HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-23-20 YPC Packet111011119 M DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director 11 %Xk� uu: ; Dui k wi PlOTY I° YAKIIMA anning Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning�yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING Wednesday September 23, 2020 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC MEMBERS: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, Philip Ostriem, Mary Place, and Lisa Wallace Council Liaison: Kay Funk (District 4) CITY PLANNING STAFF: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Asst.), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner), Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist), and Lisa Maxey (Planning Technician) AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2020 V. Public Hearing - Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezone Applicant: Les Heimgartner File Numbers: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Site Address: 8014 Occidental Rd Request: Change the Future Land Use map designation for one parcel from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential, and concurrent rezone from Single -Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R-3). VI. Other Business VII. Adjourn Next Meeting: October 14, 2020 To listen/watch this virtual meeting, please register with your name and email address here: bu [ " //a i�yq , ak„cerna.zuuo w,,/ l ce � u/u° gce�t P_ ka 23V 11 MT G0M6 a"7U6W Dw ..... .... ........ ..... ......... .............. After registering, you will receive emailed instructions for joining the meeting online with your device or by calling in. The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. Yakima m'mi i i MIS 094 Attendee Report - Yakima Planning Commission Meeting on September 23, 2020 Panelist Details Attended Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Attendee Details Attended No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Other Attended User Name Leanne Hughes -Mickel 15095766307 Joseph Calhoun Call -In User-1 User Name (Original Name) Email Trevor Martin trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov Lisa Wallace lisakwallace@hotmail.com Joseph Calhoun joseph.calhoun@yakimawa.gov Al Rose aar7040@gmail.com Kay Funk Kay.Funk@YAKIMAWA.GOV Jacob Liddicoat jake@3dyakima.com Leanne Hughes -Mickel leanne.mickel@me.com Sara Watkins sara.watkins@yakimawa.gov Mary Place placeml@charter.net Les Heimgartner lesheimgartner@yahoo.com Bill Hordan hordanplanningservices@outlook.com Y-PAC (Mike Brown) michael.brown@yakimawa.gov User Name (Original Name) First Name Last Name Email Tracy Tracy Sawyer tracysawyer509@gmail.com Gary Kruger Gary Kruger gdkruger@hotmail.com Jennifer Kruger Jennifer Kruger jennkmom@gmail.com Eric Crowell Eric Crowell eric.crowell@yakimawa.gov Sandra YALLUP Sandra YALLUP lover_2morrow@yahoo.com Andy Sawyer Andy Sawyer andysawyer0804@gmail.com Andy Sawyer Andy Sawyer andysawyer0804@gmail.com John John Bresnahan jbresn@outlook.com Tami Alred Tami Alred tami.alred@edwardjones.com James Perkins James Perkins jim@lbplaw.com Join Time 9/23/2020 14:59 9/23/2020 15:49 9/23/2020 14:56 9/23/2020 14:45 Leave Time 9/23/2020 16:42 9/23/2020 16:42 9/23/2020 16:42 9/23/2020 16:42 Registration Report - Yakima Planning Commission Meeting on September 23, 2020 Attendee Details First Name Last Name Email Tracy Sawyer tracysawyer509@gmail.com Andy Sawyer andysawyer08O4@gmail.com James Perkins jim@lbplaw.com John Bresnahan jbresn@outlook.com Sandra YALLUP lover_2morrow@yahoo.com Tami Alred tami.alred@edwardjones.com Gary Kruger gdkruger@hotmail.com Jennifer Kruger jennkmom@gmail.com Eric Crowell eric.crowell@yakimawa.gov City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes Virtual Meeting via Zoom September 9, 2020 Call to Order Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, Mary Place, Lisa Wallace YPC Members Absent: Philip Ostriem (excused) Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Trevor Martin, Associate Planner; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Council Liaison: Kay Funk, District 4 Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced that the public survey for the Housing Action Plan is posted on the city's website and will be available until the end of September. Virtual meetings or small group meetings for the technical advisory committee will be held in the near future. A draft of the plan will be made available to the Planning Commission once available and will later go to City Council for their approval in spring of 2021. Approval of Meeting Minutes — It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Commissioner Place to approve the meeting minutes of August 12, 2020. The motion carried unanimously. Continued Study Session: 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendments — Per the Commission's request, Associate Planner Trevor Martin explained the history of the R-3 zoned property to the west of the subject property which is owned by West Valley Nursing Homes and has yet to be developed. In 2018, the property owner sought to terminate the development agreement for the property which limited development of the property to multi -family senior living and senior care residential facilities, in order for them to explore other uses. They received approval but with the condition that they must maintain a 100-foot buffer of R-1 zoned property between them and their neighbor to the northwest. Martin also brought back to the Commission information on the wetlands of the subject property (8014 Occidental Rd). He explained that it is an intermittent water stream with seasonal water flow. This wetland is not shown on the city's mapping system, but is considered a wetland according to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources website. A Critical Areas Review application would be required at the time a development is proposed. Discussion took place between the Commission and staff pertaining to uncertainty about developing this site due to this being a non -project rezone. Some concerns expressed include the elevation difference of the subject property and the surrounding area and how grading the property could negatively impact the adjacent properties, and establishing a driveway on the existing access easement where there is a steep embankment. Calhoun emphasized the need for this discussion to happen at the public hearing so it is included in the record. *Chair Jacob Liddicoat joined the meeting around 3:15 p.m., and Council Liaison Kay Funk joined the meeting at approximately 3:21 p.m. -1- Discussion on Shoreline Master Program Update — Calhoun notified the Commission that the City received a grant from the Department of Ecology to help complete an update to the Shoreline Master Program (SMP), which is required to be updated periodically. The Commission members were provided a copy of the draft Public Participation Plan and a screenshot of the SMP webpage on the City's website. Calhoun noted that the first public notice is anticipated to go out in October. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing thereafter where they will be making a recommendation to City Council. Other Business — Calhoun announced that after the Planning Commission virtual public hearing on September 23d regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and a virtual public hearing on September 24th with the Hearing Examiner, the Planning Division will be caught up on public hearings that have been postponed due to COVID-19. Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to September 23, 2020 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at approximately 3:37 p.m. Chair Liddicoat Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician. -2- LES HEIMGARTNER CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Yakima Planning Commission Open Record Public :Tearing September 23, 2020 EXHIBIT LIST Applicant: Hordan Planning Services on behalf of Les Heimgartner File Numbers: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Site Address: 8014 Occidental Rd Staff Contact: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner Table of Contents CHAPTER A Staff Report CHAPTER B Maps CHAPTER C Conceptual Site Plan CHAPTER D SEPA Checklist CHAPTER E Applications CHAPTER F Public Comments CHAPTER G Public Notices CHAPTER H Supplemental Information Pagel of 133 LES HEIMGARTNER CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER A Staff Report Page 2 of 133 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Planning Division "IdAm I XW Joseph Calhoun, Manager C 11 Y O F Y IK B �w A 129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 anning ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning CITY OF YAKIMA FINDINGS of FACT, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION for REQUEST FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONE .. _ . -' o "�'��;f0I#1w16+.�$iF.?l. iI I► [ill APPLICANT: APPLICANT ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: PARCEL(S): DATE OF REQUEST: DATE OF RECOMMENDATION: STAFF CONTACT: Hordan Planning Services on behalf of Les Heimgartner 410 N 2"d St., Yakima, WA 98902 8014 Occidental 181206-12454 & -12455 April 28, 2020 September 23, 2020 Trevor Martin, Associate Planner L DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment (CPA), Rezone, and Environmental Review requesting to change the Future Land Use Map designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential and to concurrently rezone from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R-3). II. CURRENT ZONING AND LAND USE: The subject property is approximately 2.82 acres in size and zoned Single Family Residential (R- 1). Adjacent properties to this site have the following zoning and land use characteristics: Direction Zonin__..­­.m.... La.n........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ d Use North R-1 Stora e _a ....................�............... SouthR-1 Residential Count�.........�....................................................................................................................................................................................�.................................��_' ........ ) � _....... East R-1 Residential / Vacant WestR-1 / R-3 mVacant..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... III. PUBLIC NOTICE: Posting of Property June 24, 2020 Mailing of Notice of Application July 31, 2020 Public Hearing Notice Published August 24, 2020 IV. FINDINGS OF FACT: A. Environmental Review. Environmental Review (SEPA#011-20) was completed for this application, and a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued on August 24, 2020. No appeals were filed. Page 3 of 133 B. Comments Received Five public Comments were received and are summarized below (full comments can be found in the file CPA#001-20): • The first comment letter was from Tracy Sawyer, who expressed the following concerns: o Increase traffic coming through the neighborhood, and using Hope Lane as access to any proposed storage unit development; o Impacts to the surrounding environment and wildlife; o The need for a possible storage unit in the area as opposed to additional housing. • The Second letter was received from Andrew Sawyer, who expressed the following concerns: o A future site for mini storage would be incompatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood due to lighting, time of access, and access to the site; o Impacts to the surrounding environment, specifically drainage from the site; o Requirement of an critical area and wetland delineation report; o Onus is primarily on the purchaser of a property, and it is part of their due diligence to understand how they can use the property; o Continued need for housing in Yakima. • The next letter is from John Bresnahan, who has concerns with the following: o Traffic using a commercial site adjacent to a residential neighborhood, and the disruption to residential streets; o There are many other areas within the City, including infill lots, that need redevelopment which would be more conducive for a storage unit; o The traffic report submitted by the applicant does not describe a storage unit use for the site, which would have much higher traffic flows during weekends and holidays; o Hope Lane has been designed in a way that is more conducive for residential traffic. • The fourth letter is from Gary and Janet Johnson, which states: o The road is not wide enough for commercial storage traffic. • The last comment was received from James Perkins on behalf of 21 residents who live along Hope Lane. A summary of this letter is as follows: o The application materials do not support a substantial change in circumstances since the last zoning sufficient to justify a rezone "for the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare" as is required under state law in order to amend a comprehensive plan. o Multi -family Residential zoning being requested is intended to "establish and preserve high -density residential districts by excluding activities not compatible with residential uses." YMC 15.03.020(D)(1). We also do not believe it meets the consistency tests of YMC 16.06.020. The Hope Lane Community is not a "high density" residential development. It is a long existing single-family home community. There is also no demonstrated public need to change the zoning. o There are eight existing storage unit facilities within just five miles of the proposed development site, one of which is located as close as 8008 Occidental Road (West Valley Storage). o Hope lane is not designed for 24 hour storage access or commercial Yakima INDEX In 2015 1994 Page 4 of 133 through traffic; o Lighting associate with any commercial business would not be consistent adjacent a residential neighborhood; o Rezone of this particular property located in the middle of a substantially developed single-family home area, based on the application materials presented, would amount to illegal spot zoning. o The proposed development site is situated in a basin which appears to qualify as a "wetland" because surface water at times appears and there are strips of year-round green vegetation. The site should accordingly be inspected as part of a critical area determination, before any rezone is permitted. C. Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) Approval Criteria. The Yakima Comprehensive Plan 2040, Future Land Use Map designates this area as Low Density Residential. In accordance with the provisions of the Yakima Municipal Code, the following criteria must be considered in the review of any proposed amendment to the Yakima Comprehensive Plan. YMC § 16.10.040 (1): To alter the Future Land Use Map or other plan policy map, or effect a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment, the proposed amendment must do one or more of the following: (a) Address circumstances that have changed since the last time the relevant Comprehensive Plan or text was considered: Staff Response: This application is specifically for a non -project action comprehensive plan amendment to change the future land use from low density residential to mixed residential, and rezone from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R- 3). The need for additional housing, including multifamily, is at crisis levels within Yakima, and Washington State. Vacancy rates for rental housing in the City of Yakima fluctuates around the 1 % mark, well below the 5% threshold for a tight rental market. The creation of more R-3 land would allow for more residential housing units to be constructed in Yakima. The applicant identifies a potential future project for storage units on the subject property. Storage units are an allowed use in the R-3 zoning district with heightened review and notice provisions. Such a use would require a Type (3) Review and is defined as being normally not compatible with the zoning district. Storage units do not address the circumstances that have changed since the last time the Comprehensive Plan or text was considered. However, this is a non -project rezone and plan amendment. The proposed site plan is required to be submitted with the non -project rezone under YMC 15.23.030(B) which states: "Nonproject rezone applications shall also include a nonbinding conceptual site plan to show potential future use of the property." The Planning Division did not review the potential future land use of a storage unit, as provided by the applicant, as part of this recommendation. Such use would be reviewed by the City as part of the development permit process upon subsequent application, (b) Better implement applicable Comprehensive Plan policies than the current relevant Comprehensive Plan map or text: Yakima 11111InP 2019 1994 Page 5 of 133 - Staff Response: The purpose of the Mixed Residential future land use designation is to provide for areas with a mixture of housing types and densities. This proposal implements the following goals and policies: Goal 2.1: Establish a development pattern consistent with the Community's Vision Goal 2.3. Residential uses. Preserve and enhance the quality, character and function of Yakima's residential neighborhoods. Policy 2.3.1. Provide for a wide variety of housing types within the city to meet the full range of housing needs for Yakima's evolving population. Policy 2.1.3.: Review proposed Future Land Use designation changes for consistency with YMC Ch. 16.10 and the following criteria: • Does the proposal conform to locational criteria set forth for the desired designation? Yes, the site is in between multifamily zoned and single family zoned residential properties. This zoning provides a reasonable buffer between uses. Additionally the site has access to Occidental Rd. via easement, which is classified as Collector and Minor Arterial streets. Overall the proposal is consistent with Policy 2.2.2.B. of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. • Is the site physically suited for the proposed designation? Yes, the site would need to be prepared to extend utilities, which are available in the adjacent right-of-way and general vicinity. • Is the desired zone one of the implementing zones of the land use designation? Yes, the request is to rezone to R-3, which is a land use designation of the Mixed Residential Future Land Use designation. • Is the proposal a spot zone or a similar change that may create instability with the surrounding neighborhood? No, the proposal is consistent with other uses in the general vicinity. R-3 zoning is directly adjacent the subject site to the west. Policy 2.1.7.: Allow new development only where adequate public services can be provided. Policy 2.1.10.: Require properties to assume zoning consistent with the City's Future Land Use Plan, as adopted or amended where appropriate. Policy 2.2.2. B.: Mixed Residential location criteria —Intended for areas now characterized by, and/or appropriate for, a mixture of housing types with a close proximity to commercial services, transit access, and/or parks and other public recreational amenities. This designation often creates a transition from commercial and mixed -use areas to low density residential areas. Goal 5.1. Encourage diverse and affordable housing choices. Policy 5.4.2. Use transitional densities, design and landscape standards to ensure housing is compatible with existing character and planned goals. Policy 5.4.3. Encourage development of well -designed new housing in coordination with population growth, employment growth, and transportation goals. Yakima 2015 1994 Page 6 of 133 (c) Correct an obvious mapping error: Staff Response: Does not apply. (d) Address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan: Staff Response: This change will promote infill use on property that has been vacant for many years. (e) Is the proposed CPA coordinated with, and take into consideration, the Comprehensive Plans adopted by Yakima County or cities with which the City of Yakima has, in part, common borders or related regional issues as may be required by RCW 36.70A.100? Staff Response: This proposal is consistent with RCW 36.70A.100. This application is part of the annual CPA cycle for the Yakima Comprehensive Plan which the City of Yakima coordinates with adjacent jurisdictions. No comments were submitted from affected jurisdictions. (f) Proposed CPAs must be consistent with the Growth Management Act (GMA), Ch. 36.70A. RCW, and the Yakima County Wide Planning Policy (CWPP). Staff Response: This proposal is consistent with the Growth Management Act and the Yakima Countywide Planning Policy because the proposal directs urban growth to an existing urban area (within City Limits first) and encourages infill in the area where all urban level services and facilities are currently provided. The proposal reduces sprawl and is served with an adequate transportation system. This proposal also encourages economic development in the urban area and provides goods and services for the surrounding neighborhood and general Yakima Area. (g) Cumulative impacts of all CPAs, including those approved since the original adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, shall be considered in the evaluation of any proposed amendments. Staff Response: This proposal will increase the amount of Mixed Residential property within the City limits. The cumulative impact since the 2017 Comprehensive Plan is as follows: R-1/Low Density Residential: -3.75 acres R-3/Mixed Residential: +0.99 acres D. