HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-09-20 YPC PacketAga. Iff%DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Am IAML Pl CITE` F YAKWA �'�<�it�tEt�z; T)tL Y[ �&1 anningJoseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2rnd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING Wednesday December 9, 2020 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC MEMBERS: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, Philip Ostriem, Mary Place, and Lisa Wallace Council Liaison: Kay Funk (District 4) CITY PLANNING STAFF: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Asst.), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner), Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), and Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist) AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call II1. Staff Announcements IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes of October 28, 2020 V. Public Hearing - Ray Novobielski "Plat of Pottenger's Place" Applicant: HLA Engineering & Land Surveying c/o Eric Herzog File Numbers: PLP#002-20, SEPA#013-20, CAO#007-20, TCO#004-20 Site Address: Vicinity of 9711 Tieton Drive Request: Proposed long plat that will subdivide four parcels totaling approximately 4.88 acres into 10 common -wall lots and 8 triplex lots. The site is located in the R-2 and R-3 zoning districts and is located partially within the floodplain. VI. Introduction to City Council R-3 Moratorium VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn Next Meeting: January 13, 2021 To listen/watch this virtual meeting, please register with your name and email address here: htt s: fit of aki a.zooxr�.us ebinar[reister b c EK ESeFstIeA After registering, you will receive emailed instructions for joining the meeting online with your device or by calling in. The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. 2 Attendee Report - City of Yakima Planning Commission Meeting on December 9, 2020 Panelist Details Attended User Name (Original Name) Email Yes Eric Herzog eherzog@hlacivil.com Yes Mike Heit mheit@hlacivil.com Yes Analilia Nunez analilia.nunez@yakimawa.gov Yes Colleda Monick Colleda.monick@yakimawa.gov Yes Ray Novobielski raynovobielski@gmail.com Yes Lisa Wallace lisakwallace@hotmail.com Yes Leanne Hughes -Mickel leanne.mickel@me.com Yes Philip Ostriem philipostriem@gmail.com Yes Al Rose aar7040@gmail.com Yes Kay Funk kay.funk@yakimawa.gov Yes Mary Place placeml@charter.net Yes Y-PAC (Mike Brown) michael.brown@yakimawa.gov Yes Joseph Calhoun joseph.calhoun@yakimawa.gov Yes Jacob Liddicoat jake@3dyakima.com Attendee Details Attended User Name (Original Name) First Name Cast Name - Email Yes Dina Williams werwilly5@msn.com Yes Rosalinda Ibarra Yes Tracy Sawyer Yes Tracy Sawyer Yes Lynn Massong Other Attended City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes Virtual Meeting via Zoom October 28, 2020 Call to Order Chair Jacob Liddicoat called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Mary Place, Lisa Wallace YPC Members Absent: Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel (excused); Philip Ostriem, Robert McCormick (both unexcused) Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Trevor Martin, Associate Planner; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Council Liaison: Kay Funk, District 4 Others: Sign -in sheet in file *After roll call, Planning Technician Lisa Maxey provided instructions on how attendees can testify during the virtual public hearing.* Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced the following: • The November 111" and November 251" meetings of the Yakima Planning Commission are cancelled. • The next meeting is on December 9t"; there will be a virtual public hearing for a proposed subdivision on the agenda. • The Comprehensive Plan Amendment and concurrent Rezone for which the Planning Commission made a recommendation to City Council is'on'the Council's agenda for public hearing on November 2"d Approval of Meeting Minutes —It was motioned by Commissioner Place and seconded by Commissioner Rose to approve the meeting minutes of September 23, 2020. The motion carried unanimously. 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezone Public Hearing — Chair Liddicoat described the sequence of events for the public hearing, and Associate Planner Trevor Martin provided his findings of fact, conclusions, and recommendation regarding this request by Aspen Estates LLC for property in the vicinity of S 60t" Ave and W Washington Ave to subdivide a parcel in the Single - Family Residential (R-1) zoning district into 105 single-family lots. Brief discussion took place regarding the proximity of the corrections facility to this development, notification sent to the West Valley School District, the letter from the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation which identified a high potential for archaeological resources at this location, and the adjoining property to the south of the subject parcel which is partly orchard and partly a mobile home park. Mike Heit of HLA Engineering & Land Surveying Inc. (representing property owner Aspen Estates LLC./Byron Borton) reiterated the proposal and made himself available for questions. Chair Liddicoat opened the public testimony portion of the hearing; no attendees were present so he then closed the hearing. -1- It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Commissioner Place to recommend approval of the proposed Preliminary Long Plat to the Yakima City Council. The motion carried by a 4-0 vote. Study Session on Shoreline Master Program (SMP) Update — Calhoun provided an introduction to this item and shared that the City received a grant from the Department of Ecology to update the City's Shoreline Master Program. Project consultants Erika Rhett and Amy Summe shared a PowerPoint presentation about the update process and announced that a virtual open house will be held on November 121" Other Business — Discussion took place on incentivizing developers to implement higher densities for residential development while enforcing open space area. Calhoun noted that this can be accomplished through the Planned Development application process which is lengthy. He added that there have been other efforts in this regard through text amendments adopted in the last year or two which allowed duplexes to be placed on corner lots of subdivisions in the Single - Family Residential (R-1) zoning district and allowed multi -family development, up to 7 dwelling units per net residential acre in the R-1 zoning district. Incentivizing higher density will also be addressed in the Housing Action Plan. Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to December 9, meeting adjourned at approximately 4:42 p.m. Chair Liddicoat This meeting was filmed by with unanimous vote. This s meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician. -2- w "PLAT OF POTTENGER'S PLACE" FOLP#002-20, SEPA#013-20, CAO#007-20, TCO#004-20 December 9, 2020 99999M Applicant: Ray Novobielski File Numbers: PLP#002-20, SEPA#013-20, CAO#007-20, TCO#004-20 Site Address: 9711 Tieton Drive Staff Contact: Colleda. Monick, Community Development Specialist fry, =-, relmn =. C.-I'HAPTER B Mal:[, "0 MI&AINJIND . 6 ,._ IV. - V ffi ICA I 5'� I I�� III 11�1 — I 111111��Iii IIIII vid 111 1,, DONE I 1,411 MW 11 ILI -0 1; 1 t a My 02"PLAT OF POTTENGEWS PLACE" PLP#0-20, SEPA#013-20, CAO#007-20, TCO#004-20 EXHIBIT LIST 1103019,111 I felb 9! 1 APPLICANT: APPLICANT ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: NAME OF PLAT: TAX PARCEL NUMBERS: DATE OF REQUEST: 44pg�- �-411 1 11 AF_11221JOLlIIIIII Ray Novobielski 200 Abbess Lane, Yakima, WA 98908 9711 Tieton Dr. Pottenger's Place 171324-44415, -44416, -44417, -44418 May 18, 2020 December 9, 2020 Colleda Monick, Community Development Specialist 1. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: The proposed Plat of "Pottenger's Place" will subdivide approximately 4.88 acres into 18 residential lots: 1 and R-3 zoning districts. A. Statement of Cause: Pursuant to YMC Ch. 14.20, the applicant's statement in the Preliminary Long Plat application was updated on September 28, 2020 — This proposed plat will subdivide approximately 4.88 acres into 18 residential lots. 10 single family common wall lots, ani. 8 multi -family plex's lots. The lots will have frontage onto a public roadway. The project will be a two phased project with 16 lots in phase 1 and 2 lots in phase 2. B. Environmental Review. This project (SEPA#01 3-20) underwent a State Environmental Policy Act review and a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued on October 5, 2020. No appeals have been filed with the City of Yakima. A retention of DNS was issued on October 291h, 2020. ® Yakima INDEX M11111 2015 1994 C. Processing. 1. The application for a Preliminary Long Plat was received on May 19th, 2020. An updated site plan and narrative was submitted on September 28, 2020 in order to comply with development in the flood plain. 2. The proposed plat is larger than nine lots, and is therefore being processed under the provisions of YMC Ch. 14.20 & 6.88. 3. The application was deemed complete for processing on July 13, 2020 and the revised application on October 5, 2020. 4. Pursuant to RCW Ch. 58.17, YMC § 1.42.030 and YMC § 14.20.100, the City of Yakima Planning Commission (Planning Commission) is authorized to make a recommendation for approval or disapproval, with written findings of fact and conclusions to support the recommendation to the City Council on preliminary plats. Within ten working days of the conclusion of a hearing, unless a longer period is agreed to in writing by the applicant, the Planning Commission shall render a written recommendation which shall include findings and conclusions based on the record. 5. Public Notice: Public notice for this application and hearing was provided in accordance with: YMC Title 14, Subdivision Ordinance; YMC Title 15, Urban Area Zoning Ordinance and YMC Title 16, Development Permit Regulations and include the following actions and dates: a. Date of Application: May 19, 2020 b. Date of Revised Plan and Narrative: September 28, 2020 c. Date of Developer's Notice of Complete Application: July 8, 2020 d. Date of Notice of Application: July 13, 2020 e. Date of Posting of Land Use Action Sign on the Property: July 13, 2020 f. Date of Revised Notice of Application: October 5, 2020 g. Date of Mailing of Notice of DNS: October 5, 2020 h. Notice of retained DNS: October 29, 2020 i. Notice of Public Hearing October 5, 2020 6. Public Comment: The twenty -day public comment period for this application occurred from July 13, 2020, to August 3, 2020; and again from October 5, 2020 to October 26, 2020. At the conclusion of the public comment period, the City of Yakima received 4 public comments addressing the environmental impacts and compatibility of the proposed development. Public Comments (staff response in italics): Norm Base, 417 S 98th Ave: 1. #5 Animals, This property has more than just song birds. There are hawks, quail and doves. Not to mention magpies and ravens. 2. #10 Aesthetics. Statement made "most" likely less than 25 ft Max height. This height would indicate a 3 story building. There are no three story buildings that I know if in this area. 2 story, yes and not many of them. 3 story would definitely change the average appearance of this neighborhood. In fact if there were 3 story bedrooms or whatever that floor would be, we would have 0 privacy in our back yards. All in all this land needs to be developed, but with the chance of 3 story buildings will make privacy a thing of the 2 past. Plus I won't have to mower the property as I have for the last 5 years to keep the fire danger from my property. Staff Response: The city did not receive any comments during the 20-day comment period from the Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding a concern for habitat loss due to this project. YMC § 15.05.030 Table 5.1 allows for maximum building height in the R-2 at 35'; maximum building height in the R-3 is 50'. Proposed use and residential density meets city standards. A code compliance case can be started should hazardous vegetation exist. "Hazardous vegetation" means vegetation that is dry and combustible exceeding twelve inches in height which may cause a fire hazard to the immediate and surrounding areas. Hazardous vegetation includes, but is not limited to, trees, shrubs, grass, weeds, bushes, vines and other plant materials, including but not limited to clippings, fallen leaves or branches. Susan and Carl Olden, 411 S 9811 Ave: This is in regards to the property that is being developed west of S 96th Ave known as Pottenger's Place. Concerns: • Habitat for eagles, hawks, doves, pheasants and quail. Staff Comment: The city did not receive any comments during the 20-day comment period from the Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding a concern for habitat loss due to this project. • The development is not in keeping with the homes that will border the property to the west. The homes on S 98th are single family with at least'/z acre lots. Staff Comment: Proposed use and residential density meets city standards. • Will be a highly populated neighborhood in an otherwise rural environment with single family homes. Staff Comment: Proposed use and residential density meets city standards. • Increased traffic which enters and exits onto Tieton drive within a block of a major north/south Street, 96th Ave., which leads to Cottonwood Elementary and West Valley High School. Tieton drive in this location is also used quite frequently for trucks hauling fruit and bikers. Staff Comment: This development has been approved for Concurrency Analysis (TC0004-20). The review concluded that the proposed development will not exceed the capacity of the arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted arterial streets. • Increased noise. Staff Comment: Specific noises related to automobiles are prohibited, YMC 6.04.180 (D)(1)(2), including motor vehicle horns, except as a warning of danger or as specifically permitted or required by law; and engine noises related to the creation of frequent, repetitive, or continuous sounds in connection with the starting, operation, repair, rebuilding or testing of any motor vehicle so as to unreasonably disturb or interfere with the peace comfort and repose of residential occupants within the area. A code compliance case can be filled in any instance where these noises are determined to be a public disturbance. • Increased lighting. Staff Comment: Street lights are required at the Tieton Drive intersection, in the phase 2 cul-de-sac, and one approximately midpoint between the two. Street Lights are required to be designed with down -shielding creating 1 no light pollution on neighboring properties. All all -site lighting is required to be downward shielded so that no light spills across property lines. The common wall homes will be extremely close to fences for existing homes. Staff Comment: YMC § 15.05.030 Table 5.1 requires a minimum 15' rear yard setback in the R-2 zoning district, and 15' or % building height, whichever is greatest in the R-3. • Will there be a noise buffer put up along the west existing homes such as arborvitaes? Staff Comment: Sightscreening Standard A is required on the west property line. • Loss of view as common wall homes can be 35 feet in height. Loss of privacy in developed neighborhood to the west. Staff Comment: YMC § 15.05.030 Table 5.1 allows for maximum building height in the R-2 at 35', maximum building height in the R-3 is 50'. Dina Williams, 420 S 98' Ave: (The following is a summarized version of comments highlighting Ms. Williams concerns regarding the proposed development.) Concerns regarding the traffic increase onto 96th Ave; speed limit increase directly after the development; congestion; accidents; and lack of a fire access lane. Her biggest concern is 14 homes sharing a common wall and how this is misleading as she believes they should be noted as 7 duplexes. In addition, she believes that you could have potentially up to four vehicles per duplex. Ms. Williams also noted concerns about annexation without notification; population density concerns; and lost drivers utilizing her `private road'. Staff Comments: As noted above; this development has been approved for Concurrency Analysis (TCO#004-20). The review concluded that the proposed development will not exceed the capacity of the arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted arterial streets. You are correct, there is not that much difference between a common wall dwelling and a duplex, however, they are not the same thing. Duplexes exist on a single lot and these have been designed to be on their own parcel. The city of Yakima parking requirements for a single family dwelling (common wall or not) is two on site spaces. Annexation of the properties was completed on July 2"d7 2019. Public Notice of the Public Hearing was mailed out on June 6r', 2019; Public Notice was printed in the newspaper on June 7, 2019; and Annexation Signs were posted on the property on June 12, 2019, (ANX#001-18). Mr. Lynn Massong, 221 S 9811 Ave: (The following is a summarized version of comments highlighting Mr. Massong's concerns regarding the proposed development.) Extreme concerns for allowing such density as it is "out of character with the surrounding area and as such, deviates from the expected norms and inherent enjoyments of those already living within the area. Mr. Massong also has concerns with increased and audible traffic noise. Staff Comments: As noted above; this development has been approved for Concurrency Analysis (TCO#004-20). The review concluded that the proposed development will not exceed the capacity of the arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted arterial streets. Minimum lot size requirements for the R-2 & R-3 zoning district is 3,500 sq ft for common wall dwellings in the R-2 and R-3, and the maximum allowable density is up to 18 dwelling units/acre in the R-2 and up to. Residential density in the R-3 are generally greater than twelve dwelling units per net residential acre. This development includes lot sizes in a range from 7,839 sq ft to 34,802 sq ft. 7. Development Services Team (DST) Review: The proposal was reviewed by the DST team. Final comments of the DST members are summarized below. a. Codes: i. The City of Yakima has adopted Appendix D107 of the International Fire Code (IFC), that requires two fire department accesses into a site based on the number of dwelling and/or multifamily units. ii. Fire hydrants will need to be provided with maximum spacing of 500 feet along streets and based on the fire flow needs of the development in accordance with Section 507 and Appendix D of the IFC. iii. These findings are not intended to be an exhaustive review of this proposal. iv. If approved, the recommended addressing for this project is: •- Lot 1 420 S 97th Ave • Lot 2 418 S 97th Ave • Lot 3 416 S 97th Ave • Lot 4 414 S 97th Ave • Lot 5 412 S 97th Ave • Lot 6 410 S 97th Ave • Lot 7 408 S 97th Ave • Lot 8 406 S 97th Ave • Lot 9 404 S 97th Ave • Lot 10 402 S 97th Ave • Lot 11 403 S 97th Ave #1 - 3 • Lot 12 407 S 97th Ave #1 - 3 • Lot 13 411 S 97th Ave #1 - 3 • Lot 14 409 S 97th Ave #1 - 3 • Lot 15 413 S 97th Ave #1 - 3 • Lot 16 415 S 97th Ave #1 - 3 • Lot 17 417 S 97th Ave #1 - 3 • Lot 18 419 S 97th Ave #1 - 3 b. Engineering: i. YMC 8.60 and 12.05 — New 7' sidewalk per standard detail R5 shall be installed along the site's frontage on Tieton Dr., including approved ADA ramp at intersection. New curb, gutter and 5' sidewalk shall be installed along the site's new residential street. Street section shall conform to standard detail R3. ii. 12.06.020 — Right of way — Tieton Dr. is classified as Collector Arterial requiring a total of 80' of right of way (40' half width). Adequate right of way shall be dedicated if necessary to provide for 40' width from centerline of right of way along frontage. 50' of right of way is required for the new residential street. Dead-end shall be provided with cul-de-sac/hammer head turnaround to accommodate emergency and refuse collection vehicles. If street is proposed to be extended in the future, an approved temporary turnaround shall be provided. 9Nk iii. YMC 12.06.080 - Street lighting - Street lights shall be installed and shall meet the design and placement standards of the city engineer. Lighting improvements shall become the property of the city of Yakima upon installation and will thereafter be maintained by the city. iv. YMC 15.06.065 - No driveway approach on a local access street may be located closer to the street intersection corner than thirty feet as measured from the property line at the corner. v. YMC 8.72 — An excavation and street break permit shall be obtained for all work within the public right of way. vi. Civil plans and an ENG permit is required for all civil work to be performed on site. vii. All improvements and shall be completed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. c. Nob Hill Water i. Nob Hill Water is available to serve the proposed project. ii. Engineered signed plans will need to be given to Nob Hill Water in order to design and work up cost estimate for installation of water mainline, services, and fire hydrants. d. Surface Water i. For the long plat I have no comments, but would like to point out that during the civil phase this project will require a large project stormwater permit and it will also have to address pass through drainage due to the steep slopes above this development. e. Streets and Traffic i. Sidewalks required on the full Tieton Drive frontage. ii. ADA ramp in each radius. ADA ramps on each side of "alley" approaches onto subdivision road. iii. Street lights required at the Tieton Drive intersection, in the phase 2 cul-de-sac, and one approximately midpoint between the two. f. Wastewater i. City sewer will need to be extended from Tieton Drive to the furthest north property so serve all proposed lots per YMC Title 12 and City of Yakima Wastewater Standard Details. g. Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District i. Parcels 171324-44415, -44415, -44416, -44417, -44418 are within the District boundary and have 6.60 combined shares of Yakima-Tieton Irrigation water so they will need to show "Irrigation Approval" on the face of the short plat. They will need to follow our Resolution 97-5. Providing for irrigation distribution facilities and easement for said facilities. h. Washington State Department of Ecology i. Based upon historical agricultural use of this land, there is a possibility the soil contains residual concentrations of pesticides. Ecology recommends that the soils be sampled and analyzed for lead and arsenic, and for organochlorine pesticides. If these contaminants are found at concentrations above the Model Toxics Control Act cleanup levels Ecology recommends that potential buyers be notified of their occurrence. ii. If your project anticipates disturbing ground with the potential for stormwater discharge off -site, the NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit is recommended. This permit requires that the SEPA checklist fully disclose anticipated activities including building, road construction and utility placements. Obtaining a permit may take 38-60 days. iii. The permit requires that a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Erosion Sediment Control Plan) shall be prepared and implemented for all permitted construction sites. These control measures must be able to prevent soil from being carried into surface water and storm drains by stormwater runoff. Permit coverage and erosion control measures must be in place prior to any clearing, grading, or construction. iv. In the event that an unpermitted Stormwater discharge does occur off -site, it is a violation of Chapter 90.48 RCW, Water Pollution Control and is subject to enforcement action. v. More information on the stormwater program may be found on Ecology's stormwater website at: http://www.ecv.wa,aov/Droarams/wo/stormwater/construction/. Please submit an application or contact Lloyd Stevens Jr. at the Dept. of Ecology, 509-574-3991 or email Liovd,.