HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/1975 Business Meeting 384 MAY-26, 1975 The Council met in session on this date at 1:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at Yakima City Hall. Councilmen present at the meeting were Mayor Bert Broad, Wray Brown, Betty L. Edmondson, Dick Jarms, Don Schussler and Bill Simmons. Mayor Broad and Don Schussler that asked the Manager investigate the use of the tank and machine gun display in Elks Park over the weekend' and that an inquiry be made into the film that was shown to 5th and 6th grade students participating in Police-JC activities. Training and Safety Officer, Ed Davis reported to the Council on the status of the P.T.I. Station Locator Project. He observed that the data identifying fire demand zones, fire defenses and hazards throughout the City was being collected and prepared for submission to the PTI computer in San Francisco. This project although basically data oriented, is intended to give the administration an estimation as to the appropriateness of fire station locations throughout the City; to analyze response time in connection with those stations and additional fire protection obligations that might be incurred with annexations over the next few years. Furthermore, the station locator project should make it easier for the City to evaluate future station locations and requirements or consider the option of station closures in areas where they are not best suited. Council will be kept apprised of further progress in the project. City Parks and Recreation Director Bill Hutsinpiller reported to the Council on the County Youth Activities Park which contemplates community usage for picnics, rock concerts, and additional recreation programs. The project currently is undergoing A95 review process and inasmuch as the park has an impact on City operations, a Council opinion has been requested. Mr. Hutsinpiller recommended that the Council express its support for the project to the A7 Review Board. Councilmen were in agreement. The Council next heard from Principal Planner Dick Hill who reviewed the status of the Summitview and Cascade Vista annexation elections. Pursuant to the elections, both the Cascade Vista and Summitview areas voted to annex to the City of Yakima, however the issue of bonded debt failed in the Summitview area by one vote and also in Cascade Vista. Apparently there was some confusion over the relevant facts concerning the issue of bonded debt and the staff gave some discussion to the understanding City residents had in participating in the election and the policy of the Council concerning annexing new areas to the City without assuming a share of the bonded debt obligation. The question before the Council was whether the existing citizens of the City continue to pay for all the remaining debt or would a potential new resident be required to assume his share of the debt. A staff report on the matter listed several reasons why annexation of the Cascade Vista Summitview areas could possibly be considered; and recommended that the City Council make clear its policy with respect to annexation and bonded debt assumption whether by election or 'petition method. In addition, the staff recommended the Council !call for a recount of those votes cast for bonded debt obligation ! and finally, that the issue over bonded indebtedness is fair l and just consideration to City residents and that annexation Might be rejected on that basis. Council heard from several !interested residents of the Summitview and Cascade areas who • asked for a discussion on the matter at the regular Council meeting and indicated that many more residents would also be 'available at that time to hear the Council's assessment of the situation. Councilmen agreed to consider the annexations at the regular sessions. 0)1'10 MAY 26, 1975 At 2:30, it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Brown that the Council enter into Executive Session for the consideration of property acquisition in connection with downtown redevelopment. At 3:00 P.M., the Council members moved into the Council Chambers for the balance of the meeting, Mayor Broad presiding, Councilmen Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler, Simmons, and City Attorney Andrews present on roll call. Councilman Moore having requested permission to be excused from this meeting was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Edmondson that Councilman Moore be excused: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. The Invocation was given by City Attorney Andrews. The minutes of the previous meetings of May 19, 1975, having been duly certified accurate by two Councilmen, and no one present wishing to have said minutes read publicly, Mayor Broad declared said minutes approved as recorded. This being the time set for the Hearing on the Rezone Application filed by William J. Smith, requesting the rezone of property located at 902 and 906 West Logan Avenue, Principal Planner Dick Hill reviewed the Planning Staff Report and Planning Commission Minutes on this subject dated April 16 and May 6, 1975, respectively. He noted the applicant requests a rezone from Planned Development Zone to R-2, Two Family Zone to accommodate the construction of a four-plex, since the applicant is