HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/21/2017 07 Audience ParticipationDeclaration sobre estado de inmigracion en Ia Ciudad de Yakima Febrero 2017 La Ciudad de Yakima es una ciudad de servicio completo que ofrece una gama de servicios municipales a sus residentes y negocios, incluyendo Gerencia Aeroportuaria Inspection de Edificios Comunicaciones Servicios de Emergencies/911 Investiaaciones Uso de la Tierra y Planificacion Servicios de Policia Basura Mejoramiento de la Carreteras Aguas Residuales y Pluviales Control de Animales Licencia de Negocios Ingeniera Cumplimiento del Codigo Desarrollo Economico Utilidades/ Servicios Publicos Inspecciones, Education y Supresion de Incendios Irrigation Parques Recreation Desarrollo de la Comunidad Administration de Registros Publicos Servicios de Transito Seguridad del Trafico Calidad del Ague Control de la Nieve y el Hieio Disposition de estos servicios requiere una variedad de information de los usuarios del programa tal cual sea el servicio, por ejemplo, si es detenido por un oficial de policia de Yakima por una posibie infraction de trafico, se le pedira una licencia de conducir, registracion del vehiculo, y prueba de aseauranza Para estab!ecer IMP ni iuenta de used necesitara demostrar ;�. usted necesitara a uci i ivau ai que este autorizado/a hacerlo para la propiedad por lo~hecho sera necesario establecer su identidad Si este Ilamando al 911 para asistencia, se le pedira que proporcione su nombre, Ia direction y detaiies sobre ei evento que este reportando En los ultimos meses, la cuestion de inmigracion, incluyendo e! Papel de la policia local, ha recibido considerable atencion nacional Para aclarar, la Ciudad de Yakima, incluyendo el Departamento de Policia de Yakima (YPD), opera bajo practices de large tradition con respecto a !a inmigracion, que es un asunto federal En primer lugar, al acceder a servicios municipales de la Ciudad de Yakima, en ningun instante se le preguntara a ningun miembro de la comunidad sabre su estatus migratorio o sera requerido a proveer documentation de su estatus migratorio Esto incluye el Departamento de Policia de Yakima que no tiene autorizacion legal de cumplir las (eyes federales, incluyendo las de inmigracion Los oficiales de YPD no preguntan sobre el estatus migratorio al interactuar con el publico ni preguntan acerca del estatus de inmigracion en nombre de ninguna agencia federal Como fue sealed() anteriormente, si es detenido mientras conduce, el conductor debera proporcionar su licencia de conducir, registracion, y prueba de aseguranza Si es arrestado por Ia policia, el estatus migratorio no es algo que Ia policia local averiguara. YPD si se asocia con diferentes agendas locales, estatales, y federales Esto puede ind lir asistir U11 a agentes federales en investigaciones penales actives Sin embargo, YPD no toma action represiva en cuanto a la inmigracion La Ciudad de Yakima y el Departamento de Policia de Yakima valoran la relacion con Ia comunidad y estan comprometidos a mejorar continuamente esta relacion Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la prestacion de servicios publicos de la ciudad, por favor de contactar al Administrador de Ia Ciudad, Cliff Moore, al (509) 575-6040, para preguntas relacionadas especificamente a YPD por favor contacte al Departamento de Policia al (509) 575-6200 Distributed at the V Meeting;4-I — 17 Letter to City Council February 21, 2017 Madam Mayor and Council Members, Most of you know that I have been here at most of the council meetings over the last year to observe and pray for you and the meetings And it has been with a great deal of concern that I have watched the increased tension and even hostility amongst the council I am here tonight to appeal to you to stop politics as usual and take the high road Politics as usual relies on an old and obsolete value system that says, "an eye for an eye " Both sides use Fear mongering to promote and defend their position Both sides selectively use "facts" Creating barriers and division is easy Anyone can do that All you have to do is let the flesh take over For instance Don't hold back that sarcastic comment. Don't think twice about what you have to say in case it might offend someone Don't listen to the other person with the intent to truly understand them In fact, while their talking, think about what you are going to say to rebut them Oh, and make it personal If they have an argument about something, don't just disagree with them regarding the issue, point out some flaw you see in their character or something negative from their past that would cause them to believe in something so wrong And, if all else fails call the other person or group names that are politically and emotionally