HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmeriflight Inc - Airport Use Agreement AIRPORT USE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this ! of 1909.by and between the AIY Terminal Beased, an Lageney of the City of Y: and Goddty of Yakima, hdeinarter sailed the Duavd and Ameriflight, loc hE- 4'L 3412 paeiPEd tho ITNESS:ST WHERFAS, tdo Roatd eposatcd so 7 .4 - 312) 1 77 4414 ao the Yoki Air Termina:{, E2PD:3 West Wedahingee Avenue, Yafima, Washington 90?023 WHEPEAS, LieonecsE pn4}61.J4.343 in tne b1151o41,e of air '.7)'3:- 27 rdoect to property aod ergc, and WHEREAS, id.ned wyna ortain eesvie and pl in :c': 1.27 1 th and on the Airport, nnn thp floard ie t' 3. to lease the saod to Liconade fhe s 34d cooditiena herfaieaor N.P.N THEREFGRE, let onJ ih eenoidczcated e; prnatri242e241" and of motual ce og:eemeotd herein 7cht57 ndd, ond ether eoo thed Suaed 1" 1, heaeby let dote fn“..drueee e.4 uses, faLl:.itiee, s&:viecs add 4 44 ?od f p 44,33.2744774 ARTICLES I - PREMISES ua: OF AIRPORT: The dee, io ecefallne Gth oi,nore euthor'Ided ea to de, of the Ai, oud .270 .. (U44. 4712' with ail equipmtnt, ifrp: and ser.,ddee 4413'. 4? been de may he:ceitor be peovided at or in 74 7)1. z,.,fith the (12 .4 ( tie Lo time iheloding flithout thc gunea,lity f•e:deeT, the landing ficid and any en,..‹teoloos thereof ed odditions then roadwaye, 4 0Dd bead-: n, 5ignal7 znd ell othes convediehces •Fof lo.ualeg aod 12.d H, of t..,,oaFt ei iconsoe, 12744 14 uae, y-,thoot 11;,11og the genealitn/ hereef shell jne.lude;: f O ') ersrate Crteti t.,; e t by air c t rud the eareiage ef 3.) '71241't' and r_74. (heheinafter es a Tho ighL te dataicast Le ruked, and rogulations, as Aetiele 12' 3.12 hereef, 4.443 thE Airport, posoduel in 11 sa.plcy of ee Le Lne 112i.. by Lectueeo, oeo,t,ded th,at Eueh ohall be conetrued 7 .203.4 2.. the coduct df bdenjoodo Liteneoe., lout eholl doneit Liceneee tg we fdroi c t t: Bodpor • • • S) iftb, right to land, take-off, fly, tesi, tow, pa,h, load and uhload Lloonsee's ainnraft and other equipment 'Hied in the opcboatlon or achfadulch, shuttle, teat, training and emorgehey Flights including withoot limiting the generality hereof', the richt to lbad and upload bibonsee'a aihteaft et lacatlops specified by the Airport Manager and oubjest to all applicable ratna and obacges, ARTTCLE TT - TERM The tanm of this Agreemert ohall be for • perlod summencing on Dec -robot I, IfilOB and coatibue on a month-to-month basis until termiao/od by either pa; ty upon thirty (203 days prior writtDn notice, ARTICLE ITT . PENTril, FEES AMD REPORTS Licepoes agrees to pay to the Board for the use of the premisee, Focil;tins, rjohts, licenses, nervibes and privl.lep5o tgant„ed t-leeundr, LL fnllowing rentals, fees and charges, all payable mehtblv„ Liechoee 51 1 , following the end of edch clendal month, tranum:.3 to the Beatd a statement of the holrbe: of llanJihdo pc.m Farmed by Licouperado aircraft at alrport arbl r iubunred by Licencce during 5aid month and the same shall be paid by LIcerobb within rEFlbcm, FI5) days 3,ftt,:'f tbc' end of eabb calebeem month, A late charge of eighteen (10d1) percent per ahnum will be J-: +d an all :nate pamento„ n„ Actieity Fees: From and after thr commencement or the tem lebropf, rontAo, fees and charges foc the use oF all the premises, facil)tiea right5, lieenbea, servicea and privileges grahted hereunder shall be bprebented by landing fees follews , 41 : Laneihg feeb foo• •irloenoes's flights /ending at the Arrpont compute - at the tato of $.36 p111 thouoand pounds of approved mastmum groso •irailit aurLP a mlnimbm of Tt Pollan-5,nd 50F313n (4;2-.7) per /ending. Feee trely att/e npon oioty (.., days prior written notice by 50,Drri, The torm 'approved J,:htimum grose weight" for any allcroft, as used herein, shall he bbe maaimum gno5o weight approver,/ by theft Federal Aviation Administration (per AnC, 15015325'5 latest t edltionl fch operating sech eloraft at the Airport, - ' • : . : • • • • . . --..