HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/21/2019 06B Accept Council Committee Minutes BUSINESS OF THE CITY COUNCIL YAKIMA, WASHINGTON AGENDA STATEM ENT Item No. 6.B. For Meeting of: May 21, 2019 ITEM TITLE: Accept Council Committee minutes SUBMITTED BY: Cally Price,Assistant to the City Manager SUMMARY EXPLANATION: February 28, 2019 Council Economic Development Committee minutes March 1, 2019 Council Partnership Committee minutes March 14, 2019 Council Healthy Communities Committee minutes ITEM BUDGETED: STRATEGIC PRIORITY: APPROVED FOR SUBMITTAL: 111, City Manager STAFF RECOMMENDATION: BOARD/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type D "1 minutes /1 D • minutes 4/1 / 1 r e o D 031 1 minutes 5/1 /201 r e o 2 I II • i 1 2nd Floor Conference Room City Hall February 28, 2019 1:30 p.m. Members: Staff: Others: Council member White Cliff Moore, City manager Luz Gutierrez Council member Gutierrez Rob Peterson, Airport Director John Cooper Council member Cousens Scott Schafer, Public Works Director Verlynn Best Glenn Denman, Building Official Andrew Holt Cally Price, Assistant to the City Manager Joe Mann Jean Brown Chelnn Gienger R. • xec bye mutes White called the meeting to order. 1. Review draft minutes from January 24, 2019 meeting: The January 24, 2019 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented. . 2. Discussions: a. Fulcrum 20 minute presentation — Chelann Gienger Chelann Gienger, Owner of NUYU Juice bar, author of Dear Millennial and Founder of Entrepreneur Before 25 presented on the innovation center project she is working on in downtown Yakima and provided her background. The innovation center would provide living space and working space and resources where people could work on creating innovative ideas. Specific ideas for the space include: apartments, offices, dining and coaching opportunities, and would serve as a location for community events. A "Think Big" festival will be held in October— details will be provided. Gienger invited everyone to the next fireside chat that is being held on March 13 at 6:00 p.m. — location to be determined. For updates on what Fulcrum is doing you can sign up for the newsletter at fulcrumyakima.com. b. Downtown destination Moore reminded Council this was added as a Strategic Priority. 3 c. Economic Development Plan — update timeline Workgroups are to send updates to Cally. An updated timeline will presented at the next meeting provided Price receives all the updates. i. Competitiveness 1. Private sites — nothing reported 2. City sites — nothing reported 3. Mill site — Moore reported that a meeting was being held to discuss issues with the mill site. 4. Public Port Authority — Moore reported that the Chamber is hosting a luncheon on March 13 to talk about port districts. Rob Peterson and a representative from the Tri-Cities Port District will be presenting. 5. Incentives — Jean Brown reported that the opportunity zone tax deferral is available. The mill site, downtown area, and Union Gap all have opportunity zones and are listed on Choose Yakima's website. Moore added that there are some bills in the legislature to help increase density/infill that the City is watching. 6. Education Alignment— Peterson reported that he hasn't heard anything from CWU, however, he remains in close contact with them. Brown reported that Choose Yakima established a technical committee and they are developing a program database that will be available soon. 7. YKM — Peterson reported that the FLYYKM campaign has been very successful. Grant funds for this program expire in December. There was discussion about the Fly Alliance — an opportunity to expand air service. Committee members support the Fly Alliance and Gutierrez moved and Cousens seconded a motion to bring support for the Fly Alliance to the full Council for consideration. 8. Convention Center— Cooper reported that the RFQ's were reviewed and a firm was selected for the convention center expansion project. Agreement details are still being worked on. ii. Traded Sector 1. YKM — 2. Clusters — iii. Community pride — Gutierrez reported that the image campaign was to promote a positive image to Yakima residents and those visiting. New videos need to be made. d. Council policy requests Shipping container draft ordinance — report from Glenn Denman Denman reviewed the draft shipping container ordinance with the Committee members. Gutierrez motioned and Cousens seconded to bring the ordinance to the full Council for consideration. 3. Staff and Partner Announcements a. Downtown infrastructure criteria — report from Scott Schafer distributed a memo on staff's evaluation of the downtown core and identified short and long term strategies that need to be addressed. Short 4 term items include things like traffic signals, pavement condition index, lighting, cleaning up signage, etc. The pavement condition index report is budgeted for in 2020. Long term strategies include traffic signals, complete grind and overlay of Yakima Avenue, landscaping, and a few other things. City staff will be meeting with DAY representatives to talk about low water use gardens. b. Everett abandoned/vacant building ordinance fee update Information was included in thepacket. White suggested that Yakima use Everett's ordinance as a model for Yakima. The Committee members will meet and discuss this prior tomakinga recommendation to the full Council. After the Committee members meet then another meeting with DAY, Choose Yakima, and City staff needspy toBoo —occur. c. Update on vacant buildings/lots inreport from Andrew Holt Holt reported that he has been in contact with CWU to talk about internship opportunities. The building vacancy list needs to