HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/2023 04.A.ii. Pride month proclamation t 7mre :**L4MOvi BUSINESS OF THE CITY COUNCIL YAKIMA, WASHINGTON AGENDA STATEMENT Item No.A.ii. For Meeting of: June 6, 2023 ITEM TITLE: Pride month proclamation SUBMITTED BY: Bob Harrison, City Manager SUMMARY EXPLANATION: Joshua Hastings, President, Director of External Affairs, will be accepting the proclamation. ITEM BUDGETED: STRATEGIC PRIORITY: APPROVED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type 0 Pride Month proc 5/17/2023 Corer Memo 2 CITY OW (YARD/0 TROCLAIttATION `4?afts, June is recognized as Lesbian, Gay, BisejuaC Transgender,AseruaC Aromantic, Queer, Two-Spirit, Non-(Binary, andIntersex+Pride W1ontfi, and the plus reflects tfie countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-ident ; and `4?JFES,4S, tfie historic Stonewall uprising of 1969 is genera[Zy recognized as tfie catalyst of the LGBTQ+eights Wlovement, and serves as a reminder tfiat progress and equality can only be achieved through determination, resilience, and collective action; ` WPE A&, tfie City of Yakima values tfie diversity and contributions of all its residents, including tfiose who identtni as LGBTQ+, and recognizes tfie ongoing struggles and challenges faced by tfie LQBTQ+community; and W EI`J4S, tfie City of Yakima and its officials acknowledge andpromote a more respectful, supportive, and inclusive society where LQBTQ+individuals can live freely,feet safe, and be free from discrimination based on their serjzal orientation or gender identity; and PW1!E 175, tfie City of Yakima celebrates tfie contributions and achievements of the LQBTQ+community, including tfiose of its own residents, and recognizes tfie important role tfiat LQBTQ+individuals have played and continue to play in shaping tfie history and culture of our city; WOW, TREETO[ , I,Janice cDeccio, Mayor of the City of Yakima, on behalf of tfie City Council do hereby proclaim tfie month of June 2023 as "Lesbian, Gay, ciseyuaC, Transgender, AsezuaCAromantic, Queer, Two Spirit, Noninary, and lntersec(Pride Month" in tfie City of Yakima and encourage a/Zpeople in our city to join in celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion and equal.protection under tfie law. I further encourage everyone to eliminate prejudice and discriminatory policies and practices toward any culture, race, or group. cDatedthis 6th day of June, 2023 Janice lneccio, Mayor