HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-11-16 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers Meeting Minutes of May 11, 2016 Call to Order Chairman Scott Clark called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairman Scott Clark, Al Rose, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe YPC Members Absent: Vice -Chair Patricia Byers (excused), Bill Cook (excused) Staff Present: Valerie Smith, Senior Planner; Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Trevor Martin, Associate Planner; Eric Crowell, Assistant Planner; Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements Supervising Planner Jeff Peters announced that the City Council may direct the Planning Commission to amend the zoning code surrounding marijuana issues, in which case special Planning Commission meetings for study sessions and a public hearing may be necessary. Peters also announced Eric Crowell as the new Assistant Planner. Crowell proceeded to introduce himself to the Commission. Associate Planner Trevor Martin provided the Commission with a draft of the historic preservation element document of the Comprehensive Plan Update 2040. He contributed the idea of a joint meeting with the Planning Commission, the Historic Preservation Commission, and a staff member from Artifacts Consulting, Inc. Audience Participation None noted. Approval of Meeting Minutes of lanuaKy 27th FebruaKy 10th March 9th and April 13 2016 Commissioner Rose made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of January 27, 2016; February 10, 2016; March 9, 2016; and April 13, 2016. The motion as seconded and carried unanimously. Long Range Planning: Report on the Visioni Lag Process Senior Planner Valerie Smith provided the Commission with a draft of the Visioning Survey Summary. She added that the final form of the summary will be put on the City's website and will be an appendix of the Comprehensive Plan Update 2040 document. Smith indicated that the final phase of the visioning process is the workshop on May 25ffi. Discussion ensued regarding the intent of the plan and the definitions of terms used in the visioning survey summary. Smith then listed the details of the upcoming workshop which will cover the topics of land use and housing on May 25th at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Commissioner Rose asked what notification will be provided for the workshop to which Smith answered that a postcard and an email will be sent to interested parties. Review of the Yakima Planning Commission Bylaws Peters informed the commission that the Bylaws are specific as to the starting time of the meetings, which has changed a number of times throughout the years. Chairman Clark -1- moved that the commission direct staff to rewrite the bylaws in a manner that provides flexibility to the meeting times and places. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Continued Discussion on Changes to Title 15 & Title 16 of the Yakima Municipal Code Peters informed the Commission that the notice requirements table and corrections to the code as advised by legal staff have been incorporated into the code revisions draft. Continued Discussion on Land Use Sign Removal Amendments Peters summarized the options listed in the memo that he and Planning Manger Joan Davenport had provided, which addressed different possibilities of how to enforce land use action signs to come down in a timely manner. He indicated that option 5 was the city's recommended option, which would make the city responsible for removal of the sign with the cost of the production and removal added to the application fee. Discussion ensued regarding the right to enter onto private property to remove the sign. Chairman Clark voiced that he's not favorable to the city's recommended option because of the negative effect it has on those who would responsibly take down the sign themselves, but likes the idea of a deposit. More discussion took place regarding the options presented. Commissioner Marinace asked how the sign removal cost was estimated, to which Peters provided a detailed response on the calculations. Chairman Clark stated that he would like more time to consider the options. Commissioner Marinace concurred with the Chairman that a fee for the production and removal of the signs may not be necessary to require for everyone. The Commission had consensus to table this item to the next Planning Commission meeting. Sign Code Amendments YMC 15.08 Senior Assistant City Attorney Sara Watkins explained the Supreme Court case of Reed v. Gilbert which pertained to regulating temporary signs based on content, and explained the effect that it has on Yakima's Municipal Code. Watkins went through her revisions of YMC 8.30, YMC 11.08, and YMC 15.08. Peters made it known that the Commission doesn't have jurisdiction over YMC 8.30 or YMC 11.08, and that they were only provided to the commission to show consistency in the changes throughout the Municipal Code. Peters informed the Commission that Commissioner Byers emailed positive comments back to staff regarding the proposed changes in light of her not being able to attend the meeting. Chairman Clark and Commissioner Rose concurred with the changes proposed. Commissioner Rose made a motion for staff to proceed in preparing to send this matter to a public hearing; the motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Other Business None noted. Adjour. A motion to adjourn to May 25, 2016 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m. Chairman Scott Clark Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant II -2-