HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Commission minutes - 07-09-14.docx Yakima Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes for July 9, 2014 Commissioners Present: Chairman Rod Bryant, Vice-Chairman Sam Karr, Paul Williams, Jo Miles, Tom Hinman, Morgan Pualani and Maureen Adkinson, Yakima City Council Liaison Absent and Excused: Staff present: Ken Wilkinson, Parks & Recreation Manager and Jenise Sanders, Administrative Secretary for Parks & Recreation. Call to Order. Welcoming everyone in the audience and viewers watching on YPAC, Chairman Rod nd Bryant called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall in the Council Chambers, 129 North 2 Street, Yakima, Washington. Approval of the Meeting Minutes for June 11, 2014 Sam Karr asked to make a correction to the meeting minutes from June 11, 2014. He stated that his name was inadvertently left out of the Randall Park Improvement Committee members that were mentioned during the meeting. Rod Bryant stated that the record will show that Sam’s name will be added to the Randall Park Improvement Committee Update. It was Moved by Jo Miles, Seconded by Sam Karr, to approve the Minutes as corrected from the June 11, 2014 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. The motion carried unanimously. Yakima National Little League 2013 Annual Report Ken Wilkinson informed the commissioners there will not be an annual report from YNLL tonight. Ken stated he has been in correspondence with them over the last couple of days. There has been a change in leadership and they have requested to present the 2013 annual report at our August meeting. Ken stated he informed them there will not be a meeting in August. Ken will be in Olympia for the Randall Park RCO grant presentation. YNLL agreed to give their 2013 annual report at the September 10, 2014 meeting. The 2014 annual report will need to be done soon after that since the 2014 season is coming to a close. Ken reminded the committee that YNLL is an all volunteer organization and does change hands regularly. Kendall Stroud has replaced Mike Saxton in the leadership role. Ken stated that the YNLL 2013 Annual Report will be on the agenda for the September 10, 2014 meeting. Sam Karr commented that this has been moved a couple of times already. Ken stated they were originally invited to give their report in February. Sam asked if there is cause for concern. Paul Williams stated that he has is involved in Little League and just before the season began this year the majority of the board stepped down and a new one was implemented. The new board may not have been given all the information they needed to get those annual reports done. He stated that it should not be a problem going forward now that the board understands what is needed and they will have the time to prepare the reports. Paul advised that the Little th League season ends in June, Summer League began just before the July 4holiday and the ten, eleven and twelve year old All Stars have been going since the middle of June. Rod suggested that YNLL may be able to present both the 2013 and 2014 reports at the September meeting. Ken stated he is not sure if they will have the 2014 report ready. Paul advised he will help and that may be a possibility. Discussion followed. Rod said that we do not need to hold them to September they may need until October to prepare the reports. Randall Park Improvement Committee Update Ken Wilkinson gave an update on the Randall Park Project. The Open House was great. We were able to invite the neighbors and share our proposed project with everyone. We are optimistic about the $500,000 grant. Jenise Sanders has prepared the forms online and we are fine tuning the PowerPoint presentation for the grant application. Ken will be presenting the project in Olympia on August 13, 2014. We are asking for $500,000 and will have to match that with $500,000. The fund raising campaign is continuing. Cash donations are at approximately $3,500 to $4,000 toward the match of the $100,000 donation. The West Valley Kiwanis Club is interested in being involved but not sure to what extent. Ken met with SW Rotary about partnering which will also go toward the match. Ken will be speaking with the Lions Club in two weeks to advise them of the project and ask for donations. We have put together a nice brochure and have had some good conversations about donations so we should be able to reach the $100,000 match. The Open House went well and it was nice to hear what the people want. Ken also received some emails and phone calls all very supportive of the project. Sam Karr advised the only thing that he heard not to do was the path on the backside of the pond. Ken stated that has already been eliminated from the plan. Sam asked about the two bridges. Ken advised that both bridges go to the nature area and create a loop. Morgan suggested an information board that advises the public on what to feed the ducks. Ken stated Katrina Strathmann from Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group spoke about the educational signs and will be assisting with those. Jenise is putting together an onsite meeting with Department of Fish & Wildlife and Department of Ecology. We have already had a meeting with Dept. of Ecology and will need to start working on the JARPA. There is a fair amount of wildlife so the Dept. of Fish & Wildlife may be able to assist with the educational signs. Ken stated that combining recreation with education is always a great way of learning. Discussion followed. Ken advised there are two groups of volunteers that would like to help at Randall Park in the next few months. Ken will meet with James Davis about the entrance signs and the planting around it. He would like for it to be a showcase for the park. Lions Park Improvement Update Ken reminded the commissioners that this was on the agenda years ago. The Yakima School District had come to us wanting to make improvements to the parking lot behind Lions Pool. Ken stated that work has begun on the parking lot. These improvements will make it much nicer, more efficient and safer. This item is on consent for City Council. The school district will no longer be using the park for the pre- school/daycare program. Park Maintenance will be responsible for mowing and picking up trash. That has been changed in the agreement. Rod asked about the play structure. Ken advised that once the school district decided to keep their daycare on campus they would no longer be funding the play structure. Maureen Adkinson asked if the tennis courts at Ike belong to the city. Ken advised they do not. Sam asked about the spray park that is currently in Lions Park. Ken advised that removal of this structure is on the list of things to do. Sam asked about the feasibility of operating the spray park at Lions. Ken stated it is not feasible and we do provide the spray parks at Miller and MLK parks. City Charter Change - $750,000 for Parks Capital Projects Discussion – Jo Miles Ken stated that Jo Miles requested this item be put back on the agenda for the meeting. Jo had presented the packets at the last meeting and requested that it be brought back once everyone had a chance to review it. Jo asked to have the discussion on the proposed charter amendment because of its importance to the future of our Parks and Recreation programs. He stated there were some ideas brought up at City Council in April and we are now in the stages for public input and feedback. Jo went over the proposed charter amendment handout that has been provided in their packet. Maureen asked if Jo had sat down and discussed this with Tony. Jo advised that he has been trying but nobody showed up for the meeting that had been scheduled. Jo stated he went to the City Council meeting and made a presentation and that is when City Council decided to hold off the vote until November and leave some leeway to opt out if the public option was not favorable. The June meeting is when the council agreed to ask for community input. Rod asked if community was defined. Jo stated that by ordinance this is one of the vehicles. Sam asked if the $750,000 would be in addition to the current Parks & Recreation budget. That has not been defined. Maureen thought it was new money but not sure as this was proposed by Rick Ensey. Rod voiced his concern over it stating that Lions pool would be closed. It was discussed that even if it was closed they would not meet the financial goal. Jo suggested that they could go over the discussion points and then make any recommendations after that. Maureen stated that the idea for a new pool has been around for years. She stated that the life expectancy of our pools is short. Jo stated that the yearly maintenance and the list of projects need for the pools can be done for less than $750,000 per year. Maureen stated that a new indoor pool would be needed for competitive swimming. She stated that the school district and the YMCA will be partners and kids from all over the valley would benefit from it. Jo asked if any progress has been made. Maureen stated not that she is aware of but did comment on the strategic locations being proposed. Jo said that is the next topic for discussion. Ken advised of how the list of improvements needed for Lions pool was produced. A meeting of Parks and Recreation Pool staff was held to discuss realistic things that will need to be done to Lions Pool in the future. This is a best guess, did not go in with an engineer and there was no inspection performed. The list was put together for discussion purposes. Jo asked if there is a reserve fund. Ken advised Parks and Recreation does not have a reserve fund but there may be one within the City’s budget. Jo suggested that should be addressed in the budget. This would be less than the proposed $750,000 charter change and would be more definable. Locations for the indoor pool were discussed. Fisher Park Golf Course has been removed from the list. Morgan stated she is concerned about the closure of Lions Pool as that is the only pool left on the east side of the city. Discussion followed regarding the amount of acreage that would be needed to include parking. Jo stated that 10 acres is optimal. Each of the locations has that listed in the pros and cons sheet. The last topic of discussion is partnerships. Ken complimented the work of our Parks and Recreation pool staff. Maureen questioned whether we had enough staff. Ken advised that our Recreation Supervisor is Traci Bennett, Aquatic Specialist is Jason Zeller and Pool Maintenance is Doug Johnson. The size of the lifeguard staff is dictated by the facility. Comments regarding the many years of pool experience and training held by the many Parks and Recreation employees is quite impressive. Sam commented on the school district not having anybody qualified to run a pool. Maureen stated that we would be looking for partners in money, not running the pool. Sam questioned a conversation held a few months earlier regarding the YMCA running the pool. Maureen stated that they are in conversation with the YMCA about whether they would support the pool. Sam asked about a fifth possible site being Chesterley Park. Ken advised that is being discussed as well. Maureen stated that Chesterley was not meant to be soccer fields. Ken advised that is not entirely correct. The land was donated with the intent to be soccer fields and we did received money from the state for development. Decisions had to be made during Mt. St. Helens eruption and it was decided that the vacant land was where the ash would go. Ken advised why the fields look so poor this year; over usage, irrigation breaks, a dry spring, the Yak Attack tournament and the ash and boulders under the soil. Ken stated that there is a need for more soccer fields. Discussion followed. Back to the report, Jo suggested recommendations and thought there would be questions. Rod stated that we should maybe bring this back once Maureen has met with the City Manager. Rod stated that we did the survey for a reason and we do not want to ignore what the citizens want. Jo stated that if there is a charter st amendment put on the ballot, the wording has to be done by August 1. Maureen stated she will follow up on the public hearing. Manager’s Report Ken stated that the Community Band concerts have begun and there is a concert at Randall Park tonight. The Summer Concert series at Franklin Park begins Friday at 6:30 pm. Viva La Musica Concert series will th begin Sunday at 5:00 pm. at Miller Park. The Movie in the Park will begin July 20 at Gilbert Park. The first movie is National Treasure. Maureen asked about the building at Gilbert being taken down. Ken advised that Allied Arts owns the building and the City owns everything else around it. For the Good of the Order Rod Bryant advised that Mike Nixon has resigned from the Parks and Recreation Commission. Mike was the historian of the commission and has a great love for the parks. He was a reasonable voice for the city and spent 32 years on the Park Commission. He previous served as Chairman for the commission and was an important part of many major decisions. He was big part in the stabilization of the cemetery. As chairman he played a major role in development of Chesterley, Kissel, McGuinness, the Harman Center, Kiwanis Sports Complex and the many Pathways as well as the hot topic of the closure of the pools at Eisenhower, Washington and Miller. Rod thanked Mike for his years of service and also his family for loaning him to us for 32 years. Ken stated we will meet with him and find out how he would like for us to show our thanks. Discussion followed regarding the vacant spots on the commission. Rod advised that if there is a survey sent out, he is asking that the citizens fill those out and send them back. Adjournment The next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting will be September 10, 2014. The meeting adjourned at 6:51 p.m.