HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-23-2022 YPC Agenda PacketIN a WO 11114 Buy I "LIN Eel IM630y My U8101 I rb'd 13 WA a K63 guy I "LIN � AWN M Joan Davenport, AlCP, Director ArAf ff A R I kXX Adjl= Planning Division PCITY OF YAMMA lJoseph Calhoun, Manager d anning 129 North Second Street, 2 Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planninggyakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning/ypc/ City of Yakima Planning Commission ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING City Hall Council Chambers February 23, 2022 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC MEMBERS: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Lisa Wallace, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, and Mary Place City Council Liaison: Soneya Lund CITY PLANNING STAFF: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda lbarra (Community Development Administrative Asst.), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Senior Planner), Trevor Martin (Senior Planner), Albert Miller (Assistant Planner) and Analilia N&iez (Planning Technician) AGENDA I. Call to Order 11. Roll Call 111. Staff Announcements IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes of February 9,2022 V. 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Opening VI. Housing Action Plan Implementation and Zoning Updates VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn Next Meeting: March 9,2022 To listen/watch this virtual meeting, please register with your name and email address here: aBePU0mUa1se: After registering, you will receive emailed instructions for joining the meeting online with your device or by calling in. The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. Yakima The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. Visit the Yakima Planning Commission 2015 webpage for more information. 1994 02-23-2022_YPC Attendee Report Attended User Name (Original Name) First Name Last Name Email Registration Time Approval Join Time Leave Time Time Country/Region Name Yes Joseph Calhoun (City of Yakima Planning Division) City of Yakima Planning Division Ask.Planning@yakimawa.gov 2/23/2022 14:53 2/23/2022 15:53 60 United States Yes Analilia Nunez (Planning) (City of Yakima Planning Division) City of Yakima Planning Division Ask.Planning@yakimawa.gov 2/23/2022 14:54 2/23/2022 15:53 60 United States Yes Lisa Wallace (YPC Vice -Chair) Lisa Wallace (YPC Vice -Chair) lisakwallace@hotmail.com 2/23/2022 15:02 2/23/2022 15:53 51 United States Yes Leanne Hughes -Mickel (YPC) Leanne Hughes -Mickel (YPC) leanne.mickel@me.com 2/23/2022 15:00 2/23/2022 15:53 53 United States Yes Sara Watkins (Legal) Sara Watkins (Legal) sara.watkins@yakimawa.gov 2/23/2022 14:55 2/23/2022 15:53 58 United States Yes Michael Brown (YPAC) Michael Brown (YPAC) michael.brown@yakimawa.gov 2/23/2022 14:53 2/23/2022 15:53 60 United States Yes Rob McCormick (YPC) Rob McCormick (YPC) rob@mccormickaircenter.com 2/23/2022 14:59 2/23/2022 15:53 55 United States Yes Soneya Lund (Council Liaison) Soneya Lund (Council Liaison) soneya.lund@yakimawa.gov 2/23/2022 15:02 2/23/2022 15:53 51 United States Yes Al Rose (YPC) Al Rose (YPC) aar7040@gmail.com 2/23/2022 14:53 2/23/2022 15:53 60 United States Yes Mary Place (YPC) Mary Place (YPC) placeml@charter.net 2/23/2022 14:59 2/23/2022 15:53 55 United States Yes Paul Needham PaulNeedham paulnneedham@gmail.com 2/23/2022 15:25 2/23/2022 15:51 26 United States Yes Albert Miller (Planning) (Albert Miller (YPC)) Albert Miller (YPC) albert.miller@yakimawa.gov 2/23/2022 14:59 2/23/2022 15:53 54 United States Yes Paul Needham Paul Needham paulnneedham@gmail.com 2/22/2022 15:33 approve( 2/23/2022 14:57 2/23/2022 15:25 29 United States City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes via Zoom February 9, 2022 Call to Order Chair Liddicoat called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Mary Place, Al Rose, Leanne Hughes - Mickel YPC Members Absent: Lisa Wallace (excused), Rob McCormick Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager, Sara Watkins, City Attorney, Glenn Denman, Code Administration Manager, Albert Miller, Assistant Planner Staff Announcements — Planning Manager, Ca The 2022 Comprehensive Plan Ope Commission meeting. The City in conjunction with the Yakin (Connecting Housing to Infrastructure Pr{ Blvd for almost $800,000.00. Two other p will be considered for funding