HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/09/1996 Adjourned Meeting 7 6 CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON JULY 9, 1996 ADJOURNED MEETING The City Council met in session on this date at 8:00 a.m. in the Board Room at the Yakima Convention Center, Yakima, Washington for informal discussion, Mayor Lynn Buchanan presiding (present after 8:10 a.m.). Council Members present were Clarence Barnett, Henry Beauchamp (absent after 9:00 a.m.), Ernie Berger, John Klingele, John Puccinelli, and Bernard Sims. Staff Members present were Acting City Manager Rice; Community & Economic Development Director Valenzuela; Ray Paolella, City Attorney; Don Skone, Planning Division Manager; Joan Davenport, Supervising Associate Planner; John Elsden, Senior Project Planner; Larry Peterson, Assistant City Attorney; Marketa Oliver, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager; and Deputy City Clerk Skovald. Assistant Mayor Puccinelli welcomed everyone and Don Skone introduced Greta Rieber, an Intern in the Planning Division for the summer, then the meeting began. I. Land Use Implementation Strategy Discussion Glenn Valenzuela outlined the agenda for the worksession and directed Council's attention to the GMA Schedule for the next several months. He requested, Council's direction concerning Land Use Implementation strategy alternatives as indicated in. his May 7, 1996 memorandum dealing particularly with the issue of consistency. Mr. Valenzuela also asked the Council to decide specific requests for Future Land Use designation changes defined and illustrated in a series of maps included in the information packet for this meeting. There was discussion about the expectations from the public that have formed during the development of the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. Because the public has been involved and has actively participated in development of the Comp Plan, the older, established neighborhoods expect plan policies and map designations be implemented to reflect their desire to designate their neighborhoods as low density residential. On the other hand, the development community expects appropriate amounts of vacant lands to be designated for development. To ease confusion and uncertainty experienced by the public and officials alike, emphasis should be placed on following a logical and legally defensible planning process. The issue of land use strategy implementation relative to the issue of consistency and changes to the Future Land Use Map were also discussed compared to zoning changes which are made through a separate legislative process for zoning regulation, the UAZO amendment process, where current zoning applies when development occurs. The different processes required to change the Future Land Use Map and to change the Zoning Map were also clarified. Mr. Valenzuela requested the Council decide each of the recommended Future Land Use Map changes so the final document can be put together. There was continued discussion about the number of meetings held community wide as well as planning commission workshops and public hearings already held with more scheduled for the future. There was continued discussion about the fact that people often confuse the Land Use Map with the Zoning Map. Changes to the Future Land Use Map will still have to go through the Zoning Process; changes will not JULY 9, 1996 -- ADJOURNED MEETING -- GMA be automatic, but will allow an opportunity to develop a zoning map in tune with the community. At this time there was discussion about Citizen Request #1. Council Member Puccinelli requested any decision be deferred on this request because of negotiations between Mr. Pearson and the neighborhood. Discussion continued about that agreement being mitigated. Don Skone referenced details of the May 7, 1996 memorandum which outlines Land Use Implementation Strategy Alternatives. There are several methods of implementation outlined in that memorandum. He pointed out that a process must be established to meet the public participation requirement to establish development regulations. He urged the Council to adopt the Comp Plan. He then explained the recommended strategy which includes using various criteria to evaluate the zoning. A new zoning map will be developed which will allow for and meet the intent of the public participation requirement as well as meet the consistency and implmentation requirements of the Growth Management Act. Mr. Skone further explained and provided details of the evaluation process to apply to study areas throughout the City which would include criteria to determine when and if rezoning land is necessary to meet the GMA consistency and implementation requirements. He described the three step process that would be used to identify the potential need for rezoning land necessary to assure that all zoned property within the city is consisent with and implements the Future Land Use Map. Council Member Beauchamp requested more time to review the Draft Comp Plan in order to establish the most coherent vision for the future to include perceptions of the neighborhoods necessary to make