HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1994 Business Meeting 43 • CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON DECEMBER 6, 1994 BUSINESS MEETING I/ 1. ROLL CALL The City Council met in session on this date at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Pat Berndt, presiding, Council Members Clarence Barnett, Henry Beauchamp, Ernie Berger, Bill Brado, Lynn Buchanan, and Bernard Sims present on roll call. City Manager Zais, City Attorney Paolella, and City Clerk Roberts also present. 2. INVOCATION /PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Invocation was given by Council Member Beauchamp. 3. OPEN DISCUSSION FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER A. PROCLAMATIONS (IF APPLICABLE) Mayor Berndt commended Ken Nichols, Transit Driver, for the exemplary job he did in keeping a difficult moment under control. He was recognized for demonstrating outstanding leadership skills when keeping children calm on the bus after they had witnessed an accident involving another student.. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Berndt referred to the items placed on the Consent Agenda, questioning whether there were any additions or deletions from either Council members or citizens present. The City Clerk then read the Consent Agenda items, including resolutions and ordinances by title. It was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY BUCHANAN, THAT THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS READ, BE ADOPTED. The motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. (Subsequent paragraphs preceded by an asterisk ( *) indicate items on the Consent Agenda handled under one motion without further discussion.) *5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR: OCTOBER 25, 1994 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING AND BUSINESS MEETING, NOVEMBER 1 & 8, 1994 ADJOURNED I/ MEETINGS, NOVEMBER 15, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING, AND NOVEMBER 29, 1994 ADJOURNED JOINT MEETING The minutes of the October 25, 1994 Special Joint meeting and Business meeting, November 1 & 8, 1994 Adjourned meetings, November 15, 1994 Special meeting and November 29, 1994 Adjourned Joint meeting, were approved, having been duly certified accurate by two Council members and no one present wishing to have said minutes read publicly. 44. DECEMBER 6, 1994 6. PUBLIC HEARING ON WEST AIRPORT ANNEXATION This being the time set for the public hearing, Bruce Benson, Associate Planner, briefly described the proposed municipal purpose annexation. It consists of approximately 111 acres of city owned property in the vicinity west of the Yakima Airport. He urged Council to approve the ordinance annexing the West Airport property to the City of Yakima. Mayor Berndt opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak. There being no one, she closed the.public hearing. Ordinance No. 94 -75 having been read by title, it was MOVED BY BUCHANAN, SECONDED BY SIMS, TO PASS THE ORDINANCE. The motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. ORDINANCE NO. 94 - 75, AN ORDINANCE annexing property to the City of Yakima and zoning said property. (West Airport Annexation) 7. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Larry Mathews, 705 South 17th Avenue, representing United We Stand, reported the organization wants to become involved in local government. He expressed concern about the estimated cost of the City's new law and justice center and asked why Yakima County is not involved. He also inquired about projected operating costs and various equipment needs for the facility. Mayor Berndt and Council Member Buchanan briefly reviewed the history of the project, particularly the funding process and why it is not a combined city /county facility. 8. PRESENTATION OF 1995 YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO 1994 BUDGET A. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1995 AIRPORT BUDGET Bruce Loy, Yakima Air Terminal Manager, presented a brief overview of the 1995 Airport Budget, which includes a runway rehabilitation capital improvement project funded by both discretionary funds and FAA grants for the project. He pointed out that total revenue for 1995 is expected to increase; operating revenues for 1995 are also expected to increase with operating expenses expected to decrease. The increases in revenues are primarily a result of additional rentals received from the Resource Center as a paying tenant in the Customs building; increased boardings; increased airline activity; and chartered airline terminal fees. Mr. Loy answered questions from Council Members Beauchamp and Sims about the reasons for the increased volume and lower 2 4.5 DECEMBER 6, 1994 fares. Mr. Loy explained as boardings increase, revenues will increase; hopefully, this scenario will open new markets and a variety of destinations. Mr. Loy also explained that a survey is being done in conjunction with students at Central Washington University to determine how many Yakima residents I/ are flying and what their destination points are. The study will also predict the percentage of Yakima passengers leaving from Seattle as opposed to Yakima. Responding to a comment by Council Member Buchanan about the cost of the fare to fly to Seattle from Yakima, Mr. Loy explained the fare is higher because the market is difficult, due to its close proximity to Seattle, Portland, and Spokane. Resolution No. R -94 -153 having been read by title, it was MOVED BY BUCHANAN, SECONDED BY SIMS, TO PASS THE RESOLUTION. The motion ,carried by unanimous roll call vote. RESOLUTION .NO. R - 94 - 153, A RESOLUTION approving the 1995 Yakima Air Terminal Budget. B. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE 1994 BUDGET Resolution No. R -94 -168 having been read by title, it was MOVED BY BUCHANAN, SECONDED BY SIMS, TO PASS THE RESOLUTION. The motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. RESOLUTION NO. R -94 -168, A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA and YAKIMA COUNTY approving the Second Amended 1994 Yakima Air Terminal Budget. 9. PRESENTATION OF 1995 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES Mayor Berndt reported that the meeting with various agencies held at noon today at Providence Medical Center defined more areas of common interests; those priorities will be jointly brought to the Legislature. Marketa Oliver, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, referenced her report and was available to answer any I/ questions. In response to letters received from citizens, Council Member Brado requested the Council consider supporting legislation that would provide counties (100,000 population or less) the choice to opt out of the Growth Management Act. There was a considerable amount of discussion among Council members, with comments from both perspectives presented. It appeared to be the general consensus to add it to the list of city only priorities. 3 46 DECEMBER 6, 1994 Council Member Barnett requested the public health governance issue be added as a city priority. It should include voting representation, not just advisory representation. Council Member Brado suggested neighborhood meetings be held before making the Irrigation District state law modification a city priority. The meetings would provide an opportunity for discussion about the obligation of deferred maintenance costs to all irrigation users in the system if systems were consolidated. Discussion continued among Council members and staff concerning managerial efficiencies that would come from an irrigation district consolidation. The City needs to be working toward conservation and better management of the system overall. It was pointed out that a broader base of irrigation users might be needed to support major capital improvements to a reconfigured irrigation system. A consolidation would position the City better for potential, future consideration for enhancement bill funding. At this point Council Member Brado endorsed the concept because prior to actually consolidating, it will go through another process. After further brief discussion about prioritizing the issues, it was the general consensus to rate the Irrigation District state law modification an A+ and the other priorities an A. 10. RECONSIDERATION OF COST OF SERVICE STUDY /PRE- TREATMENT FEE PROPOSAL (CONTINUED FROM 10/25/94) Chris Waarvick, Wastewater Superintendent, referred to the options presented in the study, which include an analysis of In Lieu tax base limitation on wastewater revenues as well as impacts to rate adjustments. He requested Council adopt the 1994 Wastewater Cost of Service and Rate Study; and also provide final direction on Action Items described in the Recommendation Summary contained in material previously provided to Council. Mr. Waarvick explained they