-.stevens'lt,il@.ecv.Wg,,go_v, with questions about this permit. IV. APPLICABLE LAW: A. Urban Area Zoning Ordinance. The main purpose of the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Yakima Municipal Code (YMC) Title 15 (UAZO) is to implement the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and promote the general health, safety and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the Yakima Urban Area. YMC § 15.01.030 describes the purpose and intent to promote the purpose of the UAZO. Subsection 15.03.020(C) of the UAZO indicates that the intent of the Two -Family Residential (R-2) zoning district is to: 1. Establish and preserve residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings, duplexes and other uses compatible with the intent of this district; and 2. Locate residential development with densities up to twelve dwelling units per net residential acre in areas receiving a full range of public services including public water and sewer service, and police and fire protection. The district is characterized by up to sixty percent lot coverage, access via local access streets and collectors, one- and two-story buildings, some clustering of units, and required front, rear and side yard setbacks. Typical uses in this district are single-family dwellings and duplexes. The density in this district generally ranges from seven to twelve dwelling units per net residential acre. However, development up to eighteen dwelling units per net residential acre may be allowed in accordance with YMC Chapter 15.04, Table 4-1. Subsection 15.03(D) of the UAZO indicates that the intent of the Multi -Family Residential (R-3) zoning district is to: 1. Establish and preserve high -density residential districts by excluding activities not compatible with residential uses; 2. Locate high -density residential development more than twelve dwelling units per net residential acre in areas receiving the full range of urban services; 3. Locate high -density residential development near neighborhood shopping facilities; and 4. Locate high -density residential development so that traffic generated by the development does not pass through lower -density residential areas. The district contains a variety of attached or clustered multifamily dwellings, B. YMC § 15.05.020 (H): Site design requirements and standards: Access Required: All new development shall have a minimum of twenty -feet of lot frontage upon a public road or be served by an access easement at least twenty feet in width. The purpose of this standards is to provide for vehicular access to all new development; provided, the construction of single-family on existing legally established lots is exempt from the requirements of this section. C. YMC § 15.05.030 (A): Creation of new lots — Subdivision Requirements: Table of Subdivision Requirements: • Establishes basic development criteria for lot size and width that must be met when reviewing an application for a new subdivision. For single- family dwelling construction in the R-1 zoning district, the required minimum lot size is 6,000 square feet. D. YMC § 15.05.055(1) New Development Improvement Standards Fire apparatus access roads for multiple -family residential developments and one- or two-family residential developments shall be subject to the provisions of Sections D1 06 and D107, respectively, of Appendix D of the International Fire Code (2009 Edition). Additionally, such residential developments shall be subject to the requirements of Section D105 of Appendix D, International Fire Code (2009 Edition), pertaining to aerial fire apparatus roads, as applicable. All provisions of the International Fire Code referenced above are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by this reference, as now existing or as hereafter amended and adopted by the city. Minimum requirements for the primary and secondary access will be at least twenty feet wide, unobstructed, paved lanes. E. YMC § 15.27.321(B)(2)(c) & (d) General Critical Areas Protective Measures: Subdivision Standards. The following standards apply to all permits or reviews under the subdivision ordinance (YMC Title 14) that contain critical areas: 1. New lots partially within the floodplain shall provide a usable building envelope (five thousand square feet or more for residential uses) outside the floodplain. 2. New lots entirely within the floodplain shall be at least one acre in area. F. YMC § 15.27.407(E) Utilities: 1. All new and replacement water supply systems and sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems and discharge from the systems into floodwaters; and on -site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. 2. Water wells shall be located on high ground that is not in the floodway. G. YMC § 15.27.407(F) Subdivision Proposals. Subdivision proposals shall: 1. Be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage; 2. Have roadways, public utilities and other facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage; 3. Have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood damage; 4. Include base flood elevation data; and 5. In the cases where base flood elevation is not available and the subdivision is greater than five acres or fifty lots, a step -back water analysis shall be required to generate the base flood elevation data. H. YMC § 12.02.010 Establishment of Easements: Public utility easements shall be established for the location of new and proposed public utility lines serving new land divisions and land development. Public utility easements shall also be established across the front of new lots and redeveloped lots to provide for future utility access as determined necessary by the city engineer. Public utility easements shall be dedicated (granted) at the time that subdivision and/or land use approval is granted. I. YMC § 12.02.020 Easement location and width: Eight -foot -wide utility easements shall be dedicated along the front of each lot in subdivisions and short subdivisions. Easements for new and/or future utility lines shall be a minimum of eight feet in width, or twice the buried depth of the utility, whichever is greater. J. YMC § 12.03.010 Sewer service required: All new lots and development shall be served by a sanitary sewer line located adjacent to the lot or development site. K. YMC § 12.03.040 Minimum sewer line size: The minimum size for public sewer lines is eight inches in diameter, L. YMC § 12.03.070 Side sewer service: Each building containing sanitary facilities shall be served by a separate private side sewer line from a public main. M. YMC § 12.04.010 Water service required: All new lots and development shall be served by a public water supply line maintained by the city of Yakima, Nob Hill Water Company, or other water purveyor, and located adjacent to the lot or development site. The water line shall be capable of providing sufficient flow and pressure to satisfy the fire flow and domestic service requirements of the proposed lots and development as approved by the city Engineer in cooperation with the code administration manager and water irrigation division manager. DOC. INDEX '9 N. YMC § 12.04.020 Water line extension required: Water lines shall be extended to the point where the adjoining property owner's responsibility for further extension begins. This typically requires extension across the street or easement frontage of the developing property. In some cases it will require dedication of on easement and a line extension across the property or extension along two or more sides of the developing property. Extensions will be consistent with and implement the City's adopted water comprehensive plan. 0. YMC § 12.04.040 Minimum size and material standards: New water lines in the city of Yakima water system shall be constructed of Class 52 ductile iron and shall be a minimum of eight inches in diameter. Improvements and additions to the Nob Hill Water Company system shall conform to the requirements of Nob Hill Water Company. 12.05.010 Sidewalk installation required: "Sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of all new, improved, and reconstruct streets... " I Q. YMC § 12.06.020 Right-of-way and pavement width standards: Right-of-way shall be dedicated and street surfacing provided in accordance with West Valley Neighborhood plan and Table 5-1 of the Yakima urban Area Transportation Plan. R. RCW 58.17.280 and YMC Ch. 14.15.090 — Naming and numbering of short subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks: Any city, town or county shall, by ordinance, regulate the procedure whereby short subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks are named and numbered. A lot numbering system and a house address system, however, shall be provided by the municipality for short subdivisions and subdivisions and must be clearly shown • the short plat or final plat at the time of approval. S. RCW 58.17.110 and YMC 14.20.120: The city, town, or county legislative body shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication. It shall determine: (a) If appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) whether the public interest will be served by the subdivision and dedication. V. FINDINGS: 1. The subject properties are currently vacant. 2. This proposed preliminary plat is approximately 4.88 acres in size and has be designed for single-family residences and triplexes. i DOC. IND" 10 3. The Preliminary Long Plat is occurring as a single action and thus the density calculation is based upon a single action of dividing 4.88 acres in to 14 common wall lots and 11 triplex lots. 4. The density calculations are listed below: Density for the proposed development as a whole: Square footage for total lots =—212,572 square feet 4—212,572 square feet / 43,560 square feet per acre -->= 4.88 acres 4= 25 dwelling units / 4.88 acres 4= 5 Dwelling Units Per Net Residential Acre 5. The preliminarily platted right-of-way for the development are classified as residential access streets, requiring a total of 50 feet of right-of-way. 6. Tieton is classified as a Minor Arterial requiring a total of 80' of right of way (40' half width). Adequate right of way shall be dedicated to provide for 40' width along frontage. All interior roads are classified as Local Access, requiring a total of 50'of right of way. 7. Environmental Review was completed for this development, and a DNS was issued on October 5, 2020, and a retention of DNS was issued on October 29, 2020. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map designates the subject property as suitable for Mixed Residential development. A mixture of single-family, duplex, and multifamily dwelling units. The permitted maximum density is up to or above 13 net dwelling units per acre, depending on the underlying zoning district and neighborhood context. For developments electing to conform to site and building design standards promoting pedestrian -oriented development, density is primarily limited by allowable building height, integration of required parking, market conditions, and conformance with applicable site and building design provisions. Specifying the maximum number of dwelling units in one building may be appropriate in some areas to ensure compatibility and to limit building massing and density The Goals and Policies that apply to this designation and proposed land use are as follows: Goal 2.3. Residential uses. Preserve and enhance the quality, character and function of Yakima's residential neighborhoods. Policy 2.3.1 Provide for a wide variety of housing types within the city to meet the full range of housing needs for Yakima's evolving population. Policy 2.3.1(F) Townhouses. Encourage the development of townhouses in the R-2 and R-3 zones and commercial/mixed-use zones as an efficient form of housing. Design standards should emphasize pedestrian -oriented design, fagade articulation, and usable open space. INDEX A -( 11 Policy 2.3.3.A Construct sidewalks along all new residential streets. Policy Promote small block sizes to ensure good connectivity and reduced walking distances between residences and schools, parks, and services. Specifically: • Low density residential: Blocks between 400- 800 feet long are appropriate. • Mixed residential: Blocks between 300-660 feet long are appropriate. • Provide for through public through block connections for large residential blocks. • Commercial and mixed -use designations: Configure development to provide pedestrian connections at 300 to 660 feet intervals. Configure development to provide vehicular connections at 600 to 1,320 feet intervals. Allow flexibility for private internal streets to meet connectivity objectives. Goal 5.2. Preserve and improve existing residential neighborhoods. Policy 5.2.1. Invest in and improve quality of life in existing neighborhoods. Goal 5.4. Encourage design, construction, and maintenance of high quality housing. Policy 5.4.3. Encourage development of well -designed new housing in coordination with population growth employment growth, and transportation goals. 9. URBAN AREA ZONING ORDINANCE JUAZO) Zoning: The subject property is zoned Two -Family and Multi -Family Residential and a. Lot Coverage: The maximum lot coverage permitted in the R-2 zoning district is 60% and all lots will comply with that limitation. The maximum lot coverage permitted in the R-3 zoning district is 80%, and all lots within the R-3 comply will comply that limitation b. Lot Size: The preliminary plat indicates lot sizes that range from 4,304 sq ft to 16,301 sq ft. Table 5-2 of Chapter 15.05 of the UAZO provides that the minimum lot size for single family dwelling, common wall in the R-2 as 3,500 sq ft. Multi- family dwellings in the R-3 cannot exceed maximum number of dwelling units permitted per net residential acre. Additionally, lots within the flood plain have been designed to be in compliance with YMC § 15.27.321 (B)2(c) & (d). c. Lot Width: Table 5-2 of Chapter 15.05 of the UAZO prescribes a minimum lot width of 35 feet for single family dwelling, common wall units, and 50 feet for all others. All proposed lots meet or exceed the minimum requirement. d. Density: With a density of about 5 dwelling units per net residential acre (5.12 du/nra), the proposed preliminary plat complies with YMC § 15.05.030(B) and Table 4-1 of Chapter 15.04 of the UAZO. 10. CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE (CA!e2r%% 16-9Z.32J 1LB- Subdivision Standards. The following standards apply to all permits or reviews under the subdivision ordinance (YMC Title 14) that contain critical areas: DOC. WDEX 12 1. All subdivisions that contain critical areas shall be eligible for density bonuses or other development incentives, as provided in the subdivision ordinance (YMC Title 14) and zoning ordinance (this title); 2. Critical areas shall be actively protected through the following: a. Roads and utilities for the subdivision shall avoid critical areas and their buffers, as much as possible; b. When geologically hazardous areas (excluding erosion, oversteepened slopes of intermediate risk, stream undercutting, and earthquake hazards), FEMA floodways, channel migration zones (CMZs), streams, wetlands and/or vegetative buffers fall within the boundary of a subdivision: •I critical areas shall be protected • placing them entirely within a separate critical area tract •I • including them entirely within one of the developable parcels. Other options, such as 274 �W6ng zrPu,-A:*A,="T.2� �Tz 1zam�,J�- appropriate by the administrative official as meeting this provision when special circumstances obstruct the viability of this provision; For those new lots that do contain said critical areas, usable building envelopes (five thousand square feet or more for •-: uses) shall be provided •n'. the plat that lies outside said critical areas; c. New lots partially within the floodplain shall provide a usable building envelope (five thousand square feet or more for residential uses) outside the floodplain; d. New lots entirely within the floodplain shall •` at least one acre in area; e. For new lots containing streams, wetlands, and/or vegetative buffers, outdoor use envelopes shall be provided on the plat that lie outside said critical areas; f. Degraded vegetative buffers shall be restored, or provided with protection measures that will allow them to recover; g. Floodplains and critical areas shall be depicted on preliminary subdivision plats and relevant information about them disclosed on the final plat; h. Lots or parcels that lie entirely within geologically hazardous areas (excluding erosion, oversteepened slopes •. intermediate risk, stream undercutting, and earthquake hazards), FEMA floodways, channel migration zones (CMZs), streams, wetlands, and/or vegetative buffers may • • further divided. The current proposal meets all development standards under 15.27.321(B), 15.27.407(F) Subdivision Proposals. Subdivision proposals shall, • with the need to minimize •.r damage; 2. Have roadways, public utilities and other facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage; 3. Have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood damage; 4. Include base flood elevation data; and 00C. INDEX 13 5. In the cases where base flood elevation is not available and the subdivision is greater than five acres or fifty lots, a step -back water analysis shall be required to generate the base flood elevation data. The current proposal meets all development standards under 15.27.407(F) As proposed, and with the recommended conditions, this preliminary plat meets all the design requirements of YMC Ch. 14.30 of the City's subdivision ordinance and the development standards of YMC Title 12. The recommended conditions are intended to ensure consistency with the provisions of the City's subdivision ordinance and that appropriate provisions are provided for the following: a. The proposed subdivision must be consistent with the provisions of the urban area zoning ordinance; b. The proposed subdivision must be consistent with the city of Yakima's comprehensive plan; c. The proposed subdivision must be consistent with the provisions of this title; and d. As required by RCW Chapter 58.17, the proposed subdivision must make appropriate provisions for: i. Public health, safety, welfare: The proposed subdivision will complement adjacent uses will promote the public health, safety and general welfare insofar as there is a need in this community for additional housing and insofar as this proposed preliminary plat would be required to comply with all applicable City development standards, and all conditions of approval specified by the City of Yakima Planning Commission. ii. Open spaces: The proposed lots meet or exceed the minimum sizes required in the R-2 and R-3 zoning districts. iii. Drainage systems: Drainage system facilities will be provided in accordance with state and local regulations including the City of Yakima Municipal Code and the eastern Washington Storm Water Manual. iv. Streets, alleys, and other public ways: The subject property has frontage upon Tieton Dr., designated as a Minor Arterial street which requires 60-feet of right-of-way. All interior streets will be designated as Residential Access streets, requiring a total of 50 feet of right-of-way. V. Transit Stops: Yakima Transit Route 1 passes the proposed subdivision along S 96 th Ave. vi. Water supplies: Public water is required to be used for domestic and fire flow purposes. An adequate water supply for this development is available from Nob Hill Water Company. vii. Sanitary waste disposal: Public sewer is required to service all lots. A City of Yakima sewer main lies within Tieton Dr., south of the proposed development, and is capable of being extended to handle the demands of this development. viii. Parks and playgrounds: Open space, parks, recreation, and playgrounds are located approximately within 1.9 miles of this subdivision due to the proximity of West Valley Park. The proposed preliminary plat is not located in a planned parks and recreation area. Provisions for parks and recreation areas are not necessary within the proposed preliminary plat due to the size, number and location of the proposed lots and provisions for playgrounds exist at the schools which children within the proposed preliminary plat would be attending, and could also be individually provided on the lots themselves which are of a size which would allow for playground areas as needed or desired. ix. Sites for schools: Cottonwood Elementary School is located approximately within 0.5 miles, West Valley Middle School is located approximately within 2.3 miles, and West Valley High School is located approximately within 1.4 miles of this subdivision. X. Sidewalks: Sidewalks are required and will be provided along this developments frontage. 12. Based upon compliance with the standards above, it is determined that the public use and interest will be served by the approval of this subdivision: This proposed 18-lot residential subdivision is consistent with neighboring land uses and better serves the needs of the City of Yakima than the undeveloped status of the property. 13. TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY: This application was reviewed and approved for consistency with YMC 12.08 Transportation Capacity Management Ordinance on June 10, 2020. The proposed development will not exceed the PM peak hour capacity of the City Arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted streets. This review does not include any site development or safety issues which may be discussed at the project level or SEPA review. VI. CONCLUSIONS: 1. This Preliminary Plat complies with the general requirements for subdivision approval as specified by YMC Ch. 14.2, Ch. 15.05 and 15.27. 2. The proposed subdivision meets the density standards of the R-2 & R-3 zoning district having 5 dwelling units per net residential acre (5.12 du/nra) 3. The proposed lots encumbered by, or completely within, the floodplain are consistent with the applicable CAO standards. 4. The proposed Preliminary Long Plat has primary access via Tieton Dr. and new interior local access streets. 5. Affected streets have sufficient capacity for this proposal. 6. This proposed plat serves the public use and interest and provides for the possibility of creating new additional housing within the City of Yakima. 7. The Planning Commission has jurisdiction to review a recommendation to City Council. (RCW Ch. 58.17, YMC § 1.42.030, and YMC § 14.20. 100) 8. A Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued on October 5, 2020 and a retention of DNS issued on October 29, 2020. 9. This preliminary subdivision complies with the goals and objectives of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, Title 12 Development Standards and Chapter 12.08 the Traffic Concurrency Ordinance. 10. During project review it has been found that this request is in compliance with YMC §16.06.020 (B) for making a Determination of Consistency as follows: a. The proposed use is permitted within the R-2 and R-3 zoning districts. b. The proposed development is consistent with densities deemed appropriate for the R-2 and R-3 zoning district by the Yakima Municipal Code, and is similar to densities of surrounding subdivisions. c. This proposal is consistent with existing development regulations for this location. 