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONCLUSIONS: 1. The amendment is minor in nature. 2. No adverse impacts have been identified by approving this amendment request. Concerns raised during the comment period can be addressed during future project review for a specific proposed use of the property. 3. A DNS was issued for this proposal on August 24, 2020, and the 14-day appeal period ended on September 8, 2020. No appeals were received. E. REZONE APPROVAL CRITERIA In accordance with the provisions of the YMC § 15.23.030, recommendations to approve or deny proposed rezones shall include the following considerations: (1) Testimony at public hearing. Yakima bag 1IIUIUII�." 2015 1994 Page 7 of 133 After consideration of any public comments received during the course of the hearing it may be appropriate for the Planning Commission to modify the staff's recommendation. Public comments received during the comment period are addressed above. (2) The suitability of property in question for uses permitted under the proposed zoning. The property is well suited for uses listed within Table 4-1 for the R-3 zoning district, with the corresponding review levels, and will facilitate new mixed -use development. (3) The recommendations from interested agencies and departments. No agencies or departments have registered any opposition to this rezone. (4) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Multifamily Residential zoning district is an implementing zone of the Mixed Residential land use designation, and is consistent with several goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, as indicated above in section IV.0 of this report. (5) The adequacy of public facilities, such as roads, sewer, water, and other required public services. This property is currently capable of being served by all public utilities necessary for the support of residential land uses. (6) The compatibility of the proposed zone change and associated uses with neighboring land uses. The proposed zone change is compatible with existing neighboring land uses. Permitted uses in the R-3 zone are generally more compatible with the adjacent single- family and multifamily homes. (6a) What mitigating measures are planned to address incompatibility, such as sitescreening, buffering building design, open space, traffic flow alteration, etc.? No mitigation is proposed as part of this non -project rezone request. Any needed mitigations would be required as part of regular site plan approval during the development permit and review process. (7) The public need for the proposed change. The public need for this change is to create more land for multifamily development. F. REZONE CONCLUSIONS: 1. The rezone is appropriate for the area. 2. No adverse impacts have been identified by the approval of this rezone. 3. The requested rezone implements the Mixed Residential land use designation of the Yakima Comprehensive Plan 2040. 4. The property is currently served, or capable of being served, by all necessary public utilities capable of supporting allowed land uses in the proposed zone. V, RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends APPROVAL of this Comprehensive Plan amendment request from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential to accommodate a concurrent rezone from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to R-3 (Multifamily Residential). Yakima DOCv ® 1'1ro INDEX 2015 1994 Page 8 of 133� RECOMMENDATION made this 23rd day of September, 2020. Yakima Doc® III! INDEX 2011 1994 Page 9 of 133 _b LES HEIMGARTNER CPA#001-209 RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER B Maps Page 10 of 133 1 01.00101- FileNumber: CPA#001-20, Z#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Project Name: LES HEIGARTNE Site Address: 8014 OCCIDENTAL RD Proposal: Change the Future Land Use map designation for one parcel from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential, and concurrent rezone from Single -Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R-3). Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division at (509) 575-6183 Map Disclaimer: Information shown on Lhis map is for planning and illustration purposes only. 1"he City of Yakimar assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action Lal<er �b or action not tal<en by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein Date Created: 7/31/2020 INDEX Page 11 of 133 ZUNI ING MAP File Number: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Project Name: LES HEIMGARTNER Site Address: 8014 OCCIDENTAL RD AW010 ASWIL .1roff A & 1&Vx 19� a IML PCITY CF YAKIMA lan -- ning Yakima Urban Area Zoning SIR Suburban Residential R-1 Single Family R-2 Two Family R-3 Multi -Family B-1 Professional Business B-2 Local Business HB Historical Business SCC Small Conveneice Center Z7—!Z LCC Large Conven-ence Center 0 CBD Central Business District GC General Commercial M- 1 Ug ht Industrial M-2 Heavy Industrial RD Regional Development ASAirport Support e-,o--- o�r0;- o -ov dec FUFIOURE LAND USE MAP File Number: C - -SEPA#011-20 Project Name: LES HEIMGARTNER Site Address: 8014 OCCIDENTAL Yakima Future Land Use Designations Lo,.+, Dens7v Res: -dental Mixed Resident al Central Business Core Commercial Commercial Mixed Use Reg one! CCammer6al Community Mixed Use I n d ustri a! N/la Disclaimer: information shown on this ma is for tannin and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for an errors, omissions, or p p planning p p Y• Y Y Y inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. Date Created: 8/6/2020 FALI DI * SW M M ! File Number: - -SEPA#011-20 Project Name: Site Address: 0 CV.1ap Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. Date Created:8/6/2020 AWNS SWL%. YOF YAMMA nnn LES HEIMGARTNER CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER C Conceptual Site Plan Page 15 of 133 r-- C06BS VM 'VYIIKVA 3AV Puff Hires Ll> I J3Ni6VDMGH 3nS3'1 am ®n 1N 1'LLSflfpV Nll 0 _ar n YuaY n3 1] S 3u � r xw ]c 3wroAa 3a ]:a•,.�onm �.�'=cu�]a 'x� ,, 7 s,na samu ,v�3scu ern v.0 sure D o�. ,Nvs D nvn]a m.s w .+u�R r szWaa,enaW w. z.Ny.m3 a.. xa.um] o,.r a ]�rve u,sA, /aleMuu[l15 PR03e D wr 1Nu6 D nrZ3n m5 ro Nu]K. ri Sbavq�yyar �Nv S1Ni -3 .1. +LU3Jo1 Wr Ol=2•-a-. SYOlwtt LL39r1 �� ///T'C( O/]].itl +Lf QTI ,N ahS D OM:l3a an 1 w[M6 Sv �. :YWe 3 0 W m a r s - ��S JhIdVTS'J sa�zr�azrvrZw-mac; i �— �C KN:E b1uN 35 A`nd3a i ^� N01i0pd A1N1)Op Vl'IIYVA _ � �SS02J 53 iyVHp F i =ce NL)17NHSVM 'A1N110� s'Yllk F 7- ON 3'.L3 S,MLLIOnV i130N11 cao03e Wj a3w l 3ldpteua3a� �I " s s I - Sd Gulpllna % a - Ic x EM Guiplinp- x � --Z#AmppnP16, € LES H:EIMGARTNER CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER D SEPA Checklist Page 17 of 133 ffil W& ENVY ON N':T"AL CHECKLIST STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) r Of:Y I A (AS TAKEN FROM WAC 197-11-960) YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 6.88 Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to determine if available avoidance, minimization or compensatory mitigation measures will address the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further analyze the pro Llosal. This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. You Ill ay use "`r q� ap li able"or ` ic a last tpp] " otit +�vhe ii you +�ar� ex in wily it does slot aL na�c I (..Wheel the answer is unkpown. You may also attach or incorporate by reference additional studies reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with the SEPA process as well as later in the decision -making process. The checklist questions apply to all 124Tr(s c)Cyc ur .o Tsal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help you describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably, related to determining if there nla be si yn'ilicaiit adverse inr pact. For non -project proposals (such as ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B plus the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proponent," and "affected geographic area," respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non -projects) questions in Part B — Environmental Elements — that do not contribute meajfln�fully to the anal sis of the ro osal. 1. Name Of Proposed Project (If Applicable): Not applicable 2. Applicant's Name. ,. . &Phone: Hordan Planning Services — 509-249-1919 APR 3. Applicant's ........... ............... _ _ _ �020 PP 's Address: OF 11il�cl, 410 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 ......_.. ... .... 4. Contact Person & Phone: Bill Hordan — 509-249-1919 ......... .. ......... .. ..... 5. Agency Requesting Checklist: City of Yakima 6. Proposed Timing Or Schedule (Including Phasing, If Applicable): No project is proposed as part of this comp. plan amendment/rezone request. However, a conceptual site plan has been included with this application indicating the intended land use, upon successful rezoning of the property, for mini -storage. .... _._. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: Yes, if the property is rezoned, the property owner intends to apply for residential mini -storage land use permits. Revised 02/2018 Page 18 of 133 �.w.Mr ..,..,.... m List an environmental .,.... .............. --- - _... ....., 8 y information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal: A wetland study and traffic study have been prepared in anticipation of the project being approved for a residential mini -storage complex. The wetland study is attached and the traffic study (project related) is available upon request. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: No other applications are known to be pending for governmental approvals that directly affect the property. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be p p needed for your proposal, if known: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Change to the Future Land Use Map and Rezone 11. Give a brief, but complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.): The proposal is a non -project request to change the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation on 2.88 acres from Low -density Residential to Mixed Residential and the zoning from Single -Family Residential (R-1) to Multi -family Residential (R-3). 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for person to understand the precise location m ... p p m p p ion of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist: The property lies at the west end of Hope Lane approximately 350 feet south of Occidental Road, within the City Limits of Yakima, Washington. The address of the property is about the 8000 block of either Occidental Road or Hope Lane. The Yakima County Assessor's Parcel Number of the property is 181206-12454. Revised 02/2018 Page 19 of 133 of I� r a. General description of the site (✓ one): ❑ flat X rolling ❑ hilly ❑ steep slopes ❑ mountainous ❑ other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? Approximately 20-30 percent. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in removing any of these soils. According to the Soil Survey of Yakima County Area Washington, the general soil types on the property are Gorst loam 2 to 15 percent slopes, Gorst loam 15 to 30 percent slopes, Harwood loam 8 to 15 percent slopes. None of the soils are classified as prime farmland. No soil will be removed from the site as part of this application. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No, however, properties to the north, west and east are generally higher in elevation than the subject site e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. No fill or grading is required as part of this application. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Not as part of this application. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? No impervious surface is proposed at this time. No project is proposed as part of this application. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: None needed, none proposed. wgng fn a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during ��'l�l���Q(3, t)w' construction, operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. None as part of this land use change and rezone application. Revised 02/2018 Page 20 of 133 b. Are there any off -site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. None known by property owner. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: None needed, none proposed. ✓„//i i///,i,%// //i�/�o/i// � yi/�i i// ,�� i /i� � ���/ col iii �, /// � ,/ i /�„/ / � /i I. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. The McGonagle Ditch abuts this property along its south property line. The ditch flows into other creeks and eventually to the Yakima River. The property also contains a non jurisdictional wetland located near the middle of the property created by off -site irrigation drainage running through the property (see wetland study attached). 2. Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Not applicable, there is no project proposed on the property. 3, Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not applicable, there is no project. 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Not applicable, there is no project. 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. 11,E ��ir V,, �. cif 1. Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other ^� purposes? If so, give a general description of the well, proposed uses and a„ . approximate quantities withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to" groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if "��' known. No. DO Revised 02/2018 PagJ N D I Page 21 of 133 t 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Not applicable, this is a non -project land use change and rezone request. ,< L. Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Not applicable, there is no project. 2, Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Not applicable. 3. Does the proposal alter or otherwise affect drainage patterns in the vicinity of the site? If so, describe. Not applicable. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water, and drainage pattern impacts, if any: None needed, none proposed a. Check (✓) types of vegetation found on the site: Deciduous Tree: ❑ Alder ❑ Maple ❑ Aspen X Other Evergreen Green: ❑ Fir ❑ Cedar ❑ Pine ❑ Other X Shrubs X Grass ❑ Pasture ❑ Crop Or Grain x Orchards, vineyards, or other permanent crops Wet Soil Plants: ❑ Cattail ❑Buttercup ❑ Bullrush ❑Skunk Cabbage ❑ Other Water Plants: ❑ Milfoil ❑ Eelgrass ❑ Water Lily ❑ Other X Other types of vegetation — See Attached Wetland Study b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? No vegetation will be removed or altered as part of this application. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known by the property owner. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: None needed, none proposed. e. List all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site. No noxious or invasive species have been observed on or near the site. Revised 02/2018 Page 22 of 133 F PagORMEX D a. List any birds or other animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. Examples include: birds: hawk heron, eagle, songbirds other: QUAIL mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known by property owner. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain No. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None needed, none proposed. e, List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. The property owner has not observed any invasive animal species on or near the site. MfAl, Rkrr14, "T" . . . ............ a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. No energy is needed as part of this application. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: None needed as there is no proposal. ........... . . . 74071 MIN' 1 7777 W, Zr- 114M Ric # M a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. AJ'1? v, o No. a 1. Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses. No known contamination from present or past uses is known to exist. Revised 02/2018 Ila Page 23 of 133 Ex 2. Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity. No existing hazardous chemical/conditions are known to on the property. 3. Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the operating life of the project. No hazardous chemicals are proposed to be stored, used or produced as part of this application. 4. Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services are required for this application. 5. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None needed, none proposed. 1. What types of noise exist in the area, which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? No known noise exists in the area which would affect this application. I What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. The land use change and rezone application will not create any noise. 2. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None needed, none proposed. PLO Al a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. The site is currently vacant. Property to the west is vacant land, orchard and residential. Property to the north is commercial (indoor/outdoor storage). Property to the east is residential. Property to the south is residential and agricultural in nature. b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so, describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will�A"� be converted to nonfarm or nonforest use? Historical aerial photographs indicate that the property has not been used as working farmlands �� N a 20Z (which would be typical of the area in the past). The property is located within the City Limits of Yakima, Washington, a designated urban area and is not designated a resource land of long- term commercial significance.��,is Revised 02/2018 Pag fiftsx Page 24 of 133 1. Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how: No, the property lies within the Yakima City Limits which is a designated urban area.. c. Describe any structures on the site. The site is vacant. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No structures will be demolished as part of this application. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Single-family Residential f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Low -density Residential g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. No. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Not applicable, there is no project. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? Not applicable, there is no project. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any. None needed, none proposed. 1, Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Compliance with 2040 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance, as applicable to this application. o- m. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with nearby agricultural and ITY forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any:ry Not applicable, there are no nearby designated resource lands. Revised 02/2018 PaMOR Page 25 of 133 71 a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Not applicable, no housing is being provided. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Not applicable, no housing is being eliminated. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not applicable. 7_777 �7777/­ a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? Not applicable, no structures proposed as part of this application. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? No known views in the immediate area will be altered or obstructed as part of this application c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None needed, none proposed. ­­'­ .... ... .. ....... .. . . . ..... R1 O�P a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? No light or glare will be produced as part of this application. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Not applicable. c. What existing off -site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? There are no known sources of off -site light or glare which would affect this proposal, d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None needed, none proposed. a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate ,7 V, vicinity? J "q" The project is located near Apple Tree Resort, a golf course, where known outdoor recreational activities occur. DOC''. Revised 02/2018 Page I IN D 4- X Page 26 of 133 b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No recreational opportunities will be displaced by this application. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: None needed, none proposed. a. Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers located on or near the site? If so, specifically describe. To the property owner's knowledge, there are no structures on or near site that are eligible for historical or cultural preservation. b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Are there any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. The property owner has no knowledge of landmarks, features or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation on this site. The property owner has not observed any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site. c, Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be required. None proposed, no disturbance to resources will occur as part of this application. ,,,, �,, AP, /,���i; ,,, , , a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The property is currently served by a private access easement from Occidental Road from the north and Hope Lane from the east. b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? The nearest known transit stop is near the intersection of South 72°d Avenue and West Washington Avenue. The approximate distance is 1 mile north/northeast of the site. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project or non -project proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate? No parking spaces are proposed nor eliminated as part of this comp plan amendment and rezone application. rn d. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways. If so �(�aW", generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Not applicable, there is no project. Revised 02/2018 p l Page 27 of 133 4 e. Will the project or proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the volume would be trucks (such as commercial and non -passenger vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates? Not applicable, no project is proposed. g. Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe: Not applicable, there is no project. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Not applicable, there is no project. a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe: Not applicable, there is no project. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Not applicable, there is no project. a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Not applicable, there is no project. Revised 02/2018 page Page 28 of 133 1 Revised 02/2018 Page 29 of 133 RECEIVED APR 2 8 2020 CITY YAKIMA olV. Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities that would likely result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? No increased discharge to water, emissions to air, or toxic/or hazardous substances are proposed. No increase in noise levels are anticipated by a change to the Comprehensive Plan or Rezone. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: If applicable, complete an additioanl SEPA Checklist once a project has been proposed. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? This proposal has no effect to plants, animals, fish or marine life. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: Conservation of these issues would be reviewed through a SEPA review and implementation of rules and regulations of the Shoreline and/or Critical Areas Ordinances, if determined 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Not applicable, no natural resources are being exploited through this application.. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: None needed, none proposed. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? The proposal does not affect environmentally sensitive areas. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: Compliance with local, state, and federal environmental ordinances will ensure protection occurs. 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? The proposal will not affect shorelines, as there are non -affected. Future land use development of the property will be dictated by local, state and federal ordinances. V Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: Compliance with local, state, and federal environmental ordinances will ensure protection occurs. 6. How would the proposal be likely increase demandstransportation to increa on transportation or public services and utilities? New development would likely increase traffic on local and state highways. A minor demand in public services and utilities would likely occur as the p-op," cvel yt Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: All new development would be required to meet transportation concurrency requirements prior to development occurring. Revised 02/2018 Pl�qI ^ I ku` kP ., page S 1 ' Page 30 of 133 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. No conflicts are anticipated. RECEIVED APR 2 8 2020 a'E' DIV. Revised 02/2018 Page 31 of 133 Pa d LES HEIMGARTNER CPA#001-20, .Z#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER E Applications Page 32 of 133 r VIA "ri p LAND USE APPLICATION IM Iu�'l"M' APR 2� �,,;t CITY OF YAKIMA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ZQ q rY OF YAKIMA 129 NORTH SECOND STREET, 2ND FLOOR, YAKIMA, WA 98901 CITY OF nhing PHONE: (509) 575-6183 EMAIL: aslc.planning@yakimawa.gov PLAN'NI DIVI INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE READ FIRST Please t e or Tint our answers clearly. Answer all questions completely. If you have any questions about this form or the application process, please ask a Planner. Remember to bring all necessary attachments and the required filing fee when the application is submitted. The Planning Division cannot accept an application unless it is complete and the filing fee paid. Filing fees are not refundable. This application consists of four parts. PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION AND PART IV — CERTIFICATION are on this page. PART II and III contain additional informationspecific to our Er22osal and MUST be attached to this EaEc to com lete the a2Elication. PART I — GENERAL INFORMATION Name Les Heimgartner 1. Applicant's Mailing Address.417 S 32nd _ __..... - Information: - _...,..S. Ave _ City: Yakima S9 qq WA Zip; 98902 Phone: i( 509 )388 4943 E-Mail: 2. Applicant's Interest in Property: Check One: ❑ Owner r Other Planner _..,e..,, gent .. Purchaser Name: Hordan Planning Services 3. Property Owner's Mailing Add11 ress: 410 N 2nd_St Information If other ._ WAi2989....1than Applicant): City: Yakima St ..w_one �( 509 )249-1919 ,�.,, .... E-Mail: 4. Subject Property's Assessor's Parcel Number(s):181206-12454 mm 5. Legal Description of Property. (if lengthy, please attach it on a se_w.a.... , . ,. pp' arate document) Parcel A shown on that certain record of survey recorded under AF# 8001031, records of Yakima County, Washington 6. Property Address: 8014 Occidental Road Yakima, WA 98903 7. Property's Existing Zoning: ❑ SR W1 R-1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ❑ SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 8. Type Of Application: (Check All That Apply) m Comprehensive Plan Amendment m Environmental Checklist (SEPA Review) m Rezone Master Application ❑ Transportation Concurrency ❑ (select if submitting two or more ❑ Other: a lications under Title IS) PART II — SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION PART HI — RE UIRED ATTACHMENTS, & PART IV — NARRATIVE SEE ATTACHED SHEETS PART V _ 01t I"I FI(;16 rl ON I certify t at the in1'' ration a' , application and the required attachments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Z3_70 Property Owner's Sigr "cure Date 2— Applicant'4 Signature Date 1'1I i'/APPLIC"A ION Jil ! CP1`Q-tk0()1,Wa0 AzltboBvao 1 E cEi: "01AMOUNT MID - RECEIVE, D"II1CI (EIPT NO; 5 I R vis a b . Fl r 'l, I , a50 . CA -A - 00 d /2018 Page j 3 oc. 1D Page 33 of 133 SUMMARY OF REQUEsr The request is to change the Comprehensive Plan Future Use map designation on parcel 181206-12454 from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential and rezone the property from Single-family Residential to Multi -family Residential. w Page 34 of 133 01: 00C. INDEX a, iRECEI µ Supplemental Application For: CITY 01: y" '�O COMPREHENSIVE PLANLA I (Jilt AMENDMENT lanning YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 16.10 ADMINISTRATION OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT REGULATIONS PART H -APPLICATION INFORMATION 1. TYPE OF APPLICATION: ❑Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment m Future Land Use Map Amendment 2. EXISTING ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: ❑ SR 91 R-1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ❑ SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 3. DESIRED ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: ❑ SR ❑ R-1 ❑ R-2 0 R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ❑ SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 4. EXISTING FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: 0 Low Density Residential ❑ Mixed Residential ❑ Community Mixed -Use ❑ Commercial Mixed -Use ❑ CBD Commercial Core ❑ Regional Commercial ❑ Industrial 5. DESIRED FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: ❑ Low Density Residential W1 Mixed Residential ❑ Community Mixed -Use ❑ Commercial Mixed -Use ❑ CBD Commercial Core ❑ Regional Commercial ❑ Industrial 6. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES AVAILABLE: 0 Transportation 0 Rights -Of -Way 0 Police And Fire Protection 0 Parks And Trails Q Schools 0 Water 0 Sewer 0 Storm Drainage 0 Electricity 0 Natural Gas 0 Telephone 0 Cable TV PART III - REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 1. MAPS: Maps of the subject property indicating roads, any area designated as critical areas, the future land use designation of adjacent properties, and current & proposed future land use designations. Maps are to be provided in both an 8-1/2" by 11" and I I" by 17" format and to a standard en ineerin scale (e.g. 1:20). 2. SUBMITTAL FOR POLICY/REGULATORY AMENDMENTS: Identification of the proposed amendment indicating the section and paragraph location for the current Comprehensive Plan provision sought to be changed, if any, and includin , for text amendments, the specific text sought to be added or amended. (attach) 3. WRITTEN NARRATIVE (required. see attached): (stating the reasons for the request for the amendment and explaining how the proposed amendment meets the criteria in YMC 16 10.040) 4. TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY (may be required) 5. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST (required) 6. SITE PLAN 7. AUTHORIZATION:.. I hereby aUt ori:rc the submittal of this Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application to the City of Yakima for review„ Property j............ open ty Owner Signature (re 'rriwreal Date Note: if you have any questions about this process, please contact us City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA or 509-575-6183 Revised 10/2018 Page 1 4 Page 35 of 133 Doc. I N 0 "'i'El+ e9l.,r Supplemental Application For: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 1610 la � it I PART lV — NARRATJV,E SUBMIT ANSWERS ON SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER IF NEEDED 1. Does your proposal address circumstances that have changed since the last time the relevant comprehensive plan map or text was considered? If so, how? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 2. Does your proposal better implement applicable comprehensive plan policies than the current relevant comprehensive plan map or text? If so, how? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 3. Does your proposal correct an obvious mapping error? If so, what is the error? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 4. Does your proposal address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan? If so, what is the deficiency? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 5. Is the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment coordinated with, and take into consideration, the comprehensive plans adopted by Yakima County or cities with which the City of Yakima has, in part, common borders or related regional issues as may be required by RCW 36.70A.100? If so, how? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 6. Is the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment consistent with the Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW Ch. 36.70A, and the Yakima County -Wide Planning Policy (CWPP)? If so, how? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 7. Have the cumulative impacts of all comprehensive plan amendments been considered in the evaluation of the proposed amendment? If so, how? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 8. For Future Land Use Map changes please provide descriptive information regarding the property, including the status of existing land use, access to sewer and water, as well as the availability of public facilities such as schools, fire and police services. SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE RCCEI1VEr, /APE w Revised 10/2018 °" (�n: (( aiii, Page 15 t M ( bus Page 36 of 133 PART IV - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NAIIRATIVE PIANNIAV) Does vour nro posal address circumstances that have chau ed since the I et time a relevant comprehensive plan m,all change or text was considered? If so, how? Yes, this proposal addresses circumstances which have changed since the last relevant comprehensive plan map change was considered. Due to the substantial residential growth that has occurred and continues to occur within the West Valley Area, there continues to be a need for residential mini -storage. To provide such a service to the West Valley market, it is necessary to find either Multi -Family Residential property or Commercial property within which to locate such facilities. The further one goes west within the Yakima City Limits and Yakima Urban Growth Area, the more difficult it is to find multi -family and commercial properties, particularly near residential subdivisions. To that end, the proponent of this application desires to amend the comprehensive plan Future Land Use Map and request a zoning change on a 2.88 acre parcel of property. The property adjoins and existing mini -storage complex on the north and property designated Mixed Residential on the west for the purpose of constructing an indoor mini -storage complex to serve the needs of the immediate market area. 2. hoes our proposal better im lernent a p licable comprehensive plan policies titan the current relevant coo reh nsive plan map or test? Ifso how? Yes, this proposal better implements the applicable comprehensive plan policies than the current relevant comprehensive plan because this proposal will provide additional property designated Mixed Residential which provides for the development of the intended use (residential mini -storage). This particular property is not similar to any other properties in the area. The property generally lies in a "hole" or "depression". Properties to the north, west and east are substantially higher in elevation and readily "accept" the type of development with is intended with the current land use designations. In this situation, development of single-family residences in this "depression" is not likely to occur due to the different range in elevation and the difficulty in getting some utilities in the area to support residential development. Based on this, the use the property lends itself to a different land use designation that opens up an opportunity for development that is not residential but is compatible with surrounding residential land uses. 3. Does your proposal correct an obvious ma in error? If so how? No, it does not appear that an obvious mapping error occurred. However, it does appear that the property was designated and zoned using a general "blanket method" of designation and zoning which occurred in the area because the property has substantially different characteristics of surrounding properties. In essence, the topography of the DOC. IND2X Page 37 of 133 property and its difficulty to urban services lends itself to land uses not associated with a low -density residential designation. This is comprehensive land use change is a voluntary request on behalf of the property CITY �'i owner, which complies with the comprehensive plan, and recognizes the demonstrated �o� i1'V4 ^ need for additional high -density property within the Yakima Urban Area to accommodate an accessory type land use to support surrounding residential developments. 4. Does your,proposal address or identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan? l f so what is the deficienc ". This proposal does involve an identified deficiency in the comprehensive plan. The deficiency is the lack of land designated Mixed Residential and/or commercial near the outskirts of the Yakima City Limits. In this case, a change of the land use designation to Mixed Residential, permits the implementation of the Multi -family Zoning District which permits non-residential land uses in residential areas where deemed compatible. Specifically, an additional Type 3 Review is necessary to establish a mini -storage complex to ensure compatibility between a non-residential use and surrounding land uses. Thus, the lack of designated Mixed Residential land nearly forbids necessary accessory development like mini -storage complexes from being developed in residential areas. 5. Does your proposal tape into consideration and is it in coordination with the regional plans or policies adopted by Yakiuna Count and/or other cities with which the Cily of Yakima has in art common borders or related issues as mgj be re uired by RCW 36.70A.100? If so how? Yes, this proposal is consistent with RCW 36.70A.100. This application is part of the required comprehensive plan update for the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. The City of Yakima coordinates this update with Yakima County for consistency between the jurisdictions. 