HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/08/1975 Business Meeting OP) DECEMBER 8, 1975 * See Page 38 for Study Session portion of the meeting. At 3:00 P.M., the Council members moved into the Council Chambers for the balance of the meeting, Mayor Broad presiding, Councilmen Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons, City Manager McMicken and City Attorney Andrews present on roll call. The Invocation was given by Mayor Broad. The minutes of the previous meeting of December 1, 1975, having been duly certified accurate by two Councilmen, and no one present wishing to have said minutes read publicly, Mayor Broad declared said minutes approved as recorded. Mr. Ted Goodwin, Attorney representing Jack Rodriquez, Sr., spoke to the Council regarding the parade permit granted by the Council last week in connection with memorial services for Jack Rodriquez, Jr. to be held December 13, 1975 at 9:45 a.m. Mr. Goodwin reported a subsequent change in parade plans indicating that the WSU students participating in the parade originally intended to begin the street march at St. Joseph Church, but the Church was not notified and states they will not be participating. It is now proposed that the procession start on the sidewalk in front of St. Joseph's Church and rather than ending at St. Joseph Church, the procession would continue to Miller Park where the group will be permitted to use the park for a religious ceremony. It was MOVED by Jarms, seconded by Edmondson that the Council reconsider the granting of a parade permit: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. Those present and objecting to granting the parade permit were Mrs. Ines Rice, Larry Robinson, and Edgar Haynes, objecting on the basis of the extra policemen required on overtime pay, feeling this would be an unnecessary expenditure for this type of parade. Jack Rodriquez, Sr., being present, reported that the parade would be strictly controlled within the confines of the law. Also present and asking questions was Pamela Hurd. Councilman Moore voiced his objection, noting that it would produce an unnecessary interruption of traffic and would occur too close to Christmas. He cited the necessity for traffic being blocked off to allow for the large number of students to march along the street route as outlined last week, as well as the financial consideration involved. After discussion, it was MOVED by Moore, seconded by Schussler that the parade permit be denied: carried, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote; Broad voting nay by voice vote. It was noted that the students will still be allowed to assemble in Miller Park. Councilman Jarms indicated that he supported the Motion at this time, but would encourage the applicant to resubmit his application for a later date. Mayor Broad indicated that he could not support the Motion because he could not see a great deal of difference from the original proposal and felt the basic consideration to be one of public assembly. Councilman Simmons indicated his support of the Motion to deny because of the traffic problems and possible safety problems involved. Councilman Edmondson voiced her support of the Motion due to the time of year and the requirement for a 14-day prior notification. Mr. Goodwin emphasized that the Council should be guided by the Ordinance governing the issuance of permits as found under Section 9.50.810 of the Municipal Code. He emphasized he had received assurances from participants that it would be a peaceful march and felt specific guidelines for denial should be written into the Ordinance. For the Council's information, Mayor Broad noted the receipt of a petition from approximately 55 persons in protest of the parade scheduled for December 13, 1975. 34 DECEMBER 8, 1975 City Manager McMicken read a letter received from Mr. Cecil Warriner, of the Yakima Valley Chapter of Disabled Veterans, asking that the Council grant Veterans' senior citizens status on the City's transit system. He indicated that the number obtaining that status would not be too large. Councilman Schussler cited a problem with appropriately defining disability.for purposes. of this request. It was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Edmondson that this request be referred to the City Manager and Transit staff for study and recommendation: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. City Manager McMicken requested approval of the final plans and specifications for the Bicentennial Pavilion, noting the request for a change order, as submitted by R.S. Cameron and Company, Architect. He reported that the following plans have been reviewed by the City departments and the staff supports the proposals to date. Mr. Ron Cameron, Architect, being present, reviewed the following proposed change order to the contract: 1. Storm drain system with catch basins be removed from under building construction and put under Item 20 "Site Allowance", of the outlined specification dated May, 1975. Site allowance will then be changed from $85,000 to $80,000. 2. Provide rough-in plumbing for a full service kitchen in lieu of catered kitchen originally proposed at an additional $4,500. 3. Provide rough-in electrical for a full service kitchen in lieu of catered kitchen originally proposed at an additional $2,000. 4. Provide decorative trim and lighting over the banquet exhibit area for an additional $11,400. 5. Provide a control booth and storage below the booth for an additional $2,400. The total Change Order proposal amounts to an additional $20,300. ; 1 City Manager McMicken indicated that funding provided from the Bicentennial Pavilion Contingency Fund. After due discussion, ' I / it was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Schussler that the Council approve final plans and specifications for the Bicentennial ! Pavilion: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore and ' Schussler voting aye by voice vote. Simmons temporarily absent. 