HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-23-20 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
September 23, 2020
Call to Order
Chair Jacob Liddicoat called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m,
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al
Rose, Mary Place, Lisa Wallace
YPC Members Absent: Philip Ostriem, Robert McCormick (both unexcused)
Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Trevor Martin, Associate
Planner; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician
Council Liaison: Kay Funk, District 4
Others: Sign -in sheet in file
*After roll call, Planning Technician Lisa Maxey provided instructions on how attendees can testify
during the virtual public hearing.*
Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced the following:
• The last day to take the public survey for the Housing Action Plan, which can be found on the
city's homepage, is September 3011, The public process is scheduled to begin in October.
• Staff is finishing a review of the draft documents for the Shoreline Master Program Update,
and the public process will begin shortly after.
• There is a preliminary long plat public hearing scheduled for the YPC meeting on October
28', A second preliminary long plat has been submitted and will likely be scheduled for public
hearing in December.
• The YPC meeting on November 11 1h will be cancelled as it is Veterans Day, and the meeting
on November 25' will also likely be cancelled as it is the day before Thanksgiving.
Approval of Meeting Minutes ' — It was motioned by Commissioner Place and seconded by
Commissioner Rose to approve the meeting minutes of September 9, 2020. The motion carried
2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezone Public jHearin
g — Chair Liddicoat described
the sequence of events for the public hearing, and Associate Planner Trevor Martin provided his
findings of fact, conclusions, and recommendation regarding this request by Les Heirngartner for
property at 8014 Occidental Rd to change the Future Land Use map designation from Low Density
Residential to Mixed Residential and concurrently rezone from Single -Family Residential (R-1) to
Multifamily Residential (R-3).
Bill Hordan of Hordan Planning Services (applicant on behalf of property owner Les Heimgartnier)
spoke on the reason for their request and their plan to apply for a Type 3 Review application for
the placement of residential mini -storage units at this site if the rezone and comprehensive plan
map amendment are approved.
Audience Participation
- Andrew Sawyer, 8004 Hope Ln, stated that most neighbors they spoke with are in opposition to
this request. He expressed disappointment in the applicant not communicating with the
neighborhood about their intentions with this property.
- James Perkins, legal representative for Andrew Sawyer and the general neighborhood, pointed
out that there are other mini -storage facilities close by and that there may be other properties
already properly zoned for mini -storage that could be used' and would not negatively impact the
surrounding area. Perkins mentioned that while bringing sewer to the site would be an expense,
it does not rule out the feasibility of using this property for residential purposes. He added that the
water runoff that occurs on this property will also need to be addressed by the owner.
- Gary Kruger, 7903 Hope Ln, spoke on the traffic increase that comes with mini -storage facilities,
He included that the peacefulness of the neighborhood would be disrupted by this development
which would be incompatible with the area.
- Tracy Sawyer, 8004 Hope Ln, mentioned erosion issues that have occurred in previous years
that have impacted their property and their neighbors' and is worried that those issues will occur
again if this land is disrupted. She spoke highly of their neighborhood which is home to many
school -aged children who will be impacted by this development. Sawyer echoed previous
comments that this proposal may be more suitable somewhere else, such as along Ahtanum Rd.,
and added that Occidental Rd. is not fit for the traffic it carries currently, especially the larger
vehicles, as is evident from the road deterioration. Lastly, she voiced concern about not being
able to safely walk or ride bikes in the area due to traffic.
- Sandra Yallup, 2314 S 8011 Ave, concurred with previous comments that this business is not
fitting for the neighborhood.
- Councilwoman Kay Funk recognized the challenges of developing the property and spoke on
the need for more multifamily housing in the city. She voiced that she is in favor of rezoning to
create more multifamily -zoned property in the city but does not support this specific proposal
which intends to prepare the site for development of mini -storage units.
Chair Liddicoat closed the public testimony portion of the public hearing.
Discussion took place between Commission members and staff regarding concerns with an
access point being established through Hope Ln. and disrupting the neighborhood, especially with
many children living in the area, and on topography and wetland issues. Calhoun clarified that if
the Commission wishes to recommend imposing a condition on this rezone (such as that no
access may be allowed through Hope Ln.), a development agreement would be required.
Chair Liddicoat reopened the public testimony portion of the public hearing so Bill Hordan could
provide a rebuttal to the comments opposing this request. Hordan clarified that this would not be
a spot -zone as the property to the west is also zoned R-3, and explained that the wetland issue
has been addressed by removing trees, planting grass, and piping the water runoff coming from
the north. He explained that they have been transparent through this application process by
stating their intention to use the property for mini -storage if approved, and submitting a conceptual
site plan per the requirements for a non -project rezone. Lastly, he stated that while they are not
proposing access off of Hope Ln., they are not eliminating the possibility of using it in case it is a
requirement from the Fire Department that there be an alternative access.
Chair Liddicoat closed the public testimony portion of the public hearing.
Commissioner Rose showed pictures he took of the site and surrounding area, Calhoun asked
Commissioner Rose to submit his photos to him via email for the official record.
It was motioned by Commissioner Wallace and seconded by Commissioner Hughes -Mickel to
recommend approval of the proposed Comprehensive Plan map amendment and rezone to the
Yakima City Council. The motion carried by a 4-1 vote, Commissioner Place voting no.
Other Business — Calhoun informed the Commission that staff will draft findings consistent with
the Planning Commission's recommendation for the Comprehensive Plan map amendment and
rezone and will have the Chair sign them. The matter will be scheduled before the Yakima City
Council for their consideration of the Planning Commission's recommendation.
Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to October 14, 2020 was passed with unanimous vote. This
meeting adjourned at approximately 4:42 p.m.
4-e<` hair Liddicoat Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAG. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician,
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