in the next January 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes — It was Commissioner Hughes -Mickel to approve the The motion carried unanimously. ounced the following: g is scheduled for the next Planning Housing Authority was awarded a CHIP 3m) grant for a housing project on Fruitvale cts for Catholic Charities and Rod's House ned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by ng minutes of January 12, 2022 as presented. Housing Action Plan Implementation and Zoning Update — Calhoun explain the next steps in implementing the Housing Action Plan which is a SEPA Environmental Review and includes a 20-day comment period, a YPC public hearing and recommendation in March and a City Council public hearing to finalize the ordinance sometime in April. He also provided updates on the definitions of cottage housing, tiny homes, tiny homes on wheels, and tiny home communities. The commissioners and Code Administration Manager, Glenn Denman engaged in a brief discussion on size minimums for tiny homes. Calhoun detailed proposed changes to the several parts of the Municipal Code including: Table 4-1 Permitted Land Uses, development standards, site design requirement standards, subdivision requirements, binding site plan, among others. The commissioners followed -up on restrictions related to easements and height standards. 2021 Planning Highlights — Calhoun provided some highlights on the public hearings held in 2021 and permitted dwellings from 2018 to 2021. Commissioner Place asked how many permitted dwellings had been completed and how long a permit is valid. Calhoun provided a rundown of subdivisions processed in 2021 including the number of lots created. Commissioner Rose inquired about potential annexations — Calhoun said there are no current pending annexations. Other Business — Michael Tobin with the North Yakima Conservation District expressed the need for a storage container to store items such as four -wheelers, handheld devices, shovels, etc. that their organization uses on a daily basis. Mr. Tobin asked the commissioners for suggestions or tips to allow for a shipping container for storage purposes. The commissioners and City staff brainstormed ideas for processes allowing a shipping containers as an accessory use in business zones. Mr. Tobin will contact Manager Calhoun to provide more details on his proposal. City staff will then work on an update for commissioners. -1- Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to February 23, 2022 was passed with unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:02 p.m. Chair Liddicoat Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Analilia Nunez -2- City of Yakima Planning Commission �Lction 1. Next Steps a. SERA Environmental Review (20-day public comment period) b. YPC public hearing and recommendation (Target date in March) c. City Council public hearing to finalize Ordinance (Target date in April) 2. YMC Code Changes — Summary of Changes YMC Code Changes — Summary of Changes 15.02.020 Definitions. !• multifamily" means a structure or structures, or portion thereof, designed • occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other and containing three or more attached or detached dwelling units on a lot. Any combination of three -plus, duplex and detached multifamily development. This definition does not include 15O2020 ITI I Loll M 51 WTV "Tiny house communities" means real property rented or held out for rent to others for the placement ofi tiny houses with wheels or tiny houses utilizing the binding site plan process in RCW 58.17.030/YMC Ch 1435. 15.04.030 Table of permitted land uses. Table 4-1 titled "Permitted Land Uses" is incorporated as part of this section. Each permitted land use listed in Table 4-1 is designated a Class (1), (2), or (3) use for a particular zoning district. In addition, some Class (1) uses may require Type (2) review in accordance with YMC 15.04.020. All permitted land uses and associated site improvements are subject to the design standards and review procedures of this title. Table 4-1. Permitted Land Uses I SR JR]IR 1 n 2 2 C1LCCjASjGCjCBDjRDjM1 2 RESIDENTIAL Accessory Uses See YMC 15,04,060 Detached Single -Family Dwelling 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 Accessory Dwelling Unit (*) (See YMC 15,09,045) 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Existing or New Detached Single -Family Dwelling on