be updated and this might be something students can do.d. Filling gaps information included in pack et no discussion 4. Future agenda items a. Update on Chamber port authority discussion — Peterson b. Committee members will meet to discuss vac ant building ordinance c. Update on the Main Street conference —White and Cousens 5. Audience Participation to Jason 'te, Chair 5 PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE INUTES Council Members Mendez, Hill and Coffey 2nd Floor Conference Room March 1, 2019 @ 8:30 a.m. Meeting convened at 8:37 a.m Council present: Chair Carmen Mendez, Kathy Coffey, and Brad Hill via speakerphone Staff present: City Manager Cliff Moore, Communications & Public Affairs Director Randy Beehler, and Sonya Claar Tee, City Clerk Guest: Dana Dwinell, City resident 1. Approval of minutes A. Coffey moved and Hill seconded to approve the 12-21-18 minutes. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 2. New business A. Committee members reviewed applications for the Ad Hoc Homeless Facility Review Committee, noting that Council has already approved the committee position structure. The Committee made the following recommendations by consensus: ■ Council representative: Kathy Coffey (as previously approved by Council) ■ County representative: Mike Leita (as appointed by the County Commissioners) • Arboretum representative: Leslie Wahl • Expert on programs: Lee Murdock ■ Expert on housing: Nathan Poel ▪ Community members: Andy Ferguson, Nathan Krebs and either Rhonda Hauff or Anita Monoian B. Request for support of VFW sales tax exemption legislation ▪ After discussion, it was Committee consensus to recommend support for HB 1307 C. Review other applications for Boards & Commissions • Claar Tee reported there is one application for the Henry Beauchamp Jr. Community Center Advisory Board (HBCC), which the OIC Board recommends. It was Committee consensus to recommend James Parks to the Henry Beauchamp Jr. Community Center Advisory Board. 3. Old business— none 6 4. Other business A. Dana Dwinell provided a video link and information for Healing Species, an 11-week violence intervention/character education outreach program in public schools with rescue animals teaching children about compassion, empathy and overcoming obstacles. She asked for the Committee's support in gaining traction for this program with the school district. Moore reported there may be limited funding available through GRIT or the SAMHSA grant. After discussion, it was Committee consensus to update Council on this topic and have the GRIT Committee review the curriculum and feasibility of this project. B. Committee members noted the March 15 meeting would need to be canceled due to conflicts. 5. Future agenda items (Council Committee members) -- none 6. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m. G Carmen Mendez, Chair Yakima City Council Committee Minutes 7 Healthy Communities& Neighborhood Building Committee (HCNB) 2nd Floor Conference Room March 14, 2019 Committee Members Staff Others Councilmember Kay Funk (chair) Joan Davenport Tony Courcy Councilmember Jason White Sara Watkins Frank Rowland Rosalinda Ibarra John Haddix Councilmember Kathy Coffey (absent) Ken Wilkinson Adrianne Garner Scott Schafer Anita Quintana Joseph Calhoun Dennis Covell Brooke Goosman Joe Caruso With a quorum present, Chair Funk called the meeting to order at approximately 10:05 a.m. Reports from Departments/Commissions Transit Citizen Advisory Committee (TCA) — nothing to report. Previous meeting canceled due to inclement weather. Next meeting will be in May. Parks & Recreation Commission (P&R) —Wilkinson shared information regarding the discussion with the City's consultant Counsilman-Hunsaker about the MLK Pool feasibility study. Wilkinson will provide a link to the P&R meeting minutes to include on future NCNB agendas. Henry Beauchamp Community Center(HBCC) —Adrianne Garner presented a brief report of the 4th quarter activities provided by HBCC. She extended an invitation for volunteers to assist with conducting interviews for the annual 100 Jobs for 100 Kids program. Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) — Calhoun reported that the consultant (NW Vernacular) for the Fruit Row Inventory project will conduct a walkthrough of the subject area on March 28m. He noted there are still two vacancies on the commission. Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) — the commission is reviewing text amendments, which include edits to the Wireless Communication chapter as well as items related to zoning and regulatory changes for affordable housing that were referred to YPC by City Council. Chair Funk requested continual updates be provided to HCNB regarding YPC's progress on the matter. Bike & Pedestrian Committee (BPC) — Calhoun reported that the Pedestrian Plan stakeholder meeting gathered a lot of interest. He asked the Committee how they would like the report presented to which Funk and White indicated staff proceed directly to full Council as previously planned. Staff will provide a link to the BPC meeting minutes and keep the HCNB informed about updates on the proposed Pedestrian Plan. Calhoun added that the BPC has been working with YV- Tech students to develop audio PSA's for future release. Funk shared insight about her experience in New Zealand, particularly how their bike lanes are underutilized. Tree City Board(TCB) — Calhoun reported the board is preparing for Arbor Day at the Arboretum on April 13th. The TCB will be in attendance hosting an informational booth at the event. Additional information was requested about yard waste composting and leaf collection. Community Integration Committee (CIC) — Anita