HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1984 Study Session 279 MAY 1, 1984 STUDY SESSION The City Council met in session on this date at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Yakima, Washington. Council members present were Mayor Clarence Barnett, Henry Beauchamp, Lynn Buchanan, Lynn Carmichael, Shirley Doty, and W. K. "Pete" Moore. Council member Jack Sparling absent. 1. OPEN DISCUSSION FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER It was pointed out by the City Clerk that an appointment had been made to the Community Development Citizen Advisory II/ Ccmmittee, which was inappropriate due to the appointee living outside the target area. Therefore, Council was requested to make another appointment to that ccmmittee. It was MOVED by Beauchamp, seconded by Buchanan, to appoint Dee Grindeland -Holmes to serve on the Community Development Citizen Advisory Committee. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Sparling absent. Council member Doty reminded everyone that today is Loyalty Day. Council member Carmichael mentioned the problem with the City's storm and sewer drains, stating this still is a problem the City needs to address. Council member Beauchamp questioned if it is the size of the pipes that presents the problem. Council member Carmichael stated if the City had appropriated money to complete the consultant's study, we would know exactly that is the problem. Del Kary, Superintendent of Street and Refuse Divisions, stated with the amount of rain we have been having recently, the problems being experienced are not unusual. Council member Carmichael stated next weekend there will be a soccer tournament held in Yakima and the City does not have soccer fields to accommodate the number of teams participating in this tournament. After further discussion on the issue, it was MOVED by Carmichael, seconded by Beauchamp, to refer the acquisition of future soccer fields to the Parks and Recreation Commission for their recommendation. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Sparling absent. City Manager Zais stated the City had received a $20,000 check from the Margaret Coffin Holmes Estate and the Council committee that had been formed would need to be reactivated and make a recommendation on the distribution of funds. 2. STATUS REPORT REGARDING UPDATED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM II/ Dennis Covell, Director of Engineering and Utilities, gave a brief update on the Comprehensive Plan for the Domestic Water System, stating that the only part of the plan that would require the assistance of a consultant is the hydroelectric analysis. He stated CH2M -Hill had done the high zone analysis in the past and he will likely consult with than as to the amount of money needed to complete the cost analysis. It was MOVED by Beauchamp, seconded by Carmichael that the report be accepted. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Sparling absent. 3. REPORT FROM PERSONNEL RETARDING DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE TRAINING ACTIVITIES FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH, 1984 Bob Weaver, Personnel Officer, presented the employee training activities report and added an effort will be made to keep Council informed as to training activities throughout the year,. It was MOVED by Beauchamp, seconded by Carmichael to accept the report. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Sparling absent. 280 MAY 1, 1984 4. REPORT FROM PUBLIC WORKS, STREET DIVISION, REGARDING PROPOSED SIDEWALK REPAIR PROGRAM FOR 1984. Del Kary, Superintendent of Streets and Refuse Divisions, presented the proposed sidewalk repair program. He informed Council this is strictly a volunteer program in which the property owners and the City would participate on a 50/50 cost basis, and would require that the property owners pay for their share within a two-year payback timeframe rather than ten years as in the current program. City Manager Zais stated the City has had a difficult time for the past ten years making any repairs due to the cost factor involved. He stated the last comprehensive sidewalk repair study was done five years ago and the estimated cost at that time for repairs was well over a million dollars. Council member Beauchamp asked if there is an ordinance in effect now that requires the property owner to maintain sidewalks in front of their property. City Attorney Andrews indicated there is such an II/ ordinance which requires the property owner to make repairs and pay for a portion of the repair work for the sidewalk abutting his property. This ordinance also allows the City to place a lien on the property for his share of the repair cost. He stated this ordinance has been in effect since 1974 but the City has had a difficult time enforcing it due to reluctance of homeowners and apartment owners and their lack of participation and cooperation. It was MOVED by Carmichael, seconded by Buchanan, to move the discussion of this item down under the Business portion of the meeting to became Item No. 8a. