HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-27-2022 YPC Agenda Packet DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Planning Division Joseph Calhoun, Manager nd 129 North Second Street, 2Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.govwww.yakimawa.gov/services/planning/ypc/ CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION Yakima City Hall Council Chambers nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901 129 N 2 July 27, 2022 3:00 p.m. –5:00 p.m. YPC MEMBERS: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice-Chair Lisa Wallace, Leanne Hughes-Mickel, Robert McCormick, Mary Place, Colleda Monick, and Frieda Stephens City Council Liaison: Soneya Lund CITY PLANNING STAFF: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director),Rosalinda Ibarra (Admin Assistant) Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Senior Planner), Albert Miller (Assistant Planner), and Eva Rivera (Planning Technician) AGENDA I.Call to Order II.Roll Call III.Staff Announcements IV.Approval of Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2022 V.Study Session – CPA#001-22 VI.Training – Subdivision process VII.Public Comment VIII.Other Business IX.Adjourn Next Meeting: August 10, 2022 The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. Visit the Yakima Planning Commission webpage for more information, including agenda packets and minutes. City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes City Council Chambers July 13, 2022 Call to Order Chair Liddicoatcalled the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present:Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Lisa Wallace, Robert McCormick, Mary Place,Colleda Monick, Frieda Stephens YPC Members Absent:Leanne Hughes-Mickel Staff Present:Joseph Calhoun; Planning Manager, Eric Crowell, Senior Planner; Sara Watkins; City attorney, Soneya Lund, City Council Liaison; Irene Linos, Temporary Department Assistant I Introduction: New Commissioner–Chair Liddicoat introduced new commissionerFrieda Stephens. Staff Announcements–Planning ManagerCalhoun announced the following: th CPA amendment at 40/Summitview will have a study session on 07/27/2022 th Public Hearing scheduled for August 10 –CPA amendment at 40/ Summitview ADU RFP waiting for a working draft from the Purchasing Division Planning Division job opening for Senior Planner closing 07/13/2022 Planning Division has a new hire for the Planning Technician position starting 07/21/2022 Open public meeting training is a requirement from the State for boards and commissions, generalized to public meetings. The Department of Commerce has their Short Course on Local Planning scheduled for later thisfall, all meetings will be on Zoom.Four are scheduled:09/29, 10/25, 11/16, and 12/08 The Planning Commission reviews and makes recommendations to the Council on a variety of long range planning type issues May 25, 2022 Meeting Minutes–It was motioned by Commissioner Placeand seconded by Commissioner McCormick to approve the meeting minutes of June 22, 2022 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing –“Plat of Apple Tree Phase 1C”–Chair Liddicoat gave an outline of the Public Hearing procedure. Eric Crowell presented a staff report on PLP#004-22 & SEPA#009-22 regarding “Plat of Apple Tree Phase 1C” a preliminary long plat, a further subdivision of PSP#004- 21which created 9 lots,to create four single family lots and one tract in the R-1 zoning district th located in the vicinity of Occidental Rd. and S 96Avenue. The staff report recommended approval subject to several conditions. Commissioner Place asked about the new interior homes having access to Coolidge on top of the north endof the plat. Crowell stated that there is a curb th cut off of 96, but beyond that is to be determined. Place also questioned if southeast lot would thth exit to96or Occidental. Crowell stated that he would assume 96. Place stated that it needed to be 30 ft. from the roadway. Crowell stated whatever access was used they would still have to follow the setback of 30 ft. from the roadway. Commissioner Place also questioned the sewage, whether it was going to need to be pumped up or gravity. Crowell stated that there weren’t any specific comments from Wastewater regarding the wastewater. Mike Heit, representing the applicant,states that sewer line shall be designed for gravity. Mike Heitalsoaddressed someof th the previous questions asked by commissioners. Heit stated that the lot would access onto 96, and that there was already sewage and it is all gravity. Heit mentions that the long-term -1- anticipation would be that Coolidge go through. Heit expressed an objection about not having any interior roads at this time, the curb cut is to access the orchard, with no plans or future plans of building any roadswhile the orchard is in operation. Chair Liddicoat opened thepublic comment portion of the hearing. Seeing there were no public comments Chair Liddicoat closed the public comment portion of the hearing. Chair Liddicoat entertained a motion onto commissioner Place. Commissioner Place moved the Planning Commission draft findings of fact and forward the recommendation to the Yakima City Council based on the testimony