HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/06/1982 Study Session 158 APRIL 6, 1982 STUDY SESSION The City Council net in session on this date at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Washington. Council members present were Mayor Lynn Carmichael, Clarence Barnett, Henry Beaudhamp, Lynn Budhanan, Shirley Doty and W. K. "Pete" Moore. Council member Jack Sparling absent. 1. OPEN DISCUSSION FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Council member Doty reported that the next COG general meeting will be held in Yakima on May 19th. Following discussion, it was the general consensus of the Council that Council member Doty select a site for the meeting. Council member Henry Beauchamp stated that he has had diffi- II/ culty in attending the DARC meetings. He asked if another Council member could volunteer to serve as the Council's liaison to that Committee. It was MOVED by Barnett, seconded by Doty to appoint Council member More as the liaison repre- sentative to the Downtown Area Redevelopment Committee. Council member Moore stated he was approached regarding the City possibly waiving the fees for moving the house built by _ the Skill Center that will be auctioned off for KYVE, Channel 47. City Manager Zais stated that staff was prepared to discuss this under "Audience Participation" on the regular agenda. It was the general consensus of the Council to dis- cuss this at that time. Mayor Carmichael expressed her concern regarding the time frame at Whidh the City enters into the application procedure for Industrial Revenue Bonds. She stated she was thinking about the lack of ability the City has to become involved in the initial screening discussions with these businesses which are located in the City, but having to make application to the County. She stated she feels. the City should reconsider setting up its own public corporation to handle the industrial revenue bonds. She stated she would not want the applicant to proceed through most of the process and then perhaps find there is a problem with the City. Bob Brandow, Director of YVCOG, stated that the application is dependent upon the jurisdiction approving the planning aspects. Jim Whiteside, Yakima County Commissioner, stated it would not be a problem to inform the City of arty interest that would involve the City of Yakima. Following discussion, it was the general consensus of the Council to place this on the agenda in a few weeks. 2. STATUS REPORT ON EMERGENCY SERVICES COORDINATION Ed Carroll, Disaster Coordinator for the City of Yakima, reported there has been a number of planning activities occurring since his appointment to this position. He stated that the Public Works Department has been working on a volcano II/ disaster plan and the Fire Department has been working on a hazardous chemicals plan. He reported they have disaster drills coordinated through the Department of Emergency Ser- vices. He distributed the index from the County's Plan and stated the Plan is on file at the Department of Emergency Services. Council member Beauchamp inquired if there were plans in the event of a nuclear accident at Hanford. Mr. Carroll stated there are plans, however, Yakima is not considered to be in a true exposure level. There was discussion regarding the efforts to maintain the Civil Defense shelters. 3. REPORT ON GREENWAY, INC. PROPOSAL Nadine Lee, Greenway Foundation Board member, gave some his- tory of the Greenway River project and the direct involvement of the City Council. Jim Whiteside, Chairman of the Board, stated that they have dedicated 1982 as a year of growth. He APRIL 6, 1982 159 reported they want to sponsor a major fund raising campaign this year to acquire and develop property. He stated that the purdhase of the piece of property immediately adjacent to the Terrace Heights Bridge is the goal of their campaign. The next priority piece of property to Obtain is the old garbage dump site. He reported on some of their other project goals and about the need for an environmental intern Who would be their coordinator for these projects. He reported that Yakima County has approved the funding of half of the $3,900 needed to obtain the services of the intern. There was a brief discussion on the request by the Foundation for the develop- ment of the 20 acres, Which was the old garbage dump site. It was the general consensus of the Council to put this on the regular agenda as Item No. 8-A. II/ BUSINESS MEET 4. ROLL CALL ING At 3:00 p.m., the Council members commenced the regular meet- ing, Mayor Carmichael presiding. Council members Barnett, Beauchamp, Buchanan, Doty and Moore and City Manager Zais and City Attorney Andrews present on roll call. Council member Sparling absent and excused. 5. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by City Manager Zais. 6. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Carmichael referred to the its placed on the Consent Agenda, questioning Whether there were any additions or dele- tions fram either Council members or citizens present. Coun- cil member Barnett requested that Items No. 12 and 13 be added to the Consent Agenda. Council member Beauchamp requested that Item No. 11 be removed from the Consent Agenda. It was the general consensus of the Council that the addition of Items No. 12 and 13, and the deletion of Item No. 11, as requested, be made. The City Clerk then read the Consent Agenda items, including resolutions and ordinances by title. It was MOVED by Mbore, seconded by Beauchamp that the Consent Agenda, as read, be passed. Unanimously carried by roll call vote. Sparling absent. (SUbsequent paragraphs preceded by an asterisk (*) indicate items on the Consent Agenda handled under one notion without further discussion.) *7. MINUTES The Council minutes of March 23, 1982 were approved, having been duly certified accurate by two Council members and no one present wishing to have said minutes read pUblicly. 