HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-2022 YPC Agenda Packet DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Planning Division Joseph Calhoun, Manager nd 129 North Second Street,2Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.govwww.yakimawa.gov/services/planning/ypc/ CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION Yakima City Hall Council Chambers nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901 129 N 2 November 9, 2022 3:00 p.m. –5:00 p.m. YPC MEMBERS: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice-Chair Lisa Wallace, Leanne Hughes-Mickel, Robert McCormick, Mary Place, Colleda Monick, and Frieda Stephens City Council Liaison: Soneya Lund CITY PLANNING STAFF: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director),Rosalinda Ibarra (Admin Assistant) Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Senior Planner), Albert Miller (Assistant Planner), and Eva Rivera (Planning Technician), Irene Linos (Temp. Department- Assistant I) AGENDA I.Call to Order II.Roll Call III.Staff Announcements IV.Approval of Meeting Minutes of October 26, 2022 V.Planning Fee Study VI.Public Comment VII.Other Business VIII.Adjourn December 14, 2022 The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. Visit the Yakima Planning Commission webpage for more information, including agenda packets and minutes. City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes October 26, 2022 Call to Order Chair Liddicoatcalled themeeting to order at3:01p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present:Chair Jacob Liddicoat,Lisa Wallace,Mary Place,Colleda Monick, Frieda Stephens YPC Members Absent:Hughes-Mickel(excused), Robert McCormick Staff Present:Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager, Sara Watkins, City Attorney, Eva Rivera, Planning Technician Staff Announcements–Planning Manager, Calhounannounced the following: Next meeting we will try to get the Airport Manager and Glen Denman, Code Administration Manager to attend for future discussion on the Airport Overlay. With the holidaysclose, it was agreed that November 9 and December 14 will be the commissions last meeting dates for the year. October 12, 2022Meeting Minutes–It was motioned by CommissionerStephensand seconded by Commissioner Placeto approve the meeting minutes ofOctober 12, 2022as presented.The motion carried unanimously. HAP Implementation Ph. 2: Mixed Use–Calhoun went over the track changes made so far to 15.09.025. Mixeduse building and development adding in multifamily development to that section. He went over design standards and a purpose and intent. Chair Liddicoat was concerned about forcing residential units on the first floor. It wasagreed touse a percentageas opposed to a number of units required for residential. Chair Liddicoat commented about making parking requirements part of a shared parking agreement. Commissioner Monick brought up the idea about requiring trees in landscaping requirements. Chair Liddicoat suggested including that in design standards for the city not for mixed use design standards. The commissioners agreed on removing the window trim standard. Chair Liddicoat also suggested changing the square feet to percentage in the definition of the blank wall section.Commissioner Monick suggested not limiting materials to be used. Chair Liddicoat asked to have the definition of mixed used building very specificto prevent any future problems. Public Comment–None Other Business–None Adjourn–A motion to adjourn to November 9was passed with unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:54p.m. Chair Liddicoat Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submittedby:Eva Rivera, Planning Technician. -1- City of Yakima DEVELOPMENT FEE COST OF SERVICE STUDY DRAFT REPORT October 2022 Washington 7525 166th Avenue NE, Ste. D215 Redmond, WA 98052 425.867.1802 Oregon 4000 Kruse Way Pl., Bldg. 1, Ste 220 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503.841.6543 Colorado 1320 Pearl St, Ste 120 Boulder, CO 80302 719.284.9168 www.fcsgroup.com Firm Headquarters Established 1988 Redmond Town Center Washington | 425.867.1802 th 7525 166 Ave NE, Ste. D-215 Oregon | 503.841.6543 Redmond, Washington 98052 Colorado | 719.284.9168 DRAFT REPORT FOR INTERNAL CLIENT REVIEW October 24, 2022 Joan Davenport, Director City of Yakima Community Development Department 129 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA 98908 Subject: Department of Community Development - Planning and Code Administration, and Fire Department Inspection Fees Cost of Service Study Dear Joan: Attached is our draft report on the results of the subject study. The process used for collecting and analyzing the data required active participation by City staff. We want to take the opportunity to recognize the time, participation, and effort that the City project team devoted to the study and for scheduling and organizing the meetings. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (425) 867-1802. Yours very truly, Angie Sanchez Martin Chaw Evan Coughlan Principal Project Manager Senior Analyst City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page i T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Section I. Introduction................................................................................................................................... 1 I.A. Development Services Background ................................................................................................................ 1 I.B. Cost Basis for Development Fees .................................................................................................................. 3 I.C. Determining Recoverable Costs ..................................................................................................................... 4 I.D. Study Framework .