HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-1997-143 Block Grant Application (1998)RESOLUTION NO. R-97-143 A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager of the City of Yakima submit a One Year Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in compliance with the Five Year Strategy of the Consolidated Plan developed in 1995 WHEREAS, the City of Yakima is an entitlement city pursuant to Community Block Grant Funds as specified by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and is required to file a One Year Actin Plan each year subsequent to the Consolidated Plan application developed in 1995, and WHEREAS, the One Year Action Plan is developed using the priorities of the community, the direction of City Council and the approved programs as established in the Consolidated Plan, and WHEREAS, the One Year Action Plan includes the 1998 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME budgets, and activities and expenditures as projected by the Office of Neighborhood Development Services, and attached hereto, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Yakima deems it to be in the best interests of the City of Yakima to submit the One Year Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development as required by federal regulations, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YAKIMA: R.A. Zais, Jr., The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the CDBG and HOME application documents, including all understandings and certifications contained therein, with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, as required by the Consolidated Plan including, but not limited to, real estate transactions, and the City Manager is hereby designated as the official representative of the City to act in connection with the application and the One Year Action Plan. Furthermore, the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all contracts, deeds, notes, mortgages, and other documents required to carry out eligible programs funded through the 1998 One Year Action Plan. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 18th day of November 1997 ATTEST: Acting Cit Clerk aig � � 4 John Puccinelli, Mayor Pro Tem 1998 Revenues and Expenditures Summary 1998 New Revenues Total Projected 1998 CDBG Entitlement 1998 CDBG Program Revenue 1998 HOME Entitlement HOME Program Revenue Federal Disaster Relief Fund Total 1998 Projected Revenue CDBG 1998 Expenditures $1,035,000.00 $ 331,800.00 $ 472,000.00 $ 21,200.00 $ 204,000.00 $2,064,000.00 Economic Development CED S 100,000.00 Disaster Relief Fund S204,000.00 CDBG Infrastructure $ 50,000.00 Sidewalk Match $ 60,000.00 Relocation $ 5,000.00 Community Services Program $100,000.00 Elderly Repair $ 60,000.00 Rehab/Resale $100,000.00 Single Family $ 66,908.00 Program Delivery $300,455.00 Housing Counseling S 46,009.00 CDBG Grant Administration 5273,428.00 Debt Service Payment Fund $205,000.00 HOME Single Family Housing $373,080.00 Administration $ 49,320.00 CHDO's S 70,800.00 Total 1998 Expenditures $2,064,000.00 Program Title: Economic Development Funding: Grant: $100,000 Source: CDBG funds Program Goal: Provide gap financial assistance to businesses relocating or expanding in target areas. Performance Measures: Create a minimum of 5 new jobs while attracting new businesses or increasing the expansion of existing businesses in commercial areas serving low and moderate income target areas. National Objective: Low/moderate income area benefit Eligible Area: Target area east of 16th Avenue. Need Statement: (Source) Five year Consolidated Plan Empowerment Community Grant Application Neighborhood Survey 9/97 July 1997 Chicano/Mexicano Teens & Youth violence Survey Program Title: Y' L I1tiiL1 . Infrastructure program Grant: $50,000 Source. CDBG funds uIus Program Goal: Fund side sewer connections for low income homeowners and/or street signage, crosswalk improvements and other area wide improvements. Performance Measures: Community participation to design program and recommend projects to be funded. National Objective: Low/moderate income area benefit Eligible Area: Target area east of 16th Avenue. Need Statement: (Source) Neighborhood Planning Meetings 10/97 Neighborhood Survey 9/97 Program Title: Funding: Sidewalk Match Program Grant: 60,000 Source: CDBG funds Program Goal: Match private funds at 1:1 to construct approximately 10,000 linear feet of improved sidewalks in target neighborhoods. Create incentives to improve sidewalks on a block by block basis rather that on a house by house basis. Community participation to design program and identify sites to be improved. Performance Measures: 10,000 linear feet of improved sidewalk National Objective: Low/moderate income area benefit Eligible Area: Target area east of 16th Avenue Need Statement: (Source) Neighborhood Planning Meetings 10/97 Neighborhood Survey 9/97 WAME Survey 9/96 Program Ti r uuui.ug Temporary Relocation Assistance Program