HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/08/1982 Study Session JUNE 8, 1982 195 STUDY SESSION The City Council net in session on this date at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Yakima, Washington. Council members present were Mayor Lynn Carmidhael, Clarence Barnett, Lynn Budhanan, Shirley Doty, and W. K. "Pete" Moore. Council member Jack Sparling present at 6:40 p.m. Council member Henry Beauchamp absent. 1. OPEN DISCUSSION FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Mayor Carmichael extended an invitation to the Council members from Whistlin' Jack Lodge to join in the festivities on June 12, 1982 celebrating the opening of Chinook Pass. 3. REPORT RE PROPOSED CUMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE John Beer, Jr., Director of Community and Economic Develop- ment, was available to respond to Council's questions. Fol- lowing discussion regarding the selection of the committee members, it was MOVED by Barnett, seconded by Budhanan to move this to Item No. 8-A on the regular business agenda. Unan- imously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. 2. REPORT RE MID-YEAR BUDGET EXPENDITURE REDUCTIONS (Continued from 6/1/82) Council member Barnett commented that since he feels the Contingency Fund should not be touched, perhaps Council should consider the first and second budget submissions almost in total. Council member Doty stated her concerns about the necessity of keeping the Affirmative Action Specialist pos- ition. She commented that perhaps that work could be dis- tributed between the Personnel Officer and Assistant City Manager. Assistant City Manager Wittenberg stated he does not have the expertise in the affirmative action area for contract compliance. He stated it is a very time consuming task. City Manager Zais commented that in the past the City has been criticized by EEC and other State agencies for our review of contract compliance. Robert Weaver, Personnel Officer, named some of the duties performed by this position. Council member Sperling commented that perhaps the City management staff should consider taking a reduction in pay and requested infor- mation on What the savings would be if they took a 15% cut in salary. It was MOVED by Sparling, seconded by Barnett to make this Item 8-B on the regular business agenda. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was MOVED by Budhanan, seconded by Barnett to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litiga- tion. Carried by 4-2 voice vote. Doty and Moore voting nay. Beauchamp absent. BUSINESS MEETING 5. ROLL CALL At 7:30 p.m., the Council members commenced the regular meet- ing, Mayor Carmichael presiding, Council members Barnett, Budhanan, Doty, Moore and Sparling and City Manager Zais and City Attorney Andrews present on roll call. Council member Beauchamp absent and excused. 6. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by City Manager Zais. 136 JUNE 8, 1982 7. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Carmichael referred to the items placed on the Consent Agenda, questioning whether there were any additions or dele- tions from either Council members or citizens present. Coun- cil member Doty requested that Item No. 13 be removed from the ' Consent Agenda.. Mayor Carmichael requested that Item No. 18 he removed because the proponent has requested that the hear- ing date be Changed to June 29, 1982. It was the general consensus to dnange the hearing date and leave it on the Consent Agenda. It mas the general consensus of the Council that the deletion of Item No. 13 and the addition of Item No. 11, as requested, he made. The City Clerk then read the Consent Agenda items. It was MOVED by Barnett, seconded by Buchanan that the Consent Agenda, as read, be passed. Unan- imously carried by roll call vote. Beauchamp absent. (Subse- quent paragraphs preceded by an asterisk (*) indicate items on the Consent Agenda handled under one notion without further discussion.) 8. CURRENT STUDY SESSION ITEMS A. ITEM NO. 3 It was MOVED by Barnett, seconded by Doty to ask staff to prepare the proper legislation to establish the Cannvnity Development Citizen Advisory Committee as reccmmended in the report and begin the process of making appointments to the Cammittee. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. It was the general consensus of the Council to form the Council Committee to screen these appointments on June 29, 1982. B. ITEM NO. 2 Those people present speaking against the closure of Wash- ington Pool and the deletion of the program recreation leader at Washington Park were: Gertrude Gipson, 711 So. 6th St., Johnny Rance, 812 S. 8th St., Jessilyn glite, 6608 Appleview Way, Bruce Smith, Director of S.E. Ccmmanity Center, and Magnolia Rentz, 1001 S. 6th St. Council member Doty asked what it would cost to hire a youth leader for the recreation programs at Washington Park, like they have for the other parks. Council members discussed the attendance at Washington Pool. Bruce Smith clarified the S.E. Center's efforts to increase the attendance at Washington Pool and some of the programs they will be sponsoring. It was MOVED by Barnett, seconded by Doty to accept the recommendation of the first proposal that was submitted to Council on June 1, 1982, dated May 27, 1982. City Manager Zais questioned if that motion just includes the reduction section or includes the retirenent close-out section, too. Council member Barnett stated he did not include the retirement close out section. The question was called for the vote on the Motion. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. It was MOVED by Doty, seconded by Moore to accept and approve the savings mentioned in the first item; Federal Revenue Savings re Nob Hill Blvd., but not approve the elimination of the planner position and amend the third item to eliminate the Affirmative Action Specialist position. Carried by 5-1 voice vote. Barnett voting nay. Beauchamp absent. It was MOVED by Doty, seconded by More to amend Item 4 to eliminate the park and recreation leader position, but allocate approximately $2,500 so there would be a summer recreation program in Washington Park with youth leaders; and amend Item 5 to accept the closing of Washington Pool, but work out some transportation on City bus lines so youngsters in Lions and Washington Pools' areas can be trans- ported to other pools; and accept Item 6. Following dis- cussion on the deletion of the Fire Dept. Radio Technician position and Washington Park Recreation Leader, it was MOVED by Moore, seconded by Sparling to amend the Motion to elim- inate Item 4 from consideration today and to discuss that at the June 22nd meeting. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. Council member Barnett stated he is against closing Washington Pool because Lions Pool was just closed and JUNE 8, 1982 187 the swimmers may go to Washington Pool. It was MOVED by Buchanan to amend the Motion to on Washington Pool for 30 days to see if the S.E. Center can generate enough interest to keep it on the rest of the sumer. The Motion died for lack of a second. The question was called for the vote on the Motion. Carried by 5-1 voice vote. Barnett voting nay. Beauchamp absent. Don Horan, Director of Finance & Budget, commented that it appears that $85,000 has been saved through budget cuts made this evening. He stated it would be appro- priate to cone back to discusss retirenent costs when definite information on the miter of retirements has been received. Following Council member Sparling 's suggestion, it was the general consensus of the Council to get information on the savings if the staff department heads had a 15% reduction on their current salary. 9. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION AND COMMENDATION TO CITY CLERK Mayor Carmichael read a resolution of commendation and appre- ciation to the City Clerk and presented it to Iris Litzen - berger, City Clerk. She stated that this is the last Council meeting the City Clerk will be acting in an official capacity before her retirement. Resolution No. D-4676, having been read by the Mayor, it was MOVED by Budhanan, seconded by Doty to adopt the resolution. Unanimously carried by roll call vote. Beauchamp absent. RESOLUTION NO. D-4676, A RESOLUTION of appreciation and commenda- tion for the services performed by Iris Litzenberger during her tenure as Yakima City Clerk. Bill Dolsen, General Manager of the Coke Plant, stated they would like to sponsor a 10 kilometer run the day of the Sun- fair Parade, Sept. 25, 1982. He distributed maps on the course and letters of endorsement. There was a lengthy dis- cussion about the reqpirenents for a "run", particularly traffic control. Mr. Dolsen cemented that there are volun- teers to handle traffic control. He stated they are not opposed to paying for some of the costs, but need to knew what the costs are. There was discussion on what it required to hold this run; insurance, costs for police officers and the use of volunteers. Mr. Dolsen was referred to Officer Bill Clark in the Police Department. 10. HOUSING SERVICES CENTER REHABILITATION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES (Continued from May 18, 1982 meeting) John Beer, Jr., Director of Ccmmunity and Economic Develop- ment, was available to respond to Council's questions. He recommended that Council approve the proposed policy and procedures. Council member Barnett pointed out an error on attachment B, stating the 5 days should be 14 days. It was MOVED by Sparling, seconded by Doty to approve the staff recemendation. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. *11. STATUS REPORT RE DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE The status report on the CBD Maintenance & Alternatives, dated June 8, 1982, was accepted. 12. CONSULTANT'S REPORT RE STORM DRAIN MASTER PLAN Dennis Covell, Director of Engineering and Utilities, gave some background information on this study. He stated that Phase I is complete and staff is reccmmending Council auth- orize the consultants to. begin Phase II and present the storm drainage management plan to the Urban Area Joint Board, recemending its implementation as part of the Urban Area Plan. Council member Barnett stated he would like to see some of the work on Phase I before Phase II is implemented. Bob Locper, Project Manager for Henningson, Durham and Richardson (HDR), commented that the manual is ready to be looked at for 198 JUNE 8, 1982 policy decision. He stated that Phase 11 is a continuation of the technical aspects and some policy decisions and the spec- ific plan Which comes up with monetary recommendation. Coun- cil member ,N.bore stated he is not interested in proceeding with Phase 11 until he has seen the results of Phase I. He stated the City has a prbblem, but no non for the solution. Mr. Covell stated that Monetary recoMMendations were to be studied in Phase 11. Following discussion,, it was MOVED by Budhanan seconded by Moore to table a decision until Council has a chance to . study the results of Phase I. Unanimously carriedby voice vote. Beauchamp absent. 13. REPORT ON FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTION PROGRAM Council. - member Doty stated that public recognition should be given, acknowledging the Inspection staff for their dedication in exceeding their goal for fire inspection.. It was MOVED by Budhanan, seconded by Doty to accept the report. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beaudhamp absent. *14. LEASE AGREEMENTS COVERING KISSEL AND RANDALL PARK PROPERTIES RESOLUTION NO. D-4677,.A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute a Kissel Park Lease Agreement with Clarence Franklund. RESOLUTION NO. D-4678, A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager and the City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute a Park Lease _Agreement with,Clarence Frank- lund. *15. AIRPORT LEASE AGREEMENT WITH C & C AIRFREIGHT RESOLUTION NO. D-4679, A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute an Airport Lease Agreement with C & C Airfreight. *16. AMENDMENT TO _SCHEDULED PASSENGER AIRLINE LEASE WITH HORIZON AIR- LINES RESOLUTION NO. D-4680, A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute an amendatory lease'agreement with Horizon Airlines, Inc. *17. SET DATE OF HEARING ON REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR PAYLESS DRUG STORES June 22, 1982 was set as the date of hearing on the request for a modification of a Planned Development for Payless Drug Stores, 56th Avenue andSummitView. _ , *18. SET DATE OF HEARING ON REZONE REQUEST FOR VA-ALTA CORPORATION June 29, 1982, was set as the date of hearing on the rezone request from Va-Alta Corpration for property located at East Chestnut and S. Nadhes Ave. *19. OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR JIM MCCORMICK, POLICE DEPARTMENT The out-of-state travel for Jim McCormick, Police Dept., to attend the American Polygraph Seminar in Vancouver, B.C., August 1-6, 1982, at a cost of $210, was approved. *20. OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR LARRY WRIGHT, PLANNING DIVISION The out-of-state travel request for Larry Wright to attend the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Geothermal District Heating & Cool- ing Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 17-19, 1982, at no cost to the City, was approved. JUNE 8, 1982 *21. ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR EQUIPMENT AND TERMINALS FOR THE DATA COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM (Second Reading) ORDINANCE NO. 2617, AN ORDINANCE amending the 1982 Budget for the City of Yakima and appropriating money in various funds to various accounts for expenditure during the 1982 budget year. - • *22; ORDINANCE IMPOSING A MONETARY PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO RESPOND TO PARKING INFRACTIONS NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2618, AN ORDINANCE relating to traffic control; providing for issuing a notice of parking infraction and imposing a monetary penalty for failure to respond; designat ing September 1, 1982 as the effective date of this ordinance; II/ - and amending Section 9.60.040 of the City of Yakima Municipal - - Code.- - *23. ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN FOR CERTAIN PARES EMPLOYEES ORDINANCE NO. 2619, AN ORDINANCE relating to City personnel; adopting a classification and compensation plan for City employees to be effective April 3, 1982; amending Sections 2.20.100 and 2.20.110 of the City of Yakima Municipal Code. 24. OTHER BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS TO CITY/COUNTY JOINT AIRPORT BOARD Assistant City Manager Wittenberg stated that prior to the Council meeting, staff had supplied the Council with applica- tions to the City/County Joint Airport Board. He stated that since this has an impact on the current labor relations as- pect, he would like the Council to appoint two members to this Board. It was MOVED by Moore, seconded by Buchanan to appoint Bill Almon and Don Heinen to the City/County Joint Airport Board, as the City's representatives. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. Mayor Carmichael reported that she has received a letter of resignation from the Planning Commission from Mike Parsons. Council member Buchanan commented about the nuMber of citizens who had attended this meeting and suggested that only one night meeting per quarter is needed. It was MOVED by Buch- anan, seconded by Sparling to ask staff to prepare legislation to change the meetings to daytime hours, except for one meet ing per quarter, Which should be the first meeting of each quarter. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beaudhamp ab- sent. INFORMATION ITEMS 11/ Its of information supplied to Council were: memo from City Attorney re: Damage Claims Referred to Insurance Company. 6/2/82; memo from Acting Director of Public Works re: Revenue and Ridership Reports. 5/28/82; memo from Director of Com- munity and Economic Development re: Area Agency on Aging Emergency CDBG Repair Project. 6/3/82; project reports for the month of June, 1982 from Department of Engineering & Utilities; memo from NLC Board of Directors re: Board State- ment of Federalism. 5/28/82; Washington Community Affairs Bulletin. May '82; Article from 6/1/82 Wall Street Journal, "Malfunctions Plague Fancy New GM Buses, Forcing Cities to Make Expensive Repairs."; Agenda for June 7, 1982 Utility Rate Advisory Board meeting; minutes of May 13, 1982 Board of Appeals meeting; and minutes of May 11, 1982 Yakima District Board of Health meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was MOVED by Moore, seconded by Doty to move into Executive Session and then immediately adjourn the meeting. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Beauchamp absent. 200 JUNE 8, 1982 25. ADJOURNMENT Upon the completion of the Executive Session, the meeting was adjourned at the hour of 10:40 p.m. 54. READ AND CERTIFIED AC DATE C/ CURATE BY ..4124//-te CO NCIL DATE ‘k-t1/ COUNCIL /MEMBER / ATTEST: f , . !.4LAL .r CITY ei MAYOR • 201 JUNE 15, 1982 There being no quorum present, the City Clerk announced that the reg- ularly scheduled Council meeting will not be held.