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Section II. Methodology ................................................................................................................................. 6 II.A. Step 1: Collect Data ....................................................................................................................................... 6 II.A.1. Identify Fee Permit Services .................................................................................................................. 6 II.A.2. Identify Staff Time Requirements for Fee Services ................................................................................. 7 II.B. Step 2: Build Cost Layers .............................................................................................................................. 8 II.B.1. Labor Costs .......................................................................................................................................... 8 II.B.2. Non-Labor Costs ................................................................................................................................... 8 II.C. Step 3: Cost of Service for Fee Services ........................................................................................................ 9 II.C.1. Cost of Service by Fee Category ........................................................................................................... 9 II.C.2. Cost of Service by Individual Permit Service Fee ................................................................................... 9 II.D. Step 4: Set Cost Recovery Policy ................................................................................................................... 9 II.E. Step 5: Set Fees .......................................................................................................................................... 10 Section III. Revenue Risk Mitigation .............................................................................................................. 11 III.A. Historical Building Permit Activity ................................................................................................................. 11 III.B. Top Sources of Planning and Code Administration Fees ............................................................................... 12 III.C. Proposed Fee Adjustments .......................................................................................................................... 13 Section IV. Summary .................................................................................................................................... 15 www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page ii A PPENDICES Appdendix A Proposed Cost of Service Fees www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 1 Section I. I NTRODUCTION In February 2022, the City engaged FCS GROUP to prepare a cost-of-service fee study for planning and code administration fees within the Community Development Department and fire inspection fees within . The study identifies the labor and non-labor resources that support these fee services. The technical results of the study goals and other development goals. The approach used to conduct the study include: Working with City management and staff who are involved with fee and non-fee related services for planning, code administration, and fire inspection services, Analyzing historical City financial documentation and data associated with development related services and fees, Working with City staff to analyze the existing fees and to estimate the direct labor time needed to provide permit services, Reviewing the direct and indirect labor estimates, non-labor and overhead costs, and historical permit data that support the technical results of the study, Reviewing the proposed cost-of-service with City staff, Presenting study results to the City Council. I.A. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BACKGROUND The City provides land use review on permits for planning and code administration, as well as fire code plan review and fire inspection services. This process ensures that development within the City aligns with local, regional, and state plans, rules, and regulations. These services also ensure that public infrastructure is available to support development. The City provides these services with a team of staff from the Community Development Department and the Fire Department. The Community Development Department is comprised of two divisions: planning and code administration. Within these two divisions, planners, plan examiners, planning technicians, code inspectors, and permit technicians Community risk reduction specialists from the Fire Department fire review and inspection permitting processes. The permitting services provided by the City are supported by fees paid by permit applicants as well as other resources from Exhibit 1 details the organizational structure for each department, as appended from 22 Adopted Budget document. www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 2 Exhibit 1 City of Yakima Dept. of Community Development Organizational Chart www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 3 Exhibit 2 City of Yakima Fire Dept. Organizational Chart I.B. COST BASIS FOR DEVELOPMENT FEES Development permit fees are regulated by the State of Washington through RCW 82.02.020 which collect reasonable fees from an applicant for a permit or other governmental The cost basis for fees reviewed in the study is primarily supported by actual financial activity in 2021 related to labor and non-labor expenses for the Department of Community Development and Fire Department employees that provide development and/or fire inspection services. The study also relies on the following regulatory and industry publications to establish a cost basis for fees: Washington State Auditor. Report No. 1002634. Published December 29, 2009. International