HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-09-2022 YPC Agenda PacketCity of Yakima Planning Commission ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING City Hall Council Chambers March 9, 2022 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC MEMBERS: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Lisa Wallace, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, and Mary Place City Council Liaison: Soneya Lund CITY PLANNING STAFF: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Asst.), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Senior Planner), Trevor Martin (Senior Planner), Albert Miller (Assistant Planner) and Analilia Nunez (Planning Technician) I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2022 V. CWHBA Introduction: Daphne White -Hall VI. 2022 Text Amendments VII. Other Business V III. Adjourn Next Meeting. March 23, 2022 To listen/watch this virtual meeting, please register with your name and email address here: l►tt s: cit Hof aki a,zc�czna.us ebinar re istr N lk cD "I"TS bGeF MC A After registering, you will receive emailed instructions for joining the meeting online with your device or by calling in. The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. Yakima WFA�erMaClp The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. Visit the Yakima Planning Commission webpage for more information. 1994 03-09-2022_YPC Attendee Report Attended User Name (Original Name) First Name Last Name Email Registration Approval : Join Time Leave Time Time Country/Region Name Yes Analilia NOnez (Planning) (City of Yakima Planning Division) City of Yakima Planning Division Ask. Planning@yakimawa.gov 3/9/2022 14:50 3/9/2022 15:25 36 United States Yes Joseph Calhoun (City of Yakima Planning Division) City of Yakima Planning Division Ask.Planning@yakimawa.gov 3/9/2022 14:53 3/9/2022 15:25 33 United States Yes Rob McCormick (YPC) Rob McCormick (YPC) rob@mccormickaircenter.com 3/9/2022 14:50 3/9/2022 15:25 36 United States Yes Al Rose (YPC) Al Rose (YPC) aar7040@gmail.com 3/9/2022 14:50 3/9/2022 15:25 35 United States Yes Leanne Hughes -Mickel (YPC) Leanne Hughes -Mickel (YPC) leanne.mickel@me.com 3/9/2022 14:58 3/9/2022 15:03 6 United States Yes Leanne Hughes -Mickel (YPC) Leanne Hughes -Mickel (YPC) leanne.mickel@me.com 3/9/2022 15:05 3/9/2022 15:25 20 United States Yes Michael Brown (YPAC) Michael Brown (YPAC) michael.brown@yakimawa.gov 3/9/2022 14:50 3/9/2022 15:25 35 United States Yes Jacob Liddicoat (YPC Chair) Jacob Liddicoat (YPC Chair) jake@3dyakima.com 3/9/2022 14:51 3/9/2022 15:25 34 United States Yes Soneya Lund (Council Liaison) Soneya Lund (Council Liaison) soneya.lund@yakimawa.gov 3/9/2022 15:03 3/9/2022 15:24 22 United States Yes Lisa Wallace (YPC Vice -Chair) Lisa Wallace (YPC Vice -Chair) lisakwallace@hotmail.com 3/9/2022 14:59 3/9/2022 15:25 26 United States Yes Mary Place (YPC) Mary Place (YPC) placeml@charter.net 3/9/2022 14:58 3/9/2022 15:25 28 United States Yes Sara Watkins (Legal) Sara Watkins (Legal) sara.watkins@yakimawa.gov 3/9/2022 14:59 3/9/2022 15:25 26 United States Yes Daphne White -Hall (CWHBA) Daphne White -Hall (CWHBA) daphne@cwhba.org 3/9/2022 14:56 3/9/2022 14:58 3 United States Yes Daphne White -Hall (CWHBA) Daphne White -Hall (CWHBA) daphne@cwhba.org 3/9/2022 15:04 3/9/2022 15:25 21 United States Yes Shannon Needham Shannon Needham psneedham@Hotmail.com ########## approved 3/9/2022 15:02 3/9/2022 15:25 23 United States City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes via Zoom February 23, 2022 Call to Order Vice -Chair Wallace called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Lisa Wallace Mary Place, Al Rose, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Rob McCormick YPC Members Absent: Chair Jacob Liddicoat (excused), Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager, Sara Watkins, City Attorney, Glenn Denman, Code Administration Manager, Albert Miller, Assistant Planner, Analilia Nunez, Planning Technician Staff Announcements — Planning Manager, Ca The Notice of Application for the zoning t hearing will be scheduled for March 23,° Council hearing will be scheduled for May The nominating committee held intervieuv Kenton Gartrell and Wyatt Marchand and at the City Council meeting scheduled for ounced the following: pdates will go out next week and the public 2022.If no continuation is needed, the City 3, 2022 for final consideration. 