not able to complete the Planned Development as presently approved. Mr. Hill noted he also requests a Special Permit allowing for the construction of the four- plex and related the recommendation of both the Planning Staff and Planning Commission for approval of this request, subject to the following conditions: 1. That all driveways and parking areas be surfaced with asphaltic concrete or a comparable material; 2. That wheel stops be provided in the indicated parking area; 3. That landscaping and irrigation plans be submitted to and approved by the Office of Environmental Planning prior to issuance of building permits; 4. That the siding on the units be of some other material than the shingles presently utilized on adjacent struc- tures. It was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Simmons that Ordinance 1/ No. 1793, accepting the recommendation of the Planning Commission and rezoning said property, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jams, Schussler and Simmons voting aye on roll call. Moore absent. ORDINANCE NO. 1793, AN ORDINANCE accepting the recommendation of the Planning Commission and rezoning property at 902 and 906 West Logan Avenue from Planned Development Zone to R- 2, Two-Family Zone. This being the time set for the Hearing on the Rezone Application filed by Dr. Donald Ballew and Dr. Richard Twiss, requesting rezone of property located on the west side of 10th Avenue between West Spruce and West Pine Streets, Principal Planner Dick Hill reviewed the Planning Staff Report and Planning Commission Minutes on this subject dated April 24, and May 6, b)u MAY 26, 1975 1975, respectively. He indicated the applicant requests rezone from R-3, Multiple-Family Zone to B-1, Modified Business Zone, to allow for construction of a doctor's clinic with off-street parking adjacent to the existing Medical Center. He related the recommendation of both the Planning Staff and Planning Commission for approval of this request. It was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Simmons that Ordinance No. 1794, accepting the recommendation of the Planning Commission and rezoning said property, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms and Simmons voting aye on roll call; Schussler abstaining. Moore absent. ORDINANCE NO. 1794, AN ORDINANCE accepting the recommendation of the Planning Commission and rezoning property on the West side of 10th Avenue between West Spruce and West Pine Streets from R- 3, Multiple-Family Zone to B-1, Modified Business Zone. This being the time set for the Hearing on Petition No. 838, filed by Lesley Hansen and others, requesting annexation of property situ- ated on North 63rd Avenue, Associate Planner Glenn Rice reviewed the Planning Staff Report on this subject dated February 6, 1975. He reported that the request involves a neighborhood area to the west of the City limits that is best for residential development according to the Yakima County Comprehensive Plan and the City General Plan. The area is recommended for annexation for the following reasons: 1. The desire of affected property owners within the proposed annexation to annex to the City. 2. The logical service area represented by the proposal. 3. The need for and availability of full urban services. It is recommended that the area be annexed as R-1, Single Family Residential Zone. It was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Edmondson that Ordinance No. 1795, providing for said annexation, be passed. carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye on roll call. Moore absent. ORDINANCE NO. 1795, AN ORDINANCE annexing property to the City of Yakima, and zoning said property. Dr. Marjorie Wilson of the Southeast Health Clinic, being present, spoke to the Council regarding Southeast Community Center and Health Clinic relationships, explaining that the Southeast Center Board agrees to the Clinic's request regarding reorganization and that the agreement is now ready, but awaits a signature on the matter of ' a change in by-laws. She again reviewed the Clinic's need for financial assistance with medical liability insurance costs by June 9 in the amount of $7,500, requesting the Council's assistance. Councilman Simmons requested a description of the services rendered at the clinic and Dr. Wilson briefly reviewed the services pro- vided to many low-income persons, to include child health, prenatal care, dental care, and patient advocacy services. Mayor Broad indicated that Dr. Wilson should notify the City Manager's Office as soon as the agreement is formally completed with the necessary signature after which time it will be brought back to the Council. The Council discussed the results of the Cascade/Summitview Annex- ation Election held May 20, 1975. Attorney Paul Edmondson referred to his petition submitted May 23, 1975, requesting a waiver by the City as the issue of acceptance of bonded indebtedness for the Summitview Annexation area. He emphasized the serious health problem existing in the West Valley Area, noting that if the areas are brought in and sewerage undertaken, it would be a health benefit to everyone. The official Certificate of Canvass received from the County Auditor's Office was circulated to Councilmen at this 4 MAY 26, 1975 time and the figures on the