11. The proposed plat complies with the provisions of RCW 58.17.110 and YMC 14.20. 100, providing appropriately for: the public health, safety, and general welfare, open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for citizen of the neighborhood. Vil. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division recommends that the 18-lot subdivision known as "Pottenger's Place, Phases 1-2" be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit and gain approval of civil engineered plans which provide for design of all Title 12 development standards, including but not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, stormwater, and street design. All public improvements constructed within the floodplain shall be constructed using practices that minimize flood damage. 2. Prior to approval of the final plat, all approved improvements shall be constructed or financially secured according to the standards and requirements of the City Engineer and YMC Title 12. 3. All lots shall be served with public water from the Nob Hill Water Company. No individual domestic or irrigation wells shall be permitted for any of the lots. Prior to final plat approval, written verification from Nob Hill Water must be submitted to the Planning Division indicating that all construction required to provide each lot with domestic water has been completed and the fees paid. 4. All lots shall be provided with public sewer service according to YMC Title 12 standards. Prior to final plat approval, written verification from the City of Yakima Engineering Department must be provided to the Planning Division indicating that all sewer extensions have been completed and inspected or financially secured. INDEX 16 5. All public utilities constructed within the floodplain shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems and discharge from the systems into the floodwaters. 6. A minimum 8-foot wide public utility easement must be provided adjacent to all public road rights -of -way. 7. Easements for new and/or future utilities shall be a minimum of 16-feet in width, provided that the width of easements for buried utilities will be twice the depth of the planned excavation. 8. All public and private utilities shall be located underground, with the exception of telephone boxes and such similar structures. 9. All lots shall have direct access to a public street or be accessed by an easement. Access Easement(s) can only serve one lot. 10. All public and private utilities to be located within public road rights -of -way must be constructed prior to the start of road construction. 11. Two fire department accesses into a site shall be included, based on the number of dwelling units. 12. Fire hydrants will need to be provided with maximum spacing of 500 feet along streets in accordance with Section 507 and Appendix D of the IFC. 13. New 7' sidewalk per standard detail R5 shall be installed along the site's frontage on Tieton Dr., including approved ADA ramp at intersection. New curb, gutter and 5' sidewalk shall be installed along the site's new residential street. Street section shall conform to standard detail R3. 14. Adequate right of way shall be dedicated if necessary to provide for 40'width from centerline of right of way along the Tieton frontage. 50' of right of way is required for the new residential street. Dead-end shall be provided with cul-de-sac/hammer head turnaround to accommodate emergency and refuse collection vehicles. If street is proposed to be extended in the future, an approved temporary turnaround shall be provided. 15. Street lights shall be installed and shall meet the design and placement standards of the city engineer. Lighting improvements shall become the property of the city of Yakima upon installation and will thereafter be maintained by the city. 16. No driveway approach on a local access street may be located closer to the street intersection corner than thirty feet as measured from the property line at the corner, 17. An excavation and street break permit shall be obtained for all work within the public right of way. 18. Irrigation Approval for Yakima Tieton Irrigation shall be shown on the face of the final plat. 19. Ecology recommends that the soils be sampled and analyzed for lead and arsenic, and for organochlorine pesticides. If these contaminants are found at concentrations above the Model Toxics Control Act cleanup levels Ecology recommends that potential buyers be notified of their occurrence. 20. An NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit from the Department of Ecology is recommended if ground disturbing activities have the potential to discharge stormwater off site. 21. This plat shall be subject to the following notes, which must be placed on the face of the plat: a. The addresses shown on this plat are accurate as of the date of recording, but may be subject to change. The City of Yakima Building Codes Division is responsible for the confirmation or reassignment of addresses at the time of building permit issuance. 22. During project construction, all contractors shall adhere to the City of Yakima noise regulations regarding hours of construction. 23. All other requirements of the zoning and subdivision ordinance, although not specifically set forth herein, shall be complied with in their entirety. 24. Upon preliminary plat approval, the applicant has five years to submit the final plat. Thereafter, 30 days prior to the expiration of said approval the applicant must submit to the City Council a written request asking to extend the approval period for a maximum period of one year. DOC. WOEX #.� 18 -rr : r �. -r r � �•rr r �-rr- r s1 4 B-1 Maps: Vicinity 10/05/2020 -2 s: Zoning, Future Land Use, and Aerial 12/2/2 2 DIM Project Name: "Plat of Pottenger's Place" / Ray Novobielski Site Address: 9711 Ticton Drive N Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The CitymfYakima assumes noliability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies inthe information provided orfor any action taken, oraction not taken bythe user inreliance upon any maps herein. Date Created: 12/2/2028 Project Name: "Plat of Pottenger's Place" / Ray Novobielski Site Address: 9711 Tieton Drive Lo� Rs-s�denfa| Cmnzra|B,.;minemoCore CmrnrnenC;a| Com,rnenclaiMixed 1i Re'mne?Conni Cmmmun/ M-Aed Jse Map Disclaimer: Information shown mnthis map isfor planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. 1 49 File Number: PLP#002-20, SEPA#013-20, CAO#007-20, TCO#004-20 r'roject Name: "Plat of Pottenger's Place" / Ray Novobielski Site Address: 9711 Tieton Drive nA Yakima Urban Area Zoning bar v F s o na u,s* n es3 S Cs NM -_II 3D LCC erce C-e-:er C -BD Bus�ress D 07— Olerera RD Req�vna De ocme-- cpc— Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. DOC. INDEX # 6-2- a i. . ..11 �a.l i -Il I Project Name: RAY NOVtIELSKI - "POTTENGERIS Site Address: i i ------------------------------------------ e SITE r -.-LL- L :Avc� rV�Inl"bt -Fa0e L .Z i !fj falPnl tit0 r,ige+ LLH-,:±-- Vy.-iliall si m y= Tieton Cyr Ti0on Dr AU L k, r r n Hoogie Ek_tric Proposal: Proposed long plat that will subdivide four parcels totaling approximately 4.88 acres into 10 common - wall lots and 8 triplex lots. The site is located in the -2 and R-3 zoning districts and is located partially within the floodplain. Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division at (509) 575-6183 Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, iti 8r or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. Date Created:10/5/2020 gti .Ii I ►� • I 1 A Mi "0 1111 A WI •Ii� r CHAPTER C Site Plan vj$ PRELIMINARY 1! OTTENGE1 PLACE" r� (A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 24, T.13N., R.17E., W.W) Div ti- c1 a n<< in s5LP d >("") N w r. - r- '� �ls flT3 Ala L 015 LOT 8 LO 5F 4,30915E p 3ttz5 a39T6 4.3tG51 a,eedt F 1 ,O—tl , d320 T"I 31z♦5 i.' i F d, 4Ytfl 9r :r u{r. R3R3R3 2 s Ti sF ag gBgLyF z w3i4' g to sie.+en..x.E patA, ffixA HLA2850039 ,966. Road t Yak m Yr A 98902 k�f�� Fax 509 96A3890 nirl�er�and i�t�l Surging, ter, I ,� .niacfvl�.com � �� �• $$$ 9itsztSF 6 #M tY6 bX'. #lBApt tfi LOT 14 i F pp�p� 1—..--.a...m_«— — � 1 N CYi I I w k ao,etnx sF i 5 N I sv� i 4 V t tFtasR is S' A ENT FASENAl10Po �. ' u I r� e%¢ ¢psis i CURVE TABLE i W ;CURVE OEITA ftA01U5 LENOZ }C AORD OIL RECio CHO 0 LENGTH ® \../ INDFX f4 { '.. JOB NOM3ER. DALE - -. •• - ' 19191 —28 2020 EiLc Nnurs RAY NOVOBIELSKI .—.- ' ORAIINc 19191 dwg PLAT OF POTTENGER'S PLACE 2 — CITY OF YAKIMA, YAKIMA COUNTY, WASHINGTON GE w a -�'EN Rro 11 MRH/MOH'' PRELIMINARY PLAT 2 EVISkON fjgTE w I SITE VICINITY MAP - N.T.S, PRELIMINARY PLAT OF "POTTENGER'8 PLACE-11 (A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 24, T.13N., R.17E., W.M.) REcmn'/E!) 2803 Rim Road Yakimut, WA 98902 509.966.7000 inr FU509.9653800 to s4neeling md Land Survqi* CITY OF YAKIMA •RESIDENTIAL SECTION {1N"FERi06 PLAT R'QA[?} RENEWED BY, ENTERED BY� 0 61- Ld CN ELEVATIONS BASED ON WASHINGTONDoc. REFERENCE NETWORK (MN) NAYaBS INDEX # c d --/ z DEVELOPER ENGINEER/SURVEYOR RAY NOVOBIELSKI HLA ENGINEERING AND LAND SURVEYING, INC 200 ASSESS LANE 2803 RIVER ROAD YAKIMA, WASHINGTON 98908 YAKIMA WASHINGTONS8902 MICHAEL R. HEJT, PE TIM FRIES, FLS (509) qiIs-7000 < a - RAY NOVOBIELSKI PLAT OF POTTENGER'S PLACE CITY OF YAKIMA, YAKIMA COUNTY, WASHINGTON - PRELIMINARY PLAT 2 M-4-1 I I Do] V RM CHAPTER D DST Review & Agency Comments D-1 Comments from Mike Shane, Water/Irrigation Engineer 06/15/2020 D-2 Comments from Diana Woods, Yakima County FCZD 07/14/2020 D-3 DST Request for Comments 07/30/2020 D-4 Comments Submitted via SmartGov from: Kirsten McPherson (Nob Hill Water), Randy Meloy (Surface Water), Joe Rosenlund (Traffic Engineering), Dana Kallevig (Wastewater) D-5 Comments from Tricia Sawyer, Department of Ecology 07/30/2020 D-6 Comments from Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District 07/30/2020 D-7 Comments from Glenn Denman, Building Official 08/03/2020 D-8 Comments from Gwen Clear, Department of Ecology 10/22/2020 D-9 Comments from Lisa Maxey, Permit Project Coordinator 12/01/2020 December 1, 2020 To; From`; Pffice of Code Administration 129 North SecondStreet, 2nd Floor Yakima, Washington 98901 codes(o)� rr d rrcrrsrrA rrr w waag.drerddrd rr yYcrd+i rr ecrrrra Colleda Monick, Community Development Specialist Lisa Maxey, Permit Project Coordinator Subject: PLP#002-20 - SEPA#013-20 CAO#007-20 - Ray Novobielski- 18 Lots —10 Common Wall Single Family Residences and 8 Triplex Lots If a roved the recommended addressin for this. ro osal ism Lot 1 420 S 97th Ave Lot 2 418 S 97th Ave Lot 3 416 S 97th Ave Lot 4 414 S 97th Ave Lot 5 412 S 97th Ave Lot 6 410 S 97th Ave Lot 7 408 S 97th Ave Lot 8 406 S 97th Ave Lot 9 404 S 97th Ave Lot 10 402 S 97th Ave Lot 11 403 S 97th Ave #1- 3 Lot 12 407 S 97th Ave #1- 3 Lot 13 411 S 97th Ave #1- 3 Lot 14 409 S 97th Ave #1- 3 Lot 15 413 S 97th Ave #1- 3 Lot 16 415 S 97th Ave #1- 3 Lot 17 417 S 97th Ave #1- 3 Lot 18 419 S 97th Ave #1- 3 Any work to be performed in City right-of-way requires an Excavation permit from City Engineering prior to commence work YMC 8.72 r PRELIMINARY PLAT OF �f PLACE" P11,� � ut�ak a 1-11 10 (A PORTION OF TH.,E SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION 24, TAN, Re17 .);/I /do _A;L ,, ) P4-04 k a. n .s F ,, #� Lanny g� 6+ !IS akSl eY '.�. is �t { V e ` * .cad � •4 ev. 4n's •v o � NrO- 1 C co ------------------ FON k Ins 1-3 Lri 1 t E } f a� tiP. vc� "i s w� Ida § a r w r=V N LU RAY ucY YYY x,a a ax+a rq' . w saaa�,.• � EUFW_ iFq E . g . a tttHLA cf L i SKI swa wa P T OF POTTENGER'S PLACE snss�a`ua ' CITY OF YAIt YAKIMA COUNTY, WAShi1NGTON F r ejlislt�S4i I e. wwwhlrr;Imm Y . . ,I U . r nseRp r. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2 ac f R3 O STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY 1250 West Alder Street • Union Gap, Washington 9903-009 • (509) 5-290, Colleda Monick City of r \ \I\� 170 . f -\. �11 f i - f r i f: : f f \ „ ' � - '. ', ,. f i i • f r \. • ::. #7f approximately i acres intoi residential lots,proposed by r itreviewed focuments and have the following comments. If your project anticipates disturbing ground with the potential for stormwater discharge off -site, the NPDES Construction• . General Permit recommended. ` requires - SEPA checklist fully disclose \ \ activities including building, f.\ construction placements. Obtaining a permit may take 38-60 days. The permit requires that a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Erosion Sediment Control Plan) shall be prepared and implemented for all permitted construction sites. These control measures must be able to prevent soil from being carried into surface water and storm drains by stormwater runoff. Permit coverage and erosion control measures must be in place prior to any clearing, grading, or construction. • RCW, Water Pollution Control and is subjecto enforcement action. More infonnation on the stormwater program may be found on Ecology's stormwater website at: Lloyd Stevens Jr. at the Dept. of Ecology, 509-574-3991 or email 11!�qydd�.ss�teven.5 I�M, with questions b : this permit. Sincerely, Gwen Clear Environmental Review Coordinator Central Regional Office 509-575-2012 crosc i 'becy.wa ov' • COMMUNITY DEf,,EL01WE'1VT DE'PARTMEA7 Code A dininistration Division 129,Vorth Second Street, 2nd Floor Yakima, Washington 98901 Phone (509) 57.5-6126 Fax (50.�) 576-6576 codes@�,yakhwawa.gov wit,mbuildingy-akimaxom Colleda Monick City of Yakima Planning Division 129 N 2 nd St. Yakima, WA 98901 From: Glenn Denman, Building Official Re: DST Comments: PLP#002-20, 9711 Tieton Dr The City of Yakima has adopted Appendix D107 of the International Fire Code that requires two fire department accesses into a site based on the number of dwelling and/or multifamily units. Fire hydrants will need to be provided with maximum spacing of 500 feet along streets and based on the fire flow needs of the development in accordance with Section 507 and Appendix D of the IFC. met Yakima 13��; 0N.Mift INM Mc # D -7 2015 — X 9 UV. %"%, Rece/V City of Yakima Development Services Team EFD Request For Comments PCl�,, OF YAWAA July 30, 2020 JtJL 3 0 lanning ar y 1%. - r: i�ml MI-11EMMMIUMM. cut 9W 1704 Maw I I piex lots. The site is k)cated in the R-2 and R-3 zoning dis� and is kx�ed partially within the floodplain. t4ft& initial re%hew of the Pmposed Preliminary Plat of Pottenger Place, it has been identified that the submitted plat layout does not meet the standards for new lots that are within the floodplain. per YMC § 15.27.321(B), atid next steps are being devised. M itproposa� by August 4,2020. My email address is colleda.monick@yakimawa.gov and the Planning zpartment's fax number is (509) 575-6105. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, ease call me at (509) 576-6772. Parcels 171324 -44415,-44416,-44417,-44418 are within the District boundary and have 6.60 combined shares of Yakima-Tieton Irrigation water so they will need to show "Irrigation Approval" on the face of the short plat. They will need to follow our Resolution 97-5. Providing for irrigation distribution facilities and easement for said facilities. DepartmenVAgency yn( f " la- 1 9M STATE OF WASHING TON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY 1250 West Alder Street * Union Crap, Washington 98903-0009 (509) 575-2490 July 30, 2020 TY Colleda Monick 'Ah' City of Yakima olv 129 North 2nd Street Yakima, WA 98901 Thank you for the opportunity to comment during the optional determination of nonsignifican process for the Pottenger's Place subdivision of approximately 4.88 acres into 14 single famil common -wall lots and I I triplex lots. This project is proposed by Eric Herzog on behalf of R Novobielski. We have reviewed the documents and have the following comments. Based upon the historical agricultural analyzedresidual concentrations of pesticides. Ecology recommends that the soils be sampled and for lead and arsenic, and for organochlorine pesticides. i'I • • at concentrations above the Model Toxics Control Act cleanup levels Ecology recommends that )Potential buyers be notified of their occurrence. If you have any questions or would like to respond to these Toxics Clean-up comments, please contact Valerie Bound at 509-454-7886 or email at valerie.bottnd*q��. Tricia Sawyer on behalf of RegionalEnvironmental Review Coordinator Central 509-575-2012 crosermaemwaXov 202003617 i • .! • e • . 111131 •.i1 fi 11 4,• ii T Ild Note Type Code Text Begin End CireatedByAttachilnerds Permit DST- DST NOR FRILL WATER IS AVAILABLE TO SERVE THE PROPOSED PROJECT. ENGINEERED SIGNED PLANS Workflow NOR HILL NIMENTS WILL NEED TO BE GIVEN TO NOR HILL WATER IN ORDER TO DESIGN AND WORK UP COST ESTIMATE 07/21/2020 kirsten.mcpherson@yakimawa.gov Step WATER FOR INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINLINE, SERVICES, AND FIRE HYDRANTS. 1 Id Note Type Code Text Begin End CreatedByAttachments DST- For the long plat I have no comments, but would like to point out that during the civil phase this project will require a large Permit workflow Step SURFACE DST COMMENTS project stormerater permit and it will also have to address pass through drainage due to the steep slopes above this 06/15/2020 randy_meloy@yakimawa.gov WATER development. Type Id _ NateT a Text Begin End CreatedByAttachments Permit DST- Sidewalks required on the full Tieton Drive frontage. ADA ramp in each radius. ADA ramps on each Workflow TRAFFIC DST side of "alley approaches onto subdivision road.. Street lights required at the Tieton Drive 08/06/2020 joe.roserflund@yakimawa_gov Step ENO COMMENTS intersection, in the phase 2 cast -de -sac, and one approximately midpoint between the two - Type Id Note Type Code Text Begin End CreatedBy Aftachtnierds Permit Workflow DST- DST City sewer will need to be extended from Tieton Drive to the furthest north property so serve all Step WASTEWATER COi^. MENTS proposed lots per YMC Title 12 and City of Yakima wastewater Standard Details. OS/12/2020 dana.kalEevig�myakianawa.gov City of Yakima Development Services Team Request For Comments CITY 0 JT6 P YAKIMA July 3U,2O20 ro: Ci!y of Yakima Development Services Team From: Colleda Monick, Community Development Specialist gu�ject: Request for Comments -ile Number: Proposed long plat that will subdivide four parcels totaling approximately 4.88 acres into 14 common -wall lots and 11 triplex lots. The site is located in the R-2 and R-3 zoning districts and is located partially within the floodplain. *After initial review of the Proposed Preliminary Plat of Pottenger Place, it has been identified that the submitted plat layout does not meet the standards for new lots that are within the floodp|oin. perYK8C § 15.27.321(E), and next steps are being devised. Please review the attached application and site plan and prepare any written comments you might have regarding this pnopoaak. by Amguet4. 2020. My email address is coUeda.moniok@vakimawa.gov and the Planning Department's fax number in(5DS)575-01O5. Should you have any questions, orrequire additional information, Contact Person Department/Agency MaxeX, Lisa From: Calhoun, Joseph Sent: Wednesday, July 15,ZO2O8:O3AK4 To: 'Dianna VVoods';Joel Freudentha|; David Haws; Troy Havens Cc: K4onick,[oUeda; Davenport, Joan Subject: RE: Novobie|ski,Pottenger'sPlace, PLP#UOZ'28,SEPA#O1]'Z0'[AD#0O7'2O Thank you for comments from the FCZD. We have been working with this developer for quite some tirne on floodplain issues and I have attempted to inform them of the standards on numerous occasions. Obviously the times being what they are, communication iwmore ditfimu|tWcare aware mfthe inconsistency shown inthe development with the code and will bcworking with the developer ona remedy. Because I'm sure the question will come up, will the Shaw Creek project include any modification to the floodplain in th area? In past conversations with the developer it seems that question was asked but I can't quite recall any specifics and do not know if they have ever engaged the county in this conversation. i City of Yakima 509-575-6042 Im From: Dianna Woods [rnai1to:cflanngwqpAL@co.yak Li wa.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 4:23 PM Cc: Troy Havens <Trov,Havens@coyakirna.wa.us>; Joel Freudenthal <iqgLfreudenthal@coya1(h,. a >; David Haws Thank you for this opportunity to comment. I was surprised to see this preliminary plat lay -out in the floodplain, since both mfour jurisdictions have a minimum lot size for subdivisions in Moodpkains. For new lots totally within the floodp|ain the minimum size iaone acre and those partially inthe floodp|ain must provide a usable building envelope outside the flomdp|oin (minimum of 5,000 square feet). YMC 15.27.321 B.2.c. 8\d. It appears that at least 4 lots are completely within the Moodp|ain — lots 32'25. And lots 12'14 may not pass the requirement for a buildable envelope outside the floodp|ain. Maintaining a lower density of homes in floodplains is a sure way for Yakima to minimize new flood risk. Please let me know if you have questions or my interpretation of the municipal code is i INDEX Sincerely, -E�� Program Analyst FCZD / Water Resources ;;; - &4Lw&9&j (509) 574-2328 Desk DOM DATE: T 0: Colleda Monick, Associate Planner FROM: Mike Shane, Interim Development Engineer RE: PLP#002-20 — 9711 Tieton Dr. (Parcel #17132444415) — RAY NOVOBIELSKI - "POTTENGER'S PLACE" approxiffm 4.88 acres into 25 residential lots. The site is located in the R-2 and R-3 zoning districts and is located partially within the floodplain. This project requires Title 8 and 12 improvements, including but not limited to the following: T M 'Y V,f sidewalk shall be installed along the site's new residential street. Street section shall conform to standard detail R3. 12.02 — Easements shall be established per this chapter. 12.06.020 — Right of way — Tieton Dr. is classified as Collector Arterial requiring a total of 80of right of way (40' half width). Adequate right of way shall be dedicated if necessary to provide for 40' width from centerline of right of way along frontage. 50' of right of way is required for the new residential street. Dead-end shall be provided with cul-de-sac/hammer head turnaround to accommodate emergency and refuse collection vehicles. If street is proposed to be extended in the future, an approved temporary turnaround shall be provided. YMC 12.06.080 - Street lighting - Street lights shall be installed and shall meet the design and placement standards of the city engineer. Lighting improvements shall become the property of the city of Yakima upon installation and will thereafter be maintained by the city. YMC 15.06.065 - No driveway approach on a local access street may be located closer to the street intersection corner than thirty feet as measured from the property line at the corner. right of way. Civil plans and an ENG permit is required for all civil work to be performed on site. All improvements and shall be completed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. Mike Shane - Water/Irrigation Engineer (509) 576-6480 Fax (509) 575-6187 mike.shane@yakimawa.gov DO INDEX "PLAT OF r i , . ;I I I I I • I I ITCO#004-20 MIKIVIUMIA ENVMONMVNTAL ENVIRONMENTALSTATE f: (AS TAKEN i FWAC ROM 1 r+0 YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE 6.88 The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW Ch. 43,21C ' requires all governmental agencies to consider environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide • r1 to help you and the agency identify ♦.cts frt.; your proposal (and to reducet i w impacts from __the proposal, if it can be done and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. f •- - - . _ i - ." ♦. , , i r r r f►r _ -a 1 -i. i f WiT171 NOW' am- "0111711""1119, 1 : ', • r ::: i •'. t f •:♦ 1 t 1 i•` w. f r• f 1• ': r a `..' - or if a question does not.