charged I think you get my point. These are all the things that we do "naturally," easily They seem to be second nature to us Yes, the fallen nature, because it appeals to the worst part of us. But we are human beings, all children of the same God with the ability to reason and care and we can be better than this Gandhi — said, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind " Essentially, he was saying that you can't solve violence with violence And I say, you can't solve political problems with political violence — politics as usual In regards to the Welcoming City issue, there are obvious and legitimate concerns from those who support the resolution but there are also many of those who oppose the resolution who genuinely support our immigrant population but also have legitimate concerns about being in violation of federal law and other issues. We have to find common ground We cannot afford to play politics as usual Forcing the issue by political pressure and manipulation won't do I realize this is a difficult time — but it is in times like this when great leaders are forged Never have we been more divided Never have we needed unity more However, America's history gives us hope On President's Day we honored George Washington and Abraham Lincoln Both men led in tumultuous times George Washington united a country which initially was split in three ways - patriots, supporters of King George and the those who were aggressively neutral His sacrifice and heroism gave us a new nation Lincoln wanted to heal and unify a divided nation After winning the Civil War, he said "With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds " Abraham Lincoln made clear that his top priority was the preservation of the union He succeeded, and here we are, still one nation Steven Covey gave us the keys in his bestselling book — The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, "Seek first to understand —then to be understood —then think win-win" We won't be a welcoming city if our neighbor is afraid of being deported But we also won't be a welcoming city if our neighbor, the "other" neighbor, is afraid of sharing his opinion for fear of reprisals and name calling or worse We won't be a welcoming city just because we have a law or a resolution if we have hatred in our hearts We won't be a welcoming city if one side wins and another loses We won't be a welcoming city if there are sides, period We can only truly be a Welcoming City —TOGETHER A rising tide should lift all boats — we need to create a world where we all win So, how will history judge us? This is Yakima Though some may think of its — gangs, drugs, violence, poverty, I think of it as a beautiful and abundant valley where the desert meets the mountains and the rivers flow full of life and bring that life to the fertile soil, which gives us our abundant harvest of such wonderful fruit. I believe that Yakima, that all of us in Yakima together, can show the rest of the country how to live in harmony with one another where we look out for each other and the greater good rather than our own interests or political position We can keep going the way we've been going and the way the country has been going or we can go a different direction We can decide now to stay with politics as usual or we can decide To listen to each other with a desire to understand We can decide to honor one another We can decide to love our neighbor as ourselves We can decide to work together to solve these problems We don't need a law or a resolution to do that! The problem goes beyond immigration and the Sanctuary or Welcoming City issue We also have the homeless issue and the transportation district tax and several other pressing issues that face us a community We need to come together as one to work these out Politics as usual won't get it done and we will all end up blind It's time to take the high road and see the bigger picture It's time to STOP The name calling. It's time to STOP The position bashing I ask YOU as our city leaders to do just that — lead — show us a better way, show us the higher ground Lead us in understanding one another Instead of forum to debate each other — set it up so that we can learn about each other's view point. Instead of standing on a position of protest — let's do a letter writing campaign from the Yakima Valley telling the President how much we value and love our immigrant population and how much they contribute to our Valley And how we want to find a way to make America work for everyone Instead of digging in and standing in our trenches — let us find common ground where we can stand together Because Yakima will only be strong when we all stand together Because Yakima will only be all she can be — that Valley of peace and hope, of abundance and prosperity - when all of us are all that we can be Yakima can be transformed but she can only be transformed when we all are transformed together Most Sincerely, Andy Ferguson Executive Director Transform Yakima Together • Distributed at Meeting • o _ , o - -- - - - - - \I, 0 - _,V---\-04 CA 1/0 t _. 