HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Commission minutes - 12-14-16.docx Yakima Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes for December 14, 2016 Commissioners Present: Vice Chairman Paul Williams, Jo Miles, Tom Hinman, Matt Tweedy, Rosana Bravo, Stacy Hackenmueller and Dulce Gutierréz, Yakima City Council Liaison Absent and Excused: Chairman Rod Bryant, Roger Lewis, Josette Gonzales Staff present: Ken Wilkinson, Parks & Recreation Manager and Jenise Sanders, Administrative Secretary for Parks & Recreation Call to Order Welcoming everyone in the audience and viewers watching on YPAC, Vice Chairman Paul Williams called nd the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. at City Hall in the Council Chambers, 129 North 2 Street, Yakima, Washington. Approval of the Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2016. It was Moved by Tom Hinman, Seconded by Rosanna Bravo, to approve the Minutes as written from the November 9, 2016 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. The motion carried unanimously. 2017-2022 Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update A. Survey Data Ken stated staff has been working diligently getting all of the surveys entered into the computer and starting to analyze the data. He advised that a small portion of the report was shared at the last meeting and it is his plan to share the complete survey results next month. Ken stated in their packet is a diagram of the pie chart showing the results from the question in the survey asking if they had $100 to spend, what would they spend it on? He stated that it is no surprise that people would spend $21.75 on maintaining existing facilities and $14.33 on pathways and walkways. He said that we know from survey data that the number one recreational exercise activity is walking and biking on the public pathways. The other two large amounts are more outdoor swimming at $11.69 and more indoor swimming at $12.02. Ken advised that their packets include a list of the “other” things people would like to see done with their $100. Matt Tweedy asked how many surveys provided this data. Ken advised that 665 of the random scientific surveys that were mailed out and returned. Matt asked how many were mailed out. Ken stated there were 4,600 surveys mailed out. Matt commented that is about 15% return. Ken advised that anything over 10% is a good return. Stacy Hackenmueller asked if that included the online submissions. Ken advised that the information from the online surveys and the other paper copies that were turned in will be tabulated separately and used as supporting information to the scientific random survey. B. Mission Statement Discussion Ken stated we have been reviewing our current and past comprehensive plans and one thing he would like to change or update would be the Mission Statement. He would like to see it shorter, more direct and to the point. Ken read the current Mission Statement. He commented that he worked with the Park Maintenance staff this last summer to come up with a Purpose Statement for them. He advised the Commissioners that their packets include a list of some statements he put together from ones he found for other park systems. He said he hopes to gather some direction from them on how to word the new Mission Statement. Ken went over the options that he provided. He would like to see it kept under 15 words and made easy to remember and repeat. He stated we need to have it completed to include it in the 2017-2022 Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan. Ken asked if everyone is OK with changing the Mission Statement. Nobody objected. Jo Miles stated he likes the last one on the list, simply one sentence and covers the whole spectrum and is easy to understand. Tom Hinman stated he also likes the last one but would add “to enhance our quality of life”. Stacy stated that she would like to see “health and well being” within the statement. “Providing quality parks & recreation opportunities to enhance our communities well being.” Discussion followed. Matt stated that he liked number one. Discussion followed. Paul Williams commented that the word “places” might give people the idea that we are responsible for other places, not just the parks. Discussion followed. Jo stated that it could be “places” because that would cover swimming pools and other recreation facilities that are not parks. Discussion followed. Ken stated we will take the suggestions and try to come up with some other options. Stacy suggested that Park Staff give their input and maybe each of them come up with one word that they would like to see in the Mission Statement. Adopt a Park Program Discussion Ken advised that we have been asked by Council Member Avina Gutierréz to discuss an Adopt a Park Program. Ken stated that he and Jenise had met with City Attorney Sara Watkins and briefly talked about moving this forward. Ken said he would like their input on what they think the program should look like. Maybe what some qualifications should be and how we should structure it. Ken stated there have been some groups informally adopt a park in the past. Stacy stated that she thinks it would be a way to embrace the aspect of community accountability. Ken stated he has some hesitation in going about it the wrong way and does not want it to be an unsuccessful endeavor for the volunteer groups. We need to come up with answers for; what do they do? how do they do it? And what type of groups can they be? Matt commented that he feels that it works better to have the groups adopt all of our parks and funnel the money to the parks that need it the most. We need to focus on different parks at different times depending on what their needs are and he is concerned that some parks may be forgotten if they are not adopted by a group. Discussion followed regarding the duties of an Adopt a Park volunteer group. Jo stated that Council Member Avina Gutierréz may have a vision of what she would like the program to look like. Ken advised that he will be meeting with her tomorrow and will follow up with her on her expectations. Discussion followed. Ken stated that he would like to review some of the park systems that already have a program. Discussion followed. Randall Park Improvement Project Update Ken reported that we are hoping to go out for bid for the pond work in January. Our plan is to have the work completed before the irrigation is turned on. The work being done will be taking some of the sediment out, making the pond deeper and creating the outfall. This is a Stormwater Division project, not a Parks project. Matt asked when we are planning to have the Randall Park Project wrapped up. Ken advised that we are planning to be finished in June 2018. Matt asked what we have left to do to complete the project. Ken stated that we have the pond, bridge, two parking lots and the walkways. He