HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/02/2012 16 Classification and Compensation Plan Amendment BUSINESS OF THE CITY COUNCIL ' YAKIMA, WASHINGTON AGENDA STATEMENT r,. Item No. For Meeting of: July 2, 2012 • ITEM TITLE: Ordinance Amending the Classification and Compensation Plan for Certain City Employees specifically Subsection 2.20.110A, 2.20.110B, 2.20.110E, 2.20 110F, all of the City of Yakima Municipal Code. SUBMITTED BY: Colleen Chapin, Human Resources Manager CONTACT PERSON /TELEPHONE: Colleen Chapin x6124 SUMMARY EXPLANATION: The attached ordinance amends the compensation for members of the YPPA in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement that was approved by the Council on June 19, 2012, and compensation for the members of the four (4) IAFF bargaining units that have CBA's before the Council for approval July 2, 2012. Resolution Ordinance X Other (specify) Contract: Mail to: Contract Term: Amount: Expiration Date: Insurance Required? No Funding Source: Phone: APPROVED FOR City Manager SUBMITTAL: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Pass the ordinance amending the Yakima Municipal Code in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreements BOARD /COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Click to download 0 ordinance amending class and comp plan ORDINANCE NO. 2012 - AN ORDINANCE relating to City personnel; adopting a classification and compensation plan for City employees to be effective August 5, 2012; amending Subsections 2.20.110A, 2.20.110B, 2.20.110E, 2.20110F, all of the City of Yakima Municipal Code. Section 1. Subsection 2.20.110A of the City of Yakima Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "2.20.110 Compensation Plan. A. Pay ranges and pay steps, set out in the schedule constituting Subsection B through G of this section, for the classes allocated to these pay ranges shall be in full force and effect as of August 5, 2012. The pay rates shall constitute full compensation for those employees with a work week of forty hours as set out in other sections of this code. Employees whose work week is less than forty hours shall be paid at the rate which is in the same proportion to the rates set out herein that their work week bears to forty hours. The hourly rate for those employees of the Fire Department whose work week exceeds forty hours shall be computed according to the provisions of Section 2.22.030 of this code The performance of employees in the series designated Subsection B shall be evaluated annually in accordance with a management performance evaluation plan The result of the ?.rformance evaluations shall be the determination by the City Manager of the actual salary of each rnployee in the designated positions, and the determination by the City Council of the actual salary of the City Manager, which actual salaries shall be no less than the minimum nor no greater than the maximum set out in the pay range applicable to the position, according to the following schedule:" Section 2 . Subsection 2.20 1106 of the City of Yakima Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows "B. General and Public Safety Management, Union Exempt Supervisors and Confidential Classes Pay Class Code Code Class Title A B C D E F 960 1110 City Manager MO 7/1/2008 9255.82 9720.35 10209 14 10716.99 11250 85 HR 7/1/2008 53 40 56 08 58.90 61.83 64.91 MO 1/1/2009 9559.15 10037 54 10543 66 11067 12 11618.31 HR 1/1/2009 55 15 .57 91 60.83 63 85 67 03 MO 7/1/2009 9644 08 10125.94 10637.26 11164.19 11720 57 HR 7/1/2009 55 64 58 42 61 37 64.41 67.62 MO 9/18/2011 12301.23 12916 55 13563 07 14240 79 14953.18 HR 9/18/2011 70.97 74 52 78.25 82.16 86.27 96 No Allocated MO 1/1/2008 :8687 30 9120 62 9578.22 10060 07 10561.00 Classification HR 1/1/2008 50 12 52.62 55.26 58 04 60 93 MO 7/1/2008 8815 56 9255 82 9720 35 10209 14 10716.99 HR 7/1/2008 