . . . . . . : . an mn neer tea o _ . mencen Soccer lemon , . ,. . . sEi MEK room IEEIU tn. MLK romn [Coyote - • • • ION ' BE10 M MLA rOOm _ .I:15Elel in HEE Hx;YE . . .• . . .1 . . . . . i Senior NtitABOA Bonme NMErtfon i [EBILP lil MLK rUctri 1 - Seri.111, NUtrittOtl ■ Senn Nutrrboo- . • . 1 Cafetena *1 - ' .. Caretena Pfeterga . . , . . i Nat$Orsal Mail °tit ° a . Sormr•Mr Booth Carta - i Summsor "(OHM CAME). i r Madam Collaboration Onala - Ccalferenece nnl .... El * MEPEAV. • ' .•• 0 Roam 0 , . : Senior Nutranr : ;, eta-ACP • Room 0 menten neer team* „Cafeteria • Lo.• 0 . . . . , - Routh Came • . . ' . . . . r ' . . . , * DMIS • - . Onerence • • a 0 ' 24 n dy, 27 ID in 10 k alel in MiK •KAMm IBEIU $A MIX room 15010 in MIK rwm Skid in men •OCKB I 1 IBEiti ort MLK room KEEP THE BEAT - MTK 1 - Hoorn .•' Sent( Hutrit.oH- SHEIKH fitArMOm 'MAW Nutritronr Senior notritmor i Denier Nutrition- Caretend carder . Cafeteria Cafeteria i Cafeteria — Cerebra Link • men DSOS deee r Center/ Link - MK i • ,„ ,. Coofereme ' • • 0 nom I l mexirao • * er Leann memorial newel • ESLK Mettnalendarinstructiony Ilttp://seyrcwebeal.yvoic.orglealendar.asp?date-201 2-6- 1 &action=rnonth 1 /7/2013 ! q'' - - e • • I I ;1 C� ‘�, lit: .,. Center ring Break Day Ca • imu lr n , ' April 2nd -5th 9:OOam--- 4 :OOpm ganles. face Southeast Community Center GYM Pai li 1211 South 7th Street Yakima, WA !! morel Registration is required. Please - ‘l make sure that children bring their t i i , 3 0 li ,' sack lunch every day. If you have 'Ir; questions please call Eric or Rosie at 575 - 6114. NNW 4: . . fli f ' t C `� r Center � - Mig Spring Break Day Camp - Sna cks, April 2nd -5th 9 :OOam- �4 :OOpm ger Southeast Community Center GYM pa # sting, 1211 South 7th Street Yakima, WA m orel Registration is required. Please `_ ' make sure that children bring their f i 0 sack lunch every day. If you have V *. Ei * - . . - questions please call Eric or Rosie ;{ ' ` at 575 -6114. L 3 t0 .. _ Soit surnmes 11-65 .1 J9� O1CofWasIngtons 5ummer rark r rog m • At 5outlieast Communtj Center Fart( 1F`+ 4 1 I o: a m--- ;4 5 pm M one a —r1 14a t June I 3t1.3 tivu August ti ciased,i,4 4th Field Trips — 5wrmmin — Supervised Recreational , Activities ,raftis And More! lrho,f To ,�,,, � " (got Ac 11 se li rA i r m Era - 111 — .it - - • - - 1 .7 Centu ryLink Internet • . .;. _ • 4. -747 iglitair. , .;•• ,.. _ '....1, • ,. . --*-_ - .., XI i 1 A ttome H j MI al Nr - q 4111 f" i f ' • ' . i 1 1 4 : ... . *ft N. ..- • , .,, , . • , , , - - ., ' ... ... • . . 5 ! . . . • 1 ' ' . _ 1 ' ' • 4 . 44 . 40 • .• iip — • i in Come in for free basic Internet training! , • _! . 1 v_. 4. ki (I .. L.i r : -- ,.-:J . • ' I F.iitl 1 ;.- Class) ( , . • '1 e - , i Sr ! 1111 S (._,:' r i ,, 1 „, i ..,,,,, • - , , ' , ( •; 1 L a 14 i Fil E;. i V, V , t‘f ' i " w • LI e , i :., i ,.- _., ,...,. I '•■■: ■:i C : •0,( E '1717)."7: I l i 0 1 , -:-::)F3ter. •-•!'.. - 7,..,1 :,c T:rr[ce.c,. Stop in to learn more about CenturyLink Internet Basics and get free, hands-on Internet training on topics such as: What is the Internet? Basic computer elements Basics of Internet browsing Email basics --• _ MINTIMMIL . _ . • - k .,.... ..A Q2011 CenturylInk Inc AU Rights Reserved V ii Centu TM ryLink CITY OF Y. I A OFFICE OF NEIGHBO " 000 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SUBRECIEMENT/COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT OH TERLY PROGRESS REPORT (PUBLIC SERVICES OR HOUSING) Report Period: July 2012 - September 2012 Subrecipient: OIC of Washington (OIC) Project: Southeast Yakima Community Center (SEYCC) Person Completing the Report: Adrienne Garner/ Chris Link Job Title: OIC Program Manager/OIC Chief Operations Director Contact Telephone Number: 509-2484751 I. Describe current status of project (for example: planning, procurement, predevelopment, construction, activity underway, service marketing, ect.) During the third quarter of 2012 the center has been able to expand its services to the residents in Southeast Yakima. hi July 2012 Yakima Neighborhood Health Services ( S) Hgned a long term lease agreement with OM of Washington. They will open a satellite office in the center to provide adequate, affordable health care to seniors and children. They have begun the remodeling and hope to open their clinic by December 2012. This is a home coming for the clinic as the first S clinic opened in the center in 1971. Volunteer Program - During this report period there were 2,022.56 hours donated by community volunteers. The hours served were primarily spent in programs that involved both yo ti and children. Although we have other programs, this is where our greatest need is Currently we have over 100 volunteers who are active and are willing and able to assist when they are called upon. After School Program The After School program ended on June 15 for the summer and will resume October 1 During this quarter we provided activities for children and youth ages 5-17, Elementary age children were enrolled in our park program and Middle and High School students participated in activities in the gym. The hours for the park program were 9:00am-5:15pm and 12 Noon - 5:00pm for the gym. We partnered with the Yakima School District to provide a meal during the lunch hour and several parents and community partners donated items for snacks in the afternoons. The total number of participation hours for youth 6 - 12 grade this quarter was 2,682.67. The total number of participation hours for children M 5 grade was 15rt39.45 totaling 18,122.12. We operated the summer program for 10 weeks and enrolled 162 children and youth. Food Pantry - The east side Wal-Mart continues to donate weekly to the center allowing us to con in to operate our food pantry. This quarter we provided services to 1123 individuals. . Senior Services - We continue to have a strong senior group that participates in services at the center. 1 These seri ices include Senior Nutrition (managed by People for People), the Volunteer Program, Foot Card Declal Care (provided by ALTC) and Senior Bingo provided by SEYCC. ! ! 