advised that he would like to put the bridge out for bid soon, and the walkways will be done in spring 2018. Paul asked if the parking lots will be done in 2017. Ken stated that is our goal, one in the spring and one in the fall. The Streets Department will be providing the labor and Parks Capital will pay for the materials. Creation of Park Ordinance to Create Safer Parks Discussion Ken advised that Avina Gutierréz also asked us to look at some possible new ordinances that would help increase safety in the parks. Ken stated that he and Jenise met with Sara Watkins and included in their packets are two ordinances that we felt could make a real impact on the safety in the parks. Ken read the first ordinance. He stated that we do have some people that will use equipment and park facilities for purposes other than what they are intended for. Matt asked if there would be a citation issued. Ken advised these would be misdemeanors which include a court date and a fine. Jo asked what the issue is currently with playground equipment. Ken stated that we do have people using them inappropriately from time to time. They will try to live underneath or in them, dominating the area, using drugs or alcohol near the playground area and breaking into our facilities. Jo stated that those are already covered under existing ordinances. Dulce Gutierréz stated that there are a couple of things that are of concern for her and other Council Members. There are times when an adult is sitting, loitering on the playground equipment and children do not feel comfortable using it. The spray parks are also being used by adults to wash clothes. Jo asked if an adult is sitting on the play equipment, how we can legally get them to move from it. Ken stated that because that is not what it was intended for, the language in the ordinance will allow us to get them to move. Discussion followed. Stacy asked that the language on the signs in the parks be clearer and more direct than the language in the ordinance. She voiced her concerns of people being confused and wanted to make sure that it will be very clear that people are not suppose to wash their clothes in the spray park. Ken stated that he will discuss that with Sara. He also stated that we are currently working on new rules signs for the parks. He would like to use universal symbols but some things do not have them, which makes it very challenging. Discussion followed. Ken read the second ordinance. He stated that if people are in the park and inhibit the staff from performing their duties, they can ask them to leave. Jo asked what is preventing staff from doing their job. Ken stated that people are spending all day in the park along with all of their possessions. Matt asked if the Parks Staff has the authority to ask people to leave like that. Ken stated that this ordinance will give us some of that. Dulce clarified that we will ask them to just move, not leave. Ken stated that is correct. Discussion followed. Paul stated that just having the ability to ask people to move is a necessity. Ken stated that it is not just the homeless, but other large groups using the parks are asked to move also, so the staff can perform their duties. Ken stated that we will bring this back to the next meeting and then move it on to City Council. He said he will bring their comments and concerns to legal to discuss. Manager’s Report Ken shared some pictures of the Rosalma Garden Club Park improvements. Ken thanked Hogback Development, Stephens & Sons, Chris Waddle, Ben Stephens, Tom Stokes with Russell Landscaping and the owners of Western Materials for donating the pavers. They did an amazing job with the project to beautify that corner park. Ken thanked the Park Commissioners for their time and support. Ken also thanked his staff for all they do. Ken wished everyone Happy Holidays. For the Good of the Order Ken introduced audience member Kyle to speak. Kyle stated he lived in Portland for the last 4 years and that is where he first saw foot golf. Kyle spoke about the sport, how and where it is played. He stated that he feels Yakima is a good place for the sport because it incorporates soccer and we have the space to play it. Foot golf is very similar to traditional golf. It can be played on a course or in a park. The hole is a 21 inch cup. Traditional soccer cleats are not used on the course, indoor shoes or tennis shoes would be worn. He stated there are currently three courses in Central Washington; Suncadia, Wenatchee and Tri- Cities. There are about 500 courses throughout the country. The equipment to build the course is rather inexpensive, approximately $100 per cup. Kyle stated that he would like to see one put in at Fisher Golf Course. Jo asked if the other courses in the state are on existing traditional golf courses. Kyle stated they are. Jo asked how that mixes with traditional golfers. Kyle stated that the traditional course would shut down 2 days a week to allow foot golf play. Kyle stated that he thinks that a Par 3 like Fisher could play mixed, traditional and foot golf at the same time. Matt asked how deep the cups are. Kyle stated about a foot deep. The main thing about a cup would be that it is self draining. Discussion followed. Matt asked if there is a foot golf league or club. Kyle stated there is but not in Yakima that he is aware of. Kyle stated that if we are interested, he would like to further pursue with youth sports and a couple other avenues to get committed backing of volunteers to see it through. He stated he would just need permission to do it at Fisher and they would come up with the funding to install the course. Matt stated that we need to do whatever we can to generate revenue at Fisher. Ken stated that we need to vet this a bit more and he would like to go to Tri-Cities to look at what the problems and issues are at that course. He stated we have spent a tremendous amount of money making the golf course quality and shutting it down, alternate revenue and alternate locations are all things that we need to consider. Park staff has already had some discussions regarding foot golf and feel an open space park may be a better fit. Ken stated that we definitely would want input from the community. We need to take this slow and deliberate. Kyle stated that he would be most committed to do it at Fisher. Ken asked if he has approached the other golf courses in town. Kyle stated he has not, but he will check with Westwood. He was just hoping to do it at Fisher to hopefully keep the cost of playing down. Ken stated that we will do some research and get back with Kyle. Dulce questioned the bigger holes being in the way when traditional golf is being played. Ken stated we will have to check into that. Adjournment The next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting will be January 11, 2017. The meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m.