50 86 53 40 56 08 58.90 61 83 1 Pay Class Code Code Class Title A B C D E F • MO 1/1/2009 9103.29 9559 15 10037.54 10543.66 11067.12 HR 1/1/2009 52 52 55 15 57.91 60.83 63 85 MO 7/1/2009 9183 02 9644.08 10125.94 10637.26 11164 19 HR 7/1/2009 52.98 55.64 58.42 61.37 64 41 1000 1413 Municipal Court Judge MO 9/1/2006 9949 14 HR 9/1/2006 57 40 MO 9/1/2007 10626.86 HR 9/1/2007 61.31 MO 9/1/2008 11219.65 HR 9/1/2008 64 73 The compensation for Municipal Court Judge is set by YMC 1 60 040(J) at 95% of the District Court Judges' salary as set by the State Salary Commission, with any variance for rounding in favor of the judge. 962 1130 Assistant City Manager MO 1/1/2008 8269.57 8687 30 9120 62 9578.22 10060.07 HR 1/1/2008 47.71 50.12 52.62 55.26 58.04 MO 7/1/2008 8392.64 8815 56 9255.82 9720.35 10209 14 HR 7 /1/2008 48 42 50.86 53 40 56 08 58 90 MO 1/1/2009 8666.50 9103.29 9559 15 10037.54 10543 66 HR 1/1/2009 50 00 52.52 55 15 57 91 60 83 MO 7/1/2009 8742.77 9183.02 9644.08 10125.94 10637.26 HR 7/1/2009 50 44 52.98 55.64 58 42 61 37 963 1190 Police Chief MO 1/1/2008 7877.85 8269 57 8687 30 9120.62 9578.22 HR 1/1/2008 45 45 47.71 50 12 52 62 55.26 MO 7/1/2008 7993.98 8392.64 8815 56 9255.82 9720 35 HR 7/1/2008 46 12 48 42 50 86 53 40 56 08 MO 1/1/2009 8255 71 8666 50 9103.29 9559 15 10037 54 HR 1/1/2009 47 63 50 00 52 52 55 15 57 91 MO 7/1/2009 8328.51 8742.77 9183.02 9644.08 10125 94 HR 7/1/2009 48.05 50.44 52.98 55.64 58 42 964 1120 City Attorney MO 1/1/2008 7506.92 7877.85 8269.57 8687.30 9120 62 1150 Dir Comm & Econ HR 1/1/2008 43 31 45.45 47.71 50 12 52.62 Development MO 7/1/2008 7617.85 7993.98 8392.64 8815.56 9255 82 1160 Director of Public Works HR 7/1/2008 43 95 46 12 48 42 50 86 53 40 1140 Director Finance and MO 1/1/2009 7867.45 8255.71 8666 50 9103.29 9559 15 Budget HR 1/1/2009 45.39 47.63 50.00 52.52 5515 1180 Fire Chief MO 7/1/2009 7936 78 8328 51 8742 77 9183 02 9644.08 HR 7/1/2009 45.79 48.05 50.44 52 98 55 64 2 Pay Class Cor'^ Code Class Title A B C D E F 9b,, 1271 City Engineer MO 7/1/2008 7255 59 7617.85 7993 98 8392.64 8815 56 1281 Deputy Police Chief HR 7/1/2008 41 86 43.95 46.12 48 42 50.86 1321 Senior Assistant City MO 1/1/2009 7493 06 7867 45 8255 71 8666.50 9103.29 Atty H HR 1/1/2009 43.23 45.39 47 63 50.00 52.52 MO 7/1/2009 7558.92 7936 78 8328 51 8742.77 9183 02 HR 7/1/2009 43.61 45.79 48 05 50 44 52 98 966 1243 Deputy Director of MO 1/1/2008 6810 14 7149.86 7506 92 7877.85 8269 57 Accounting and Budgeting HR 1/1/2008 39.29 41.25 43 31 45 45 47.71 6380 Deputy Fire Chief MO 7/1/2008 6910 67 7255.59 7617.85 7993 98 8392.64 1412 Municipal Court HR 7/1/2008 39 87 41 86 43 95 46.12 48 42 Commissioner MO 1/1/2009 7136 00 7493 06 7867.45 8255.71 8666 50 HR 1/1/2009 41 17 43.23 45 39 47 63 50 00 MO 7/1/2009 7198 39 7558.92 7936.78 8328.51 8742.77 HR 7/1/2009 41.53 43.61 45 79 48.05 50 44 966P 6127 Police Captain MO 1/1/2011 7378.66 7747 85 8134.38 8536 50 8961 16 HR 1/1/2011 42.57 44 70 46.93 49.25 51 70 MO 7/1/2011 7525.99 7902.11 8297.31 870810 9139.69 HR 7/1/2011 43.42 45 59 47 87 50.24 52.73 MO 1/1/2012 7818.92 8210 64 8621 43 9047 83 9496 75 HR 1/1/2012 45 11 47 37 49 74 52.2 54 79 MO 7/1/2012 7896.91 8292.11 8708.1 9137 96 9592 08 HR 7/1/2012 45 56 47 84 50.24 52.72 55 34 967 1232 City /County Procurement MO 1/1/2008 6480 81 6810.14 7149 86 7506 92 7877 85 Manager HR 1/1/2008 37.39 39.29 41.25 43.31 45 45 11740 Crime and Intelligence MO 7/1/2008 6576 14 6910 67 7255.59 7617 85 7993 98 Analyst Supervisor HR 7/1/2008 37 94 39 87 41 86 43 95 46.12 1291 Communications and MO 1/1/2009 6791.07 7136 00 7493.06 7867 45 8255 71 Technology Manager HR 1/1/2009 39 18 41 17 43.23 45 39 47 63 MO 7/1/2009 6850 00 7198.39 7558.92 7936.78 8328.51 HR 7/1/2009 39 52 41 53 43 61 45 79 48 05 968 1275 Economic Development MO 1/1/2008 6174.01 6480 81 6810.14 7149 86 7506 92 Manager HR 1/1/2008 35.62 37 39 39.29 