Grant: $5,000 Source: CDBG funds Program Goal: Provide financial assistance for temporary relocation of families displaced during rehabilitation of their home. Performance Measures: N/A National Objective: Low/moderate income housing benefit Eligible Area: Citywide Need Statement: (Source) Five year Consolidated Plan Program Title: Funding: Community Service Program Grant: $100,000 (focus on youth) Source: CDBG funds Program Goal: Assist in developing new or expanding existing programs focused on youth. Performance Measures: Provide funds to existing or new organizations to create or expand programs focused on target area youth including, but not limited to, day care, school to work programs, recreational opportunities, reading and other academic tutoring, etc. Community participation to design RFP (request for proposal) process, recommended projects to be funded and evaluate program outcomes. National Objective: Low/moderate income area benefit Eligible Area: Target area east of 16th Avenue Need Statement: (Source) Neighborhood Planning Meetings 10/97 Neighborhood Survey 9/97 WAME Survey 9/96 Program Title: Seniors and persons with Disabilities Owner -Occupied Housing Repair Program Funding: Grant: 60,000 Source: CDBU funds Program Goal: This program will fund materials and direct costs for repair to owner occupied low/moderate income elderly and/or physically impaired citizens of Yakima. Staff from the Office of Neighborhood Development Services will complete repairs, contracting out specialized work. Performance Measures: Assist 45 elderly and/or handicapped families to remain in their homes. National Objective: Low/moderate income housing benefit Eligible Area: City Wide Need Statement: (Source) Neighborhood Survey 9/97 Program Title: Funding: Single Family Rehabilitation/Restoration Program Grant: $100,000 Source: CDBG funds Program Goal: Provide financial assistance to encourage the acquisition and restoration of vacant illegally subdivided single-family homes back to their original homeownership condition. Performance Measures: Five Residential structures. National Objective: Low/moderate income housing benefit Eligible Area: Target area east of 16th Avenue Need Statement: (Source) Neighborhood Planning meetings 10/97 Program Title: IL uHuili ,; Single -Family Housing Rehabilitation Grant: $66,908 Source: UL)tSG funds Program Goal: Assist low/moderate income families to rehabilitate their primary residence in East Yakima target neighborhoods. Performance Measures: Four Single -Family homes. National Objective: Low/moderate income housing benefit Eligible Area: Target area east of 16th Avenue Need Statement: (Source) Five year Consolidated Plan Neighborhood Survey 9/97 Neighborhood Survey 9/97 Program Title: Program Delivery Funding: Grant: $298,913 Source: CDBG funds Program Goal: Staff and operating expenses associated with HUD funded programs. Such expenses include, program marketing, client intake, loan underwriting, development of contractor specifications and cost estimates bidding process, inspections, payments, tenant/landlord counseling, etc. Performance Measures: N/A National Objective: N/A Eligible Area: N/A Need Statement: (Source) N/A Progl uili Title: u : Housing Counseling and Referrals Grant: 46,009 Source: CuBG funds Program Goal: Counseling and referrals on tenant rights and mediation of tenant -landlord disputes, home buying and housing discrimination. Performance Measures: Respond to 16,000 inquiries National Objective: Low/moderate income limited clientele benefit Eligible Area: Citywide Need Statement: (Source) Five year Consolidated Plan Program Title: Funding: CDBG Grant Administration Grant: $274,970 Source: CDBG funds Program Goal: Administrative cost of managing HUD Grant. Performance Measures: General oversite and coordination of the City of Yakima's Community Development Block Grant programs. Cost include, grant management, Consolidated Planning process, environmental reviews, grant performance reviews, subgrantee monitoring, draws from the HUD IDIS financial system, etc. National Objective: N/A Eligible Area: N/A Need Statement: (Source) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant requirement Title: T itie: First Time Homeownership Assistance Debt Service ae Y uiiuiLi ,. Grant: $205,000 Source: CDiiG funds Program Goal: Repayment of principal and interest on bonds issued in 1991, 1992 and 1993 to assist low/moderate income homebuyers, to purchase and rehabilitate their first home. Performance Measures: Repay principal and interest as required by bond covenants. National Objective: Low/moderate housing benefit Eligible Area: Target area east of 16th Avenue Need Statement: (Source) Five year Consolidated Plan Program Title: Down Payment Assistance Funding: Grant: 60,000 Source: HOME funds Program Goal: Provide financial assistance for down -payment, closing costs, and similar soft costs for first time low/moderate income homebuyers. Performance