Conference of Building Officials Uniform Building Code International Conference of Building Officials Uniform Administrative Code www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 4 I.C. DETERMINING RECOVERABLE COSTS As stated above, determining the recoverability of costs related to development permit services is governed by RCW 82.02.020. This is reinforced through case law and opinions from the Washington State Attorney General. For example, the following precedence provide guidance on the recoverability of development related costs, and used in this study. Programs for broad social benefits. The Washington State Supreme Court (WSSC) has drawn a bright line on the permissibility of using fee revenues to fund programs that have a broad social benefit. Prior to the designing of fees, the City must first clearly define the primary purpose of its social equity program or policy. This test is used to determine whether a program is regulatory in nature, and thus funded by a fee, or if it is for the greater public good, and thus funded with a tax. Community development activities, such as land use planning, comprehensive plan development, and code enforcement are primarily for general governance, and the promotion of social order, and should therefore be funded through taxes and not development fees. Local governments cannot establish a tax, the power of taxation is granted to local governments only \[Spokane v Spokane Police Guild\]. For example, in San Telmo Assoc v Seattle, the Supreme Court held that requiring a developer to fund housing for low-income residents displaced by development is a tax rather than a regulatory fee, ordinance merely raised revenues to fund the public responsibility of providing such housing. This same concept is reiterated in WA State Attorney General Opinion 1988, No.7, where the Attorney General advised that if a fee is designed to raise revenue in excess of the regulatory therefore an improper form of taxation. Using development service fees to recover the costs associated with policy making is not permissible. In Tiger Mountain LLC vs King County, the Snohomish County Superior Court found the cost of long-range planning, including policy making and adoption of the comprehensive plan charged by DDES may not include costs arising from the legislative or judicial functions of government, or any executive functions of government which are not related to or facilitate the However, in extending this ruling to the City of Yakima, for example, the City may adjust its development fees in response to regulatory changes resulting from updates to the comprehensive plan. For example, if the City were to require an additional regulatory process (e.g., design review) for new construction as part of an update to the comprehensive plan, fee services affected by this new regulation may be adjusted to reflect the additional staff time required. Finally, and alternatively, if a portion of the comprehensive plan update is allocable to utilities, then this cost could be considered a part of the utility cost of service and potentially recoverable from utility fees. www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 5 I.D. STUDY FRAMEWORK The methodology for this cost-of-service study was prepared consistent with the aforementioned guiding principles and precedents. For example, labor hours for planning division staff that are associated with long-range planning, supporting the work of the Planning Committee, have been 100% excluded from this study. www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 6 Section II. M ETHODOLOGY To determine the cost of service and the appropriate fees, a defined task plan was followed as outlined below in Exhibit 3. The methodology identifies both the labor and non-labor resources that are required to perform the services and activities and analyzes the cost of service for each of the fee and non-fee permit services performed by City staff. The analysis provides the elected officials, management, and City staff the cost basis for its services and fees. For consistency, 2021 financial data and 2021 staff labor cost information was used throughout the analysis. Exhibit 3 Cost of Service Methodology The following sections summarize the assumptions and methodology that support each step in the cost-of-service analysis. II.A. STEP 1: COLLECT DATA II.A.1. Identify Fee Permit Services The first part of the study process identifies the plan review and permit services to be evaluated. In addition to establishing the framework for the study, this step also provides the opportunity to review the existing fees and identify potential efficiencies and/or consolidations in the fee schedule. During this step, FCS GROUP was provided a list of permit fees. . www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 7 II.A.2. Identify Staff Time Requirements for Fee Services With the permit service fees identified, the data collection effort focused on salary, benefits, and time data from all staff involved in development services and activities. Time data included total work hours, leave hours, and paid hours for each employee. The time data were used as the basis for establishing the total number of annual work hours available and the distribution of work hours by activity. Each work activity was organized into the following broad categories. Direct Services These are services provided as the result of a project, permit application, or specific related activity and that are often tied to a specific fee (e.g., plan review). Direct services also include services provided directly for or to the public that are not fee-related (e.g., long-range planning and public records request). Indirect Services These are services provided in support of direct services (e.g., customer service or administrative duties) and that cannot be assigned to a specific project, application, or activity. Staff time