6. Is your proposal consistent with the Growth Manageme.nt. Act (f:�'MA RCW �Ch. 36.70A and the Yakima Coun -wide Planning Folic CWPP)? if so how? Yes, this proposal is consistent with the Growth Management Act and the Yakima County -wide Planning Policy because the proposal directs urban growth to an existing urban area (within City Limits first) and encourages infill in an area where all urban level services and facilities are currently provided or could be extended with the proper zoning in place. The proposal reduces sprawl and is served with an adequate transportation system. This proposal also encourages economic development in the urban area and would provide construction jobs and a service for the surrounding area on a property with somewhat limited development potential. DOC. INDEX Page 38 of 133 ("fry r NN 7. Have the cumulative impacts of all coin 1rehensive amendments been d considered in the evaluation of the proposed arnendnient? if so howl" The cumulative impacts of all comprehensive amendments over the years have been considered and culminated into the adoption of Yakima Comprehensive Plan 2040 by the City of Yakima and the Yakima County Comprehensive Plan — Horizon 2040 in 2017. Together, the two plans considered all impacts of previous comprehensive plans and their associated updates as both agencies have lands within the Yakima Urban Area. Since that time, the City of Yakima and Yakima County have worked cooperatively during annual comprehensive plan updates and review amendments after year 2017 to cumulatively assess their impacts. 8. For Future Land Use Map,changes, lease provide descril2tive information regarding the ro er including the status of existing land use access to scwer and water, as well as the available of Public facilities such as schools fire and Police services. The subject property is currently vacant, generally lies in a deep depression and slopes to the south. The property lies approximately 350 feet south of Occidental Road and is served by a 30-foot wide private easement to that road. Access to the property is also provided from the east by an urban residential street segment known as Hope Lane. Property to the east, via Hope Lane, contains a residential subdivision known as Hawkeye Addition of approximately 35 houses and which connects to Occidental Road to the north. Property to the west and south is generally rural in nature and contains single-family residences and agricultural land uses. The McGonagle Ditch generally runs along the south property line of the subject property. Property to the north contains and an existing indoor and outdoor mini -storage complex. The site is served with domestic water and sanitary sewer from Hope Lane to the east and with domestic water from the north (Occidental Road). Other utilities such as electricity and telephone are also available from those locations. The property is provided with police and fire protection by the City of Yakima and lies within the West Valley School District. Thus, the property is well served and suited for the proposed land use designation. DOC. I Page 39 of 133 YAKIMA COUNTY 18120612454 CITY LIMITS URBAN GROWTH AREA URBAN GROWTH AREA Subject Property Les Heimgartner 181206-12454 m Subject Property Tax Lots All Roads co (2 6 0 a) rn ro 0- PR 2 2L 'A P ve CITY OF VAKIMA PLANNINd6ii Feet 037.575 150 225 300 ME� Copyright (C) 2020 Yakima County Tnis map was derived From several databases. The County cannot accept responsibility for any errors. Therefore, there are no warranties For this product. Plot Date: 4/17/2020 18120612454 OIT LIMIT URBAN GROWTH AREA YAKIMA COUNTY GEOGRAPHIC ill=`✓.=\<,a-.OP, HRV'..CEu Les Heimgartner 181206-12454 Current Future Land Use l� 9P Subject Property01 City of Yakima Future Land Use Low Density Residential Mixed Residential Tax Lots All Roads co (M 6 a) rn ro a PO Na i ® Feet 0 37575 150 225 300 fW k -_ Copyright (C) 2020 Yakima County This map was derived from several databases. The County cannot accept responsibility For any errors. Therefore, there are no warranties for this product Plot Date: 4/20/2020 URBAN G CITY LIMI-T-S— URBAN GROWTH AREA YAKIMA COUNTY - : I-- I GEOGRAPHIC POR.M. A: N TION ERR. CE Les Heirrigartner 181206-12454 Proposed Future Land Use :7.2 Subject Proper City of Yakima Future Land Use Low Density Residential Mixed Residential Tax Lots All Roads Feet 0 37.5 75 150 225 300 N fV Y . Ak'L=P--c4M Copyright (C) 2020 Yakima County This map was derived from several databases The County cannot accept responsibility for any errors Therefore, there are no warranties for this product, Plot Date: 4/20/2020 A R Supplemental Application For: "I a "At,,,,,/i1 %fir, REZONES APR C i r Y OF YAKWA �kAPlanning RLmk� YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 15.23 , 1" �� � AI PIAA' PART II- APPLICATION INFORMATION 1. EXISTING ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY„ ❑ SR ✓❑ R-1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ❑ SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 2. DESIRED ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY:. ❑ SR ❑ R-1 ❑ R-2 ✓❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ❑ SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 3. ZONING OF ADJOINING PROPERTY (check all that apply): ❑ SR ./❑ R-1 ❑ R-2 ✓❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ❑ SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 4. EXISTING FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: ✓❑ I.ow Density Residential ❑ Mixed Residential ❑ Community Mixed -Use ❑ Commercial Mixed -Use ❑ CBD Commercial Core ❑ Regional Commercial ❑ Industrial 5. PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Is there a proposed change to the Future Land Use Map? Yes If so what is the proposed future land use designation? ❑ Low Density Residential ✓❑ Mixed Residential ❑ Community Mixed -Use Q Commercial Mixed -Use ❑ CBD Commercial Core ❑ Regional Commercial ❑ Industrial 6. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES AVAILABLE: ✓❑ Transportation ✓❑ Rights -Of -Way ✓❑ Police And Fire Protection ✓❑ Parks And Trails ✓❑ Schools ✓❑ Water ✓❑ Sewer ✓❑ Storm Drainage ✓❑ Electricity ❑✓ Natural Gas ✓❑ Telephone ✓❑ Cable TV PART III - REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 1. WRITTEN NARRATIVE (required): (stating the reason for the request for the rezone, explaining how the proposed amendment meets the proposed rezone request) 2. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST (required) -_ ..... ,,, — _ 3. TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY (may be required) 4 SITE PLAN (required if the rezone is associated with land use development) 5 AUTHORIZATION: I hereby aL ;horizc the w�uq, n ° 1,a 1 of this Rezone or Text Amendment Application to the City of Yakima for review. Property Owner Ss n:Atx gar Date II Revised 10/2018 Page (6 Page 46 of 133 Supplemental Application For: "Alm R WIM A NNW .1 11111 PINTY OF YAYIMA YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 15.23 dInning PART IV — NARRATIVE SUBMIT ANSWERS ON SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER IF NEEDEDI 1. How is the subject property suitable for uses permitted under the proposed zoning? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE What is the status of existing, hind we? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 2. How is the rezone request in compliance with and/or how does the request deviate from the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 3. Are there adequate public facilities, such as traffic capacity, sewer services, potable water, stormwater drainage, schools, fire and police services, and other public services and infrastructure existing on and around the subject property? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE Are the existing public facilities capable of supporting the most intensive use of the new (requested) zone? If not, what mitigating measures are going to be implemented to address any short falls in public services that may exist? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 4. How is the proposed zone change compatible with the existing neighboring uses? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE What mitigating measures are planned to address incompatibility, such as sitescreening, buffering building design, open space traffic flow alteration, etc.? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE 5. What is the public need for the proposed change? SEE ATTACHED WRITTEN NARRATIVE Revised 10/2018 Page �7 Doc. I TIN ED 11F." X Page 47 of 133 �t PART IV - NARRATIVE -- REZONE1 A. How is the subject ro ert suitable for use's perinitted under the proposed zoning? The subject property is suitable for many, but not all, uses permitted under the proposed zoning because the property has topographical constraints. Specifically, the property gently slopes to the south and lies within a depression with fairly high sides along the west, north and east property lines. The property is not encumbered by critical areas or floodplains. The property has two legal points of ingress and egress. One from Occidental Road, from the north, by way of a private 30 foot wide access easement. The other access point is from the east, by way of Hope Lane, a local access street that flows through the Plat of Hawkeye and connects to Occidental Road. The property is 2.88 acres in size which can accommodate development and has access to all utilities and public services. One undesirable aspect of the property is that the sewer line located within Hope Lane (the only sewer line in the area) is higher in elevation than the subject property. This creates an undesirable situation for residential development because alternative sanitary waste measures must be taken to accommodate housing on the subject property. However, with the property owner's intended use of establishing residential mini -storage on the property, there is no need for sewer, thus making the property suitable under the proposed zoning district of Multi -family Residential (R-3). What is the status of the existing land use? The current status of the property is a vacant lot. B. How is the rezone reguest in compliance with and/or how does the reguest deviate from the Yakima Urban ,area Comprehensive Plan? This rezone application is in conjunction with a proposed comprehensive land use change from Low -density Residential to Mixed Residential. The Mixed Residential land use is intended to promote a mixture of housing types and densities. The designation is usually intended for areas now characterized by, and/or appropriate for, a mixture of housing types with close proximity to commercial services, transit access, and/or parks and other public recreational amenities. The designation often creates a transition from commercial and mixed residential areas to low density residential areas. The implementing zoning districts for this comprehensive plan designation are Moderate Density Residential (R-2) and Multi -family Residential (R-3). In this instance, no housing is proposed, so housing density is not an issue. This project proposes a commercial service to accommodate local residential storage needs. The land C04C. Im DEX Page 48 of 133 use is permitted by Type 3 Review in the zoning ordinance. This site is located in a mixed -use neighborhood consisting of single-family housing, commercial use (existing mini -storage complex) and agricultural land uses. The site is also served with vehicular indirect access from an arterial street (Occidental Road) and a local access street (Hope Lane) with access to public water. Since sanitary sewer is difficult to use from the site, this project will ultimately act as a buffer between properties to the east and west. Currently, abutting properties to the west are a combination of R-1 and R-3 and this proposal will place a non-residential accessory land use buffer between any R-3 development on the west and the single-family residences located within the Plat of Hawkeye. Thus, promoting compatibility between the uses as contemplated by the comprehensive plan. For the reasons above, this project is in compliance with the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. C. Are there ade uatc public facilities such as traffic ca aci sewer services potable water, st rmwater drainage, schools fire and police services and other public services and infrastructure existing on the and around the subject propmt The site is served with all public facilities necessary to support the proposed project and other uses provided in the proposed zoning district. Specifically, the site is served by an arterial street (Occidental Road, via a private easement), a local access street (Hope Lane), public water, electricity, telephone and police and fire protection. The site is served with sanitary sewer but it is necessary to pump wastewater uphill to the only sewer main in the immediate area. The lack of sewer limits the development potential of the property. However, the proposed project, residential mini -storage, can be accommodated without the need for sanitary sewer. Are the existing public facilities capable of supporting the most intensive use of the new (requested) zone? If not, what mitigating measures are going to be implemented to address any short falls in public services that may exist? The site is served by all necessary infrastructure to support the most intensive uses of the requested zoning district, except those uses that may require sewer. Due to the fact that the only sanitary sewer line in the area is located within Hope Lane and is substantially higher in elevation, there is a need to lift or pump sanitary waste to that sanitary sewer line. To mitigate this difficulty, the proponent is proposing a land use that does not need sanitary sewer. The proposed land use is a Type 3 Use in the zoning district and requires the highest level of review. This review will determine the mitigation necessary to place this project in this new zoning district. 4 1,611 ME X Page 49 of 133�' D. How is the proposed zone change compatible with the existing neighboring uses? The proposed zone change is compatible with neighboring uses because it proposes a specific land use as part of the application which is residential mini -storage. The subject property abuts an existing indoor and outdoor mini -storage complex on the north which has been in existence before many of the residential uses in the area. The proposed project will buffer the existing single-family uses on the east from future multi -family development to the west on the abutting R-3 property. Substantial distance from existing land uses to the south help mitigate the projects impacts on those properties. The proposed mini -storage project proposes a series of buildings that will provide indoor storage which will also promote compatibility between the land uses. A non -project rezone proposal at this site would have had a much larger impact on the existing neighboring uses because the residents would not know what to expect. In this instance, the project (residential mini -storage) is being disclosed along with the rezone request with the need for further Type 3 Review. This ensures compatibility between the uses in the neighborhood regardless of the zoning district. What mitigating measures are planned to address incompatibility, such as sitescreening, buffering building design, open space, traffic flow alteration, etc.? Since the residential mini -storage project is subject to further zoning review before a Hearing Examiner, required development standards will be applied at that time. At this time, the property owner sees no reason to request adjustments or variances from those standards. Thus, appropriate mitigation will be implemented during residential mini - storage application review. E. What is the public need for the proposed change? There is a public need for additional residential mini -storage in the West Valley Area. Specifically, as most new residential developments occur, private restrictive covenants are placed on the development that restrict recreational vehicles from being stored on the individual residential lots. With this in mind, the proponent has studied the residential storage facility business in West Valley and found that the most recently constructed facility along 88t" Avenue between Summitview and Tieton Drive is currently 55 percent full with the expectation to be full by the end of 2020. The nearest mini -storage complex, which abuts this proposal on the north (West Valley Storage), is also at capacity. There are other mini -storage complexes that have recently been approved but have not been constructed in the West Valley Area. This activity demonstrates a public need for the storage service because a shortage of storage units exists. This project will help fulfill that need in the West Valley Area. DOS HIMIMIEX Page 50 of 133 LES HEIMGARTNER CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER F Public Comments Page 51 of 133 Page 52 of 133 DO. C. I N f ) I Iff j August 17, 2020 A06i 7 Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Department of Community Development CITY OF YAKIM4 129 North Second Street, 2nd floor PLANNING Yakima, WA 98901 Re: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20, Hordon Planning Services on behalf of Les Heimgartner Dear Ms. Davenport: As a resident of the Hawkeye subdivision located at 79th and Occidental, I am writing to express my objection to a rezone to the property located at 8014 Occidental road from R-1 single-family resident to R-3 multifamily residential. In the application, Mr. Heimgartner states he intends to build a mini -storage on this property. It is my understanding that any commercial business requires two access points thus bringing increased traffic to our quiet neighborhood of approximately 35 single-family homes. This subdivision was developed in 2005 and is clearly residential as noted by signage at the entrance of the community. Also, the easement off of Hope Lane would likely disturb the hillside to the north if it were to be developed for the type of traffic Mr. Heimgartner's proposed business would bring. This hillside has had serious settling issues with the properties to the north and south of the easement undergoing extensive repairs as well as the hillside being refilled numerous times to abate further erosion. Also, there will be a great environmental impact should such a business be allowed. This is an area of many birds, especially birds of prey and that is why this community is called Hawkeye. There are many songbirds as well as magpies that nest in the nearby trees. There are also many amphibians as the property in question appears to be situated on a wetland. As I am sure you are aware, due to climate change and rampant development it is becoming more important that we preserve these environments for wildlife. My home is situated east of 8014 Occidental Road and I am also concerned that this type of business would bring excess light pollution to a community that enjoys dark skies and stargazing. I call into question the need for this type of business in the West Valley when there are approximately ten such businesses within a five -mile radius of the Hawkeye subdivision. Mr. Heimgartner contends that there is a need because of the recent increase in homes that are valued at approximately $100,000 more than those located in Hawkeye. Why should a community of DOC. Page 53 of 133 modest but well -kept homes bare the burden of storing excess objects and recreational vehicles for our wealthier neighbors? In closing, I would like to remind you that in an article last year published in the Yakima Herald -Republic, you are quoted stating that Yakima has a need for properties to develop single-family homes. It does not make sense to rezone this property in this manner and honestly smacks of spot -zoning where if it were to be allowed, one person would benefit over the needs of an established community of single-family residences. Thank you for your consideration in this matter and I am hopeful the city will recognize the value in keeping the property zoned as is. Be well, Tracy Sawyer 8004 Hope Lane Yakima, WA 98903 (509) 424-1899 y YAKIAM PLANNING I)' V. DOC. IN ,. Page 54 of 133 LARSON BERG & PERKINS PLLC LAW OFFICES Paul M. Larson D. R. (Rob) Case James S. Berg Ryan D. Griffee James A. Perkins Stephan Yhann JAMES A. PERKINS E-Mail larrxC��,rClpm'r'; Our File: 3497.002 August 12, 2020 RECEIVED VIA HAND DELIVERY AICP C �N" Ms. Joan Davenport, Community Development DirectorPLANNING � CITY OF YAKIMA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT V. 129 North Second Street Yakima, WA 98901 Re: File No. CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Applicant: Hordan Planning Services o/b/o Les Heimgartner 8014 Occidental Rd. Dear Mrs. Davenport: We represent Andrew Thomas and Tracy Marie Sawyer, the owners of real property located on Hope Lane in Yakima, and the other neighbor signers of this letter. This letter is submitted in opposition to Hordan Planning Services on behalf of Les Heimgartner's (Heimgartner) application for a comprehensive plan amendment to in substance still build a multi -unit ministorage facility at 8014 Occidental Rd. Andrew and Tracy and the other letter signers own real property and live in the residential neighborhood adjacent to the proposed rezone site (the "Hope Lane Community"). Enclosed are signatures from the other Hope Lane Community residents who also oppose the rezone and proposed development. The Hope Lane Community is situated immediately south of Occidental Road and northeast of the proposed development site. Hope Lane Community residents access their homes via Hope Lane, which is a private, dead end street, connected to Occidental Road. The proposed rezone is not consistent or compatible with the uses and zoning of the Hope Lane Community or the surrounding properties and will negatively impact the Hope Lane Community. Inconsistent and Incompatible Use First, the application materials do not support a substantial change in circumstances since the last zoning sufficient to justify a rezone "for the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare" as is required under state law in order to amend a comprehensive plan. See e.g., Phoenix Dev., Inc. v. City of Woodinville, 171 Wn. 2d 820, 834, 256 P.3d 1150, 1156-57 (2011). 