Existing Lots of 8,000 Square Feet or Less I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I Detached Single -Family Dwelling (zero lot line) (*) (See YMC 15,09,040) 2 2�2�2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 Attached Single -Family Dwelling, Common Wall 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 Two -Family Dwelling (Duplex) (*) 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 Two -Family Dwelling (Duplex) (*) on Corner Lots in a New Subdivision 1 1 Converted Dwelling 3 121111 1111 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cottage lj�ousin �*See (See �15O9�O�35 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Multifamily Development (*): 0-7 DU/NRA 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8-12 DU/NRA 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 13+ DU/NRA 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mixed -Use Building 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Planned Development See YMC 15,28 Mobile Home Communities s 2 2 2 Tin Home @_Communifies�* 2 1 2 2- 2 2 2 Mobile Home (*) or Manufactured Homes See YMC 15,O4, 160 Retirement Homes 2 3 1 3! 1 1 Temporary Hardship Units (See YMC 15,04,140) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 15.04.060 Accessory uses. 1KH LGATIMOIN&M iYA N me, We mc-insimang. • a. P+ovkle �,All refrigerated cargo containers and/or semi -truck trailers that are not located within a designated loading it or loading bay shall be located no less than fifty feet from any existing residential zoning district. 0 151M I IUMMUREPIUMMI I — A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish standards and criteria for development and expansion of mobile/manufactured home parks-gDd tiny home communities within the urban area. These standards are provided to ensure uniform, coordinated development of mobile/manufactured home and !t!n �homp_parks-�qomm unities and to ensure the general health, welfare and safety of the occupants of mobile/manufactured and tinv homes that may be located within a commun grnM__ityp,a* developed under these standards. These standards shall be applied in a manner that stresses minimizing costs. Alternatives that reduce costs and meet the intent of these standards will be encouraged. B. Site Plan Requirements. All proposals for mobile/manufactured home gDd tiny home engineer or surveyor and shall include the following information in addition to the standard information required for site plans: 1All spaces shall be clearly delineated on the site plan and include dimensions and square footage for each space; 1''! Iff•T!''! � � '! � � M•ITIMIIIWII� 11; 1 � �= MEMEM2 7. The location of all solid waste containers and screening of containers-s_ha4-be—J4ewn-on_ the —sAe-pla,q; and 8. All facilities, utilities, improvements and amenities shall be shown on the site pla including pathways, sidewalks, and recreational facilities. I MEM oR MINIM11112 M M M UAL;196ITe 11 bLfeeU5, t5flall 10 U, FRIUeSSaVy L ensu nqplay area standards. of -this -title. the•�_ 1-0 W011 WIN ga 2aUMMIW6M11ole] tits 192-1 WIN= 0M-1 - WI � 1191111 1• i. 1 HIM& 3. Off -Street Parking. Two-paved-off-stFeet-pafking—opaGes-shalI be provided for each unit in accordance with this title, YMC Chapter 15.06. 4. Street Lighting. A street light shall be provided at each street intersection within the comM2nitypark. & Street Signs and Internal Directional Signs. All streets within the park shall be name4 utilizing blue street signs consistent with the appropriate jurisdiction's public street signs. Internal directional signs indicating unit/space numbers shall be placed at all street intersections within the park. 8. Minimum Unit Separation. Units shall be separated by a minimum of ten feet, measured from the furthest extremity • each unit, including stairways. 10. Stormwater Drainage. All stormwater drainage shall be retained on site and a drainage plan shall be approved by the appropriate jurisdiction. 11. Dumpsters/Solid Waste Containers. Dumpsters and solid waste • shall be provided for common use, and shall be screened with a six -foot -high, view -obscuring fence or wall and access •. 