41.25 43 31 1241 Financial Services MO 7/1/2008 6265.88 6576.14 6910.67 7255.59 7617 85 Manager HR 7/1/2008 36.15 37 94 39 87 41 86 43 95 1233 Information Systems MO 1/1/2009 6470 41 6791 07 7136 00 749306 7867 45 Manager HR 1/1/2009 37.33 39.18 41 17 43.23 45 39 1322 Senior Assistant City MO 7/1/2009 6527 61 6850 00 7198 39 7558 92 7936.78 Attorney I HR 7/1/2009 37 66 39 52 41 53 43 61 45.79 1272 Wastewater Manager 3 Pay Class Code Code Class Title A B C D E F 968P 6126 Police Lieutenant MO 1/1/2011 6690.54 7021 60 7378 66 7747 85 8134 38 HR 1/1/2011 38.60 40.51 42.57 44 70 46.93 MO 7/1/2011 6824 00 7162.00 7525 99 7902 11 8297 31 HR 7/1/2011 39 37 41.32 43.42 45.59 47 87 MO 1/1/2012 7090.93 7441 06 7818 92 8210 64 8621 43 HR 1/1/2012 40 91 42.93 45.11 47.37 49.74 MO 7/1/2012 7162 7515.59 7896 91 8292.11 8708 1 HR 7/1/2012 41 32 43 36 45 56 47.84 50.24 969 6327 Battalion Chief Shift MO 1/1/2009 6317.09 6629.77 6957.76 7314.18 7677 15 8061 99 (Monthly hours - 218 66) HR 1/1/2009 28 89 30 32 31 82 33 45 35 11 36.87 MO 7/1/2009 6380 50 6695 37 7027 73 7386 33 7753 68 8142.90 HR 7/1/2009 29 18 30 62 32 14 33 78 35 46 37.24 MO 1/1/2012 6507.32 6828 75 7167 67 7535 02 7908 93 8304 71 HR 1/1/2012 29 76 31.23 32.78 34 46 36 17 37.98 MO 7/1/2012 6638 52 6964 32 7311.99 7685 90 8066.37 8470 89 HR 7/1/2012 30.36 31.85 33.44 35.15 36.89 38 74 MO 1/1/2013 6704 12 7034.29 7384.15 7762 43 8147.27 8556 17 HR 1/1/2013 30.66 32 17 33.77 35 50 37.26 39 13 970 11107 Chief Engineer MO 1/1/2008 5882 82 6174 01 6480 81 6810 14 7149 86 1255 Community Relations HR 1/1/2008 33 94 35 62 37 39 39.29 41.25 Manager MO 7/1/2008 5969.49 6265.88 6576 14 6910.67 7255 59 1231 Human Resources HR 7/1/2008 34 44 36 15 37 94 39 87 41 86 Manager MO 1/1/2009 6165.35 6470 41 6791 07 7136 00 7493 06 1267 Park and Recreation HR 1/1/2009 35 57 37 33 39 18 41 17 43.23 Manager MO 7/1/2009 6219 08 6527.61 6850.00 7198.39 7558 92 1261 Street and Traffic Ops Mgr HR 7/1/2009 35 88 37 66 39 52 41 53 43 61 11108 Utility Project Manager 1273 Water and Irrigation Mgr 971 1323 Assistant City Attorney II MO 1/1/2008 5600.29 5882 82 6174 01 6480 81 6810 14 15101 Assistant Wastewater HR 1/1/2008 32 31 33 94 35 62 37.39 39.29 Manager MO 7/1/2008 5683 49 5969 49 6265.88 6576.14 6910 67 1252 Code Admin Manager HR 7/1/2008 32.79 34 44 36 15 37 94 39 87 1263 Fleet Manager MO 1/1/2009 5868 95 6165.35 6470 41 6791 07 7136 00 1253 Neighborhood HR 1/1/2009 33.86 35 57 37 33 39.18 41 17 Development Services Mgr MO 7/1/2009 5920 95 6219 08 6527 61 6850 00 7198 39 1254 Planning Manager HR 7/1/2009 34 16 35 88 37 66 39 52 41 53 1274 Public Safety Communications Manager 1262 Transit Manager 11102 Utility Engineer 4 Pay Class Cor Code Class Title A B C D E F 9i4 10101 Deputy Human Resource MO 1/1/2008 5333 36 5600.29 5882.82 6174.01 6480 81 Manager HR 1/1/2008 30.77 32 31 33.94 35.62 37.39 10303 Financial Services Officer MO 7/1/2008 5413.10 5683 49 5969 49 6265.88 6576 14 13101 Parks Operations HR 7/1/2008 31.23 32.79 34 44 36 15 37.94 Supervisor MO 1/1/2009 5589.89 5868.95 6165 35 6470 41 6791.07 1266 Refuse and Recycling HR 1/1/2009 32.25 33 86 35.57 37.33 39.18 Manager MO 7/1/2009 5638 42 5920.95 6219.08 6527 61 6850 00 11104 Senior Engineer HR 7/1/2009 32 53 34.16 35.88 37 66 39.52 11202 Senior Project Planner (Transit) 11901 Supervising Senior Analyst 10304 Treasury Services Officer 1242 Utility Customer Services Manager 11105 Water /Irrigation Engineer 973 1324 Assistant City Attorney I MO 1/1/2008 5076.84 5333.36 5600.29 5882.82 6174 01 1234 City Clerk HR 1/1/2008 29 29 30.77 32.31 33 94 35 62 11101 Construction Supervisor MO 7/1/2008 5151 37 5413 10 5683 49 5969 49 6265.88 1421 Court Services Manager HR 7/1/2008 29.72 31.23 32.79 34 44 36.15 11410 Neighborhood MO 1/1/2009 5319 50 5589 89 5868.95 6165 35 6470.41 Development Services HR 1/1/2009 30 69 32.25 33.86 35 57 37 33 