HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/09/1983 Study Session 44 AUGUST 9, 1983 STUDY SESSION The City Council net in session on this date at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Yakima, Washington. Council neuters present were Mayor Lynn Carmichael, Clarence Barnett, Henry-Beauchamp, W. K. "Pete" Moore and Jack Sparling. Council members Lynn Budhanan and Shirley Doty absent. 1. OPEN DISCUSSION RR THE DOD CF THE ORDER Council member Barnett addressed the issue of the draft report - of the Fish Passage Bill which is being heard today and tomorrow by the Northwest Power Planning Council. The City of Yakima and the Naches-Cowiche Canal Company are seeking BPA funding for construction of a fish ladder and related items to the diversion dam project. He expressed his concern regarding the requirement that the Secretary of the Interior must confirm and approve the plans and designs for these facilities, stating that there would not be sufficient time for passage of the Northwest Power Planning Council proposed legislation and approval by the Secretary of State before the City constructs the diversionary dam. Dennis Covell, Director of Engineering and Utilities, stated he cane to that same conclusion and will make an appeal and encourage them to speed up the process or make some kind of special consideration. He reported that the City construction time schedule is for the first of. July, 1984. The NorthWest Power Planning Council proposed legislation calls for funding of design and analysis in 1984, with construction funds becoming available in 1986 for thoseTrojects. Council member Moore stated that Council received a copy of a letter addressed to Congressman Morrison regarding the City's procedure for billing a resident for the prior homeowner's unpaid water bill. City Manager Zais reported that staff has reviewed that process. The City is now following a practice of not billing a new tenant for prior water bills, but has the ability to bill a new owner and that procedure is unfair. He stated that staff is considering changing the policy so that the same procedure is followed for owners as is used for tenants and turn the bill over to a collection agency. Council umber Beauchamp suggested that perhaps the Council should consider a policy of purchasing American made vehicles. Council member Spading excused himself from participation in this discussion due to possible conflict of interest. Following a consensus of agreement expressed by the Council, City Manager Zais stated that staff could put together a proposal similar to the policy regarding the local vendor policy for purchasing police vehicles and bring it back to Council. Council member Moore asked if other municipalities have a similar policy. Assistant City Manager Wittenberg stated that this could be incorporated into his report regarding the local vendor preference policy. 2. STATUS REPORT FROM ENGINEERING REGARDING GTEED WATER LEAK REPAIRS Dennis Cavell, Director of Engineering and Utilities, displayed a cap whidh was the solution to repairing the Gleed water leak. He reported that the cost for the divers was approximately $850 out of the total $2100; the balance being for City force labor and equipment rental and for the $3 cap. He reported that if another significant leak should occur and it would be necessary to use coffer dams to divert the river, it would cost approximately $50,000 to fix the pipe and would require a lot of paperwork. Council members discussed the involvement of George Pechtel and CH2 M -Hill in the Gleed water service issue and City Manager Zais indicated a report on this would he coming to Council in the near future. It was MOVED by Barnett, seconded by Beauchamp to accept the report with Council's appreciation. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Budianan and Doty absent. AUGUST 9, 1983 45 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was MOVED by Barnett, seconded by Moore to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing prospective litigation and collective bargaining. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Buchanan absent. (Council member Doty present for Executive Session only) BUSINESS MEETING 4. ROLL CALL At 3:15 p.m., the Council members commenced the regular meeting, Mayor Carmichael presiding, Council members Barnett, II/ :0:11hamP' Moore and Sperling and City Manager Zais and City Attorney Andrews present on roll call. Council members Lynn Buchanan and Shirley Doty absent and excused. 5. INIVC The Invocation was given by City Manager Zais. 6. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Carmichael referred to the items .placed on the Consent Agenda, questioning Whether there were any additions or deletions from either Council members or citizens present. Council member Barnett requested that Items Nos. 9 and 10 be added to the Consent Agenda. It was the general consensus of the Council that the addition of Items Nos. 9 and 10, as requested, be made. The City Clerk then read the Consent Agenda items, including resolutions and ordinances by title. It was MOVED by Moore, seconded by Beauchamp that the Consent Agenda items, as read, be passed. Unanimously carried by roll call vote. Buchanan and Doty absent. (Subsequent paragraphs preceded by an asterisk (*) indicate items on the Consent Agenda handled under one motion without further discussion.) 7. CURRENT STUDY SESSION ITEMS None 8. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mayor Carmichael read and presented a proclamation to Lisa Lundeen, proclaiming Tuesday, August 9th, as "Employment Wanted" day in the City of Yakima. Mayor Carmichael stated that Lisa Lundeen volunteered her services in developing a program directed toward the unemployed and prospective employers and encouraged the citizens to watch the program Which will be aired tonight on Cable TV. Jerry Henderson, Merit Badge Coordinator, introduced three members of Troup 216 who are attending the Council meeting as a requirement for earning their merit badge. *9. AUTHORIZATION CF SALE CF PARKS PROPERTY BY CALLING FOR SEALED BIDS RESOLUTION NO. D-4845, A RESOLUTION declaring real estate owned by the City to be surplus prdperty and authorizing the sale of that property. *10. AUTHORIZATION FOR SURPLUS PROPERTY AUCTION RESOLUTION NO. D-4846, A RESOLUTION authorizing the sale of surplus personal property owned by the City. *11. APPROVAL OF RIGHT-CF-WAY USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1102 W. YAEIMA AVENUE The application for a Right-of-Way Use Permit, requested by Mr. Terry P. Abeyta for property located at 1192 West Yakima Avenue, was approved. 46 AUGUST 9, 1983 *12. TREASURY REPORT FOR JULY, 1983 The report fran the Director of Finance & Budget dated August 9, 1983, regarding the investments of the City of Yakima, was accepted and approved. *13. APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL a. The Out-of-State travel for Tony Sloan, Fire Department, to attend a course at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland, 9/25-10/8, 1983, at a cost of $132, was approved. b. The Out-of-State travel for Bill Schultz, Transit Manager, to attend a workshop in Boise, Idaho, 8/29-8/31, 1983, at a cost of $455, was approved. *14. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOANS AND APPROPRIATING FUME FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR PROJECTS AND STREET LIGHT CONVERSION PROGRAM (Second Reading) An Ordinance authorizing interfund loans and appropriating funds for street construction and repair projects and street light conversion program having been read by title only at the previous neeting, was brought before the Council for a second reading. ORDINANCE NO. 2712, AN ORDINANCE amending the 1983 Budget for the City of Yakima; authorizing temporary loans and providing for their repayment; and appropriating unappropriated balances in 392-Cumulative Reserve Fund for Capital Improve:rents. *15. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 1983 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE 171-CAPITOL THEATRE OPERATING FUND (Second Reading) An Ordinance amending the 1983 Budget and appropriating funds in the 171-Capitol Theatre Operating Fund having been read by title only at the previous meeting, was brought before the Council for a second reading. ORDINANCE NO. 2713, AN ORDINANCE amending the 1983 Budget for the City of Yakima; and making an appropriation in the ' 171-Capitol Theatre Operating Fund for expenditure during 1983. 16. OTHER BUSINESS' City Manager Zais introduced Marion Pierce to will be the auctioneer for the auction of City surplus personal property. INFORMATION ITEMS Itans of information supplied to Council were: letter fran the State of Washington, Office of Financial Management, regarding protest of the 1983 City of Yakima population estimate 7/13/83; letter of resignation from Cliff Miller, Board of Adjustment. 8/3/83; status report fran City Attorney regarding damage claims referred to Insurance Company 8/1/83; News Release fran the Department of Community & Economic Development regarding announcerrent of Logo Design Contest for Yakima Comaunity Television 7/26/83; News Release fran the Department of Community & Economic Development regarding new programming "Employment Wanted" 8/2/83; monthly report of Permit Center for July, 1983; and minutes of the Community Programming- Advisory Committee dated July 9 and 12, 1983. 17. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to cane before the Council, it was MOVED by Beaudhamp, seconded by Barnett that this neeting be adjourned at the hour of 3:35 p.m. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Buchanan and Doty absent. AUGUST 9, 1983 47 / READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BY k Li I ..,_ i DATE 1--IS - ,Z.? j w, N ti 1 L MEMBER 4 DATE 9 -13 -- ro ii irce MEMBER/ ATTEST: ,) t K OAJP-...1,■_ A 1 .: , (Thit 1 1, _aApp,A,or ,,,,-- CITY CLERK MAYOR I 1