assigned to indirect services were allocated between fee and non-fee permit services based on the proportion of direct service hours assigned to fee and non-fee permit services. City staff reviewed the work activities and the following activities were assigned as indirect services: » Public Information and Customer Service Time spent assisting customers and the public with information and questions about permit service fees. » General Administrative and Management Time spent on general office tasks, such as organizational management, supervision, internal meetings/calls/e-mails, filing, and other miscellaneous activities. » Training and Certification Time spent receiving training. Overhead Services Department and Citywide general management and administrative time. » Overhead staff represents the executive leadership functions of each department. These included the following positions and the following allocations: Exhibit 4 Overhead Allocation Title Planning Code Fire Administration Inspection Community Development Department Director 61% 39% Code Administration Manager 100% Supervising Code Inspector 100% Planning Manager 100% Administrative Assistant to the 61% 39% Director Department Assistant 50% 50% Fire Department www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 8 Fire Chief 5% Deputy Fire Chief 10% Deputy Fire Chief 10% Based on a detailed analysis of staff labor time distribution, a total of 20,251 direct labor hours were spent in support of planning, code administration, and fire permitting services. The following exhibit summarizes the direct service hours that support fee permit services. Exhibit 5 Direct Service Labor Allocation by Fee Category and Department/Division Code Planning Fee Administration Fire Permit Fee Department Services Fee Services Services Total Community Development Department 5,247 hours 11,337 hours 1,396 hours 17,980 hours Fire Department 2,271 hours 2,271 hours Total 5,247 hours 11,337 hours 3,667 hours 20,251 hours Source: FCS GROUP City of Yakima Development Services Fee Model, Labor Summary. II.B. STEP 2: BUILD COST LAYERS The next stage in the process was to develop an analytical model for calculating the costs related to each fee category. The design and structure for the analytical model were based on the services and activities identified in Step 1. Costs were itemized into three time categories: direct, indirect, and overhead services, and secondarily itemized between labor and non-labor components. II.B.1. Labor Costs To build the labor cost layer, the staff time allocations for each activity (i.e., direct, indirect, and overhead) were first priced at eac work hours (i.e., total annual hours minus leave). II.B.2. Non-Labor Costs After the labor costs for each staff member and each service were calculated, the non-labor operating and maintenance costs were analyzed. The City accounts for non-labor costs separately for planning, code administration, and fire permit services. Each non-labor account was analyzed and allocated to their respective divisions. www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 9 II.C. STEP 3: COST OF SERVICE FOR FEE SERVICES The cost of service was calculated for the planning, code administration, and fire service categories as well as the individual permit services within each of these categories. II.C.1. Cost of Service by Fee Category After establishing the different cost layers, the full cost of service was calculated for planning, code administration, and fire related services. The full cost of service includes labor and non-labor costs for direct fee permit services as well as the proportionate share of indirect service and overhead expenses. II.C.2. Cost of Service by Individual Permit Service Fee Fully loaded hourly rates were also calculated for each City staff member. The fully loaded hourly proportionate share of indirect service and overhead expenses. The methodology for each of these components is outlined in Exhibit 6. These fully loaded hourly rates were then applied to the time estimates provided by City staff to perform individual permit services to determine the cost of service for each permit service. Based on discussions with City staff, the fully loaded hourly rate for each staff member was determined based upon the top-step of their respective position pay scale. Exhibit 6 Fully Loaded Hourly Rate Components Fee Services Labor Non-Labor total salary and Based on allocation of non-labor Direct Service benefits of fee services costs to category Based on indirect fee service labor Based on indirect service non-labor Indirect Service costs allocated to the fee category costs allocated to the fee category Based on overhead labor costs Based on overhead non-labor costs Overhead Service allocated to the fee category allocated to the fee category II.D. STEP 4: SET COST RECOVERY POLICY Once the full cost of service is identified and the hourly rates are established, the next step is to identify the cost recovery levels and to establish cost recovery objectives. Overall cost recovery levels for development and fire services were determine of service to the respective permit fee revenue. Cost recovery levels for individual fees were also determined by comparing the costs of the various services to the individual fees charged (e.g., percentage of full costs compared to revenue generated). E a general cost estimate, and the cost recovery levels might also be affected by these estimates. When services cost more than the revenue generated, funding from the General Fund or other funds is needed to cover the gap between costs and revenues. www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 10 Cost recovery objectives can be based on a variety of factors, including the public versus private benefit provided by the service. For this reason, the target cost recovery policy for a permit service is a decision generally made by City Council. If