Operations Supervisor MO 7/1/2009 5366.30 5638 42 5920 95 6219.08 6527.61 11902 Operations Supervisor HR 7/1/2009 30 96 32.53 34.16 35.88 37.66 13102 Parks Superintendent 17101 Public Safety Assistant Communications Manager 13302 Street Maintenance Supervisor 11201 Supervising Associate Planner 11251 Supervising Code Inspector 11103 Supervising Traffic Engineer 11106 Surface Water Engineer 11301 Traffic Operations Supervisor 15102 Wastewater Treatment Plant Process Control Supervisor 5 Pay Class Code Code Class Title A B C D E F - 974 12201 Industrial Maintenance MO 1/1/2008 4837 64 5076.84 5333 36 5600.29 5882.82 Supervisor HR 1/1/2008 27 91 29.29 30 77 32.31 33 94 10201 Senior Analyst(Exempt) MO 7/1/2008 4908 71 5151.37 5413 10 5683 49 5969 49 15201 Water Treatment Plant HR 7/1/2008 28.32 29 72 31.23 32.79 34 44 Supervisor MO 1/1/2009 5069.90 5319 50 5589 89 5868.95 6165 35 HR 1/1/2009 29.25 30.69 32.25 33.86 35.57 MO 7/1/2009 5114 97 5366 30 5638 42 5920 95 6219 08 HR 7/1/2009 29 51 30.96 32.53 34.16 35.88 975 10302 Accountant MO 1/1/2008 460711 4837.64 5076.84 5333.36 5600.29 11502 Aquatics Program HR 1/1/2008 26.58 27 91 29.29 30.77 32.31 Supervisor MO 7/1/2008 4674 71 4908.71 5151.37 5413 10 5683 49 10102 Chief Examiner HR 7/1/2008 26.97 28 32 29.72 31.23 32.79 12103 Equipment Supervisor MO 1/1/2009 4827.24 5069 90 5319.50 5589.89 5868 95 11730 Forensic Supervisor HR 1/1/2009 27 85 29.25 30.69 32.25 33 86 15301 Lab Coordinator MO 7/1/2009 4870.57 5114 97 5366.30 5638.42 5920.95 10301 Payroll Officer HR 7/1/2009 28 10 29.51 30 96 32 53 34 16 15104 Pretreatment Supervisor 1431 Probation Services Manager 10202 Project Manager 13301 Street Supervisor 13701 Traffic Sign Supervisor 14201 Transit Operations Supervisor 13201 Wastewater Maintenance Supervisor 13501 Water Distribution Supervisor 976 13401 Irrigation Supervisor MO 1/1/2008 4381 78 4607 11 4837 64 5076 84 5333.36 10203 Lead Applications HR 1/1/2008 25.28 26.58 27 91 29.29 30 77 System Designer MO 7/1/2008 4445.91 4674 71 4908 71 5151.37 5413 10 11750 Lead Police Support HR 7/1/2008 25 65 26 97 28 32 29.72 31.23 Services Supervisor MO 1/1/2009 4591.51 4827.24 5069.90 5319 50 5589 89 11503 Recreation Supervisor HR 1/1/2009 26 49 27 85 29.25 30 69 32.25 11805 Senior Buyer MO 7/1/2009 4631 38 4870 57 5114 97 5366 30 5638.42 15103 WWTP Chief Operator HR 7/1/2009 26 72 28.10 29 51 30 96 32.53 977 11720 Corrections Sergeant MO 1/1/2008 4178 99 4381.78 4607 11 4837 64 5076 84 12101 Equipment Maintenance HR 1/1/2008 24 11 25.28 26 58 27.91 29.29 MO 7/1/2008 4241 39 4445 91 4674.71 4908 71 5151 37 HR 7/1/2008 24 47 25 65 26.97 28 32 29.72 MO 1/1/2009 4380 05 4591 51 4827 24 5069 90 5319.50 HR 1/1/2009 25.27 26 49 27 85 29.25 30 69 MO 7/1/2009 4418 18 4631.38 4870 57 5114.97 5366.30 HR 7/1/2009 25 49 26.72 28.10 29.51 30 96 6 Pay Class Co Code Class Title A B C D E F 970 13601 Building Superintendent MO 1/1/2008 3974 46 4178 99 4381 78 4607.11 4837.64 13103 Cemetery Supervisor HR 1/1/2008 22.93 24.11 25.28 26.58 27.91 11602 Code Inspections Officer MO 7/1/2008 4033.39 4241.39 4445.91 4674.71 4908 71 Supervisor HR 7/1/2008 23.27 24.47 25 65 26.97 28 32 11710 Police Services Supervisor MO 1/1/2009 4165 12 4380.05 4591 51 4827.24 5069 90 1432 Probation Officer HR 1/1/2009 24.03 25.27 26 49 27.85 29.25 11401 Senior Program Supervisor MO 7/1/2009 4201 52 4418 18 4631.38 4870 57 5114.97 14202 Transit Field Operations HR 7/1/2009 24.24 25 49 26.72 28.10 29.51 Supervisor 14301 Utility Service Supervisor 979 1331 Administrative Assistant to MO 1/1/2008 3792.46 3974.46 4178 99 4381.78 4607.11 the City Manager HR 1/112008 21 88 22.93 24 11 25.28 26.58 10502 Deputy City Clerk MO 7/1/2008 3847 93 4033.39 4241 39 4445.91 4674.71 1311 Executive Secretary - HR 7/1/2008 22.20 23.27 24.47 25 65 26.97 12102 Mechanic II MO 1/1/2009 3974 46 4165.12 4380 05 4591.51 4827.24 11604 