- . . : • . • : 'l lam- i 'et--o:3: :7w1 e, Roca to end Recarde The Licensee agrees to hesp acc10 ata becks, '_o- 33--.. and accoubts one to sobmit such menthlmy otatemebto7 1 _ _ _ as may be recibired to ottplap t the payment of ouch fees a1i_ charge5 as may Lo levied by the Ainport. The Dea,b and its.74,4 . . agento ohall have the tioht at all timeo and ut all ordinary Ui..1ES hours dr the day, tu Inspect and o-nramins such records, . . . , . . adehumte, hooto, onhtreals, and other data teletind to .i.rsumotica't opurat5ome, Licenhee furnish, open request of the Board, aoriviii nnd departure schedules at the Yakima Air Termi0,1, othEy infurmation thst the P-oard may from time to time reasonably triumedt, ARTICLE IV - RIGHT TO LEASE PROPERTY Th._ Pued 4i.weounte. thot it has tho right to leaoe the demised promises licensee, odtifides sue privileges neioin gramted and that Licensee has full pciet and sutherity to dmter thio agreement, ARTICLE \2 - RIGHT TO PURCHASE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Licensee shalt hays the right to pucchase or otherwise obtain personal piepeity of any nature, other than gasolime, fue3 and propellants deemed by it to be required by, or to, Licensee's op et itie 1 e tit cide I Ihe u tits hey rain i t' f efj itd its chisods,ge Qf the obligations hisoein ImpasEd, from amy person, - nip, fidm, association, Cl'r ccaporiiition J.t may choose, In the evemt Li: e purchases or takes delivery of gadolinc, fuel, ether p)opeilant at the AirpratI, LIsencee eeprusely agrees tu wslim pi- shose frum od,ohns permitted to disponoe gasoline, feel or °the) propellants at the Airport, ARTICLE 11 - LICENSES, FEES AND TAXES Lieohsee agYeeo tC. procure L. li:C2mSes (:))' permits that msy be required in connection with Licensees acitivities on the Airport and te pay any and :111 coal amd personal property taxes levied IT am time to time upon improeoments amdSur penoome) property bladed mpon the demised plemides etamptiy and not ellow the seine to become delinquent, It is tht mutual intention or the partics Ihat the Duard ohol' not be isouited to pay amy Iaeee on either real or pevronal property by reason of pesmitting Licensee to USE said pramisso as herninbefefe descnitiod„ • ARTICLE - MAINTENANCE AND OPERTION 'BY THE eocmp The BoatO, during the isrm of thIe lease, shall operate, maintain ond keep in guod cepaii the Airport, Including withodt limiting LO- generality thorouf, all fIcid lighting und other iTTRatEIhacR facilities and cervices hich the Out ad on -r and eupply hurounder, ARTICLE - PULES nmp RESULATInNS Licensee and Ito omployeue, j to and eervauto will obey 0L02: rules and regulations se i), frum time to time Le promuloated by the Board er ite authorized agents in charge or the Aiepoil te oncurs the sere snd orderly conduct of operations and traffic to, Tru, en upon the demjeed amd Licensee and into emplo agents, setvamts will obEy such 1 ciles and ragoiations os from tu tiha he pfomoioated by the United States or soy department fr., , )L thereof and by the State of For lift: ;Dui ARTICLE IX - CONTROL DE PATES, FARES OF CHALE: Snand -hall hobo no central whatsoever over the ate faros, QF ohafgoo that Licensee may preconibe for any of its scrvicos 1,. rot the Ai fi bon :1; b 1. F"; E" r p 3 .