HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/03/1974 Business Meeting and Adjourned Meeting 09/06/1974 t SEPTEMBER 3, 1974 The City Council met in session on this date at 1:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at Yakima City Hall. 1Councilmen present at the meeting were Mayor Bert Broad, Wray Brown, Betty L. Edmondson, W.K. "Pete" Moore, Charles A. Rich, and Don Schussler. ;City Manager McMicken advised the Council of the AWC meeting in Toppenish, October 8, 1974 at "The BUngalo". ;City Manager McMicken reviewed requests from Betty Edmondson on the status of several projects.. 1. Concerning the proposed regulations for Body Shops - Prostitution; City Attorney Andrews has reviewed model Ordinances for King County from Seattle and will be presenting them to the Council next week. 2. Regarding proposed gambling legislation; Staff will report to the Council within the next 30 days. 3. In reference to the transfer of Cahalan Park, the Town of Union Gap is still interested in acquiring the park, but has not agreed to the conditions proposed by the City of Yakima. There is some concern over retaining 10-year usage rights and compensation for the restroom facilities constructed the City of Yakima. City Manager McMicken indicated that he will follow through on negotiations with the Town. 4. Regarding Affirmative Action City Manager McMicken related that Training and Safety Officer, Ed Davis, had completed nine Workshops on Ethnic Awareness for supervising employees. 72 supervisors have attended; however, only one minority was in attendance from those invited. There was some misunderstanding on required attendance from the Police Department, although all Sergeants have participated in the Workships. Ed Davis may plan more Workshops for those who were previously unable to attend, due to misunderstandings or can- cellations. 5. Regarding the enforcement of County Building Codes by 1 contract with the City; the program is proceeding in accordance with the recommendations of the supplemental report filed with the Council August 26, 1974. 6. In reference to Group Homes, Councilman Edmondson asked that the Council consider them at the September 9 Study Session. 7. Regarding the Sidewalk Repair Program, a Hearing will be held on September 16, 1974. !Councilmen Edmondson and Rich submitted a landscaping proposal for the vacant lot located at 16th and Tieton Drive, which was ;referred to the City Manager and Staff for study and review by the Planning Staff. ;City Manager McMicken reviewed the suggestions for public 'information publications in the form of a report to citizens, !a fact booklet or calendar. The Council agreed to consider the proposals for a few weeks before making a recommendation. The Council also approved a Fair booth display incorporating the ;downtown redevelopment model, watet treatment plant and sewer treatment plant models. 1 152 SEPTEMBER 3, 1974 At 3:00 P.M., the Council members moved_into the Council Chambers for the balance of the meeting, Mayor Broad presiding, Councilmen Brown, Edmondson, Moore, Rich and Schussler,.._City Manager McMicken and City Attorney Andrews present on roll call. The Invocation was given by Mayor Broad. The minutes of the previous adjourned regular meeting of August 23, 1974 and the regular meeting of August 26, 1974, having been duly certified accurate by two Councilmen, and no one present wishing to have said minutes read publicly, Mayor Broad declared said minutes approved'as recorded. \A Mr. Carl Rizzo, owner of a residence located at 213 Pierce Avenue, being present, spoke to the Council regarding the proposed widening of Pierce Avenue and af parking on Pierce Avenue between Lincoln & "B". He explained-that there is no driveway to the residence he owns_andthat Pierce Avenue has been used for parking. He further explained that if Pierce Avenue is widened there will be no. parking provided for the residents due to the way in which the property lines run. Mr. Rizzo explained that to reverse:the parking_would hurt the businesses badly. City Manager McMidken:noted.the need to provide a appropriate map of the property lines, buildings and existing parking to clarify discussionmith Mr. Rizzo. Mayor Broad indicated that this matter would be .brought on for discussion again next week. City Manager McMicken reviewed his City, Manager Report No. 226 entitled License Fees for Bowling Alleys and referred to the attached letter from Mr. Applegate,'Attorney for the Yakima Bowling Alley Proprietors, requesting a review of the required $20 per lane license fee which is required in addition to the general business license fee. Mr.. Applegate, being present, requested the Council's consideration of eliminating the regulatory license fee which is objected to by the bowling alley proprietors. He asked that these establishments not be grouped with the other types of businesses requiring.the. regulatory license. He pointed out that the local bowling.dstablishments have a large investment in Yakima and have been established here for many years. In light of the higher taxes to which bowling establishments have been subjected and the amount of income generated by the several tournaments held each year in Yakima, Mr. Applegate requested that the $20 per lane fee be reduced or eliminated. He indicated that there has been little need for additional Fire and Police protection at the several establish- ments in the City. Mr. Ted Buller, representing Min-Da-Lanes and Nob Hill Lanes, also requested that the license charge be taken off the per-lane basis. He also spoke to the matter of improved bowling alley surfaces, which are much safer and have reduced the fire hazard. There was discussion on the national average of $6.75 per lane charged throughout the United States. City Manager McMicken reported that in talking with the Chief of Police and the Fire Chief it was agreed that the protection necessary to these establishments is not excessive, but remains as a possible 'cause of additional regulation and control. Also taken into consideration is the fact that the bowling alleys attract many out-of-town