12. "-Ar-ea0pen Space Requirement. Each unit shall provide area-for--Ghikk��contained within the unit's space, consisting of a minimum size of six -four hundred square feet and a minimum width of tenfiftee-n feet. —, lam 111w-mr-4 a coMMgp_ptqy_gEgg., won== �lipiii!!111111!11111 1111 111111�� ....... ... . ...... . . D. Expansion of Existing Mobile/Manufactured Home and T Itny Home ParksCommunities. All standards of this section shall apply to expansion of existing mobile home parks�qommunities. The standards shall not apply to existing areas of a par-k_�q�un�itnot being expanded. The examiner may, at his or her discretion, reduce one or more standards of this section for newly expanded areas of a park_�q�un�itif expansion plans also include improvements to the existing par-k_�q�uny area. E. Maintenance of Common Areas, Landscaping and Open Space/Recreational Areas. All common areas and facilities (including streets, walkways, utilities, landscaping, storage areas, open space, and recreational areas) shall be continuously maintained in good condition by the park communit&owner or desi�*,nated homeowner's association. An irrilation sipstern shall be installed for maintenance of landscaping and recreational/open space areas that would normally require irrigation. SPIN &P "IF PIESIOX44 I W111111011 �17MVITIMurlay 111dy.fre dL;L;*i EFT —LT development provisions of this title. W 611MA1141ING Le IMMUMILIPPININN 2. Residential Accessory Structures Not Requiring a Building Permit. The minimum setback for a residential accessory structure in a residential district shall be at least five feet from existing structures, zero feet from the side and rear pfgpgqy_tbpsand up to, but not within, the required front yard setback; provided, that the accessory structure shall not encroach on an easement. r. le -A Or."1111MMIN # i i N RIM a. Front yard: The swimming pool, apron, and pump house meet the required front Vard setback in Table 5-1. b. Side and rear yard: The swimming pool and pump house are set back at leac three feet from the property line. The swimming pool apron may extend up to the property line. c. From an easement: The swimming pool, apron, and pump house may extend up to, but shall not encroach upon, an easement. 2. F-&�Security. The area around the pool is -shall be enclosed by a protective fencd not less than four feet in heigh Washinaton State Resi(ilenti.�l Code. A. Table of Subdivision Requirements. The provisions of this section and the requirements set forth in Table 5-2 are hereby established for all subdivisions in the zoning districts indicated. In the case of conflict between the text and tables, the text shall govern. Additional subdivision requirements are established in YMC Title 14. kT15M9"1TU1WMM#=# as =I- IMELO21— MrSTMAIMMOMWAM2 57933 - 1 . Assure that residential densities in new subdivisions, multifamily developments, or planned residential developments are compatible with the existing or planned level of publ services and the density of the zoning district; 2. Permit the clustering of dwelling units (when clustering occurs, open space shall be provided in accordance with YMC 15.09.030); and 3. Permit a variety of residential dwelling types within a development. The following formula shall be used to determine the maximum number of dwelling units permitted for any particular subdivision, short subdivision, mobile home park, multifamily development or planned residential development: THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF UNITS PERMITTED ON A SITE = (the total site area in acres) - (the area of streets, rights -of -way, and access easements, in acres) x (the maximum number of dwelling units permitted per net residential acre). Any fraction of a dwelling unit shall be rounded up to the next whole number if one- half or over or down to the next whole number if less than one-half. Once approved under the provisions of this title, no subdivision, resubdivision, or short subdivision shall be further modified or divided in a manner that will raise the density of the subdivision beyond the maximum number of dwelling units permitted per net residential acre by Table 5-2; provided, that development exceeding the maximum number of dwelling units per net residential acre may be allowed in-the-R­4-and-R-2 djstric���Se­in accordance with Table 4-1. This-highef­dens4 I mil V a I r, 12 1. The lots created meet the lot size and lot width requirements established in Table 5-2; 2. The existing structures meet the building area and setback requirements in Table 5-1; and 3. The new density is consistent with the district intent statement and YMC Table 4- 1 je-r i e yv-cl"A; I g-un#&-are-b0t C. Minimum Lot Size. Minimum lot size is the smallest lot size permitted in a particular zoning district when land is subdivided, short platted, resubdivided, or when lot lines are adjusted. No lot shall be created that is smaller than the applicable minimum lot size standard established in Table 5-2. 