Quintana, Chair of the Community Integration Committee, was available and informed that the CIC will be participating in an advisory role to the Complete Count committee for the Census 2020. The CIC has also reviewed the hiring and recruiting processes for the City. NCNB endorsed their participation in the Census 2020 project. Yakima Police Athletic League Board (YPAL) — Joe Willis reported that the maintenance contract is being finalized and are working on the contract for public services using CDBG funds. Homeless Program Operations—Watkins noted that the first meeting of the Homeless Coalition will be on March 20th and it's an open public meeting. Nominations of chair and vice-chair positions will likely take place. Funk requested staff provide a link to the Executive Committee minutes and expressed concerns about transparency and data collection. Watkins also reported that the City Council will appoint members to the Ad Hoc Homeless Facility Committee at their next business meeting. Page 1 8 Affordable/Senior/Low Income Housing — Davenport summarized the outcome of the Affordable Housing Council study session held on March 12th. The Council directed action items to the Yakima Planning Commission, Partnership Committee, and City Council. Funk requested that the items referred to City Council be added to the HCNB agenda as standing items for continued updates. Davenport offered, and the Committee agreed to, a presentation on the 2019 Annual Action Plan wrap-up and an update on projects provided through the CDBG/HOME program. Community and Neighborhood Facilities — Schafer reported that the ad hoc committee finalized the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the community pools which was released this week. For the community centers, the RFQ's will be out next month to provide architectural firms sufficient time to respond to both type of facilities. The ad hoc committee will pick a firm to develop the master plan based on the selection criteria. Wilkinson further elaborated on the selection process. Discuss Potential Amendments to Junk Vehicle Regulations — Brooke Goosman spoke about adopting the RCW's by reference for unauthorized vehicles. The RCW's state that if a city has ordinances regulating junk vehicles they are required to include provisions of the RCW's. She reiterated the benefits in doing so; however she cautioned against removing any local regulations that the City may deem necessary. Caruso shared data collected over the last five years on cases related to junk vehicle complaints. The City responded to about 530 complaints from 2013 to 2018 (not including duplicates), approximately 112 complaints annually. The exact number of vehicles affected was not readily available. Haddix repeated his concerns about the lack of adequate regulations in the enforcement of inoperable vehicles. He distributed ordinances used by the cities of Wapato, Sunnyside, and Everett along with his written remarks on the issue. Following further dialogue, Funk moved to direct Legal staff to provide revisions to YMC 9.47, recognizing the RCW at a minimum and ask for further specificity to address problems identified in the community; and to coordinate with staff resources and provide draft for Haddix's comment; White seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Staff will provide an update at the next HCNB meeting. Approval of Minutes — White motioned, seconded by Funk, to approve the 1/10/2019 minutes. Motion carried. Recap of Deliverables— a Wilkinson to provide a link to the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission • Staff to provide continual updates on the Yakima Planning Commission's progress regarding the affordable housing action items assigned by City Council • Calhoun to provide a link to the Bike & Pedestrian Committee meeting minutes and provide updates on the potential Pedestrian Plan • Public Works staff to present information about yard waste composting and leaf collection at April meeting • HCNB endorsed the Community Integration Committee's participation in the complete count project for the Census 2020 • Add a link to the future meeting minutes of the Homeless Coalition Executive Committee • For April HCNB — ONDS presentation on the 2019 Annual Action Plan and an update on the projects funded • Staff to provide minutes of the Ad Hoc Community Facilities Committee • Legal staff was directed to prepare revisions to YMC 9.47 to provide specificity that addresses identified problems related to junk/inoperable vehicles and coordinate proposed changes with Mr. Haddix. Staff will provide an update at the April HCNB meeting. • Add Report to City Council on April 2nd business meeting agenda and provide recap of deliverables to Councilmember Funk Funk announced interpreter services are available with 48 hour advance notice. Page 2 9 Audience Participation — Anita Quintana, on behalf of Pacific Northwest University, extended an invitation to a conference about trauma and the opioid crisis on June 20th-21st. Watkins or Moore to follow up with Quintana regarding a request for a welcome statement. Funk addressed concerns regarding inappropriate behavior by an audience member during the meeting. The public was encouraged to use the audience participation slips if they wish to speak during that time. Staff will consider moving the audience participation portion to the beginning of the meeting. Adjourn — White motioned, seconded by Funk, to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. This meeting adjourned at approxima •ly 11:20 a.m. Approved by: Date Approved: Prepared by: Rosalinda lbarra,Community Development Administrative Assistant.This meeting was recorded by Y-PAC. Page 3