00-0. _.0 ar. _ 1 .. . . .. a .. \p) . v\r\ X Utn-09 1 0) . (A.S). .. on a .C3kU q , .16). 05oTiTir-)_) _ I 4(1 • - - - .. 0 a 0 -fro s. o.rnos \ O.., _(),o tv\orvicttei. . o 0 N. ..e :5-0.„1/4NA())-, -Ne-L-05( €1:;\ 8-0. - Q -k -V. -C --I0 r\ Qi I -- is ,. . •. _ ; ( Z_ • - la , I. .. . _t. o . _. _ . (2),_....) ins.0 \ c)...r1.0.. _ . . . _ . fIN . r nii 1 .. _ . . ._... .. . . . . • . _ . . • .. . - . _ - _ . .. __ ...S.A__ ,-Q--(_ _ Q7Cetar C3 e -4e._, __ L ...__ 1 o CI•jr-X0(.-0-f\..0 Q.111). . . . . _ _ . _ Qs - -^ . . _ 1 at _ 1 • _. . a i . - • -- 1 _ 1 t . ... _ .... .._ _ _ . . . _ .. _ . . . ..... .. ... . . . . _. _ ..._..... . „ _. _., .• ___......... ...... ....... .. _ , ...... ...... . _ . . . • -- Distributed at the Meeting 17 My name is Kay Funk, and I live in Yakima District 4 Yesterday there was a front page article in the Yakima Herald about a 3 hour Deportation Defense Training meeting Multiple Yakima residents posted anti -immigrant comments on the Yakima Herald website OK, we get that some Yakima residents don't like Hispanic immigrants, and they don't have to, and they will vote accordingly But I was concerned that there were also some factual misstatements, and we need to keep discussion of law accurate, regardless of personal preferences One writer said that undocumented immigrants should just get a Green Card It is virtually impossible for a person who entered illegally to get a Green Card or any other resident status It is virtually impossible for an immigrant already in this country to get asylum status. It is an extremely difficult and slow process for overseas immigrants to come without family or employment connections Extreme vetting is already in place and has been for years There was also a statement that organizing that meeting was a felony, which it certainly vvas not. We already have a very robust system for deporting criminal aliens. And while illegal entry and fraudulent documents are crimes, they are not violent crimes or a direct threat to public safety The Welcoming City Resolution helps keep this sorted out and does not protect dangerous criminals. This resolution is really only saying that we will not have policing by racial profiling and that policing of all races will be the same, based on behavior, rather than looks. Chief Rizzi is correct in saying that policing immigration status is a federal jurisdiction and interferes with keeping our community safe Distributed afithe Meeting I Speech by Molly Storrs 2/21/2017 I am speaking on behalf of Act Yakima, a local group representing over 150 members of our community I spoke at our last city council meeting by choosing to read excerpts of credible articles from PBS and NPR substantiating that immigration does in fact make our communities safer Today I am continuing to speak up regarding this issue and to show our group's support of the Welcoming City resolution Creating an event at 3pm during the workweek is not eliciting public comment That is suppressing it So city council must listen to its community at the times it is able to speak out, even if it is not on the agenda If you are frustrated by public outcry regarding this resolution, then I question your desire to serve your public This issue is important, your community is in distress Excluding a segment of our community from services welcomes dysfunction It welcomes discrimination It welcomes racism and hate I would much rather welcome immigrants Council was elected to represent constituents While I personally may be just one constitute from District 7, I also speak as a representative of larger group and ask you to consider what it represents to a community when its elected officials stand by fear mongering, hateful and racist constituents You community does not feel represented We feel disenfranchised from our city and local government Before closing I would like to read the definition of `community' from Marriam- Webster in case it has been forgotten It is "an interacting population of various kinds of individuals in a common location " Targeting and excluding one demographic of our community is to exclude and attack our community I am shocked at council's willingness to take part in this attack "City services will be provided regardless of gender, race or immigration status " We stand by that We stand by that because it is with Liberty, and justice for ALL Not for some Not for only my constituents not for