a permit has a public benefit, it might be more appropriately supported by the General Fund. Conversely, if a permit has mostly private benefits, it might be more appropriately supported 100 percent by fees. Permits and applications that have a mix of public and private benefits might be supported by a combination of fees and the General Fund. Based on discussions with City staff, this study is generally based on the objective to recover 100 percent of permit related eligible costs. II.E. STEP 5: SET FEES The final step of the cost of service and fee analysis was to calculate updated fees to achieve the 100% cost recovery of permit related eligible costs. a current cost recovery rate of 83 percent was determined. This was based on the revenues of $1,523,145 versus costs of $1,841,218. re permit and inspection fees, a current cost recovery rate of 24 percent was determined. This was based on the revenues of $134,572 versus $570,251 of costs. Exhibit 7 Cost Recovery by Department Chart Title $2,000,000 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 Community DevelopmentFire CostsRevenue To achieve an overall recovery of 100 percent, a revenue risk mitigation approach was taken for the permit activity was undertaken to identify the top revenue generating fees. A detailed cost-of-service was prepared for these fees. For all remaining fees, these fees were adjusted to achieve an overall 100 percent cost recovery. This revenue risk mitigation approach is explained in greater detail in the next section. www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 11 -of-service was determined based on estimated staff labor time for each fee service. Once adjusted, each fire permit fee service would recover 100 percent of identified costs. Section III. R EVENUE R ISK M ITIGATION III.A. HISTORICAL BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY Development activity can vary significantly from one year to the next. As shown in the chart below, over the past six decades residential building permits generally ebbs and flows with changes in overall economic conditions and within the past 10 years, permitting activity has ranged from a change of 25% in 2012 to -3% in 2014. Exhibit 8 Annual Change in Residential Building Permits 1960 - 2021 Source: US Census, New Residential Construction www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 12 Exhibit 9 Annual Change in Residential Building Permits 2011-2021 III.B. TOP SOURCES OF PLANNING AND CODE ADMINISTRATION FEES to development service fee revenue are derived. FCS GROUP obtained a five year (2017-s. Based upon an analysis of this fee history, approximately 72% of revenues are attributable to just 19 individual fees. Exhibit 10 Top Revenue Generating Planning And Code Administration Fees Fee Title Percentage of Fee Title Percentage of Annual Revenue Annual Revenue Residential-Single-Family-New 17% Residential-Mechanical 2% Commercial Building New 13% Residential-Addition 2% Residential-Multi-Family-New 7% Residential-Duplex Master Plan 2% Commercial - Renovation 6% Planning - Class 1 Review 1% Commercial-Tenant-Improvement 4% Planning - Class 2 Review 1% Commercial Building Addition 4% Planning - Class 3 Review 1% www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 13 Residential-Miscellaneous Alteration 3% Planning - Administrative Adjustment 1% Residential-Plumbing 3% Planning - Rezone 1% Residential-Single Family Master Plan 3% Residential-Mechanical Residential-Duplex 3% Total 72% III.C. PROPOSED FEE ADJUSTMENTS Planning and Code Administration In order to balance the need to protect the City against revenue risk, and to ensure all fees are sized appropriately to reflect the cost of the City to provide development review services, fees for the highest revenue generating planning and code administration fees were updated to reflect its cost to serve. For all remaining planning and code administration fees, these fees were adjusted and when taken together, would achieve an overall 100 percent of costs. On average, the remaining planning and code administration fees were adjusted by 30 percent. It is important to note that the City has not increased its planning and code enforcement fees since 2015. Based on historical general inflation for the US West region, as published by the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, cumulative inflation between 2015 and 2022 was 27.9%. Fire Permit and Inspection Permit and Inspection Fees. Based on discussions with Fire Department staff, the City has a number of activities for which it currently provides but no fee is assessed. The Fire Department requested the FCS GROUP review its existing fire inspection permit fees to determine its cost of service and to determine the appropriate fees for services that it presently does not assess a fee. FCS GROUP interviewed Fire Department staff to derive the estimated labor time associated with providing each fire inspection fee, as well as the services for which it presently does not assess a fee. Based upon the results of these interviews, an estimate of the average labor time to process each existing and new fee service was derived. This labor time then formed the basis for calculating an updated fee for each fee service. presented in Appendix A. Other FCS GROUP was also asked to determine whether the City should assess a credit card transaction fee. Card issuers charge a merchant fee whenever a consumer uses their credit card. The merchant, or the City of Yakima in this case, is expected to cover this fee in order to process credit card payments. Typically, these fees are on a sliding scale, and ranges from 1.3 to 3.5 percent, depending on the value of the transaction. Many governments pass on the cost of a credit card transaction by adding a credit card surcharge. The City of Yakima presently does not assess a credit card transaction fee. www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 