annexation results were found to coincide with those earlier reported to the Council. It was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Brown that the Council request a recount of the votes cast in the Summitview and Cascade Vista Annexation Election: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. Moore absent. Councilman Simmons questioned the advantages to annexing these two areas to the City and Mr. Rice reviewed the noted advantages, as listed in the Planning Staff Report on this subject dated May 23, 1975. Councilman gdmOndsonindicated she preferred not to make any changes in policy at this time, but that the Council should try to come to a decision by next week. Councilman Schussler spoke to this matter, noting he would rather have these areas II/ annex into the City and waive the bonded indebtedness than to sewer these areas and not annex the properties at all. Councilman Brown cited the overriding health problem in the area, necessitating action and felt the issue of bonded indebtedness should not stop action to annex at this time. Councilman Jarms favored going ahead with annexation according to the recount to be received. Parks Director Bill Hutsinpiller gave a review of the park plans for the intersections of 16th and Tieton and 16th and Nob Hill, reviewing the Cost Estimates for Plan A and Plan B on each project, as submitted to the Council by reports dated May 9, 1975. He located plantings on each plan, using design drawings. Speaking to the 16th and Tieton landscaping project, he reported the Parks Commission has reviewed the two plans, as presented, Plan A involves donations by the Rosalma Garden Club. They agree to support the project on an on-going basis by cleanup and planting replacements. Maintenance cost on Plan A would be approximately $800 per year, which would be split with the Yakima Valley Transpor- tation Company, owners of the property. He noted the amount could be less, depending on the amount of work which is donated. Councilman Edmondson informed the Council that school children from McKinley could also be involved in maintaining the project. Mr. Hutsinpiller indicated that the appropriate plans could be chosen and implemented, but restricted from interfering with the intersection street improvements. He related the recommendation of the staff for approval of Plan A. It was MOVED by Edmondson, seconded by Simmons that the Council approve Plan A for improvements to 16th and Tieton and that the project proceed as quickly as possible subject to approval by YVT: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. Moore absent. Councilman Brown suggested the plan not be finalized until YVT has had time to review it, since there might be a problem with trees growing close to the tracks. The Council next discussed the plans for the 16th and Nob Hill intersection. Mr. Hutsinpiller again reviewed Plan A and B explaining that the property owner of the business at this inter- section agrees to clean up this area. The estimated cost for Plan A is $1,032 for plant materials, $506.30 for irrigation materials and $450 for maintenance per year split with YVT. He noted Plan A is recommended by the Parks staff and would be easier to maintain. It was MOVED by Edmondson, seconded by Jarms, that Plan A, as presented, be approved: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. Moore absent. Acting City Manager Fred Andrews explained the proposed Resolution adopting the ICMA Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan for City Employees. He noted one of the conditions to the plan was that five or more employees have a desire to participate noting there are now at least that many who have signed up. It was MOVED by Jarms, seconded by Simmons that Resolution No. D-3325, adopting the ICMA Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensa- tion Plan, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye on roll call. Moore absent. 388 MAY 26, 1975 'RESOLUTION NO. D-3325, A RESOLUTION establishing and adopting the lICMA Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan for City Employees and authorizing the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute plan documents and agreements to implement such plans. "Acting City Manager Fred Andrews explained that Mr. Herb Hill holds ' options for purchase of parcels which are to be converted into parking "lots in connection with the Downtown Improvement Project. The two ; isites include the. old Chieftain Hotel, site and the Sears Store site. I He reviewed costs associated with the purchase of these properties, to include $75,000 for the Chieftain Hotel site, including reimbursement to Herb Hill and $300,000 for the Sears Store Site to include reimbursement l i of money advanced by-lierb Hill. Councilman Mayor Broad indicated that appreciation will be made to Herb Hill for his efforts on the ; "downtown project. It was noted that the, funds for this will come from assessments on the downtown project. It was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Jarms that Resolution No. D-3326, accepting the assignment !for the purchase of .property and authorizing the exercise of such ;options for the acquisition of the Central Business District Parking pots, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye on roll call. Moore absent. 