HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-11-2024 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2024
Call to Order
Chair Place called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Mary Place, Vice -Chair Anne Knapp, Jeff Baker, Charles
Hitchcock, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Colleda Monick, Philip
Ostriem, Kevin Rangel, Arthur Salido, Shelley White
YPC Members Absent: Frieda Stephens (excused)
Staff Present: Trevor Martin; Planning Manager, Eric Crowell; Senior Planner,
Connor Kennedy; Associate Planner, Eva Rivera; Planning
City Council Liaison: Rick Glenn, Janice Deccio (both absent)
Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Martin announced the following:
• The RFPQ for the periodic update and climate resilience is out and due by October 7.
Action Items:
City email address for
Trevor Martin
Update YPC Bylaws Trevor Martin
Commission Roles & Commissioners Knapp &
Responsibilities Hughes -Mickel
In Progress
In Progress
Public Comment — Bill Hordan, provided public comment.
Approval of Minutes from July 10 and July 24, 2024 - It was motioned by Commissioner
Ostriem and seconded by Commissioner Baker to approve the meeting minutes of July 10. The
motion carried unanimously. It was motioned by Commissioner Baker and seconded by
Commissioner Ostriem to approve the amended minutes of July 24, which included changing
the wording from "Commissioner Monick was elected" to "Commissioner Monick was
nominated," and adding a specific date under the middle housing section instead of using "on
time" for the update of the city code. Commissioner Knapp requested adding a footer to meeting
Study Session CPA#004-24, RZ#004-24, City of Yakima — Senior Planner, Eric Crowell,
informed the commission this was a proposed change to the Future Land Use map designation
for three parcels from Low Density Residential to Commercial Mixed -Use and a concurrent
rezone from Suburban Residential (SR) to General Commercial (GC). The intent of the rezone
is to allow the operation of mental health services clinics adjacent to Camp Hope, however, that
project will be reviewed in a separate process. He proceeded with a PowerPoint presentation
that included maps of the subject property. The commissioners asked questions regarding the
proposal. Konner Hopkins, Executive Director of the Yakima Greenway, provided comment and
passed around some documents for the commission to review. Mark Kettner, Chief Financial
Officer of Comprehensive Mental Health, provided comment and answered questions from the
Public Hearing PLP#003-23 — Columbia Ridge Homes "Plat of Rainer Court Ph.5" — Senior
Planner Crowell, began the hearing with a staff report regarding the preliminary long plat for
Rainier Court Phase 5 to subdivide 9.64 acres into 22 single-family lots in the R-1 zoning district.
09-11-2024 YPC Minutes
The staff report recommended approval of the preliminary long plat, subject to conditions. Jeff
Peters of PLSA Engineering & Surveying, representing the applicant, Columbia Ridge Homes
LLC, agreed with the staffs recommendation and addressed questions from the commissioners.
Justin Hellem, from Columbia Ridge Homes LLC, provided comment and answered questions.
Diana Alvarez, a neighbor of the development, provided comment to the commission. Chair Place
closed the hearing as there were no questions from the commissioners and then asked for a
Motion: To approve the request of Columbia Ridge Homes, PLP#003-23 as submitted
Motioned by: Commissioner Hughes -Mickel
Seconded by: Commissioner Salido
Decision: The motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing CPA#002-24, RZ#002-24 - PAC Investments LLC - Before the hearing
commenced, Commissioner Monick recused herself and left the council chambers.
Associate Planner Connor Kennedy introduced himself and began with the Comprehensive Plan
Amendment staff report. The request was to amend the Comprehensive Plan Map and rezone a
split -zoned parcel from Commercial Mixed Use to Community Mixed Use. A PowerPoint
presentation was provided, and staff recommended approval of the proposal. Joseph Calhoun,
the representative for PAC Investments from HLA Engineering & Surveying. expressed approval
of the staffs recommendation. Chair Place closed the hearing as there were no questions from
the commissioners and then asked for a motion.
Motion: To approve as written
Motioned by: Commissioner Hitchcock
Seconded by: Commissioner Hughes -Mickel
Decision: The motion passed unanimously
Commissioner Monick rejoined the commission for the next hearing.
Public Hearing TXT#002-24, SEPA#009-24 - City of Yakima - Trevor Martin, Planning
Manager, commenced with the text amendment staff report. The City of Yakima Planning
Division is proposing non -project minor amendments to the City of Yakima's Municipal Code,
specifically Titles 14, 15, and 16. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to further clarify
the appeals process within the Yakima Municipal Code. Staff is recommending approval. The
commissioners entered into discussion. Following the discussion, Chair Place asked for a
Motion: The Planning Commission draft findings of fact and forward the recommendation of
approval to the Yakima City Council
Motioned by: Commissioner Monick
Seconded by: Commissioner Hitchcock
Decision: The motion passed unanimously
A discussion about the roles and responsibilities of the Planning Commissioners will be
addressed at the next meeting.
Motion: To adjourn to September 25, 2024.
Motioned by: Commissioner Knapp
Seconded by: Commissioner Monick
Decision: The motion passed unanimously
The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:50 p.m.
09-11-2024 YPC Minutes
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Chair Plac Date
This meetin fs filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Eva Rivera, Planning Technician.
09-11-2024 YPC Minutes