= a lad stoppIng places. ARTICLE X - CrNCELLnTTON ES' THE HOARE In any of the following ovents, the Boote, at any time hereaFter, chshil Lace the rloht at the Board'a electioh immediately Lo teronihato this loase and agreement: frroiluto Lo Pa' Fees; In the soent Licensee ohall fail to pay the rentals, feed, ono other charges in the amounts ane at tha t o a hcf the manf :et h p !Jed c•a tsp.'s r 'o it Ethel continde for ten (1(') or more daye arteh written notice: thereof shall h baeh given to Liccnsea, tti bf Con.onan, To the event Licensee shall fail tn Fo'r' or shall violate any of the terms, covenante, and eohdltiaos or this lease and agneement and Lnece shall not have footed or cot(ested such failure or violation within thirty (30) Z, after written notice thereof shell have been give' to ;* 5,5'' 5 5 tioyo costa Lyf Lo fo 1 5, i n payrnc:1, c.,cf O 5o1 'o. y ir Licensee dhall mate an assignment for the beharit of oreditoro, or shall file a petition of banEruptcy or shall bo odjudged a bankrupt, or the interest of Licendce oho' this idasb Ee levied upon and said upon eecution or sholl by opethi.ioh or law become vested in another pe)son, fitm, t:o corporation, because of the insolyenss of Li:' nsee:t Or Lt( t o ; 1 p p 11 - c:1 - 1L 005; of Liceneera under this imasE7u D, Abandonment by Liceheeet Tn thd event Licensee shall vacate or abaudon nee er the Air Terminal forilitieo. - CAHCELLATION BY LICENSEE • This agteemant shalI he subject to cancellation by Licansmo in the '...saht, or a:iv one or more of the following events,' • n, The permanent abandonment of the rhispovt oa an oir tenminal, H. The isahl.si aesumptlon of the United States governmeht, or any authorised agency theteof of thn epnratinn, control nr oce of thn ol:poct and facilitles in such a manrtsa. and to such an extent as to materia1:15, interfere with Liceaspe'd operation thereon fur • d period of at loast ninety -90) days, C, Iosuance b any court of competent juoisdiction of an-, injaneton in ahy way preventihn OY ) estraining the use of the nirpon t in suoh a manner arci to such an extent as to mateoislly interfere with the opoi ation or' Lineoceors air t):&111'71:101tati opecations, and the remoinino in fooce oT such 5,..junf period of at least niney ff-20) days, D, The defaoit by the Board in the performance oF any covenant D' agreement herein ccquilod to Pe performed by the Board and the failure of the Board to remedy 5uc5 & period of forty-five Wal days ofter receipt from Lisonsse of written rifutos to remedy the same. E. Inability uf Licenosro to use, foi a period in er of sixty ;60= days, any leased pfemises because of fire, sialesion, ceirthquake, other casualty or acts of Sod, provided that the ono is not caused by intentional or negligpnt acts of the Licensee, its servants, agents OF employees. ARTICLE XII - INDEB'INITY Licensee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the Board harmless - room and ado ll liability for injuries to persohc or daesge to pions, Ly snused hy Licensee's ose or ocrupancy ef the demised premises; provided ;')OWC,Er that Licensee shall not ho liable for dhy iuiury, damnge, or loss occosioned by the negligence uf the Boarci, its agents, or employees; and provided foot:her, that the Board shdll give to Licensee pi ompt and timely notice of ahy claim made or suit instituted which in any irlay directly or indirectly, contingently or otherwise affocts, or might affect the Board and Licensee shall ha the right to compromios and defend the same to the extent of its own interest. The Boo td shall nut be liable to the Licensee fof claims or dnmages arising from sny defect, in the construction of co the present condition . or the nicpact, whether loown or unknown, or for damage th.. storm, ain, croh full, flood cc leakoge of other natecal causes, . The Licensee hereby agrees to carry single limit pubtio liability . iosprance covering bodily injury and property d•mage in a minimum . amount or 5ci00,000, . i'-)/3 said policies shall provide for a minimum of tit' ( 3C. 0 d'llYo notice to the Board Si the evebt of cancellation or m, shenge in the terms thereof, It is furthsc agreed that the Licensee shall File a cortificate of insurance with the eposd 5how5ng the existence and validity of said insuropce. Licensee shall cause the City of Yakima, County o iM.5 and the Yakima Air Terminal Bould th be 5h0wn as additional named 1hsuce1i5 on its liability policy« In the event Licensee or any sublicensee, employee, invtee, O ;gent commits aoy act co omission that results in a penalty or . -:: . . . . .... . . . ... Fine inpused upon the Board Licensed agreet to poy such fine f;a- penalty and hold the oadd habmieos from costs snd ei in L. onnection theceth, oPT1cL7 xIli - ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLET7 1N1 Licensee shall hot at any time assign this agreement or any part tnereof viithout the coneent in m of the Huard; provided, that the foregoing shall not prevent the assignment of thin ag(esment to any oolporation v)ith i-Thich Licundee may rcerege Dr i_onsdlidate or vThich may succeed try the business of Liceneee or to the United States government on any agency thereof. No such subletting, hot shall release Licensee from its obligationn to pay sny and all rentals, charges and fesd provided hefein, ORTICLE XIV - NOTICES Any notice required by the terms and provisions of this agreement shall be deemed gi.ven 1 placed in the United States mail ad eithe2r cered or registered mail addressed ad folle. To Boscd: Yakima Air Terminal P300 11. 4d,hlrigton Ave. Yakima, Washington 7,9 Tu Licensee: Ameriflight, Inc, 7n -Empire Avenue - ,p,,ndar 141 Burbank, CA 7150.5. 0RTIOLE XV - E:UCCESSORS AND ASSION5 BOUND BY CIIVENANTS 011 envenahts, stipulationd and agreements in this, agreement shall h:tend to and bind the legal representatives, succeesoce and assigns of the respective parties hereto, Nothing in this viovision shall b) deemed to waive the restrictions 0n assigndent • ond subltting oontained in Article XTIT above. ARTICLE XVI - NON-WAIVER Wsiver by either party of strict performance of any provision of . this lease shall not be a L...!aiver of Dr preju.dice the party's right to require strict perFormance of the same provision in the future or of any uther provision, . • ARTIOLc: XVII - 0TTGRV FEES action is instituted in connection .,;i.th sny • controversy arising out of this Iease, the prevailing party shall be entitled l recover in addition to costs, such sumo .-G the . i Court may adjudge reasonable , attorney f,tres for any litigation herein, and venue of any such oc1on hall lie in 'r 3m County, . Washington, Superior Court. . . . . Aryt.i.)1.,i414/L . . . i.. . .. .. . ARTICLE XVIII - NONDISCRIMINATFDN The hicen in the operation and use of tho preamises and of the Facilities of the Yakima Air Terminal shall not: discriminate on the tjoundo 0 race, color, national origin or Sep, tflscriminate not pormlt diractimination against any person or group of persons ir any manner prohibited by applipable law and shall abide by thc wrIvlaichei. or patt, 21 of the Ruleo and Regulei000 of the Dffie of ihci. Stary of TraneportatIon, effectuatlng TitlE VI o the C1ifi1 Rights Act of 196 ARTICLE XIX SPIINSOES ACSUPANCE SUBORDINATION This lease ahall ge subordinate to the prevision of any esisting or futnru agreement between the Board and the United Stectes taalativet to tho operatio or maintenance of tt Airport, the F3 3.1 of which has beon or which may be cequired ao a onndition precedent to the er of federal funds for the deselopment of the Airbot t.. YAKIMA AiR