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. D-3326, A RESOLUTION accepting from Herbert H. Hill ' purchasers assignments of options to purchase real property, and directing the City of the City of Yakima to exercise those O ptions for the purchase of real property. Acting City Manager Andrews explained the proposed Resolution vacating Public utility easements in Carriage Hill Addition, in accordance lwith the vacation request earlier submitted by Margaret Mary Coppers to provide for improvements to the property. The utility companies notified indicated no necessity for maintenance and the Engineer's Office recommends granting this request. It was MOVED by Brown, s econded by Schussler that Resolution No. D-3327, authorizing the ;vacation of public utility easements in Carriage Hill Addition, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and "Simmons voting aye on roll call. Moore absent. !RESOLUTION NO. D-3327, A RESOLUTION vacating public utility easements 'held by the City of Yakima over and across parcels of real property - situated in Carriage Hill Addition to the City of Yakima. Acting City Manager Fred Andrews explained that the Damage Claims for Robert E. McAuley and Jerry G. Kroum have been reviewed by his office and are now recommended for payment. It was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Simmons that Resolution D-3328 authorizing payment of $293.88 to Robert E. McAuley for damages in connection with an erroneous sewer connection, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye on roll call. Moore absent. RESOLUTION D-3328, A RESOLUTION authorizing payment to Robert E. McAuley of a claim for damages in the amount of $293.88. It was MOVED by Edmondson, seconded by Schussler that Resolution INo. D-3329, authorizing payment of $434.79 to Jerry G. Kroum for i !expenses incurred from an erroneous sewer connection passed: 1 carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting !aye on roll call. Moore absent. ;RESOLUTION D-3329, A RESOLUTION authorizing payment to Jerry G. Kroum of a claim for damages in the amount of $434.79. ; I ' !Acting City Manager Fred Andrews reported that bids were receiving land considered on March 13, 1975, for the South First Street Sewer- "Russell Lane to Lindy Lane, Schedule II, as follows: 4- 1) fl MAY 26, 1975 Valley Cement Construction Inc., Auburn $25,630.50 Jobeca Construction Company $30,723.00 DeBlasio Construction Company $35,505.75 The City Engineer recommending that the Bid be awarded to Valley Cement, who submitted the lowest and best bid, it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Simmons that the bid be awarded to Valley Cement Construction in the amount of $25,630.50, who submitted the lowest and best bid: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. Moore absent. Acting City Manager Fred Andrews explained the proposed Ordinance requiring property owners to remove vegetation overhanging public ways and authorizing such removal by the City with costs to the abutting property owners, explaining it is an effort to carry out the State Law locally and the amendments pro- vide for procedures and expands the City authority for carrying out those procedures. It was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Simmons that Ordinance No. 1796 providing for such removal, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye on roll call. Moore absent. ORDINANCE NO. 1796, AN ORDINANCE relating to streets and sidewalks; requiring property owners to correct hazards created by vegeta- tion overhanging or interferring with the use of public ways; specifying procedures for removal by the City of such hazards and creating a lien for costs thereof; authorizing the summary removal of hazardous vegetation; amending Section 8.80.010, 8.80.020 and 8.80.030 and enacting Section 8.80.080, all of the City of Yakima Municipal Code. Acting City Manager Fred Andrews requesting authorization for out-of-state travel for Tony Wentz, Police Department, to travel to Boise, Idaho to attend the Western States Crime Convention via City car, May 11-14, 1975, it was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Schussler that said travel be approved and expenses paid: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. Moore absent. Mr. Johnny Rance, Southeast Community Center, being present, explained to the Council that the appropriate agreement between the Southeast Center and the Health Clinic had been signed at the Southeast Center's Board meeting but that an additional change had been made subsequent to that meeting which now requires a signature, necessitating another Board meeting. It was noted that the agreement cannot be accepted until the required signature is added to the addendum. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was MOVED by Simmons, seconded by Schussler that this meeting be adjourned at 4:45 P.M. to Tuesday, May 27, 1975, at the hour of 12:00 Noon, to then meet in the Holiday Inn: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Jarms, Schussler and Simmons voting aye by voice vote. Moore absent. READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BY IA j, ',,DATE g 5 'OUNCILMAN 1(4,--- DATE -- COUNCILMAN (.110106:ce4( , 4,,/ /Ve"CITY CLER ' MAYOR