8. CURRENT STUDY SESSION ITEMS A. ITEM NO. 3 Council members continued their discussion on the requests from the Greenway Fbundation, seeking clarification on that exactly they were requesting. Council member Beauchamp inquired Where the funding for the intern would come. Ed Carroll, Acting Director of Parks & Recreation, reported that the money is not available in the Parks Department budget. City Manager Zais stated that it could cane from Revenue Sharing or the Contingency Fund. Following discussion, it was MOVED Budhanan, seconded by Barnett to authorize the development of the 20 acreage site immediately south of the Arboretum. Carried by 5-1 voice vote. Doty voting nay. .Sparling absent. Discussion followed regarding their request for the intern. Council member Buchanan cemented that he would like to see a master plan of the Greenway and see the complete package. Concern was expressed about funding for these requests. City Manager Zais stated that the First Quarterly Report will soon came to Council and perhaps Council 1 8 APRIL 6, 1982 would prefer to defer this until after they receive that report. It was the genera]. consensus of the Council to wait until after the First Quarterly Report has been presented and take no further action at this time. L. ; T 9. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mayor Carmichael proclaimed April 13, 1982 as Mardi of Dimes Walk-A-Thon Day. Mayor Cannichael presented honorary certificates of citizen- ship of the Yakima Valley to Karl-Heinz Bartoldus, Kay Bar - toldus, Josef Bartoldus and Marianna Bartoldus, visting from Germany. Janet Snodgrass, 407 W. 40th Avenue, expressed her disappoint- ment of the elimination of the C -Span Program on Cox Cable W. 10. HEARING ON THE APPEAL BY ROBERT KELLETT, DBA MCCORMICK FLORAL This being the time fixed for the hearing on the appeal by ' Robert Kellett, dba McCormick Floral, from the Planning Cam - mission's recamrendation to deny the rezone request for pro- perty located at 1406 Summitviee Avenue, Larry Wright, Plan- ning Manager, gave a brief description of the purpose for the rezone request. (Council member Barnett absent after 3:55 p.m.) Charles Countryman, attorney representing Mr. and Mrs. Kellett, spoke in favor of the rezone request. He gave some background information regarding the zoning of this property at the time of the establishment of the General Plan for the City and indicated the zoning of the surrounding lots. He stated that Mr. Kellett wants to add the sale of small greenhouses to his existing business. He spoke about the Kellett's experience and the effect the zoning of Planned Development has in trying to obtain financing. He further indicated that the Kellett's object to caning to the City for approval every time they wish to add some other dimension to their business. He stated the property has been utilized as a business property since 1903 and Mr. Kellett would like to have the property zoned as business property. Wanda Kellett, McCormick Floral, spoke about the restrictions when a business has been "grandfathered" in at the time the General Plan was established. She stated they can't get financing with the property being zoned Planned Development. Jim Andrews, 1101 Summitviea, spoke in support of this rezone. He stated he would like to see the property improved. He stated if it w zoned business, all Mr. Kellett could do, is improve the property. Responding to Council member Doty 's request, Mr. Wright outlined the permissible uses in a B-2 zone. David Kellett, employee at the greenhouse, spoke about the restrictions in having the property zoned Planned Developaent, emphasizing that they can not expand their business into any related area without a modification to the Planned Development. He stated they don't want to be restricted in II/ that area. He assured the Council that his family has been in the floral business for many years and they won't sell the business or the property. The public portion of the hearing was, closed. Larry Wright spoke about the staff's objections • ,• , to this property B-2; namely, traffic. He stated that the applicant has to give staff a sketch of how they want to modify the business and staff has not received any information on this. He stated that this could be done through a mod- ification to the Planned Development and if it is a minor modification, it could be approved by staff. He stated that part of this business would be zoned R-4 and part would be Business. He stated that staff is at a loss because any zoning other than Planned Development would create a non-conforming use. Council members discussed the possibility of other zoning classifications this could fit. City Attorney Andrews stated that based on the nature of the questions being asked by Council, he believed the hearing has been reopened. Council member Beauchamp commented that the only way this request can be accomplished in a B-2 zone would be that a new ordinance would have to be generated to make the current use 161 APRIL 6, 1982 acceptable in a B-2 zone. Larry Wright stated that staff will have greater flexibility in the new zoning ordinance that is being developed. City Manager Zais suggested that staff could explore