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Sparling absent. BUSINESS MEETING 5. ROLL CALL At 3:00 p.m., the Council members commenced the regular meeting, Mayor Barnett presiding, Council members Beauchamp, Buchanan, Carmichael, Doty, and W. K. "Pete" Moore and City Manager Zais and City Attorney Andrews present on roll call. Sparling absent and excused. 6. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by City Attorney Andrews. 7. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Barnett referred to the Items placed on the Consent Agenda, questioning whether there were any additions or deletions from either Council members or citizens present. Council member Carmichael requested that Items Nos. 8a, 12, 14 and 15 be added to the Consent Agenda. It was the general consensus of the Council that the addition of Items Nos. 8a, 12, 14, and 15, as requested, be made. The City Clerk then II/ read the Consent Agenda items, including resolutions and ordinances by title. It was MOVED by Carmichael, seconded by Moore, that the Consent Agenda, as read, he passed. Unanimously carried by roll call vote. Sparling absent. (Subsequent paragraphs preceded by an asterisk (*) indicate items on the Consent Agenda handled under one motion without further discussion.) *8. CURRENT STUDY SESSION ITEMS a. Item No. 4 The report from the Public Works Department, Street Division, dated April 17, 1984, was accepted and approved. 9. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Rick Faringer, 1409 So. 16th Avenue, spoke in support of the mechanical refuse system, stating he had been present at the meeting last week but did not take the opportunity to speak at the hearing. 281 MAY 1, 1984 Cecil Collins, Director of the Southeast Community Center, invited Council to the Center for observation of the programs offered by the facility and to take a first-hand look at the renovations recently ccmpleted there. He stated the Community Center currently has two requests before the Council, and he would like the Council members to visit the facility and became more acquainted with the programs and services offered therein. 10. HEARING ON PROPOSED FEE FOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED This being the time fixed for the hearing on proposed fee for transportation services for the elderly and handicapped, Carolyn New, President of the Central Washington Chapter of Health Activities Volunteer Services (HAVS), spoke representing the 804 residentS of Yakima nursing homes. She indicated that of the residents of the seven nursing homes in Yakima, 61% of than are on public assistance and receive $34.50 a month for spending money. She stated that out of this amount there is a monthly charge of $10.00 for laundry service which is paid by the residents, leaving then only $24.50 for their personal spending habits. She stated this amount left over would he severely affected if Council decides to impose a fee for the Dial-A-Ride service. Maria Bradford, of the Services for the Blind and working with the Project for Independent Living which serves the elderly, addressed the issue as a disabled person and consumer. She stated she is thankful for the Dial-A-Ride services offered in the ccmmunity, and added that she is able to make donations to the program because she is employed, however, she would not like to see others placed under hardship by having to pay for Dial-A-Ride services. *Kim Armitage, Activities Director for Madison Fountains, indicated that the residents would not be able to attend some of the activities out in the community if a fee is imposed for the service. Ms. Armitage indicated that .03 per day per resident is allowed by the State for outings. Kathy Schroyer, 1208 Jefferson, stated she had spoken with the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) regarding the possibility of medical coupons covering the proposed fee. She was informed by DSHS that the medical coupons cover only the visits made to the doctor's office, not the transportation to or from the doctor's office. Ms. Schreyer was also concerned about who was going to handle the paperwork. She also stated she felt the elderly and handicapped living out in the ccmmunity should be allowed the freedom to donate without making it a mandatory issue. Emily McGhee, resident of Madison Fountain, stated that imposing a fee for Dial -A services would make it impossible for her to attend church services on Sundays, or to leave the nursing have on other outings as well. She Stated now all the residents have to do II/ is remember to call 48 hours in advance and make arrangements for the service. She indidated she would hate to see that taken away from them