♦f f your proposal, "do notor "doesnot apply". Complete • t e questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark desianations. Answer these QuestioaLif you can. If you have -,troblems the N4.rin *MW- 1I lestial-Ex—g-&-s'. ♦ 911 fe. *f vgiir/ ••• f 1 . •. of • - :Y` fa t t'.: • a Iloilo related to determining if ther�&abe �sificant adverse impact. Mugm r • i t 1 i i •♦f t i t i` . i a♦`s TIM .1r fY # complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For • ♦ a -actions,• the words1♦ and "property or • a 1" _readas "_p_roposal_," 7prqpqser�" and "affected geographic area," respectively, Rai 11 a ' • r'iY I• ♦ •fi 1 r 1 t• ` i • - tt • a fff r ,...1 r 1 " Li _' 1 .` 1 1 _ 1: ! ! '. ' t � 1 • ♦„` t ` - t •. 1 W111111 1 u 011141 INEW.r 1 r I RMOA f :. 1 1 1 1 I l r '• f f ' • 'i., r 1 • i' • ` ! sfi..:'/ ai - f'.'I • ♦I•/- • a` -'::a r'i is a 1 - t t ♦It - Revised 07/2414 000. INDEX X 9. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal: None known to applicant. 10. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: None known to applicant. ..��A. �...... ------- _e� 11. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known: City of Yakima — Preliminary Plat Approval City of Yakima - SEPA Determination. City of Yakima - Stormwater Approval. City of Yakima - Building Permit Approval. City of Yakima - Plan review and approval, and construction approval for municipal facilities constructed by private parties. .._ �. ....... 12. Give a brief, but complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.): i The proposed Pottenger's lace site will subdivide approximately 4.88 acres into Iots. The lot sizes will vary in size from approximately 4„3 uare (feet t=ro;ect. s u feet. The lots will have frontage onto a public roadway which will need o be improved as part of thist Access to the plat will be from Tieton Drive. Nob Hill Water will serve the lots with domestic water. City of Yakima sewer will serve the sewerage needs. Storm water will all be contained on -site in retention swales, or underground infiltration. _. „-- -- 13. Location of the proposal.�.� ._._._.. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your pro- posed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist.: The proposed Pottenger's Place Plat is located on the north side of Tieton Drive 300 feet west of S. 96'h Avenue in the SE Quarter of Section 24, Township 13 North, Range 17 E.W. 1. Earth a General description of the site (-,' one): flat rolling ❑ hilly ❑ steep slopes ❑ mountainous ❑ other Gently Sloping RECEIV b. What is the stee est slo eon the site (approximate percent p_w_.r _p (pp p nt slope)? The steepest slope is approximately 2 percent. MAY 9 c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, INS � muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. National Resources Conservation Service Soil Mapping was consulted regarding the on -site soils at the plant site. The USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS) indicated the primary soil for the site is a Kittitas Silt Loam which is a CL, ML or A-4 soil Revised 07l2014 Page 5 Fi. —ENWRONNIENT AL, ELnMNTS (To be completed by the applicant) 78pace Reserved For- i 111, 7107 ! ALeng Comments type. The remainder of the site is Naches Loam, which is a CL, SC or A-4 soil type. The Kittitas Silt Loam, and Naches Silt Loam are considered prime farmland if irrigated. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? if so, describe. There are no known indications of unstable soils on site or in the immediate vicinity. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The project consists of usual and normal embankment construction for new streets and building lots. No net increase or decrease in quantity of material is anticipated within either construction project, so the same floodplain volume is available after the project is completed. There will be approximatly 2,000 cubic yards of cut and fill across the parcel to build the roadway. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use'? If so, generally describe. It is possible erosion could occur during the construction phase of the development, but it is not expected. After construction is completed, each individual residential lot will be landscaped, and long-term erosion is unlikely to occur. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Pottenger's Place will be constructed in accordance with R-2 and R-3 standards, with approximately 60-percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfacing in the R-2 zone and 80 percent in the R-3 zone. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: During the site development and construction activities, the contractor will be required to utilize appropriate erosion control Best Management Practices, and regulatory erosion control stormwater management plans will be implemented. Silt fencing and dust control measures will be implemented. Storm drainage improvements will be constructed to comply with City of Yakima standards. The site will be permanently stabilized post - construction by sodding and landscaping. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, i automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. ECEIVED Typical emissions of dust and automobile odors will be generated during construction. Dust control procedures will be in place during construction to limit the dust to the maximum extent practicable. Construction activity will be limited to area immediately adjacent to the MAY 2020, construction area. Dust is not expected after construction as the site will be fully landscaped and irrigated, or will be covered with asphalt concrete pavement. After project completion, i""'Ify OF YAKIIWA there will be no adverse effects on the air, the emissions will be from automobiles belonging PLANNING DIV. to local residents and staff, Minimal emissions from commercial heating devices may occur after project completion. Approximate quantities are not known. b. Are there any off -site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. None are known to exist. ........................... DOC. Revised 07/2014 INDEX Page 6 I 11 ( } r other impacts to air, if any: • 1 i • •Clean Air Authorityregulatory requirements. •' be required to use dust • " • _ of the construction area to eliminate wind-borne erosion if a problem arises. The contractor will • be required • clean mud and dust from public r• . • ,,...addition, construction e q ment will be well maintained to p excessive exhaust emissions. a. Surface: L Is there any surface water body on or in the immediateof 1 r -round 1 1 .. lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe r• and provide r Ir 1 1 I or flowsit 1 no existing surface bodies of water within the development. 1;: • r f l 1 it 1 1 r l" sl 1 = 1 •- - •i 1 •s • • 1 • 1" 1' r 1 1 1 I I 1/ r 1: 1 1 .•: I 1: 1 r • •1 • i - II •••r •rin . CEIVEJ •i • •ii • • •1 • r • I MAY 202 r' r / 1 1 �• r 1 1 i 1 r CITY 1'. • 1 I .. r 1 t 1 •: tr 1st r 1 PLU DIV. �• 1 r ssl •r i r� I1 1 i1 1,• 'ICY o t °� �'; �, 1 sourceDes e }' rmethod 1 disposal, (include quantities,: r 1 flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. The sources of water runoff will be primarily from rainfall and snowmelt. The runoff is proposed to be collected • managed •n-site via surface retention and infiltration facilities or • • 1 _ infiltration facilities. Stormwater treatment and disposal facilities will be designd and sized in accordance with the Eastern Washin on Storm Water Manual and City 0 Yakima standards, This project will not result in the discharge of storm wate into a surface water body. 1 Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally descr*ibe- No waste materials are anticipated to enter ground or surface waters. 3. Proposed s r reduce or controlground, and runoff impacts,Y • from •.r be i treated, disposed of •n-site via surface retention and infiltrationor • •;• Y infiltration• from s be directed onto landscaped areas on 1ential lot. Accepted : I` engineering practices for • drainage systems will be implemented to collect and manage theand runoff impacts. Plants: types4. a. Check of vegetationfound on Deciduous ■Alder■', r ■ r • Evergreen Green: E] Fir El Cedar EJ Pine Other [I -Shrubs Gras­s__0 _Past�re Crop -Or Grain -[]Other a. Check (V) any birds an_dani`m__a1_swh'_ichha"vc -been observed on or near the site or are knownRECEIVED 1 be on or near the site: MAY 2020 Birds:■ ■ ■ : ■ ■ iWY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV r •r ;r t, •c r• 1 1 r• 1 1 r. 1 r 1 r r f • • 1> • i i r ^I • r u g � r r, , rr r• _1 1 r- 1 _ 1 r 1 1 1 1 r• r r r f -1 1 r - ;•r Ir r• r• •r r i "- • 1 1 V 1'r f 1 Y 11'1 r f Ifr .:r c •1 r r r :r: r : • •rr r r• EI it 1 rl r r. 2. Proposed measures r reduce or r rl environmental health hazards, There are no known environmentalr r • with this pro , therefore there are no proposed measures. sNoise typesI What of 1 1 the area, which may affect yourproject a r equipment, operation,rther)? Traffic noise fromadjacentpublic streets. 1 r r: r -: r 1 r :• r.. MINIMUM: r r r r r x 1 1 rr' rf RECEIVE s • r •; • r • • • •r • r1' r rr r III • •• •r • r• • �•. CITY OF YAKH PLANNING DIV. rlr•c 1 :.r f f t: r 1• r .• • 1. 1. •r • I,ar• - r • • R r 1 1 1 r • 1 Ell 1 been used for agriculture? If so, describe. not been used for agriculturally for fruit production. The site has been used to pasture cows or grow alfalfa. I I d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-2 and -3. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? R-3, g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site Not applicable. r. 1 ,• ., r 1 , ., 11 -. 111 1 1 - 1 ' - III 1 1 • r I r- • r t 1 1 /• 1 1 1 r r• 1 r 1 i • i r r r+r 1 r•rr 1 1 1 r,•1r;1 r r s rir •r r rir 1 •r+ r :r r, t .11 .', - r 1 t 1 - 1 c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not applicable - I a. What is the tallest height of any proposed 1including the principal r building proposed? 1 height,Principal 1it materials i 1stone,brick,stucco,wood.. ..... c. Proposed r reduce or r r'I aesthetic i'n r: 1 s r. r• r buildings wbe similar in appearanceneighboring buildings t1 ftirther control impacts.1/liance with zoruing and► •de regulations regarding building and 1 be in effbet. 11. Light and Glare Revised 07/20I4 MAY i CITY OF YAKU4 AANNIPM ; '1 , f � r• r i I ll I rl 1 1. r' 1 r t ( r •. 1, • ri r, 1 r I r r • 1 r 1 c:• r r r 1 1 1 1 r ;rrr 1 G r=r1 •1 r •r 1 r� r G r� sir •r f r• 1 r- r •r r• •: • i - i:- •r r - r, • - - r i i - r •i, • r c 1 1 ;1 rr1 •,1 r r , r • . , .; r , 1. ,. r r f s 1 r r • 1 1 1 + r I r • 1 < r i t r, r W I f • r...............riii r i, , r r . 1• r . - -f r rf- • ,1 r i - r r - rrr •1 r •1 1 r 1 /; - • i r. RECEIVED -'r i frrrr i r r 1 i t - f - r r•- • f• ♦ -r PLANNING DIV, r r , r • r 1 r f 1 r l: 1 1 r 1 1 - i• � i 1' r r -• r Revised 07l20 [4 rage rl Rev In Pottenger's Place, each homesite will have a minimum of 2 off-street parking spaces. There will be on -street parallel parking along the public roadway within the development. No parking spaces will be eliminated. r r 1, 1•: 1 1 1+ It - r I . ` 1. - • � 1 is � r + " 1 '. l i r f / • r •/ r: r r 1 r i l 1 i t 1["1 r r r f r r• i• •• :-. Y r f. f I� _ i, :1 _ r 1 r i• _ f i `. i 1 i 1 r r r r. • r: 1RECEIVE MAY Mall 1 r isCITY OF YA • s • i,NN• i. r1 f .1 RECEIVED M A IV 18, 2 0 2 Pj CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV, DOC. iNDEX Revised 07/2014 Page 13 ® SUPPLFMNT SHEET FOR O . d C IONS (o a eo Islet y,t e ce or a Ilcant� NOT l ' POLIO O it 0i p' 1ON Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal or the types of activities that would likely result from the proposal and how it would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not inElemented 1, ow would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? The proposal will not increase discharges to water, air, release toxic or hazardous substances, or increase noise pollution. ---------- Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: This question is not applicable. . _ . ...�.... 2. ow would the proposal be liely to p .. affect lants animals fish or mar®ne life? The proposal will not create any adverse impacts on plants, animals, fish or marine life. ur Proposed measures to p rote �plants,� p � protect or conserve n animals, fish, or marine life fe are. This question is not applicable. .- 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? The proposal will not deplete energy or natural resources other than through normal building operations of commercial businesses. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: Energy efficient measures will be installed wherever practicable; for instance, water efficient fixtures will be used. .� .. t...._ -. � eI -" .._ w _ "".. 4. ow would the proposal a likey to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? The proposal will not affect any sensitive areas or areas designated for governmental protection. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: This question is not applicable. --Ho . ...ma ik" —d ands li...�.__ - ._...... w -� — -t 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? The proposal will not affect land or shoreline use. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: This question is not applicable. ............__ -... _....._.. 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services RECEIVED and utilities? The proposal will have a slight increase of daily trips above the original road use, however the increase can be accommodated by the existing surface streets which were MAY' constructed to accommodate heav� from surroundtn land uses 020 Proposed measure � v p es to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: No negative impacts are OF ,„iKI����t ` anticipated. PLANNING DIV 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. The proposal is not known to conflict with local, state, or federal laws protecting the environment. Revised 07/2014 Page 14 A 1*1142*1 M Non FIII MEW= F-I Application for Preliminary Long Plat 05/18/2020 F-2 Application for Transportation Capacity Analysis 05/22/2020 F-3 Application for Critical Areas 06/24/2020 Critical Areas Identification Form " ; CITY OF YAKIMA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT lCITY Or YAKIMA anning 129 NORTH SECOND STREET, 2ND FLOOR, YAKIMA, WA 98901 VOICE: (509) 575-6183 EMAIL: ask.planning@yakiawa.gov This form is intended to provide a sufficient level of -in rmation that, when combined with a site inspection, the Administrative Official can make an informed determination as to whether or not critical areas are present on the site, and whether or not the proposed activity will impact those critical areas. A "yes" response to any single question on the identification form does not necessarily indicate that further critical area review is required. The Administrative Official will evaluate all the information provided on the form, in conjunction with the information provided with the initial permit application, to determine if further investigation is needed and whether completion of a critical area report is warranted. In some instances, a preliminary report prepared by an environmental professional may be appropriate. If a' buffer reduction is necessary for your project, a separate review will be required and a separate fee will be charged. Some of the questions listed here require locating the project area on reference maps. The City of Yakima has various maps on file, i.e. the FEMA Floodplain Map. Maps from other federal, state, and local agencies may also be used as indicators. 77 A. Project Information 1. Name of project. Pottenger's Place 2. Name and address of applicant. Eric Herzog PLS HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc., 2803 River Road, Yakima, WA 98902�+ a . Name and address of individual completing the identification form and their l environmental/technical expertise/special qualifications. Michael R Hiet, PE., HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc. 2803 River Road, Yakima, WA 98902 4. Date the identification form was prepared. June 23, 2020 5. Location of the proposed activity (street address and legal description). Parcel 171324-44415,-44416,-44417, and-44418, Tieton Drive Yakima, WA 98908, See Attached Legal Description 6. Give a brief, complete description of the proposed activity, including extent of proposed activities, and impervious surface areas. See Attached 7. Describe the limits of the project area in relation to the site (for example, "the project area will extend to within 50 feet of the north property line'), including the limits of proposed clearing and construction activity. See attached project description and site plan. Revised 4/2019 . Page 13 1. What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture soil classification of the soil found on site? The primary soil for the site is a Kittitas Silt Loam which is a CL, IVIL. What types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? J(1/V 11 2020 Loam 3. What types of vegetation are found on site? Cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, water lily, eelgrass, milfoil? The primary vegetation on the site is natural occurring pasture grasses. 4. Describe any vegetation proposed to be planted as part of the project. The project is to develop single family residential homes and standard residential type landscaping will be planted consisting of grass, trees and shrubs. I 5. Give a brief, complete description of existing site conditions, including current and past uses of the property as well as adjoining land uses. The existing site is open land covered with natural occurring pasture grasses. It may have been used in the past for grazing land or growing hay. The adjacent land is primarily single family residences. I 6. Will the project include installation of an on -site septic system? No, it will be connected to City sewer. 7. What is the proposed timing and schedule for all multi -phased projects? The project will be a two phased project that is anticipated to begin in the Fall of 2020 and be constructed over five years. 8. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or related activity? If yes, explain. There are no plans for future additions at this time. The land will be fully developed upon completion of the project. 9. Have any critical areas or protection easements been recorded on the title of the property or adjacent properties? There are none known to exist. 10. Will your project require review under the State Shoreline Management Act or the State Environmental Policy Act? The project will be reviewed under the SEPA. 11. Is the site within the 100-year flood plain on flood insurance maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), or on other local flood data maps? The site has a portion that is within the 1 00-year flood plain, that will be mitigated as part of this project. See attached map I Revised 4/2019 MDU Page 14 12. Describe any surface water and watercourses, including intermittent streams, drainage channels, ditches, and springs, located on site or within one-half mile of the site. If appropriate, provide the names of the water bodies to which the streams flow. There are no existing surface bodies of water within the development, . . . . . ........ 13. Indicate the topography of the site (shallow areas often retain water and may be wetlands, although wetlands may also occur on slopes). The site slopes gently to the east at approximately 1 1/2 percent. 14. How will stormwater from the project be managed? The runoff is proposed to be collected and managed on -site via surface retention and infiltration facilities ot'lly 0 underground infiltration facilities. PIA 15. Is development proposed to be clustered to reduce disturbance of critical areas? The site is proposing to mitigate the flood plain as allowed through building codes with building pass through's or revising the internal pathway through the project site. There are no wetlands or bodies of water on the site, 16. Will this project require other government approvals for environmental impacts? El Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife) El Water quality certification [(Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology)). JZ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (Ecology). ❑ Municipal or health district wastewater/septic approval (Ecology). E] Water Use Permit; Certificate of Water Right (Ecology). F-1 U.S. Army Corps Section 404 or Section 10 Permits. E] Forest Practices Permit (Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR)). E] Aquatic Lands Lease and/or Authorization (DNR). E] Shoreline development, conditional use, or variance permit (local jurisdiction). E] Other C. Available Information 1. Has a critical area review, or other environmental review, been conducted for another project located on or adjacent to the site? List any environmental information known to have been prepared, or expected to be prepared, relating to this proposal or project area. There are no known environmental reviews known to have been completed. D. Wetlands 1. Is there any evidence of ponding on or in the vicinity of the site? There are no known wetlands on the property. 2. Does the proposed activity or construction involve any discharge of waste materials or the use of hazardous substances? There are no discharges anticipated as part of the construction activity. Revised 4/2019 DOC. Page 15 INDEX #,--F-3 E. Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas 1. What is the permeability (rate of infiltration) of the soils on the site? (Note: General information for this question and the following question can be found in the Guidance Document for the Establishment of Critical Aquifer Recharge Area Ordinances, 2000, Ecology Pu kat ion 1497-30)* Approximately 1 inch per hour. JUjV 2. What is the annual average precipitation in the area? QTY OF rA 6 to 12 inches per year. 131 3. Is there any evidence of groundwater contamination on or in the vicinity of the site?' None are know to exist, 4. s there any groundwater information available from wells that have been dug in the vicinity? If so, describe, including depth of groundwater and groundwater quality. Groundwater form neighboring test holes varies from six to ten feet. - T Does the proposed activity or construction involve any discharge of waste materials o`i-the use of hazardous substances? There are no discharges anticipated as part of the construction activity. Freauentiv Flooded Areas 1. Is the site, or a portion of the site, at a lower elevation than surrounding properties? The site is generally flat and slopes gently to the south and consistent with neighboring properties. G. Geological Hazard 1. Generally describe the site: Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other. The site is generally flat and slopes gently to the south and consistent with neighboring properties. 2. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill material. The flood plain will be revised however there will be no net increase or decrease, and no significant cuts or fills, - - --------- --- ------ 3. What is the steepest slope on the property? 1% 4.