HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-28-20 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes Virtual Meeting via Zoom October 28, 2020 Call to Order Chair Jacob Liddicoat called the meeting to order at approximately 3;00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: YPC Members Absent: Staff Present: Council Liaison: Others: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Mary Place, Lisa Wallace Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel (excused); Philip Ostriem, Robert McCormick (both unexcused) Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Trevor Martin, Associate Planner; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Kay Funk, District 4 Sign -in sheet in file *After roll call, Planning Technician Lisa Maxey provided instructions on how attendees can testify during the virtual public hearing.* Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced the following: The November 11 th and November 25th meetings of the Yakima Panning Commission are cancelled. ▪ The next meeting is on December 9th; there will be a virtual public hearing for a proposed subdivision on the agenda. • The Comprehensive Plan Amendment and concurrent Rezone for which the Planning Commission made a recommendation to City Council is on the Council's agenda for public hearing on November 21116 Approval of Meeting Minutes — It was rnotioned by Commissioner Place and seconded by Commissioner Rose to approve the meeting minutes of September 23, 2020, The motion carried unanimously, 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezone Public Hearing — Chair Liddicoat described the sequence of events for the public hearing, and Associate Planner Trevor Martin provided his findings of fact, conclusions, and recommendation regarding this request by Aspen Estates LLC for property in the vicinity of S 60th Ave and W Washington Ave to subdivide a parcel in the Single - Family Residential (R-1) zoning district into 105 single-family lots. Brief discussion took place regarding the proximity of the corrections facility to this development, notification sent to the West Valley School District, the letter from the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation which identified a high potential for archaeological resources at this location, and the adjoining property to the south of the subject parcel which is partly orchard and partly a mobile home park. Mike Heit of HLA Engineering & Land Surveying Inc. (representing property owner Aspen Estates LLC./Byron Bolton) reiterated the proposal and made himself available for questions. Chair Liddicoat opened the public testimony portion of the hearing; no attendees were present so he then closed the hearing. It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Commissioner Place to recommend approval of the proposed Preliminary Long Plat to the Yakima City Council. The motion carried by a 4-0 vote. Study Session on Shoreline Master Program (SMP) Update — Calhoun provided an introduction to this item and shared that the City received a grant from the Department of Ecology to update the City's Shoreline Master Program. Project consultants Erika Rhett and Amy Sumrne shared a PowerPoint presentation about the update process and announced that a virtual open house will be held on November 12th. Other Business — Discussion took place on incentivizing developers to implement higher densities for residential development while enforcing open space area. Calhoun noted that this can be accomplished through the Planned Development application process which is lengthy. He added that there have been other efforts in this regard through text amendments adopted in the last year or two which allowed duplexes to be placed on corner lots of subdivisions in the Single - Family Residential (R-1) zoning district and allowed multi -family development up to 7 dwelling units per net residential acre in the R-1 zoning district. Incentivizing higher density will also be addressed in the Housing Action Plan. Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to December 9, 2020 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at approximately 4:42 p.m. Chair Liddicoat Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician.