HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Commission minutes - 12-12-18.docx Yakima Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes for December 12, 2018 Commissioners Present: Chairman Rod Bryant, Vice Chairman Paul Williams, Jo Miles, Matt Tweedy, Rosana Bravo, Stacy Hackenmueller, Joshua Korevaar-Dorsey and Kay Funk, Yakima City Council Liaison Absent and Excused: Roger Lewis and Brynn Kloster Staff present: Ken Wilkinson, Parks & Recreation Manager and Jenise Sanders, Parks and Recreation Administrative Secretary Call to Order Welcoming everyone in the audience and viewers watching on YPAC, Chairman Rod Bryant called the nd meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. at City Hall in the Council Chambers, 129 North 2 Street, Yakima, Washington. Approval of the Meeting Minutes from November 14, 2018 It was Moved by Rosana Bravo, Seconded by Matt Tweedy, to approve the Minutes as written from the November 14, 2018 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. The motion carried unanimously. Martin Luther King Jr. Park Community Pool Feasibility Study Update Ken stated that they are continuing to move forward on the Martin Luther King Jr. Park community swimming pool study. The Feasibility Study proposal from Counsilman-Hunsaker was approved at the City Council meeting on December 4, 2018. The Council authorized REET funds to pay for the cost of the study. The agreement is for three schematic designs at Martin Luther King Jr. Park. They will also provide estimated costs for construction and operation. The cost for the Feasibility Study is not to exceed $35,000. The agreement will go to City Council on January 15, 2019 for them to authorize the agreement with Counsilman-Hunsaker to perform the Feasibility Study. Ken advised that Counsilman-Hunsaker will have 120 days to complete the study and produce the concept drawing that can be shared with City Council, Park Commission, potential donors, grant boards and the community. Ken commented that community involvement will be very important moving forward. Matt Tweedy questioned the fact that City Council was just discussing budgetary issues and possibly closing Lions Pool and now they are looking at spending $35,000 for this study. Kay Funk advised that the Plaza being voted down freed up some REET money that can be spent on this project. She stated that they are looking at bundling this project with the Washington Fruit and Henry Beauchamp Community Center capital improvements projects. Discussion followed. Stacy asked if improvements to the current pool facilities could be made to make them more efficient. Ken advised that there could be some cost savings with pool modernizations. Newer designs take into consideration the number of staff needed for safety which in turn reduces salary costs. Kay discussed a possible levy lid lift to help with operation costs for the new facility. Discussion followed. 2019 Approved Parks and Recreation Fees Review Ken advised that the approved Parks and Recreation fee schedule is in their packets for their review. He stated that the fee increases are very modest. He reported that at City Council’s direction fees for kids programs stayed the same or were slightly reduced. He commented that adding the non-resident fee in some cases will help generate revenue. These are for those that do not live in the city limits and do not pay property taxes within the City; therefore they will pay a higher fee. Discussion followed. The new fees will be posted on the website. Joshua Korevaar-Dorsey inquired about the cost increase for swim teams. Ken stated that it was increased significantly. The directive of City Council was that swim meets and practices are of similar costs as private pool rentals. Ken stated that he will be sending a notice to the school districts making them aware of the cost increase. Matt asked how much revenue is generated from the $2.00 youth swim fee and how much effect it would have if there was not at all. Ken advised that it helps offset the costs and there would be a definite impact. Matt stated that we could possibly make up for it somewhere else. Discussion followed. Franklin & Lions Pools – Design Services for Modernization Discussion Ken advised that City Council requested a capital needs assessment for Lions and Franklin pool. He stated that information was given and Council decided to go in a more modernization direction for each facility rather than maintaining the current facilities. Ken stated that back in 2013 they met with KDF (now KDA) Architecture about modernization of Lions Pool. They created a proposal back then which is now outdated but is a good starting point. City Council has budgeted $40,000 from REET funds for each of facility studies. Ken advised that once the schematic designs are finished, that’s when they can be shown to grant boards and potential donors. Ken commented that he will be meeting with Scott Schafer, Director of Public Works and Park and Recreation staff to discuss the scope of work for the proposals. Joshua asked about the time frame for modernization of a pool. Ken stated that an aggressive bare minimum from start to finish would be 18 months. Kay commented that Lions Pool is problematic due to the age and the shared operating costs with the YMCA. Discussion followed. Ken stated that we need to look at making more recreational opportunities not less. Jo Miles commented that there are at least 20 municipal pools in the State of Washington that are older than Lions Pool. He stated that Lions Pool was completely remodeled into an indoor facility in 1986. Discussion followed regarding the need for more pools. Jo inquired about the schools not being able to use the YMCA pool. Ken advised that he will double check that information, but that is his understanding also. Matt commented that he does not understand why we would close a 12 month pool on the eastside of Yakima and build a new 3 month pool on the eastside. Paul Williams stated that we are still unsure of what the cost is going to be to swim at the YMCA and if a membership is going to be required. He stated that Lions Pool is a benefit for youth, adults and senior citizens, not to mention all those that take swim lessons there. He commented that the YMCA may price out many community members and the City needs to have other options. Joshua stated that he has been to many indoor pool facilities in the state while on the High School swim team and he believes that Lions Pool is one of the nicest even without the modernization. Discussion followed. Manager’s Report Ken reported that the Lions Pool memo from Sara Watkins, City Attorney is in their packet. The operating expenses and revenue report for 2018 is also in their packets. Ken advised that the Eagle Scout project for the fence on the east side of Randall Park was completed by Hayden Tweedy. Ken wished everyone Happy Holidays. For the Good of the Order Nothing to report. Adjournment The next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting will be January 9, 2019. The meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m.