3 for the YPC vacancy with two candidates, iominated Gartrell. The Citv Council will vote February 9, 2022 Meeting Minutes — It was motioned by Commissioner Place and seconded by Commissioner Rose to approve the meeting minutes of February 9, 2022 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Opening — The City Council has approved the opening of the 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment process, and are at the point of announcing that at this meeting, notices, ads and press releases have been sent out including to local media. After today's meeting the process will be officially open and applications can be submitted until April 29. Notice of Applications will be sent out for any submittals. Housing Action Plan Implementation and Zoning Updates — Calhoun presented an update on changes to YMC 15.04.060 related to cargo containers which would allow for placement of cargo containers as an accessory to a business in the B-1 and B-2 zones along with stipulations to their use. Commissioner Rose asked follow-up questions related to refrigerated containers. Commissioner Place inquired about limits on the amount of cargo containers and expressed concerns on the amount of cargo, containers that could be placed. Calhoun explained that this would be reviewed within the application process. Commissioner Place asked if these changes would address the comments provided by Michael Tobin at the last YPC meeting, Calhoun said it would. 2021 Planning Highlights — Commissioner Place brought up suggestions to verbiage on parking standards, inspections, the applicable code mentioned in Chapter 15. Commissioner Rose had some follow-up questions on code requirement questions for manufactured homes. Calhoun will follow-up with Codes. Other Business — Paul and Shannon Needham presented their proposal for dog daycare they hope to open in the city of Yakima. He explained that although pet daycares/training and grooming are allowed in the city within the zone they plan to operate, kennels which would allow overnight boarding is not permitted. This would greatly hinder their business plan. Mr. Needham's plan is to prevent the possibility for noise complaint by boarding dogs in and indoor kennel. The Needham's -1- answered commissioner's questions. Commissioner Hughes-Mickle suggested modifying the definition dog daycares to allow for indoor kenneling. Calhoun will come up with language changes and present it at the next meeting and public hearing. Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to March 9, 2022 was passed with unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:45 p.m. Chair Liddicoat Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Analilia N -2- DATE: March 2, 2022 TO: SEPA Reviewing Agencies, Applicant, and Adjoining Property Owners FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director APPLICANT: City of Yakima Planning Division (129 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA 98901) FILE NUMBER: TXT#001-22 and SEPA#004-22 LOCATION: City -Wide TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): N/A DATE OF APPLICATION: February 24, 2022 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Yakima Planning Division is proposing non -project minor amendments to the following Zoning Ordinance Sections: YMC 15.02.020 Definitions, YMC 15.04.040, Table 4-1 Permitted Land Uses; YMC 15.04.0150 Standards for mobile/manufactured home parks; YMC 15.04.060 Accessory Uses; YMC 15.05.020 Site design requirements and standards; YMC 15.05.030 Creation of new lots -Subdivision requirements; YMC 15.05.055 New development improvement standards; YMC 15,05.060 Administrative adjustment of certain basic development standards allowed; YMC 15.06.040 Off-street parking standards-, YMC 15.09.035 Cottage Housing (new section); YMC 15.09.045 Accessory Dwelling Units; YMC 15.10.020 Administrative adjustment of some development standards authorized; and YMC Ch. 14.35 Binding Site Plans. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This is to notify all the public and private agencies with jurisdiction and environmental expertise that the City of Yakima Planning Division has been established as the lead agency, pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the above stated project. The City of Yakima is issuing a Preliminary Determination of Non- Significance (DNS) on this project. WAC 197-11-340 is being used. The following conditions have been identified that may be used to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of the proposal: No impacts identified. Required Permits: The following local, state and federal permits/approvals are needed for the proposed project: None. Required Studies: None Existing Environmental Documents: Comprehensive Plan 2040 - Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (June 13, 2017) Preliminary determination of the development regulations that will be used for project mitigation and consistency: Future projects will require compliance with the International Building Code, City of Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, City of Yakima Comprehensive Plan and City of Yakima Title 12 Development Standards. REQUEST FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The public is encouraged to review and comment on the proposed application. Written comments may be submitted prior to or at the public hearing. The virtual public hearing before the City of Yakima Planning Commission has been scheduled for Wednesday March 23, 2022, beginning at 3:00 p.m. https://cityofyakima.