Parks and Recreation HR 1/1/2009 22.93 24 03 25.27 26 49 27 85 Administrative Associate MO 7/1/2009 4009 12 4201.52 4418 18 4631.38 4870.57 14101 Solid Waste Supervisor HR 7/1/2009 23.13 24.24 25 49 26.72 28 10 9f 1 6101 Administrative Assistant MO 1/1/2008 3610.46 3792.46 3974.46 4178.99 4381.78 to Fire Chief HR 1/1/2008 20 83 21 88 22 93 24.11 25.28 11701 Administrative Assistant to MO 7/1/2008 3664.20 3847 93 4033 39 4241.39 4445 91 to Police Chief HR, 7/1/2008 21.14 22.20 23.27 24 47 25 65 1434 Case Specialist MO 1/1/2009 3783.79 3974.46 4165 12 4380 05 4591 51 1423 Certified Court Interpreter HR 1/1/2009 21.83 22.93 24 03 25.27 26 49 11601 Community & Economic MO 7/1/2009 3816 73 4009 12 4201 52 4418 18 4631.38 Development Officer HR 7/1/2009 22 02 23.13 24.24 25 49 26.72 Administrator 1430 Deputy Court Services Manager 10601 Engineering Contracts Specialist 10506 Executive Assistant 10510 Legal Assistant III 11501 Recreation Program Supervisor 981 10305 Financial Services MO 1/1/2008 3433.67 3610 46 3792.46 3974.46 4178.99 Technician - Payroll HR 1/1/2008 19.81 20.83 21 88 22.93 24 11 10103 Human Resources MO 7/1/2008 3483.93 3664.20 3847 93 4033 39 4241 39 Specialist HR 7/1/2008 20.10 21.14 22.20 23.27 24 47 MO 1/1/2009 3598.33 3783 79 3974 46 4165.12 4380.05 HR 1/1/2009 20 76 21 83 22.93 24 03 25.27 MO 7/1/2009 3629 53 3816 73 4009 12 4201.52 4418 18 HR 7/1/2009 20 94 22.02 23.13 24.24 25.49 7 Pay Class Code Code Class Title A B C D E F 982 10602 Engineering Office MO 1/1/2008 3277 67 3433.67 3610.46 3792.46 3974.46 Assistant HR 1/1/2008 18.91 19.81 20.83 21.88 22.93 10520 Utility and Finance MO 7/1/2008 3326.20 3483 93 3664.20 3847.93 4033.39 Assistant HR 7/1/2008 19.19 20.10 2114 22.20 23.27 MO 1/1/2009 3435 40 3598.33 3783.79 3974 46 4165 12 HR 1/1/2009 19.82 20 76 21 83 22 93 24 03 MO 7/1/2009 3464 87 3629 53 3816 73 4009 12 4201.52 HR 7/1/2009 19 99 20 94 22 02 23.13 24.24 983 10507 Administrative Secretary MO 1/1/2008 3116.47 3277 67 3433 67 3610 46 3792.46 10511 Legal Assistant II HR 1/1/2008 17 98 18 91 19 81 20.83 21 88 11603 Public Works Office MO 7/1/2008 3163.27 3326.20 3483.93 3664.20 3847 93 Assistant .HR 7/1/2008 18.25 19.19 20.10 - 2114 22.20 MO 1/1/2009 3267.27 3435 40 3598 33 3783.79 3974.46 HR 1/1/2009 18 85 19 82 20 76 21 83 22.93 MO 7/1/2009 3296.74 3464.87 3629.53 3816 73 4009 12 HR 7/1/2009 19.02 19 99 20 94 22 02 23 13 984 10104 Human Resources MO 1/1/2008 2969 14 3116 47 3277 67 3433 67 3610.46 Assistant HR 1/1/2008 17.13 17.98 18.91 19.81 20 83 10512 Legal Assistant I MO 7/1/2008 3012.48 3163.27 3326.20 3483 93 3664.20 HR 7/1/2008 17 38 18.25 19 19 20 10 21 14 MO 1/1/2009 3111.27 3267 27 3435 40 3598 33 3783 79 HR 1/1/2009 17 95 18 85 19.82 20.76 21 83 MO 7/1/2009 3139 01 3296 74 3464 87 3629 53 3816 73 HR 7/1/2009 18 11 19 02 19 99 20 94 22 02 985 No Allocated MO 1/1/2008 2830 48 2969 14 3116 47 3277 67 3433 67 Classification HR 1/1/2008 16.33 17 13 17 98 18 91 19 81 MO 7/1/2008 2872 08 3012.48 3163.27 3326.20 3483 93 HR 7/1/2008 16 57 17.38 18.25 19.19 20 10 MO 1/1/2009 2965 68 3111.27 3267.27 3435 40 3598 33 HR 1/1/2009 17 11 17 95 18 85 19 82 20 76 MO 7/1/2009 2991 68 3139 01 3296 74 3464 87 3629 53 HR 7/1/2009 17.26 18 11 19.02 19 99 20 94 986 No Allocated MO 1/1/2008 2693 55 2830.48 2969.14 3116 47 3277 67 Classification HR 1/1/2008 15 54 16.33 17.13 17 98 18.91 MO 7/1/2008 2733.41 2872.08 3012 48 3163 27 3326.20 HR _ 7/1/2008 15.77 16.57 17 38 18.25 19 19 MO 1/1/2009 2823 55 2965 68 3111.27 3267.27 3435 40 HR 1/1/2009 16.29 17 11 17.95 18.85 19.82 MO 7/1/2009 2847 81 2991 68 3139 01 3296 74 3464 87 HR 7/1/2009 16 43 17.26 18.11 19 02 19 99 8 Pay Class Code Code Class Title A B C D E F 18101 Communications Division MO 1/1/2008 2572.22 2693.55 2830 48 2969.14 3116.47 Office Assistant HR 1/1/2008 14 84 15.54 16 33 17.13 17.98 1422 Municipal Court Clerk MO 7/1/2008 2610.35 