because they do like to get out once in awhile, and without the Dial-A-Ride program, the patients would just be stuck in the nursing home. Sheridan Rhode, representing the Living Care Centers, commented he thinks Dial-A-Ride is a tremendous program and he would hate to see it discontinued or a fee imposed because it would mean that the residents in the nursing homes would not be able to get out. Monica Madengal of Chalet Nursing Home and Carrie Seeberger of Central Convalescent also spoke in opposition to imposing a fee for the Dial-A-Ride program for reasons mentioned by previous speakers. Christine Buckley stated she felt the senior citizens of the community have already paid their fees. There being no other citizens wishing to speak to this issue, the public portion of the hearing was closed. It was MOVED by Beauchamp, seconded by Buchanan, to leave the Dial-A-Ride program as it is currently. - Council member Doty stated she was unaware that 61% of the residents in nursing hones are on public assistance. She stated she was concerned about residents using Dial -A to go visit their families, but felt the service was most important for the group outings. 282 MAY 1, 1984 Mayor Barnett pointed out that we are paying for Dial-Pc-Ride every time we purchase an item because 5.8% of the transit tax is allocated toward the support of this program. Council member Moore stated he has been in hundreds of nursing homes over the years and he realizes how important it is for those residents to be able to get out once in a while. The question was called for a vote on the motion. Unanimously carried by voice vote. Sparling absent. 11. MEETING ON REQUEST FOR VARIANCE ON SUBDIVISION LOT WIDTH STANDARDS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1417 ROCK AVENUE This being the time fixed for a meeting on a request for a variance on subdivision of property located at 1417 Rock Avenue, as requested by Merle and Lydia Warehime, Larry Wright, Assistant Director of Community and Economic Development, was present to give a brief report and review previous action taken by the Planning Commission. He stated that a variance usually does not reach the point of caning to Council. He informed Council that the Planning Commission had denied the request due to the fact that the seven conditions required to grant such a variance do not exist. Debbie Folger, speaking on behalf of relatives living in the neighborhood, stated the request had been denied on April 3, 1984 by the Planning Commission, and since it does not meet the special criteria outlined by the Planning staff, the request Should be denied by Council also. Christine Buckley, 1410 Ledwidh, stated her mother has lived in that neighborhood for forty-eight years, and if the variance was granted, this would set a precedent for the other property owners to file a Variance also. She commented they have enough trouble getting in and out of their driveways as the situation is now. Kay Dawson, another property owner in the area residing at 1413 Rock Avenue, stated her property is directly north of the Warehime's property, and she does not want to see another dwelling go in there as they already are having trouble getting out of the driveway and she questioned where they would put a driveway for an additional dwelling. Ms. Buckley stated the Warehimes currently have the property listed for Sale and it is the belief of the neighbors that the subdivision variance request is for personal gain only so the property can be sold as R-2 rather than R-1, single-family zoning. It was MOVED by Carmichael, seconded by Doty, to concur with the Planning Cammission's recommendation and deny the subdivision variance request. Council member Beauchamp questioned Tarry Wright on whether or not there are other buildings on the property. Tarry Wright indicated there are currently two dwellings on the property and a garage. He stater' the Warehimes do not want to move the garage that is currently on the property to allow for a third dwelling to be added, .thus necessitating the subdivision variance request. The question was called for a vote on the motion. Unanimously carried by roll call vote, concurring with the Planning Commission's recommendation for denial. Sparling absent. *12. REPORT ON INSURANCE CLAIMS - YEAR-END 1983 AND FIRST QUARTER 1984 The report fram the Department of Finance and Budget dated April 26, 1984 regarding insurance claims was approved. 