Measures: Assist thirty first-time low/moderate income homebuyers in the form of a loan not to exceed S2,000 per family. National Objective: Low/moderate income housing benefit Eligible Area: Target Area east of 16th Avenue Need Statement: (Source) September 1996 WAME survey Prourarn Title! Homeownership Assistance: New y�\J11JLL I.4 L1V\t s uuuiilg: Grant: $200,000 Source: HOME funds Program Goal: Provide financial assistance to low and moderate income first time homebuyers to purchase newly constructed single-family homes constructed through a contractor set -a -side program. Projects to be selected through a competitive RFP process including a community design review. Performance Measures: Ten new single-family homes. National Objective: Low/moderate income housing benefit .91 gible Area: Citywide Need Statement: (Source) Five year Consolidated Plan Program Title: Funding: Single- Family Rehabilitation Grant: $113,080 Source: HOME funds Program Goal: Provide financial assistance for the rehabilitation of homes owned by low and moderate income families. Performance Measures: Rehabilitate four homes Citywide National Obj ective: Low/moderate income housing benefit Eligible Area: Target area east of 16th Avenue Need Statement: (Source) Five year Consolidated Plan Program Title: Funding: HOME Administration Grant: 49,320 Source: HOME funds Program Goal: Planning and Administrative cost of HOME funded programs, not to exceed 1 n�%n of entitlement Mus program income. Performance Measures: N%A National Objective: N/A Eligible Area: N/A Need Statement: (Source) N/A Program Title: Funding: Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Grant: $70,800 Source: HOME funds Program Goal: Funds for City of Yakima designated CHDO's for rehabilitation of existing housing units. Predevelopment funds to CHDO's may not exceed 10% of CHDO set a side. Performance Measures: Rehabilitate four existing housing units for low/moderate income families. National Objective: Low/moderate income housing benefit Eligible Area: Citywide Need Statement: (Source) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant requirement BUSINESS OF THE CITY COUNCIL YAKIMA, WASHINGTON AGENDA STATEMENT (.4) Item No. For Meeting Of: November 18, 1997 ITEM TITLE: One Year Action Plan and 1998 Community Development Block Grant Application SUBMITTED BY: Glenn J. Valenzuela, Director of Community & Economic Dev. CONTACTPERSON / TELEPHONE: William Cook, Neighborhood Development Services Manager, 575-6101 SUMMARY EXPLANATION: The City of Yakima Office of Neighborhood Development Services, a division of the Department of Community and Economic Development is submitting a One Year Action Plan as a continuum of the Consolidated Five Year Strategy Plan submitted to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in 1996. The One Year Plan includes the proposed activities and expenditures for the City of Yakima Community Development Block Grant and HOME Funds (see attachments). The proposed activities and use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME funds within designated Target Areas for the 1998 program year will focus on 1) infrastructure upgrades and improvement, 2) enhancement of a community service program to promote youth programs, 3) provision of additional safe, clean and decent housing affordable to low income families, and 4) economic development activities which promote and support job creation and the expansion of minority and women owned business opportunities. These activities have been identified through recent community surveys, the neighborhood planning process, the City's five year Consolidated Plan and other reports and grant applications. The draft plan was advertised for a thirty day public comment period from October 15th through November 14th. The comments and concerns submitted to the Office of Neighborhood Development Services during the thirty day review will be included in the final draft. Public comment was heard during the September 23rd public meeting conducted by the City Council Neighborhood Development Committee meeting and will be received again during the November 18th City Council meeting. Approval of the resolution will permit submission of this application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. In addition to approval of the 1998 Consolidated Plan, approval of this resolution expressly delegates authority to the City Manager to execute all transactional documents associated with carrying out eligible programs included in the Plan. Resolution X Ordinance_ Contract Other (Specify) Funding Source United States Department of Housing and Urban Development APPROVAL FOR SUBMITTAL: City Manager STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Request public comment and approve for submission to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. BOARD RECOMMENDATION: COUNCIL ACTION: Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION NO. R-97-143