14 This study recommends the City consider establishing a new credit card transaction fee of 3.0 percent, which would be applied to any City transaction paid using a credit card. . www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima October 2022 Development Fee Cost of Service Study page 15 Section IV. S UMMARY and revenue behind taxes (property and sales) and utility and franchise taxes, etc. This study included a detailed cost of service review of development permit services, and identified planning, code administration, and fire permit and inspection fees to achieve 100 percent cost recovery. It is recommended that the City: Annually adjust its fees consistent with increases in the cost of wage inflation, preferably as labor contracts. Regularly monitor development activity, revenue collected, and cost recovery levels. Update this study every three to five years to ensure fees reflect changes in City staffing and organizational processes. www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima Development Fee Cost of Service Study October 2022 page 16 APPDENDIX A PROPOSED COST OF SERVICE FEES 2023 2023 Fee Title Permit DivisionCurrent City Fee(Current Fee, Recommended *Adjusted based on cost-to-serve Inflation Adjusted)Fees Planning Division - Land Use Application Fees PlanningAmended Binding Site Plan$920.00$1,176.77$1,196.00 PlanningAdministrative Adjustment*$435.00$556.41$1,372.29 PlanningAppeal to City Council*$340.00$434.89$1,905.40 PlanningAppeal to Hearing Examiner*$580.00$741.88$3,277.69 PlanningAppeal to HPC or City Council$100.00$127.91$130.00 PlanningBlock Party Permit Application$0.00$0.00$0.00 PlanningPreliminary Binding Site Plan$1,635.00$2,091.32$2,125.50 PlanningCritical Areas Review*$325.00$415.71$1,372.29 PlanningCell Conditional Use$3,500.00$4,476.84$4,550.00 PlanningCell Major Modification$500.00$639.55$650.00 PlanningCell Minor Modification$300.00$383.73$390.00 PlanningCell Standard$500.00$639.55$650.00 PlanningCell Variance$1,500.00$1,918.65$1,950.00 PlanningClass 1 Review*$125.00$159.89$406.42 PlanningClass 2 Review*$430.00$550.01$1,372.29 PlanningClass 3 Review*$1,635.00$2,091.32$2,858.10 Planning$1,250.00$1,598.87$3,277.69 PlanningDevelopment Agreement*$205.00$262.22$2,858.10 PlanningFinal Binding Site Plan$270.00$345.36$351.00 PlanningFinal Long Plat$270.00$345.36$351.00 PlanningFinal Short Plat*$100.00$127.91$324.00 PlanningInterpretation - With Hearing$2,545.00$3,255.30$3,308.50 PlanningInterpretation - Without Hearing$315.00$402.92$409.50 PlanningModification*$100.00$127.91$406.42 PlanningNon-Conforming Use / Structure*$1,635.00$2,091.32$2,858.10 PlanningOverlay District$2,050.00$2,622.15$2,665.00 PlanningLong Plat - Alteration, Vacation & Easement Release$1,720.00$2,200.05$2,236.00 PlanningPlanned Development$2,590.00$3,312.86$3,367.00 PlanningPreliminary Long Plat*$1,720.00$2,200.05$3,277.69 PlanningDST Pre-Application Meeting (apply online only) - 1st Meeting$0.00$0.00$0.00 PlanningDST Pre-Application Meeting (apply online only) - 2nd Meeting$100.00$127.91$130.00 PlanningSpecial Event Permit Application$50.00$63.95$65.00 PlanningPreliminary Short Plat*$435.00$556.41$1,372.29 PlanningReasonable Accommodation$0.00$0.00$0.00 PlanningReferral to Hearing$0.00$0.00$0.00 PlanningRight of Way Vacation$1,385.00$1,771.55$1,800.50 PlanningRezone*$1,610.00$2,059.35$3,277.69 PlanningSEPA Environmental Review*$265.00$338.96$812.84 PlanningShoreline Development Permit, Variance, or Conditional Use$1,225.00$1,566.89$1,592.50 PlanningShoreline Exemption$100.00$127.91$130.00 PlanningShort Plat Alteration or Easement Release$435.00$556.41$565.50 PlanningShort Plat Exemption*$145.00$185.47$546.28 PlanningTraffic Concurrency Review$250.00$319.77$325.00 PlanningText Amendment$1,250.00$1,598.87$1,625.00 PlanningVariance*$1,635.00$2,091.32$2,858.10 PlanningZoning Verification Letter$100.00$127.91$130.00 PlanningExtension of Zoning and Subdivision Approvals$100.00$127.91$130.00 PlanningClass 1 Home Occupation*$100.00$127.91$266.56 PlanningSmall Wireless Facility - YMC 15.29.050$500.00$639.55$650.00 Other Fees PlanningLarge Maps$18.47$23.62$24.01 PlanningZoning Ordinance (CD)$1.02$1.30$1.33 PlanningSmall Maps$9.23$11.81$12.00 PlanningZoning Ord (Hardcopy)$12.00$15.35$15.60 PlanningComp Plan and Transportation Plan$15.00$19.19$19.50 PlanningCredit Card Merchant Transaction Fee %0.00%0.00%3.00% Mechanical Fees Code AdministrationBasic Permit Fee$23.86$30.52$31.02 Code AdministrationSupplemental Permits$7.29$9.32$9.48 Code AdministrationFurnaces 100,000 BTU or less (forced air gravity type furnace or burner, including ducts & vents attached to such appliance)$17.51$22.40$22.76 Code AdministrationOver 100,000 BTU (forced air or gravity type furnace or burner, including ducts & vents attached to such appliance)$20.69$26.46$26.90 Code AdministrationFloor furnace, including vent/gas logs$17.51$22.40$22.76 Code AdministrationSuspended heater, recessed or floor mounted heater$17.51$22.40$22.76 Code AdministrationAppliance vents (each appliance vent not included in appliance permit)$10.36$13.25$13.47 www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima Development Fee Cost of Service Study October 2022 page 17 2023 2023 Fee Title Permit DivisionCurrent City Fee(Current Fee, Recommended *Adjusted based on cost-to-serve Inflation Adjusted)Fees Code AdministrationRepair or alteration or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit,$19.45 absorption unit or eac$24.88h heating, cooling, abs$25.29orption or evaporative cooling system, incl. installation of controls regulated by this code. Code AdministrationBoiler or compressor to and including 3 HP, or each absorption system to and including$17.58 100,000 BTU$22.49$22.85 Code AdministrationBoiler or compressor over 3 HP to and including 15 HP (or 3.1 to 15 Tons cooling) for ea. absorption system over 100,000 BTU/H & incl. 500,000 