2. Describe significant actions taken during this report period: In June 2012 we started our 100 Jobs 100 Kids youth employment program. We prornise 100 Jobs to 100 High School Students in the Yakima Area. Our committee is made up of community partners, private business owners and service club members who assist with procuring funds or placements that are funded for 100 students to work over the course of the summer. Each student will have the opportunity to work for four weeks at 20 hours per week. Our goal is to provide young people with the opportunity to develop skills in areas in which they hope to work in the future. It also gives them another avenue to be involved in something that promotes self esteem, self worth and helps them to build their own confidence. Many of the youth involved in the project help support their families with the monies e. ed over the sununer, , others save for school clothes and supplies, The city of Yakima continues to be challenged by poverty, ! and where there are high cases of poverty crime follows. By the end of the quarter we were able to , provide 107 jobs to youth. In August we hosted our : ual National Night out Block Party against Crime and Drugs. We had . several community partners to participate including Yakima Fire Department, Yakima County, People for People, La Casa Hogan Century Link Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health, Allied Arts, . Color Guard, Coca Cola and Yakima Valley Farmworker's Clinic to name a few, There we over 400 people in attendance many of those were parents and family members of children attending the center's programs. During September we began planning meetings for our 22 : ual Christmas Activity. We have several new partners that are aboard this year to include Safeway Stores, Yakima Regional Hospital, Sudexo and Yakima School District. The event this year will be on December Irt and may be our largest activity yet. On September 6 we partnered with Goodwill industries to host their L : ual Job and Career Fair. . There were several employers onsite and over 100 individuals visited the fair seeking employment. Goodwill recognizes that there are several individuals within the city still without employment, and the goal was to connect them with employers and reduce some of the barriers involved, During the fair the Yakima County Health District was on-site to provide a Food Handler's Course. The course graduated 30 out of 30 students, increasing one's ability to work in the Food Industry. With the center having the , success with its Youth Job and Career Fair Goodwill looked to us for support arid direction The pl. ing committee was please with the success of the first year and look forward to the future. 3: Describe and provide reasons for changes in the original project goals/milestones: As we begin to develop new partnerships our goals may change. We are always seeking to provide additional services from the center so that we are able to meet the needs of the community. During the month of September we focused on recruitment. We participated in 10 Open House activities within the Yakima School District info ing both parents and school officials of the services we have available at . . the center% Our hope is to reduce the amount of children staying home alone without adequate . supervision, and increasing our chances within the city of reducing the amount of violence, crime, abuse ., . and neglect r ong our youth and children . ! ' , 4, During this quarterly period, were contract funds spent or obligated? YES Upcoming Activities: October 2012 During the month of October we will host c= Annual Make a Difference fundraiser. The proceeds from this event go to support children and youth programs at the center. We will also have our quarterly Family Night we all participants and their families come together for a .night of fun and activities. However, all of the planning for national Night Out will take place during this month, The Martin Luther King Jr. committee has begun to me to plan for the city wide activity in January. The group meets each Monday at 7:00am, November 2012 There are no planned activities; however the Manning committees for the Christmas and MLK Jr, activities will still meet weekly. December 2012 December 14 we will host our 22 ual Christmas Activity. Respectfully submitted, Adrienne Gamer, Program Manager • ' YOUTH CAREER FAIR Learn How to Get a J Apr it L' PM E S OUTUE/5T COMMUNITY CENTER. HURRY 100 JOBS FOR 100 KIDS LIMITED SPAC . :- **POSSIBLE SU JOBS I � f You'U team: What You'll Do: What You'll Gel: i v fo fill out a job .*Practice Interview. "Job Application application ''Meet Local Business *"Training & Exposure * *Interview and App' for.. # Possible Food Soft Skills SLIMMER JOBS Handlers Card Learn about local careers, register for exciting door prize find out bow fo put your beet fiat forward on your jourriev To a fulfilling career! CURRENT HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY! MUST HAVE STUDENT ID ANY QUESTIONS' CALL S.E. COMMUNITY CENTER: 509 575-6114 Please fill out the form below and mail tu; OR Southeast Community Center E -rnail or Fax form to; 1211 South 7' . Street Ann:AcIrianne Garner Yakirxia.WA 9370) dig ad.gaialyvoic,org OR 509 575 -4649 "Para information en espafiol, favor de Ilamar al (509) 575-6114." YES! OUR SCHOOL IS INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN THIS YEAR'S 100 JOBS FOR 100 KIDSYOUTH CAREER FAIR: Monday, April I8t' I pm -5pm School Name: Contact#: School Counselor or Contact Person: - ICLUDE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Student Name: Student's Grade Level: Age: Cell Phone: Home Phone # (or Alternate #): _ Mailing Address: eMail Address (if applicable): . x - R EATER YAK lm.Al ,� ► O �� Yalclma ;,* G hnnik7 01jibnmlrale w' 4 , Valley . ii. 0 -P-- Iri)l a . i .11P1.16: 4 \\\\ • i i \\%_ ' . - lb I . At ...:;; '.. 1 ' 'r '!'11M- z i . f _ ; UV ill r..% ' ., .4 , i / 14 1, e I 44 \\ \.... \4:\\,:iii.,,,,:\ \ - 111 k I I \ 'L \ 5■ 1 5 \ : %. \ \ i 4( . 1 r i , # . , k ti { - ..% . . 1 I • r r 7 4 I k' ' a , t - • .. f_ i '�.^ F ' ) - i ` 1t it t' ) I .. . J L ' } • 11 4 , .-- - C I ; . ' 1 1 1 4010 _ g „ ' # •► I ,1 • 1. ... lie #+ • r y i r f a r -, • + } + i« r F k' - * l —ter ' 1101 , } Y : # , • 1 I. 1 I. s 'P+ - . - - — . 4 a . r . A ' • ,T ' t Join us for an evening of FUN & - - i . COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT! � . .‘\;‘. S Y GOODBYE c tie �0 -40 I � -l � �� TO C RIME ' � o lcs .00 , 14"......... \ %..i tTior4,1 41. -Ott _IF AV a!!!7_ 4 , 4. lib taiLdlig 0 1 11 I A 01 'r - - POLICE - COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS MONDAY AUGUST 6, 2012 :. 1 flnlAl `> g F WNW ‘ 4:00 -7:00 PM li " Southeast Community Center Park ` 'iveNei rj kr ; 1211 S 7th ST. Yakima, WA 98901 C !A GOING MAY PAM ,_ For More Information Contact Adrianne Garner at 853 -0342 OIC of Washington is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Job Expo aareer Fair A. pathway to success September 6th, 2012 Southeast Community Center 1211 S. 7th Street Yakima, WA 98901 11:OOam- 2:OOpm Explore Employment Options! Connect With Local Employers! Achieve Your Career Goals! DOOR PRIZES, PIZZA, SOFT DRINKS AND MORE! Goodwill offers assistance and referrals with clothing for work or job interviews. To preregister and for more information please contact us Yakima Work Opportunity Center at: 10 N. 10 Ave. Yakima, WA 98902 (509)452 -6061 or www.tacomagoodwill.org Goodwill 9 Because jobs change Ives Our Mission: Goodw111 changes lives by helping people with disabilities or disadvantages go to work. nouttteast I anima etomrn -ty Lerner ve et) 1 -.711.1e1121.121 i a,E,-k., i .J.1 1. Quick Links: I Website I Intranet WEE CALENDAR: SOUTINEAST YAKIMA COMMUNITY CENTER ' . 4 HATER DM i Sundt • Monday Tuner:Ian Wennenday Th2 r2.222 Friday Sato eddy' 1 Senn anntion- i Senior Notation, - . K. KKLL RutmLion Senn Intnitton- Canton i , ; , - - era Cafe/ere . Mexican Soccer League 1 mamma. MOSixtal - MLK L L L. p 11 1 .2 1 1 0 111 52 in IA • SErU - MIK Room . SEIU - MLR Room 5E1U - MLR Roar. 55111- TLC = .. 511t. - ..41K ' • • 1 1 1 1 . . , . 0. . , . . ,5enfor N senor tiutntow . ..* 106 - Ramona Se....T . 5enior fivtritgon- . . . . Caktema. ....., Rt. 1 HossTal 241eteCT .. Caretero . , • • . 1 . 144 0 4 ' ' .• T 0 1 La Hooa. 1 Rego- LLLILLLLL0KL . . ; . [Gera - La Casa Hocar, .1 .. . . ' Hammel Has.241 - 441.2 1 . ' . Tawmac Soccer Leamm Room , • * 1 . . . . : . . . ; U ET - .14.1 Room * IR IR ... REHR THE BEAT - Him . - 1 R......5 . ' ,Se..40 .4.2....0.2 . ... N A , II * - SelOor autottorc 5e....or 1101.1ton- Seto. Hutotion- . .. . . ... . . . Caretero Ce fettle t.i.i, .. Cordaro Cafeteria ' • ... . [GYM L La Casa linear / 'Sem - La casa Plena/ Hamorial Hasmtat - .44.45 . . . . Room . . . . ... . t - ` .• D . Rsr. = Lc Cata Noce. . 22 22 274 25 2,6 .22 a 1 ilxxim. Mi.K ROOLM 1,5010 - Min '.. ESSIU - min - .. 55IU - MKK Room 1 .... ReLl I - R LLVORLOLL. Sena netntine / ; Caret.a.. -1 Rao= Notntam, 5e....a NUtritiCNV" .... . Cafeteria ... Car ' Cafeteria . Gem - La Casa Mooar Isere. - ta Casa How. : Mt. H. . -1- MLR I . . ' - Rm.. 0 kcal - ta Casa Hagar 1 - ................. 22. 22 ill : 222gor 222'241., . . . . . MenCarl Soccer Leann ; . : . :Web Calendar Instructions ic tl (A Li etzin , met http:Itseyeewebeanyvoir.orgical endar.asp?date-201 2- 1 Maction—rnenth 11'7/201 3 ' Southeast Yakima Comm 'sty Center Web a:blabber rage 1 et 1 Quick Links: 1 Website I Intranet WEB CALENDAR: SOUTHEAST YAKIMA COMMUNITY CENTER XL CONENDARS V 4 11 NI 84 y Mond a y T uesd ay Weald eSday TT d rad 3 y Fri tad y Se laird 1 , i 2 2 4 : 54844 11414404 . 84410r N4144.404 8814111114140044 i Careteraa Cafeteria : - ', memorial sous - Rte — , I " Mercurial Koval* , Ram D * : , ......... ..................... p * a a ° a" ' . a %a 1 a 2 12 II i 84 LI • - ° i Sento(' N4/4444 , Ica , fe i etia llot4804° 5444/t NatrNINN. 54484' 481111444 . i 44 , i Caftteria Cafeteria Cafeteria . i p . 1 : ICE* - La Casa Know I i Caw - La Casa **Lai marmarat nasairai - max _ : 4 ' 144141114111. ....4. 1418 : * ft , . .., . . * , . . i [GYM ^ La Caw titular i . L la 11 1_4 ** E. 18 18 Ser11X 1144011N4 , 84854 40411m- ,Sen - Ntarrami 844‘4/ Nut81148- 4084 tirantruLL Cafeteria 1 i ,Cafeteria Caterer* L Cafeldia Cafeteria 'duce - RCOM D I ICE* - 14 C114 1144.1r 8444 - La Casa Linear PellrMir ' L , . , . atexicati • • er tMMOtte 1 1 I _21 n 21 2.4.. 23 2,e, 121 . . . Cerro- natural- - ex ftranireni Sailor Nutritm. I _48... N I 8 . 84844 Nutnt■en- KEEP NNE NEAT -1114 Cafeteria I Cafeteria L ‘Cakteria a fa afa at:Lai, *pan r _ - °AKE *•• D If; I !Dam - La Caaa Dealt L IG441- La Casa Kauai I'. 1 I 1 [Gate - La Casa ti• • •r° r 1 Measian Saco° leant* I a 22 al 22 IN 8.1 i Semis umaltion- Sense Nguema- I army tasnatm- Sauey Natation - ,., [ Cafettad ; Caletelia cafeteria . t dem - La Casa nouar I kern - La Casa MOIRr I ham - La Casa Li...• i I I . , , La w .• D Web CaIendar InstructIons c pk t k f ca l,*. kni a .naf _ ' cr— hatuallseyeewebearyvoic.orgrealendarasp?date=201 2-8- I HactionErnonth 1/7/2013 Ucumeast Y aKtma CornmtrAty center wet) traiencar rage I NI 1. Quick Links: I Webeite 1 Intranet WEB CALENDAR: SOUTHEAST YAKIMA COMMUNITY CENTER 00 • ALL CALENDMR nal Sur.2 Lay Monde . Tuesday Wadden ld ' Thursday Friday Saturday _ ------..--------. . . . 1 . i . sena, Natation. seam Nataaaa , ........ 7 at, Mg ' 4.20 Senna Nutmeat: . Cafeteria „ E prates-la Caretena ; , . . ; t , . 0enter Nourorar- , ; Mexican Soccer Leasure nernane undicat ., ler i Canted Me-swan Dame Class - I . , . • ZPA4I , , i ... la CaSa tit/gar/GYM . . . ' . 2 , al a a 11 12 :13 e US . . . . ... kits niorn - nese Lee '.' Samoa NtanCoun Serum Life ' - L aces - i „entot bre R s.- . Ke5 - i Senna Life Resources - rrme Nutr4477, . : Cafe* . , 44LK ' L. , feLn Room RIX Room . . NAACP - 000a Et 1 EBABIE HutE000 Batata Ristarborn peony autranna penman Dance Oats . Cafeteria I Cafeteria Cafeteria ca cuw HoaariG70 „,, . . , I . . aternoo eir ■ .1- Eit„,B ,, . 00 . Memorial Masortal - MIK 1 . . . ' . . . . . . ' . • 16 QC d aa „1.2 20 ;41 22 ..-- f , I Senior Nuttaaal- Senim NutfOOn- Sarno' Nutnban- Betvor Hubstion- EBT07 Notutmcn KEEP THE BEAT - MLE . cafeteria , Careen cafeteria dr 4 .1.4-.. Cafetena .- r rrn . - I • . [NAACP - Room 0 i Tatman 0 er League 1 Mennan Dame Class - 4 - 0: B . La Casa HnuariCre . a 21 h 2.1 ;26 27 28 22 kna7 NutrItrm i Seno° Nartion- Serhor Nutritlisi knmx Nutnta0- Sertaa Hatt100 Cafeteria i camera dr- era d cafeteria _. ra , ... 1 • la 2 a .3 fc acme Dace Class - *0 D d yada a.. -0GTH , . -32 . . . . . . . . . o• . . . . . . . . . : . , . . . : . I : . . reed Calendar Instructions anz ta- 5 , , \ -- i - c -c--4-4— littpc/seyeewedcal Avoicorgicalendar.asp?actionAmonth&date=2012-09-0 1 1/A2013 CITY OF Y IMA OFFICE OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SUBRECIEPIENT/COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT (PUBLIC SERVICES OR HOUSING) Report Period: October 2012 —December 2012 Subrecipient: OIC of Washington (OIC) Project: Southeast Yakima Community Center ( SEYCC) Person Completing the Report: Adrienne Garner/ Chris Link Job Title: OIC Director/OIC Chief Operations Director Contact Telephone Number: 509-248-6751 1, Describe current status of project (far example: planning, procurement, predevelopment, construction, activity underway, service marketing, ect.) d On December 3' Y akima Neighborhood Health Services (YNHS) opened their clinic at Southeast Yakima Community Center (SEYCC). Their hours of operation are from 8:00am-1:00pm Monday through Friday. They plan to increase the amount of hours open when some time has passed and they have a steady stream of appointments. Currently they are reporting that they are at capacity and have scheduled out for several weeks. With this partnership we were able to transfer the seniors from our Foot Care Clinic and enroll the in services at YNHS. In September our long to volunteer nurse retired. We looked at a few options, however felt that the clinic would be the best to provide the services to our seniors. Our other volunteers from the Foot Care Clinic transferred to YNHS making it possible for the seniors to continue to receive this service at no cost. In researching the seniors backgrounds we found that over 70% that came to the Foot Care Clinic had inadequate health care. any seniors were in this category, due to limited resources and did not have the ability to pay high premiums or co-payments. The clinic offers a sliding scale, so visits are base off of income. Along with this prescriptions are at minimal costs making this affordable to seniors and low-income families who would not otherwise seek health care. Volunteer Program — During this report period there were 2,978.90 hours donated by community volunteers, The hours served were primarily spent organizing our Annual Christmas activity. Although we have other programs, this is where our greatest need is during the last quarter of the year Currently we have over 100 volunteers who are active and are willing and able to assist when they are called upon, After School Program — The After School resumed on October I, 2012. We are off to a great start and are hosting on average 30-40 kids per day. During this quarter we provided activities for children and youth ages 5-17, The focus of the program is recreation and education. Each day we provide tutoring and reading programs. Every participant entering the program is required to participate in one of the two. Generally the elementary children participate in reading, as there is a reading requirement from the school district that children read a certain amount of minutes each evening. Although we are not parents we recognize that many of our children have many circumstances that do not allow for the to finish their residing time at home each night. We have parents that are illiterate or monolingual and we have parents Wio simply cannot afford to purchase hooks to have in the home. Our Middle School and High School Students participate in Tutoring, We request that each youth participate in at least 20 minutes of Homework, however if they do not have homework we ask them to read for 20 minutes. We have two volunteers who assist with tutoring, one a retired school teacher from the Yakima School District and the other a local business owner. The total number of participation hours for youth 6' — 12 grade this quarter was 5,615.50 Food Pantry — The east side Walmart continues to donate weekly to the center allowing us to continue to operate our food pantry. This quarter we provided services to 1,695 individuals. Senior Services — We continue to have a strong senior group that participates in services at the center. These services include Senior Nutrition (managed by People for People), the Volunteer Program, Dental Care (provided by ALTC) and Senior Bingo. There have been some preliminary discussions with Yakima Neighborhood Health Services to provide Senior Fitness in the gym at the center. This program ended at the center in 2011 due to health issues with the volunteer instructor. We hope to have a program up and going by Spring 2013. 2. Describe significant actions taken during this report period: In October the center hosted its 14 Annual Make A Difference Banquet. The honorees included Citizen's For Safe Yakima Valley, Yakima Downtown Rotary, and Mary Place. The two organizations and individual have truly exemplified the spirit of Making A Difference in the community. This Annual fundraiser helps support our children's activities at the center. During the months of November and December we focused on securing donations for our Annual Christmas Activity. Our goal was to raise S15,000 in cash donations to assist with items not donated for the activity. By December 14 we were able to reach our financial goal and hosted over 2300 individuals for dinner a gift for the children and a picture with Santa. We had over 1,500 volunteer hours dedicated from community partners. There were a wide range of tasks which included securing donations to wrapping presents. Or cooking 60-20Ibs turkeys to cooking 4001bs of beef for Barbacoa, there was room for everyone to serve. We gained a few new partners this year to include Yakima Regional Hospital, Safeway Stores, Sudexo and the Yakima School District. With their support and the support of many others this was the first year in 22 years we did not run out of gifts for the children. 