TEEMINAL / , 1 , ' , r i 4 Ga7y 9, Rg4tb1 nb, Airpoft Manager li sTnTE cli WASHINGTON) ) so. Coonty of val'ima ) Dn this day personelly appeared before M2 Sco S. Robbins, to ms . known to Le the Airport Manager of the Yaima 'i Terminal, the emil that orieuuted the within and fertedolm Airport Use AQreen-tient, snd apSnowledged the 5301'2 tostrumedt to be tLe f:tio end velunlito y act and deed or said Board, rap the use and . perposeo therein mhntioned, and cn oath ateft that he nothorltv to Eyiesute this Lease ATeampht on behalf of said C171 .. C t iven ended fro/ bang q add official seal this ci,r,ly 1 8 0 4 /-) n ",..-..., -- NstSt — yRuhlici1. 7 nanO for the State .' of Washington, residing 3 t Yaltima . , . LICENSEE ( gY'A-A--4 Title Addr s s 100 m Via:1).411. 4 \ (RA5il._ T Tr rn T ) E]; c ; y f I 176. WTI ) 9 [1: _3rd day of Januar mr? uddetalgeed, 8 ootary pubj.ia in and far the?: State of C: Cd? a cbmic.rained add st pecaonally tzbp2ated Winiam F. LepEer 1.?nowb th he ttlE dLdderibed ib add nho eNuabted the fte document, ado adbnowledgdd aaid intrument tb be hi5/her fnee obb t at.L add deed rOV the tb3f.de and pu?pe tbateid o ey nand add effibial a,?1 fedeto affiNed thd? day :abid yetan 4 ii 0E1 4 , 0 , , , OFFICIAL SEAL Notal Public id and fet tha ?,d KARA ka,, GASPAR a.te f Cal i f r ???, Pk...446114 Notary Pubile-California re . z idi n g _Los Ange2 es , crnia 4 1. ki LOS ANGELES COUNTY , ;4140 . My Com Exp. Feb. 3. 198D • • • :,,.. olik 1111111111kYAKIMA AIR 'TERMINAL .... . .. . . . .. ...... .. ... . . . 2300 VVest Washington Ave 19 . • Yakima, VVashington 98 903 • (509) 575-6'150 April 26. 89 Amer iflight Attn: 4700 E Ms. karen Haddon mpire C Avenu 9/505 , Hangar #I1 Burbank, A Dear Ms. Haddon: Your lease with the Yakima Air Terminal specifies that: "LESSEE agrees to comply with al/ laws, ordinances, rules aod regulations applicable to the use and operation of Yakima Air Terminal property, facilities and operations as those laws, ordinances, rules and regulations now exist or may hereafter be effe so as to apply to the occupancy and use by LESSEE come ectiv of the leased or premises and the conducting of LESSEE's operations thereon therefrom." According/y, the following provisions will be deemed to be incorporated into and made a part of your existing /ease. (I) in no event shall Lessee make any unlawful use of the premises or any portion thereof, specifically including but not limited to violation of any federal, state, or loca/ statute, regution, or ordinance or concerning the use, discharge, storage, application, Or . shipping of any hazardous substance, SOlid, or hazardous waste, or the like. As to all of the foregoing, Lessee covenants and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Lessor m all costs, expenses, judgments, fi fro nes, remediation costs, inspections, spi/ls, c/eanup costs, pena/ties, and damages which might accrue as a result of breach of this section, whether the same might be incurred, suffered, or revealed during the term hereOf or. subsequent hereto. At the completion of the /ease term, whether upon its scheduled termination date or Upon erier default or ear/ier expiration for any_ reason, Lessee sha/I remove each and every hazardous substance, solid, or hazardous waste, the like, including storage containers for or the same. The covenants and warranties in this section shall survive the termination of the lease. (2) Polic - Tr spor It is the policy of the Department of antation that disadvantaged business enterprises cl4 ikrlow Jo 01 CFR P4rt f217 ,MAI are a o opportunity to participate in the performance of leases as defined in 49 CPR Section R3.5. Consequently, these /eases a subject to 49 CFR Part as app/icable.