HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/21/1982 Business Meeting DECEMBER 21, 1982 355 The City Council met in session on this date at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Yakima, Washington. Council members present were Mayor Lynn Carmichael, Clarence Barnett, Henry Beauchamp, Lynn Budhanan, Shirley Doty and Jack Sparling. Council member W. K. "Pete" ?'bore Absent. 1. OPEN DISCUSSION FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER None 2. MEETING WITH DISTRICT COURT JUDGES RE: INDIGENT DEFENSE City Attorney Fred Andrews introduced Judge Vannice, Vern Fishback, Court Administrator, and Judge-elect. McGlothen. Vern Fishback expanded on the details regarding the County's II/ contract with Fred Porter for indigent defense. Judge Vannice then provided information regarding the present system for determining indigent qualification. Mayor Carmichael then introduced Judge Mullins, Who had been detained in Court until this time. Judge Mullins distributed information regarding the current procedures now in place for managing indigent defense and also provided information regarding Advice of Rights In Court. Judge Mullins responded to questions posed by Council members regarding indigency. Following discussion, Mayor Carmichael thanked the Judges and Mr. Fishback for attending the meeting today. 3. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF CHARTER CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONER It was MOVED by Beaudhamp, seconded by Buchanan to move Item No. 3 down to become Item No. 8A under the Study Session Items of the Business portion of the meeting. Unanimously carried by voice vote. More absent. BUSINESS MEETING 4. ROLL CALL At 3:00 p.m., the Council members commenced the regular meeting, Mayor Carmichael presiding, Council members Barnett, Beaudhamp, Budhanan, Doty, Sparling and City Attorney Andrews and City Manager Zais present on roll call. Council member Moore absent and excused. 5. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Council member Barnett. 6. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Carmichael referred to the items placed on the Consent Agenda, questioning Whether there were any additions or deletions from either Council members or citizens present. Council member Barnett requested Item No. 18 be added to the Consent Agenda. Council member Doty indicated she wished to vote nay on several of the items that are on Consent regarding salaries, however, City Manager Zais informed Council that due to the emergency clause in the ordinances, a unanimous vote is required. Council member Beaudhamp requested the removal of Item No. 17 from the Consent Agenda. It was the general consensus of the Council that the addition of Item No. 18 and the deletion of Item No. 17, as requested, be made. The City Clerk then read the Consent Agenda items including resolutions and ordinances by title. It was MOVED by Beauchamp, seconded by Budhanan that the Consent Agenda, as read, be passed. Carried by a 5-1 roll call vote. Doty abstained. More Absent. (Subsequent paragraphs preceded by an asterisk (*) indicate items on the Consent Agenda handled under one motion without further discussion.) 358 DECEMBER 21, 1982 *7. MINUTES The Council minutes of November 23, 1982 and December 3 and 6, 1982 were approved, having been duly certified accurate by two Council members and no one present wishing to have said minutes read publicly. 8. CURRENT STUDY SESSION ITEMS A. Item No. 3 Council member Barnett requested to be excused from this item due to a conflict of interest. Sheryl Smith, Secretary-Chief Examiner for the Civil Service Commission, was available to respond to - Council's questions. Mayor _Carmichael suggested Council meet with the three applicants recommended before making a decision. It was MOVED by Buchanan, seconded by Doty to arrange to meet and interview each of the three candidates applying for the position on 'the Civil Service Commission. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Mbore absent. 9. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None 10. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Resolution No. D-4752, having been read by title, it was MOVED by Doty, seconded by Beaudhamp, to adopt the resolution. Moore absent. RESOLUTION NO. D-4752, A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute an agreement with Yakima County and others for special transportation services. *11. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXTENSION OF INTER-FUND LOANS RESOLUTION NO. D-4753, A RESOLUTION extending the date for repayment of inter-fund loans. *12. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT FOR 1983 WITH YAKIMA POLICE PATROLMAN'S ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION NO. D-4754, A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing _ the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute a collective bargaining agreement for calendar year 1983 with the Yakima Police Patrolman's Association. *13. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR A GRANT INCREASE FOR PHASE I CONSTRUCTION AND THE SETTLEMENT OF THE LITIGATION RDCIARDING THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT RESOLUTION NO. D-4755, A RESOLUTION authorizing the application by the City of Yakima for a grant increase for Phase I construction of the Yakima Wastewater Project. *14. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1983 YAKIMA AIR TERMINAL OPERATIONS BUDGET RESOLUTION NO. D-4756, A RESOLUTION approving the 1983 Budget of the Yakima Air Terminal Board. *15. DISPOSITION OF DAMAGE CLAIM A. DAMAGE CLAIM FILED BY ELLEN BAUGHER RESOLTUION NO. D-4757, a RESOLUTION denying the claim of Ellen Mae Baugher. DECEMBER 21, 1982 357 16. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 1983 BUDGET City Manager Zais gave a brief presentation summarizing the ordinance. -Council member Beaudhamp requested clarification of Council's directed 20% reductions of the ordinance. Mayor Carmichael called upon any individuals fran the audience who wished to comment on this item. Dr. Warren Dean Starr, Superintendent of Yakima Public Schools, distributed a letter in support of retaining Thelma Trimble in the position of Recreation Leader at Washington Park. Stan Lodhrie, Chairman, Parks & Recreation Commission, commended Dr. Starr on his efforts to retain Ms. Trimble's full-time position and expressed the Commission's Objection to the reduction of this position. He requested Council reconsider their actions taken regardina the cut from a full-time recreation leader 11/ to a half-time position. Greg Todd, representing the Motel Association of Yakima, was present to speak on the effect Council's 20% budget cut on travel will have on the_Mot9kArnci f Yakima. Council members responded to Mr. APe Kathleen Nichols, Operator III at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, speaking on her own behalf, expressed her concerns regarding the reduction in staff at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Which Council approved. She expanded on the negative impacts the reduction in staff would have on the Plant. Jesse Cox, Principal of Washington Junior High School, was present to speak in support of the Parks and Recreation Department and the position of Recreation Leader held by Thelma Trimble. Roy Pleasant, Executive Director of the Southeast Community Center, spoke in support of the work Ms. Trimble has performed and urged the Council to reconsider their decision. Council member Barnett requested clarification from Mr. Pleasant regarding Ms. Tritble's contribution to the Southeast Center. Council member Doty expanded upon the membership opportunities available at the YMCA. Cal Riemcke, Director PE and Athletics, Yakima Public School District, was present to speak in support for the work accomplished by Ms. Tritble. Bruce Smith, 701 S. 48th Avenue, spoke in behalf of Thelma Trimble and requested Council reconsider their decision. Bob Larson, citizen, spoke in support of the work Ms. Trimble has performed and expressed his concerns regarding the reduction of the position of Recreation Leader to a half-time position. He urged the Council to reconsider this issue at this time. It was MOVED by Beauchamp to amend the Budget to reinstitute the $10,200 into the Budget to continue this program on a full-time basis and would like to add the $9,000 for the summer recreation program. City Attorney Andrews informed Council that Council member Beauchamp had not voted on the prevailing side of the original motion which had reduced the position of Recreation Leader in the Parks & Recreation Department from a full-time position to a half-time position and therefore, the motion is not in order. It was MOVED by Barnett, seconded by Sperling to ask the Council to reconsider this half-time position Which is currently held by Thelma Trimble. Carried by 5-1 voice vote. Doty voting nay. Moore absent. Council member Beauchamp reminded Council that citizens and professionals fran the City have II/ expressed their support for this position of Recreation Leader to remain a full-time position. It was MOVED by Sperling, seconded by Barnett that we increase Thelma's budget 10 hours a week, fran 20 to 30 hours, and if the School District feels it is of value to then, they can pick up the balance. Council member Beauchamp expressed his desire to see the position canpletely reinstituted to 40 hours. The question was called for the vote on the motion. Carried by 5-1 voice vote. Doty voting nay. Moore absent. Ordinance No. 2655, having been read by title, it was MOVED by Sperling, seconded by Beauchamp to adopt the 1983 proposed budget. Carrel by 5-1 roll call vote. Doty voting nay. Moore absent. City Manager Zais informed Council of the need to officially amend the budget ordinance for the Parks and Recreation fund to reflect the amendment and expenditures to increase the expenditure total by $5,100. Council member Doty expressed her concerns in that she felt the Council had not done the best job that could be done regarding reducing the budget. Council member Barnett indicated he would vote for passage of the budget reluctantly, as he is concerned about the impact of the budget on the elderly and the 358 DECEMBER 21, 1982 poor. Council member Beauchamp concurred with Council member Barnett's statemnt. It was MOVED by Barnett, seconded by Sparling to amend the 1983 Budget and increase the Parks fund budgetary expenditures by $5,100. Carried by a 5-1 voice vote. Doty voting nay. Moore absent. Council umber Sparling expressed his concerns to see income and expense be kept in line. He indicated he would like a monthly report on income and expenses and stated he would like to see a monthly report on the progress of the badget. It was MOVED by Sparling, seconded by Beauchamp to instruct the City Manager to prepare a report, recapping the income and expenditures from the months of January, February and Mardi. Carried by 5-1 voice vote. Carmichael voting nay. More absent. ORDINANCE NO. 2655, AN ORDINANCE adopting a for the City of Yakima, Washington, for the year 1983; and appropriating funds for estimated expenditures. (Doty absent after 5:05 p.m.) 17. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN Ordinance No. 2656, having been read by title, it was MOVED by Beaudhamp, seconded by Doty that the ordinance be passed. Unanimously carried by roll call vote. Doty and Moore absent. ORDINANCE NO. 2656, AN ORDINANCE relating to City Personnel; adopting a classification and compensation plan for City Employees to be effective January 1, 1983; amending Sections 2.20.100 and 2.20.110 of the City of Yakima Municipal Code, and declaring an emergency. *18. AN ORDINANCE FIXING SEWER SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE NO. 2657, AN ORDINANCE relating to public services and utilities; imposing a sewer service charge and fixing sewer service rates and charges; amending Subsection 7.60.020 A and 7.60.020 C of the City of Yakima Municipal Code; and declaring an emergency. *19. AN ORDINANCE FIXING REFUSE SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE NO. 2658, AN ORDINANCE relating to garbage . collection and disposal; establishing refuse collection service rates; providing for yard service and a "yard service surcharge," and adopting rules and regulations applicable thereto; amending Subsection 4.16.140 C of the City of Yakima Municipal Code; and declaring an emergency. - *20. AN ORDINANCE INCREASING THE GARBAGE REVENUE TAX ON THE CITY'S REFUSE DIVISION AND ON PRIVATE OOLLECTORS ORDINANCE NO. 2659, AN ORDINANCE relating to refuse collection; imposing a tax on City and private refuse hauling operations and specifying the 'rate thereof; amending Subsection 4.16.180 C and Section 7.64.020 of the City of II/ Yakima Municipal Ccde; and declaring an emergency. *21. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS TO THE 1982 YEAR-END AMENDED BUDGET (First Reading) An Ordinance providing additional appropriations to the 1982 year-end amended budget having been read by title only at this meeting was laid on the table for two weeks or until January 4, 1983. 22. ORDINANaE PROVIDINU FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES RELATING TO SETTLEMENT OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT LITIGATION City Manager Zais referred to the proposed ordinance and list of changes reccmnended by special legal counsel, which he had previously distributed to Council. He advised that Rainier Bank has requested additional security, asking that the City pledge its full faith and cresiit in the event the City is DECEMBER 21, 1982 353 unable to sell these bonds. He stated that it is an expectation revenue bond we are planning for in 1983. He requested that Council approve the Executive Session minutes of the meeting held December 3, 1982 and authorize staff to provide a copy of these minutes to Rainier Bank. In addition, he stated that Rainier Bank has requested changes be made to the proposed ordinance to provide additional security to the interim financing. He reported that the City has a bonding capacity for indebtedness without a vote of the people, in the approximate amount of $7 million. Ordinance No. 2660 having been read by title, it was MOVED by Sparling, seconded by Beauchamp that the ordinance be passed. It was MOVED by Barnett, seconded by Beauchamp that the ordinance be amended as written in the attachment provided by the City Manager. II/ Unanimously carried by voice vote. Doty and Moore absent. The question was called for the vote on the notion, as amended. Unanimously carried by roll call vote. Doty and Moore absent. It was MOVED by Budhanan, seconded by Beauchamp to release the Executive Session minutes of December 3, 1982 to Rainier Bank. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Doty and Moore absent. Following an explanation by the City Manager, it was MOVED by Beaudhamp, seconded by Buchanan to approve the interest rate with Rainier Bank at 70% of prime on a variable rate basis. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Doty and Moore absent. ORDINANCE NO. 2660, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Yakima, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale of its bond anticipation notes in the principal amount of not to exceed $3,100,000; providing the form, terms, conditions and covenants of said notes; authorizing the City Manager to sell and deliver said notes to such purchasers with such dates, interest rates, maturities and other details as he shall determine consistent with this ordinance; amending Ordinance No. 2133 of the City; and declaring an emergency. 23. OTHER BUSINESS Council member Sparling invited Council members to the Chamber of Commerce monthly forum to be held January 20, 1983. INFORMATION ITEMS Items of information supplied to Council were: correspondence between Preston, Thorgrimson, et al and Cable Communications Coordinator re: House Bill No. 626. 12/10/82; correspondence from Westminster Presbyterian Churdh re: Cable TV programming. 12/15/82; correspondence from Learning Resource Director, Yakima Public Schools, re: Cable TV programming. 12/10/82; monthly report from Chief of Police for November, 1982; minutes of November 16, 1982 Police & Civil Service Commission meeting; and minutes of DeceMber 6, 1982 Parks & II/ Recrea Commission meeting. 24. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to cane before the Council, it was MOVED by Sparling, seconded by Beauchamp that this meeting be adjourned at the hour of p.m. Unanimously carried by voicd vote. Doty and Moore absent. READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BY 41/K DATE/Telide) COUNCIL MEMBER) DATE 7 1 - 77 / 6 ; 1 ! I L?e2 2 7-&. 2 I /5 UNCIL MEMBER ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR