HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-23-2024 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2024
Call to Order
Chair Place called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present:
YPC Members Absent:
Staff Present:
City Council Liaison:
Chair Mary Place, Vice -Chair Anne Knapp, Jeff Baker, Charles
Hitchcock, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Philip Ostriem, Kevin Rangel,
Arthur Salido, Shelley White
Frieda Stephens, Colleda Monick (both excused)
Trevor Martin; Planning Manager, Sara Watkins; City Attorney,
Eva Rivera; Planning Technician
Rick Glenn, Janice Deccio
Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Martin announced the following:
• RFPQ (Request for Pre -Qualification) for the Comp Plan update and Climate Resilience
has been reopened as two proposals were received after the original deadline. The firms
were contacted and told to resubmit. Commissioners Hitchcock, Salido, and Knapp
volunteered to review any proposals received.
Reminder: Only one meeting will be held in November.
Approval of Minutes from September 11 and September 25, 2024 - It was motioned by
Commissioner Hughes -Mickel and seconded by Commissioner Salido to approve the meeting
minutes of September 11, 2024, as presented. The motion carried unanimously. It was
motioned by Commissioner Knapp and seconded by Commissioner Baker to approve the
amended minutes of September 25, 2024, to include under the CPA#004-24 public hearing, the
other parcels that will be reviewed during the Comprehensive Plan update. The motion carried
Action Items:
Update YPC Bylaws
Trevor Martin
In Progress
Public Comment — None
Second Study Session - Class 2 & Subdivision — Martin went over the section in the agenda
packet for the for the study. He began with storage facilities, residential, mini -storage removing
the word "completely". The Commission engaged in a discussion about Class 2 changes and
the associated notification process. Commissioner White distributed a packet summarizing the
new State Bill 5290, which led to further discussion among the Commissioners. Commissioner
White inquired about the removal of the Bed & Breakfast definition. Commissioner Hughes -
Mickel responded that it had been reclassified as a short-term rental, which Martin confirmed.
The discussion shifted to the land use table, where Martin outlined changes to Bowling Alleys,
Children's Outdoor Recreation Centers, Drive-in Theaters, and Exercise Facilities, all of which
were lowered to a Type 1 Use. The Commission concurred with requiring a lower level of review
for parks in residential zoning. Chair Place requested that park standards and criteria be added
as a topic for future discussion. Martin continued discussing changes to the land use table, and
it was agreed to consolidate Community Gardens into a single category rather than dividing
them by acreage. He explained the reasoning to lower the level of review to Day Care Facilities
and Centers. The Commission discussed the changes, and decided to keep the Type 2 Use in
10-23-2024 YPC Minutes
the R-1 and R-2 zoning and lower the level of review in the R-3 zoning. City Attorney Sara
Watkins explained the differences in the classifications for congregate living facilities and
provided information on halfway houses. A Type 1 use for Agricultural Product Support was
added under the B-1 and B-2 zoning districts. The remaining changes under the Manufacturing
uses were approved by the Commission. The Commission agreed to prohibit the Stockpiling of
Earthen Materials in Residential zoning districts. The discussion moved to the recommendation
of requiring a higher level of review for short-term rentals. It was agreed to keep the level of
review to a Type 2 in Residential areas for short-term rentals. The Commission discussed
potential changes to Towing and Maintenance and Repair Shops in the RD zoning.
Commissioner Ostriem requested to continue the discussion of Short -Term Rentals and
proposed keeping the level of review at a Type 2. After further discussion, it was agreed to
maintain the Type 2 Use for Short -Term Rentals. The Commission agreed with the rest of the
land use table changes.
Other Business — A public hearing for Downtown Exemptions and Class 1 Exemptions text
amendments will be held in January. Additionally, Yakima Valley Conference of Governments
(YVCOG) will be offering training to the Commission in November or December. YVCOG is
working with staff on transportation system improvements and addressing transportation needs.
Some small adjustments may be made to the Urban Growth Areas as part of the periodic update.
Commission Meeting Recap —
• Two sets of minutes were passed, one has an amendment.
• Study Session on Class 2 Uses and Subdivisions
• The review of park standards, automotive services, residential densities, storage units,
and group living situations will need to be revisited
Motion: To adjourn to November 13, 2024
Motioned by: Commissioner Ostriem
Seconded by: Commissioner Baker
Decision: The motion passed unanimously
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tng adjour t approximately 4:44 p.m.
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This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Eva Rivera, Planning Technician
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10-23-2024 YPC Minutes