HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-09-20 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
December 9, 2020
Call to Order
Chair Jacob Liddicoat called the, meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al
Rose, Phil Ostreirn Mary Place, Lisa Wallace,
YPC Members Absent: Robert McCormick (unexcused)
Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Colleda Monick; Community
Development Specialist; Analifia NOhez; Planning Technician
Council Liaison: Kay Funk, District 4
Others: Sign -in sheet in file
*After roll call, Planning Manager, Joseph Calhoun provided instructions on how attendees can
testify during the virtual public hearing,*
Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced the following:
• Planning has a new Planning Technician, Analilia Nofiez started effective Monday.
• The results for the Housing Action Plan will be uploaded on the website shortly. An initial
Action Plan is expected at the first of the year. The YPC tentative schedule is to hold the YPC
Planning Commission Public Hearing in March with study sessions occurring in January and
• Staff will send out the SPA notice for the Shoreline Master Program Update, beginning of
January. This will be a joint notice with the Department of Ecology. Staff is planning for a
February or March YPC public hearing.
• The Comprehensive Plan Amendment initial is going to council in January. If opened at that
level, a public hearing will be scheduled for February and will be accepting applications that
will be due in June.
Approval of Meeting Minutes — It was motioned by Commissioner Place and seconded by
Commissioner Rose to approve the meeting minutes of October 28, 2020, The motion carried
"Plat of Pottenger's Place" Public Hearing, — Chair Liddicoat described, the sequence of events
for the public hearing, and Community Development Specialist, Colleda Monick provided her
findings of fact, conclusions, and recommendation regarding this request by Ray Novobielski for
property at 9711 Tieton Drive, subdivide four parcels totaling approximately 4,88 acres into 10
common -wall lots and 8 triplex lots. The site is located in the R-2 and R-3 zoning districts and is
located partially within the, floodplain. Eric Herzog of HLA Surveying and Land Surveying
(applicant on behalf of property owner, Ray Novobielski) spoke on the reason for their request.
Audience Participation
- Dina Williams, 420 S. 98th Ave. had questions about the intent of Phase 2 and inquired whether
a public hearing would be held at a later date. Her concern is regarding Lot 12 and what would
be built on a lot of that size. Mike Heit, from HLA Engineering and Land Surveying explained that
triplexes were planned for that lot. Dina did not have additional questions.
Chair Liddicoat noted there was no further testimony,
Chair Uddicoat provided an opportunity for any rebuttal comments. Novobielski addressed some
of the questions Commissioner Rose had regarding limitations on road expansions due to the
existing floodplains. Commissioner Rose also touched on the existing sewer lift station and his
concern about the lift station's capacity. He understood the limitations but wanted both concepts
listed on the record. Mike Heit expanded on the floodplain concern and stated the costs,
requirements and, restrictions for further development and stated development is unlikely any time
soon. Chair Liddicoat asked about future plans for the northwest corner between Lot 10 and Lot
11. Mike Heit explained that due to the R-2 zone, a duplex or common wall single family home
was anticipated. Chair Uddicoat also brought up comment regarding the possibility of three-story
buildings and asked if there was any conceptual designs of how tall the buildings would be.
Novobielski explained that the common wall single family homes would be one or two stories. The
triplex buildings will likely be two story instead of three story.. Heit elaborated on the unlikeliness
of any three story buildings. Chair Liddicoat stated that even with three story buildings, the
setbacks and fence would mitigate concerns of residents being able to look over.
Chair Liddicoat closed the public testimony portion of the public hearing.
Commissioner Place noted that the staff report was very well done and agreed with it. She
particularly liked the shielding of the lighting that would help. Commissioner Hughes -Mickel also
noted that the staff report was extremely thorough and did not have additional questions or
concerns. Chair Uddicoat brought up neighbor's concerns of the wildlife habitat. He stated the
property was vacant for a while and did not see it as unique to this property. He had nothing
further. Commissioner Wallace mentioned potential Yakima County concerns about the County's
share part of the floodpliain that were part of an email chain between Calhoun and County staff.
Monick clarified that those concerns were stated prior to reconfiguration to meet the Critical Areas
standards for being in the floodplainis.
It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Commissioner Place to recommend
approval of the draft findings of fact and forward the recommendation to the Yakima City Council.
The motion carried by a 6-0 vote.
Calhoun introduced the R-3 moratorium to the committee. He explained that on November 17,
2020 the city council adopted a six month moratorium on the establishment of or conversion from
any use or part of the use of R-3 development to a Class 2 or Class 3 use in the R-3 zone. The
Planning Commission was directed to review and consider Class 2 and 3 uses in the R-3 zones.
The moratorium expires on May 18, 2021. He explained that the moratorium means that until May
18, 2021, Class 2 and Class 3 uses in the R-3 zone cannot be applied for or expanded. Staff will
be providing number of different information points and an overview of the purpose and intent of
the R-3 zone. Along with maps displaying where the R-3 zones are in the city limits, a list of
existing permitted uses in the R-3 zone and a list of recent Class 2 and Class 3 land use
applications that have been submitted in the R-3 zone. After study sessions, the Planning
Commission will deliberate on Class 2 and 3 uses in the R-3 zone to be retained, then hold a
public hearing and send a recommendation to city council. Calhoun answered questions for
Commissioner Rose regarding existing projects in the R-3 zone. Calhoun also answered
questions about the purpose of the moratorium and recent projects in the R-3 zone.
Other Business — No Other Business to discuss.
Adiourn — A motion to adjourn to January 13, 2021 was passed with unanimous vote. This
meeting adjourned at approximately 4:00 p.m.
This meeting was filmed hyvPxC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: xno uam6mez Planning Technician.