HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-24-2024 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes City Council Chambers July 24, 2024 Call to Order Planning Manager Martin called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Election of Chair & Vice Chair — Planning Manager Martin opened the commission floor for the commission members to appoint the Chair and the Vice Chair of the commission. Commission member Mary Place was nominated for Chair and the nomination was seconded. Commission member Mary Place accepted the position of Chair for the City of Yakima Planning Commission, the motion of appointing Commissioner Place as Chair passed unanimously. Commissioner Monick was nominated to serve as Vice Chair, but Monick passed the opportunity to be Vice Chair. Commissioner Anne Knapp volunteered and was nominated and there was a motion and a second to the nomination, the motion of appointing Commissioner Knapp as Vice Chair passed unanimously. Roll Call YPC Members Present: YPC Members Absent: Staff Present: City Council Liaison: Mary Place, Colleda Monick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Charles Hitchcock, Jeff Baker, Anne Knapp, Shelly White, Philip Ostriem, Arthur Salido, Kevin Rangel Frieda Stephens (excused) Trevor Martin; Planning Manager; Sara Watkins; City Attorney, Irene Linos, Temp. Department Assistant I Janice Deccio, District 4 Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Martin announced the following • Full amount of the Climate resilience element contract will be received. Two separate contacts with the department of commerce will have to be accepted to accept all the funds in order to allocate funds in the appropriate timeline. • No update has been received for the Periodic Update. • The Community Development Director position has been filled; the new Director is Bill Preston. • Chair Place had the commissioners introduce themselves considering the new members of the commission./ • A discussion with Yakima County about growth management, periodic update, and urban growth area was done. A case was then prepared and sent to the Department of Commerce for review and no update has been received from them yet. Public Comment — None June 26, 2024, Meeting Minutes — Minutes were approved unanimously. Discussion on Middle Housing & Accessory Dwelling Units — Commissioners discussed lot coverage, parking requirements and lot size for the R-1 zoning district according to current code for current standards for lots at 6,000 sq. ft. in size. The Commission will have to decide, moving forward, what the language and standards will be for the threshold of this zoning district. If the Cities own code is not adopted six months after the periodic comprehensive plan update, then it is mandatory that the City apply the model ordinance that the Department of Commerce has in lieu of adopting something of their own. The commission discussed residential definitions. The commission discussed critical areas in residential zones. To keep up with current growth rates, the City should be expecting to build at least 6,000 housing units. The commissioners discussed 1 urban growth. Commissions discussed water rights. Information will be asked of other City Departments to project what the Cities growth will look like under each department. Electrical car charging was discussed among the commissioners. The commissioners discussed accessory dwelling units and what the future standard for those may look like. Planning Manager Martin will be unable to provide certain information until the consultants are onboard to supply the necessary statistical data. Commissioners discussed that City Council is to be regularly updated about what is happening with the changes to the code. Planning Manager Martin informed the commission that the Community Development Director, Bill Preston, is being updated about the changes and it is inferenced that Bill is passing important information onto other senior staff members to keep them informed. Planning Manager Trevor Martin informed the commission that a timeline for their convenience will be presented to them once he hears back from the Department of Commerce to ensure the timeline is accurate and achievable. Per Martin it is anticipated that the RFQ is to be put out next month, and a consultant on board in October. There are three or four comprehensive plan amendments that the commission will be seeing and having study sessions on in the up- coming months. A rough schedule will be prepared by Planning Manager, Trevor Martin, to present to the commission for their convenience about what to be expected during the Comprehensive Plan Amendment hearing period with their study sessions. Martin explained the process of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment hearing at planning commission. Other Business — A motion and a second to thank previous Chair Jacob Liddicoat and commissioner Lisa Wallace was approved unanimously. Trevor Martin gave an update about the bylaws that are being talked about for the commission. A proposal to enhance the commissions agenda was entertained to add expectations that the commission should be focusing on. Planning Manager Martin informed the commissioners about what is included in the hearing packet, and stated that he can go over the packet and show the commissioners where items are located within the packet. Code amendments will be re -noticed as well as the appeals. Bylaws will be on the agenda next meeting. Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to August 14, 2024, was passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:05 p.m. Chair PlaDate This meeting was filmed by YPAC Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Irene Linos, Temp Department Assistant I 2