BTU/H$29.38$37.58$38.19 Code AdministrationBoiler or compressor over 15 HP to and including 30 HP (or 15.1 to 30 Tons cooling), for$39.00 each absorption syst$49.88em over 500,000 BTU/H$50.70 to and incl. 1,000,000 BTU/H Code AdministrationBoiler or compressor over 30 HP to and including 50 HP (or 30.1 to 50 Tons cooling) for $53.18each absorption syste$68.02m over 1,000,000 BTU/$H6 9to.1 &3 including 1,750,000 BTU/H Code AdministrationBoiler or refrigeration compressor over 50 HP (or 50.1 Tons cooling or more) for each abs$89.02orption system over 1$113.87,750,000 BTU/H$115.73 Code AdministrationAir handling unit to and incl. 10,000 cubic feet per minute, incl. ducts attached thereto. $13.54NOTE: This fee shall n$17.32ot apply to an air-handl$in1g7 .u6n0it which is a portion of a factory assembled appliance, cooling unit, evaporative cooler or absorption unit for which a permit is required elsewhere in this code. Code AdministrationAir handling unit over 10,000 cubic ft. per minute$18.41$23.55$23.93 Code AdministrationEvaporative cooler other than portable type$13.54$17.32$17.60 Code AdministrationVentilation fan connected to a single duct$10.36$13.25$13.47 Code AdministrationVentilation system which is not a portion of any heating or air conditioning system autho$10.36rized by a permit.$13.25$13.47 Code AdministrationInstallation of each hood, which is served by mechanical exhaust, including the ducts for such hood.$17.51$22.40$22.76 Code AdministrationDomestic type incinerator$25.85$33.06$33.61 Code AdministrationCommercial or industrial type incinerator$104.37$133.50$135.68 Code AdministrationEach appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this code not classified in other appl$10.36iance categories, or fo$13.25r which no other fee is $13.47listed in this code. Code Administration$8.04$10.28$10.45 Code Administration$3.20$4.09$4.16 Code Administration$3.20$4.09$4.16 Code Administration$1.70$2.17$2.21 Code Administration$3.20$4.09$4.16 Code Administration$0.82$1.05$1.07 Code AdministrationWoodstove/pellet stove (no new home construction)$37.06$47.40$48.18 Code AdministrationInspections outside of normal business hours$81.43$104.16$105.86 Code AdministrationRe-inspection fees assessed$81.43$104.16$105.86 Code AdministrationInspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum half-hour)$81.43$104.16$105.86 Code AdministrationAdditional Plan review (minimum half-hour) - Hourly$81.43$104.16$105.86 Plumbing Fees Code AdministrationBasic Permit Fee$31.82$40.70$41.37 Code AdministrationSupplemental Permits$16.01$20.48$20.81 UNIT FEE SCHEDULE IN ADDITION TO ITEMS ABOVE Code AdministrationFixture Fee Schedule (Per Fixture or Trap) Code AdministrationEach plumbing fixture on one trap or a set of fixtures on one trap (including water, draina$11.23ge piping & backflow $14.36protection thereof)$14.60 Code AdministrationEach building sewer and each trailer park sewer$21.53$27.54$27.99 Code Administration$11.23$14.36$14.60 Code Administration$0.00$0.00$0.00 Code Administration$0.00$0.00$0.00 Code AdministrationWater heater and/or vent$11.23$14.36$14.60 Code AdministrationIndustrial waste pretreatment interceptor including trap & vent, excepting kitchen type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps$19.07$24.39$24.79 Code AdministrationInstallation, alteration or repair of water piping and/or water treating equipment, each$11.23$14.36$14.60 Code AdministrationRepair or alteration of drainage/vent piping, each fixture$11.23$14.36$14.60 Code AdministrationAtmospheric type vacuum breakers$8.04$10.28$10.45 Code AdministrationBackflow protective device (RPBA/DCVA) - Two-Inch Diameter & Smaller$11.23$14.36$14.60 Code AdministrationBackflow protective device (RPBA/DCVA) - Over Two-Inch Diameter$24.95$31.91$32.44 OTHER INSPECTIONS AND FEES Code AdministrationInspections outside of normal business hours$81.43$104.16$105.86 Code AdministrationRe-inspection fees$81.43$104.16$105.86 Code AdministrationInspections for which no fee is specifically indicated$81.43$104.16$105.86 Code AdministrationAdditional Plan review (minimum half-hour) - Hourly$81.43$104.16$105.86 Schedule of Fees - Other Fees Code AdministrationAfter Hours Inspection (minimum two-hour) - Hourly$81.43$104.16$97.94 Code AdministrationRe-inspection fees - Hourly$81.43$104.16$97.94 Code AdministrationInspections for which no fee is specifically indicated - Hourly$81.43$104.16$97.94 Code AdministrationAdditional plan review (minimum half-hour) - Hourly$81.43$104.16$97.94 Outside consultants for plan review or inspectionsActual Cost Code AdministrationManufactured homes - Single Wide$319.24$408.34$415.01 Code AdministrationManufactured homes - Double Wide$377.26$482.55$490.44 Code AdministrationManufactured homes - Triple Wide$435.35$556.86$565.96 Code AdministrationCommercial coach - Single Wide$319.24$408.34$415.01 Code AdministrationCommercial coach - Double Wide$377.26$482.55$490.44 Code AdministrationCommercial coach - Triple Wide$435.35$556.86$565.96 Code Administration$79.44$101.61$103.27 Code AdministrationStructure Move Permits$309.12$395.39$401.86 Code AdministrationRe-roof (Commercial) roofs up to 10,000 square feet$144.67$185.05$188.07 Code AdministrationRe-roof (Commercial) roofs greater than 10,000 square feet$153.90$196.85$200.07 Code AdministrationRe-roof (Commercial) roofs greater than 10,000 square feet - Each Additional 10,000 Sq. Ft.