2733.41 2872 08 3012.48 3163.27 1433 Probation Services Clerk HR 7/1/2008 15 06 15 77 16 57 17.38 18.25 MO 1/1/2009 2695.28 2823.55 2965 68 3111.27 3267.27 HR 1/1/2009 15.55 16.29 17 11 17.95 18.85 MO 7/1/2009 2719 55 2847 81 2991.68 3139 01 3296 74 HR 7/1/2009 15 69 16.43 17.26 18 11 19 02 988 No Allocated MO 5/18/2008 2449 15 2572.22 2693.55 2830 48 2969 14 Classification HR 5/18/2008 14.13 14.84 15 54 16 33 17.13 MO 7/1/2008 2485 55 2610.35 2733 41 2872.08 3012.48 HR 7/1/2008 14 34 15 06 15.77 16.57 17 38 MO 1/1/2009 2567.02 2695.28 2823 55 2965 68 3111.27 HR 1/1/2009 14 81 15.55 16.29 17 11 17 95 MO 7/1/2009 2589.55 2719 55 2847.81 2991.68 3139 01 HR 7/1/2009 14 94 15.69 16 43 17.26 18.11 - 989 No Allocated MO 5/18/2008 2333 02 2449.15 2572.22 2693 55 2830 48 Classification HR 5/18/2008 13 46 14.13 14 84 15 54 16.33 MO 7/1/2008 2367.69 2485 55 2610.35 2733.41 2872 08 HR 7/1/2008 13 66 14.34 15 06 15 77 16 57 MO 1/1/2009 2445 69 2567 02 2695.28 2823 55 2965 68 HR 1/1/2009 14.11 14 81 15 55 16.29 17 11 MO 7/1/2009 2466 49 2589 55 2719 55 2847 81 2991 68 HR 7/1/2009 14.23 14 94 15 69 16.43 17.26 990 1424 Municipal Court Cashier MO 5/18/2008 2222 09 2333.02 2449 15 2572.22 2693.55 1425 Municipal Court HR 5/18/2008 12.82 13 46 14 13 14 84 15 54 Department Asst. MO 7/1/2008 2255 02 2367 69 2485.55 2610 35 2733 41 HR 7/1/2008 13.01 13 66 14 34 15 06 15.77 MO 1/1/2009 2329 56 2445 69 2567 02 2695.28 2823 55 HR 1/1/2009 13 44 14 11 14 81 15 55 16.29 MO 7/1/2009 2350.35 2466 49 2589 55 2719 55 2847.81 HR 7/1/2009 13 56 14.23 14.94 15 69 16 43 Section 3. Subsection 2.20 110E of the City of Yakima Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows "E. Police Civil Service Classes Pay Class Code Code Class Title A B C D E F 6121 Police Officer MO 1/1/2010 4497 91 4861 91 5135 77 5354 16 6097.75 6122 Police Officer (Lateral) HR 1/1/2010 25 95 28.05 29 63 30 89 35 18 9 Pay Class Code Code Class 'Title A B C D E F MO 7/1/2010 4565.51 4934 71 5212.03 5433 9 6189 61 HR 7/1/2010 26.34 28 47 30 07 31 35 35 71 MO 1/1/2012 4657.38 5033 5 5316.03 5543 09 6312.68 HR 1/1/2012 26 87 29 04 30.67 31 98 36 42 MO 1/1/2013 4704.18 5083.77 5369.76 5598 56 6375.08 HR 1/1/2013 27.14 29 33 30 98 32.3 36.78 MO 7/1/2013 4797 77 5186 03 5477.23 5711.22 6503 34 HR 7/1/2013 27.68 29.92 31 6 32 95 37.52 450 6124 Police Sergeant MO 1/1/2010 6685 34 7012.93 HR 1/1/2010 38 57 40 46 MO 7/1/2010 6785.87 7118.66 HR 7/1/2010 39 15 41.07 MO 1/1/2012 . 6921 07 7260, 79 HR 1/1/2012 39 93 41.89 MO 1/1/2013 6990.4 7333 59 HR 1/1/2013 40 33 42.31 MO 7/1/2013 7130 8 7480.92 HR 7/1/2013 41.14 4316 Section 4 . Subsection 2 20 110F of the City of Yakima Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows "F. Fire Civil Service Classes 506 6343 Deputy Fire Marshal MO 1/1/2009 6421 88 6742 54 7090 93 7447.99 7785 98 6351 Fire Training Supervisor HR 1/1/2009 37 05 38 9 40 91 42 97 44 92 MO 7/1/2009 6486 01 6810 14 7162 7522.52 7863 98 HR 7/1/2009 37 42 39.29 41 32 43 4 45 37 MO 1/1/2012 6616 01 6947 07 7305 86 7673.32 8021.71 HR 1/1/2012 38.17 40.08 4215 44.27 46.28 MO 7/1/2012 6747 74 7085 73 7451 46 7827.58 8182.91 HR 7/1/2012 38 93 40 88 42 99 45 16 47.21 MO 1/1/2013 6815 34 7156 8 7525 99 7905.58 8264 37 HR 1/1/2013 39 32 41.29 43 42 45.61 47.68 515 6325 Fire Captain Shift MO 1/1/2009 5842.60 6126 85 6443 91 6765 34 7080.21 (Monthly hours - 218.66) HR 1/1/2009 26 72 28 02 29 47 30 94 32.38 MO 7/1/2009 5901.63 6188 08 6507 32 6833 13 7150 18 HR 7/1/2009 26 99 28.30 29.76 31.25 32.70 MO 1/1/2012 6019 71 6312 71 6638 52 6970 88 7292.31 HR 1/1/2012 27 53 28.87 30 36 31 88 33 35 MO 7/1/2012 6139 97 6439 54 6771.9 7110 82 7438 81 HR 7/1/2012 28.08 29 45 30 97 32.52 34.02 MO 1/1/2013 6201.20 6502 95 6839 68 7182 98 7513 16 HR 1/1/2013 28 36 29.74 31.28 32 85 34 36 10 Pay Class Co' ' Code Class Title A B C D E F 540 6323 Fire Lieutenant (Shift) MO 1/1/2009 5280 