those who are loudest or who have achieved official immigration status But rather, for ALL. Thank you for allowing me to speak Distributed at the Meeting 2— 1 Additional emails and phone calls re Welcoming or Sanctuary City (copied as submitted) February 21, 2017 Richard Marclay Supports welcoming city Nick — 965-0154 Supports welcoming city Karen Collins Supports welcoming city Carol Supports welcoming city Ken Brewer — 307-5008 Supports welcoming city Owen Supports welcoming city Jerry Talbot — 575-7501 Supports welcoming city Wilma Dulin — 930-4591 In support of welcoming city Paula Layman — layman526(cr�,ymail com Please allow me to express my thoughts on the "sanctuary city" idea NO THANK YOU We have enough crime and criminals without inviting more Anyway you slice it, it's breaking the law February 17, 2017 Vickie Tanasse — scylla713Aaol.com I email you today in reference to the issue of making Yakima a sanctuary city It is my feeling that Yakima SHOULD NOT be considered as a sanctuary city I have been reading and listening to many points of view, both for and against this declaration This is the wrong direction Yakima should take The Yakima area has so much to offer, in respect to a wonderful vacation/convention destination We have the new soccer fields, wineries, breweries, scenery and a great downtown area is developing Making Yakima a sanctuary city will give possible visitors a negative impression of our area, directly affecting the cash flow into our area In addition, we already have a huge problem with gang related shootings and drug dealing individuals The Yakima Police Department cannot keep up with it now Being a sanctuary city will only increase the criminal element to be attracted to our area This matter is not something that should be decided by a few people on a council It should be brought to a vote by the citizens of Yakima 1 vote NO to Yakima being a sanctuary city February 15, 2017 Sam Woods — samwoods1121(a�gmail.com It has come to my attention that you wish to make yakima a santuary city I feel that is wrong It has also come to my attention that you want to raise license tabs That is not what the people want. They passed in a vote to keep the tabs at a certain amount Are you for all the people,or just hispanics? Are you trying to ofset what the city would lose by going santuary city,or are you just money hungry? February 10, 2017 Doug Weber — 2dweb14(a,gmail com To declare Yakima a " Welcoming City " is to say that it is not currently a city that welcomes people from outside of our area I feel that Yakima is very welcoming to people from outside our area and that there is no need to approve this designation There are many people in Yakima both Hispanic and white that feel this designation would send the wrong message to people currently living here and people thinking about moving to the area I strongly disagree with the idea of designating Yakima a welcoming city because it already is Lisa Jorgensen — liorgensen(a�yvn com I want to applaud those of you who voted against Yakima becoming a Sanctuary City I am deeply against it because I believe immigrants should come to our country legally I don't want my tax dollars to pay for illegal to receive city services or take jobs from the local and legal citizens I'm all for helping people, but it should be to help people who have gone through proper channels Regardless of the financial aspect and the legal aspect, I believe allowing undocumented people Into our city can bring in more drugs and more gangs and more deaths Stay firm in your stance against Yakima becoming a sanctuary city Karen Thomas — jkthomas109@q.com Please do not make Yakima a welcome city The law is the law and it should never be okay not too abide by them I may live outside the city limits but I still live in Yakima February 9, 2017 Andrea Prentice — andrea.prentice(a�gmail com I continue to support the designation of Yakima as a welcoming city Although the designation may not be needed to change local law enforcement practices, I think municipalities and other civic entities need to speak out in support of immigrants Our immigrant population are already in Trump's "crosshairs " We should stand there together and out loud! Mark Felix — instrumentspecialist@charter net Thanks much for your vote against yakima city sanctuary status You have mine and many yakima citizens support. We know the media and many others will put undue pressure on your Decision Stand tall, do not fold,you have done the right thing for us and the city Thanks again Joanne Lundberg — lundbergy@aol com I don't understand, you continue to have meetings about the santuary city, when it was voted on that we don't want one You are spinning your wheels, stop embarrsing yourself