3. Describe and provide reasons for changes in the original project goals/milestones: As we begin to develop new partnerships our goals may change. We are always seeking to provide additional services from the center so that we are able to meet the needs of the community. 4. During this quarterly period, were contract funds spent or obligated? YES Upcoming Activities: January 2013 During the month °Fianna") we will support the local Martin Luther King Jr. planning committee. The local committee has met for over 25 years at the center to plan the community wide activity. Our staff will also work Oil the 2013 schedule and plan for activities both for the center and community wide. We will also start the planning meetings for our 100 Jobs 100 kids Program. February 2013 In the month of February we will host our quarterly Family Night Activity. March 2013 We will begin planning for our Annual Vokaacer Recognition. ,v Respectfully submitted, Adrianne Gamer. Program Manager • Special Appreciation IMI v., Mr. Shlh • '' / r. Karl c is t mann . C Mr. Robert Miller 14 Annual OTC Youth build Team Make A Difference Arnericorp Vista Team Banquet Davis high School Mecha Club SiA Ill°4 V V Michael Garner (' onsored 6 oiC of Washington & The 5outheastYakima Communit Center make A Difference Program Committee /4 Trida , O ctober 1 9, 201 2. \i Deidre Dennis games Parks C14411° ...a 5 outkeast ommunit C yC enter Manuel E spinoza Steve Hill 1 2. 1 1 5outk Seventh Street Zuliema Mora - Hernandez Kosie Lee Yakima, Waskington Anne Diaz Yesenia Medina % f/ 0.0 5:3orM 1 i,� • Adrianne Garner In the end, each of us will be judged by our standard of life, not by our standard of living; by our measure of giving, not by our measure of wealth, and by our simple goodness, not by our seeming greatness. A Hundred Years From Now, la it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove .. but the world may be different, because I was — important in the life of a child. .'77 ,--Vi cri CV --4 .. All 4/9 (.4 D i n _ 1: r c , p . I 1 : . I I i I L J ( LI : ' 7 7., , cii2 ..., , 1, ,..k. ,,,, , ., SO 1 ,, - r l %i ... , 9 WHO: Youth participants (K- 12 their families, volunteers, mentors, A, staff, etc. z WHAT: Food, Fun, and Harvest Celebration!!!? �:� . WHEN: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm WHERE: Southeast Yakima Community Center (in the Gym) j 1211 South 7th Street Yakima, WA 98901 4 WHY: We will be providing a safe and fun environment for kids to celebrate the harvest season. C I - Arfl ., y ;or What should you bring? 4 � .- `tM We will be selling tickets for games and food at the door. C-Vi Tickets are $.25 each or 5 for $1.00 and can be purchased at Southeast Community Center. C.' 4it r lics9Sponsored by OIC of Washington/ A.C. Davis Girls Basketball Boosters Cy For more information please contact Rosie Lee at 575 -6114. c2,1,71/ - 0+4: y ,i k k it akP equal r rarl'l:ii rkihpiI,1 r'. C . R.ao+iti,, il':luuln*ukrasi 41i1 IrriiPdriP +rrwir +. xu►iiih 4.4.14 , Vr , sr:w tar o,Oiohiw- niion rivar %; iii ipallie with LIJADSIlltki, 7 t : 1:IffJ;k -6 ; on -turn Fulor+7aa4t'ipii ill 4%1.1,1 Ai, NI a r fir I ,'paLlr ai [''i4j 51G4.9 I; ti V , , , - lat '. i (-1, q6 k ,- 4.'''' C CV C -, . 4,t;il • • #5!_ -_ a. A MIN14 11M 11111111111111 Yakima Neighborhood Health Services gni invites you to an - .. OPEN HOUSE i i i 1141-1) 1 1 Celebrating the grand opening --�, of our newest site located in Southeast Ya ima Community Center East Entrance _ — F Monday, November 1 :00 -3 :00 pm Southeast Yak ima� mmunity Center 11 ex H lE A L T H d 1211 S. 7th Street, Yakima Spec:1al ihaii14,S 10 per partners +t O!C_ Git} of ";3k1ir1a end the Southeast Ye1 Con1nTILJnotV Cr_riter * *.* S * . 4 . * . t 4 * 4 4 * * * * * * * * T1s the lm S t' i * sea son: • . * * * , , ..,.. 4 ,,,,,01-04 4 • -.:,--ts-N, 4 1 4 * 1 ,,,,,, .41"*.__..-el-: 4 1 s .._. t ,ki * 4 4 1 4 Plan Now To Attend 4 A * The 22 th Annual • Community Holiday Dinner $ & * i Photos With Santa 4 Friday, December 14, 2012 ill 4 * 4 4:30 m --7:00 m 41 Southeast Yakima Community Center 4 1211 South 7 Street — Yakima, Washington 4 The Holiday Dinner is FREE to all participants. Every child 12 and under will receive a gift, a goody bag, and a photo with Santa for free. Call 575 -6114 for 4 more information. 4 4 This community activity is sponsored by The Southeast Yakima Community Center's Special 4 • Events Committee and its Community Partners. OIC of Washington /Southeast Yakima Community Center is an equal opportunity employer and 4 provider of employment and training services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. 4 * * * * * • * * * * * 4 * * * * * * . * * * * a * souttleast Y aKinia colyimi' e,enter vv et) Iyatenear e 418+ i ui 1 QUice Linea I Webeite 1 Intranet WEB CALENDAR: SOUTHEAST YAKIMA COMr%2UNITY CENTER ALL CALENDARS or I . ro s day Monday Tuanclay Wectic a Sy Thu redact Friday Saturday Make A Difference Bantu Nuthtion- 'Eerier Notation- Donor Liverpool- Senica Nutrition. taStiE Pareptino Pros - Mannino Meet+ - plate+ +fete+ Cafeteria Cafeteria Room D DAten D 'NAACP - Arum D _Demean Dance Claaa - Sanaa Retrial:cm- a t.a Caea RD:tar/GYM Cafeteria menutan Serer idiom . !Z 1 2 22 ii A 22 . uron Emu Ktrts at Benet Nuatt+1 Senor Nutiaticiri- ! E.empr Nutrition ! I . Nutotriant NAACP - Gem I ! . Mannino Me++ - Carea.ena Cafeteria Cafeteria !I! Cafeteria ! Daum B! 1 I Were+ ra r t Reece ! ! i ! t ! 'NAACP - Room la Yakima Housing I i NAACP - OM 1 IM acriaa thrismias : ,, - as s na - In 5 Num Neetine - Rom D . Demean Seger Louie , , .. opgiu - c..D9Rre - ... o . . mLK. Nuori Make A Carrera+ ' _ ! Mannino Neetmo - . . . . . . . : . . ! : , ... Senor Notrami , . a . . . . . . ! . ! ! . . . i . . . . INAACP - • um D I I Ii . ! ! . ! . ! ! . !! --........+_. c.o. ! . *K2 22 ! ,... : ma22 Lerner Kula jf. , ' Sanaa Nyanja:sic Stn9f Plutiatfun- i 5cnKff Nutntarn- i 14 Annual Make A ! KEEP TINE BEAT . MLR . : Plarinirka Merle* - I Cafeteria Cafeteria I Cafeteria I Differfee Dammam. - • ce . , . I hm D I : Darn i . Mexican Soccer Leaeue : leant. Dian - 711.5 amen . i :: Mount Cli is - ' ss 0 lames Newton ! i I . . , . ! . : Seri+ Notre+. 