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_s7KgI-z6TrOz—aSvamGkTg Any person desiring to express their views on this matter is invited to attend the public hearing or to submit their written comments to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 N 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901. A separate public notice will be provided for the public hearing before the Yakima City Council. You can mail your comments to: I•- it • City of Yakima, Depaent of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St; Yakima, WA 98901 9 1011 M As • I InTe-1 re-UtTr Mir Tff=?9ann1ng Division, 2nd floor City Hall, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, and online at •If you have any question on this proposal, please call Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager, at (509) 575-6042 or email to: • Ons".. 0 Joan Davenport, AICP, Direotom Division dc9|uuifioack5n Joseph Calhoun, Qereote rp |29Y�oMeCo!|e 2',2»Pieo,��ukimu,\��.989Ul .�:��0��� umk.p|nmnimg@yakinnav,n.gov AVUSO DE APL|CACON.REVNSNON AK8B|ENTAL.Y AUDIENC|A PUBL|CA BOeportomentodaDeemnmUoComunitohode|oCiudad deYakima herecibidoungap|icmnbnporpahe deunpropiebaho/so|icibanbayamteeaunmvisonobreeoamo|kcitud. |nhnmnacibnouboa|aubicacidnda|a 9nopiodad an oueatibn y |o eu|ioitud es |m miguianba: FECHA OTORGA0A: 3dameroo.2022 PARA: AgenoiasdeRevimibnAmbienba[Sn|k:itanteyPnupietahoaAdyeoentes DE: Joan Oavenport.A|CP. Dinecborade DeaerroUoComunibario SOL|C|TANTE: Ciudad de Yahima. Division de P|anifioeoibn No. DE ARCHlVO: TXl#001'22yGEPA#004'22 UlB|CAC|6N: Cubnotodo|aoiudad. No. DE PARCELA(S): N/A FECHADEAPLUCAC|6N: 24dehabnero.3022 DESCRIPqi6N DEL PROYECTO: La ivisi6n de Planificaoi6n de la Ciudad de Yakima pnopone enm|endaamenomyo no ne|eomneda000n un proyeobo a |assiguienhesoecooneade |eOrdonenzade Zonifioanibn� YMC 15.02.020 Definioioneo; YK8C 15.04.040 Table 4-1 Tob|a de U000 Tarrmna|ea Pennitidoa; YK8C 15.04.0150 Emb6ndares pare ponquaodenamaa prehabricodaa/m6vileaYW1C 15.04.060 UeoedoAooesohon;Y'K8C15.O5.O2ORequisihosyeebinderaedadioahodel mibu;YK8C15.Q5.D3DCreaoibn danuevos|obas' Requinitoedoeubdiviaidn; YK8C 15.05.055 Eabindereode m joremiantopona nuavo deeeno||o; YK0C 15.05.060AjueteAdministradivo dmoiertoseot6ndanos b6oi000 de deoorpo||o penmitidoo; Y&4C 15.08040 Emt6ndonosdeeetauionemiantofuerade |av|e pdb|ioa- YPWC 15.09.035 Un grupode viviondas amU|o uobaha (Cottage housing); YK8C 15.09.045 Unidadeo de viuienda aooesoriao; YK8C 15.1U.02OAjusbaAdministrativodeo|gunemnormoadedeaarno||o;yYK8CCh. 1435Pianos Vinou|anteede Sitio (Binding Site Plans). es para notificar a |as agencias pob|icas y privadas con ]uhedimci6nyoononiminnboambienba|que|aCiudad deYakima, Division de P|enifioacbn, saestebleoe como la agencia principal, de acuerdo con la Ley Estatal de Politica Ambiental de Washington (SEPA) para e| pnoyecto nnancionado anbahormanb*. La Ciudad de Yakima estd wnmitiendo una Detemminacift PneKirninarde No-Sigmificancim (DNS) para este proyecko' Le ley b joVVAC §197-11'340 seesi6 uU|izendo. Se han idenUfioedo |eeaiguientesoondicinneequa pueden ud|izaree pare mitigar|os impaoton Permnisos Reqmeridos: Los migukanbs pennisos/apnobeconea |ooa|eo, eotato|oa, yfedera|ea puedon o ser6nnmoesghospanaeoteproyeoto:ninguno EstudiomRequeridms:ninguno Docummemtos Amnbiemta|es Exisbmntes/ Plan |nbagna| 2040 — Qao|erenidn Final de |mpooto Ambiento| Sup|omentado(13de junio. 2017) Dekermminaci6n preDimmimarde |as regu|acimnes de desarnm||o que se ut|Kizardn pmna |a mm|tigac|6n y Da consistencimdel pmoyecto:Los pnoyeotoahutunoerequerirbna|oump|imientodel Cbdigo|nbarnaoiono|de Conetruoni6n. La Ondenenoe de Zonificooibn del Area Urbana de |o Ciudad de Yakima, a| Plan |nbeBna| de la Ciudad de Yakima y los Est6ndares de Desarrollo del Titulo 12 de la Ciudad de Yakima, Seanima e]pob|icoe ravearkaso|icituUycomentoraobrekapnopueste.Los comenbahmseacntoapuedenpreeentaroeantes de oen|aaudksnniapOb|ioa. La audiencia pOblica virtual frente a la Comisi6n de Planificaci6n de la Ciudad de Yakima ha oido prognamado panoe| nni6roo|em23 demnarzo, 2022comenzendoe |ae3:00 p.m. por mediodeZoonnhttpm:8citymfvakima.zoom.us/webinar/negieben/WN_s7Km|-z6TrOz aSwamGkTgGe|einviba ecua|quierpersona quedemeeexpremersus opinioneaaobreemteproyectoeosiatira|oeudienciapOb|ioe o a presentar comentarios por escrito. Se proporcionara un aviso p6blico por separado para la audiencia p6blica ante el Concejo Municipal de Yakima. Por favor de enviar sus comentarios sobre esta propuesta a: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901 0 -1— 1 1 [oil I or 11 kj I F-2-M grellaFft-W IIII I WIN i UAUMI IN I I "I IN i E.