1 . In residential districts, this standard is intended to maintain the residential character of the area and will vary by dwelling type, the suitability of the land for ilevelopment, and the type of water and sewer system. The following are the minimum lot size requirements in the residential districts, except when the Yakima health district determines that a larger area is necessary for the safe installation of ?,pproved water supply and sewage disposal systems: 2. The smaller lot size for zero lot line, attached, and multifamily dwellings does n permit an increase in the maximum number of dwelling units per net residential acre itstablished in subsection B of this section. Any lots created for zero lot line, attache!J. ?,nd multifamily dwellings shall be so designated on the face of the plat or short plat.1 3. In the local business district, the minimum lot size is intended to maintain the character of the district and provide adequate space for off-street parking and landscaping. 4. The minimum lot sizes in the small and large convenience center districts a industrial districts are intended to accommodate the large uses permitted in thes districts and maintain vacant land in relatively large parcels that can be easily assembled when development is proposed. I D. Standard Lot Width. Standard lot width is the minimum lot width generally permitted in a particular zoning district. The intent of this standard is to prevent irregularly shaped lots along, and to control access to rights -of -way. E. Concurrent Subdivision and Zoning Review Required. Any application for a long subdivision which proposes a use or configuration of land or improvements requiring C4as&Type or (3) review under this title shall, at or prior to the filing of such application, also file an application for such review under this title. Such application shall be heard by the hearing examiner concurrently with the subdivision application using the procedures for QassT ype (3) review. Table 5-1, Design RegUirernents and Standards SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS ZONING DISTRICTS SR R-1 -2 -3 H -1 - C LC C C S R -1 - DEVELOPMENT ON EXISTING LOTS OR PARCELS See YMC 15.05.020 and 15.19,040 LOT COVERAGE t 60% 80% 85% 90% 100% STANDARD FRONT Arterials 2 60 40 STRUCTURE SETBACKS6 (in feet) Collector Arterials2 50 30 Local Access 2 45 Private Road 2 37.50 Private Access Easement 3 10 SIDE Arterials 2 50 40 Collector Arterials 2 40 30 Local Access2 Private Road 2 32.50 Private Access Easement 3, Alley, or Property Line 7 5 10e 0 Residential District 4 5 20 30 or 1/2 building height, whichever is greatest REAR 6 Alley or Property Line 15 15 0 Residential District 4 15 20 30 or 1/2 building height, whichever is greatest MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT (in feet) 35 50 35 50 1 N/A 50 N/A STANDARD FENCE HEIGHT 6 See YMC 15.05.020(G) STANDARD In Required Front Setbacks Not Permitted SCREEN HEIGHT Behind Required Front Setbacks 15 NOTES: 1. Landscaping may be required pursuant to YMC Ch. 15.06. 2. The setback is measured from the centerline of rights -of -way (or access easement, in the case of private roads). In the residential districts, the minimum front yard setback shall be twenty feet from the front property line and the minimum side yard setbacks shall be ten feet from the side property line abutting the right-of-way. 3. The setback is measured from the edge of the access easement. 4. Measured from abutting residential district. 5. Additional setbacks may be required to conform to sitescreening requirements in YMC Ch. 15.07. 6. The rear setback from arterials, collectors, and local access streets shall be the same as the front yard setback requirements from arterials, collectors, and local access streets, provided the required rear setbacks shall not be less than the required setbacks from the property line. (See also Note 3.) 7. Zero lot line dwelling units are allowed a zero -foot setback from one side property line not abutting a right-of-way. (See YMC Ch. 15.09.) 