- -Isthe -area mapped by Ecology (Coastal Zone Atlas) or the Department of Natural Resource (slope stability mapping) as unstable ("U" or class 3), unstable old slides ("US" or class 4), or unstable recent slides ("US" or class 5)? No 5. Is the area designated as quaternary slumps, earthflows, mudflows, lahars, seismic hazard, or landslides on maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey or Dept. of Natural Resources? No DOC. Revised 4/2019 IND" Page 16 # ---- 19 6. Is there any indication of past landslides, erosion, or unstable soils in the vicinity? No E 7. It s no®a erosion atd and Management Practices II be employed setdr QctrevenQ likely g> use? " p 9 P Y P erosion. F. '�?S . Are soils proposed to be compacted? NNINd ', Soils will be compacted in the road and building prisms only. 9. Are roads, walkways, and parking areas designed to be parallel to natural contours? The roads and walkways will slope with natural terrain to minimize cuts and fills. The proposal is to cut material throughout the roads and the back of the proposed lots and move it to the center of the lots to create building pads. The cuts and fills across the property will be approximately 1 depth. H. Habitat 1. List any birds, mammals, fish, or other animal species found in the vicinity of the site, including those found during seasonal periods. Songbirds 2. Is the site or areas in the vicinity used for commercial or recreational fishing, including shellfish? No 3. Is the area designated an Area of Special Concern under on -site sewage regulations to protect shellfish or the general aquatic habitat? No 4. Are any natural area preserves or natural resource areas located within 500 feet of the site? No 5. Is the site part of a migration route? Most of Washington State is part of the Pacific Flyway migratory route for birds. 6. Are any priority habitat areas, as shown on maps published by the WA gDept. �m &m& of Fish Wildlife, within one-half mile of the site? If so, describe type of habitat and distance from project area. No 7. Are any of the following located on or adjacent to the site? ❑ Aspen stands ❑ Estuary and estuary like areas ❑ Juniper savannah ❑ Caves ❑ Marine/estuarine shorelines ❑ Prairies and steppe ❑ Cliffs ❑ Vegetative marine/estuarine areas ❑ Riparian areas ❑ Shrub -steppe ❑ Old-growth/mature forests ❑ Instream habitat areas ❑ Snags or logs ❑ Oregon white oak woodlands ❑ Rural natural open spaces ❑ Talus ❑ Freshwater wetlands and fresh ❑ Urban natural open spaces dee water 00C. Revised 4/2019 Page 17 8. Does the proposal involve any discharge of waste materials or the use of hazardous substances? There are no discharges anticipated as part of the construction activity. 9. What levels of noise will be produced from the proposed activity or construction? Normal construction noise and normal residential maintenance noise. i.e. lawn mowers, leaf blowers, power trimmers, 10. Will light or glare result from the proposed activity or construction? No, lights will be directed down or toward the interior, III. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 1. Are there any existing environmental documents for the subject property? 2. Provide a detailed site plan which includes all the required items on the Site Plan Checklist, along with the extent and nature of on -site and off -site Critical Areas and the relationship of the er2ject to those Critical Areas. 1 111 Revised 4/2019 MY PLANNJAlr� .1 t),V DOC. INDEX Page 18 a M a M ■ 0 WE UOTE-11 FTAT- 9 A 6 a . 0 1 The proposed Preliminary Plat of Pottenger's Place site will subdivide approximately 4.88 acres into 'residential lots. The lots will be a mixture of 10single family common wall lots, ano,44 __m' ulti-family tri-plex's. The lot sizes will vary in size from approximately 4,304 square feet to 1,B-,WVsquare feet. The lots will have frontage onto a public roadway, which will need to be improved as part of this project. The project will be a two phased project with lots in phase 1 and 11 lots in phase 2. Access to the plat will be from a public road extension off Tieton Drive. Nob Hill Water will serve the lots with domestic water, and City of Yakima Sewer will serve the sewerage needs. Storm water will all be contained on -site in retention swales, or underground infiltration. There are no existing surface bodies of water within the development. The is a portion of the northern properties that are encumbered by the FEMA 100-year floodplain although the land is dry, and no indication of wetlands are present. The majority of the floodplain for the proposed project is located in FEMA Panel 53077C1007E and is designated Zone AE, which represents a base flood elevation has been determined. During plat improvement design phase and again in the building development phase, the developer will provide a hydraulic analysis as necessary to the City of Yakima Planning and Code Administration Division for review and approval which take into account all encroachments, fill, new construction, and all other development that all floodplain encroachments will not materially cause water to be diverted from the established floodway, cause erosion, obstruct the natural flow of water, reduce carrying capacity of the floodway, or increase flood levels during the occurrence The project consists of usual and normal embankment construction for new streets and building lots in Pottenger's Place. As it applies to the floodplain modification, there is minor grading proposed for streets and building lot development to revise the elevation and create building pads outside of the floodplain. No net increase or decrease in quantity of material is anticipated within either construction project, so the same floodplain volume is available after the project is completed. There will be 3,000 cubic yards of cut and fill across the property to revise the contours and create the building pads. There are no wetlands in this area. The proposal is to cut material throughout the roads and the back of the proposed lots and move it to the center of the lots to create building pads. The cuts and fills across the property will be approximately 1 to 2 feet in depth. RECEIVET JUN 2 4 2020 DOC. G:\PROJECTS\2019\19191 E\Prelim Plat Application\2020-06-23 Pottenger Place Critical Areas Project Description.do MOM CAPACITYCity of Yakima, Washington TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS Applicant Name: HLA Engineering gv g and LSurveying Project Address: Tieton Drive and 96th Avenue Land .... �.�.� _.....� ._ , Contact Person: Eric He pLS Yakima WA 98908 Mailing Address: 2803 River Road Yakima, WA 98902 Parcel o(s)171324 44415,-44416, 44417, and -44418 Please fill out the appropriate column for your proposed use: For ESID NTIAL Use: For C E CIAL Use: For INDUST Housing Type* Single Family Describe Use' (Single -Family, Apartments, etc) _ m Describe Use' Special Population` (Nursing Homes, etc) Other' (Group Home, Daycare, Church, eta) Number of Units 25 Lots *Uses must match tip with YMC Ch. 15, 04, Table 4-1 Gross Floor Area Gross Floor Area Parking Spaces _ Parking Spaces (RequiredlProvide � (I2egztiredlProi7ide Number of Employees _ Number of Employees Project Description: The proposed Pottenge r s Place Plat will consist of 25 lots with a total of 47 housing units. The plat may be constructed in two phases. All lots will have access to public roads, sewer, and water. Submit this form with a site plan, the application fee, and any attachments to the City of Yakima, Permit Center Yakima City Hall, 129 N. 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901. You will receive a Notice of Decision explaining the Findings of tdle resulting analysis. Please review the Decision when it is sent to you, as you only have 14 days to file a request r`or Reconsideration or an Appeal. Questions? Contact the City of Yakima, PlanninLx Divi.cinn 1 7o rr I -A V.-- _ LAND USE APPLICATION CITY OF OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT NORTHCITY rFLOOR,r PHONE:ask.planning@yaldmawn.gov i Y i 4: 1 i i • •. Y 9 1 J: ; i i f Eric Herzog, PLS HLA Engineering and Land Surveying, INC. • Y r 1 , r w Information:yy Mailing �Ii itRiver 'ii eherzog@hlacivil.com 2. Applicant' Interest in Property: Check C Other IIIYIYRay Novobielski ri. �. IIi4 1200 = . - than i1 • iir Property's4. Subject Assessor'si' and -44418 5. Legal Description pleaseit on a separate docurnew) attach See Preliminary Plat Map 6. Property Address,, 1.. Type Of Application:Apply) 1 Preliminary Long Plat 0 Environnienial Checklist (SEPAReview) EJ Planned Developnient ■Transportation Concurrericy [I pplicatiOn and the required attachments are true and correct to the best of rny knowledge, OwncCs Signature Date WIN Supplemental i 1 1 1 PRELMNARY LONG PLAT VW CITY :: YAKINIA, SUBDIVISION OF YAKIMA Planning , 5. 1 I ,11 WON I _1_. P` R_ _0P E_ -R—T-Y-0 --- W NERS (attach if long): List all parties and financial institutions having an interest in ` property. Ray Novobielski ii Abbess RECEIVE Yakima, WA •i 2. O. AND/OR CONTACT PERSONlINFORMATP iMY Herzog,Eric PLS HLA Engineering and Land Surveying y 3. NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Pottenger's Place 5, SITE FEATURES: A. General Description: Z Flat E] Gentle Slopes El Steepened Slopes B. Describe any indication of hazards associated with unstable soils in the area, i.e. slides or slipping? None C. Is the property 11-Year Floodplain or other critical area as mapped by rcal, state, or national mapsor defined by a - Growth Management Act or r.,. Code? 6. UTILITY i'; SERVICES: (Check all that are available) Z Electricity J Telephone 0 Natural Gas J Sewer wl Cable TV W1 Water Nob HiK Irrigation Yakima Tieton 7. OTHER • INFORMATION: A. Distance to Closest Fire Hydrant: Adjacent to site on North side of Tieton Drive B. Distance to Nearest School(and name of r• 01 Apple C. Distance to a name of park): 1 1'West Valley Community Park D. Method of 1ling Stormwater i On detention E. Type of Potential Uses: (check all that apply) -Familly Dwellings JZ Two -Family Dwellings Z Multi -Family Dw ings Co ercial ndus ial 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUIRED: (Please use the attached City of Yakima Preliminary Plat Checklist) 2. TRAFFIC i required, see YMC Ch. 12.08,Capacity ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST (required): f 1 r f . f• i 1' f f r :t i. f • '.. ! -' 1 1 f 1.._. '. r l• i r - 1 • 1 : F; Revised 4/2019 DOC. Page 14 INDEX r Access to the p|ed will be from o public road extension off Tieton Drive. Nob Hill Water will serve the lots with domestic � U c�et�and City Vf�ehim� Sewer serve the sewerage needs. Storm water will all contained on -site in retention swales, or underground infiltration. — There are nuexisting surface bodies ofwater within the development. The ka1OO-vearfloodpkainrunning across the northern portion of the property. Consists of usual and normal eMbankment construction for new streets and building lots in Pike, No net incri�pse or d I ecrease in quantity of material is anticipated within either c projeq so the same floodolain volume is available after the project is completed. ��� _�° -"~o~' --n CITY W Planning .Ray Pottenger's PIA - PLP TEPA CHAPTER G &Myh�gUl� ---------------- G-1 Notice of Incomplete Application 05/18/2020 G-2 Land Use Action Installation Certificate 5/26/2 2 -3 Notice of Decisionfor Transportation Cocrrecy Analysis06/10/2020 G-4 Determination of Complete Application 07/08/2020 -5 Notice of Application 7/3/ G-5: Legal A -5: Parties and Agencies Notified -5c: Affidavit of Mailing -6 Notice of Application, Environmental Review, Public Hearing 10/05/2020 and Preliminary Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) -6: Legal Ad -: Press Release and Distribution Email -c: Parties and Agencies Notified -: Affidavit of Mailing G-7 Notice of Retentionof DNS 1 /2/ 2 -7: Parties and Agencies Notified -7 : Affidavit of Mailing G-8 YPC Agenda and Packet Distribution List 12/02/2020 -9 YPC Agenda 12/09/2020 City of Yakima Planning Commission ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING Wednesday December 9,2020 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC MEMBERS: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, Philip Ostriem, Mary Place, and Lisa Wallace !Q1- Joan Davegort 'Communi Develo ment D . rector Rosalinda Ibarra lCommull,1111 . 11 Develo in n I 9. M11111141wor-111 'I 11MIN Fe ram N ", I PM I. Call to Order 11. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes of October 28,2020 V. Public Hearing - Ray Novobielski "Plat of Pottenger's Place" Applicant: HLA Engineering& Land Surveying c/o Eric Herzog File Numbers: PLP#002-20, SEPA#013-20, CAO#007-20, TCO#004-20 Site Address: Vicinity of 9711 Tieton Drive Request: Proposed long plat that will subdivide four parcels totaling approximately 4.88 acres into 10 common -wall lots and 8 triplex lots. The site is located in the R-2 and R-3 zoning districts and is located partially within the floodplain. VI. Introduction to City Council R-3 Moratorium VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn Next Meeting: January 13, 2021 To Iisten/watch this virtual meeting, please register with your name and email address here: s C1 After registering, you will receive e ailed instruct•ion forJoining I the meeting online with your device or by calling in. The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. L Yakima 0000 bftd INDEX 111r 2015 1994 Jake Liddicoat Rob McCormick Lisa Wallace Leanne Hughes -Mickel Al Rose Philip Ostriem Mary Place /��NE� (APPLICANT/SURVEYOR) ` �` ''" HL4Engineering c/o Eric Herzog RayNovobiebk 28O3River Road 2OQAbbess Ln Yakima,WA Yakima, VVA989OO Date Distributed: AR '2 L-1001 oyo ielski - "Plat of Pottepge!`s_Place" 9711 Tieton Dr 1, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Retention of DNS; a true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the applicant and all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of subject property; that said property owners are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division; and that said notices were mailed by me on this 291h day of Qg!qhgL 2020. Lisa Maxey Planning Technician 17132444443 MELROY LIVING TRUST 421 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444438 GEOFFREY C & ROBYN L BIGLOW 220 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132511011 JOSHUA & CARLEE FIEDOR 9810TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444407 LISA A ESCOBAR 9705 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444441 MARK & WENDY MARTINEZ 416 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 I WA rw. VJWZTFA V 1A 217 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 11132444420 5808 A SU M M ITVI EW AVE # 89 YAKIMA, WA 98908 RAYMOND & PAMELA NOVOBiELSKI 200 ABBESS LN YAKIMA, I �W48908 132444418 R Y D L & PA��M�OBIELSKI 200 ABB wall A� 17132444445 CARL R & SUSAN M OLDEN 411 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132511409 GEOFFREY L & AlV1",-w&AZ= 7507 BARGE CT YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444404 KENNETH R KENNEDY 208 5 96TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444409 LYLD D & CINDY L 9801 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444439 MARK A & CLAUDIA H GRADWOHL 402 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444440 MICHAEL D & ALLYSON UHLMAN 410 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444444 NORMAN L & SHARON L BAS; 417 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 W2444415 UM01 N D L Z- P-1,!ItL" 17132511406 SCOTT BACH 9800 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 BIELSKI 17132444405 CRAIG D & LINDA FINCH 210 S 96TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444442 JAMES L JR & DINA MARIE WILLIAMS 420 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444446 LARRY MICHAEL &JUDY LEE BAUGHER 403 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444447 LYNN F MASSONG 221 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444402 MARYANN NEWLAND 9706 ORCHARD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132511412 MILTON W & LINDA ROSS 9702 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444419 PATRICK TRUE 402 S 96TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 1 2444416 RAY L & PAM VOBIELSKI 200 ABBE y WA 98 L 0 Total Parcels - Ray Novobielski - "Pottenger's Place" - PLP#002-20 SEPA#013-20 q CAOt000-7-11A HLA Engineering & Land Surveying Attn: Eric Herzog 2803 River Rd SWA403 I OqO.#(X)- -jo Yakima, WA 98902 rn _ -- xhtanumIrrigation District Beth Ann o,u|utte Executive Assistant 10705-Bs||bert Road Yakima, vvAga9O3'9zO3 Charter Communications Manager zoosNorth 16thAve Yakima, vvx989n2 Department ofFish and Wildlife SEPxDesk PoBox 4J2Oo Olympia, vvxga5U4 Department of Socia|uHealth Services oubert*ubema| Office mCapita |Programs po.Box «sawu Olympia, mwoascw — - - Engineeringoivision Bob Desgms Uier,sen|orsnginee, z39mZndStreet vakima, vvA989Q1 Nob Hill Water Association Bob Irving, Engineering Technician 61z1TietonDrive Yakima, vvx98gon Parks QRecreation Commission Jessica Logan pnBox 4Z6so Olympia, vvx98so4 Yakima Valley Trolleys poBox 79G Yakima, vvogo9V7 Cascade Natural Gas Century Link 8113xvGrandndge Blvd Manager Kennewick, WA 99336 | | oSouth 2ndAve, nm#304 CityufunionGap Dennis xenmaDevelopment Director p.O.Box 3OQ8 Union Gap, vvx989O3 Dept ofArchaeology & Historic Preservation zUG3sCapitol Way, StezVO Olympia, xvASn5O4-8343 Department ofEcology Gwen Clear, Central Regional Coordinator zZsoxvest Alder Street Union Gap, vvAyogO3 Department of Health Kelly Cooper PO Box 47820 Olympia, WA 98504 NEPA Review Unit Seattle, WA 98101 2200 W. Washington Ave Office ofRural and Farm Worker Housing Marty Miller z40usummitviewAve, Ste# 28 Yakima, vvA9B9Oz Manxm20orfh.nra North Yakima Conservation District xxanage, z606Perry Street, Ste, [ Yakima, WA 98902 ' United States Postal Service | Maintenance Department | — Yakima,vvx98gOs —`� �- 10 North 9th Street Yakima, WA 98901 Department of Commence meviewTeam 1V11Plum Stsc Olympia, vvA9gsO4-3zr2 Department ofFish and Wildlife sncBartrand z7OzSouth 34th Ave Yakima, ww989UZ Department of Natural Resources sspA[eme, poBox 47oz5 Olympia, ww9DsU4 Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council ~spssc Stephen Posner, SsPxOfMcer pOBox 4a10 Olympia, vv498504-gz73 PO Box 40909 Olympia, WA 98504 Pacific Power Mike Paulson Paul Edmondson 313 North 3rd Street Yakima, WA 98901 USArmy Corps ofEngineers Seattle District, Regulatory Branch P.O. aox37ss WA State Attorney General's Office zv]3Lakeside Court, ste#zO2 Yakima, vvAg89O2 West Valley School District Angela Von Essen, Asst. Supt. OfBusiness & Finance 8902 Zier Road Yakima, vvAg89o8'93eg WSoOT South Central Regionl Planning Office Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program Elizabeth sanxhe»Environmental Review coummam, p.o.Box 1s1 rrpnenuh'wmyyo*a qnl Yakima County Building Department Harold Maclean zZ8North 2"d Stneet,4Ph Floor Yakima, vvA98g0z Yakima County Flood Control District Troy Havens @ Dianna Woods 1z8North a,dStreet, 4thFloor Yakima, vvx989U1 Yakima snenwayFoundation meU|econnaugWon' Executive Director 111South 18thStmet Yakima, vvA989O1 Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency *asanTaoatCompliance, Engineering & Planning Division Supervisor z85Iron Horse Ct#zoz Yakima, vvx9ag0z Yakima School District Jay oaucom^Asst. Director ofMaintenance &Operations z04m41^Ave Yakima, vvxgueU2 Yakima Valley Conference ofGovernments 4mnoeitxck, Senior Planner 311North 4thStreet, StewaUo Yakima, vvx989oz Yakima County Commissioners Yakima County Planning Tommy Carroll &Jason Earles I Yakima, WA 98901 okirna Yakama Indian Nation Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Program P.O. Box 151 Yakima School District Trevor Greene, Superintendent 104 North 4th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 � vakima-netunIrrigation District ' Sandra Hull 47uCamp 4nd � vaNma'vvA9DSOu | | J' | � Yakima Valley Museum Peter Arnold, Executive Director Yakima, WA 98902 00C. INDEX Wastewater Division Marc Cawley and Dana Kalle 2220 East Viola Ave Yakima, WA 98901 WSDOT Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer Union Gap, WA 98903 vakamaBureau ofIndian Affairs Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator P.O. Bcm63z Toppenish'vv4g8B48 Yakima Air Terminal Robert Peterson, mrport A,stxxanaQer z4OOWest Washington Ave Yakima, vvx98gO3 L YakamaIndian Nation Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council p.O.Box z51 Toppen|sh'vvx9O94o Yakima School District Stacey Locke , Asst. Supt. of Operations Yakima, WA 98902 Robert Smoot 908 ' � Yakima Waste Systems , Keith Kn,a|enkzDistrict Manager � poBox zmao Yakima, vvx989O7 / !| Ahtanum Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Century Link Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager 10705-B Gilbert Road Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Department of Agriculture Manager Dennis Henne, Development Director Kelly McLain 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 P.O. Box 42560 Yakima, WA 98902 . Union Gap, WA 98903 . . . . ........ Olympia, WA 98504 Environmental Protection Agency NEPA Review Unit Federal Aviation Administration Governor's Office of Indian Affairs 1200 6th Ave #155, 14 D-12 2200 W. Washington Ave PO Box 40909 Seattle, WA 98101 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Pacific Power North Yakima Conservation District Yakima Valley Trolleys Mike Paulson Manager Paul Edmondson 500 North Keys Rd 1606 Perry Street, Ste. C 313 North 3rd Street Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Yakima Valley Trolleys Seattle District PO Box 796 Maintenance Deptartment Regulatory Branch Yakima, WA 98907 205 W Washington Ave P.O. Box 3755 Yakima, WA 98903 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama Indian Nation WA State Attorney General's Office Superintendent Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Program Yakima, WA 98902 P.O. Box 632 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Nation Yakima School District Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Trevor Greene, Superintendent Sandra Hull P.O. Box 151 104 North 4th Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima Valley Canal Co Robert Smoot 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98908 \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 09.10.20 -Form Ust.docx Type of Notice: Ni -o� Re4n)ijed Lis File Number: Date of Mailing: Parties of Record — I ._`'of Pottener's Place — PL002-20, SEPAi, _ _ 3-20 & CAO#007-20 i r• i r '•`ia i•i » NUM I i,, r • rr, Silvia Corona r - Glenn Denman ♦i r John ZabellKelli • r Horton Linda Rossignol Pedro Contreras Tony Doan t i on Davenport Community Development Joan Davenport@vaki BobJoan Desgrosellier Engineering r, Riddle Aaron Markham Fire r Mai mawa, loy PatReid i; Jeff Cutter Legal Sara Watkins Legal Archie Matthews • r; » iI— n Planning _ Planning .i Scott Schafer I V r � iil I LorettaZammarc.. Randy i 5 Refuse StoryGregory James Dean Utilitiesr, . Randy o Dave Brown- r i0 ra• IUMM MW i • Type of Notice: FileNumber: — Date of Mailing: Maxy, Lisa From: Maxey Lisa Sent: Thursday, October 2Q, 2020 1018AK4 To: Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Contreras, Pedro; Corona, Silvia; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; Oe8usschene,Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; DesgvmseUier,Bob; Doan, Tony; Horton' KeUi; |barra. Rosa|inda; KaUevig, Dana; Layman' Randy; Markham, Aaron; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Me1oy, Randy; Murray, Matthew; Reid, Patrick; Riddle, Dan; Rossigno[ Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sana;ZabeU, ]uhn;Zammarchi' Loretta;Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann 8ru|utte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce (CTED) Review Team; Department ofEcology; Department of Ecology Lori White; Department of Ecology SEPARegister; Department ofEcology '[ROCoordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department nfFish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife Eric Bartmnd;Department ofFish and Wildlife Scott Downes; Department ofNatural Resources; Dept ofSocial 8<Health Svcs Robert Hubentha|;Dept. Archaeology /k Historic Preservation SEPA Review; DesgroseUier, Bob; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council Stephen Posner; Henne, Dennis; lbarra, Rosalincla; Kallevig, Dana; Nob Hill Water Bob Irving; Office ofRural & Farmworker Housing Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; Riddle, Dan; USArmy Corps ofEngineers David Moore; VVAState Dept of Health, Office ofDrinking Water; VVAState Dept ofHealth, Office ofDrinking Water; VVA State Parks& Recreation [ommissiun;VVSDOT Paul Gonseth;VVSDOT South Central Regional Planning Office; VVSDOTAviation Max P|atts;VVVSD Angela Watts, Asst Suptof8us/Fin;VVVSD Mike Brophy, SupL;Yakama Bureau ofIndian Affairs Rocco C|ark;Yakema Nation Environmental Management Program Elizabeth Sanchey; Yakama'0icNtatFisheries John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District Troy Havens; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District Ryan |bach;Yakima County Planning Manager Tommy Carroll; Yakima County Planning Zoning/Sub Jason Ear|es;Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima GneenwayFoundation KeUie[onnaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Hasan Tahat; Yakima School District Jay Baucom; Yakima School District Stacey Locke; Yakima School District Trevor Greene; Yakima Valley Museum Peter Arnold, Exec Director; Yakima Valley Trolleys; Yakima Waste Systems Keith Kova|enko;YVCOG LynnDeit/ick Cc: Monick'[oUeda Subject: Notice ofRetained DNS Pottenger'sP|ace PLP#002'20'[AO#007'20&5EPA#013'20 Attachments: NOTICE OF RETAINED DNS-Pottenge/'s Place PLP CAO SEPA.PDF Attached is a Notice of Retained Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact assigned planner Colleda Monick at colleda.monictaygtjyoA�� Thank you! ^Lisa Maxey Planning Technician City of Yakima P|BAAiDg Division p:5O9.57R.088S DEP, _rMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEL( -VIENT AWAY a Joan Davenport, AICP, Director ArAfff M Z VMV Planning Division A49 PIM Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2,,d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE NOTICE OF RETENTION CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON October 29, 2020 ":ile Numbers: PLP#002-20, CAO#007-20 & SEPA#01 3-20 [X] Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS), Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS), Modified DNS/MDNS, on October 5, 2020, for this proposal under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and WAC 197-11-340. This retention concerns a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review of a proposal to subdivide approximately 4.88 acres into 18 residential lots; 10 single-family common -wall lots and 8 multifamily triplex lots. Lot sizes will vary in size from approximately 4,304 square feet to 46,234 square feet. The lots will have frontage onto a public roadway. The project will be a two phased project with 16 lots in phase 1 and 2 lots in phase 2. The site is located in the R-2 and R-3 zoning districts and is located partially within the floodplain. This threshold determination is hereby: [X] Retained Modified. Modifications to this threshold determination include the following: Withdrawn. This threshold determination has been withdrawn due to the following'. Delayed. A final threshold determination has been delayed due to the following: # - I Position/Title: Phone: Addressi Date: October 29, 2020 Signature: Tou may appeal this determination to joan DaVero0d, City of Yakima Community Development Director, at 129 N 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901, no later than November 12, 2020. You must submit a completed appeal application form with the $580 application fee. Be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the City of Yakima, Planning Division, for information on appeal procedures. 601 WAIV V We] MVA'WfA&Qj MW I ILI e2» �W A 01 RE: 2L2#002-20, 2E2A3013-20 & CAO#007-20 9711 Tieton Dr I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Application, Environmental Review, Preliminary Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) and Public Hearing; a true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the applicant, all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of subject property, and SEPA reviewing agencies; that said artier individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said n,2<® were mailed by ©e on the 5th day of October, 2020. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. ��\\� �� \? 7�° Lisa Maxey Planning Technician Parties of Record - Plat of Pottenger's Place - PLP#002-20, SEPA#u 3-20 & CAO#007-20 HLA Engineering & Land Surveying Ray Novobielski Norm Base Attn: Eric Herzog 200 Abbess Ln 417 S 98' Ave 2803 River Rd Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 Susan & Carl Olden Diana Marie Williams Lynn Massong 411 S 98' Ave 420 S 98' Ave 221 S 98' Ave Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 -E-mail Address ilvia Corona R.11— lenn Denman i Code Administration Glenn.Denmai John ZabeiiIII ode Administration abefty .... . ....... . . Kelli Horton Code Administration Linda Rossignol Code Administration _A Linda Pedro Contreras Code Administration Suzanne DeBusschere Code Administration Doan Code Administration r. Davenport Community Development Community Development Desgrosellier Engineering an Riddle Engineering Aaron MarkIIIIham Fire V. W h"Wo F2re NtReid@y#kirna A - Jeff Cutter Legal LIeLf Sara Watkins Legal hews ONDS Joseph Calhoun j Planning Lisa Maxey Planning Matt Murray Police qn,hew.rhurrgy Public Works Refuse �tta. rn r6fil akima Loretta Zammarchi LLJJ� py Refuse Gregory Story Transit James Dean _—A -Utilities Dana Kallevig Wastewater Randy Meloy Wastewate Dave Brown . ..... ... . . . uded In M win Type of Notice: -P YM i ?Pt 1. File Number: P0014 09 12_1;14&64Aa&0 OV Date of Mailing: INDEX 17132444445 CARL R & SUSAN M OLDEN 411 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132511409 GEOFFREY L & AMY L KNAUTZ 7507 BARGE CT YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444404 KENNETH R KENNEDY 208 S 96TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444409 LYLD D & CINDY L WAKEFIELD 9801 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444439 MARK A & CLAUDIA H GRADWOHL 402 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 •+ i : LINDA FINCH i 96TH AVE + 9890 17132444442 i 98TH AVE YAKIMA, .t 17132444446 l • { k , + 4J 98TH AVE YAKIMA,{ ••i 17132444447 + i 98TH AVE YAKIMA, + 9`i8 17132444440 17132511412 MICHAEL D & ALLYSON UHLMAN MILTON W & LINDA ROSS 410 S 98TH AVE 9702 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444444 17132444419 NORMAN L & SHARON L BASE PATRICK TRUE 417 S 98TH AVE 402 S 96TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98908 1' 1 l + ;��yyyy� i 17132444443 MELROY LIVING TRUST 421 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444438 GEOFFREY C & ROBYN L BIGLOW 220 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132511011 JOSHUA & CARLEE FIEDOR 9810 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444407 LISA A ESCOBAR 9705 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444441 MARK & WENDY MARTINEZ 416 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444448 MARY ANNE DAUGHS 217 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444420 NORMAN & BEVERLY LEAVERTON 5808 A SUMMITVIEW AVE # 89 YAKIMA, WA 98908 PAll 908 17132444418 17132511406 RAYM L & PA OVOB"IELSKI SCOTT BACH 200 ABBESS 9800 TIETON DR YAKI A 99 YAKIMA, WA 98908 ao 0ISEM3 17132444416 ;; VOBIELSKI RAYM & PAM BIELSKI 200 ABB A, WA 989 26 Total Parcels -Ray Novobielski - °'Pottenger's Place" - PLP002-20 & Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant 10705-B Gilbert Road Yakima, WA 98903-9203 hgLhb ahCanurn net rm• M.Imp" Manager 1005 North 16th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Department of Agriculture Kelly McLain PO Box 42560 Olympia, WA 98504 kmlainr waov Department of Ecology Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead P.O. Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 separe giister@ecy .M1 V .w 90— Lori Department of Fish and Wildlife SEPA Desk PO Box 43200 Olympia, WA 98504 Department of Social & Health Services Robert Hubenthal Office of Capital Programs P.O. Box 45848 Olympia, WA 98504 Robert-Hubentha!@ rLshs�Ri�gq v _ s Engineering Division Bob Desgrosellier., Cr--n:L6iai5rThtru 129 N 2nd Street Yakima, WA 98901 Nob Hill Water Association 6111 Tieton Drive Yakima, WA 98908 bob0nobhillwater4re Parks & Recreation Commission Jessica Logan PO Box 42650 Olympia, WA 98504 Jessica IogAn.@RaLkL.wa.,gov City of Union Gap Dennis Henne, Development Director P.O. Box 3008 Union Gap, WA 98903 Dennis.henno0union gap ov Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation 1063 S Capitol Way, Ste 106 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 �Mq@oahp.wa.gov Department of Ecology Gwen Clear, Central Regional Coordinator 1250 West Alder Street Union Gap, WA 98903 grmsme Department of Health Kelly Cooper PO Box 47820 Olympia, WA 98504 NEPA Review Unit 1200 6th Ave #155, 14 D-12 Seattle, WA 98101 III=- j0jRW-1Wj.1 * 2200 W. Washington 0 Ave Yakima, WA 9893 Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing Marty Miller 1400 Summitview Ave, Ste# 203 Yakima, WA 98902 MartymZ@orfh.org § aWFAMPSTWIMM Manager 1606 Perry Street, Ste. C Yakima, WA 98902 fl- Century Link Manager 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98902 I - I 10 North 9th Street0 Yakima, WA 9891 Department of Commerce Review Team 1011 Plum St SE Olympia, WA 98504-3172 reviewteam(a)commerce,W j.gov Department of Fish and Wildlife Eric Bartrand 1701 South 24th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Edc.Bartrandgdfvv�wa�gov Department of Natural Resources SEPA Center PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504 Macen Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer PO Box 43172 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 Governor's Office of Indian Affairs PO Box 40909 Olympia, WA 98504 Pacific Power Mike Paulson 500 North Keys Rd Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima Valley Trolleys Paul Edmondson 313 North 3rd Street Ya ki ma, WA 98901 Yakima Valley Trolleys United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 796 Maintenance Department Seattle District, Regulatory Branch Yakima, WA 98907 205 W Washington Ave DOC. P.O. Box 3755 LnfofflyakLmAyL1leytrotleXs.org Yakima, WA 98903 1146EX Seattle, WA 98124-3755 _# _f dav �.mjl WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water Wastewater Division WA State Attorney General's Office Jamie Gardipe Marc Cawley and Dana Kallevig 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 2220 East Viola Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Yakima, WA 98901 , _ SEPA.reyijewteAM@4 iqLwa.gov MgM.cawley@yakJmgMa&ov Jami g-paLd�fgp f— -g@Aoh.vva.90—v West Valley School District West Valley School District Angela Von Essen, Asst. Supt. Of Business & Mike Brophy, Superintendent WSDOT Finance 8902 Zier Road Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer 8902 Zier Road Yakima, WA 98908-9299 2809 Rudkin Road Yakima, WA 98908-9299 Union Gap, WA 98903 gonsetDP_vvs ot, tav WSDOT, Aviation Division Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs WSDOT Max Platts, Aviation Planner Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator South Central Region) Planning Office 7702 Terminal St SW P.O. Box 632 Turnwater, WA 98501 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program . ............... Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project Yakima Air Terminal Elizabeth Sanchey, Environmental Review Coordinator John Marvin Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager P.O. Box 151 760 Pence Road 2400 West Washington Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98909 Yakima, WA 98903 g.san ypkaa.rom gka mfish-nsnZ iQbert.pqtqrson@yakimawa.gov Yakima County Building Department Yakima County Health District Harold Maclean Ryan lbach, Director of Environmental Health 128 North 2,d Street, 4th Floor Yakima County Commissioners 1210 Ahtanurn Ridge Dr Ste#200 Yakima, WA 98901 Commissioners .web @ Lc . �aklma�.wa.qs Union Gap, WA 98903 Harold.)' aclean co.vakimawa us Xh��co, aLkima.wams Yakima County Flood Control District Yakima County Planning Troy Havens & Dianna Woods Tommy Carroll & Jason Earles Yakima County Public Services 128 North 2nd Street, 41h Floor 128 North 2nd Street 4th Floor Lisa Freund, Public Services Director Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Troy.1javiLns akima.wa.ys Lhomas.CaLr0II@gpAakmnaW@,,kLs Yakima, WA 98901 DIanna.Moods ,@co. yakima.wa.qs IiLa �freund �qoakfm�awa.us� Yakima Greenway Foundation Yakama Indian Nation Kellie Connaughton, Executive Director Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation 111 South 18th Street Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Yakima, WA 98901 P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Hasan Tahat, Compliance, Engineering & Yakima School District Yakima School District Planning Division Supervisor Trevor Greene, Superintendent Stacey Locke , Asst. Supt. of Operations 186 Iron Horse Ct # 101 104 North 4th Ave 104 N 4th Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 hasaq@yrcaa.org g-�tqngjrevor ak:imaschqq1L.oAr P_y_ tocke,sigggy@lsd7.org Yakima School District Jay Baucom, Asst. Director of Maintenance Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co & Operations Sandra Hull Robert Smoot 104 N 41h Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Yakima Valley Museum Yakima Waste Systems Lynn Deitrick, Senior Planner Peter Arnold, Executive Director Keith Kovalenko, District Manager 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 2105 Tieton Drive Yakima, WA 98902 DOCE PO Box 2830 Yakima, WA 98901 oLe�vmu�seuMgr g Yakima, WA 98907 an-_DettrickPyv� �.or 1y INDEX keithk Ahtanum Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant 8113 W Grandridge Blvd 10705-B Gilbert Road Kennewick, WA 99336 Yakima, WA 98903 Charter Communications Manager zVosNorth 16thAve Yakima, vvx9Q9Oz Environmental Protection Agency msp4Review Unit z2UUethAve #z55'z4o-zo Seattle, xVAg81O1 City of Union Gap Dennis Henne, Development Director P.O. Box 3008 Union Gap, WA 98903 Federal Aviation Administration 2200 W. Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98903 Pacific Power North Yakima Conservation District Mike Paulson Manager 500 North Keys Rd 1606 Perry Street, Ste. C Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima Valley Trolleys United States Postal Service PO Box 796 Maintenance Deptartment WA State Attorney General's Office Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakima, WA 98902 P.O. Box 632 vakamaIndian Nation Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council P.O. Boxzs1 Tuppenish'vvx9ay48 Yakima Valley Canal Co Robert Smoot 1640GanetsonLane Yakima, mm98908 � Century Link � | Manager | oSouth zndAve, nm#304 |� | Yakima, WA ' Department of Agriculture Kelly McLain P.O. Box 42560 Olympia, WA 98504 US Army Corps of Engineers Seattle District Regulatory Branch P.O. Box 3755 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 � vakamaIndian Nation Johnson xxenmick,Cultural Resources Program ' po.Box zsz | � Toppenish xvA98948 Yakima School District Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Trevor Greene, Superintendent Sandra Hull Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 and m^MS\SEPAREVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 09.m.20-Form ust,do= Maxey Lisa Fromm K4axey, Lisa Sent: Monday, OctoberU5' 2020 10:67AK4 To: Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Contreras, Pedro; Corona, Silvia; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport Joan; Dean, James; DeBusscheve' Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; DesgnzseUier, Bob; Doan' Ton}; Horton, KeUi; |barna, Rosa|inda; KaUevig, Dane; Layman, Randy; Markham, Aaron; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Me|oy,Rendy; Murray Matthew; Reid, Patrick; Riddle, Dan; Rossigno[ Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sara; Zabe||' John; Zamnnarchi. Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann 8nu|otte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber ofCommerce; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce ([TED) Review Team; Department of Ecology; Department of Ecology Lori White; Department of Ecology SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -[RO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department ofFish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife Eric 8artrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife Scott Downes; Department ofNatural Resources; Dept ofSocial 8< Health Svcs Robert Hubentha|; Dept. Archaeology 8< Historic Preservation SEPA Review; DesgroseUier, Bob; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council Stephen Posner; Henne,Dennis; |barna'Rosa|inda;KaUevig,Dana; Nob Hill Water Bob Irving; Office ufRural & Farmworker Housing Marty Miller; Peterson' Robert; Riddle, Dan; US Army Corps of Engineers David Moore; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; VVAState Dept ofHealth, Office ofDrinking Water; WA State Parks & Recreation Commission;VVSDOT Paul Gonseth;VVSDOT South Central Regional Planning Office; VVSDOTAviation Max P|atts;VVVSD Angela Watts, Asst 5uptofBus/Fin;VVVSD Mike Brophy, Supt.;Yakama Bureau ofIndian Affairs Rocco [|ark;Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program E|izabethSanchey; Yakama'K|ickitat Fisheries John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District Troy Havens; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District Ryan |bach;Yakima County Planning Manager Tommy Cernm||; Yakima County Planning Zoning/Sub Jason Ear|es; Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima Gveenvvay Foundation KeUie [onnaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Hasen Tahat Yakima School District ]ay Baucom; Yakima School District Stacey Locke; Yakima School District Trevor Greene; Yakima Valley Museum Peter Arnold, Exec Director; Yakima Valley Trolleys; Yakima Waste Systems Keith Kova|enko; YV[OG Lynn Deitrick; Brown, Michael; Oavido, Sean; E| Mundm; E| Sol de Yakima; Fannin, John; KAPPTV News; K88O KRSE Radio manager; KDNA Wuticias; KD0A Radio Francisco Rios; KEPRTV News; K|K4ATV News; KIT News; K|T/KATI/Dk4VW/KFFM Lance Tormey; KNQD TV News; KNDU TV News; KUNVV'TV Univision; KVEVVTV News; Le [ose Hogar; La Voz; Lozano' Bonnie; NVVCN News; NVVPR Anna King; Randy Luvaes Yakima Business Times; RCDR Maria DJ Rodriguez; Reed C. Pell; Tu Decidea;Tu Decides Albert Torres; West Valley School District Angela Watts; Yakima Herald Republic Mai Hoang;Yakima Herald Republic Newspaper; Yakima Valley Business Times; YPAC Randy Beeh|er;A| Rose; Funk, Kay; Jacob Liddicoat; LeanneHughes'K4icke|; Lisa Wallace; Mary Place; Phi|ipOstriem; Rob McCormick Cc; Monick, [oUeda Subject: Notice of Application, SEPA. Preliminary DNS & Public Hearing Pottenger's Place PLP#002' SEPA#013' [AQ#007'20 Attachments: NOTICE DFAPPLICATION, SEPA, PRELK4|NARY DNS & PUBLIC HEAR|NG_Pottenger's.... pdf INDU# LZLL Attached is a Notice of Application, SEPA Environmental Review, Preliminary Determination of • • - (DNS), and Public Hearing-• • • the above -entitled project. s have any questions Thank about this proposal, please contact assigned planner Colleda Monick at Lisa Maxey Planning Technician s City of ' • Division •: 509.576.6669 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, 9890�. ,r� -11 - - - - - - - - - - - "'' axe , Lisa From: Simon Sizer<ssber@»/akimahere|dzom^ Sent: Thursday, October O1'2O204:59PM To: Maxey, Lisa Subject: Re: 10/5/20Legal Adfor City ofYakima Planning Pottenger'sP|ace Attachments: 961362.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Good afternoon Lisa. I have scheduled this legal notice for 10/5, for a cost of $445.361 _ SimonSber | Legal & Obituary Clerk Yakima Herald -Republic 114North 4thStreet, Yakima, VVA98g01 P.O.Box 9668,Yakima, VVA9QgQ9 - ----- From: Maxey, Lisa <Usa -K8axey@YAKiMAWAG0> Sent: Thursday, October I,2U3O2:S8PK8 To: Simon Sizer<ssizer@yalkimahera|d.com> Washington, CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, AND PUBLIC YE,&WVG After registering, you will receive emailed instructions for is your tum to speak, you will hear an automated announce- ment indicating your phone has been unmuted and you can now be heard by all participating in the meeting. You should announce your name and mailing address for the record prior to making your comments. Once you are finished with your comments, the host will mute you and you will hear an automated announcement indicating your phone has been muted. NQTjQE_QF_REjZQM_ftEN_QAT_JDN Following the public hearing, the Yakima Planning Commission will issue ME (961362) October 5, 2020 '7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, /\lCP,Director P[anoiog[)ivimiou PJoseph ��m|houn,&�onaAer �~a^� wmnmm ug 129 North Second Street, 2"aP|our, Yakima, W/\q8g0| uak.y|anning@vaW000wu.gov- vvvvvv.ymWoouvva.guv/mervices/m|unniog DATE: October 5.2O2O TO: SEPA Reviewing Agencies, Adjoining Property Owners FROM: Joan Oavenpprt.A|CP. ' D/ |opmrdDirecbzr APPLICANT: HLA Engineering & Land - , Surveying Inc on behalf of Rev Novobie|oki FILE NUMBER: PLP#002-20.SEPA#013'20. AO# 7'2O ' LOCATION: 8711 TletonOc TAX PARCELNUM8BER(S): 171324'44415.-44416.-44417.'44418 DATE OF APPLICATION: May 1B.2O3O PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed Plat of^ P|ooe^will subdivide approximately 4.88 acres into 18 residential lots. 10 single family common wall lots, and 8 multi -family tri-plex's lots. Lot sizes will vary in size from approximately 4,304 square feet to 46,234 square feet. The lots will have frontage onto a public roadway. The project will be a two phased project with 18 lots in phase 1 and 2 lots in phane3. The site is located in the R-2 and R'3 zoning districts and is located partially within the DETERMINATION OF CONSISTENCY Pursuant to YMC 5 16.06.020(A), the project considerations are determined to be consistent with applicable development regulations, as follows: 1 . The type of land use: Preliminary Long Plat for 18 residential lots, mixture of 10 single family common wall lots and 8 multi -family triplex lots 2. Level of Development: 34 residences on 4.88 acres; approx. 