HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/1977 Business Meeting 446 ADJOURNED; REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 10, 1977 The City Council met in session on this date at 12:30 Noon in the 'Council Chambers of Yakima City Hall. Council members present were Assistant Mayor W. K. "Pete" Moore, Jean Allard, Ralph Holbrook, ,Dr. Bill Simmons, Nadine Walker and Gordon Wonder. Mayor Betty L. Edmondson absent having been excused. Council members met to discuss proposals for amending the 1977 Community Development program. Director of Community Development, Fred Stouder reviewed the list of guidelines from HUD showing what projects are eligible and which are not eligible. He stated the project to paint the Southeast Community Center is not eligible for ! funding because it is maintenance. The request for covering the patio at the Southeast Community Center is eligible. Mr. Stouder stated they have asked the staff of Southeast Community Center for : a better dost analysis of this project because the City staff feels $60,000 may not be enough money for the project. City Manager ' Eastman stated he is reluctant to have staff working through staff members of the Center as he feels this should go through the Board of Directors. Councilman Holbrook stated he wants to make sure this is a reasonable request and would like a followup on it. It was the consensus of the Council to have City Manager Eastman write , ' a letter regarding this request to Mr. Charles Lee, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Southeast Community Center. Councilman Wonder stated he would like to check into the idea of giving the Southeast Center the same amount of money given to the Senior Citizen Center to run for a year. Councilman Allard stated the Senior Center is run by professionals and the Southeast Center is run by amateurs so there may be some difficulty with this concept. It was the consensus of the Council to cover Simpson Ditch whether the money comes from Community Development or a separate project, and to wait : until they have heard from the Southeast Community Center Board before making further decisions. Mr. Norris Gibson, minister of First Baptist Church and Mr. Don Reed, real estate agent spoke to Council re the FHA 221d2 Loan Program for rehabilitated homes. They stated it could be a revolving fund and low income persons could acquire homes without a down payment. They stated they felt 200 homes could be done with approximately $200,000 over a period of a couple of years. It was the consensus of the Council to have Mr. Stouder check into this program further. • The Council announced that the interviews for the position of Community Relations Officer will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 1 9 p.m. on February 24th and 25th at Nadine Walker's home. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was • MOVED by Simmons, seconded by Allard that this meeting be adjourned at the hour of 2:00 p.m.: carried, Allard, Holbrook, Moore, Simmons, ;Walker and Wonder voting aye by voice. vote. Edmondson absent. READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BY W , DATE ca. r4 , CO 1■14; LMAN ■ Illp / .--- ! / 7 / o/ / -.1 & .,.:/_. -.L. DATE / 77 : 'COUNC MAN 'ATTEST: . Ai CITYLERK 0-pt.- -9----- _ ASSISTANT MAYOR 1 , 1 , 1 : 1 ,