1 . . . . . . . I . . . . : [NAACP . eriara Q I , . . . 121 22 22 21 2S „,M ' 27 . . etartin Cotner KIna jr. nanw Notatifee janca Nutrition- Senna Nutrition- serum- nuoitten- . . . Planrano materna - ,..f , - . Cafeteria Cafeterra . Mexican Succor Learn* 1 a - t a - Gera Dete Parentina Pins t v Imes - ccen . . . annual Chnstreas , - - sa D . ... o . Meet. - • . f u . . - . Memcari Dance Ciass - . Senior Nutrition- La dace Pitt .r/GYM . . . I ... . .COretena . . . . , minor Clariatmais . witma Beauchamp - Erika rdearitun- . • ino - ' t a D • f f fn a Cafetema Senor NUM"- I 'Beirika Nutrition- I 1: v t - Geer I 1 Cafeteria i Cafeteria Mexican Dance Crass - DENS Paranfinu Plus - i ; liarvaaf Carnival - MI K la Casa H. , ., here Room D I A Gym i _Dacha iories - Gam Mexican Scrrnef trnaatta . f.. p . Web C. c - nd a r in r bon 60 e....:r - ( i http://seyeewebeal.yvoic.orgicaleridar.asp?date=201 2- I 0- I 8cactionY-montll 1 /7/2013 Southeast Yakiiria Il !omit ty Center Web Calendar 1-age a or a .... . . , Quick Links: I Website 1 Intranet WEB CALENDAR; SOUTHEAST YAKIMA COMtaltiNITY CENTER .„. , ALL CALENDARS V , f 22—.2 2.2.................. ......f..,.................2.. .... .... f ...... f .f........... 222 -2. 2 .2 _ - a— a — 2 —2 Suroday Plorida To/95day WMPLIMSday Tiettstfay Friday Saturday : a i Searito Naritari° . i Samar Nutrition° lessica Arrderson - ALK Cafeteria , ; Cafeteria , Room . . . , I . measton Dance Class - i 1r . Ames - Gym 1 i 1m Casa HOOariGYM _ 1 , : t ,... : au ... Annual chii$0418$ ". i Sonia' Nutrition° Senior Nutrit■on° Sento Nutrition- i Addanne - Room D 1: . . . „ memina - • .. D , i „Careterm 765: . Cafeteria .. i . . . - i Sen;ior Nutinina- ' . . Senior flutritan- osion Tim REAT - mcin 1MicieSmi i5 - Gym DSHS Rorentina Plus - i Cafetefla ' 1 .. .. .... i i•J,.+Li ....ak: ' M 1 i . DSHS ParenttnA Plo$ - Megan smcor L000m Deacon Dance Class 5 i ,., RO0g11 D p ROOM D La Casa Hoaar/GYM i ' . . . , . . . . ' , . . . KEEP 7ILE PEAT -111K i . i . . ' , . . . . . , . . . ..... . ,,„„. • ' • ' 11 12 1.11 st is :Q 17 : . : . Ere Lee - Nam 1 ATIR4,81 Christmas Senior Marmon- minim Nutritoon- Senor Outman- i Stairs Nutrition- ' Sanaa Community , Cafeteria Cafeteria , Cafeteria , i Cafeteria Forum - SILK • 5. • i i i : . ' atelier Notetion Nile Pt ' i . Pr J. - : tBeCkY Ewes - Poem 106, i Mexican Ponce Class - i , ...4. ...Si - M .., WaShirXitSM State . Cafeteria ... D i , . i frin Casa Hocaticom 5 i ' Uninetsity - GYM . . I' [Perky kmo5 - Goat Eleanor; Soccer Leoatte, ,i i. • • . , . . . . i . 1 INAACP - ' • . re 0 E pocky /mess - Gym 1: ill 19 ..N. i al 11 II al . • , , 1 . Annual Chrismoo SenKW NUIRK4041- ....t *. NI 'Is !! . ' ! ' . 'Alma Taloa - M,aree . . ... . meetioo - Hope 0 Cafeteria • fetella ' , . , , . . . . . . : . . . , . . . . . , 1 Seefor Hanterp- meafeafi f er Lealatte Marione Hosfetal • Mee i . . . , . , Cafe- ' • Room D i. i . . OR : ' . . . . ; . I . , . : DSHS Eaferitmo Plus - ' . . . ' • * 0 . ,: :. . , . . . : . . . . . . . . . . :.:NFIIIIWIIIbMllgtllP! . . : . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 0. , . . : . . , . . i NAACP - ROOrt) C ' ' . ' 25 21 27 ;28 ma :IQ ..' . AnnUal Chase-ins Senior Nutrition- Senior Marytkoin i .rtio Nutntion- i Snaky NUtritKM. ,Meet■MI^ ' • • D Calmer/ COfeteria 1 9afetere i Cafeteria I . Senior Nutrition- mexicon Soccer tearout „Penny Soles - PoorrilLS, ' Nextran Dom.e Pass - II; torta5 - Room 1061 Caret-, t: - • • • 0 . La Com Hss,r/GYM . . 1 i , ! . liemeatal MoSPtal • MLK . i. I: . Niles - Gem . a, !Becky 1011PS - Roam s06 i . i t i . 1Pecky lams - Gym i i : i 1 WeloSalencior Instructions t 0. id2- http://seyccwebcaLmmie.org/calendar. asp?date=20 1 2- 1 1- I &action—month 1/7/2013 Scrurtiegst A aktma (Komi . ty Keriter Even gratenear rage i PDT T . . QiiiCk Linke: I Webeite I Intranet WEB CALENDAR: SOUTHEAST YAKIMA COMMUNITY CENTER - _ ...... ........... 4 ALL CALENDAR ma 1 44 — 44. r — re • — St oday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday .................. ...... . . I : . .... . Algal Arggas %mom( Notation. Panto' Nutrdarn- i 5erldr Nienkdo- Sena' Nutolamo memig ..• pr - MDR . Nome. - ' • • 0 Cafeteria Cafeteria : Cafeteria Cafeteria s ,Room . .. Stove Notrembe• OSH5 Rarentine Pies - awn arms a Room Iran i res15 Patel-tants Pies - Beaty aeries - Room 100 Careterm %rani D , i ens D r . 4 He/Donal Hospital - raLP i • WRY ■ A - Com . 10MOrm lonermir Room 1061 ateriCan Stater LOOM „Room Heiman Dance Class - „ - DD 0 , La Casa Kcioareem , t s l s • '5 . GYM [511GrY Jores - GADD I ..... ' ....... 9 10 11 I./ Id 14 15 moue Chnsmas ,s .I N LA1 4 - ,ineele far P • • - • , Stoma' Narr4OPIr 1 22M Moimi knees „KEEP THE PEAT - mats astatine - Rom 0 Cafeteria 'Ream 106 Cafeteria per - -s Admits Ream . Maier Nutratien- '1 _. a i. tit? ' edINje" NUtilt" ' eareterie 1 Caramel _Cafeteria , . , • ' , . i Reece - Room D yimmarta H. . al . - - . 16 len 11 112 zo 21 i 22 Annual Chromes Sen#ar Nutreasie Senior Nointions 1 Yakima Counts , , Senor Netnews- . ,iseestrie - • • • 0 a . Cafeteria s Cafetena timeless Coaation Cantem serer Neetion 1 i Simmer ToL•01 Como - Menai Niarriam. „Cafeteria I dye Canted 1 . I MS mantis , Remo 0 1 13mmer 33334 33313 - 11113311 31131 eters - I _a_a_a La Cam en •.sinsin , fieraaa Soccer League • ' • ••„..9 22 21 ill A. zz 28 s t s e . . • . knot' Nutrition- Demo Nirtotoo Dopler Notramo- Mil" saints:we : i Cafeteria r „Cafeteria , ,Ceretorg , r 1 : Preamen Soccer Leaeue ; . . : . .. s 0 , ■ . 1 . . . Senor Nutrition- Cafeteria i web Catenear instructions 0. 121 P III— http:aseyonwebcal.mvoic.orgicalendar.asp7date-201 2-12-1 &action—month 1 /7/2013 • SOUTHEAST YAKIMA Illir. ' Nils) I) 1 trIV- COMMUMITY CENTER 5 I r I .1 IHIH'i 1 1( 41----__ ...... 7: 000 4 41%%' S . f oil !. . • _ . Vire ' . ."4 11:.1 . The Southeast Yakima Community Center Night Action is offering free supervised c. I ' activities. The gym will be open Monday through Thursday 2 :OOpm- 6:OOpm and I Fridays 2 :OOpm- 5:00pm. Children and Youth K -12 welcome. .cj November Special Programs: Scrapbooking 4:00pm- 6:00pm r e November 7th, 14th, & 28th Basketball 4:00pm- 6:OOpm # Tuesdays & Thursdays Tutoring 3:00pm – 5 :00pm `�' Monday—Friday • • f "• f We are open Conference Week November 5th -9th 12 :0Oprn -6 0tlpm k r ( � ! / — ,i, ;. �' [ ,„ s } ! 