64 5543 03 5801 05 6107.17 6408 92 (Monthly hours - 218 66) HR 1/1/2009 24.15 25.35 26 53 27.93 29.31 MO 7/1/2009 5333 12 5597 70 5860.09 6168 40 6472.34 HR 7/1/2009 24.39 25 60 26.80 28.21 29 60 MO 1/1/2012 5440.26 5709.21 5978.16 6290 85 6601 35 HR 1/1/2012 24.88 26.11 27 34 28 77 30.19 MO 7/1/2012 5549.59 5822.92 6098.43 6417 67 6732 54 HR 7/1/2012 25.38 26.63 27.89 29.35 30.79 MO 1/1/2013 5604.26 5881 95 6159.65 6481.08 6800.33 HR 1/1/2013 25.63 26.90 2817 29.64 31.10 527 6344 Assistant Fire Marshal MO 1/1/2009 5806 56 6097.75 6383.74 6711.34 7051 06 6352 Fire Training Lieutenant HR 1/1/2009 33.5 35.18 36.83 38 72 40 68 MO 7/1/2009 5865 49 6158 41 6447.88 6778.94 7122.13 HR 7/1/2009 33.84 35.53 37.2 3911 4109 MO 1/1/2012 5983.35 6281 48 6576.14 6914.13 7264 26 HR 1/1/2012 34 52 36.24 37.94 39.89 41.91 MO 7/1/2012 6102.95 6406.28 6707.87 7052 8 7409 86 HR 7/1/2012 35.21 36 96 38.7 40 69 42.75 MO 1/1/2013 6163.61 6470.41 6775 47 7123 86 7484.39 HR 1/1/2013 35 56 37 33 39.09 41.1 43 18 530 6321 Firefighter MO 1/1/2009 4274.80 4611.54 4884.86 5092 59 5796 68 (Monthly hours - 218 66) HR 1/1/2009 19 55 21 09 22 34 23.29 26.51 MO 7/1/2009 4318.54 4657 46 4932.97 5142.88 5855 71 F HR 7/1/2009 19.75 21 30 22.56 23 52 26 78 MO 1/1/2012 4406.00 4751.48 503137 5245.65 5973.79 HR 1/1/2012 20.15 21 73 23 01 23 99 27 32 MO 7/1/2012 4493.46 4845 51 5131.95 5350 61 6094 05 HR 7/1/2012 20.55 22 16 23.47 24 47 27 87 MO 1/1/2013 4539 38 4893 61 5182.24 5403.09 6155 28 HR 1/1/2013 20.76 22.38 23.70 24.71 28 15 545 4522 Electronics Supervisor MO 1/1/2009 4567.25 4792 57 5033 50 5276.17 5546.56 5823 89 HR 1/1/2009 26.35 27 65 29 04 30 44 32 00 33 60 MO 7/1/2009 4612.31 484111 5083.77 5328.16 5602.03 5882.82 HR 7/1/2009 26.61 27 93 29.33 30.74 32.32 33.94 MO 1/1/2012 4704.18 4938 17' 5186 03 5433 90 5714 69 6000.68 HR 1/1/2012 27.14 28 49 29 92 31 35 32 97 34.62 MO" 7/1/2012 _4797.77 5036.97 5290 03 5543.09 5829 09 6120.28 HR 7/1/2012 27.68 29.06 30 52 31.98 33 63 35 31 MO 1/1/2013 4846 31 5087.24 5343 76 5598 56 5888 02 6180 95 HR 1/1/2013 27 96 29 35 30.83 32 30 33 97 35 66 11 Pay Class Code Code Class Title A B C D E 547 4520 Electronics Technician I MO 1/1/2009 3504.73 3659 00 3832.33 4009.12 4192.85 44t. HR 1/1/2009 20.22 21 11 22.11 23 13 24 19 25 40 MO 7/1/2009 3539.40 3695 40 3870 46 4048 99 4234 45 4445 91 HR 7/1/2009 20 42 21.32 22.33 23.36 24 43 25 65 MO 1/1/2012 3610 46 3769 93 3948 46 4130 45 4319.38 4534 31 HR 1/1/2012 20 83 21 75 22.78 23 83 24 92 26 16 MO 7/1/2012 3683.26 3846.19 4028.19 4213 65 4406.05 4624 44 HR 7/1/2012 21.25 22.19 23.24 24 31 25 42 26.68 MO 1/1/2013 3719 66 3884.33 4068 06 4255.25 4449.38 4671.24 HR 1/1/2013 21 46 22.41 23 47 24 55 25.67 26 95 550 4521 Electronics Technician 11 MO 1/1/2009 3965 79 4166 85 4373 12 4591 51 4822.04 5062.97 HR 1/1/2009 22 88 24.04 25.23 26.49 27 82 29.21 , MO 7/1/2009 4005 66 4208 45 4416 45 4636 58 4870 57 5113.24 HR 7/1/2009 23 11 24.28 25 48 26.75 28 1 29.5 MO 1/1/2012 4085.39 4293 38 4504 85 4730 18 4967.64 5215 50 HR 1/1/2012 23.57 24.77 25 99 27.29 28 66 30.09 MO 7/1/2012 4166.85 4380 05 4594.98 4825.51 5066 44 5319 50 HR 7/1/2012 24 04 25.27 26 51 27 84 29.23 30.69 MO 1/1/2013 4208.45 4423.38 4641.78 4874 04 5116 70 5373 23 HR 1/1/2013 24.28 25 52 26 78 28 12 29 52 31 00 555 6425 Alarm Supervisor MO 1/1/2009 4068 06 4255.25 4447 65 4652.18 4860 17 51L HR 1/1/2009 23 47 24 55 25 66 26.84 28 04 29 44 MO 7/1/2009 4107 92 4298 58 4492 71 4698.98 4908 71 5153 1 HR 7/1/2009 23.70 24 80 25 92 27.11 28 32 29 73 MO 1/1/2012 4189 39 4385.25 4582.85 4792.57 5007 5 5255 37 HR 1/1/2012 24 17 25 30 26 44 27.65 28.89 30 32 MO 7/1/2012 4272 58 4473 65 4674 71 4887 91 5108 04 5361 1 HR 7/1/2012 24 65 25 81 26 97 28.2 29.47 30 93 MO 1/1/2013 4315 92 4518 71 4721.51 4936 44 5158 30 5414 83 HR 1/1/2013 24 90 26 07 27.24 28 48 29 76 31.24 558 6415 Public Safety MO 1/1/2009 3906 