$78.19$100.01$101.65 Code AdministrationRe-roof (residential)$79.44$101.61$103.27 Code AdministrationSigns$79.44$101.61$103.27 Code AdministrationSwimming pools$119.02$152.24$154.73 www.fcsgroup.com City of Yakima Development Fee Cost of Service Study October 2022 page 18 2023 2023 Fee Title Permit DivisionCurrent City Fee(Current Fee, Recommended *Adjusted based on cost-to-serve Inflation Adjusted)Fees Grading Fees Plan Review Fees (Cubic Yards) Code Administration50 or less CYNo Fee Code Administration51 - 100 CY$18.73$23.96$24.35 Code Administration101 - 1,000 CY$28.12$35.97$36.56 Code Administration1,001 - 10,000 CY$37.45$47.90$48.69 Code Administration10,000 - 100,000 CY - Base$37.45$47.90$48.69 Code Administration10,000 - 100,000 CY - Each 10,000 CY Thereof$18.73$23.96$24.35 Code Administration100,001 - 200,000 CY - Base$205.99$263.48$267.79 Code Administration100,001 - 200,000 CY - Each 10,000 CY Thereof$11.22$14.35$14.59 Code Administration200,000+ CY - Base$318.15$406.94$413.60 Code Administration200,000+ CY - Each 10,000 CY Thereof$5.63$7.20$7.32 Code AdministrationAdditional Plan Review (minimum half-hour) - Hourly$64.25$82.18$83.53 Permit Fees (Cubic Yards) Code Administration50 or less CYNo Fee Code Administration51 - 100 CY$18.73$23.96$24.35 Code Administration101 - 1,000 CY - Base$54.30$69.46$70.59 Code Administration101 - 1,000 CY - Each 100 CY Thereof$13.14$16.81$17.08 Code Administration1,001 - 10,000 CY - Base$146.52$187.41$190.48 Code Administration1,001 - 10,000 CY - Each 1,000 CY Thereof$11.22$14.35$14.59 Code Administration10,000 - 100,000 CY - Base$247.46$316.53$321.70 Code Administration10,000 - 100,000 CY - Each 10,000 CY Thereof$60.50$77.39$78.65 Code Administration100,001 - 200,000 CY - Base$701.92$897.82$912.50 Code Administration100,001 - 200,000 CY - Each 10,000 CY Thereof$28.12$35.97$36.56 Other Inspections and Fees Code AdministrationInspections Outside Normal Hours (minimum two-hours) - Hourly*$64.25$82.18$97.94 Code AdministrationReinspection Fees - Hourly*$64.25$82.18$97.94 Code AdministrationInspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum half-hour) - Hourly*$64.25$82.18$97.94 Fire Fees Fire PermitsFire Plan Review - Hourly*$47.00$60.12$165.33 Fire PermitsFire Normal Inspection (minimum one hour) - Hourly*$47.00$60.12$165.33 Fire PermitsFire Reinspection (minimum one hour) - Hourly*$47.00$60.12$165.33 Fire PermitsFire Inspections for Unspecific (minimum one hour) - Hourly*$47.00$60.12$165.33 Fire PermitsLife and Safety (E,I,F,H,M,S) Occupancy: 0 - 5,000 Sq. Ft.*$80.00$102.33$165.33 Fire PermitsLife and Safety (E,I,F,H,M,S) Occupancy: 5,001 - 10,000 Sq. Ft.*$105.00$134.31$330.66 Fire PermitsLife and Safety (E,I,F,H,M,S) Occupancy: 10,001+ Sq. Ft.*$130.00$166.28$495.98 Fire PermitsLife and Safety (A,B,R) Occupancy: 0 - 5,000 Sq. Ft.*$55.00$70.35$165.33 Fire PermitsLife and Safety (A,B,R) Occupancy: 5,001 - 10,000 Sq. Ft.*$80.00$102.33$330.66 Fire PermitsLife and Safety (A,B,R) Occupancy: 10,001+ Sq. Ft.*$105.00$134.31$495.98 Fire PermitsFire Special Event Additional Hourly Charge (1 hour)*$50.00$63.95$165.33 Fire PermitsFire Special Event Inspection (minimum 2 hours)*$100.00$127.91$330.66 Fire PermitsFire Special Event Inspection (minimum 3 hours)*$150.00$191.86$495.98 Fire PermitsFire Special Event Inspection (minimum 4 hours)*$200.00$255.82$661.31 Fire PermitsFire Special Event Inspection (minimum 5 hours)*$250.00$319.77$826.64 Fire PermitsFore Compliance and Safety : Reinspection 1*$0.00$0.00$0.00 Fire PermitsFore Compliance and Safety : Reinspection 2*$55.00$70.35$214.93 Fire PermitsFore Compliance and Safety : Reinspection 3*$105.00$134.31$264.52 Fire PermitsFore Compliance and Safety : Reinspection 4*$155.00$198.26$314.12 Fire PermitsFore Compliance and Safety : Reinspection 5*$205.00$262.22$363.72 Fire PermitsFore Compliance and Safety : Reinspection 6+*$255.00$326.17$413.32 Other Fire Inspections (presently no fee assessed) Fire PermitsRequest to Inspect Per Complaint*$0.00n/a$170.29 Fire PermitsKnox Box Inspection*$0.00n/a$170.29 Fire PermitsNew Business/Business License*$0.00n/a$340.58 Fire PermitsSite Inspection*$0.00n/a$170.29 Fire PermitsPost Fire or Post Incident*$0.00n/a$510.86 Fire PermitsPublic Hydrant Compliance*$0.00n/a$170.29 www.fcsgroup.com Chapter 15.26 LAND DEVELOPMENT FEES Sections: 15.26.010Interest—Land development fees. 15.26.010Interest—Land development fees. A. Intent. It is the purpose of this chapter to provide land use development fees for YMC Chapter6.88and Titles14,15,16, and17, and consolidate the fees of these titles into one fee schedule. B. Land Use Application Fees.Land use application fees for YMC Ch. 6.88 and Titles14, 15, 16, and 17 will be adopted as needed by Council Resolution. Land Use Application Fee Schedule Land Use Permit TypeFee Zoning Ordinance (YMC Title15) and Shoreline Master Program (YMC Title17) Administrative Adjustment$435.00 Class 1 Review$125.00 Class 2 Review$430.00 Class 3 Review$1,635.00 Critical Area Review$325.00 Interpretation with Hearing$2,545.00 Interpretation without $315.00 Hearing Modification of Approved $100.00 Use Nonconforming $1,635.00 Use/Structure Overlay District$2,050.00 Planned Development$2,590.00 Rezone$1,610.00 Shoreline Development Permit/Conditional Use or $1,225.00 Variance Shoreline Exemption$100.00 Variance$1,635.00 Land Use Application Fee Schedule Land Use Permit TypeFee Wireless Communication See Table 29-2 in FacilitiesYMC15.29.050(D) Zoning Verification Letter$100.00 **Fees for zoning applications under YMC Title15and shoreline permits under Title17are consolidated using the highestfee only. Subdivision Ordinance (YMC Title14) Amended Binding Site Plan$920.00 Final Binding Site Plan$270.00 Final Long Plat$270.00 Final Short Plat$100.00 Long Plat Alteration/Vacation or $1,720.00 Easement Release Preliminary Binding Site $1,635.00 Plan Preliminary Long Plat$1,720.00 Preliminary Short Plat$435.00 Right-of-Way Vacation$1,385.00 Short Plat Alteration or $435.00 Easement Release Short Plat Exemption$145.00 State Environmental Policy Act (YMC6.88) SEPA Review$265.00 Other Applications Appeals to City Council$340.00 Appeals to Hearing $580.00 Examiner Comprehensive Plan $1,250.00 Amendment—Map and Text Development Agreement$205.00 Extension of Zoning and $100.00 Subdivision Approvals Follow-Up Pre-App Meeting$100.00 Parade and Special Event See YMC9.70 Permit Text Amendment$1,250.00 Traffic Concurrency$250.00