HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-13-2022 YPC Agenda Packet
Joan Davenport, AICP, Director
Planning Division
Joseph Calhoun, Manager
129 North Second Street, 2Floor, Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima City Hall Council Chambers
Street, Yakima, WA 98901
129 N 2
July 13, 2022
3:00 p.m. –5:00 p.m.
Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice-Chair Lisa Wallace, Leanne Hughes-Mickel,
Robert McCormick, Mary Place, Colleda Monick, and Frieda Stephens
City Council Liaison: Soneya Lund
Joan Davenport (Community Development Director),Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager),
Eric Crowell (Senior Planner), Albert Miller (Assistant Planner), and
Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant)
I.Call to Order
II.Roll Call
III.Introduction: New Planning Commissioner Frieda Stephens
IV.Staff Announcements
V.Approval of Meeting Minutes of June 22, 2022
VI.Public Hearing – “Plat of Apple Tree Phase 1C”
Applicant: Kinloch Borton Enterprises LLC
File Numbers: PLP#004-22, SEPA#009-22
Site Address: S 96 Avenue & Occidental Road
Request: Proposed preliminary long plat for a prior short plat to create four
residential lots and one tract in the R-1 zoning district.
I.Public Comment
II.Other Business
Next Meeting: July 27, 2022
The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website.
Visit the Yakima Planning Commission webpage for more information, including agenda packets and minutes.
City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
City Council Chambers
June 22, 2022
Call to Order
Chair Liddicoatcalled the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present:Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Lisa Wallace, Mary Place, Al Rose, Leanne
Staff Present:Eric Crowell,Senior Planner; Sara Watkins, City Attorney; Glenn
Denman, Code Administration Manager
Staff Announcements–Senior Planner,Crowellannounced the following:
Public hearing scheduled for July 13 –Plat of Apple Tree Phase 1C
CPA amendment at 40/Summitview in the comment period until June 30
Planning Division has job openings for Senior Planner and Planning Technician
May25, 2022 Meeting Minutes–It was motioned by Commissioner Roseand seconded by
Commissioner Place to approve the meeting minutes of May 25, 2022 as presented. The motion
carried unanimously.
Building Code and Mixed-Use Development–Glenn Denman discussed the interaction
between the building code and how it applies to mixed-use development. Each space in the
building is individually classified. The size of the building and its uses determine requirements
such as fire sprinklers, rated separation, etc. Commissioner Place asked about how mixed uses
determine parking. Eric Crowell stated it depends on the number of uses and type. Chair Liddicoat
discussed mixed-use building being a lower level of reviewand how it can be utilized to reduce
the level of review in certain zones. Sara Watkins provided the definition of mixed-use building in
the zoning ordinance. Commissioner Rose asked about the safety aspect of a mixed-use building
related to fire. Denman discussed the different separation requirementand outlined the different
types (1-hr, 2-hr, etc.).
ADU Approved Plans RFP Progress–Liddicoat provided some background on the pre-
approved ADU plan concept. Denman provided an update on the ADU pre-approved plans
project. A draft RFP is currently being reviewed by the Purchasing department. Perhaps the
Planning Commission could be part of the review and scoring process. Once plans are approved
and chosen by the property owner, we would simply need to review the site plan for placement.
The structure itself would already be approved. The approved list could potentially be
reviewed/updated annually to keep up with building code changes. Rose noted that these plans
will also help with affordable housing by reducing the permit impact on developers. Hughes-Mickel
asked about how many ADU applications are typically submitted in a year and if it would be
worthwhile to go through the RFP process if it is minimal. Commissioners discussed that pre-
approved plans may encourage more development. For timelines, maybe a numerical threshold
can be included as the benchmark for new designs. Denman stated that Energy Code updates
will likely be the most significant change that would require redesign. Liddicoat suggested keeping
the notice for the RFP to local firms.
Public Comment–None
Other Business–Commissioner Place thanked Commissioner Rose for his service to the YPC,
as this is his last official meeting. Place asked about planning commissioner training. Rose talked
about twelve years servingon the YPC.
Adjourn–A motion to adjourn to July 13,2022was passed with unanimous vote. The meeting
adjourned at approximately 3:36p.m.
Chair Liddicoat Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Joseph Calhoun