8 units/acre 3. Infrastructure and public facilities: The subject property is able to be served by public streets, water garbage collection, etc. 4. Characteristics ofdevelopment: 18lots ranging from 4.304bo4G.234square feet. Pursuant bzYMC § 16.06.020(B), the development regulations and comprehensive plan considerations are found to be consistent, as follows: 1 The type of land use: Preliminary Long Plat for 18 residential lots. 2. Density cfDevelopment: 8.19 dwelling units per net residential acre 3. Availability and adequacy ofinfrastructure and public utilities: The subject property isable bo be served by public facilities. NOTICE OF -_ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This is to notify all the public and private agencies with jurisdiction and environmental expertise that the City of Yakima Planning Division has been established as the lead agency, pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the above stated project. The City of Yakima is issuing a Preliminary Determination of Non- Significance (DNS) on this project. WAC 197-11-340 is being used. The following conditions have been identified that may be used to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of the proposal: No impacts identified. Required Permits: The following local, state and federal permits/approvals are needed for the proposed project: Building Permit, Grading Permit, Critical Areas Permit, Traffic Concurrency Required Studies: N/4 Existing Environmental Documents: Critical Areas Identification Form Development Regulations for Project Mitigation and Consistency Include: the State Environmental Policy Act, the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinanoe, YK8CTiUe 12--Deve|opmentShandarda. and the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. Preliminary determination of the development regulations that will beused for project mitigation and consistency: Future projects will require compliance with the International Building Code, City of Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, City of Yakima Comprehensive Plan and City of Yakima Title 12 Development Standards. MgLLUtb I [-UK WKI I I IZN QUIVIMENTS AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The public is encouraged to review and comment on the proposed application. Written comments may be submitted prior to or at the public hearing. The public hearing before the City of Yakima Planning Commission has been scheduled for Wednesday December 9, 2020, beginning at 3:00 p.m. Due to the COVID-1 9 pandemic, the hearing will not be held in the City Hall Council Chambers, but will be held virtually via Zoom, Any person desiring to express their views on the matter is invited to attend the hearing to provide testimony, All written comments received by 5:00 p.m. on October 26, 2020, will be considered prior to issuing the staff recommendation to the Yakima Planning Commission, and will be made part the official record. You can mail your comments to: I Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St; Yakima, WA 98901 UFYOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THIS VIRTUAL MEETING TO LISTEN AND/OR TESTIFY, PLEASE REGISTER WITH YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS |N ADVANCE HERE: xue/ reg/soanng, you will receive emaneO meJrUctmna for joining the meeting online with your device or by calling in. View the Hearing Online by Zoom: Tojoin the meeting, click the link inthe confirmation email that you received after registering. All attendees will be muted upon entry. If you wish to speak during the public heering, use the ^nsiee your hand" feature. When it is your turn to speah, the host will unmubo you. A mesaogexvi||appeeronyourscreen.andyouwi||needboae|ent"unmuba.^Youshou|dennounoeyour name and mailing address for the record prior to making your comments. Once you are finished with your uommente, the host will mute you. Listen to the Hearing by Phone: You may co|| any of the phone numbers listed in the confirmation email that you received after registering. You will need to enter the meeting |D and password when prompted. All attendees will be muted upon entry. If you wish to speak during the public hearing. pn*oa °8 on your phone to "raise your hand." When it is your turn to speak, you will hear an automated announcement indicating your phone has been unmubed and you can now bm heard by all participating inthe meeting. You should announce your name and mailing address for the record prior to making your comments. Once you are finished with your comments, the host will mute you and you will hear an automated announcement indicating your phone has been muted. NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION Following the public hearing, the Yakima Planning Commission will issue its Recommendation within ten (10) business days. When available, a copy of the Recommendation will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice. A separate public notice will be provided for the public hearing before the Yakima City Council. The file containing the complete application is available for public review atthe City of Yakima Planning Division, City Hall —2ndFloor, 139N.2ndSL.Yakima, WA. |fyou have questions regarding this pnopooe|, please call Co||edo Moninh, Community Development Specialist, at (508) 576'6772. or email to: oo||edamonioh@yahimavva.gov. Enclosed: NaroaUves, Project Descriptions, Site Plan, and Vicinity Map Yakima 201-9 DEP,, _17MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELk-. VI "JIMUSS.1%, Joan Davenport, AICP, Director "S M RILVNI Planning Division AOM P1 6hk' Joseph Calhoun, Manager KA' 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/plailDing MW 0L7KEE_fiZfffiXkf -I A 5 1 FIGAACE CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON October 5, 2020 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposal to subdivide approximately 4.88 acres into 18 residential lots. 10 single family common wall lots, and 8 multi -family triplex's lots. Lot sizes will vary in size from approximately 4,304 square feet to 46,234 square feet. The lots will have frontage onto a public roadway. The project will be a two phased project with 16 lots in phase 1 and 2 lots in phase 2. The site is located in the R-2 and R-3 zoning districts and is located partially within the floodplain. (SEPA#013-20) LOCATION: 9711 Tieton Dr. PARCEL NUMBERS: 171324-44415, -44416, -44417, -44418 PROPONENT: HLA Engineering & Land Surveying on behalf of Ray Novobielski PROPERTY OWNERS: Ray Novobielski LEAD AGENCY: City of Yakima DETERMINATION: The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. N This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340; the lead agency will not act on this proposal AN 20 days from the date of this preliminary threshold determination. All comments must be aubmitted by 5:00 pm on October 26, 2020. Responsible Official: Joan Davenport Position/Title: SEPA Responsible Official Phone (509) 575-6183 Address- 129 N2nd Street. Yakima �8A 98901 Date October 5, 2020 Signature- I/V DER TMENTO DE DESARROLLO CO MT ITARIO Joan Davenport, AICP, Directora X IrAfff M R IN Division de Planificaci6n TJoseph hM Calhoun, Gerente 129 Norte Calle 2', 2' iso, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - wvyw, inijq.Lya,.&)A(LSqryiqeS/p aj, pin, AVISO DE APILICACON, REVisON AMBIENTAL, Y AUDIENCIA PUBLICA El Departarnento de Desarrollo Cornunitario de la Ciudad de Yakima ha recibido una aplicaci6n por parte de un propietario/solicitante y este es un aviso sobre esa solicitud. Informaci6n sobre la ubicaci6n de la propiedad en cuesti6n y la solicitud es la siguiente: FECHA OTORGADA: 5 de octubre, 2020 PARA: Agencias de Revisi6n Ambiental, Solicitante y Propietarios Adyacentes DE: Joan Davenport, AICP, Directora de Desarrollo Comunitario SOLICITANTE: HLA Engineering & Land Surveying Inc / Ray Novobielski No. DE ARCHIVO: PLP#002-20, SEPA#013-20, CAO#007-20 UBICACi6N: 9711 Tieton Dr. No. DE PARCELA(S): 171324-44415, -44416, -44417, -44418 FECHA DE APILICACIONt 18 de mayo, 2020 6rea de la Ilanura de inundaci6n. DETERMINAgILN-DE, LA CONSISTENCIA: Conforme al C6digo Municipal YMC §16.06.020(A), las consideraciones del proyecto se determinan consistentes a las siguientes normas aplicables: tipo de uso terrenal: Subdivisi6n Preliminar de 18 lotes residenciales, mezcla de 10 lotes unifarniliar con pared-comOn y 8 triplexes multifamiliares. 2. Nivel de desarrollo: 34 residencias en 4.88 acres; aproximadamente 8 unidades por acre. 3. Infraestructura e instalaciones pOblicas: La propiedad en cuesti6n puede ser servida por calles pOblicas, agua, recolecci6n de basura, etc. 4. Caracterlsticas del desarrollo: 18 lotes desde 4,304 pies cuadrados a 46,234 pies cuadrados. Conforme al C6digo Municipal YMC §16.06.020(B), los reglarnentos de desarrollo y las consideraciones del plan comprehensivo son coherentes, de la siguiente manera: 1. El tipo del uso terrenal: Subdivisi6n Preliminar para 18 lotes residenciales, 2. Densidad del desarrollo: B. 19 unidades de vivienda por acre neto residencial 3. Disponibilidad y adecuaci6n de infraestructura y servicios pOblicos: La propiedad en cuesti6n puede ser servida por instalaciones pUblicas. Permisos Requeridos: Los siguientes permisos/aprobaciones locales, estatales, y federales pueden o sen�n necesarios para este proyecto: Permiso de Construcci6n, Permiso de Nivelaci6n Terrenal, Permiso de Areas Criticas, Revisi6n de Concurrencia de Trafico. Estudios Requeridos: N/A Documentos Ambientales Existentes: Formulario de Identificaci6n de Areas CrIticas §OLICITUD DE COME CA: Se anima al pOblico a Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901 Despu6oderegistrarme.reob/r$inebuccionespnr corneo renUnaecon au diapos�vooUemandoporbe|6hono. - Ven la audiemcia p6bNca en 0hmea porZoonm: Pare ingnesar a |m neunidn, hage dio en e| enlace ubicodn en e|corneoe|ectninicodeoonfimneoibnqueneoibi6 a| noQimtname. TVdos |om pedioipanbassmnin si|enoiedos a| in8naamr. Si deaeo hob|arduranba |e eudiencia pOb|ioa. use |a huncidn para "|evantar|a mano^ Cuando sea sutunnodeheb|er. e| enfitribn deaaotivanae|ai|enoiador. Un mensjeepanecer6 en au panbaUoy oe|eocione |e opnibn "unmube^ Debe anunciarsu nombneydinaocibn poobo|poro e| registnoantes de hocmr au000nnenb*rios. Una vez hayehenninedosus comentariom. e|enfitribn |oei|enciarcl. Escuche |a mudiencia p6b|ica porbm|6fono: Puede Uommr a oua|quiena de |oa nOmaroo be|ehiniooa ubicadoo en e| oorreo e|eotrbnioo de oonfirmoci6n que recibi6 o| reQimtnynoe. Oebend ingreear e| |D y |e con1naeehade |e reunibn cuendooe |oso|inibm. Todoa |os padicipenteoser6n si|enciadosa| ingnenor. Si deaeehab|arduranbe|eaudienciapOb|ina.presione^9enoute|6honnpana^|eventer|amano^ Cuandoaee outurnode heb|ar, esouohang unanunoioeutommUzado indioendoquee|audio deauba|6fonohaeido acUxado ytudos |oo pertioipenbae pumden eeouuher|o. Debe anunciarou nombne y direoci6n postal pane m| regiotroantes dehaoersus comenbsrioa.Una vezheyeterminedosus comenbarioe.e|anfitrihn|omi|enoieni yemcuchonaunanuncioautomabzadoindioandoquesube|68nnoheeidooi|enciedp. Concejo Municipal de Yakima. BerohivoqueoonUene |aop|ioocbn oomplebaesb6disponib|e panainspecni6n pOb|ioaen |aOficinmde p|anifioaobnde|aCiudad dmYakima one|129o|Norte |aCeUe 2da.Yakima, WA, X I W KVI S, V 1.1 IN ff ".1 RE: PLP#002-20, SEPA#013-20 & CAO#007-20 Ray Novobielsk - "Pottenger's Place"' 9711 Tieton Dr 1, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the Yakima City Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Application and Environmental Review; a true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the applicant, SEPA reviewing agencies, and all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of subject property; that said •property owners •are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division; and that said notices were mailed by me on the 13th day of IRIL 2020. F Lisa Maxey Planning Technician 17132444443 MELROY LIVING TRUST 421 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444438 GEOFFREY C & ROBYN L BIGLOW 220 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132511011 JOSHUA & CARLEE FIEDOR 9810 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444407 LISA A ESCOBAR 9705 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444441 MARK & WENDY MARTINEZ 416 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444448 MARY ANNE DAUGHS 217 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444420 NORMAN & BEVERLY LEAVERTON 5808 A SUMMITVIEW AVE # 89 YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444445 CARL R & SUSAN M OLDEN 411 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132511409 GEOFFREY L & AMY L KNAUTZ 7507 BARGE CT YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444404 KENNETH R KENNEDY 208 S 96TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 n- 17132444409 LYLD D & CINDY L WAKEFIELD 9801 TIETON DR YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444439 [� 98THAVE YAKIMA, r 98908 4444,# MICHAEL r : r O,; • r 98TH AVE r 98908 17132444444 NORMAN L & SHARON L BASE 417 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 a ® r 11132444405 CRAIG �, , FINCH TH AVE •, YAKIMA, , •-•i 17132444442 JAMES L JR & DINA MARIE WILLIAMS 420 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, A 98908 17132444446 LARRY MICHAEL & JUDY LEE BAUGHER 403 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, A 98908 17132444447 LYNN F MASSONG 221 S 98TH AVE YAKIMA, A 98908 17132444402 9706 ORCHARD AVE YAKIMA, . +••0 4: • Dr OSS 9702 TIETON;�YAKIMA, WA 98908 17132444419 PATRICK TRUE • AVE YAKIMA, WA 9891 0 ABBES WA 989 00 TIETON DR r 2444415 17132444416 NOVOBIELSKI R ND L & P A NOVOBIELSKI 200 ABS N' Y A WA 9 132511406 26 OTT BACH Total Parcels - Ray Novobielski - Pottenger's Place" - PLP002-20 & KIMA, WA 98908 SEPA#013-20 ®07 NN-�tAv��. t;*9 ,413 a6 • AhtanumIrrigation District Beth Ann am|otte Executive Assistant zo7Us-eGilbert Road Yakima, vvA989o3'92O3 Charter Communications Manager zoos North 16thAve Yakima, WA 98902 Department of Agriculture Kelly McLain poBox 43sGU Olympia, wm98sO4 Department of Ecology Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead P.O. Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Cascade Natural Gas azz3w/GrandridgeBlvd Kennewick, WA 99336 City ofUnion Gap Dennis *enme,Development Director po.Box 3OU8 Union Gap, vvA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Department of Ecology QvveA Clear, 1250 West Alder Street Union Gap, WA 98903 Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Health SEPA Desk Kelly Cooper PO Box 43200 PO Box 47820 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Department of Social & Health Services Robert Hubenthal Environmental Protection Agency Office of Capital Programs NEPA Review Unit Olympia, WA 98504 Seattle, WA 98101 _ - Engineering Division Bob oesgroseU|er,Senior Engineer 1Z9m2ndStreet Yakima, vvA989oz Nob Hill Water Association Bob Irving, Engineering Technician ozzzTietonDrive Yakima, WA 98908 Parks & Recreation Commission Jessica Logan pOBox 42s5U Olympia, vv4e85o4 Yakima Valley Trolleys POBox 796 Yakima, WA 98907 Federal Aviation Administration 2200 W. Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98903 Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing Marty Miller Yakima, WA 98902 North Yakima Conservation District Manager 1606 Perry Street, Ste. C Yakima, ww989Oo United States Postal Service Maintenance Department 2osvvWashington Ave DOC. Yakima, vvx9ogQ3 tuncv Century Link Manager Yakima, WA 98902 Chamber of Commerce 10 North 9th Street Yakima, WA 98901 Department of Commerce Review Team 1011 Plum St SE Olympia, WA 98504-3172 reviewte Department of Fish and Wildlife Eric Bartrand 1701 South 24th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 - Department of ofmatura|Resources ysPx[emer pOBox 47Ozs Olympia, vv4gg504 Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EpSEc Stephen Posner, Ssp4Officer puBox 43z72 Olympia, vv4gusO4'3z72 PO Box 40909 Olympia, WA 98504 Pacific Power Mike Paulson 500 North Keys Rd Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima Valley Trolleys ^ Paul Edmondson 3z3North ]rdStreet U | Yakima, vvA98gn1 US Army Corps of Engineers Seattle District, Regulatory Branch P.O. Box 3755 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water Wastewater Division WA State Attorney General's Office Jamie Gardipe Marc Cawley and Dana Kallevig 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 2220 East Viola Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Yakima, WA 98901 LE�PA MM.cawle kinnawa-ggy I@yA jMje.&a danakaIIevk@-yqkiMAWaL West Valley School District West Valley School District Angela Von Essen, Asst. Supt. Of Business & Mike Brophy, Superintendent WSDOT Finance 8902 Zier Road Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer 8902 Zier Road Yakima, WA 98908-9299 2809 Rudkin Road Yakima, WA 98908-9299 Union Gap, WA 98903 Monesse 09L��,-,p Ar _t.gov gQnj9p@wsdc� WSDOT, Aviation Division Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs WSDOT Max Platts, Aviation Planner Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator South Central Regionl Planning office 7702 Terminal St SW P.O. Box 632 LC -W V A--&L Turnwater, WA 98501 Toppenish, WA 98948 P-ta—ttst@MAQ-t�W�a. QV- Ro—ccocLa!'A �biamy Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program Elizabeth Sanchey, Environmental Review Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project Yakima Air Terminal Coordinator John Marvin Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager P.O. Box 151 760 Pence Road 2400 West Washington Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Ya ki ma, WA 98909 Yakima, WA 98903 n c h ey LME__ qk_ r1l Irvin@y arna&g -obert.RgLtqrsonp_y akin L—lawa-1-0-v Yakima County Building Department Yakima County Health District Harold Maclean Ryan lbach, Director of Environmental Health 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Yakima County Commissioners 1210 Ahtanurn Ridge Dr Ste#200 Yakima, WA 98901 Com Union Gap, WA 98903 Harold. Maclean@ cq. us, L_Rkima.m�4 I i bLd@ ma.w,,.0 y _gq�yAkj__ Yakima County Flood Control District Yakima County Planning Terry Keenhan & Dianna Woods Tommy Carroll & Jason Earles Yakima County Public Services 128 North 2,d Street, 411 Floor 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Lisa Freund, Public Services Director Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor IqLry.Ke us Thomas.Ca �-ro�&A,)La kim a, w4. Us Yakima, WA 98901 P-JikLing�Wpq ki _01@Spya ma.wau� LasqqEarle a �q� akima,�wa.us 15-a--f!94qd@qqygAn1a.&gus L Yakima Greenway Foundation Yakama Indian Nation Kellie Connaughton, Executive Director Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation 111 South 18th Street Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Yakima, WA 98901 P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 ke-11Le@y_aLtmAg_reenWgLorg Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Hasan Tahat, Compliance, Engineering & Yakima School District Yakima School District Planning Division Supervisor Trevor Greene, Superintendent Scott lzutsu , Associate Superintendent 186 Iron Horse Ct # 101 104 North 4th Ave 104 N 4th Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 ti—asaAffl-y—rcm "Or Lzutsu��cott@yakLMpsiLhogLIsprg Yakima School District Jay Baucom, Asst. Director of Maintenance Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co & Operations Sandra Hull Robert Smoot 104 N 4th Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 ta ay@yAkLynaschools.org Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Yakima Valley Museum Yakima Waste Systems Lynn Deitrick, Senior Planner 311 North 4th Peter Arnold, Executive Director 2105 Tieton Drive 130C Keith Kovalenko, District Manager Street, Ste# 202 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 PO Box 2830 1__g,org �yAmDeftLick@ vco INDEX pg-te-E@nM—q-5g-qM,-0-rg I I- # -2 — L-6 --.iidk— Yakima, WA 98907 kpitLikpwasteccL nqecd0ns&om !—.- -^ - AhtanumIrrigation District Beth Ann om|utte'Executive Assistant 1o7os-aGilbert Road Yakima, vvAnug83 Charter Communications Manager zOOsNorth z6thAve Yakima, vvxeoeoz Environmental Protection Agency mcpAReview Unit z3VU6thAve #zs5'z4o'za Seattle, wx98zUz Pacific Power Mike Paulson 500North Keys Rd Yakima, vvA9ng0z Yakima Valley Trolleys poBox r96 wmState Attorney General's Office 10sLakeside Court, Ste#o02 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakama Indian Nation P.O. Box 151 Yakima Valley Canal Co Robert Smoot Yakima, WA 98908 Federal Aviation Administration | | azUUvv.Washington Ave 1 h Yakima vvA989O3 North Yakima Conservation District Manager 1606 Perry Street, Ste. C Yakima, WA 98902 , United States Postal Service � Ma|menanceoeptartmem uOsvvWashington Ave | .� vakamaBureau ofIndian Affairs Superintendent P.O. aux63z - Yakima School District �| Trevor Greene, Superintendent � zV4North /mhAve ] vakima, vvxe890a Century Link Manager 8South andAve, mm#304 Yakima, vvx989Oz Kelly McLain P.O. Box 42560 Olympia, WA 98504 PO Box 40909 Yakima Valley Trolleys Paul Edmondson 313 North 3rd Street Yakima, WA 98901 usArmy Corps of Engineers Seattle District Regulatory Branch p.n.Box 3755 Seattle, vvA98zz4'37ss YahamaIndian Nation Johnson Menmick,Cultural Resources Program P.O. eoxzs1 Toppen|sh,wm98948 - Yakima-TietonIrrigation District . Sandra Hull 40Camp 4nd Yakima, and mRMS\SeREVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 06.18.'m=Ust.doc" Silvia Corona Clerk's Off ice Carolyn Belles Code Administration Glenn Denman Code Administration Code Administration Code Administration * Rossignol Code Administration Unda * Contreras '�od �is-t—ration' uzanne DeBusschcre JjColde Administration Tony r•. •• Administration Joan Davenport Community Development Rosalinda lbarra Community Development Rosalifida.1 Bob Desgrosellier Engineering �B-dbb DesgMkUjo@ii Dan Riddle Engineering QaA,9Rjf4dAft@yakj ma Aaron Markham Fire Aa_ Pat Reid RatRei Jeff Cutter Sara Watkins �jara.Watkitjs@Aakimawa.gpv. Archie Matthews Joseph Calhoun Lisa Maxey Matt Murray Scott Schafer -17o—retta'—Zammarchi Randy Layma n Refuse Gregory Story Transit Utilities Wastewater Wastewater Rq-ndL r. Water/Irrigation Water/Irrigation Type of Notice: �f P Nk File Number(s): Date of Mailing: -7 From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Monday, July 1]'282O91AAK4 To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Contreras, Pedro; Corona, Silvia; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusscheve.Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; OesgvnseUier, Bob; Doan, Tony; Horton, KeUi;|barna'Rosa|inda;KaUevig,Dana; Layman, Randy; Markham, Aaron; Matthews Archie; Maxey, Us»;K4e|oy, Randy; Murray, Matthew; Reid, Patrick; Riddle, Dan; Rossignoi Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane' Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sara; Zabe||, John; Zammanchi, Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Bru|otte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department ofAgriculture; Department ofCommerce ([TED) Review Team; Department ofEcology; Department of Ecology Lori White; Department ofEcology SEPARegister; Department ofEcology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department ofFish and Wildlife Eric Bartmnd;Department ofFish and Wildlife Scott Downes; Department ofNatural Resources; Dept ofSocial fkHealth Svcs Robert Hubentha|;Dept. Archaeology {kHistoric Preservation SEPAReview; DesgroseUier, Bob; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council Stephen Posner; Henne,Dennis; |ba/ra, Roua|inda; KaUevig' Dana; Nob Hill Water Bob Irving; Office ofRural fk Farmworker Housing Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; Riddle, Dan; Scott|zutsu Yakima School District; Trevor Greene Yakima School District; US Army Corps of Engineers David Moore; VVAState Dept ofHealth, Office ofDrinking Water; VVAState Dept ufHealth, Office ofDrinking Water; VVAState Parks & Recreation Commission;VVSOOT Paul Gonseth;VVSQOT South Central Regional Planning Office; VVSDQTAviation Max P|atts;VVVSQ Angela Watts, AsstSuptof8us/Fin;VVVSD Mike Brophy, Supt;Yakama Bureau o/Indian Affairs Rocco Clark; YakamaNation Environmental Management Program Elizabeth Sanchey;Yakama'K|ickitat Fisheries John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District TerryKeenhan; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District Ryan |bach;Yakima County Planning Manager Tommy Carroll; Yakima County Planning Zoning/Sub Jason Earles; Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima Greenway Foundation KeUie [onnaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Hasan Tahat; Yakima School District ]ay Baucom; Yakima Valley Museum Peter Arnold, Exec Director; Yakima Valley Trolleys; Yakima Waste Systems Keith Kova|enkn;YV[OG Lynn Deitrick Cc: K4onick,[oUeda Subject: Notice ofApplication &5EPA Plat ofPnttenger'sPlace PLP#002'28'SEPA#013'208/ [AO#807'2U Attachments: NOTICE DFAPPLICATION &SEPA_RayNovobie|sk Pottenge/'sP|ace PLPSE.... pdf Attached is a Notice of Application and SEPA Environmental Review regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact assigned planner Colleda Monick at collegl - Thank you! 1E TELL YOUR T 1E - This is the proof of youri scheduled to run on dates indicated below. Please proof 1 notice carefully to check spelling1 run dates, if you need to make changes Date: 07/09/20 Account#: 110358 Company Name: CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING Contact: ROSALINDA IBARRA,AP Address: 129 N 2ND STREET YAIA, WA 98901-2720 Telephone: (509)575-6164 Fax: Account Rep: Simon Sizer Phone # (509) 577-7740 Email: ssizer@yakimaherald.com Ad ID: 951371 Start: 07/13/20 Stop: 07/13/20 Total Cost: $299.30 Lines: 164.0 # of Inserts: 1 Ad Class: 6021 Run Dates - Yakima Herald -Republic 07/13/20 NOTICECITYOFYAKIMA OF APPLICATIONAND ENVIRONMENTA REVIEW WE7113/2020� FROM: Joan Davenport, AJCP, COrn- it u (951371) July 13, 2020 P|oomiogD[vimlmw Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129Nkrtxh Second Street, 2" Floor, Yakima, WAg0pUl FILE NUMBER: TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): DATE OF APPLICATION: DATE OF COMPLETEVESSO July 13.2O20 GEPAReviewing Agencies, Applicant, and Adjoining Property Owners Joan Davenport, AJCP.Community Development Director HLAEngineering & Land Surveying Inc c/o Eric Herzog onbehalf of RayNownbie|ohi PLP#002-20.SEPA#013'20.CAO#007-20 9711 Tieton Dr. 171324'44415.'44416.'44417.