Let it go It is what it is Sean Reames — sreames5(c�gmail com NOT IN OUR TOWN! http //www illegalaliencrimereport.com/murder/murder-group-of-illegal- aliens-shot-woman-to-death-in-washington/ Jay Grandy — grandyiay(a�msn.com Yakima has always been a welcoming city We do not need a special designation to change that I congratulate you on the last vote on this subject which prevented any new name for our city Mark Tharp — tharp me televar.com We do not need to do this It was already voted on, and now you are going to hold a meeting? Lets do the work of the city rather then waste time on this idea Cindy Hill — chilly661(a�yahoo com I am writing to you today to once & for all to voice for & put a stop to the waste of time that Council is spending on this subject. It is written in law, either city, state or national, just how the City handles this We are currently asking for funds in a WV bond & we "don't have $$ to fix our roads", etc, etc We have many other issues to address rather than to keep pondering over a way to allow illegal immigrants to hide out or to be "welcomed" to Yakima We need all the grant money we can get ahold of, in fact we even pay an employee to apply & reply to grants so why in the world would you even think of jeopardizing them The council needs to be more productive & quit allowing the meeting time to be redirected back into the same ole subject Please encourage the rest of the council to do the same When someone brings it back up again, just say no! I am retired & am forced to live on a very limited income Maybe there could be some relief for us Seniors The cost of our utilities is always being raised every time something needs to be fixed I would like to see the council put a stop to excess spending for a time of two years (or something) & see how much progress that the city could make in balancing our budget rather than just upping the cost elsewhere to cover the need That would seem to be more important than allowing more & more (illegal) people here that suck the life out of our food banks & welfare programs that were put in place to help our (legal) citizens M County — justmakingapoint@email com I do not live in the limits of the City of Yakima But I do visit on a regular basis I read several stories recently where the Council is considering a vote on the becoming a 'Welcoming City' If you move forward with this proposal I have a simple question Which law do I not have to obey when I visit the City? Can I shop lift, speed, pass bad checks, etc ? As I read the Constitution and the US Code, and supreme court cases, regarding immigration the power to control immigration is given explicitly to Congress with the Executive branch having explicit control of the execution These powers are not in anyway granted to the State, or their smaller components — county and cities So if the Council elects to move forward with this 'Welcoming City' proposal and interfere with immigration law, clearly a federal issue, I return to my original question — which laws (federal may I add) can I break, and not be punished, when I visit your City? I suggest we all follow the law, as we should be a nation and people and state, and city of laws If we don't like the law then work to change it/them, but don't subvert the law For your consideration, thanks February 8, 2017 Jo Johnston —1 aiohnston55(gmail com I do not support this designation for Yakima Christina Hoover — christinahoover@aol com NO, No, No and No Sanctuary City!!! Debbie Peters — petersd(c�entrustcs.orq We DON'T want a Sanctuary City!!! Avina, Dulce and Carmen need to go!! Michael Davis — mikedavis646@gmail.com NO SANCTUARY CITY!!! We the legal citizens have had enough lawlessness Vote no or lose your job! Nick Brawn — brawnconstructiongmail.com Carmen Mendez, Avina Gutierrez, and dulce Gutierrez are pushing the leftist agenda against the wishes of this Town The People of this city DO NOT want to be a sanctuary city, BUT THESE 3 council girls are going to go their own socialist, Progressive way I WANT TO SEE THESE 3 IMPEACHED AND RUN OUT OF THIS CONSERVATIVE CITY! Joan Spruill — joanspruillmsn.com I am NOT in favor of Yakima being a "welcoming city" People that break the law are criminals and we should not be turning a blind eye This teaches our children that they get to choose which laws to follow We don't. Welcome to Yakima if you come here LEGALLY and follow the law Thank you for listening Bill Sturm — shouses07(c�gmail.com They are undocumented workers because they came into the country illegally so they are in fact illegal aliens They violated federal law and are criminals and I cannot believe anyone on the city council wants to harbor criminals but apparently some of you do If you go through with this I think