86 4102 72 4310 72 4523 91 4749.24 4988.44 Comm Supervisor HR 1/1/2009 22.54 23 67 24 87 26 1 27 4 28 78 MO 7/1/2009 3946 72 4144 32 4354 05 4568 98 4796 04 5038 70 HR 7/1/2009 22.77 23.91 25 12 26 36 27 67 29 07 MO 1/1/2012 4026.46 4227 52 4440 71 4660.84 4891 37 5139.23 HR 1/1/2012 23.23 24.39 25 62 26 89 28.22 29 65 MO 7/1/2012 4106 19 4312.45 4529 11 4754 44 4988 44 5241 50 HR 7/1/2012 23 69 24 88 26 13 27 43 28 78 30.24 MO 1/1/2013 4147.79 4355 78 4574 18 4801.24 5038 7 5293.5 HR 1/1/2013 23.93 25 13 26 39 27 7 29 07 30 54 12 Pay Class Code Code Class Title A B C D E F ,8230 Maintenance Mechanic MO 1/1/2009 4386 98 4607.11 4837.64 5078.57 5335 1 5602.03 HR 1/1/2009 25 31 26 58 27 91 29.3 30 78 32.32 MO 7/1/2009 4430 31 4653.91 4886 17 5128.83 5388 83 5657 49 HR 7/1/2009 25 56 26.85 28 19 29.59 31 09 32.64 MO 1/1/2012 4518 71 4747 51 4983.24 5231.1 5496.29 5770.16 HR 1/1/2012 26 07 27 39 28 75 30 18 31 71 33.29 MO 7/1/2012 4608.84 4842.84 5083 77 5335 10 5605 49 5886.29 HR 7/1/2012 26.59 27.94 29 33 30 78 32 34 33 96 MO 1/1/2013 4655 64 4891 37 5134 03 5388 83 5660.96 5945.22 HR 1/1/2013 26 86 28.22 29.62 31.09 32 66 34.30 575 6411. Fire Dispatcher MO 1/1/2009 3230.87 3385.13 3548.07 3726 60 4125.25 4329.78 6412 Public Safety Dispatcher HR 1/1/2009 18.64 19 53 20.47 21.50 23 80 24 98 MO 7/1/2009 3263 80 3419 80 3582.73 3764.73 4166 85 4373 12 HR 7/1/2009 18.83 19.73 20.67 2172 24.04 25.23 MO 1/1/2012 3329 67 3487.40 3653 80 3839.26 4250 05 4459.78 HR 1/1/2012 19.21 20.12 21.08 22.15 24.52 25.73 MO 7/1/2012 3395.53 3556 73 3726 60 3915 52 4334 98 4548 18 HR 7/1/2012 19 59 20 52 21 50 22.59 25 01 26.24 MO 1/1/2013 3430.20 3593.13 3764.73 3955 39 4378 32 4593.25 HR 1/1/2013 19 79 20 73 21 72 22.82 25.26 26.5 5, 6441 Fire Secretary II MO 1/1/2009 2913 68 3048 87 3203 14 3347 3525 53 3702 33 HR 1/1/2009 16 81 17 59 18 48 19 31 20 34 21 36 MO 7/1/2009 2943 14 3080 07 3234 34 3379.94 3560.2 HR 7/1/2009 16.98 17.77 18.66 19 5 20 54 21.57 MO 1/1/2012 3002.08 3142.47 3298 47 3447 53 3631.26 3813.26 HR 1/1/2012 17 32 18.13 19 03 19 89 20 95 22 00 MO 7/1/2012 3062.74 3204 87 3364 34 3516 87 3704 06 3889 53 HR 7/1/2012 17.67 18.49 19 41 20.29 21 37 22 44 MO 1/1/2013 3093 94 3236 07 3397.27 3551.53 3740 46 3927 66 HR 1/1/2013 17 85 18 67 19 60 20 49 21 58 • 22 66 585 6440 Fire Secretary I MO 1/1/2009 2187.42 2313 96 2435.29 2565.28 2702.21 2837 41 HR 1/1/2009 12.62 13 35 14 05 14 8 15 59 16 37 MO 7/1/2009 2209 96 2336 49 2459 55 2591.28 2729 95 2865 14 HR 7/1/2009 12 75 13 48 14 19 14.95 15 75 16.53 MO 1/1/2012 2255 02 2383.29 2508 09 2643.28 2785 41 2922 34 HR 1/1/2012 13 01 13 75 14 47 15.25 16 07 16 86 MO 7/1/2012 2300 09 2431.82 2558 35 2697 01 2840 88 2981.28 HR 7/1/2012 13.27 14 03 14.76 15 56 16 39 17.20 MO 1/1/2013 2322.62 2456 09 2584 35 2724 75 2868 61 3010 74 HR 1/1/2013 13 40 14 17 14 91 15 72 16 55 17 37 13 Pay Class Code Code Class Title A B C D E F 590 6410 9 -1 -1 Calltaker MO 1/1/2009 2806.21 2946 61 3097 41 3249 94 3412.87 35 HR 1/1/2009 16 19 17 00 17 87 18 75 19.69 20.68 MO 7/1/2009 2833 95 2976 08 3128 61 3282 87 3447.53 3620 86 HR 7/1/2009 16.35 17.17 18 05 18 94 19 89 20.89 MO 1/1/2012 2891 14 3035.01 3191.01 3348.74 3516 87 3693.66 HR 1/1/2012 16.68 17 51 18.41 19 32 20.29 21 31 MO 7/1/2012 2948.34 3095 67 3255 14 3416.33 3587 93 3768 19 HR 7/1/2012 17 01 17 86 18.78 19.71 20.7 21 74 MO 1/1/2013 2977 81 3126.87 3288 07 3451 3624 33 3806 33 HR 1/1/2013 17 18 18.04 18 97 19.91 20.91 21.96 Section 5 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty days after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law and by the City Charter. approval and publication as provided by law and by the City Charter PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, signed and approved this 2nd day of July 2012. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Publication Date Effective Date 14