a fair decision. There was additional discussion concerning the growth management process. Mayor Buchanan pointed out the duplication of effort by citizens and neighborhoods who have already gone through the process to establish their zoning requests and that is not fair. Council Member Puccinelli pointedout;;that people will have to keep fighting to keep their zoning in place and protect their vested interest. There was a considerable amount of discussion concerning the shall be consistent language contained in policy statements and in the law and in the Draft Comp Plan. Council Member Puccinelli suggested the wording shall be consistent be changed to is a guideline. Discussion continued about this issue among Council members and staff concerning legislative action and the good faith effort to be consistent when utilizing a land implementation strategy after evaluating neighborhoods on a case by case basis to recognize the issues and utilize the amendment process. It was MOVED BY BARNETT, SECONDED BY BERGER, TO CHANGE THE POLICY STATEMENT LANGUAGE IN THE DRAFT COMP PLAN, SHALL BE CONSISTENT TO GET AROUND THE SHALL BE CONSISTENT LANGUAGE The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Council Member Barnett referenced Alternative #5 from theMay 7th Memo and pointed out that there has -been conflicting recommendations with the memo dated May 14.: The conflict includes whether the development of implementation regulations are required before state funds would become available because the Public Works Trust Fund says development regulations must be approved before funds can be made available. There was a considerable amount of discussion concerning whether or not development regulations need to be written before the Draft Comprehensive Plan is adopted. There was further discussion about 2 7 JULY 9, 1996 -- ADJOURNED MEETING -- GMA including the desires of the neighborhood along with the process of changing the land use map. Council Member Beauchamp reiterated his statement that more time is needed to fully study the details of the Draft Comp Plan. He suggested a whole day be set aside for that purpose. Larry Peterson pointed out there are different standards between Quasi- judicial and legislative matters. He explained that Quasi - judicial issues originate from the property owner and go to the Hearing Examiner to decide. Legislative issues originate by motion from the Council and then go to the Regional Planning Commission. Council Member Sims felt that a survey of the people is needed to see if they understand the issue before any changes are made. It is necessary to concentrate on areas that want to change. He also felt that there is a.need to go through neighborhood by neighborhood and then decide. Council Member Sims also stated that 6 units per acre is too much for that part of town. Don Skone explained that currently it is at 7 units per acre. After discussion about the public input process, the topic of discussion shifted to institutional designation on the Future Land Use Map and whether it should include schools, government facilities, city owned property, etc. It was MOVED BY PUCCINELLI, SECONDED BY KLINGELE, TO COLOR CURRENTLY USED (EXISTING) INSTITUTIONAL DESIGNATIONS ON THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP AND FOR STAFF TO BRING IT BACK WITH THOSE DESIGNATED AREAS REFLECTED ON IT. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. II. Recruests for Chancres in Future Land Use Designations • Number of Request: Regional Planning Commission Map Change Recommendation #1 Location of Request: Vicinity of 40th Avenue Change to: Modified mix of Low, Medium and High Density Residential, Professional Office Staff Recommendation: Approve newer proposal as indicated under Citizen requests #14 As was discussed earlier in this meeting, it was the consensus of the Council to defer consideration of the Regional Planning Commission Map Change Recommendation #1 (Delmar Pearson 40th Avenue Property). Number of Request: Regional Planning Commission Map Change Recommendation #2 (Gary Lukehart) Location of Request: Unincorporated area south of the freeway (See also Citizen Request item #4 to continue the Wholesale /Warehouse designation southward to "P" Street ) 3 V . JULY 9, 1996 -- ADJOURNED MEETING -- GMA Change to: Wholesale /Warehouse from Medium DensitY,` Residential`i` • Staff Recommendation: Wholesale /Warehouse north of "R" Street and retain Medium Density residential designation south of "R" • Street After a brief discussion about the request, it was MOVED BY BARNETT, SECONDED BY PUCCINELLI, TO APPROVE THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR RPC #2. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. Citizen Map Change Request #4 was subsequently not approved since the staff recommendation for RPC Recommendation #2 was approved by the Council. Number of Request: Regional Planning Commission Map Change Recommendation #3 (Yakima . Valley Memorial Hospital area) Location of Request: Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital area Change to: Medium Density north of Walnut between 28th and 30th Avenues from Professional Office Residential ' Staff Recommendation: Council.may wish to defer until the Neighborhood Plan has been adopted for this area. It was MOVED BY BARNETT, SECONDED BY SIMS, TO DEFER RPC #3 FOR FURTHER COUNCIL DISCUSSION. The motion carried by 3 -2 voice vote; Klingele and Puccinelli voting nay; Beauchamp absent; Barnett temporarily absent. Number of Request: Citizen Map.Change Request #1 (Bill Almon, Almon Realty) Location of Request: 18 acre parcel southwest of Nob Hill & 48th Avenue Change to: Professional Office along Nob Hill Boulevard from Low Density Residential Staff Recommendation: Professional Office along Nob Hill Boulevard. After Joan Davenport explained the request and after a brief discussion among the Council, it was MOVED BY KLINGELE, SECONDED BY PUCCINELLI, TO EXPAND THE REQUEST ALL THE WAY TO THE EAST. The motion failed by a 2 -3 voice vote; Barnett, Buchanan, and Sims voting nay; Beauchamp absent. It was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY BARNETT, TO APPROVE CITIZEN REQUEST #1 AS IS. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp s absent. Number of Request: Citien Map Change Request #2 . • (Jeff, Loudoun, Maid o- Clover) • • 4 JULY 9, 1996 -- ADJOURNED MEETING -- GMA Location of Request: Block between South 18th Street and the freeway, and Nob Hill and Boggess Street. Change to: Arterial Commercial from a Mix of Arterial Commercial and Medium Density Residential Staff Recommendation: Arterial Commercial. After Joan Davenport explained the request and the Council discussed the location of the property, it was MOVED BY PUCCINELLI, SECONDED BY BARNETT, TO APPROVE CITIZEN REQUEST #2 AS IS. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. It was the consensus of the Council to discuss Citizen Request #3 when Citizen Request #13 is considered in sequence. Also, Citizen Map Change Request #4 was subsequently not approved since RPC Recommendation #2 was considered in sequence and accepted by the Council. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #5 (Ed Trammel Site #1) Location of Request: 607 to 615 North 16th Avenue Change to: High Density Residential from Low Density Residential Staff Recommendation: High Density Residential After a brief explanation by Joan Davenport and a discussion among Council, it was MOVED BY BARNETT, SECONDED BY SIMS, TO APPROVE CITIZEN REQUEST #5. The motion carried by 5 -1 voice vote; Klingele voting nay; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #6 (Ed Trammel Site #2) Location of Request: 3 South 68th Avenue Change to: High Density Residential from Low Density Residential Staff Recommendation: High Density Residential It was MOVED BY BARNETT, SECONDED BY BERGER, TO APPROVE THE CITIZEN MAP CHANGE REQUEST #6 AND ACCEPT THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION OF HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FOR THE PARCEL ADJACENT TO THE SOUTH OF THE REQUEST SITE BECAUSE THE SURROUNDING AREA IS MULTI- FAMILY. After a considerable amount of discussion concerning the location of the property and the high density recommendation, the quesiton was called for a vote on the motion. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #7 (Ed Trammel Site #3) 5 81 JULY 9, 1996 -- ADJOURNED MEETING -- GMA Location of Request: 1012 West Mead Change to: High Density Residential from Low Density Residential Staff Recommendation: High Density Residential It was MOVED BY PUCCINELLI, SECONDED BY KLINGELE, TO APPROVE CITIZEN REQUEST #7. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #8 (Fred Plath, Washington Fruit) Location of Request: Property between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, and D" and Cherry Streets, approximately 2.5 acres. Change to: Industrial from Medium Density Residential Staff Recommendation: Wholesale /Warehouse After discussion about a possible error in the map relating to the current Industrial Zoning, Don Skone, Planning Manager described industrial land use as it equates to heavy industrial zoning and wholesale /warehouse land use which equates with Light Industrial zoning. It was MOVED BY PUCCINELLI, SECONDED BY BARNETT, TO APPROVE THE REQUEST TO CORRECT THE MAP TO REFLECT THE CURRENT LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONING FOR THE WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE LAND USE AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF AND REQUESTED BY FRED PLATH AT WASHINGTON FRUIT. Council member Barnett withdrew his second to the motion . because there was confusion about the map. After continued discussion '=`about 'zoning and landuse, it was the general consensus of the Council to defer the issue for further clarification by staff. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #9 (Verna Beggs, Southeast Neighborhood Area) Location of Request: East of Fair Avenue to the freeway, north of Nob Hill Boulevard to Yakima Avenue, approximately 170 acres excluding the Fairgrounds and Kiwanis Park. Change to: Arterial Commercial for entire area from Low Density Residential, High Density Residential, Arterial Commercial Staff Recommendation: Arterial Commercial north of Kiwanis Park, Medium Density Residential south of Kiwanis Park to Adams Street. Joan Davenport referenced the request .as petitioned by Verna Beggs that all of the property east of Fair Avenue and north of the Fairgrounds be 6 82 • JULY 9, 1996 -- ADJOURNED MEETING -- GMA designated Arterial Commercial. Ms. Davenport explained the staff recommendation is to not designate that whole half -mile as Arterial Commercial. The staff recommendation is that property north of Kiwanis Park be designated Arterial Commercial and property south of the Park and north of Adams Street retain the residential designation. After a considerable amount of discussion among the Council, it was MOVED BY BARNETT, SECONDED BY KLINGELE, TO APPROVE THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. There was continued discussion about the request. Council member Sims requested an aerial of the area. Don Skone mentioned that Arterial commercial would not be appropriate because it isnot on an arterial street. It was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY PUCCINELLI, TO TABLE THE ISSUE. The motion to table carried by 5 -1 voice vote; Klingele voting nay; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #10 (Jeff Congdon, Congdon Orchards) Location of Request: Congdon Orchards property Change to: Modified mix of Medium and High Density Residential, Professional Office, Arterial Commercial, Wholesale /Warehouse from Mix of Low, Medium and High Density Residential, Profeesional Office Staff Recommendation: Accept Plan as requested by Congdon Orchards and shown on Map #10. After discussion about the components of the proposed land use plan, it was MOVED BY BARNETT, SECONDED BY SIMS, TO ACCEPT CITIZEN REQUEST #10. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #11 (Maud Scott, Union Street Neighborhood) Location of Request: North of,Pine and Spruce Streets, East of 3rd Street alley to approximately 9th Street. Change to: Low Density Residential from a Mix of Medium and High Density Residential, Neighborhood Commercial Staff Recommendation: Low Density Residential There was discussion about Citizen request #11 which includes additional Low Density Residential designation for the area currently zoned a mixture of R -1, R -2, and R -3 zoning. It was MOVED BY PUCCINELLI, SECONDED BY BERGER, TO. APPROVE CITIZEN REQUEST #11. After further discussion about the request, the question was called for a vote on the motion. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #12 (Rae Ellen Bower) 7 8 .3 JULY 9, 1996 -- ADJOURNED MEETING -- GMA Location of Request: 1309, 1313, 1315, 1317, 1319 West Change to: Arterial Commercial from Low Density Residential Staff Recommendation: Low Density Residential Joan Davenport explained the citizen's request for Arterial Commercial along with the staff recommendation to retain Low Density Residential for the five parcels. After discussion among the Council members, it was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY KLINGELE, TO ACCEPT THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION, LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, CONCERNING CITIZEN REQUEST #12. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #13 (Kearns, Wondrack, Werst, Hamilton ) Location of Request: Rudkin Road /Mead Avenue area. Change to: Industrial from High Density Residential Staff Recommendation: Wholesale /Warehouse Reminding everyone that this request is related to Citizen Request #3, Joan Davenport reviewed the request of several property owners to change the land use designation for their entire area. She pointed out that the staff recommendation is to designate Wholesale /Warehouse for this area. It was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY KLINGELE, TO ACCEPT THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR CITIZEN REQUEST #13. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beaucham,absent.. -.,. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #14 (Delmar Pearson) Location of Request: Vicinity of 40th Avenue Change to: Modified mix of Low, Medium and High Density Residential, Professional Office, Neighborhood Commercial Staff Recommendation: No Commercial or Office west of 40th Avenue As was indicated earlier in this meeting, it was the consensus of the Council to defer consideration of Citizen Map Change Request #14 along with the Regional Planning Commission Map Change Recommendation #1 (Delmar Pearson 40th Avenue Property). Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #15 (Trailwagons) Location of Request: Northwest of freeway /new "B" Street Ramp 8 84 JULY 9, 1996 -- ADJOURNED MEETING -- GMA Change to: Arterial Commercial from Industrial Staff Recommendation: Arterial Commercial Joan Davenport explained the request and the Council discussed the request. It was MOVED BY PUCCINELLI, SECONDED BY SIMS, TO ACCEPT THE CITIZEN REQUEST #15. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote: Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #16 (Gordon Wonder) Location of Request: Southeast corner of Yakima Avenue and 1st Avenue Change to: Arterial Commercial from Wholesale /Warehouse Staff Recommendation: Arterial Commercial Joan Davenport reviewed Mr. Wonder's request for his carwash on Yakima Avenue during his public testimony at the June 25, 1996 Public Hearing. After a short discussion among the Council, it was MOVED BY KLINGELE, SECONDED BY PUCCINELLI, TO APPROVE CITIZEN REQUEST #16. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Citizen Map Change Request #17 (Baur Greenhouse) Location of Request: 1518 W. Lincoln Avenue Change to: High Density Residential or higher designation from Low Density Residential Staff Recommendation: High Density Residential Joan Davenport described the Citizen request to change the current Low Density Residential designation to High Density Residential or higher. The, staff recommendation, however, is to change to a High Density Residential future land use designation for Baur Greenhouse. It was MOVED BY PUCCINELLI, SECONDED BY BERGER, TO APPROVE THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR CITIZEN REQUEST #17. There was a considerable amount of discussion concerning the location of the property and the question was called for a vote on the motion. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. III. Staff Recommended Map Changes I/ Joan Davenport referred to four staff recommendations concerning properties that have been rezoned since the Regional Planning Commission started working on the Future Land Use Map a couple of years ago. The Staff Recommendation is for Council to approve changes to the Future Land Use Map reflecting those changes to bring the map up to date. 9 JULY 9, 1996 -- ADJOURNED MEETING -- GMA Number of Request: Staff Map Recommendation #1 Location of Request: Summitview Avenue east of 63rd Avenue (Hunter Property) Change to: Professional Office and Medium Density Residential for northerly lot Joan Davenport reviewed the request and after a short discussion, it was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY BUCHANAN, TO APPROVE THE STAFF MAP CHANGE RECOMMENDATION #1. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Staff Map Change Recommendation #2 Location of Request: South side of West Nob Hill Boulevard, west of 50th Avenue (Coleman Property) Change to: High Density Residential Joan Davenport explained this parcel was recently rezoned R -3. Staff recommends modifying the Future Land Use Map to reflect the rezone action for this parcel. After a short discussion, it was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY BERGER, TO APPROVE THE STAFF MAP CHANGE RECOMMENDATION #2. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Staff Map Change Recommendation #3 Location of Request: East Mead Avenue to Iler Lane, between South 10th and South 13th Change to: Wholesale /Warehouse Joan Davenport explained several parcels within this area were recently rezoned to M -1. Staff recommends modifying the Future Land Use Map to reflect Wholesale /Warehouse for this area due to the transitional nature of this area, and adjacent industrial /warehouse uses. After a short discussion, it was MOVED BY PUCCINELLI, SECONDED BY KLINGELE, TO APPROVE THE STAFF MAP CHANGE RECOMMENDATION #3. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote; Beauchamp absent. Number of Request: Staff Map Change Recommendation #4 Location of Request:West of North 6th Avenue, between River Road and Madision Avenue (Madison Industrial Park area)) Change to: Wholesale /Warehouse Joan Davenport explained this area is scheduled to be developed as an industrial par, and contains a mix of industrial and residential uses. Staff recommends a Future Land Use Map designation of Wholesale /Warehouse to reflect the predominant use and planned industrial park use for the area. After a short discussion, it was 10 66 JULY 9, 1996 -- ADJOURNED MEETING -- GMA MOVED BY KLINGELE, SECONDED BY PUCCINELLI, TO INCLUDE THE ENTIRE AREA FROM RIVER ROAD TO MADISION AVENUE, FROM 6TH STREET TO 16TH AVENUE, AS A WHOLESALE /WAREHOUSE FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION. The motion carried by 5 -1 voice vote; Buchanan voting nay; Beauchamp absent. Other Issues Glenn Rice reported that a public hearing will be held before the Washington Utilities & Trade Commission concerning the Recycling Policy on residential recyclables and Yakima Waste Systems' application for public convenience. A spokesman is needed representing the Council to speak at this hearing. Larry Peterson also added that citizens are invited to testify before the Administrative Law Judge during public hearing. It was MOVED BY BERGER, SECONDED BY BARNETT, TO APPOINT MAYOR BUCHANAN AND COUNCIL MEMBER KLINGELE AS THE SPOKESMEN DURING THE HEARING. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. After a brief discussion that another study session on the Comp Plan will be on July 23, 1996 at 8:00 a.m. at the Convention Center, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BY: /jib 71-4; /( a 7 CO C L MEMBE DATE / �.�l��L / ,47.--->.7 O CI L MEMBER DATE ATTEST: Q--- 2 CITY CLERK c- / YNN BU HANAN, MAYOR MINUTES PREPARED BY DEPUTY CITY CLERK SKOVALD. A video tape of this meeting is available in the City Clerk's Office. III 11