have assigned meter size equivalencies and then calculated the overall rate impact of the three -inch meter. Doug Mayo, Project Engineer, provided a brief detailed explanation about how a unit of consumption relates to meter size. After reading the data supplied by staff, Council Member Barnett explained that he ascertained the dollar impact was not a significant amount. Using the Seattle area for comparison purposes, Larry Mathews, 805 South 17th Avenue, spoke in favor of a sewer rate increase. He suggested the rates be the same for both residential and businesses. He used a chart to depict his point, based on 1,000 cf of usage and suggested economic 4 47 DECEMBER 6, 1994 ' considerations be given to low income users; rates should increase for industrial waste disposal and strong waste users. Mayor Berndt asked if anyone else wished to comment about this issue. There being no one, she asked for Council I/ direction. It was MOVED BY BARNETT, SECONDED BY BRADO, TO ELIMINATE THE CITY IN -LIEU UTILITY TAX ON THE DEBT COVERAGE, WITH APPROPRIATE RATE REDUCTIONS, REFERRED TO AS MODIFIED OPTION "C ". Mayor Berndt requested clarification as to the percentages being referenced to. Council Member Barnett referenced Exhibit 3, Table 1 from this agenda item, and explained the modified option which amounts to a 17.5% (8.5% and 8.25 %) increase in two years. This compares to the Original Proposal "C ", which includes a 20% increase over two years. There was a considerable amount of discussion concerning how the no -net loss and the net loss ($30,000) options would effect the General Fund and the Parks Fund. City Manager Zais explained how the option would be accommodated administratively. Responding to Mr. * Mathews' rate comparison between Yakima and Seattle, Council Member Beauchamp pointed out that single family users in Seattle pay more per month than Yakima users for the same amount of water. City Manager Zais explained that a great deal of time and effort has been spent on the issue of subsidies and an equitable balance has been achieved in the cost sharing relationship. Mr. Mathews stated that he would like to see the problem of fairness addressed and pointed out that Yakima is one of the few cities in Washington that does not have a business and occupation tax. The question was called for a vote on the motion. The motion carried by 6 -1 voice vote; Sims voting nay. 11. PRESENTATION OF MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN REPORT It was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY BUCHANAN, TO ACCEPT THE MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL, EXCEPT FOR THE $500 BONUS PROVISION. Council Member Barnett stated he wanted to I/ consider the eight specific recommendations individually. There was a brief discussion concerning whether to afford the courtesy to go step by step through the proposal. Larry Mathews asked how many city employees there are. He spoke in favor of merit pay and urged its implementation for all workers. He spoke against pay increases for the Management Group. There was discussion among Council members with both perspectives presented concerning this issue. 5 4.8 DECEMBER 6, 1994 Council Member Barnett again commented about the eight parts to the motion. Because some require clarification, it makes the decision more difficult. The question was called for a vote on the motion. The motion failed by a 3 -4 voice vote; Brado, Berger, Barnett and Berndt voting nay. There was a consensus at this point to go through the proposals individually and number them 1 through 5. (1.) 3.63% pay adns tmen t as indicated in the Management Compensa ti on: P Re port . It was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY BUCHANAN, TO APPROVE THE REQUEST. The motion carried by a 6 -1 voice vote; Brado voting nay. (2.) Amendments to the Municipal Code as indicated in the Management Compensation Report. City Manager Zais provided explanation as to the criteria to be followed. It was MOVED BY BEAUCHAMP, SECONDED BY SIMS, TO APPROVE, BUT WITH THE CAVEAT THAT A NOTICE MUST BE BROUGHT TO COUNCIL PRIOR TO DECEMBER 15TH, TO PROTECT THE COUNCIL. The motion carried by a 5 -2 voice vote; Barnett and Brado voting nay. (3.) 