7-F: -- 40 !, . ..f • II Southeast Yakima "' _ r - 1 Community Center , r � - ` r 1211 South 7th Street , - - r" - Yakima, WA 98901 . 1 + _ , : 7,-,;... - • -''� ;. -.- - For more information - — - - OK of Washington is an equal opportunit} employer and or to register please prosider of employment and training, sersices..\usiliarF aids call: 509 -575 -6114 and services are asailable upon request 10 individuals Hits disabilities. TTY: 14100433-63U "Para information en esparto!. favor de llamar al (509) 57+-6114." S YAKIMA CQkl1 MUMITY CENTER I .------,--," - ii.:..7•:.:. -__- ' - • ...',. :__ ' 7' 9 4. .)!.. i e • ..,..,„,.„.._..,.....,:,,,.,,,,;.„, - I f I ' i I I' ! I. i ' ' j ` i 1 I I • i I . _•_: : ' ' ' I I I r. The Southeast Yakima Community Center Night Action is offering free supervised 1 e ......._. en activities, The gym will be open Monday through 2:00 m and g Thursday P m -6:00 P Fridays 2:OOpm- 5:OOpm. Children and Youth K -12 welcome. P Y row h December Special Programs: Basketball 4:00pm-6:00pm Games: Tuesdays & Thursdays Practices: Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays +►. Tutoring 3:O0pm - 5:OOpm Monday —Friday 5 ..;.s We are open for Winter Break December 17th -20th 9:OOam- 4:O0pm '{f 5 / F � 5 r f ` I (Please bring Sack Lunch) f r,2 :•• { fl y y • .y - _�,—� - f f ia/ I ti Y , r r, ir 14- '.— Southeast Yakima I ; :. • ' . •— - A Community Center -�. R : II 1211 South 7th Street I + r _ : * t l i° Yakima, WA 98901 i _ - 44P. _ "' + I r 1: - - I - For more information - - - ' • O1( of Washington is an equal opportunit) employer and or to register please provider of emplosmeal and training sers ices. .Auviiliar aids call: 509-575-6114 and services are mailable upon request to ittdkiduals IN lib disabilities. Try: 1-AOO- 833 -63p8 Para information en espaiml, favor de Ilamar al ( *091575 - 1+1147 c ,a o o c co E o a CI . Z:5 0 m ci) o 111 c 2 . c 11.1 (1). m WINIAM6 C CO . .11f Co M7 CC < Annual Perfonnance Re — as. Dens • .nt of H • - rig Appo No, till - • Utters DevelopMent ... arairt..) HOME Program t Cornmeriity Ptomain • DeVelim public reporting burden for this eel a'• �flrdo d don is esti • to average 2.5 has per respell-se. i 4 *loathe time for tevis*Ing oe' - f, g oafs sources, gathering awl mat g the data and completing and rev g He -• st not I = .0- This agency may not conduct Or sport and a - • is not recalled to - • • to, a cod - • of • unless that col xs •n d*--. • -.ye a valid 0109 control number The HOME lute kn.*. Is a significant nu - of data collection and r - • =Ring requirements. Tha Ins • as intomialion on assisted properties, an the ;owners attenuate of the properties, and on other programmatic areas. Info • will be used; 1) to a I HOME. i cipants in managing teals Pr . .. -rns; 2) to a performance of participants in rroadim fund onmrth - at and a c . • lure d toes, 2) to permit HUD to deter no whether oath pare 4. rat gr.. ..• The HOME at my income targeting end affordability requirements; and 4) to permit RUO to determine compliance other statutory and regulatory program requirements. This collection a authorized underrrlie it of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable • sing Mt or re - authorities, Access to Fee 19 : funds is contingent on the reporting of certain prefechapecilie Mila elements. Records or information sad. • will be maintained by recipients of the ...• •sa informabon on activities - .• expenditures of grant Nixie Is public Iniorrnatar. and Is generally available for die • - fire. Recipients are responsible for ensuring Ida c- lity when public disclosure Is not required 'Mister/yr lea:ten. • to aMest ratmara to be aggregated nationally Beacom. •nt to data collected through the C - s • • Management Inform- l.e (Cad!) System. Participants should enter eta reporting pa . • Indio first bloats The g perad Is • • .r I faSeptember 30. in. acre Included far each s further ecpt. korris : • eel_ Is for • _ • • (mini. • ) 1 desta SubrratM. ) Solana tha Mori or. or a.- ber al. • one a •. to the a. • • .- "IMF- • *. a and one my tot Starting Ending HOME • TM, 451 Tha g• S,W,,W az, to April 1, 2012 WI 30,2012 ; 1 - 12 Part P ' ctpanttd 1. Pert re Number C. • , Name .! • City of Y. Nerghbarna** Developments s ■ 3 home a Person .. • Ohm Mk mean 14. • harbor firwann. Arse • « Archie M. Ma 575 Coy 17 . a. sp 112S, 8th , d / yr, WA ' 1 !rtii Program in . Enter Ma folloWing • • • ram amounts for the reporting pa"'; In 1, doter the e on t • at die • • ,inning;iab. 2, enter the amount generated; in bleak 3, enter The amount expended ; and in pions 4, arrWr the amount for Tenant-Based rental Assistance_ I. Balance cell . l 2. 4,ma5ti • durittg T- ■ • 4. Amain* •• r • fml'unufa. 5. Balance or hand at • el of / Re.. • r, ;fie Parted (142 -5).5 $69,576 N,576 0 0 Part Of minortty ousi . nrprisea (f60E) and W. 0118111• - E (W0E) in the table Maine, indicate the nu x • and . value of contrasts for s 5 arta completed during the re.. =rig gonad. a. T..-- r4:4;41wbphnsonic A. Co as 1. Number 0 2. Driller •nt 0, Su• s 1- Nu •:a 0 2. • 1-- r Amount 0 b. Woman.. Efts • ' C W6E) 11111;11 C. Carib facts .1111111111111111 l,Nu r 2. Dollar • nit 0 1, Nu • .r 0 2, Dollar Amounts 0 .r I oft 2 farm NU* died (114W) Part IV Minority . of Re Proparty In dm lobe below, MO to tho nu r of HOME ases rental atonality awriora and the i :1 dollar enimat of HOME funds In Mose renOl properties latM Work w rbbOrawarts 1 a. T..: I Alaskan Nabba or Asian d diard a. Haddad t. Walla Amerman PaCirC tdander Non+lisparpc barbibspered 1. • r 0 Part RM • = sporty Aegis - on Indicate the number al persons d, the cost of relocation payments, the number of parcels amuired, and the coat of acquisition.. Tha data provided should refract anly displacements and acquisMons tiring during the rapartem parlod. T. Earwig si Ired 0 3. Skins • Ormsezatiens : r: 0 4. =hoes T= w Fral• -= tad, • N • • 0 • setaNa a. Toal b. • . ., 5. Pi .8 *#,• a • a Nranr a. • beholds 222 # a= • - Coal 0 2 pme2 of 2 foto 14313-40101 (11/92) 7. 'T 'T Cd.1: stile 7 ®T aanm 9• Ap O � pyc 7d, R - MZ hob Cdn Arnica Aaaico AIIDiam • Argoi1a 13 009.30 MINIM M ® ......... Na $ 60130 N0 15 410.00 $.7,101.63 $L601,30 93- 1171339 ® NIB Lam. 112059!hAve 1110 I 911 Asa 111019s4 Aw 1510 8 9ah 'Ito 1510 19m AH 1310 3 9C} Aro 311NTat09l Q 023 . .. tilos /177 a • .. 0310. wad toed ' • - . • mot . • gad . , . , . I at • •• 6331.632o • . . . - . , . . No.: 2141306333 Mania mammy- • .a loop goal • . • • • rim • • • ." .. nod gm"' ex° t/mt asollswort to • ••••.., • this • • ..... . it . • m GOIT • •■• '101Vra ••• • • ' n • .• iDO • • •• • .., -, July It 1363, &roots Mg ' • • ' ',. ' • s • . a - a ..• ..• PLII• A11111 b• deAl • • • • by tan Fontal Wormy and Olt tOgst artoomi pions Malt eanshlish m.,noestd gosaeas . . •-• • objetivos. Thal% • , -. s o - ..• Rd faiggl go nesotOre wood gantissato 1,202 mod` Ott 0 f4o$51.a.$1 asoesity aloi Asa •-• '.,.. -• • d • beassolas - • • • . (WM . • . '10o a - • ..- - . . • - • We stiforrombent to plXVVICid joadart4at met1 • / 1 • , Mr .. • • , 0 fast tho droloptocol of 06006 `sr .. . ..t. . . -,......., 0 . .. 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Nolo Nig za dasNagasom / g ti „ , „ „ Oat 33226.ittal 1..377ck,333037133 6. -; , ..1.1sid • .- . . - . . ) bar"tooTsatwo 2 ta ilealtrtu.td ... . 7. /rsoot Mrstres 1.1461os MINVIGNY4 32. •■• 3 •• •■ Now.1266 it • .. .. , .' liontro tom 3 a. -. 4 okaust3 t .. .,... p MoSettrattl 4 .6m4to P. •• s - . • • -• S. 1 ' • tAmsortotoo 3. a - . 4.11151,2t Jews PAGE N2 *at faikicretl m arras, ... , HUD-3316 (.- ' - • -. t .. Nut Intl • • 0 OW Mar • • 80 • - ' . 1 111 a . • • Ulla ... 004 *Arra • .. d - .. • No 23724331 D ''' - ' ' ' AR Wm ' ' 2 ' " W " ' " " • • Id dADAAnd Id ' ' A Wm Per wbfwbret undurber RP . -- RA - '. .. " • r. • . - - ''.. . 0 - P... 60 2 0WPO, .., ” ' : and - '...°• . din • • - - . - • kod • •.• - ..: land xnynnwng Pp tnappan at' . .. . • Tbo pm Ilan . . , July 1.4. 1983, ..1 0. du 2 . . r - 1 - Deeekrpment Plans 111811 be .. .1 r m , by each Fedarellegency end De Duo mutual pram dull . • • . .... - , . .1 . . , , . „. 7000700-0, 777 . t. . ., , 00 .. 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' 3221100 i .224.20. 297 9 2.220221/922 A . Ptd2290.1 2. ■ , , Am19.12 O 22 HUPPIA1 i • • - ) tott222 7. Towt.212*2 P221421122 Aparkomp P.Sttitaal - - • ttaW*DA wr 7 7 - 7 . 3777107777 16 Seawall 7 6 Ware 2. 0 . • -•• Aocicas 1 - ?repot op,ppt _ OP 129.9 6 102942 220. PAGE #3 ..d.f..... ave P2222122p rem frUD.1316 • 10) . . - HOME Match Report HOME Match Report U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development OMB Approval No, 2506-0171 Office of Community Planning and Development (exp. 12/31/2012) Match Contributions for Part! Participant Identification Federal Fiscal Year (easy) 2012 1, Parchment No. (assigned by HUD) J2. Name of the Participating Jurisdiction 3. Name of Contact (person completing the report) Mil - CITY OF YAKIMA ARCHIE M. MATTHEWS _ - 5. Street Address of the Partscipatmg Junsdiction 4, Contact's Phone Number (include area code) 112 5 8TH STREET 509-575-6101 6, City 7,555 li, Zip Code YAKIMA WA 98901 Part II Fiscal Year Summary 1. Excess match from prior Federal fiscal year $ 15,705,036 . _ 2. Match contributed during currant Federal fiscal year see Pan III .9,) $ 2A00 . .. — 3. Total match available for current Federal fiscal year gine 1 + Hoe 2) $ 15.707A36 — „ 4. Match liability for current Federal fiscal year 8 O , 5. Excess match carried over to next Federal fiscal year (line 3 minus line 4) 1 $ 15,707,436 Part Ill Match ContributMn tar the Federal Fiscal Year 7. SIM Preparation, 1. Project No 2. Date of 3. Cash 4. Foregone Taxes, 5. Appraised 8. Required Construction Materialsj 8. Bond 9. Total or Other ID Contribution (non-Federal sources) Fees, Charges Land/ Real Properly Infrastructure Donated labor Financing Match i f f iffnitredlasygr Volunteer Hours 12/31/2012 2.400 2A00 . . . ....... - — — - 1 i - - TOTAL 2,400 page 1 of 4 pages form HUD-40107-A (12194) Last Update 2/7/2013 FINAL Jan - Dec 2012 HOME Match Report Data LOAN lDIS # NAME ADDRESS LOAN PURCHASE PROJECT LENDER ONDS ONDS $ MATCH # DATE PRICE DESCRIP LOAN FUNDS EXPENDED REQUIRED 20847 1350 HERNANDEZ 1802 N 4th St. 4/27/2012 $132,000 FTH $ 105,600 $28,403 $28,403 $0 20848 1350 CAMACHO 307 E "S" St. 4/27/2012 $132,000 FTH $ 92,768 $41,260 $41,260 $0 1 I $69,662 $69,662 $0 $264,000 1 $69,662 $69,662 $0 I . , OTHER ACCRUED MATCH Volunteer Hours 240 $2,400 # of Volunteers 53 2012 Match Accrued $2,400 Carry Forward $15,705,036 TOTAL $15,707,436 Match Liability 2012 $0 New Carry Forward $15,707,436 , � �� �o 0000umn mI u� mn��uwM� moaoo ;m m mm� � �uun= � mm� ` �ili � um111 mm n n miimm1 mm m mmm1�� w� � = = 6'iiiim'M mE mom m �nmmn =� � =iiiiin� m��mn 1oi8 mn �� � mr 1 ��io � ii�� im illg oe�i iiii =ii�ii °1 � 11 °1 ii'� iiiu ° i � o1oo1aaa0001 mm1 mm.Mu..mI e of ° ioo =�� 0000I oi iII�� m ii�iiii �0 IM �n� mmm � I � A ii ! l� =iiiiiin �n�d� °iii M � uin� ° io 0� I mmn mn 101111 w1 i ° g o o inN ri ii =iii °i p° e.o1 oB�oo °1 �c8i ' i��' mmi �� n imn ° i �P i �i E ° ° �iei o o��� �� NI° � � °iiumoae $ MEMINCCIENICE1111111111111:11111M111111M11111111 �n o � o° i �� =imniiiiiiiiii��� � =iiimiI ° °ii11 1 niieiii 1iiiiu � 1e ��� 0000 1 ' Ol I � i1i i �i�ii'1i1ii��oa� �i °° �nw nmI � =i en om MoEIa nnmm1 nn�n�in m om �, ° iiiiiiii 1 i 1 iii = =I� ° i ' = � i ,i,i,=,i,i,,i,i,i m m mm �,Io� 0p =� �i"i n 000�N ° n 1ri 1 no�vu �iii�i� = iii � mo�om � �� °1 ��ii�0��iu �� om�im m ;iii l iii���0oio� � �� ���� � �mo = �� noo IUMEM oIMmn = iIi = = i ce MIa unnounummmuuncommmommommucco 1 u mm n ���� mm�ii� mo 8111111111 �� Illll 1111.1111111111111111111111111M1111 1 000u�moo�omm u : ion a00 � woiim111a o aIII ii iIM i iiIIIII �aiiuiii�i �o ooI0000n■m�■� � � � � ii i � � i� i �� ii � i � i � ooi�ow■m mIammiuN �ooIo m�mrm■m� m oa n �o�emen m■memam m mumnn= ■m■m■m 1 �� � o �C � ni�nn�n�� � i1iiii � isi ii wi g � O�mo NO ii�iiieoi �� iii�� ��c�om�000 !!�m�m�oi�m mmw DIMMINEHMICIIIHINH11111111M11111111012 !n�m�nmm� �mn iI9 i1 °i . 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