persons and therefore it is felt that the $20 per lane fee should be retained. Council- men asked questions regarding the practice of other cities in the Northwest in regard to licensing bowling alleys. Councilman Rich suggested that information be obtained as to how often additional protection has been necessary to such establishments. After due discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that this matter be referred to the City Manager and staff for obtaining information as to what other cities in the Northwest are doing in regard to this matter. j5:; SEPTEMBER 3, 1974 It was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Edmondson that Resolution No. D-3175, authorizing the execution of an easement and agreement with Pacific Power and Light Company for electrical service to the City shops, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore, Rich and Schussler voting aye on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. D-3175, A RESOLUTION authorizing the grant of an electrical utility easement to Pacific Power and Light Company, and authorizing the execution of an agreement for electrical service with Pacific Power and Light Company, both to afford electrical service to the City Shops. Referring to the proposed Resolution authorizing the engagement of George M. Lemon for right-of-way appraisal and acquisition services for the Pierce Avenue Improvement Project and Gordon Road Improvement Project, City Manager McMicken explained that the services are based on $125 per day. It was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Edmondson that the reference to the South First Street and Nob Hill Boulevard projects be deleted from the proposed esolution: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore, Rich and Schussler voting aye by voice vote. It was then MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Moore that Resolution No. D-3176, authorizing the engagement of George M. Lemon for said purposes, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore, Rich and Schussler voting aye on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. D-3176, A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager of the City of Yakima to engage George M. Lemon for professional appraisal and negotiation services for right-of-way acquisition. It was MOVED by Edmondson, seconded by Rich that Resolution No. D-3177, authorizing the execution of an agreement accepting a grant covering a portion of the expenses for repairing a City water transmission main and installing chlorination units on City wells, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore, Rich and Schussler voting aye on roll call. City Manager McMicken explained that the state grant covers 40 per cent of the project and reviewed the various items included in the cost breakdown, noting that the City will be reimbursed $51,482. RESOLUTION NO. D-3177, A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute an agreement accepting a grant from the State of Washington to pay a portion of construction costs of municipal and industrial water supply facilities. City Manager McMicken reported that bids were received and considered on August 12, 1974 for the Milroy Park and Miller Park Lighting, as follows: Knobel's Electric $5,906.25 Wilson Electric 6,650.70 The City Engineer recommending that the bid be awarded to Knobel's Electric, who submitted the lowest and best bid, it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Rich that the bid be awarded to Knobel's Electric in the amount of $5,906.25 and that the City Manager be authorized to enter into contract with said contractor upon the filing of the proper bond and insurance: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore, Rich and Schussler voting aye by voice vote. Referring to a layout of the proposed lighting plans, City Manager McMicken explained that the project is part of the Parks Capital Improvement Program and are included in the allocation of FRS monies to the Parks Department. Parks Director, Bill Hutsinpiller indicated that the bid includes the basic items for the project, stating that a recommendation on the lighting poles will be brought back at a later time. 54 SEPTEMBER 3, 1974 Councilman Schussler absent after 4:00 P.M. City Manager McMicken recommended approval of the following requests for right-of-way use permits for encroachments already in existence which have been inspected and agreed upon,, noting no particular traffic problems with any: a. Hop Extract Corpotation of America - Canopy. b. General,Supply of Yakima, 209 N. 2nd Avenue - Roof structure and dock. c. Holtzinger Brothers Inc., 127 W. Yakima Avenue - Dock and scales. d. Pacific Fruit (Holtzinger Building) - Dock and roof cover.! e. Libby McNeill and Libby, 901 N. 1st Avenue - Overhead bridge. f. Libby McNeill and Libby, 901 N; 1st. Aventie.- Underground 12" sewer line. - g. Libby McNeill and Libby, 901 N. 1st Avenue- Underground i tunnel across First Avenue. h. Continental National Grocery, N. 1st Avenue - Dock and roof. It was MOVED by Rich, seconded by Edmondson that all of the above requests for Right-of-way Use Permits be approved: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore and Rich voting aye by voice vote. Schussler absent. Referring to the proposed resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with Yakima County and Yakima Voluntary Action Center for the creation and financing of a volunteer action program, City Attorney Andrews noted that this is in response to the request by Mr. Ed Newhouse for financial assistance for the remainder of the 1974 year. He explained that the agreement provides for the City and County to establish the program facilities with the Voluntary Action Center administering the program. The City and County will both finance $3,000 toward the program for the balance of the current year which will terminate subject to. further requests and action next year. It was MOVED by Edmondson, seconded by Rich that Resolution No. D-3178, authorizing the execution of said agreement, be passed: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore and Rich voting aye on roll call. Schussler absent. RESOLUTION NO. D-3178, A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk of the City of Yakima to execute an agreement with Yakima County and the Yakima Voluntary Action Center to create and finance a volunteer action program. An Ordinance transferring $30,000 and appropriating $15,000 of Federal Shared Revenue Funds to the Yakima County Health District for Mental Health Services, having been read by title only at this meeting, was laid on the table for one week or until September 9, 1974. City Manager McMicken noted that the annual report requested under terms of the earlier grant agreement has been filed with the Council. Petition No. 826, having been filed with the City Clerk on August 28, 1974 by Richard D. Smith, requesting the vacation of a portion of Sycamore Street, City Manager McMicken recommend- ed that the Petition be referred back to the petitioner for the proper legal description. It was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Edmondson that Petition No. 826 be referred back to the petitioner for the appropriate legal description: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore and Rich voting aye by voice vote. Schussler absent. 155 SEPTEMBER 3, 1974 The Council recognized Petition No. 827 signed by approximately 453 persons urging the installation of a 4-way traffic light at 5th Avenue and Nob Hill Boulevard for the safety of Hoover Elementary School students. Mr. Robert Hibbs, Principal of Hoover Elementary School, being present, reviewed the problems associated with keeping patrol students out on duties in the light of heavy traffic on that street and the repeated efforts on the part of the students to cross the street. He noted that there are 40 to 50 students crossing at this point and reviewed the different methods which have been tried unsuccessfully to supervise crossing at this location. He explained that the school has discontinued the use of that crossing until it can be properly supervised. Traffic Engineer, Bill Stark, reported that the traffic volume at this location does not meet the minimum warrants for a traffic signal. He suggested the alternate solution of directing the students down 3rd Avenue and crossing at the 3rd Avenue and Nob Hill signalized intersection. He noted that this would take cooperation from the school in routing the children this new way. There was discussion by the Council regarding possible problems with crossing children at this point due to the numerous driveways to commercial businesses located this - intersection. - Mr. Stark indicated that should a signal be placed at 5th and Nob Hill, it would be too close to the signal at 3rd and Nob Hill. Also suggested was the construction of a pedestrian overpass at this location. Captain Metzer supported the use of the 3rd Avenue intersection, noting that the Police Department will assist with placement of patrolmen at this location. He reviewed the cumber of sitations issued at various school crossingsi in spite of the attention given to this matter by the news media. City Manager McMicken referred to the Outside Utility Request for City water service to the residence owned by Mr. Donald W. Oliver, at 1302 Reservoir Road. He explained that the applicant desires connection to a future single-family residence at this location. A 12-inch water line is available for installation at a charge of approximately $1,142.83. The applicant has agreed to annexation when feasible. Mr. McMicken indicated that the Outside Utility Agreement includes Exhibit "B". It was MOVED by Rich, seconded by Moore that the request of Mr. Oliver for outside utility service, be granted: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore and Rich voting aye by voice vote. Schussler absent. City Manager McMicken requesting approval for the following out-of-state travel requests: a. John Haddix, Community Development, to Wemme, Oregon to attend the Washington Transportation Planning State Conference, September 16 - 19, 1974; b. Tom Froula, Data Processing, to San Francisco, California to attend the UNIVAC Users Association Conference, September 30 thru October 3, 1974; c. Russ Mazzola, Assistant City Attorney, to Vancouver, British Columbia to attend the Washington State Bar Convention, September 12 - 15, 1974, it was MOVED by Brown, seconded by Rich that the above request for out-of-state travel be approved: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore and Rich voting aye by voice vote. Schussler absent. Mayor Broad requested permission to be excused from the next regular Council meeting of Monday, September 9, 1974 to attend the National League of Cities Seminar. It was MOVED by Moore, seconded by Rich that Mayor Broad be excused from the next regular Council Meeting: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore and Rich voting aye by voice vote. Schussler absent. SEPTEMBER 3, 1974 - SEPTEMBER 6, 1974 There being no further business to come before the Council, it was MOVED by Rich, seconded by Moore that this meeting be adjourned at 4:40 P.M. to Friday, September 6, 1974 at the hour of 12:00 Noon, to then meet in the Flight Deck Restaurant: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore and Rich voting aye by voice vote. Schussler absent. READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BY DATE - COUNCILMAN DATE . COUNCILMA L ATTEST: \\ • \h.') CITY CLE k MAYOR ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1974 The City Council met in session at 12:00 Noon on this date in the Flight Deck Restaurant at the Yakima Air Terminal. Councilmen present at the meeting were Mayor Bert Broad, Wray Brown, Betty L. Edmondson, W. K. "Pete" Moore, and Don Schussler. The Council held general discussion on various City matters. No formal action was taken. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was MOVED by Schussler, seconded by Edmondson that we do now adjourn at the hour of 1:30 P.M.: carried, Broad, Brown, Edmondson, Moore and Schussler voting aye by voice vote. Rich absent. 4O air DATE o rouncilman DATE Councilman ATTEST: • 1 CITY ; ERK MAYOR