105 North Third Street, P. O. Box 550, i Yakima, WA 98907 1,.,„ Phone: (509) 454'�44I g5-oferg3(509) 457-1027 Ms. Joan Davenport, AICr, Community Development Director CITY OF YAKIMA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT August 12, 2020 Page 2 RECEIVED AUG -19 2020 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DI , Further, the proposed Multi -family Residential zoning being requested is intended to "establish and preserve high -density residential districts by excluding activities not compatible with residential uses." YMC 15.03.020(D)(1). We also do not believe it meets the consistency tests of YMC 16.06.020. The Hope Lane Community is not a "high density" residential development. It is a long existing single-family home community. There is also no demonstrated public need to change the zoning. Although the application materials represent there is a need to "accommodate local residential off-street storage", the Hope Lane Community is the nearest residential neighborhood and it does not require additional storage. There are in fact already eight existing storage unit facilities within just five miles of the proposed development site, one of which is located as close as 8008 Occidental Road (West Valley Storage). What is actually being requested is that a "spot zoning" for this intended commercial use be approved for this mature residential single- family home area. Such "spot zoning" is not consistent with the current zoning or comprehensive plan and should not be approved. The proposed rezone, which would purportedly accommodate the proposed development, will also negatively impact Hope Lane Community's health, safety, and welfare. The proposed Multi -family zoning is intended to locate "high -density residential development so that traffic generated by the development does not pass through lower - density areas." YMC 15.03.020(D)(4). Here however, the proposed development intends to use "lower -density" use Hope Lane as the direct and sole access point for the storage unit facility. Hope Lane is the primary road serving single-family homes. Residents commonly park on both sides of the street. Children bike, play, and gather in adjacent yards and there are numerous pets. When cars park on both sides of the street, the width of Hope Lane can be reduced to as little as 18 feet, and sometimes less. Hope Lane cannot support 24-hour commercial traffic as well. Also pertinent, the City of Yakima does not consistently now maintain Hope Lane. In the winter months, Hope Lane Community residents must normally shovel snow themselves and it can be days before the City can service the road. This means a serious safety hazard both for Hope Lane Community residents and the commercial traffic would exist if the storage facility amended zoning is approved. Critically, the Hope Lane Community includes many families with young children. The proposed commercial traffic associated with a 120-unit storage facility, open 24-hours a day, will place those children and residents at risk. The business required 24-hour lighting associated with a multiunit storage facility is also inconsistent with the surrounding and existing single-family home zoning and use and would affect the "quiet enjoyment" of their properties, arguably amounting to a nuisance. Spot Zoning As mentioned, rezone of this particular property located in the middle of a substantially developed single-family home area, based on the application materials presented, would amount to illegal spot zoning. The proposed rezone will carve out 2.88 acres of land D0( C. IME- X Page 56 of 133�� RECEIVED Ms. Joan Davenport, AICr-, Community Development Director CITY OF YAKIMA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT QUC 2020 August 12, 2020 Page 3 017*yOF Yftk� PLANNING jJIV, currently zoned as Low Density, Single -Family Residential (R1) to be in essence a commercial non-residential property. The proposed rezone, and in substance commercial development, grants Mr. Heimgartner a discriminatory benefit to the detriment of all other Hope Lane Community home owners without public benefit or justification. The application materials do not contain any demonstrated information to support there is a "substantial public health, safety, general welfare, or moral" reason for the requested rezone. Analyzing the facts objectively for his sole benefit, Mr. Heimgartner seeks to now single out two parcels of vacant land for a commercial development which has no relationship to and is inconsistent with the adjacent single-family homes, the neighboring nursing home's residential use, and the current light recreational use enjoyed by the neighboring golf course. Negiative Environmental Impact The proposed rezone and development will have a negative environmental impact as well. The proposed development site is situated in a basin which appears to qualify as a "wetland" because surface water at times appears and there are strips of year-round green vegetation. The site should accordingly be inspected as part of a critical area determination, before any rezone is permitted. The site is also located no less than 20 feet lower than surrounding properties and so receives significant water run off during winter months from neighboring slopes. Additionally, several adjacent homes currently evidence side slope movement. It is therefore questionable whether the soils of this site could support the intended use. The proposed development will also interfere with existing wildlife in the area and it will conflict with the original single-family home promise made by the City to the existing residents, which were relied upon when the Hope Lane Community homes were built and later purchased. On behalf of Andrew, Tracy, and all the other letter signers, we thank you for considering this opposition and request that the application for a comprehensive plan zoning amendment as currently presented be denied. Very truly yours, LARSON BERG & PERKINS PLLC wooed �% p James A. Perkins JAP/ssp Enclosures Page 57 of 133 Dated; fa „.. Andrew T. and TraoySawyer 8004 Hope Lane Yakima, WA 98903 RECEIVED CITY OF AIWA PLANNING DIV. n, °gym INDEX Page 58 of 133 20 Dated: " By: Cheryl Ermey 2303 S. 80th Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 RECEIVED CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV. 1.(),, 110 '�"D( Page 59 of 133 $— . I I J,'� Dated:A-`�' - I -!�- By: Tron and Jennelle Alexand 7907 Hope Lane Yakima, WA 98903 =I RECEWED AU(i ,�, 202o CO OF YAKIIWA PLANNING DI o-c"Ic. In 14 D IEEE x Page 60 of 133 Dated: M Adrian anc,'�Sandrd Yallup 2314 S. 80th Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 Page 61 of 133 RECEIVED A U Ci -1 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV, CEIVED Dated: �—/..�;:� nM AU (1 11 ID, 2'0 CITY OF PLANNING I' Printed Name(s): L. Address: 79®�e-. Yakima, WA 98903 Page 62 of 133 ,,JE— wn Dated �" . 7903 Hope Lane Yakima, WA 98903 Page 63 of 133 RECEIVED . , 2020 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING Div, RECEIVED AUG 1 lu 2020 Dated:-61-S ZZ'02'0 CITY OF YAKSM 'A PLANNING DIV, By: 47 JoVland Cindy Hope 2302 S. 79th Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 �DOC. IINDEX Page 64 of 133 Dated. � p Wendy Hill 2306 S. 80th,-.W venue Yakima, WA 98903 RECEIVED AUG ,. 202 CITE OF YAKIMA PLANNINGI'a 00c., INDEX Page 65 of 133 RECEIVE G I ?(, D a t e d CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV, Michael and Tami Ired 2302 S. 80t" Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 INDEX Page 66 of 133 Dated: RECEIVED, AUG 19 2020 01 Y OF YAK'I'Mit By: PLANNING 61V, Printed Na m-Ane(s): Ana "n wj=jo�j Address, Yakima, WA 98903 D(')C� MDEX Page 67 of 133 Dated.,-8--LS-- -Z0 By: A"Ll Gary Weaver 2309 S. 79th Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 Page 68 of 133 RECEIVED AUG 19 2020 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING I. MDEX 5-3 RECEIVED Dated: - AUGo2020 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV, By: IV I AFe OJT . - 2309 S. 79th Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 C' . Page 69 of 133 :m" RECEIVED Dated;~ ITS OF YAKIMA PLANNING By;. y and Tara B jas 2309 S. 79t" Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 () 1 1 Page 70 of 133 ,„ Dated. By: 'b�ertMary ochman 7 909 Hope Lane / Yakima, WA 98903 ID o", C o' INU x Page 71 of 133 Dated: M Stacy and Tammy Davick 2300 S. 80th Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 C' RECEIVED AUG I CITY 01" YAKIMA PLANNING I. DO, C. INDEX Page 72 of 133 CEIVED Dated: Wr AUG �^^ �",P 2020 .... CITY P w BY LDI, Printed Name(s)w Address: `T Yakima, WA 98903 cr, . 1I'�� DE Page 73 of 133�� RECEIVED Dated: <6)1'5bO AUG 19 2020 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV. By: Selj--s Lcke-."c;0' Santos and Brianna Larios 2310 S. 80th Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 I N D E-EX Page 74 of 133 Dated: By: > Ni 6og Smith 2312 S. 80th Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 RECEIVF-:I�.) AUL I ',D, 2020 CITY OF—VAKINIA PLANNING mv. D(,'l)C,l INDEX Page 75 of 133 RECEIVED Dated: AUG M 2020 John Bresnahan 7906 Hope Lane Yakima, WA 98903 Page 76 of 133 CITY OF YANINIA PLANNING I j w Dated: 911 71Z O By: Jbsen and tt&helle Morford 2300 S. 79r" Avenue Yakima, WA 98903 Page 77 of 133 RECEIVED CITY OF KI PLANNINGMA Dated: Gary anGrJanet Johnson 8002 Hope Lane Yakima, WA 98903 RECEIVED AUG 19 2020 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING OIV 00. INDEX Page 78 of 133 Joan Davenport RECEIVED Community Development Director 129 North Second Street AUG 19 2020 Yakima, WA, 98901 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNINGDiv Dear Mrs. Davenport: I am writing this letter in opposition to the application for a comprehensive plan amendment at 8014 Occidental Road (CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 &SEPA#011-20). The proposed re -zoning of the property from single family residential to a zoning intended to allow for a commercial venture (mini storage units) is incompatible with the surrounding neighborhoods and future planned development in the area. Intrusive nighttime lighting, noise from a 24-hour operation, a transient clientele, and the need to use a residential neighborhood as an access point are all contributing factors for not re -zoning the property. While mitigation of these concerns is possible, there is no guarantee that agreed mitigations will be enforceable, especially so if the lots are re -zoned and then potentially sold to a third party. But those aren't the only reasons. The property in question is a low-lying area and serves as a wetland for the surrounding higher ground. Mr. Heimgartner appears to have installed piping and re-routed some surface water runoff from a nearby field to a different part of the property. However, surface water from irrigation is not the only factor. The low lying property likely also serves as filtration for the surrounding area's groundwater that may be continuous with aquifers and smaller waterways in and around the Ahtanum valley. Any re -zone should require independent studies to examine continuity and the affects it may have on surrounding water sources, wells, septic systems as well as potential flooding of property nearby. Mr. Heimgartner's claim that irrigation water is solely the reason for an emerging wetland disregards substantial runoff events that intermittently flood the area during winter snow melts that create intermittent flows and large areas of viscous mud (he may not be aware of this because he does not live near the property). The company hired to represent Mr. Heimgartner's interests "recommends that ground water levels be monitored for a growing season to determine if the area in question would actually met the wetland hydrology indicators." Depending on winter snowfalls, it may be prudent to extend . VNI ID 1-EX Page 79 of 133 F this monitoring several years to be accurately scientific. Re -zoning should not be granted without such extensive, critical studies taking place first. But it really comes down to facing a reality. Mr. Heimgartner had to have known the zoning of the property and other issues that would limit its development when he purchased it: caveat emptor. If he did not, then that was a mistake on his part. He should not be able to mitigate his investment choice by adversely impacting the surrounding residents of an existing neighborhood with a re -zone. If he had planned on a commercial mini storage development, he should have purchased property zoned for that intended future use in the first place. In fact, if Mr. Heimgartner wants to develop commercial mini -storage units, there is commercial property available for him to purchase and develop that is not directly adjacent to a quiet, residential neighborhood. Yakima continues to have a need for housing. Once land zoned for housing is changed to support development of commercial enterprises, that residential land is forever lost, as is the inviting, residential atmosphere of the nearby surrounding areas. Out here, we enjoy our dark, night skies. We enjoy the sounds of sprinklers irrigating orchards, of children riding bikes around the dead end streets with little traffic. A little more light and traffic for a few more families is fine, but please don't allow for the construction of a mini -storage complex so that people who do not live around us can store the things that will not fit in their own houses or on their own property. This land was zoned in its current form for a reason, and not much has changed since then. I implore the city to keep it zoned as it is. Andrew Sawyer 8004 Hope Lane Yakima, WA 98903 Page 80 of 133 RECEIVED AUG 19 2020 PLANNINGCITY OF YAKIMA w Doc. INDEX # F- Maxey, Lisa From: John Bresnahan <jbresn@outlook.com> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 9:58 AM To: Martin, Trevor Subject: Re: Notice of Application & SEPA - Les Heimgartner - CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA# 011-20 Mr. Martin, I do have additional comments regarding the "traffic study". First, the study assumes that 12 houses would be built on the 2.88 acres. In reality, it is unknown how many could actually realistically and economically be built in that particular area, given the geotechnical challenges, the presence of the ditch that can flood, and other factors. It is unclear why this developer is not building homes if that is truly possible, as there appears to great demand in the market for SFRs given the number of developments that have been ongoing in the immediate area for the past 2 years. Owners in this neighborhood have seen their property values escalate by 8-10% a year for the past 2 years. One must reasonably assume, if this developer is serious about maximizing the return on his investment, that there is a good reason why he, or any other developer over the last 14 years, has not built SFRs. The reason must be that too few units could actually be constructed to make it profitable. I think, then, that the study choosing 12 homes as its model did not do sufficient research into the economic, legal, and physically possible aspects of this part of the analysis. For that reason, either zero homes or some number far fewer than 12 would be more likely -in which case the conclusion drawn by the study of "50-less" (fewer) trips during a weekda is faulty. Along those lines, the proposed use appears to be RV/boat storage, a use that will more than likely result in many MORE trips on weekends and holidays, something the study does not address. I also dispute the "seasonality" aspect of the study. No support is given in the study for the idea that there would be times of the year where Hope Lane would be subject to lesser or greater travel demands by large RVs just because of the "seasonality" of RV use. The fact is that people use RVs almost year-round, with possibly a short period of non-use during December -February. The fact is there is nothing in this report or the general application that supports the conclusion that the use of Hope Lane would only be "seasonal". The hard fact is that the residents of Hawkeye will be subjected to the noise, dust, and danger of endless trips back and forth by RV owners at all times of day and night and all days of the week and months and year. Especially awful will be all holidays and holiday weekends. This study does not address the most important aspect of traffic analysis for this project: the suitability of Hope Lane itself for this kind of heavy duty use by large, cumbersome self-propelled RVs or trailers pulled by heavy-duty diesel -exhaust spewing pickups. The fact remains, and is unchallenged, that Hope Lane is not now and never was intended to be a public road that serves a purely commercial use. The city does a very minimal job as it is now of snow removal and general maintenance. This road, along with many like it, are on the lowest priority for maintenance in the city. All the trips described by the traffic report will be made by huge, heavy, lumbering RVs and trailers down a narrow residential road where residents habitually park on both sides of the street, children ride bikes, skateboards, and other toy vehicles on the sidewalks, and, yes, in the streets even though they shouldn't. There is a 90-degree turn as Hope Lane goes south from Occidental and heads west to its terminus. Often cars are parked on the curve itself. Did anyone from this engineering company study the feasibility of piloting a large RV or truck trailer combination around this F xy hen cars Page 811of 133 W are parked there? It is difficult enough to avoid the cars in an ordinary vehicle much less a massive, sloppy RV. Physically, Hope Lane is unsuitable for commercial use. Hope Lane is a road dedicated to the public by the plat that created it for the purpose of serving single family residences and single-family residences ONLY. It was not designed to accommodate repeated, heavy truck traffic and such a commercial use is a definite overburdening of the easement because this proposed use was not one contemplated or approved by the creators and grantors of the public road easement and for this reason alone this application should be rejected. Legally, Hope Lane is unsuitable for commercial use. In conclusion, the traffic study was mostly useless with no real analysis done, other than cribbing notes from some handbook. It should be rejected as inadequate. No one wants this commercial use in our neighborhood if Hope Lane is to be used as the commercial entrance and exit. No mention at all is