13. PRESENTATION OF ANNUAL AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REPORT Bob Weaver, Officer, stated the report was not as good as it has been in the past and commented that this is the first time he has cane before Council with a negative report. Council member Beauchamp stated he is aware of four black males that have retired since 1980 and questioned whether or not they were replaced by minority males. Mr. Weaver stated he cannot guarantee that the positions vacated will be filled with like minorities. Council member Beauchamp stated he is concerned about the City's ability to maintain minority positions and questioned whether or not the City is capable of doing this. He added this is the whole purpose of the MAY 1, 1984 283 affirmative action program and he personally resents the fact that ground is being lost instead of gained in this area. Council member Doty stated perhaps they are not scoring high enough on the exam to be considered for the positions. He stated the burden is placed upon the entity to carryout the affirmative action program to work with individuals to ensure they meet qualifications for the positions. He stated the cadet program has worked well in the Seattle Fire Department because they devised plan and a program to make it happen. Council member Carmichael stated the cadet program had worked well in the Yakima Police Department and the reason nothing positive occurred in the Fire Department was due to the fact that there was quite a number of fire fighters Who were on a call back list which had to be addressed and offered full time II/ employment as soon as positions became available to put them back to work. She indicated that thecall back list is pretty well taken care of at this point and it is her belief that the Fire Department has been actively investigating the affirmative action program again. She stated perhaps we should consider reinstating the position of the Affirmative Action Specialist. After further discussion, it was MOVED by Carmichael, seconded by Beauchamp, that in the 1985 - preliminary - budget we include, as 'a policy issue, the reinstatement of the Affirmative Action Specialist, which ,V1culd be a position to provide outreach work to the community, as well as existing staff and would also enhance the - affirmative action recruitment efforts and provide staff assistance to both the Human Relations Cbmmission and Personnel Division. Carried by 5-1 voice vote. Moore voting nay. Sperling Absent. Council member Moore explained his negative vote, stating he does not believe this action would accanplish the goals Council is discussing. *14. PRESENTATION OF FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT The report fran the Fire Department dated May 1, 1984, regarding the Annual Report, was approved. *15. PRESENTATION OF YAKIMA TRANSIT ANNUAL REPORT The Annual Report fran the Transit Department dated May 1, 1984, was approved. *16. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING VACATION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE VICINITY OF THE CITY OF NACRES RESOLUTION NO. D-4945, A RESOLUTION vacating a public utility easement. *17. DISPOSITION OF DAMAGE CLAIM: A. Consideration of a Resolution authorizing payment to Jerry and II/ Sherry Wilson in settlement of a claim for damages. RESOLUTION NO. D-4946, A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $47.46 to Jerry E. Wilson and Sherry A. Wilson in settlement of a claim for damages filed with the City of Yakima. *18. APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR EDWARD CARROLL, FIRE CHIEF, TO BAMITSBURG, MD. The out-of-state travel for Edward Carroll, Fire Chief, to Enmitsburg, MD., to attend a "Train the Trainer" course at the National Fire Academy, at no cost to the City, was approved. 19. OTHER BUSINESS City Manager Zais asked Council if they wanted to schedule a meeting in compliance with the request by Cecil Collins, Director of Southeast Community Center, to visit the Center. It was the general consensus of the Council to hold the study session on May 29th, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. at the Southeast Community Center. Council member Carmichael informed Council that the DARC meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 3, had been cancel led. 284 MAY 1, 1984 INFORMATION ITEMS Items of information supplied to Council were: Memo from Director of Community & Economic Development re: Outside Utility Request for sewer service at 1902 McKinley Avenue 4/17/84; Yakima,Transit Monthly._Operations Report for March 1984; membership list of City Boards & Commissions 4/5/84; Standard Motions and Rules of Procedures of Yakima City Council revised 3/84; minutes of 4/3/84 Planning Commission meeting; minutes of 3/30/84 Yakima Housing Authority meeting; memo from AWC re: 1984 Resolutions and Nominations Canmittees Resolutions and /or suggestions for changes to AWC's Statement of Policy 4/24/84. 20. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to cane before the Council, it was MOVED by Carmichael, seconded by Buchanan, that this meeting be adjourned at the hour of 4:50 p.m. Unanimously carried by voice vote. ling absent. READ AND CERTIFIED ACCURATE BNIN. 44.1 , A 1 / ' , AiL. -1 Lt / DATE 2 IoUNCIL MEMBER-- , DATE 7 ' COUNCl/ MEMBER ATTEST: -- fr CITY CLERK MAYOR