HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Commission minutes - 09-10-14.docx Yakima Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes for September 10, 2014 Commissioners Present: Chairman Rod Bryant, Vice-Chairman Sam Karr, Paul Williams, Jo Miles, Morgan Pualani and Maureen Adkinson, Yakima City Council Liaison Absent and Excused: Tom Hinman Staff present: Ken Wilkinson, Parks & Recreation Manager and Jenise Sanders, Administrative Secretary for Parks & Recreation. Call to Order. Welcoming everyone in the audience and viewers watching on YPAC, Chairman Rod nd Bryant called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall in the Council Chambers, 129 North 2 Street, Yakima, Washington. Approval of the Meeting Minutes for July 9, 2014 It was Moved by Jo Miles, Seconded by Paul Williams, to approve the Minutes as written from the July 9, 2014 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. The motion carried unanimously. Grant Check Presentation – Parker Youth & Sports Foundation Sam Karr presented Rod Bryant with a check from Parker Youth & Sports Foundation. Ken Wilkinson advised that Park & Recreation staff submitted a grant application to Parker Youth & Sports Foundation to help fund placing nets over the bleachers at Gateway. There are four fields and eight sets of bleachers. The nets are basically awnings that are attached to the backstop and the back of the bleachers providing protection from foul balls. The work has been completed, some by Parks and Recreation staff and some by contractors. Total cost of this project was between $5,000 and $6,000. Park Commissioner Sam Karr is also on the Parker Youth & Sports Foundation Grants Board and stated he has seen the finished project and not only do the nets provide protection from foul balls, they also provide shade. Sam presented a check to Chairman Rod Bryant in the amount of $2,500 to help support this project. Rod thanked the Foundation on behalf of the Park Commission. Ken said he hoped the project would have been completed by the Girls High School State Championship but was not due to the limited staff and limited time. Ken also thanked Parker Youth & Sports Foundation. Yakima National Little League 2013 Annual Report Ken Wilkinson stated this item is back on the agenda for tonight’s meeting. Paul Williams spoke on behalf of the Yakima National Little League tonight. Paul reminded the commission members that there has been a significant change in board members this past year. He stated he fully intended to help Kendall Stroud, the current President, with the 2013 reports but due to schedules of everyone involved that was not possible. The 2014 reports are also being prepared. He did say that 2013 was the first year in a long time that YNLL incorporated tee-ball in their program. This was very successful for the youngest group, 4-6 year olds. There were 4 or 5 teams with 12 kids on each team. That is a significant increase in participation numbers. He stated that the farm league machine pitch, minor and major leagues will probably be steady with the previous year. There was also an increase in concession revenue due to new items being added. 2013 was a positive year for YNLL. Paul stated he will meet with Kendall and get the official numbers put together for both 2013 and 2014 for comparison. In 2013, prior to the start of the season, work was done on the fields. Fill dirt was brought in, baselines were redone and with the help of volunteer players and parents all the field have been completed. The fields are in the best shape they have been in the last five years. Jo Miles asked if tee-ball was being offered by other organizations. Paul advised that there are other programs throughout the city. YNLL tee-ball is a spring program and the city offers a summer program. Sam wanted to know if the officers know what is required by the Parks and Recreation Commission as far as the reports needed. Paul confirmed that they do know what is needed for the reports; it has just been schedules conflicting. Rod stated that we do recognize the change in leadership and look forward seeing the reports. Randall Park Improvement Committee Update Ken Wilkinson gave an update on the Randall Park Project. Ken traveled to Olympia last month to give the presentation for the $500,000 grant that we are applying for through the RCO. We are close to reaching the match money that is required for the grant. We have received two anonymous donations totaling $150,000. The $100,000 donation has a challenge to the community to match it. Ken stated he has spoken with different groups and the project is gaining momentum. Some of the groups have agreed to do a component of the project. Time and resources will also count towards the match. Ken gave a brief description of the presentation process for the RCO grant application. Out of 71 applicants, we ranked 8. Ken thanked Committee members for the hard work on this project. Ken stated that we can start thinking about where we want to start on this project. Rod inquired about the match money. Ken stated we are counting on $50,000 of Parks Capital per year for the next 3 years, donations, in-kind work from Streets doing the parking lots and walkways, labor and equipment can be used. We have also been told there is REET II money that has been earmarked for this project. Ken said Randall Park has been on his to do list since he became Parks and Recreation Manager in Yakima 6 years ago. Rod asked if there is a second round in the grant process. Ken stated that it will be reviewed by the review committee and on to the Legislature and Governor to find out how much money will be approved for all of the projects. Maureen Atkison asked which groups. Ken stated not sure but Norm Johnson and Curtis King have always been very supportive. Ken stated we have met with Dana Kallevig with Engineering / Stormwater. As part of their Stormwater plan, they will be doing some work on the pond as this is also a retention area for stormwater during a major storm event and may even have money to contribute to the project. We have also met with Katrina Strathmann from Mid Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group. They are planning the riparian buffer of approximately 80 plants along Wide Hollow Creek which will be about $3,000 and should be able to use toward the match. Discussion followed. Indoor Swimming Pool Advisory Committee Update Ken stated that names were submitted to serve on the advisory committee for an indoor swimming pool, letters of invitation have been sent and the first committee meeting has been set for September 24, 2014. Ken said that most everyone that was asked has replied and agreed to be on the committee. There will be a USA Swimming Build a Pool conference in Portland on October 11-12 and extra space has been reserved if anyone is interested. We have a great variety of individuals including Commission Miles that have agreed to serve on the committee. Discussion followed regarding the Build a Pool Convention. Tahoma Cemetery Japanese Tea Garden Project Ken stated it has been a while since Lon Inaba was before them asking the Park Commission to support his idea of building a Tea Garden at Tahoma Cemetery. Many Japanese are buried at Tahoma Cemetery and this is a great way to honor them. This was a great idea and they have finally getting the funding for the project. Streets and Park Maintenance have been working on the access road to the circle which is 40 ft. in diameter. The Landscape Architect is from Seattle and has provided the packet. They are hoping to start work in October. The plan was approved by City Council back in 2010 and they have been working on raising $100,000. Maureen asked about the location. Ken advised that it is just to the west of the cemetery office. Ken thanked the Streets Department for the work they are doing on this project. Manager’s Report Ken informed the commission that the Dog Park is moving forward with funding from Parks Capital and donations. Jeff Gilmore from JK Home Design has volunteered on the committee and also provided drawings outlining the dog park fence. The dog park will be located at South Randall Park, just south of Wide Hollow Creek. There is a gravel pile that needs to be moved and work is being done on where to move it. Sam asked what the gravel is used for. Ken advised it has been used for many things like chip and seal and backfill. Discussion followed. Ken advised that we are wrapping up the busy summer season th with our last concert at Miller Park this coming Sunday, September 14. Rod asked about Chesterley Park. Ken stated that the grass has recovered with the help of water, fertilizer, cooler weather and cutting back on the usage of the fields. Maureen asked about losing fields at Perry. Ken advised that we only lost one field due to the expansion Perry is planning. Discussion followed regarding looking for new locations and property for additional soccer fields. For the Good of the Order Maureen suggested installing permanent chess table within the parks. She stated this type of activity draws people to the parks. She commented on how beautiful and well maintained Randall Park is and that it is a “point of pride” for the City of Yakima. Sam stated that bigger cities have the chess tables in their parks. You can see 50 to 100 people playing chess and there are also chess clubs that hold tournaments. Ken stated we can put some information together for next month’s meeting. Discussion followed. Adjournment The next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting will be October 8, 2014. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.