1 It was then MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Brown that the Council approve the Change Order as presented, to be funded from ( the Bicentennial Pavilion Contingency Fund: carried, Broad, I Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore and Schussler voting aye by i voice vote. Simmons temporarily absent. Also present and speak- ing to this matter were Mr. Tom Bostic and Edgar Haynes. ), 1 1 City Manager McMicken requested authorization to purchase property I/ 1 for the Downtown Improvement Parking Lots in accordance with the ) map and listing of parcels and appraisals provided. It was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Edmondson that Resolution No. 1 D-3424, authorizing the purchase of said property, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye on roll call. : I RESOLUTION NO. D-3424, A RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase by the City of Yakima of real property for downtown improvement project parking lots. DECEMBER 8, 1975 !City Manager McMicken reviewed the proposed insurance settlement for the Capitol Theatre fire, explaining the City's option to take partial settlement now with full settlement upon reconstruction of the Theatre within 2 years. It was MOVED by Schussler, I seconded by Simmons that the staff be authorized to proceed with Alternate I of the settlement, to include partial settlement now and the balance within two years upon rebuilding: ;carried, Broad, Brown, Schussler and Simmons voting aye I by voice vote; Edmondson, Jarms, and Moore voting nay by ;voice vote. The Motion carried. Councilman Moore expressed his feeling that the other Alternative presented a more feasible settlement. City Manager McMicken referred to a report from the Director of Community Development regarding the Housing and Urban Development Subsidized Housing under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title II, Section 8. He indicated that the grant implementation includes proposed construction . or rehabilitation within the City of approximately 60 non- elderly housing units and 55 units for the elderly, handicapped or disabled. The City is asked to review the proposals submitted by private developers for subsidized housing and comment on their consistency with the City's Housing Assistance Plan prepared under the Community Development Block Grant Program. The staff finds that the proposals are consistent with the City's Housing Plan. It was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Edmondson that the Council note their review of the housing proposals as submitted and that no objections are made on the basis of compliance with the Housing Assistance Plan: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. Mr. George Cahoon, Co-owner of Magic Wheels Skate Center, spoke to the Council regarding the skating rink license requirements in reference to the new rink nearing completion at Lincoln Center. He explained that in the process of trying to license the rink they have run into some outdated licensing requirements. City Manager McMicken indicated that staff reviewed the proposed changes last week and propose to bring them back for passage in Ordinance form. The skating rink regulatory license is one in a list of several regulatory licenses to be repealed. He cited the current ordinance requirements for hours of operation and the presence of a police matron under the regulatory license provisions. The hours specified are no later than 10:30 p.m. on weekdays and no later than:12:00 midnight on Friday and Saturday. He asked that the hours of operation and provisions for a police matron be repealed. The current fee is $75 per license year.: Mr. Cahoon indicated that in connection with special programs sponsored, the rink may wish to stay open 24 hours or later than 10:30 P.M.; however, plans include closing on week nights at 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight on weekends. City Manager McMicken noted the staff sees no reason to have the regulatory license imposed; however, some control may still be desired by the Police Department. Mr. Cahoon further spoke to the matter of admission tax and being the only skating rink within the City limits, feel they should be considered similar to bowling alleys, and be exempt from the 2-1/2 percent tax on every dollar. He indicated bookkeeping problems with the admission tax since there will be several admission fees, to include children's admission, adult admission, skate rental and some free skating in connection with special programs. Mr. Neal Buren also asked that the rink be considered similar to bowling alleys in reference to the Admission Tax. It was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Simmons that this matter be referred to the City staff for further study: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. 36 DECEMBER 8,.1975 i It was MOVED by Jarms, seconded by Moore that Resolution No. LD-3425, authorizing payment of $21.07 to Richard L. Kent for damages to his mailbox from a City refuse truck, be passed: ;carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler , and Simmons voting aye on roll call. i . 