HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-10-2024 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2024
Call to Order
Chair Liddicoat called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Lisa Wallace, Jeff Baker,
Charles Hitchcock, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Frieda Stephens
Anne Knapp, Colleda Monick, Mary Place, Philip Ostriem, Shelley
YPC Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Trevor Martin; Planning Manager, Sara Watkins; City Attorney,
Eva Rivera; Planning Technician
City Council Liason:
Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Martin announced the following:
• Application for the periodic update was submitted and an RFP has been created
• An application for Climate Resilience will be submitted by the end of the day today.
Action Items:
City email address for
Update YPC Bylaws
Trevor Martin
Trevor Martin
In Progress
Public Comment — None
HB1110 Middle Housing- Martin presented a comprehensive packet he provided regarding the
implications of House Bill HB1110. He highlighted that Yakima qualifies as a tier -one city under
the legislation and outlined the specific requirements and responsibilities that come with this
designation. Martin informed the commission about the availability of a model code that could be
adopted and integrated into the existing zoning ordinance to ensure compliance with the new bill.
He also reviewed the supplemental packet, addressing various questions and concerns raised by
the commissioners during the discussion. Commissioner White distributed a packet from the
Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) that provided a detailed breakdown of House
Bill HB1110.
HB1337 Accessory Dwelling Units — Martin continued his presentation with the packet he had
distributed, which included information on HB 1337 (Accessory Dwelling Units), noting that it will
soon be implemented. Commissioner Wallace pointed out that the commission had worked on
Accessory Dwelling Unit regulations as part of the Housing Action Plan a couple of years ago.
Martin confirmed this and added that updating the code to comply with the new bill would require
minimal effort. He also mentioned that the new legislation mandates that the city allow two ADUs
per lot. Chair Liddicoat suggested making a schedule for the commission to know of important
dates. The commission discussed the reasons why ADUs are not as common.
Other Business-
• Storage Unit Discussion — Martin asked if there were any additional points the commission
wanted to include in the storage unit discussion. The commissioners then discussed
various topics related to the storage units. Commissioner Monick requested setbacks and
landscaping requirements be included.
• Zoning Updates — Martin informed the commission that he would like to revisit the zoning
updates due to the addition of new members and explained the reasoning behind these
updates. Chair Liddicoat then provided an example to illustrate the point. Martin explained
the process of land use review for businesses and answered questions the commissioners
YPC Bylaws — Martin informed the commission that adding remote attendance is up to
them and would require an amendment to the bylaws. The commission discussed
additional changes they would like to include in the bylaws. Mike Brown, the Municipal
Producer, explained to the commission how Zoom operates and that an additional person
would be needed to provide it for YPC meetings. City Attorney Sara Watkins informed the
commission that if they want to make a budget request for additional staffing to add Zoom,
the City Council should have a say in it. However, bylaw provisions that only change
meeting procedures do not require City Council approval and If a commissioner misses a
meeting, they could change the bylaws to require that, because meetings are recorded,
commissioners must watch the recording before voting. The commission continued
Adjourn —
Motion: To adjourn to July 24, 2024
Motioned by: Commissioner Monick
Seconded by: Commissioner Place
Decision: The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
The ng adjourat approximately 4:33 p.m.
Chair Plac Date
This meeting filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Eva Rivera