the question of whether a special non-conforming section to the ordinance can be formed. David Kellett stated that the last time they had to cone up with drawings for the Planned Development, it cost about $5,000 and their small business can't handle that kind of expense. Charles Countryman asked if it would be possible to zone the property R-4 and B-2. Bob Kellett, owner of the business, stated he is trying to fix the place up and everytime he decides to change scaething, he needs to bring it before the Planning Commission. There being no other citizen wishing to speak at II/ this time, the hearing was closed. It was MOVED by Beaudhamp, seconded by Budhanan to remand this back to the Planning Canmission to evaluate whether it would be appropriate to amend the zoning ordinance to provide for this use in a B-2 zone as a conditional use. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Barnett and Sparling absent. Charles Countryman asked if Council has ruled on the petition of the B-2 zoning. Mayor Carmichael stated that Council's only choice is to either accept the Planning Commission's decision or return it back to the Planning Canmission with instructions. 11. AGREEMENT WITH PUBLIC DEMOGRAPHICS, INC. Council member Beauchamp requested same information on the business, Public Demographics, Inc. John Beer, Jr., Director of Canmunity and Economic Development, gave some background info/nation on the firm and on the scope of the project. Resolution No. D-4632 having been read by title, it was MOVED by Doty, seconded by Beauchamp that the resolution be passed. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Barnett and Sparling absent. RESOLUTION NO. D-4632, A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute an agreement with Public Demographics, Inc. for pro- fessional services. *12.-SCHEDULE OF FARES FOR TRANSIT SYSTEM RESOLUTION NO. D-4633, A RESOLUTION revising the schedule of fares for the public bus transportation systen operated by the City of Yakima, and amending Resolution No. D-4455, adopted Mardi 24, 1981. *13. FIX DATE OF HEARING ON 1982 UMTA GRANTS May 11, 1982 was set as the date of hearing on the 1982 UMTA grants. 14. ORDINANCMENDING THE 1982 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR CLERICAL POSITION IN THE TRANSIT DIVISION Council member Doty questioned the need for the Department Assistant I position being filled right away. Larry Wittenberg, Acting Public Works Director, explained there is training tine needed and time is needed to get the program started. Ordinance No. 2609 having been read by title only at the previous meeting, it was MOVED by Doty, seconded by Beauchamp that the ordinance be passed. Carried by 3-2 roll call vote. Buchanan and Moore voting nay. Barnett and Sparling absent. Council member Moore stated he was not present at the MArch 9th fleeting and would have spoke against this at that time. ORDINANCE NO. 2609, AN ORDINANCE appropriating the amount of $6,717 within 462-Transit Fund. 1E2 APRIL 6, 1982 15. OTHER BUSINESS RDQUEST FOR WAIVER OF HOUSE MOVING FEES Hank Hein, Supervising Traffic Engineer, distributed cor- respondence from staff regardin4 the KYVE house move from the Skill Center on 16th Avenue to Laura Avenue west of 40th Avenue. He estimates the City's expense, to-be reimbursed by the applicant, to be $100, plus the application fee. He explained that the house mover has proposed a different route after - staff had developed a route ' would require a minimum of City staff. Council member Moore commented that if Council were to give him some relief on this expense, he should follow the staff's route. Mr. Hein mentioned that his division's budget could not afford to forego this revenue because the revenue from these permits and charges were budgeted to pay for a staff position. City Attorney Andrews stated that 'there weren't any exceptions included in the ordinance. If Council wants to assist in this means, the only repercussion may cane from the State Examiners and they may insist that the money be recouped'. He stated that if it is impossible to collect that fee fraM-the house mover, then the City Council may be required to:pay this. No further action was taken. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was MDVED by Buchanan, seconded by Beauchamp to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending liti- gation and then immediately adjourn the meeting. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Barnett and Sparling absent. INFORMATION ITEMS Items of information supplied to Council %ere: memorandum from John Beer, Jr., Dir. of Community & Economic Development dated April 1, 1982, re: Status Report - Comprehensive Util- ities Plan; correspondence from Preston, Thorgrimson, Ellis & Holman Law Offices to the City Attorney re City's regulatory role to the "Escapade" programming service. 3/24/82; monthly report to the City Manager from the Yakima Air Terminal for February, 1982; March 17, 1982 City Employees Civil Service Cammission minutes; memorandum fran John Johnston, Chairman and Ron Kinmark, Vice Chairman of the .Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Task Forte re: Completed Task Force Report. 3/25/82; and Legislative Bulletin #11 dated March 26, 1982. 16. ADJOUREVENT Following the completion of the Executive Session, and there being no further business to .- before the Council, the Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 111 AIA READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BY j _ DATE q (27 ao PATE„7 _ 0OUNCI MEARE'' ATTEST: 1 ' . „ ) CITY of RK MA OR