'RESOLUTION NO. D-3425, A RESOLUTION authorizing payment of $21.07 to Richard L. Kent in settlement for a claim for damages 'filed with the City of Yakima. i ! It was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Schussler that Resolution No. D-3426, a Resolution of Intention to Create a Local Improvement !District by construction of sewers in the Westwood West-Chestnut 'Avenue Sewer District and fixing January 5, 1976 as the date 11/ for Hearing, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye on roll call. !RESOLUTION NO. D-3426, A RESOLUTION of intention to create i ia Local Improvement District. , . Director of Public Works Dave Vargas reported to the Council 1 ,Iregarding recent flooding and efforts by crews to remove debris ! from the enclosure at the Water Treatment Plant. He reported that there was a partial washout of a rip-rap armor along the Sewage Treatment Plant dike which will need to be replaced at approximately $50,000, which may be done with federal funds. He further reported on the readiness of the downtown Sears Parking indicating-that the contractor had overrun three 1days, and:this matter as being worked out with City forces. Parking lot completion is anticipated by the end of this week. 1 The Investment Report having been submitted for the month i of November, 1975, it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by ;Brown that the Report of the City Treasurer dated November 30, 1975 regarding the investments of the City of Yakima, be accepted and approved: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, 1 'Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. , , A report having been received from the City Engineer on the Lcompletion of work and recommendation that said work be accepted rand final payment made on LID No. 1005, 1975 Paving Improvements, ■ i it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Edmondson that the ;report of the City Engineer dated December 4, 1975 with respect to the completion of the work on Public Works contract LID 1 No. 1005, 1975 Paving Improvements be approved, the work be accepted and the final estimate as therein set forth is hereby i 'authorized: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. An Ordinance transferring $18,998.16 and appropriating $23,590 !within the Airport Improvement Fund for the Airport Parking Lot Project, having been read by title only at the previous i 'meeting and being again read by title only at this meeting, it was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Jarms that Ordinance No. 11863, providing for said transfer and appropriation, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler l and Simmons voting aye on roll call. 'ORDINANCE ' NO. 1863, AN ORDINANCE transferring the amount of 1 , ; 1 $18,998.16 from 199-Federal Shared Revenue Fund to 361-Airport , I lImprovement Fund; and appropriating $24,590 from unappropriated in 361-Airport Improvement Fund to Account 546.25.65 as a 11975 appropriation for 361-Airport Improvement Fund. 1!in Ordinance transferring and appropriating $4,256.37 within i the Trolley Fund for reimbursement to the Street Fund for construction of a City Trolley Barn, having been read by title only at the previous meeting and being again read by title only at this meeting, it was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Schussler ' that Ordinance No. 1864, providing for said transfer and appropria- ! , . , . , 37 DECEMBER 8, 1975 , tion be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye on roll call. 'ORDINANCE NO. 1864, AN ORDINANCE transferring the amount lof $4,256.37 from 195-Contingency Fund to 362-Trolley Fund; and appropriating the amount of $4,256.37 from unappropriated ;money in 362-Trolley Fund to Account 546.23.36 as a 1975 !appropriation for 362-Trolley Fund. It was MOVED by Edmondson, seconded by Jarms that Ordinance No. 1865, imposing annual utility taxes, be passed: carried, iBroad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons I/ 1 ;voting aye on roll call. City Manager McMicken indicated that the amount remains the same as last year. 'ORDINANCE NO. 1865, AN ORDINANCE relating to licenses and !business regulations; fixing and imposing annual license ;fees or taxes on certain utilities and providing for a 'surcharge; saving certain taxes; amending Subsection 5.50.050 ! (a) of the City of Yakima Municipal Code; and declaring an emergency. i Reports having been received from the Planning Commission on the following: a. Rezone application filed by Joe Hocker, requesting rezone of property located at the northwest corner of 29th Avenue and Nob Hill Boulevard; b. Rezone application filed by Broadmoor Development, Company, requesting rezone of property at 55 Washington Avenue; c. Reconsideration of the rezone application by New Valley Osteopathic Hospital, requesting rezone of property at 3003 Tieton Drive; d. Cascade Vista/Summitivew annexations zone changes, it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Moore that the rezone 'requests of Joe Hocker, Broadmoor Development Company and :Cascade Vista/Summitview Annexation areas be set for Hearing on January 5, 1976 and at the request of New Valley Osteopathic Hospital, that their rezone request be scheduled for Hearing on January 12, 1976: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, !Jams, Moore and Schussler voting aye by voice vote; Simmons !voting any by voice vote. ;Petition No. 861, having been filed with the City Clerk on December 3, 1975 by Mr. and Mrs. Preston Brown and Others, !requesting annexation of properties south of Tieton Drive from the YVT tracks west to 58th Avenue and south to Midvale Road/Arlington Extended, it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded 'by Jarms that the petition for annexation filed by Mr. and Mrs. Preston Brown and Others being Petition No. 861, be approved as meeting the requirements of law; that said !Petition be referred to the City Manager and Planning Commission for study and recommendations; and that December 22, 1975 be set as the date for a public hearing by the City Council I on this petition: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, !Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. 'Petition No. 871, having been filed with the City Clerk on November 26, 1975 by VA-ALTA, Inc. requesting vacation of a certain portion of Yakima Avenue between N. 10th and Illth Streets, it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Edmondson that Resolution No. D-3427, fixing the time of hearing for January 12, 1976, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye an roll call. 1RESOLUTION NO. D-3427, A RESOLUTION fixing the time and :place for hearing on a petition for vacation of a portion of East Yakima Avenue. • , 38 DECEMBER 8, 1975 Damage Claims having been filed with the City Clerk on November 28, 1975 by Kathleen Gallegos, 803 S. 7th Street in the amount of $87.50 for injuries incurred by son Christopher Gallegos at Washington Park Wading Pool and on December 3, 1975 by Joseph Paradis, 1825 So. 1st Street in the amount of $99.55 for damages to property from a street sweeper, it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Brown that said damage claims be referred to the City Manager and staff for study and recommendation: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was MOVED by Moore, seconded by Simmons that this meeting be adjourned at 5:00 p.m., to Tuesday, December 9, 1975 at the hour of 12:00 Noon to then meet in the Holiday Inn Restaurant: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. I I , , READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BY rya% im... I ■ .1 / DATE V so CILMAN o , A0,/ , ,,, DATEL2 f COUNCILMAN ATTE,S-T- _) • _4/2-we-A. - .44..-e: - ACTING CITY CLERK MAYO * STUDY SESSION: The City Council met in session on this date at 1:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at Yakima City Hall. Councilmen present at the meeting were Mayor Bert Broad, Wray Brown, Betty L. Edmondson, Dick Jarms, W. K. "Pete" Moore, Don Schussler and Dr. Bill Simmons. Councilman Brown stated his concern for "winterizing" the Capitol Theatre and consideration of a new roof for the facility next Spring and inquired as to whether Staff had conferred with the Architect. City Manager McMicken responded that Mr. Paddock had been considering this alternative, but was focusing on "winterizing"; a further report will be forthcoming. Regarding the 1976 Budget, the Council reviewed the proposed increases in service charges and license fees. General discussion ensued with the following charges and license fees approved: admission tax, general business licenses, financial institutions, professional and occupational, plumbing, mechanical and sign permits, animal licenses ($6 each), impound penalties ($10), dog license penalties ($4 each), zoning and subdivision fees, photos (15 cents per page), water-sewer rates (10 percent increase on consumption above 300 cubic feet per month), refuse rates, irrigation and water assess- ments, park and recreation service fees and cemetery rates. 39 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1975 The City Council met in session at 12:00 Noon on this date in the Conference Room at Yakima City Hall. Councilmen present at the meeting were Mayor Bert Broad, Wray Brown, Betty L. Edmondson, Dick Jarms, W. K. "Pete" Moore, Don Schussler and Dr. Bill Simmons. Councilman Schussler requested that the Council meet with the Human Relations Commission to discuss the responsibilities of the Commission as laid out by Ordinance and that Human Relations Officer, Susan Boughton-Morin, be requested to attend as well. Councilmen gave consideration to the proposed utility tax on private refuse haulers (Eichler) proposed to be 5 percent on gross income. Attorney Dick Wiehl, representing Eichler, appeared to argue against the proposed tax, .asking that instead some consideration be given to alternative arrangements whereby 1 the tax would be reduced and the current fee per truck ($100) be either increased or decreased proportionately. Subsequent to his remarks, the Council decided that the Eichler tax should be 3 percent of gross income in 1976 and that the $100 per truck fee be removed. The City tax, presently 5 percent, on the City refuse utility, would remain the same. The Council next considered the proposed increases in amusement regulatory fees and various amusement devices. Representing the companies in this matter were Mr. Hart from Yakima Amusement Company, Mr. Beck from Doughtery Amusement and Mr. Mason from Central Washington Amusement Company. In discussing these proposed increases, the amusement companies representatives indicated that they were not necessarily opposed to the 10 percent increase, but were concerned about the entire licensing structure, and their operations. They requested that the Council give consideration to a master license to control unfair competition in the industry. In considering these remarks, the Council suggested that the amusement companies prepare a proposed license outline. The proposal for the license structure is to be worked out with the City Clerk's Office which would provide for a master license. The Council concurred that a 10 percent increase in these regulatory fees should be authorized. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Moore that this meeting be adjourned at the hour of 4:00 P.M., to then meet in the Conference Room at Yakima City Hall: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Moore, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BY DATE / ,/e, 76", COUNCILMAN ATTEST: COUNCILMAN DATE I CITY CL MAYOR \