1995 Compression adjustment as indicated in the Management Compensation Report. City Manager Zais explained the compression adjustment proposal particularly as it pertains to deferred compensation that was offered at various times in the past in lieu of a pay raise. It was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY BUCHANAN, TO APPROVE THE REQUEST. The motion carried by 4 -3 voice vote; Barnett, Brado, and Berger voting nay. i . i (4.) Minimum 5.0%. s,bread as indicated in the Management Compensation Report. Deputy Personnel Officer Smith explained the philosophy intended to help remedy problems with the pay rate primarily between the supervisory group and the rank and file employees. It was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY BUCHANAN, TO APPROVE THE REQUEST. The motion carried by 5 -2 voice vote; Barnett and Brado voting nay. (5.) Longevity plan at 24 years as indicated in the Management Compensation Report. City Manager Zais provided background information about this issue at the request of Council Member Beauchamp. It was MOVED BY BUCHANAN, SECONDED BY BEAUCHAMP, TO APPROVE THE REQUEST. The motion carried by a 5 -2 voice vote; Barnett and Brado voting nay. 6 49 DECEMBER 6, 1994 (6.) Loncr Term Disability Insurance as indicated in the Management • Compensation Report. Deputy Personnel Officer Smith explained several types of policies have been explored. After continued discussion about this proposal with direction to staff to find a good long -term I/ disability carrier and make it available on a voluntary basis, it was MOVED BY BEAUCHAMP, SECONDED BY BRADO, TO DENY THE REQUEST. The motion carried by a 5 -2 voice vote; Buchanan and Sims voting nay. (7.) Bonus or incentive pay program as indicated in the Management Compensation Report. It was MOVED BY BERGER, SECONDED BY BRADO, TO DENY THE REQUEST. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. (8.) Equivalent management benefit programs as indicated in the 'Management Compensation Report.' No action taken. Mayor Berndt suggested one of the City's priorities should be to request the Legislature to review the issue of binding arbitration. *12 CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT WITH UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FOR STORM DRAINAGE REPAIRS RESOLUTION NO. 'R -94 - 155, A RESOLUTION authorizing 'the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute a Right -of -Entry Agreement between the City of Yakima and the Union Pacific Railroad Company for purposes of conducting drainage system maintenance. *13. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF RENEWAL CONTRACT WITH PEOPLE FOR PEOPLE AND AGING AND LONG TERM CARE FOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS RESOLUTION NO. R - 94 - 156, A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute an agreement with Yakima County and People for People, Inc., relating to transporting elderly and handicapped citizens. *14. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF RENEWAL I/ CONTRACT WITH THE OFFICE OF AGING AND LONG TERM CARE FOR SENIOR CITIZEN SOCIAL DAY CARE PROGRAM RESOLUTION NO. R - 94 - 157, A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute an agreement with the County of Yakima, office of Aging and Long Term Care, for a Social Day Care Program for Senior Citizens. 7 50 DECEMBER 6, 1994 *15. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF RENEWAL CONTRACT WITH THE OFFICE OF AGING AND LONG TERM CARE FOR i SENIOR CITIZEN PREVENTATIVE FOOTCARE PROGRAM RESOLUTION NO. R -94 -158, A RESOLUTION authorizing execution of the 1995 Geriatric Footcare Agreement with Yakima County. *16. CONSIDERATION OF. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH YAKIMA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 FOR D.A.R.E. PROGRAM SERVICES RESOLUTION NO. R -94 -159, A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manger to execute the D.A.R.E. Program Agreement with the Yakima School District. *17. SET DATE OF PUBLIC MEETING FOR DECEMBER 20, 1994 TO CONSIDER HEARING EXAMINER RECOMMENDATION REGARDING ALISON AND BILL MacCLEAN REZONE APPLICATION FOR PROPERTY IN VICINITY OF 3416 SUMMITVIEW December 20, 1994 was set as the date of public meeting to consider the Hearing Examiner recommendation regarding the rezone application by Alison & Bill MacClean for property located in the vicinity of 3416 Summitview Avenue. *18. APPROVAL OF RIGHT -OF -WAY USE PERMITS: A. LYNCH MOTOR FOR RELOCATION OF SIGN The Right -of -Way Use Permit requested by Lynch Motor Company to relocate a sign in the City right -of -way, was approved. B. YAKIMA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7, FOR PARKING AT WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL The Right -of -Way Use Permit requested by Yakima School District No. 7 to provide adequate parking for Washington Middle School by extending into the parking strip along 9th Street and Maple Street, was approved. *19. APPROVAL OF FINAL CONTRACT PAYMENT FOR WASTEWATER BIOSOLIDS STORAGE LANDSCAPING PROJECT (STANDARD MOTION V -B -- ACCEPT CONTRACT AND APPROVE FINAL PAYMENT) The report from the Wastewater Project Manager, dated December 6, 1994, with respect to the completion of the work on the Biosolids Storage Landscaping project, performed by Senske Lawn and Tree Care, was approved, the work accepted as substantially complete and payment of the final estimates as therein set forth was authorized. 8 51 DECEMBER 6, 1994 20. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE APPROVING THE REZONE OF PROPERTY AT SUMMITVIEW AND 63RD AVENUE, REQUESTED BY D. HUNTER Council Member Brado excused himself from participating in the vote. Ordinance No. 94 -76 having been read by title, it was MOVED BY SIMS, SECONDED BY BEAUCHAMP, TO PASS THE I/ ORDINANCE. The motion carried by unanimous roll call vote; Brado absent. ORDINANCE NO. 94 - 76, AN ORDINANCE rezoning approximately 6.1 acres located on the north side of Summitview Avenue between North 61st and North 63rd Avenues in Yakima, Washington, from Single Family Residential (R -1) to a combination of Professional Business (B -1) and Two Family Residential (R -2) and amending the zoning map of the Yakima Urban Area accordingly, and providing approval of a drive - through bank facility and.a planned residential ;development. 21. OTHER BUSINESS It was MOVED BY BUCHANAN, SECONDED BY SIMS, TO REAPPOINT. DICK OSTRANDER TO THE YAKIMA CENTER AND TO APPOINT TOM SNELL TO FILL THE VACANCY ON THE YAKIMA CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Information Items: Items of information provided to Council were: Auditor's Certificate of Special Election for the City's three bond issues on November 8,`1994 Elections Notice of cancellation of December 7th SunTran Board meeting; Notice of December 7, 1994 Yakima Urban Area Regional Planning Commission meeting; Agenda for December 8, 1994 Hearing Examiner. meeting; Agenda for December 14, 1994 Yakima Valley Conference of Governments General Membership meeting and minutes of its October 19, 1994 meeting and December 12, 1994 Executive Committee meeting and minutes of its November 21, 1994 meeting; Notice of December 5, 1994 West Side Merchants and Business Association meeting; Notice of December 7 and 8, 1994 Scoping meetings regarding Plutonium Finishing Plant Cleanout Environmental Impact Statement; Monthly Annexation Status Report for November 1994; City of Yakima Rebound Plus Monthly Report for November 1994; Monthly Office of Housing and Neighborhood Conservation Report for November 1994; Assignments Pending in Office of Environmental Planning as of December 6, 1994; . Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Newsletter; December 1994; Minutes of the November 3, 1994 Downtown Area Redevelopment Committee meeting; Letter from Department of Ecology regarding water rights applications priority decisions and Focus New Water Resource Emphasis; and House Republican Conference Legislative Digest; September 27, 1994. 9 5 2:= DECEMBER 6, 1994 22. EXECUTIVE.SESSION REGARDING PENDING LITIGATION AND PROPERTY ACQUISITION (ALLOW APPROXIMATELY 15 MINUTES) It was MOVED BY BRADO, SECONDED BY SIMS, TO MOVE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR APPROXIMATELY 20 -30 MINUTES TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION AND PROPERTY ACQUISITION, I/ * THEN TO ADJOURN TO DECEMBER 13, 1994, AT 2:30 P.M. FOR A JOINT PUBLIC MEETING WITH THE YAKIMA COUNTY • COMMISSIONERS' REGAR'D'ING UAZO TEXT AMENDMENTS. The motion carried byunanimous voice vote. 22. ADJOURNMENT TO DECEMBER 13, 1994 AT 2:30 P.M. FOR JOINT PUBLIC MEETING WITH COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGARDING UAZO TEXT AMENDMENTS Following the'conclusion of the Executive Session, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE 7-- '25 ?S COUNCIL ME mER 0,47 DATE 7 - LJ CO CIL ME E DATE ATTEST: Aat9- , 4hit d� c „ c_ wit 0e46` CITY CLERK MAYOR • • Minutes prepared by Deputy City Clerk Skovald. An audio and video tape of this meeting are available in the City Clerk's Office • 10