HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-28-2024 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes August 28, 2024 Call to Order Chair Place called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: YPC Members Absent: Staff Present: City Council Liaison: Chair Mary Place, Vice -Chair Anne Knapp, Charles Hitchcock, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Colleda Monick, Philip Ostriem, Kevin Rangel, Arthur Salido, Shelley White Frieda Stephens, Jeff Baker (both excused) Trevor Martin; Planning Manager, Connor Kennedy; Associate Planner, Sara Watkins; City Attorney, Eva Rivera; Planning Technician Rick Glenn, Janice Deccio (both absent) Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Martin announced the following: 1) The RFQ for the Comprehensive Plan update is expected to be released soon Action Items: Item City email address for Commissioners Assigned Trevor Martin Status Pending Update YPC Bylaws Commission Roles & Responsibilities Trevor Martin Commissioners Knapp & Hughes - Mickel In Progress Pending Public Comment — None CPA Explanation - Planning Manager Martin provided an explanation to the commission regarding what a Comprehensive Plan Amendment entails, outlining the commission's role and its significance. Study Session CPA#002-24, RZ#002-24, CL3#003-24 PAC Investments — Before the study session commenced, Chair Place informed the commission that this was the opportunity to ask any questions regarding the proposal. Associate Planner Connor Kennedy informed the commission this was a proposed change to the Future Land Use map designation to establish a whole parcel under Community Mixed Use. The north half of the parcel is Commercial Mixed Use, and a concurrent rezone to the north half of the property is requested - from Large Convenience Center District (LCC) to Local Business District (B-2) in order to construct a new residential mini storage on the rest of the lot. This request was submitted by HLA Engineering on behalf of PAC Investments. He presented a PowerPoint that included maps of the property in question and addressed the commissioners' questions. Joseph Calhoun, the applicant, also provided additional background information on the project. Martin, explained to the commission the differences between an open and closed public hearing. Other Business — 1 08-28-2024 YPC Minutes Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee Recommendations to the Planning Commission - Phil Mattoon, representing the Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee, presented the Planning Commission with the following recommendations: 1. City staff should be instructed to organize and conduct a Grand Opening of the newly completed Phase One of the Cowiche Canyon Trail, with the date and time to be determined by City staff. Martin suggested that the commission vote and send a recommendation to the City Council. The commission then discussed the next steps regarding the recommendation from the Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee. Motion: To forward to City Council the Bicycle and Pedestrian committee recommendation. Motioned by: Commissioner Hughes -Mickel Seconded by: Commissioner Monick Decision: The motion passed unanimously. 2. The city proceed with the completion of Phase Two of the Cowiche Canyon Trail. Additionally, the committee suggested that funds allocated for the trail be used exclusively for that purpose. Martin cautioned the commission against making comments on budget items. The commission then discussed and posed questions to Mr. Mattoon. Sara Watkins, the city attorney, reiterated Martin's advice and provided the commission with options for forwarding a recommendation. The commissioners also asked further questions of Watkins. Motion: To forward to the City Council the Bicycle and Pedestrian committee the Yakima Planning Commission supports the recommendation. Amendment: Commissioner Monick moved to amend the motion to include city staff identify goals and policies in support of trail connectivity. Seconded by: Commissioner Hitchcock Decision on Amendment: The amendment passed unanimously. Amended Motion: To forward to the City Council that the Yakima Planning Commission supports the recommendation by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee with the addition that city staff identify goals and policies in support of trail connectivity. Motioned by: Commissioner Ostriem Seconded by: Commissioner Hitchcock Final Decision: The amended motion passed unanimously. 3. The City of Yakima Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee unanimously recommends that the city assure public pedestrian and bicycle access to a section of 68th Avenue for which the city is considering a proposal for vacation. Watkins explained to the committee the process for a right-of-way vacation and clarified that it does not fall within the purview of the Planning Commission. Chair Place thanked Mr. Mattoon for the presentation. Updating Planning Commission Bylaws — Martin reviewed the changes he had made and asked the commission if there were any additional changes they would like to include before forwarding the updates to the City Council. The commission discussed potential changes or additions to the bylaws, with Watkins also providing input. Commissioner Hughes -Mickel volunteered to write a proposal for amendment to the bylaws. Chair Place requested that Vice - Chair Knapp assist Commissioner Hughes -Mickel with the proposal. Watkins provided some clarifications of the existing bylaws. 2 08-28-2024 YPC Minutes SB5290 New Development Timelines — Martin explained the timelines associated with the various types of land use reviews conducted by the city, noting that this bill would reduce the timelines from 120 days to half that duration. He reviewed parts of the bill and suggested possibly eliminating the Type 2 land use review for certain uses to streamline the processes. The commission engaged in discussion and posed questions to Martin. The ting adjour d t approximately 4:48 p.m. % /�• /4.C( ,,,2o2y Chair Plaals Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Eva Rivera, Planning Technician -3 08-28-2024 YPC Minutes