and the evidence presented on this afternoon’s hearing. Commissioner Monick seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Public Comment–None Other Business–None Adjourn–A motion to adjourn to July 27, 2022was passed with unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:28 p.m. Chair Liddicoat Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Irene Linos,Dept Assistant I -2- City of Yakima Planning Commission SubdivisionProcess July27, 2022 1.RCW and YMC a.The controlling legislation for subdivisions are found in 58.17andTitle 14 b.In Yakima, a Short Plat is any division up to 9 lots and a Long Plat is 10+ c.Short Plats are administratively processed and Long Plats require a public hearing process 2.Processing a.Preliminary Plat Approval –establishes the necessary conditions for streets, utilities, infrastructure, etc. with a 5-year completion timeline b.Final Plat Approval –once all the requirements or completed (or bonded for) the plat can be signed off by city officials and recorded at the County Assessor’s office. c.Both plat types require public notice to property owners within 300-feet of the site. i.After the comment period, a decision is issued on the Short Plat and an Environmental Determination (DNS/MDNS) is made on the Long Plat –the hearing is also scheduled at this time. d.Public Hearing i.Review of staff report ii.Applicant testimony iii.Public testimony in favor/opposition iv.YPC deliberation v.YPC recommendation 3.YPC role RCW58.17.100 Review of preliminary plats by planning commission or agency—Recommendation— Change by legislative body—Procedure—Approval. If a city, town or county has established a or planning planning commission agency in accordance with state law or local charter, such commission or agency shall review all preliminary plats and make recommendations thereonto the city, town or county legislative body to assure conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the comprehensive plan and to planning standards and specifications as adopted by the city, town or county. Reports of the planning commission or agency shall be advisory only: PROVIDED, That the legislative body of the city, town or county may, by ordinance, assign to such commission or agency, or any department official or group of officials, such administrative functions, powers and duties as may be appropriate, including the holding of hearings, and recommendations for approval or disapproval of preliminary plats of proposed subdivisions. Such recommendation shall be submitted to the legislative body not later than fourteen days following action by the hearing body. Upon receipt of the recommendation on any preliminary plat the legislative body shall at its next public meeting set the date for the public meeting where it shall consider the recommendations of the hearing body and may adopt or reject the recommendations of such hearing body based on the record established at the public hearing. If, after considering the matter at a public meeting, the legislative body deems a change in the planning commission's or planning agency's recommendation approving or disapproving any preliminary plat is necessary, the legislative body shall adopt its own recommendations and approve or disapprove the preliminary plat. Every decision or recommendation made under this section shall be in writing andshall include findings of fact and conclusions to support the decision or recommendation. A record of all public meetings and public hearings shall be kept by the appropriate city, town or county authority and shall be open to public inspection. Sole authority to adopt or amend platting ordinances shall reside in the legislative bodies. The legislative authorities of cities, towns, and counties may by ordinance delegate final plat approval to an established planning commission or agency, or to such other administrative personnel in accordance with state law or local charter. 4.Findings –what are we looking for? 14.20.100Review by city of Yakima planning commission or hearing examiner— Recommendation required. A.The city of Yakima planning commission or the hearing examiner shall review the proposed subdivision during an open record public hearing to inquire into and determine whether or not the following standards are satisfied: 1. The proposed subdivision must be consistent with the provisions of the urban area zoning ordinance; 2. The proposed subdivision must be consistent with the city of Yakima’s comprehensive plan; 3. The proposed subdivision must be consistent with the provisions of this title; 4. As required by RCW Chapter.17, the proposed subdivision must make appropriate provisions for: a. Public health, safety, and general welfare; b. Open spaces; c. Drainage ways; d. Streets or roads, alleys, and other public ways; e. Transit stops; f. Potable water supplies, irrigation and other water suppliers; g. Sanitary waste disposal; h. Parks and recreation; i. Playgrounds; j. Schools and school grounds; k. Sidewalks; l. Other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; 5. Based upon standards in subsections (A)(1) through (A)(4) of this section, a finding that the public use and interest will be served by the approval of this subdivision.