HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/2011 00 Action Minutes • ACTION ON YAKIMA CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 18, 2011 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YAKIMA CITY HALL 6:00 P.M. — BUSINESS MEETING 1. Roll Call Present: Council: Mayor Micah Cawley, presiding, Assistant Mayor Kathy Coffey, Council Members Maureen Adkison, Dave Edler, Rick Ensey, Dave Ettl and Bill Lover Staff: City Manager Cooper, City Attorney Cutter and Acting City Clerk Claar Tee 2. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Cawley led the Pledge of Allegiance 3. Open Discussion for the Good of the Order A. Proclamations D John Colgan Day Council Member Cawley read a proclamation declaring this day as John Colgan Day. John Colgan thanked the Council for this honor and accepted the proclamation. • _ _ • • _ •-- 2 • - • • -:• _ • - -Moved to November 1, 2011 B. Presentations /recognitions /introductions D Recognition of service awards for City employees Refuse Manager Nancy Fortier introduced and recognized Randy Layman for 30 years of service to the City of Yakima. • Police Lt. Merryman reported on the progress of the Gang Free Initiative (GFI) committee. The community assessment, which is the largest piece of the report, is now complete. The GFI is continuing to move forward to develop an action plan. Efforts to obtain federal funding have not been successful due to federal budget constraints. C. Status reports on prior meeting's citizen service requests - -None D. Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Council Committees - -None 4. Consent Agenda ACTION: Motion carried to approve the consent agenda as read. VOTE: Unanimous *A. Consideration of approval of City Council Meeting Minutes — None *B. Consideration of approval of Council Committee Meeting Minutes • Gang Free' Initiative Steering Committee -- September 1, 2011 • Transportation - Utilities Committee -- September 15, 2011 • North First Street Ad Hoc Committee — September 21, 2011 ACTION: Council Committee meeting minutes were approved. 5. Audience Participation Barb Thobois, Beverly Thierolf, Sandy Blackburn, Sharon Jacobs and Mary Heneghen shared their concerns about budget cuts and spoke in favor of keeping the pools open. Jesse Ingram would like the City and County to jointly build a Frisbee golf course in our valley. Lynn Kittelson invited everyone to the 7 annual Dia De Los Muertos 2011 Celebration of Life Community Exhibit open daily October 29 through November 5 from 12 -6 p.m. at 319 E. Yakima Avenue. She also encouraged businesses to set up altars in their business, and noted maps and brochures will be handed out in the downtown area for the event. Bill and Rhonda Cornwell shared pictures regarding their neighborhood known as the "Doty Project." She indicated she was not in favor of replacing the trees /arborvitae that the City recently removed due to other urgent priorities. They explained the trees died because the water meter is located on a neighbor's property and they refused to turn on the water. She would like to continue to improve her neighborhood and is open to any suggestions or assistance. She would be grateful if this area was not referred to as the Doty Development. CITY MANAGER REPORTS 6. Resolution expressing intent to establish a Downtown Yakima Business Improvement District (DYBID) through the resolution process Citizens and Council members discussed this issue at length, reiterating the history of the DYBID and the status of Committee for Downtown Yakima's (CDY) efforts to reach the required percentage to re- establish the DYBID. ACTION: Motion failed to adopt the resolution. VOTE: 4 -3, Cawley, Ensey, EttI, and Lover voting no. 7. Recommendation from the Council North First Street Ad Hoc Committee to accept the North First Street Corridor Revitalization Project Planning Grant final report / brochure Assistant City Manager Morales recapped the report and development of the brochure. ACTION: Motion carried to accept the report. VOTE: Unanimous *8. Resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with Ridolfi Inc., for professional engineering services related to riparian zone outfall alternatives at the Wastewater Treatment Facility associated with the Yakima River Gap to Gap floodplain restoration project ACTION: Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION NO. R -2011 -155 *9. Resolution authorizing execution of a contract with the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation to produce a full -color brochure identifying historic properties in the Greater - Downtown area of Yakima ACTION: Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION NO. R -2011 -156 "10. Resolution authorizing execution of a two -year commuter service contract and vehicle lease agreement with HopeSource for service between Yakima and Ellensburg ACTION: Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION NO. R- 2011 -157 2 *11. Set date of public hearing for November 1, 2011 to consider citizen comment on the proposed 2012 Annual Action Plan ACTION: November 1, 2011 was set as the date of public hearing. *12. Set date of public bearing for November 1, 2011 to consider citizen comment on the proposed Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) ACTION: November 1, 2011 was set as the date of public hearing. ORDINANCES 13. Presentation of a draft Ordinance regarding medical marijuana and request that such material be referred to the Planning Commission for review and public hearing Senior Assistant City Attorney Kunkler reviewed the draft legislation and asked Council for direction. ACTION: Motion carried to refer the medical marijuana issue to the Planning Commission. VOTE: 6 -1, Coffey voting no. *14. Ordinance amending the Classification and Compensation Plan for Certain City Employees and amending subsections of the City of Yakima Municipal Code ACTION: Ordinance passed. ORDINANCE NO. 2011-49 *15. Ordinance vacating Poplar Street right -of -way between North 1 and 3 Avenues ACTION: Ordinance passed. ORDINANCE NO. 2011-50 *16. Second reading of an Ordinance amending the 2011 Budget and making appropriations in various funds to Provide for increased 911 telephone costs; Integrated Public Safety System (IPSS); Lincoln Avenue railroad underpass project costs; and to replace a damaged Refuse truck ACTION: Ordinance passed. ORDINANCE NO. 2011-51 17. Other Business Council Member Edler suggested that representatives of the City Council meet with the Yakima Bears and cities of Selah and Union Gap to discuss building a new ball park for the Yakima Bears since the Bears no longer have an agreement with Vancouver. Mayor Cawley agreed to schedule a meeting. In response to Council Member Edler's inquiry about a plan to maintain the downtown, now that CDY no longer would be involved, Mayor Cawley said he would invite all property owners who are impacted by the disestablishment of the DYBID to a meeting to provide input. Acting City Attorney Harvey briefed the Council on the issues regarding the proposed statewide court rule adopting standards for public defense services and the request for financial support from cities to retain legal counsel to challenge constitutional issues of the proposed rule. ACTION: Motion carried to commit $1,000 to this cause. VOTE: Unanimous 18. Adjournment — 8:16 p.m. ACTION: Motion carried to adjourn to the next business meeting on November 1, 2011. VOTE: Unanimous/ 3