8. The minimum side d common -wall structures shall be five -feet from DroDertv line. Table 5-2. Subdivision Requirements D Zoning istricts Subdivision Requirements SR R-1 I R-2 I R-3 I HB I B-1 I B-2 I SCC I LCC I CBD I GC AS Maximum Number of Dwelling Units Permitted per Net See YMC Ch. 15.04, Table 4-1 Residential Acre Detached S.F. 6,000 Dwelling S.F. Dwelling, Zero Lot Minimum Residential Uses Line(4) 4,000 3,500 6,000 Where Permitted Not Permitted Lot Size See Definitions in S.F. Dwelling, (in YMC Ch. 15.02 Common Wall square feet)(3) Two -Family Dwelling 8,000 7,000 Multifamily Dwellings Density May Not Exceed Maximum Number of Dwelling Units Permitted per and PD—Residential Net Residential Acre Permitted Nonresidential Uses(5) 10,000 5,000 10,000 None 1/2 Acre ALL Except Common Wall Dwelling (per 60 50 None 60 Unit) Standard Lot Width(2) (in feet) Common Wall Dwelling -35 (per Unit) 35 Where Permitted 1 . Fire apparatus access roads for multiple -family residential developments and one- or two-family residential developments shall be subject to the provisions of Sections D106 and D107, respectively, of Appendix D of the International Fire Code �2��. Additionally, such residential developments shall be subject to the requirements of Section D105 of Appendix D, International Fire Code pertaining to aerial fire apparatus roads, as applicable. All provisions of the International Fire Code referenced above are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by this reference, as now existing or as hereafter amended and adopted by the city. Minimum requirements for the primary and secondary access will be at least twenty feet wide, unobstructed, paved lanes. 2. In order to promote safety for emergency access and circulation within and between new developments, cul-de-sac streets (public or private) shall not exceed 600 feet. iq�111 111% � Jill A. Table of Required Off -Street Parking. The parking standards in Table 6-1, Table of Off -Street Parking Standards, are established as the parking standards for the uses indicated. These parking requirements are based on gross floor area. "Gross floor area" means the total square footage of all floors in a structure as measured from the interior surface of each exterior wall of the structure and including halls, lobbies, enclosed porches and fully enclosed recreation areas and balconies, but excluding stairways, elevator shafts, attic space, mechanical rooms, restrooms, uncovered steps and fire escapes, private garages, carports and off-street parking and loading spaces. Storage areas are included in gross floor area. However, the required off-street parking for storage areas shall be calculated at the rate of one space per five hundred square feet rather than the specific parking standard established in Table 6-1; except when the parking standard for the principal use would require fewer parking spaces (i.e., one space per six hundred square feet). All required off-street parking shall be subject to the procedures of this title and the standards of this section. I N L1_ 1 -1 ff 4�0' =111 M Il rMf a I P-1 1 N 1 Is or-09 117d U.1 a I A I I I rop E Sim o"T rgurillpffel lo"m morna.-IRERIV191 NEI AT 0 m# # # # "RLit-owsomLouimilLa MaTtym " - RESIDENTIAL Accessory dwelling units 1 space Single-family dwelling Manufactured Home Mobile Home 2 spaces Two-family dwellings 4 spaces Tin �HouseFin �House_withW�heels Recreational Vehicle 1.space Multifamily development 40-u_n#&4w4essLess than 10 Mofe_than4��10 or more units 2 spaces L1.5 in CBDjper dwelling 1.5 spaces Lj_in �CBD per dwelling Retirement homes 1 space for each dwelling unit Subsidized Low -Income Housing see YMC jj0&04OLQD 0.5 saces aces dwellin 1 15.09.035 Cottggg_dpusin_q. A,. Purposeand �Inten�t. 2, r residents gf the development 3. To ensure that the overa nd cur less visual impact than standard siz J. rovide centrally IqC @tqd and functional common ODqn sp at fosters a sense of in develo ments. 5. ro erties and to maintain a MROMMIA thp standards in other PUTP-M M I•am womm 1414,11111 Bills titymolloll toltile Eviall to Min talmo RIM91 mi I WAKSIM1.1 standards sha Llapply- milluirmor, ir i mrsiviviii, I m •iiiii mismululaw O• MMINM 1 �4O 0 •su a r r- Le e t I be contained in a tract and include a homeowner's association or other such of common facilities. 7. Maximum H '.1pi �t25 feet 8. Maximum Lot goygEgge:M_percg !