HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-25-2024 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes September 25, 2024 Call to Order Chair Place called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: YPC Members Absent: Staff Present: City Council Liaison: Chair Mary Place, Vice -Chair Anne Knapp, Jeff Baker, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Colleda Monick, Philip Ostriem Kevin Rangel, Arthur Salido, Shelley White Frieda Stephens, Charles Hitchcock (both excused) Trevor Martin; Planning Manager, Eric Crowell; Senior Planner, Sara Watkins; City Attorney, Eva Rivera; Planning Technician Rick Glenn, Janice Deccio (absent) Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Martin announced the following: 1) Reminder that the RFPQ for the periodic update and climate resilience is out, applications are due October 7. Approval of Minutes from August 14, 2024 - It was motioned by Commissioner Baker and seconded by Commissioner Ostriem to approve the meeting minutes of August 14, 2024. The motion carried unanimously. Action Items: Item City email address for Commissioners Assigned Trevor Martin Update YPC Bylaws Commission Roles & Responsibilities Trevor Martin Status Pending Commissioners Knapp & Hughes - Mickel In Progress Completed Public Comment — None The item Public Hearing CPA#004-24, RZ#004-24, SEPA#007-24 — City of Yakima was discussed out of order before its scheduled time on the agenda. — Senior Planner Crowell, began the hearing with a staff report regarding the proposed change to the Future Land Use map designation for three parcels from Low Density Residential to Commercial Mixed -Use and a concurrent rezone from Suburban Residential (SR) to General Commercial (GC). The intent of the rezone is to allow the operation of mental health services clinics adjacent to Camp Hope, however, that project will be reviewed in a separate process. The staff report recommended approval. Sara Watkins, City Attorney, provided further background on the Comprehensive Plan proposal and presented options to the commissioners for approval, denial, or approval of only one parcel. The commissioners entered into discussion and asked questions to Senior Planner Crowell and City Attorney Watkins. Konner Hopkins and Will Hollingbery, representing the Yakima Greenway Foundation, testified in favor of the proposed rezone if limited to the parcel leased by Comprehensive Healthcare, but were opposed to rezoning the entire proposed area, with concerns regarding future commercial development within the Greenway Overlay. Jodi Daly, representing Comprehensive Healthcare, testified in favor of the proposed rezone. 1 09-25-2024 YPC Minutes Motion: To approve the change and future land use map designation of parcel #191329-41410 from Low Density Residential to Commercial Mixed Use and Rezone from Suburban Residential (SR) to General Commercial (GC). Motioned by: Commissioner Knapp Seconded by: Commissioner White The commission entered into discussion. Chair Place called for a roll call vote. The results were as follows: • Commissioner White: Yes • Commissioner Ostriem: Yes • Commissioner Salido: Yes • Commissioner Baker: No • Commissioner Rangel: Yes • Commissioner Hughes -Mickel: Yes • Commissioner Monick: Yes • Commissioner Knapp: Yes • Chair Place: Yes The motion passed with an 8-1 vote. Study Session — TXT#003-24, SEPA#0014-24 — Martin began the session by explaining the proposed text amendments to the new commissioners, noting that these amendments had previously been presented to the commission. The changes involve zoning updates in Title 15.09, with a specific focus on the Downtown Business District and multifamily development. The purpose of these changes is to expedite certain land uses within these areas. During the session, the commissioners asked Martin for further clarification and posed questions regarding the proposed updates. Other Business — Bylaws Discussion — Commissioner Hughes -Mickel reviewed the changes, including the addition of new sections to address the committees now under the Planning Commission. She and Commissioner Knapp had collaborated on these updates to the bylaws. Watkins provided input on the revisions, clarifying what could and could not be included. Commissioner Knapp then requested adding a meeting recap to future agendas, suggesting it would be helpful to review key points and actions taken during each meeting. The discussion on these topics continued. Commissioner Baker sought clarification from Watkins regarding the protocol for visiting proposal sites with another commissioner. Watkins responded that any discussions related to proposals should occur during YPC meetings for transparency. Undiscussed Agenda Items: Due to time constraints, the discussion on Permitted Land Use was not addressed and will be carried over to a future meeting. Motion: To adjourn to October 9, 2024. Motioned by: Commissioner Monick Seconded by: Commissioner Salido Decision: The motion passed unanimously 2 09-25-2024 YPC Minutes The meeng adjourned at approximately 4:52 PM. Chair PISS Date This meeti as filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Eva Rivera, Planning Technician. 3 09-25-2024 YPC Minutes