-44418 May 18.3U2Q July 8.2O2O PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed long plat of "Pottenger's Place" will subdivide four parcels totaling approximately 4.88 acres into 14 single family common -wall lots and 11 triplex lots. The site is located in the R-2 and R'3zoning districts and is located partially within Uhefloodp|ain. DETERMINATION OF CONSISTENCY Pursuant to YMC § 10.00(020(A. the project considerations are determined to be consistent with applicable development regulations, as follows: 1 . The type of land use: Preliminary Long Plat for 25 residential lots, mixture of 14 single family common vvaU |oba and 11 multi -family triplex lots 2- Level of Development: 47 residences on 4.88 acres; approx. 10 units/acre 3. Infrastructure and public facilities'. The subject property is able to be served by public streets, water garbage collection, etc, 4. Characteristics of development: 25 lots ranging from 4.304 to 16.301 oquona feet. Pursuant toYMC §18.O8.(20B).the development regulations and comprehensive plan considerations are found tobeconsistent, asfollows: 1. The type ofland use: Preliminary Long Plat for 25residential lots. 2. Density ofOeve|opmentQ.G3dwelling units per net residential acre 2 Availability and adequacy of infrastructure and public utilities: The subject property ioable to be served by public facilities. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This is to notify agencies with jurisdiction and environmental expertise and the public that the City of Yakima, Planning Division, has been established as the lead agency, under WAC § 197-11-928 for this project. The City of Yakima has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) per WAC § 197-11-355. The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. A copy of the subsequent SEPA threshold determination will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice and may be appealed pursuant to YMC § 6.88.170. Required Permits: The following local, state, and federal permits/approvals may or will be needed for this project: Building Permit, Grading Permit, Critical Areas Permit, Traffic Concurrenoy Required Studies: N/4 Existing Environmental Documents: Critical Areas Identification Form Development Regulations for Project Mitigation and Consistency Include: the State Environmental Policy Act, the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinanoe, YN1C Title 12--Deve|opment8handards. and the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. DOC. Yakima 1994 NOTICE_OF DECISION: A copy of the SEPAthreahokj determination will be mailed to parties ofrecord and entities who were provided this notice once it is rendered. The file containing the complete application is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning this proposal, please call Colleda Monick, Community Development Specialist, at (509) 576-6772, or email to: pdjqd�LMprl� Enclosed: Narratives, Project Descriptions, SEPAChech|iot, Site Plan, and Vicinity Wqep 1)ivimiomdmMuaifioa.66n Joseph��u� (���m l29Nor�C���,2"Pio��u�m4WA4QVO{ ��_�n������ning SOLICITANTE: HLA Engineering & Land Surveying Inc c/o Eric Herzog por parte de Ray Novobielski proponeunprnyeotocunooid000mo"Pmttenger'sPlace" que conois*a de eubdm|U|rouetro peroe|aa, que euman un b»ba| oproximedo de4.88 acres, en 14 |otem naoidenoio|eounibami|iardepared'nomOny11triplexes. Beitioost6ubioednen|oozonaanasidenoia|esR' 2yR-3yeet6npercio|meote|ooa|izodeadentrode|6naade|oUanuradeinundaci6n. DETERMINACi6N DE LA CONSISTENCIA Conforme o| Cbdigo Municipal YK8C §16.06.020(A). |om nonsidenaoionesdel proyeotose debarminenuonsietenbeso|oaaiguientesnonnaaap|ioab|ee: 1. B tipo de uaoberreno|: Subdivioidn Pre|iminarde25 |otes residmncio|em, mezc|a de 14 |oteo unifami|iarcon pered-oomdny11triplexes mu|ti0smi|ieres. 2. Nive|dedaaerrnUo:47nesidmnoiaaen4.88acres; eproximadammnby1Dunidedeoporacre. 3. |nheesbocture e inoto|ecionea pbb|iceo: Le propiedod en ouestibn puedeeeroen/idm porcaUes pOb|ioea.aQua.reoo|eoci6ndebamunm.etc. 4. Coneober|adcaadel deaarro||o�25|oheedeade4.3O4pies ouadnadosoiO.3O1 pieocuadnedos. MM 0 Permisos Requeridme:Los skJuientesparm neolooalea.eotata|aa.yfederaleapuadenoser6n neoeeahos ponoesbe proyecba� PemnisodeConstrumci6n. Pamnioode Nive|acibn Temenei PenmisodeAreas CriUoas.RevisihndeConournenniodeTnafioo. Emtmdios Requarldos:NA\ DocurnentosAnmbienba|es Existentes:Formu|ariode|dentifioaoihndeAreas Criticae Los Reg|ammmntmsdeQesmrr»|lo pamu|aM8itigoci6nyConeistencia de Preyectmm|nc|uyem:LoLey Estabs| de Po|Kioe Ambiente| de Washington, La [)ndenenze de Zonifinaoibn del Area Urbana de Yakima, Los Est6ndonsade Deoorro||odel Tdu|o 12. ye| Plan Integral del Area Urbana doYakima. anima o lao egenoias, bibVo, y e| pdb|ico e revisary comentaraobnae| proyau0u y sobne sus pnobob|ea |mpaotos ambienba|eo. Habr6 un periodo de veinte d|os pora hacersus oomenb*rios. Eaba pndrie nereu Onioe opndunidad pare nomenbsr. Todos |0000menbahos reuibidos poresoribu antes de |ao 5:00 p.m. e| 3 de agosto 2020 oer6n considenados enbae de emitir|a decisibnfinal sobnaestaao|initud.Porfavor use dereferennio|ossiguientenOmerosdel orohivo(PLP#OO2' 20. SEPA#013'20. CA[)#007'20) y e| nombre del so|icitanbe (Ray Noxobie|ahi) en ouo|quier oorreopondenoia qua hogo. Pumde mandornuo comentoriom poreaoritoe: Joan Davenport, AlCP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901 "ISO DE LA DECISION: do |adebanninaci6n de la Revai6nAmbienba1 SEPAsea emitida. uno Bornhkmquecondene kaepiceoi6n oomplebaeob6disponib|e pene inapeonbn pOb|ioaen |oDUcinede Planificaci6n de la Ciudad de Yakima en el 129 al Norte la Calle 2da, Yakima, WA. Si tiene oua|quier pregunba nobre eoba pnopuesba, puede oonbacbara |e Oficina de P|anifinecibn a| (509) Adjuntes: Warnativo. Desorpci6n del Proyeobo. List* de SEPA. Plan de Sido. KMapa AWN x A TA%I%l DE- ATMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEL MENT AW ON R VMX Joan Davenport, AICP, Director A'M rP1' 6Y fhkAk Planning Division Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2" Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning FILE NUMBERS: PLP#002-20, SEPA#013-20, TCO#tip -20, & CAO#007- APPLICANT: Ray Novobielski c/o HLA Engineering & Land Surveying APPLICANT ADDRESS: 2803 River Rd, Yakima, WA 98902 PROJECT LOCATION: 9711 Tieton Dr. TAX PARCEL NO: 171324-44415, -44416, -44417, and -44418 DATE OF REQUEST: May 19, 2020 SUBJECT: Notice of Complete Application am= The application for your Preliminary Long Plat, Environmental Review, and Transportation Concurrency for 9711 Tieton Dr. was received on May 19, 2019. Your application for a Critica' Areas Review was received on June 24, 2020. As of July 8, 2020, your applications are considered cornpWlte as required by the City of Yakima's Municipal Code (YMC) and site plan checklist, as retbrerlded in YMC § 14.20.030. Continued processing of your request will include, but is not limited to the following actions: 1. A Notice of Environmental Review will be sent to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of your site on July 13, 2020. This notice will include a request for public comments during a 20-day comment period as is required by the City of Yakima. 2. A notice of Public Hearing will be issued concurrently with the SEPA determination. U= IWIWOVSI� - - - -- 11--se-Mimeat(Ofs K\1 Colleda Monick Community Development Specialisi Cc: Ray Novobielski 200 Abbess Ln. Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima bLftd WC. �A"M 111V 2015 1994 # DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC wORKS Scott Schafer, Director Engineering Don 129 North Second Street Yakima, Washington 98901 (509) 575-6111 #Fax (SO9) 576-631 Eric Herzog, PLS HLA Engineering and Surveying, Inc. 2803 River Rd. Yakima, WA 98902 F?EFCEIVED AIN 10 2020 OTY OF PLAMV, V-4411WA 46 DIV, Subject: Notice of Decision for Transportation Concurrency — TCO#004-20 9711 Tieton Dr. - Pottenger's Place 230 — Residential Condo/Townhouse M Enclosed is the Decision for the Transportation Concurrency Analysis of t construction of a 47 unit single family townhouse style development at 9711 Tieton D within the City of Yakima, Washington. This development has been APPROVED " Concurrency Analysis. Concurrency review determined that reserve capacity f available on all impacted arterial streets. Concurrency review does not evaluate impa to local access streets or street intersections. This review does not include safety or s] i design issues which will be addressed at the project review level of zoning and SEP This review concluded that the proposed development will not exceed the capacity the arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted arterial streets. Please review the enclosed report. You may appeal the Findings of this report or request Administrative R pon-%Up-&9• Notice. Appeal forms and protedufts are aVailable at the Department of Community Development. If you have any questions, please call me at (509) 576-6797. ME= Mike Shane Development Engineer (Acting) CC: Lisa Maxey TC File Date of Review: Review SubjectAddress: i ITE Land Use: I Ju/v CITY OF YAKIIWA June 10, 2020 Dike Shane, Development Engineer, (Acting) (509) 575-6605 Pottenr's Place 9711 Tieton Dr. 230 — Residential Condo/Townhouse City of Yakima, Washington EngineeringDivision Transportation Concurrency Analysis Generation:Expected Net PM Peak Hour Trip o Average Weekday Trips: SUMBIRK12fimpaq! The applicant, HLA Engineering and land Surveying,; Inc., proposes to construct a 47 unit apartment complex at 9711 `fieton Dr., within the city of Yakima, "Washington. Traffic from this new development will enter the Arterial Street system on `Teton'€fir. City ofYakima Administrative procedures for Concurrency Analysis use the PM Peak hour trip of the adjacent street for the selected land use category. Based upon local data, City o Yakima Traffic Volumes for PM Peak Hour is assessed as 83% of total Average Daily Traffic ( DT)• Peak, hour reserve capacity includes any vehicle trips previously assigned under the Concurrency Ordinance. City` of Yakima Transportation Concurrency assesses arterial street segment capacity only and does not address intersection capacity. Section RLN-d ear."M 228 Tt*t as utivt _ ssth -7- 77h ova• 2-1 96th A - Tat;an Far to summit -am 2!0 95th Ace Tnvmi Dru, Sugar intro jriet4+at' a1v7 sswathzva-soth a dBlvd3itz aN 20 T`weas Drive 3Gti 77, _ -,sad 7- Transportation Capacity Analysis Page 1 of 1 CITY OF YAKIMA P CITY Of YAKIMA iLAND USE ACTION INSTALLATION anning CERTIFICATE -20 Applicant/Project Name: I Ray Novobielski/HLA Engineering and Surveying Site Address: 971ITietonDr FDate of Posting: T-May 26, 20,2'0 Location of Installation (Check One): Land Use Action Sign is installed per standards described in YMC § I 5.11.080(C). Land Use Action Sign is installed in an alternate location on the site. Note: this alternate location (if not pre -approved by the Planning Manager) may not be acceptable by the Planning Division and is subject to relocation (at the owner's expense) to a more visible site on the property. The alternative location is: a -M +Tma.6• the application review process. I hereby testify that the installed sign fully complies with the Land Use Action sign installation kandards (see pg. 2), that the sign will be maintained until a decision has been rendered, and that the sign will be returned within 30 from the date the final decision is issued. App6i "', 5 ZIVIAWTV Date A J V?Lld b4 FS 2 - Fc)cv Applican�, s Name (Please Print) Applicant's Phone Number Please remit the above certification and deliver to the City of Yakima Planning Division via email to ask.plann1ng@)yakimawa.gov or in person/by mail to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 North 2,,d Street, Yakima, WA 98901. WOM ri Revised 0 1/2017 DOC. iNDEX # 6 - FILE NUMBER: APPLICANT: DEPt- I'MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELC AENT Planning Division Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning 0 PLP#002-20 HLA Engineering and Land Surveying c/o Eric Herzog 2803 River Rd., Yakima, WA 98902 In the Vicinity of Tieton & S 96 th Ave 171324-44415, -44416, -44417, and -44418 May 18, 2020 � of Incomplete Application The site plan for your Preliminary Long Plat for four properties located in the vicinity of Tieton & S 96' Ave. was received on May 18, 2020. As of June 3, 2020, the application is considered incomplete as required by the City of Yakima's Municipal Code (YMC) and site plan checklist, as referenced in YMC § 14.05.010 and YMC §15.27.321 (B) and 15.27.407(F). The following information is needed in order to continue processing: 1 . Critical Areas Review — Your site contains areas of mapped 1 00-year floodplain. The subdivision of land is included in the definition of "Development" in YMC 15.27.200 and therefore requires review under the City of Yakima's Critical Areas Ordinance, YMC Ch. 15.27. For reference, applicable CAO Subdivision Standards can be found in YMC 15.27.321(B) and 15.27.407(F) Therefore, we ask that you please provide the City of Yakima Planning Division with information regarding this matter as soon as possible. Upon receipt of the requested information, your application will continue to be processed. If you have any questions regarding this matter please call me at (509) 575-6772. Colleda onick Community Development Specialist Yakima DM INIDEX 11111? 2015 04APTER H H-1 Comment Letter from Mr. Lynn F Massong 07/29/2020 H-2 Comment E-mail/Letter from Dina Marie Williams 08/03/2020 H-3 Comment E-mail from Susan and Carol Olden 08/03/2020 H-4 Comment Letter from Norm Base 08/03/2020 Joan Davenport,AICP CDD City of Yakima, Dept, C D 129 N. 2 d street Yakima, Wa. 98901 Re: SEPA PLP#002-20 SEPA# 013-20 CAO#007-20 1. #5 Animals, This property has more than just songbirds, There are Hawks, Quail and doves,.Not to mention magpies and raverm 2. # 10 Aesthetics, Statement made "Most" likely less than 35 ft. Max height. This height would indicate a 3 story building. a There are no 3 story buildings that I know of in this area. 0 2 story ,yes and not many of them. 3 story would definitely change the average appearance of this neighborhood. In fact if there were 3 story bedrooms or what ever that floor would be , we would have 0 privacy in our back yards. All in all this land needs to be developed, but with the chance of 3 story buildings Will make privacy a thing of the past, Plus I won't have to mower the property as I have for the last 5 years to Keep the fire danger from my property. Monick, Colleda From: Carl Olden <crosmo@msn.com> Sent: Monday, August 03, 2020 3:48 PM To: onick, Colleda Subject: Pottenger Development Follow Up Flag: Follow ur Flag Status: Flagged Joan Davenport, A/CP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St. Yakima, WA 98901 This is in regards to the property that is being developed West of S. 96th Ave. known as Pottenger's Place. Concerns: • Habitat for eagles, hawks, doves, pheasants and quail • The development is not in keeping with the homes that will border on the property to the west. The homes on S. 98th are single family with at least 1/2 acre lots. • Will be a highly populated neighborhood in an otherwise rural environment with single family homes. • Increased traffic which enters and exits onto Tieton drive within a block of a major north/south street, 96th Ave., which leads to Cottonwood Elementary and West Valley High School. Tieton drive in this location is also used quite frequently for trucks hauling fruit and bikers. • Increased noise • Increased lighting • The common wall homes will be extremely close to fences for existing homes. • Will there be a noise buffer put up along the west existing homes such as arborvitis? • Loss of view as common wall homes can be 35 feet in height. Loss of privacy in developed neighborhood to the west. Susan and Carl Olden 411 S. 98th Ave. Yakima, WA 98908 509-833-5963 1 45) ,RECEP AYIMA r=- From: Dina Marie Williams <werwilly5@msn.com> Sent: Monday, August 03, 2020 2:32 PM To: Ask Planning Subject: Re: PLP#002-20 SEPA#01 3-20 CAO#007-20 Attachments: Pottengers place.docx Here'is.my letter with, attachments. Thank you > On Aug 3, 2020, at 8:21 AM, Ask Planning <Ask.Planning@yakimawa.gov> wrote: > Absolutely! 0 > Lisa Maxey > Planning Technician > City of Yakima Planning Division > p: 509.576.6669 > 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, 98901 > -----Original Message ----- > From: Dina Williams [111, t Nvc - llyi '6n s!i 11 > Sent: Monday, August 03, 2020 8:20 AM > To: Ask Planning <Ask. Planning@yakimawa.gov> > Subject: PLP#002-20 SEPA#013-20 CAO#007-20 > Good morning. > I have been out of town for the past several weeks and received this in the mail over the weekend. Can I respond by email to the concerns regarding this development? I see that 500pm today is the final to submit Thank you Dina Williams AUG� � �U�M August ��JO3O ^`~~ � � ^~^~ CITY Of YAKIMA PLANNING DIV To Whom it May Concern: RE: File numbers: 131-133002'208EPA3013-20CA03007-20 I am writing concerning the development proposed on 97 1h Avenue and Tieton drive,|have some concerns about the amount of traffic that this will place on tieton drive based on the number of units and only one full access to and from the property. Qn96mAvenue and Tietondrive the speed limit iscurrently 40miles per hour, this does not leave much leeway for vehicles that could potentially be coming and going in and out of 97 th Avenue as well as the speed limit immediately jumping to 50 past the proposed development. My biggest concern is the document we received in the mail advised that there would be 14 homes sharing common wall, (which is very misleading, this should have been identified as seven duplexes (the potential to have anywhere from one person up to perhaps six people depending on the number of the bedrooms). In addition, it is misleading to say that there are two vehicles per home; actually, you could have possibly four vehicles per duplex if you have parents with two cars and children with two cars. The numbers could be very |nm/ (unlikely based on the way | have seen other duplexes in the area (74lh'76mAvenue and Summitview Avenue as well as 89th Avenue-91st Avenue and Summiview Avenue SEE ATTACHED) multiple cars onstreet inaddition tothe tw/oparkinQspu1sawai/ab|eiThatjustaddnesaedthedup|exesproposed, and then we add 11 multifamily triplex lots = 33 more units with potentially of four cars per each unit of atrip|ex. This amount ofpossible vehicles severely affects flow oftraffic onTietondrive, which bvery concerning for potential for accidents aswell as backed up traffic. The one difference on the 74th'76th avenue and 88th-90th avenue cluplexes/triplexes is that they have more than one access to the development both off of76`»and 74thavenues aswell aogQ`h,89th9Cyhavenues. The proposed development does show a "fire access lane" but that is not a true outlet for the entire development as well as how closely it will betnthe one main access, not allowing traffic to safely enter Tieton drive and potentially causing backed up vehicles at the red light on 96th . Furthermore, annexing the property into the city ofYakima merely tochange the zoning without notifying the surrounding properties seems somewhat inappropriate. | have noissues with the property being developed, |dohave aproblem looking atthe surrounding land and home occupancy and simply shoving inadevelopment that could potentially have almost 3OOpeople in4acres seems tobeahigh impact qnsurrounding homeowners. If this property does get the go ahead, I would hope that at the very least there is a second full outlet not ahalf block from the first, identified as"fire lane access",mrthat the number ufhomes would bereduced tolessen the traffic impact onto 7letnnDrive. Just because you can build, itdoes not mean itisa good fit for the surrounding homes it would affect in traffic alone. It appears the property owner and his real estate developer Mr. Norm Leaverton only care about the bottom dollar not how their developing this ���� ������° property 8opotential overload could becatastrophic. |dofear that weare looking atpotential multitude of accidents. The development on9Qth Avenue (SEE ATTACHED) has virtually same square footage that the proposed Pnttengers Place. The 98m avenue development has nine single-family homes currently on it with approximately 2Speople occupying these homes. If allowed to proceed as described there will be two duplexes per one lot on the 98 th Avenue development. That mean four separate residences will be occupying the same space as one current homeowner. We also live in a cul-de-sac and the number of"lost drivers" that find our private road and drive through thinking they can get tnthe other side, will without adoubt increase innumbers; therefore impacting noy neighborhood in a negative and/or dangerous way because the people that currently are lost and come down our road are not traveling slow by any means. Dina Williams 420 South 98th Avenue RECEIVED CITY OF YAKIMA RECEIVED "n —�=w����� ,.JUL �� - Joan Davenport, AK]P Community Development Director City ofYakima, Department ufCommunity Development nd Street Written comments regarding: PLP#0O3'2O,SEPA#O13-30,CCAO#OD7-JO Applicant: Ray Novobielski |nreview ofPreliminary Plat of"Pottengers'sPbce" | have extreme concerns for allowing such dense placement of family dwellings within a neighborhood that is consistently split into parcels of at least Y2. acre, and often more, per single family dwelling. One can argue that there is a such a development to the northeast of the proposed development but if one takes into account the surface area of the access road(s) of the proposed "Pottengers Place", there is even less room for building the proposed 25 dwellings compared to more land and no central roads in the 'other development bordered byS 9Gy^Ave mnthe West, Yakima Ave. mnthe North, Sg41hAve onthe East and W. Walnut Street on the South (see vicinity map included in your application enclosures). ' \ believe this proposed development isa good idea but that the increased density mfhousing iaout of character with the surrounding area and as such, deviates from the expected norms and inherent enjoyments pfthose already living within the area. Additionally, the increase inaudible traffic noise from within the proposed development, which is being placed within a much more dispersed dwelling area, negatively affects the overall peacefulness ofasemi-agricultural area. A|ess-densea|ternetiue would bewelcome; keeping within the ratio of house site to land site no greater than that of the previously described development tothe northeast. |would be happy to discuss or clarify any of the above concerns with you or your staff is you feel it is needed. " 14 -' Mr. Lynn F Mass g Yaki-