_ _qt for the entire development sifie. Lest cc�vera e for individual lots may var ifsubdivided. ..... y 9. Minimum Unit sgpq[q!!qnLjO,jeet M Setbacks from exterjpr property lines: mommolm C. Desiqn Standards and Guidelines. The " a. Shared bFor shared detached nd streets an tural screening. ces. Clusters shall be 1 15.09.045 Accessory dwelling units. 1. Provide property owners with an opportunity for extra income, companionship, and 5. Protect neighborhood character and stability by ensuring that ADUs are compatible with surrounding land uses. B. Requirements. An accessory dwelling unit is a permitted use on all parcels containing a singi family dwelling (See YMC 15.04.030, Table 4-1, for level of review) subject to all of the following 1 . The accessory dwelling unit may be attached to the primary residence or attached to or above a detached garage, or be its own stand-alone structure. J�. The ADU's exterior walls shall be designed so as to be similar in style, color, and buildir?g materials to the primary detached dwelling. 7. ADUs shall not be allowed on parcels containing a duplex or multifamily dwelling, or a commercial or industrial structure/use. MIN 9. The primary residence and the ADU shall both be connected to public sewer and water if a. If the ADU is attached to the primary dwelling unit, the two dwelling units shall shart a single sewer and water connection. bIf the ADU is attached to, or located above, a detached garage, or is a stand-alone structure, each unit may have its own sewer and water connection, with required meters, or share the sewer and water connection with the primary dwelling unit consistent with applicable code(s). and/or onsite well are ade mil residence and the ADU. M A lot containing an ADIN' shall not be subdivided, or otherwise segregated in ownershi in a way that separates the ADU and the primary dwelling unit on different lots, except as 4413. ADU'muses ss aahort term rental shall also comply with YMC 15.09.080 and all other applicable codes. CEnforcement. The city retains the right with reasonable notice to inspect the ADU for compliance with the provisions of this section. D. Elimination. The city retains the right with reasonable notice to withdraw occupancy approval if any of the requirements under subsection B of this section are violated. In the event the city withdraws occupancy, the property owner may: 2. Kdetached, use the building for anapproved accessory use orremove the structure from the premises. 15.10.020 Administrative adjustment of some development standards The purpose of this section is to provide flexibility by allowing certain development standards in YMC Chapters 15.05 through 15.08 to be administratively adjusted. A particular standard may be reduced or modified so long as the administrative official determines that the adjustment and/or reduction is consistent with the intent and purpose of the standards, and will accomplish one or more of the following objectives: A. Allow buildings to be sited in a manner which maximizes solar access; C,. B, Coordinate development with adjacent land uses and the physical features of this Title; D_,C -Permit flexibility in the design and placement of structures and other site improvements that is the minimum adjustment necessary to accommodate the proposed structure or site improvement; E-Q. ...---Allow development consistent with a specific subarea plan adopted by the appropriate jurisdiction. Administrative adjustments of development standards shall be processed under Type_(21review LorClass 11andJ2 uses and under Type (3) review for Class (3) uses. The administrative official shall not have the authority to reduce the site design requirements for minimum lot size, building height, or subdivision requirements set forth in YMC 15.05.030 and Table 5-2, o60;• 1 . Maximu arch itectu ral_b� elements or mechanical eattroment thQt: a. Does not exceed more than a 10% increase of the total building_bgight and.. b. Does not cover more than 50% of the total roof area. 1 14.35.010 Purpose. 1 14.35.020 Authority. 1 14.35.030 Applicability. , I 0 1 W I in_a���. Land use development within binding site plans is governed by YMC 4-5�Title 15,RCW 58.17.035,and RCW �� �.17-04�04 a�nd5 - City of Yakima Planning Commission Zoning Updates February 23, 2022 1 15.04.060 Accessory uses. a. PTevided—,a?�ll refrigerated cargo • and/or semi -truck trailers that are not located within a designated loading dock or loading bay shall be located no less than fifty feet from any • ,.•y zoning •