that each one of you that votes for it should be federally charged with aiding and abetting a criminal You probably should go out along the highway and take down the signs that say all american city and put some up that say criminals welcome!!!!!!!!! I have lived in this city for 67 years and have kept my mouth shut but I think you might be about to change that. I am so tired of hearing that you are braking up our family because that is not true They choose to come here illegally and if their family gets broken up because they finally got caught that is not our fault. It is the risk they took when they came here illegally You want to come into this country I don't have a problem with that as long as you do it legally The law is the law and if you don't want to support the law they you do not belong on the Yakima City Council and you should resign, period Joyce Anstett — janstett3821(c�gmail com I reject the City Council's efforts to work toward a resolution that the City of Yakima shall choose to violate laws to protect undocumented residents Whether the title be Sanctuary City, Welcoming City or any other rejection of the rule of law, the risk to government funding and the precedence set for future actions rests in the council's vote to accept or reject this resolution The citizens of Yakima already made their opinions known at an earlier meeting about this and continuing to pursue the issue is a slap in the faces of citizens that voted for members of this council Respectfully submitted Ken & Gayle Schwartz — kengayleschwartz@gmail.com I strongly encourage you to NOT reconsider your vote regarding Yakima being a sanctuary/welcoming city Our law enforcement officials have already stated that with the current policies, no person is asked about their citizenship status To become a "welcoming city" would mean that our community would lose out on federal grants Our immigration system may need work but having local communities undermine federal law will not benefit anyone with the exception of those breaking the laws Please move on to other issues that will benefit our community as a whole Thank you Clara Lessig — cjlessig(gmaUl.com I was unable to make the city council meeting today due to medical concerns, however I do want to add my voice to the Pro Welcoming City contingent. I think it is important to stand up for the most vulnerable members of our community Undocumented workers are valid members of our community, they come here to fill a need and they work hard while they are here, they shop in our stores, live with, form relationships of all kinds with the people around them They have children who are citizens and when their parents are deported those children end up effectively orphaned which is cruel and costly in so many ways Communities are safer when there is trust between all of its members, they become less safe when a segment of the population must live in constant fear and thus cannot rely on the police and will avoid medical services I care about community, if you care about community then you will speak up for undocumented workers Again, if we didn't have a need for them, they wouldn't be here Bob Massong — bobmassonqcharter.net 1 see the issue of Sanctuary Cities came up again tonight. What happened to Law and Order By definition Immigrant: A person who comes to live permantly in a foreign country Illegal Immigrant. A foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the countries authroizition Again what happened to Law and Order American citizenship is a privilege don't cheapen it. If you want to come to this Country do it legally NA/ _WC; fou CoL1 n,_1 SEATTLE: e! viA 981. jor Cti-4 36 ygLt con 11 . / c r-•Ml..lno 1 J �...r o Qcl S res` c, rS L...0 c_ dre 5 rawberryThieffurnishingfabric William Morris Block -printed cotton Morris & Co. England,1883 V &A: T.586-1919 Copyright © 2016 Victoria and Albert Museum, London Published in zoi6 by Abrams Noterie, an imprint of ABRAMS OW SL� w Li 0 `J �e kOpC r..jDu c'vc sc..A% Lnr\S CJ r1cAsc tt.�oCltn e- cafi/ nc-O c_ (oe4-tcr, 51 ncc.re( Ya %i 16/14\ C1 29 2oal YokkhnIA USA - 114 "II + 411ii10iftii1I i 1 111111111111111fItit�llltli111t�1� USA FORE V ER 54 a �In1 MEXICAN FIGURITAS // __ DEW) 011C,M1 G iikakt424 ivl b-'— ihmtkirla CvVnU l m ����30174/111-�,t)� 4 M I.GQ VD Zi— fTN- SAif kin- eit 1Zoe •s4SA ivilvd0 e.,,�, qu a,, i cie,wt curry` Pio li (v✓ `-e civA c/ ,e 4-D cvnr "(4 .e/ttI,,,Q,ccts how -1'r1 anki risdadis p, 67) r cx+vi —ek..0.1,1( vbi‘ce,<L. 41 i idv. I , {'t4l�uL' y 117,:i7!41:1'‘; i!ill ©2006 Quantity Postcards 0 `�1w QPFANS com PM 7 I 4,10 n.a evvvicAl Ma( N 2" Si' 1 axkivvia, wft 9 t St' Ca slog available Pnted n USA III'lllllitt9455 00000 0 BMMrDr I I I I I I 1.17er bl nu t),ItgV?p7 / - ' , ' e „ 4-