-Wel I P. I Le I I I M i ij 11111M -vzres.-p I Pyj m3m-' -A? IV lw-v wmckw- VTW,! F --a 49KP���� ENVIRONMENTAL"Ass ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST STATE POLICY r (AS TAKEN FROM rrl; MUNICIPALYAKIMA il! CHAPTER 6.88 r ® r 1 FG-o-vornmenlal agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal a significant. This information i helpful to determine if available• i:. i or compensatorymitigation measures will address the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further ,-.analvze the proposal. decision- makingThis environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. nort-kook �"6t Appiv- "rik, when wil ea LMlain v—_y-_,t kl_v;In_ You ay also attach or incorporate by re erence additional studies reports. I r • The checklist questions apply to even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different I parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help you describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The related to determining if there aa_v be significant adverse impact. . r • f. 1 '.. • • f ' i . f f . '. f 1 • f',.. • I f f Y ` _ . • f i f • , f : • • • ` f r ' r • '' • • t i' . r r r , • 1r r Y 1 .rr r r r •r u 1 r; •1 r rrr . r • . r r . r 1 r rr . ., ►•• r .r. .,r r r• r •f. •• r • /i: r r .if 1 • r• r =� r ,r .rr r r r r rrr f 1 . .r • , r+f r r r. r,. ..r.r r r Y rrr . r ..,, f.. • Revised 07/2015 Page 14 11. Give a brief, but complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.): The City of Yakima Planning Division is proposing non -project minor amendments to the following Zoning Ordinance Sections: YMC 15.02.020 Definitions, YMC 15.04.040, Table 4-1 Pen-nitted Land Uses; YMC 15.04.0150 Standards for mobile/manufactured home parks; YMC 15.04.060 Accessory Uses; YMC 15.05.020 Site design requirements and standards; YMC 15.05.030 Creation of new lots- Subdivision requirements; YMC 15.05.055 New development improvement standards; YMC 15.05.060 Administrative adjustment of certain basic development standards allowed; YMC 15.06.040 Off-street parking standards; YMC 15.09.035 Cottage Housing (new section); YMC 15.09.045 Accessory Dwelling Units; YMC 15.10.020 Administrative adjustment of some development standards authori&d' and YMC Ch. 14.35 Bindina Site Plans. ----------- 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist: City Limits Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities that would likely result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in aeneral terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? The proposed changes will not affect how land uses discharge to water, emissions to the air, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances, or the production of noise. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: None proposed. Any future measures to avoid such increases will be dealt with at the project level. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? The proposed changes will not affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life, as they are regulatory in nature. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: None proposed. Any future measures to avoid such increases will be dealt with at the project level. Revised 07/2015 01M Revised 07/201 S Page 16 mmmrsi= CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON March 2, 2022 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of Yakima Planning Division is proposing non -project minor amendments to the following Zoning Ordinance Sections: YMC 15.02.020 Definitions, YMC 15.04.040, Table 4-1 Permitted Land Uses; YMC 15.04.0150 Standards for mobile/manufactured home parks; YMC 15.04.060 Accessory Uses; YMC 15.05.020 Site design requirements and standards; YMC 15.05.030 Creation of new lots -Subdivision requirements; YMC 15.05.055 New development improvement standards; YMC 15.05.060 Administrative adjustment of certain basic development standards allowed; YMC 15.06.040 Off-street parking standards; YMC 15.09.035 Cottage Housing (new section); YMC 15.09.045 Accessory Dwelling Units; YMC 15.10.020 Administrative adjustment of some development standards authorized; and YMC Ch. 14.35 Binding Site Plans. LOCATION: City Limits PARCEL NUMBERS: N/A PROPONENT: City of Yakima Planning Division PROPERTY OWNERS: N/A LEAD AGENCY: City of Yakima DETERINIAATION: The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. E This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340; the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 20 days from the date of this preliminary threshold determination. All comments must be submitted by 5:00 pm on March 22, 2022. Responsible Official., Joan Davenport Position/Title: aERA Responsible Official Phone (509) 575-6183 Address: 129 N. 2nd Street,, Yakima, WA 98901 RJ Date March 2, 2022 Signature