made of their legal access directly to Occidental by easement. Why not? If it is too narrow, they can purchase additional width there and have a direct commercial access to Occidental, where there are already far too many dangerous trucks weaving down the 8-foot lanes at 15 mph over the speed limit. This development should be made in a commercially zoned area where individual homeowners will not face a diminishment in their quality of life. Just so some guy can park an RV. I was going to insert a discussion about crime at storage facilities, but the Yakima PD has not responded to my inquiry (admittedly made late) yet. As soon as they do, I will have another comment to make regarding that. John Bresnahan From: Martin, Trevor Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 1:04 PM To: 'John Bresnahan' Subject: RE: Notice of Application & SEPA - Les Heimgartner - CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Good afternoon Mr. Bresnahan, I have attached the traffic study you requested in your comments. Your comments have been added to the project file and become part of the existing record. City staff maintains a neutral position on applications until all study sessions, public hearings, and findings of fact have been analyzed. If there is some you perceive as missing or insufficient within the application, please let me know and I will take a look. You will be notified as future notices and public hearings are scheduled for this application. Please let me know if you have any other additional comments or questions. Thank you, Trevor Trevor Martin Associate Planner City of Yakima 129 North 2nd Street Yakima, WA 98901 (509) 575-6162 2 I. IEU Page 82 of 133 ra'r__ r From: John Bresnahan [mailto.jbresn@outlook.com] Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 5:04 PM To: Martin, Trevor Subject: Fw: Notice of Application & SEPA - Les Heimgartner - CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Mr. Martin, This application is substantially similar to the one previously submitted and withdrawn by Mr. Heimgartner over the strenous objections of the neighboring property owners along Hope Lane who will be unreasonably, detrimentally, and disproportionately affected by this commercial development in an area that is now and was always intended to be residential. In the attachment, the applicant mentions a "traffic study" (item #8 on the environmental checklist), yet there is no traffic study attached. Please send me the traffic study. Along those lines, the primary objection all residents of this neighborhood will have is the gross overburdening of the city's road easement (Hope Ln.). This road was dedicated to the public, as all like roads are, as an easement. The intention of the easement was to serve a residential neighborhood, and a residential neighborhood ONLY. Any other use, i.e. commercial storage, would be a use not contemplated by the dedicators of the easement and would be severely out of character for this neighborhood. Imagine the traffic that will roll down this quiet, dead-end street on a daily basis: moving vans, moving trucks, trucks pulling RVs and boats, RVs, etc. The list goes on. Often, storage businesses offer 24-hour access. Is it reasonable that this neighborhood must tolerate late night move -ins, or early morning RVers heading out on vacation and lumbering their idiotic vehicles down quiet residential streets at 6:00 am? Children ride bikes and other vehicles in the street because it is a DEAD END, and the only people who use it are the people who live here. They play games, in and out of yards, crossing the streets without needing to fear 10-ton trucks and diesel pusher RVs barreling around the 90-degree corner. If the applicant would pledge, and the city enforce, that the ingress and egress to this business will be from Occidental ONLY- already the home of dangerous truck traffic going to and from the orchards- then opposition to this project might dissipate. A security fence could be constructed at the end of Hope with a gate that the Fire Department could use if necessary. This is a bad idea as presented. It is not the responsibility of the city to see that people who can afford $100,000 RVs have a place to park them, nor is it the city's responsibility to see that Steve and Edna have a 10' x 10' storage unit for their knickknacks. There are plenty of places in run down areas of Yakima that could use a business or two to help revitalize the area. Concentrate your development in the areas that need economic revitalization. This is not the place- it is a residential neighborhood, and always should be. Thanks, and I await the traffic study. John Bresnahan, Hope Lane Resident. From: Maxey, Lisa <[J,,, .max (i')ITYA IMA ^'A t, OV> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 10:11 AM To: Belles, Carolync ly .1. ells 1.1�ililmaw 1 gov>; Brown, David<David.1J;LoNvalm��t�y���.mmr�Ja �t. �:�_y>; Calhoun, Joseph < 1 pl, �illlia a�ai(iiY1 1MAWA iOV>; Contreras, Pedro '' AW GOV>, Corona, Silvia <SiIvia,Coron,a, a) ,al iniaw a �a!y>' Cutter Jeff l_�.�lmow����ar�r�s����?"mt1.�� � � �,�y�m...�....w�..._.g�..,..�, , < a°j1 a t1 1°�ayal a�a ae a 1 c1r n ; Davenport, Joan < o an.l Dean, James vwaq ;+ v , DeBusschere, Suzanne LIZ' t �� d b s cl c t �� � �Nt Ewa �p r>' Denman (Actin < amlmeaala l vrut)an,(!i 11�jLngNyg1gcLy Desgroselller, Bo � �31�k� 1.)�s t°���� ��'t� �C����y�.� �����a �u.g� >; Doan, Toa�ay <" a111_y lm,) �a1� i Y' KIMA i��' 1 )V>; l lorton, Kell¢ < Kelli 1lort 1r� tl l a 1m >; .laar'a, l osallt cl r <%casaaliraclaa C 1 �JJ t r r411 t tw .g9 >; Kallevig, Dana <D aaaa3.Xallev cr����l�ra �av��� g 11r>; Layman, Randy palay..l.w�y�a �Jn".Wy Markan, Aaron w>; Matthews,, Archie __. ia(�wa1 ret latt c11w Ml ��e dk��`��()>, elay. Randya, 1, 1nd t. yg ,kt Jrna: q y>; Murray, Matthew matt lalaaamam�a�vd;rr r<kiqa wa&1mN>; Reid, P n 3 Page 83 of 133 _ Riddiv, Daii <D18p. >; hwssigiiol, Linda . . ...... . . I. _y <Linda,,_R,pssj carol s y r firiaw'a.ggp; Schafier, Scott <Sco,tLSell af�r(t�i,ryiLkiiiiawl.)L >; Shaiie, Mike <N/like.Slim( Story,, Gregory Watkins, Sara <Sara Watkins(d YAKIMAWA,(')'OV>; Zabell, Jol:ln <John.Zabell@ysj .jijj�t A,>;, Zainniarchi, Loretta <Lo retta. Zan inia rc h i � YAKIMA WJO V >; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte <bet Cawley', Marc <N/larc,C,aw,leyfh)y agq3o>;CiiaiiiberorCoi-ni-nei-ce qU:L 4_Wq_ y <Cllainhe a iniaor ; Department of Agriculture g L y>;, Department of Coninicrce (CTED) - Review Team <t,,evie\k,tcain(t'i)coti:-iiiicic�e,wa, )p, Department of Ecology q�g, >; _=­­­ I _ A. I 1-Y Department of Ecology - Lori White Department of Ecology - SEPA Register <,, se, Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator <1c " i�o.s.eLTqqoordi Department of Fish and Wildlife <SEPAdeskkWt`w,\vaa0y>; Department of Fish and Wildlife <'I'eai,i,iYcikiiiia(ii)(Ir�v,wa,g v _q, " >; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand <[`-Jc.Bartratigt� >; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes <Scot . 1) irL2LIskt�l kv. wa, \ >; Department of Natural ....... ... . . �1 _q�6L _,) M� Resources <sgL)ILc�.LjLqt(, Nyq. Social & Health Svcs - Robert Hubenthal &qy>; Dept of So <Robei't,,IIubenthal�°ci�cdi,sltis-wa, p; Dept. Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review wa..,gqy>; Desgrosellier, Bob <Bobj)g)rose A Lkn La . &) g , ki 111 \va— oLy>; Energy Facility Site .............. Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner <W�LierL L�cL�gpAl>; Henne, Dennis <IL )erijiisjjetin&nioii �Ij?A�I,..&)c)N>;Ibarra,Rosalinda<R.ostrliti(lalb,,i ak Kallevig, Dana <Daqa.Kall evig(d @ya,il Lirq,,iy gc y>; Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller <martym@,orfh.org>; Peterson, Robert <1o L!k1 ter, y.�ikiqi hL­_� tqirtcriiiinaLco n>; Riddle, Dan US Army Corps of Engineers - David Moore r ,garjilygLj I>; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking - Water <SEI)A,ieN,i:ewtee �t,ti(ii,)(loh,wai. >; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water WA State Parks & Recreation Commission 'ggy -my - g_)t��_ " >; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth WSDOT - South Central Regional Planning Office WSDOT Aviation - Max Platts,<,phg1tst(ji) s lot.Nva,�Yqy>; WVSD - Angela L jy_S� Watts, Asst Supt of Bus/Fin <vorless QijkIC e WVSD - Mike Brophy, Supt. ­ , _ <br V Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark <roeeo.clark@bia.gqy>; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Elizabeth Sanchey <g ..s_,Liichey )ya ka ma xorri>; Yakama- Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin Yakima County Building Official - Harold Maclean <ljaroUinacleaqri cca y rkjrnawaus>; Yakima County Commissioners J! , <corniiiissioners,weN ya K41_ M, maass>-, Yakima County Flood Control District -Dianna Woods bhny,Wa.Lis>, Yakima County Flood Control District - Terry Keenhan <teiyy.Ira ph t -, Yakima County Health District <Y'1(1,,( Y1k'>, Yakima County IAN> Health District -Ryan Ibach <:yqra, ibat qk, i Yakima County Planning - Manager - Tommy Carroll Yakima County Planning - Zoning/Sub - Jason Earles qs( q nhi1nawaLjs>, Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund Yakima Greenway Foundation - Kellie Connaughton <Kell ip_(,�i)makiiiia 1 a .or >; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat <liasa ajg>; Yakima School District - Jay Baucom 1Cunaschools.or >; Yakima School District - Stacey , Locke <lock e. sta s(17.c >; Yakima School District- Trevor Greene <gr iip..q 0r(,'t')y.(l7.or _qa� �Z4yj _ _1�:L __�, _�L __g>; Yakima Valley Museum - Peter Arnold, Exec Director <p, gqjueun ".or ) -( >; Yakima Valley Trolleys s Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko <kci th ,)k�q� yqstea p,ripections.eopP; YVCOG -Lynn Deitrick <ly�jqj.deitriek cr yVcog..qrb, > Cc: Martin, Trevor <1're �,oi% Marti ivAAAKIMAWOV> Subject: Notice of Application & SEPA - Les Heirrigartner - CPA#00 1 -20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#O 11-20 Attached is a Notice of Application and SEPA Environmental Review regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact assigned planner Trevor Martin at trey( irrial i iniawa.Thank you! Doc. I Page 84 of 133 Lisa Maxey Planning Technician City of Yakima Planning Division p: 509.576.6669 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, 98901 Page 85 of 133 LES HEIMGARTNER CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER G Public Notices G-1 Determination of Complete Application 06/15/2020 G-2 Land Use Action Installation Certificate 06/24/2020 .......... G-3 .. ........ Notice of Application m.,,............. ... & SEPA 07/31/2020 G-3a: Parties and Agencies Notified Affidavit of Mai.1.nsz G-4 .....G-3b: ................................................... Notice of Determination of Nonsignificance & Public Hearing 08/24/2020 G-4a: Legal ad G-4b: Press Release and Distribution Email G-4c: Parties and Agencies Notified w G-4d: Affidavit of Mailing G 5� _... ..... YPC Agenda and on Li Packet Distribution s� t _. 09/16/2020 G-6 ........... . w m .... YPC Agenda �..... 09/23/2020 Page 86 of 133 prom 4 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director JP you Y r %,A 111anning Division Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING Wednesday September 23, 2020 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC MEMBERS: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, Philip Ostriem, Mary Place, and Lisa Wallace Council Liaison: Kay Funk (District 4) CITY PLANNING STAFF: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Asst.), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner), Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist), and Lisa Maxey (Planning Technician) AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2020 V. Public Hearing - Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezone Applicant: Les Heimgartner File Numbers: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Site Address: 8014 Occidental Rd Request: Change the Future Land Use map designation for one parcel from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential, and concurrent rezone from Single -Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R-3). VI. Other Business VII. Adjourn Next Meeting: October 14, 2020 To listen/watch this virtual meeting, please register with your name and email address here: )u_kJp 52WS fly o fy� l i11� Z' 0111 tt@ g(ajn afa gi q N k 23y(N ,',QM 6u7U6WX Div After registering, you will receive emailed instructions for joining the meeting online with your device or by calling in. The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. Yakima DO.C. INDEX 2015 1994 Page 87 of 133 , YPC PACKET: Jake Liddicoat jkgt)Mjmki laxom Rob McCormick Epb@mccormickaircenter.com YPC Staff Report & Packet Distribution List Les Heimgartner CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Leanne Hughes -Mickel leanne.rnjckgj@jjje.c Philip Ostriem Phil,ipostriern t�g.tLLail.coirn .0 Al Rose net ' ' �104Q@,grnailxorn Mary Place qL4cem1f&�hart r,net Lisa Wallace (APPLICANT) (OWNER) lisakwallac 1@� ail.corn Horclan Planning Services Les Heirngartner 410 N 2 n1 St 417S32 nd Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 lesh a W ahoo.corm hordan la i Date Distributed: / o q i(, Lo VOGAI INDEX Page 88 of 133 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF YAKIMA RE: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Les Heim gartner 8014 Occidental Rd 1, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the Yakima City Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Public Hearing & Determination of Non -Significance (DNS). A true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the applicant, parties of record, listed SEP'A agencies and all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of subject property, that said property owners are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed by me on the 24th day of August 2020. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. n T_ W_ / Lisa Maxey Planning Technician 001C. Page 89 of 133 A cl 18120613400 WEST VALLEY NURSING HOMES INC 3801 SUMMITVIEW AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 - - 18120621010 �� WEST V : -EY NURSINQH0lMES INC 3801 SUM N AVE YAKIMA A 98 18120612434 ANDREW THOMAS & TRACY MARIE SAWYER 8004 HOPE LN YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612433 GARY ELLSWORTH & JANET I JOHNSON 8002 HOPE LN YAKIMA, WA 98908 18120612452 JACOB M DREWNIANY 8002 OCCIDENTAL RD YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612453 JOHN & BETHANY FORSYTH 8006 OCCIDENTIAL RD YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612455 LE'S P HEIMG'ART 119 S 6 ST MONTk A 98563 18120612446 MICHAEL W ALRED 2302 S 80TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 IdIZUb1Z441 ROBERT L & MARY E COUCHMAN 7909 HOPE LN YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612440 SANDRA RODRIGUEZ MARTINEZ 2307 S 80TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120621008 VALLEY NUR 9'ES INC 3801 S r IEW AVE Y A, 902 181062.4kNURSING WEST HOMES INC 1 SUM AVE YAKIMA, W 18120612437 DAVID HILLWICK 7804 OCCIDENTAL RD YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612412 GILBERT E & MICHAEL DALE KNOTTS 321 N 84TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 18120613429 JAMES M & WENDY R LONG 2402 S 81ST AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612450 JUAN A GONZALEZ 2308 S 80TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120613009 MARCELLA L WHITISH 2403 WHITISH LN YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612443 NICOLE SMITH 2312 S 80TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612442 RUBEN BARAJAS GONZALEZ 7908 HOPE LN YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612449 SANTOS LARIOS 2310 S 80TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18 20621009 WE:71 LEYNU I G°" OMES INC 380VJEW AVE IMA, WA 02. 18120612444 ADRIAN & SANDRA YALLUP 2314 S 80TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 18120612432 DEAN J & OLIVE L RUFF 8000 HOPE LN YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612445 HUMBERTO SALINAS 2304 S 80TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612402 JAMES PJOHNSON 8210 OCCIDENTAL RD YAKIMA, WA 98903 ........... 18120612454 LESLIE P HEIMGARTNER 119 S 6TH ST MONTESANO, WA 98563 18120613422 MARLENE R VESEK 2403 S 81ST AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120613428 OMAR J MENDOZA 2405 S 81ST AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120613430 RUBEN DIAZ 2404 S 81ST AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120613401 TALBERT TAYLOR 2410 S 83RD AVE UNION GAP, W,F ge 18120613403 < 18120624410 18120612451 TALB LO TALBE SHI YLOR WENDY KAY HILL 241OS83 2410S8 E 2306 S 80TH AVE Y(>AK, WA 9890 Ulf' GAP, WA 903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 . ......... .. . . ...... . .. ...... 33 Total Parcels - Les Heirngartner - Hordan Planning Services Les Heirngartner CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011- 410 N 2nd St 417 S 32nd Ave 20 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Nkcv 14AM"Iq� -(I I)N�s � Page 91 of 133 Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Cascade Natural Gas Century Link 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager Yakima, WA 98903-9203 Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 ..... Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications . .... ... — - — - --------- City of Union Gap Chamber of Commerce Manager Dennis Henne, Development Director 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 10 North 9th Street Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 ..... . . . ......... D(,m nis, lien ne@ i-Ln ( ,gp)yA,,.g,pv, . . .... chamber@ypkirna, Department of Agriculture Kelly McLain .......... . ...... Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation . . . ....... Department of Commerce PO Box 42560 1063 S Capitol Way, Ste 106 Review Team Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 1011 Plum St SE Olympia, WA 98504-3172 reviewt anilfAmn',N! wa ItQv 9 [--c 91 e e Department of Ecology . .......... ..... — ---- Department of Fish and Wildlife Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead Department of Ecology Eric Bartrand P.O. Box 47703 Gwen Clear, Central Regional Coordinator 1701 South 24th Ave Olympia, WA 98504-7703 1250 West Alder Street Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 E ric.,13'a rt r alld Q(4fWAp,,gpy !D?d9,L*C 9Y� 4,9�Lv t�-jl -LyYbAgRg�yma,gg Scotl.Do n V yiV ..... . . . .......... Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Health Department of Natural Resources SEPA Desk Kelly Cooper SEPA Center PO Box 43200 PO Box 47820 PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 SEPAdesk,fir W_ K. gy 1 16 r cta atat CEMQ mo--py rMaMy Department of Social & Health Services . .. .. ........ ... Robert Hubenthal Environmental Protection Agency Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Office of Capital Programs NEPA Review Unit Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer P.O. Box 45848 1200 6th Ave #155, 14 D-12 PO Box 43172 Olympia, WA 98504 Seattle, WA 98101 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 t.-eqy ... . .......... . . ....... ..... . . Engineering Division . . . ...... ......... . . ..... ..... - - --------- . ..... Bob Desgrosellier, Senior Engineer Federal Aviation Administration Governor's Office of Indian Affairs 129 N 2nd Street 2200 W. Washington Ave PO Box 40909 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 .... . . . . .. . .... . Nob Hill Water Association .......... - . ..... . . . . . .......... Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing . ......... Bob Irving, Engineering Technician Marty Miller Pacific Power 6111 Tieton Drive 1400 Summitview Ave, Ste# 203 Mike Paulson Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 500 North Keys Rd b�!?@ —mklaN HA#tgurfl . . ......... MlAqyr22qft�org Yakima, WA 98901 Parks & Recreation Commission . .......... . . . . ..... . . . . . .......... . . ...... Jessica Logan North Yakima Conservation District Yakima Valley Trolleys PO Box 42650 Manager Paul Edmondson Olympia, WA 98504 1606 Perry Street, Ste. C 313 North 3rd Street Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 ....... — ------ . ........ Yakima Valley Trolleys United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 796 Maintenance Department Seattle District, Regulatory Branch Yakima, WA 98907 205 W Washington Ave P.O. Box 3755 o VaLley!r.5)I e s1-1-11-1=rf Yakima, WA 98903 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 Page 92 of 133 daviclirn Lsa(, AM)MI - L—J-1-00ELI�� 191, WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water ^ Wastewater Division WA State Attorney General's Office ramie Gardipe Marc Cawley and Dana Kallevig 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 2220 East Viola Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Y WA 99216 7n� "ktdC7 V Spokane vr�w kw w Turfy Yakima, WA 98901 se arrlr e u�c906"d � fn m ca.,,%rtd� tji.'y¢9i,IC1'.,tt4'��gAAf�rJe�:�''�V. West Valley School District t cla�b� k`1N1evr � � akis��"a'u�r�p•Zov _ —�m...r Angela Von Essen, Asst. Supt. Of Business & West Valley School Distract Mike Brophy, Superintendent . ....._ . ...._.. .... .... WSDOT Finance 8902 Zier Road 8902 Zier Road Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer Yakima, WA 98908-9299 Yakima, WA 98908-9299 2809 Rudkin Road Union Gap, WA 98903 �,rta zr�wv g g„orro��µJwsr�u��.gr2u WSDOT WSDOT, Aviation Division Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs South Central Regionl Planning Office Max Platts, Aviation Planner 7702 Terminal St SW Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator S Iruuoln�w5dof ww< fa�v: � Tumwater, WA 98501 P.O. Box 632 xflatit ¢av�iaa4w,,gawrr Toppenish, WA 98948 6aukCad�u „ occ o.... !L g y Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program �. .. �� ��� �� �• Elizabeth Sanchey, Environmental Review Yakckitat Fisheries Project ma Air Terminal Coordinator John Marvin Rob Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 760 Pence Road Yakima, WA 98909 2400 West Washington Ave e 7roc8 �., a �� w6erm q.a,or�d YC Y J rr'rarv&n z�7 aC�.� am� a�w'� Yakima, WA 98903 ., a°ok�t�ut rt��ersr�n aa� a•1�s��avu� ov Yakima County Building Department o Yakima County Health District Harold Maclean 128 North 2nd Street, 41h Floor Yakima County Commissioners Ryan Ibach, Director of Environmental Health Yakima, WA 98901 Corr a u��rJ���°"� ��� ��co ygkpuloar wa.u,l 1210 Ahtanum Ridge Dr Ste#200 Union Gap, WA 98903 'I�cl�u;a7�o.ykr�a�� wamma.� .. Yaima u.cros County Flood Control District ict Yakima County Planning �""•""_- n & Terry Dianna Woods Woods Tommy Carroll &Jason Earles Yakima Count Public Services Y vices 128 North 2nd Street, 41h Floor 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Lisa Freund, Public Services Director Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor cu'r Kce � 1 r t y kuua wa �� _ Y ihon�a� C�tr JI rao ur'nmu +ayd r.fi� Yakima W A 98901 i) arufi:l _ Jasoxu.k a �a s t as kufuna wwa uti fisa freu ri(tc . Y ��a.t� ��dr"n"ra� a�?�;ia Yakima Greenway Foundation ...... YakamaIndian Nation..........._.... ............_.—._........—.......:__... _....—....... _......m..........—. .. _....._m........__._......... Kellie Connaughton, Executive Director Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation 111 South 18th Street Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Yakima, WA 98901 P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 @rue y irtc rgua t u�w ry.R(g Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Toppenish, WA 98948 _ —.�•_.M .__ Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency .�.� �.. — .. � � Hasan Tahat, Compliance, Engineering & Yakima School District ctency • Yakima School District Planning Division Supervisor Trevor Greene, Superintendent Stacey Locke , Asst. Supt. of Operations 186 Iron Horse Ct # 101 104 North 4th Ave 104 N 41h Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 N�n@ n_Lo....._ ..... g re�Vce -rr�Scr�ols .. k stag y y d7n . _m, Yakima SchoolDistrict . __. __... _I _ _, Jay Baucom, Asst. Director of Maintenance Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District & Operations Sandra Hull Yakima Valley Canal Co 104 N 4th Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd Robert Smoot Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 1640 Garretson Lane �rkart a�ct�orl0.:�org Yakima, WA 98908 YakimaValleyConference y rence of GovernmentsValley —__.__.� —..... ..._.... Lynn Deitrick, Senior Planner PeterlArnold, Executiv e Director... Yakima Waste Systems 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 Yakima, WA 98901 2105 Tieton Drive Yakima, WA 98902 Keith Kovalenko, District Manager PO Box 2830 Lm Dgitrra�;p� a v ,aab� Pe t< a yMmtLska, a Q[g Yakima, WA 98907 k�u �;;lh k ra '�rat�t o ns te�;t rots mr',pd~t1� Ahtanum Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Century Link Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Manager 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Grandridge Blvd 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98903 Kennewick, WA 99336 Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Department of Agriculture Manager Dennis Henne, Development Director Kelly McLain 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 P.O. Box 42560 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Environmental Protection Agency NEPA Review Unit Federal Aviation Administration Governor's Office of Indian Affairs 1200 6th Ave #155, 14 D-12 2200 W. Washington Ave PO Box 40909 Seattle, WA 98101 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Pacific Power North Yakima Conservation District Yakima Valley Trolleys Mike Paulson Manager Paul Edmondson 500 North Keys Rd 1606 Perry Street, Ste. C 313 North 3rd Street Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima Valley Trolleys United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 796 Maintenance Deptartment Seattle District Yakima, WA 98907 205 W Washington Ave g Regulatory Branch Yakima, WA 98903 P.O. Box 3755 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 WA State Attorney General's Office Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama Indian Nation Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Superintendent Program Yakima, WA 98902 P.O. Box 632 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Nation Yakima School District Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Trevor Greene, Superintendent Sandra Hull P.O. Box 151 104 North 4th Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima Valley Canal Co Robert Smoot 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98908 \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 07.22.20 - Form List.docx Type of Notice: File Number: Date of Mailing: 4 INDEX Page 94 of 133 a a Parties of Recoru — Les Heimgartner — CPA#001-20, RZ#002-2v & SEPA#011-20 Type of Notice: 1 D., File Number: � Date of Mailing: gl(qqlgo Page 95 of 133 Maxey, Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 10:09 AM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Contreras, Pedro; Corona, Silvia; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; Desgrosellier, Bob; Doan, Tony; Horton, Kelli; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Layman, Randy; Markham, Aaron; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Murray, Matthew; Reid, Patrick; Riddle, Dan; Rossignol, Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sara; Zabell, John; Zammarchi, Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology; Department of Ecology - Lori White; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Dept of Social & Health Svcs - Robert Hubenthal; Dept. Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Desgrosellier, Bob; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner; Henne, Dennis; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; Riddle, Dan; US Army Corps of Engineers - David Moore; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Parks & Recreation Commission; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth; WSDOT - South Central Regional Planning Office; WSDOT Aviation - Max Platts; WVSD - Angela Watts, Asst Supt of Bus/Fin; WVSD - Mike Brophy, Supt.; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Elizabeth Sanchey; Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official - Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District - Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District - Terry Keenhan; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning - Manager - Tommy Carroll; Yakima County Planning - Zoning/Sub - Jason Earles; Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Kellie Connaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima School District - Jay Baucom; Yakima School District - Stacey Locke; Yakima School District - Trevor Greene; Yakima Valley Museum - Peter Arnold, Exec Director; Yakima Valley Trolleys; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko; YVCOG - Lynn Deitrick; Brown, Michael; Davido, Sean; El Mundo; El Sol de Yakima; Fannin, John; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; KAPP TV News; KBBO-KRSE Radio - manager; KDNA Noticias; KDNA Radio - Francisco Rios; KEPR TV News; KIMA TV News; KIT News; KIT/KATS/DMVW/KFFM - Lance Tormey; KNDO TV News; KNDU TV News; KUNW-TV Univision; KVEW TV News; La Casa Hogar; La Voz; Lozano, Bonnie; NWCN News; NWPR - Anna King; Randy Luvaas - Yakima Business Times; RCDR - Maria DJ Rodriguez; Reed C. Pell; Tu Decides; Tu Decides - Albert Torres; West Valley School District - Angela Watts; Yakima Herald Republic - Mai Hoang; Yakima Herald Republic Newspaper; Yakima Valley Business Times; YPAC - Randy Beehler; Al Rose; Funk, Kay; Jacob Liddicoat; Leanne Hughes -Mickel; Lisa Wallace; Mary Place; Philip Ostriem; Rob McCormick Cc: Martin, Trevor Subject: Notice of Public Hearing & DNS - Les Heimgartner - CPA#001, RZ#002 & SEPA#011-20 Attachments: NOTICE OF HEARING -Les Heimgartner - CPA RZ SEPA.PDF; NOTICE OF DNS -Les Heimgartner - CPA RZ SEPA.PDF � 1 Page 96 of 133. Attached is a Notice of Public Heating and Notice of SEPA Determination o Nonsignificance (DNS) regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact assigned planner Trevor Martin at trev r, artLn&y it p ,go .Thank you! I1,,,,,,11sa Maxey Planning Technician City of Yakima Planning Division p: 509.576.6669 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, 98901 2 Page 97 of 133 crr urrt rr .. WE TELL YOUR STORIES — • • This is the proof of your ad scheduled to run on the dates indicated below. Please proof read notice carefully to check spelling and run dates, if you need to make changes Date: 08/21/20 Account #: 110358 Company Name: CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING Contact: ROSALINDA IBARRA,AP Address: 129 N 2ND STREET YAKIMA, WA 98901-2720 Telephone: (509) 575-6164 Fax: Account Rep: Simon Sizer Phone # (509)577-7740 Email: ssizer@yakimaherald.com Ad 1D: 956511 Start: 08/24/20 Stop: 08/24/20 Total Cost: $248.20 Lines: 136.0 # of Inserts: 1 Ad Class: 6021 Yakin a Herald -Republic 08/24/20 ". Page 98 of 133 CITY QFYAKIMA NOTICE OFPUBLIC HEARING DATE: 8/24/2O2O;FROM: Joan Davenport, A|CRCom' munityDovo|opmontDimmmcSUBJECTCompmhonaivo Plan Map Amendment, Rezone and Environmental Review; File Numbers: CPA#OO1'2O.RZ#O01'2O.&SEPA#O11'20; Project Applicant: Hordan Planning Bomi (410N2dSx Yakima, WA 98901) on behalf of Les Heimgartner; Project Location: 8014 Occidental Rd; Parcel Numbers: 181206- 12454PROWLE-C-1-RUCRIPTJON Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment (CPA) and Environmental Review requesting to change the Future Land Use Map designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential, and rezone the property from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Multifam- ily Residential (R-3). f4glL comprehensive plan map amendment request and concur- rent rezone will require two public hearings,, one open record hearing before the Cfty of Yakima's Planning Commission to be followed by an open record hearing before the Yakima City Council. A separate n,otlice will be provided for the public hearing before the Yakima City Council, The public hear- ing before the Planning Commission has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 23,2020, beginning at 3:00 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the hearing will not be held in the City Hall Council Chambers, but will be held virtually via Zoom. Any person desiring to express their views on the matter is invited to attend the hearing to provide testimony. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THIS VIR- TUAL MEETING TO LISTEN AND/OR TESTIFY, PLEASE REGISTER WITH YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS IN ADVANCE After registering, you will receive emailed instructions for joining the meeting online with your device or by calling in. View the Hearing Online by Zoom. To join the meeting, click the link in the confirmation email that you received after registering. All attendees will be muted upon entry. If you wish to speak during the public hearing, use the "raise your hand" feature. When it is your turn to speak, the host will unmute you. A message will appear on your screen, and you will need to select "unmute." You should announce your name and mailing address for the record prior to making your com- ments. Once you are finished with your comments, the host will mute you. Listen to the Hearing by Phone: You may call any of the phone numbers listed in the confirmation email that you received after registering. You will need to enter the meeting ID and password when prompted. All attendees will be muted upon entry. If you wish to speak during the public hearing, press *9 on your phone to "raise your hand." When it is your turn to speak, you will hear an automated announce- ment indicating your phone has been unmuted and you can now be heard by all participating in the meeting. You should announce your name and mailing address for the record prior to making your comments. Once you are finished with your comments, the host will mute you and you will hear an auto- mated announcement indicating your phone has been muted. _N Following the public hear ing, the Planning Commission will issue its recommendation within ten (10) business days. When available, a copy of the recommendation will be mailed to parties of record and enti- ties who were provided this notice. The file containing the complete application is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, City Hall — 2nd Floor, 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA. If you have questions regarding this pro- posal, please call Trevor Martin, Associate Planner, at (509) 575-6162, or email to: Courtesy of Yakima Herald -Republic Page 99m133 -~E)-=~ CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE. 8Y241 0 0,'Fl FROM: Joan Davenport, AICPM Cam, nitirwlty CTevelopme t lnlreotorl RLdR,f l CT"; Comprehensive Plan fw�ap Arrtencdrra nl„ Rezone and nvironmental Review; 'r; File urrrbers: CP w 1001 �0p IT fi001µ 0, & SEPA#01,1-20; Protect Applicant: hlordan Pgannlrwc Services (410 N 2nd St, Yaktrrwa,'vA 9090 Y ora I ahaYf of I_es I deirngartner„ Project Location, tf014 Llccirdr ntal Ltd; ParcwaI Numbers: 10106- 194 54. P.�C �C t O C�LO.N Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment (CPA,) and Environmental Review requesting to change the Future Land Use Map designation frorn Low l ensily Sesidential to Mixed Residential„ and rezone the proporty from Single Family Residential (R•1) to Iwrtullifam- ily lTosidanidol (R-0), I C.0 F.l [C_H9A8JNQ This comprehensive plant nap arnendrnent request and conour- rent rezone will require Iwo public hearings, one open record hearing before the City of Yakirna`s Planning Commission to be followed by anti olaon record Iaearing before the Yakima City Council. A separate rtotbce wwlll be provided for the Public b earirwg hetore the Yhlllrrra t ityr Council. The public hear- ing bdfor°e tdrd_Planrain Commission has been scheduledfor iednesdayw �epti rrrl rer 0 0, beginning at 3.00 Pm. l ua do tiro CC IU I l arndert lo, fire hearing will not be Iaeld l'n time Clty Hatt �ouncdl Chambers, but will he hold Virtually via coal. Any person desiring to express their viewws on the matter Is Invited to attend the hearing to provide testlrl ony, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTENOd THIS VIR- TUAL MEETING TO LISTEN, AND/OR TE TI; Y PLEASE REGISTER 111d"ITH YOUR NAME AND EMAIL;ADDIRESS IN ADVANCE HERE ilasAWCr "��ilt� otl�lgL e 19 0 ' Iter rotlistert jg„ You yrwllN reoei re emalled instructions for joining the meeting onlino witll your device or by oall,in,g: in, View the Hearing Online ray' oom. To join the meefing, click the link In fire conflrmatioil email that you recelved'after registering. All attendees will be muled upon entry, it you wish to sgaeak r urrrlg the public: hearing„ use the"raise your Dared" feature, When it is your turn to speak" the host will unmute you. A, message will appear on your screen„ and you will need to select"Unmuto," You should announce your name and mailing address for the record prior to making your com- ments. Once you are finished with your comments„ the host' will mule you. Listen to the Hearing by Phone. You may call any of the phone numbers listed in the confirmation ,.email that you received after registering. You will need to enter the meeting III and password when prompted, All attendees will be muted upon entry, It you wish to speak during the public hearing, press *9 on your phone to "raise your hand "° When It Is your turn to speak, you will hear an automated announce- ment Indlcating your phone has been unmuted and you can now be beard by all participating in the; meeting, You should announce your name and mailing address for the record prior, to maXing your comments, Once ,you are finished with your comments, the host will mute you and you will hear an auto .. mated announcement lhdroalin 'your phone has been n rdtod. Following the public liear_ ingi„ the Planning Commission will issue Its recommendation within fern (10) business nays. When available, a copy of the recomrrnendatiorw will be malted to parties of record and onti- tde8 wPto w,vere Provided this notf 'a, The 'file containing, the co of a placation is aveila ie for public review at the Chyr of Yoklma larrhing Civ sion „ Clty Hall - nd Floor„ 129 N. nit St ti„ Yakirn A If you have grrestlons regarding this pro-, posal, daloase call Trevor lartinAssoclate Planner, at ( 09 5 a 61t. „ or Provided to°'l �vo.Ll r,i rtingy glmw0ig0" (956511) August 24, 2020 Page 100 of 133 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AWNS a Joan Davenport, AICP, Director o��Ji ��11W I:.�I:an::ua�u1; Division Joseph Calhoun, Manager C 11 Y Of YA K I A 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 anning ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: August 24, 2020 TO: SEPA Reviewing Agencies, Applicant, and Adjoining Property Owners FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, Rezone and Environmental Review File Numbers: CPA#001-20, RZ#001-20, & SEPA#011-20 Project Applicant: Hordan Planning Services (410 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA 98901) on behalf of Les Heimgartner Project Location: 8014 Occidental Rd Parcel Numbers: 181206-12454 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment (CPA) and Environmental Review requesting to change the Future Land Use Map designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential, and rezone the property from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R-3). NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING This comprehensive plan map amendment request and concurrent rezone will require two public hearings; one open record hearing before the City of Yakima's Planning Commission to be followed by an open record hearing before the Yakima City Council. A separate notice will be provided for the public hearing before the Yakima City Council. The public hearing before the Planning Commission has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 23, 2020, beginning at 3:00 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the hearing will not be held in the City Hall Council Chambers, but will be held virtually via Zoom. Any person desiring to express their views on the matter is invited to attend the hearing to provide testimony. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THIS VIRTUAL MEETING TO LISTEN AND/OR TESTIFY, PLEASE REGISTER WITH YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS IN ADVANCE HERE: jbttl r Ftcp(y typl;7mrn oorn_us/webJnar/rej1j t ,Al4 m 9 kc23V31MTxGQ '1J0 7 Q After registering, you will receive emailed instructions for joining the meeting online with your device or by calling in. View the Hearing Online by Zoom: To join the meeting, click the link in the confirmation email that you received after registering. All attendees will be muted upon entry. If you wish to speak during the public hearing, use the "raise your hand" feature. When it is your turn to speak, the host will unmute you. A message will appear on your screen, and you will need to select "unmute." You should announce your name and mailing address for the record prior to making your comments. Once you are finished with your comments, the host will mute you. Listen to the Hearing by Phone: You may call any of the phone numbers listed in the confirmation email that you received after registering. You will need to enter the meeting ID and password when prompted. All attendees will be muted upon entry. If you wish to speak during the public hearing, press *9 on your phone to "raise your hand." When it is your turn to speak, you will hear an automated announcement indicating your phone has been unmuted and you can now be heard by all participating in the meeting. You should announce your name and mailing address for the record prior to making your comments. Once you are finished with your comments, the host will mute you and you will hear an automated announcement indicating your phone has been muted. NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will issue its recommendation within ten (10) business days. When available, a copy of the recommendation will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice. The file containing the complete application is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, City Hall — 2nd Floor, 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call Trevor Martin, Associate Planner, at (509) 575-6162, or email to: tube r:, artim'���yakotll,gwa el y. Page 101 of 133 oA Mrs as DEPARTMENTO DE DESARROLLO COMUNITARIO Joan Davenport, AICP, Directora i���� u� r��r w°�,iKWA �)nvpsioro e Ili nnbucacu rn i i nI Joseph Calhoun, Gerente 129 Norte Calle 2a, 2° Piso, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA FECHA: 24 de agosto, 2020 PARA: Agencias de Revisi6n Ambiental, Solicitante y Propietarios Adyacentes DE: Joan Davenport, AICP, Directora de Desarrollo Comunitario ASUNTO: Enmienda al Mapa del Plan Integral (CPA), Rezonificaci6n, y Revisi6n Ambiental No. de Archivo: CPA#001-20, RZ#001-20, & SEPA#011-20 Solicitante: Hordan Planning Services (410 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA 98901) por parte de Les Heimgartner Ubicaci6n: 8014 Occidental Rd No. de Parcelas: 181206-12454 DESCRtPC16N DEL PROYECTO Enmienda al Mapa del Plan Integral (CPA), Rezonificaci6n, y Revisi6n Ambiental que solicita cambiar la designaci6n del Mapa del Uso Futuro de Residencial Baja-Densidad a Residencial Mixto, y rezonificar la propiedad de Residencial Unifamiliar (R-1) a Residencial Multi -familiar (R-3). AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Esta solicitud de enmienda al mapa del Plan Integral y rezonificaci6n concurrente requeriran dos audiencias publicas; una audiencia de registro abierto ante la Comisi6n de Planificaci6n de la Ciudad de Yakima seguida por otra audiencia publica con registro abierto ante el Consejo Municipal de Yakima. Se proporcionara un aviso por separado para la audiencia p6blica ante el Concejo Municipal. La audiencia publica ante la Comisi6n de Planificaci6n ha sido programada para el miercoles 23 de septiembre 2020 comenzando a las 3:00 p.m. Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, la audiencia no se Ilevara a cabo en la Sala del Concejo Municipal, sino que sera programada virtualmente usando la plataforma Zoom. Se le invita a cualquier persona que desee expresar sus opiniones sobre este caso a asistir a la audiencia publica o a presentar comentarios por escrito. SI DESEA ASISTIR A ESTA REUNI6N VIRTUAL PARA ESCUCHAR Y/O TESTIFICAR, REGISTRESE POR ADELANTADO CON SU NOMBRE Y CORREO ELECTR6NICO AQUI: �.11.. 'I ". _ _. �_� _. -. �w..� _ .. M6u7U6WXDw ipm" ,�p ty .y. gti«u,a.zt c �a't uas� r t �n, �/Aer � edm @WH k 23V31 MTxG0�...� ..... 6WXQ .. Despues de registrarse, recibira instrucciones por correo electr6nico para ingresar en linea con su dispositivo o Ilamando por tel6fono. Ver la audiencia p6blica en linea por Zoom: Para ingresar a la reuni6n, haga clic en el enlace ubicado en el correo electr6nico de confirmaci6n que recibi6 al registrase. Todos los participantes seran silenciados al ingresar. Si desea hablar durante la audiencia publica, use la funci6n para "levantar la mano". Cuando sea su turno de hablar, el anfitri6n desactivara el silenciador. Un mensaje aparecera en su pantalla y seleccione la opci6n "unmute". Debe anunciar su nombre y direcci6n postal para el registro antes de hacer sus comentarios. Una vez haya terminado sus comentarios, el anfitri6n to silenciara. Escuche la audiencia p6blica por tel6fono: Puede Ilamar a cualquiera de los numeros telef6nicos ubicados en el correo electr6nico de confirmaci6n que recibi6 al registrarse. Debera ingresar el ID y la contrasena de la reuni6n cuando se to solicite. Todos los participantes seran silenciados al ingresar. Si desea hablar durante la audiencia publica, presione *9 en su tel6fono para "levantar la mano". Cuando sea su turno de hablar, escuchara un anuncio automatizado indicando que el audio de su tel6fono ha sido activado y todos los participantes pueden escucharlo. Debe anunciar su nombre y direcci6n postal para el registro antes de hacer sus comentarios. Una vez haya terminado sus comentarios, el anfitri6n to silenciara y escuchara un anuncio automatizado indicando que su tel6fono ha sido silenciado. AVISO DE LA RECOIMi1ENDACI6N FINAL: Despues de la audiencia publica, el Exam inador de Audiencias emitira su decisi6n o recomendaci6n dentro de diez (10) dias habiles. Cuando la decisi6n final sea emitida, una copia sera enviada a las personas que mandaron comentarios o que recibieron este aviso. El archivo que contiene la aplicaci6n completa esta disponible para inspecci6n publica en la Oficina de Planificaci6n de la Ciudad de Yakima en el 129 al Norte la Calle 2da, Yakima, WA. Si tiene cualquier pregunta sobre esta propuesta, puede contactar a la Oficina de Planificaci6n al (509) 575-6183 o por correo electr6nico al: ask, pgLng,�)yaks�,.�utW� V4'ki a D "91 11111 Page 102 of 133 a�� DEP,-__.TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELL_ MENT AWN e WILIAk Joan Davenport, AICP, Director ]Manning Division cp, o Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning WASHINGTON STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON PROPOSAL: Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment (CPA) and Environmental Review requesting to change the Future Land Use Map designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential, and rezone the property from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R-3). PROPONENT: Hordan Planning Services on behalf of Les Heimgartner LOCATION: 8014 Occidental Rd. PARCEL NUMBERS: 181206-12454 LEAD AGENCY: City of Yakima FILE NUMBERS: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 DETERMINATION: The lead agency for this proposal has determined that the project will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2) (c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. The information is available to the public upon request at the City of Yakima Planning Division. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period for this DNS. CONTACT PERSON: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner. Call (509) 575-6162 for more information. SEPA RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Joan Davenport, AICP POSITION / TITLE: Director of Community Development TELEPHONE: 509-575-6417 ADDRESS: 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901 SIGNATURE: DATE: August 24, 2020 ® You may appo6l this determination to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director, at 129 N 2"d Street, Yakima, WA 98901. No later than: September 8, 2020 By (method): Complete appeal application form and payment of 580 appeal fee.. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. Page 103 of 133 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF YAKIMA RE: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Les Heimgartner 8014 Occidental Rd I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the Yakima City Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Application and Environmental Review; a true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the applicant, SEPA reviewing agencies, and all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of subject property; that said property owners are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division; and that said notices were mailed by me on the 315t day of IRIL 2020. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. Lisa Maxey Planning Technician Page 104 of 133 18120613400 18120621008 18120 009 WEST VALLEY NURSING HOMES INC WE VALLEY NURSIN iIES INC WEST VA URSING HOMES INC 3801 SUMMITVIEW AVE 3801 S' AVE 380 MMITVI AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKINN 902 1MA, WA 98902� w 181206 010 18.20624409 18120612444 WEST VAL NU HOMES INC WES' LLLLEY NUUSWG-H'OM'ES INC ADRIAN & SANDRA YALLUP 3801 SUM AVE 3801 S=WA98 W AVE 2314 S 80TH AVE YAKI , WA 98902 YAKIM2, YAKIMA, WA 98908 18120612434 18120612437 18120612432 ANDREW THOMAS & TRACY MARIE DAVID HILLWICK DEAN J & OLIVE L RUFF SAWYER 7804 OCCIDENTAL RD 8000 HOPE LN 8004 HOPE LN YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 �A.. ,_................... 18120612433 18120612412 18120612445 GARY ELLSWORTH & JANET I JOHNSON GILBERT E & MICHAEL DALE KNOTTS HUMBERTO SALINAS 8002 HOPE LN 321 N 84TH AVE 2304 S 80TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612452 1812061342.9............................................................w� ___�___ m.,,18120612402............................................_.m �.......___ JACOB M DREWNIANY JAMES M & WENDY R LONG JAMES P JOHNSON 8002 OCCIDENTAL RD 2402 S 81ST AVE 8210 OCCIDENTAL RD YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 � �------- .._.............. .a. 18120612453 18120612450 18120612454 JOHN & BETHANY FORSYTH JUAN A GONZALEZ LESLIE P HEIMGARTNER 8006 OCCIDENTIAL RD 2308 S 80TH AVE 119 S 6TH ST YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 MONTESANO, WA 98563 18120612455 � . 181206 3009 � _ 181206 13422 �� LESLKIRfNER W L HITISHNE R VE K 119S 2403 WHITISH LN 2403 S 81ST AVE 98563 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612446 18120612443 18120613428 MICHAEL W ALRED NICOLE SMITH OMAR J MENDOZA 2302 S 80TH AVE 2312 S 80TH AVE 2405 S 81ST AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18120612441 18120612442 18120613430 ROBERT L & MARY E COUCHMAN RUBEN BARAJAS GONZALEZ RUBEN DIAZ 7909 HOPE LN 7908 HOPE LN 2404 S 81ST AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 . 18120612440 1812061244918120613401� SANDRA RODRIGUEZ MARTINEZ SANTOS LARIOS TALBERTTAYLOR 2307 S 80TH AVE 2310 S 80TH AVE 2410 S 83RD AV� YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 UNION GAP, W ' 8 r EX Page 105 of 133 _ _......... .._.. ...- -- .�- - -- 2 /'' 18120613403 f24410 0624410 18120612451 TAL "� RT TAYLOR BE SH TAYLOR WENDY KAY HILL 241 S E 2306 S 80TH AVE YAKI , A Q3 N GAP, W 903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 33 Total Parcels - Les Heimgartner - Hordan Planning Services Les Heimgartner CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011- 410 N 2nd St 417 S 32nd Ave 20 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 N� 6-` AW c(' C.f�3tooi �Rz-paoa/ Page 106 of 133 Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Cascade Natural Gas Century Link 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager Yakima, WA 98903-9203 Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 �gt h 1) Cq� �,Q nja.e�� .. . .... . .... — . . ..... Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications . ........ . . ..... City of Union Gap . .... . . . ..... ... Chamber of Commerce . .......... Manager Dennis Henne, Development Director 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 10 North 9th Street Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 -- — -------- . . .... Dent is,.h .Qrjne @�nio igap V ..... . .... . (g gLaLp�pfLoyi)kipjaA Department of Agriculture Kelly McLain . ..... Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation . . . ....... . . ..... .- ...... . ...... ... . Department of Commerce PO Box 42560 1063 S Capitol Way, Ste 106 ReviewTeam Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 1011 Plum St SE 1-guka--&Qy Olympia, WA 98504-3172 . .... — ----- r tea er . g LoLle—w— MILEC� —119-wq� �,qy Department of Ecology Department of Fish and Wildlife Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead Department of Ecology Eric Bartrand P.O. Box 47703 Gwen Clear, Central Regional Coordinator 1701 South 24th Ave Olympia, WA 98504-7703 1250 West Alder Street Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 L w i to cj n �? Imc. Q �a Lq!!l A t Q (@ e �-Y' - W a L, L) y Sco�tt.D ........... ......... . .... ........ . — . .. . .... . ..... . . ........... M-- ......... . . Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Health Department of Natural Resources SEPA Desk Kelly Cooper SEPA Center PO Box 43200 PO Box 47820 PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 f W-� muooy Wig, y Department of Social & Health Services Robert Hubenthal Environmental Protection Agency Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Office of Capital Programs NEPA Review Unit Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer P.O. Box 45848 1200 6th Ave #155, 14 D-12 PO Box 43172 Olympia, WA 98504 Seattle, WA 98101 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 .......... Engineering Division Bob Desgrosellier, Senior Engineer Federal Aviation Administration Governor's Office of Indian Affairs 129 N 2nd Street 2200 W. Washington Ave PO Box 40909 Yakima, WA 98901 Ya ki ma, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Nob Hill Water Association Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing . .... — ------ Bob Irving, Engineering Technician Marty Miller Pacific Power 6111 Tieton Drive 1400 Summitview Ave, Ste# 203 Mike Paulson Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 500 North Keys Rd . .... . ........ Yakima, WA 98901 Parks & Recreation Commission . ...... . ...... . . .... . . . ..... Jessica Logan North Yakima Conservation District Yakima Valley Trolleys PO Box 42650 Manager Paul Edmondson Olympia, WA 98504 1606 Perry Street, Ste. C 313 North 3rd Street !�,�5sicy a, ks. Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 . . . ................ . . . . ........ - . . . . . ..... . ......... . ......... - -- NY Yakima Valley Trolleys United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 796 Maintenance Department Seattle District, Regulatory Branch Yakima, WA 98907 205 W Washington Ave P.O. Box 3755 info-@yA�411avalLe ro Yakima, WA 98903 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 . ............ . ...... Page 107 of 133 WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water Wastewater Division WA State Attorney General's Office Jamie Gardipe Marc Cawley and Dana Kallevig 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 2220 East Viola Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Yakima, WA 98901 SEPIA -re Pa )am jil! e. qAi�ct�L�yytlgy kyak ,10 -LjD1pAik.fgy ...... . . . . . ........ dlna�L<illc�vi (Cbyqkin�ay�Axgy EM . �g West Valley School District West Valley School District . . .... Angela Von Essen, Asst. Supt. Of Business & Mike Brophy, Superintendent WSDOT Finance 8902 Zier Road Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer 8902 Zier Road Yakima, WA 98908-9299 2809 Rudkin Road Yakima, WA 98908-9299 tigphyrie M�vLsq? Q�,Qrg Union Gap, WA 98903 .... . . . . . . . . ... ...... WSDOT, Aviation Division .... . ...... . . . . ....... -- . ......... Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs WSDOT Max Platts, Aviation Planner Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator South Central Regionl Planning Office 7702 Terminal St SW P.O. Box 632 Tumwater, WA 98501 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program Elizabeth Sanchey, Environmental Review Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project . . . ..... . . .... Yakima Air Terminal Coordinator John Marvin Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager P.O. Box 151 760 Pence Road 2400 West Washington Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98909 Yakima, WA 98903 .. . ...... . . - — ------- t e t� S (� rober e nic u k4n�i N &�y Yakima County Building Department . ...... Yakima County Health District Harold Maclean Ryan lbach, Director of Environmental Health 128 North 2"d Street, 41h Floor Yakima County Commissioners 1210 Ahtanurn Ridge Dr Ste#200 Yakima, WA 98901 cornI mi n? b@ r-q.yA�inia wa,us Union Gap, WA 98903 llffDQW! a,wams, . ........ ---, . .... . ..... . c-(,1.--,v k�11� , ma twa-,us Yakima County Flood Control District Yakima County Planning . ..... Terry Keenhan & Dianna Woods Tommy Carroll & Jason Earles Yakima County Public Services 128 North 2"d Street, 41h Floor 128 North 2nd Street ' 4th Floor Lisa Freund, Public Services Director Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor a co Thomas.Car III -Y41 aus L�. Yakima, WA 98901 Q Lla _0 9 V�0-0 q�,Ec� !,ya a.wa.us . ..... . . . ..... —M: Lak ---- - ---- - --- ..... . . . .......... �eLiqdC ��yq Yakima Greenway Foundation Yakama Indian Nation . .... . . . .... -- . . ........ Kellie Connaughton, Executive Director Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation Ill South 18th Street Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Yakima, WA 98901 P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 LeL11g@ygKJq1pgLgg , Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Toppenish, WA 98948 . ..... . . . . . .......... . ..... . Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Hasan Tahat, Compliance, Engineering & Yakima School District Yakima School District Planning Division Supervisor Trevor Greene, Superintendent Stacey Locke , Asst. Supt. of Operations 186 Iron Horse Ct # 101 104 North 4th Ave 104 N 4th Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 ... . .... . ....... Yakima School District Jay Baucom, Asst. Director of Maintenance Yakima-Tieton irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co & Operations Sandra Hull Robert Smoot 104 N 4th Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane Ya ki ma, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 . ... . ...... . . .. . .... Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Lynn Deitrick, Senior Yakima Valley Museum Peter Arnold, Executive Director Yakima Waste Systems Planner 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 2105 Tieton Drive Keith Kovalenko, District Manager i Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 PO Box 2830 !y,Tnl?0rKkEmQP. Eg Yakima, WA 98907 Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Cascade Natural Gas Century Link 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager Yakima, WA 98903 Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Department of Agriculture Manager Dennis Henne, Development Director Kelly McLain 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 P.O. Box 42560 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Environmental Protection Agency . .... . .... .... . ..... NEPA Review Unit Federal Aviation Administration Governor's Office of Indian Affairs 1200 Sth Ave #155, 14 D-12 2200 W. Washington Ave PO Box 40909 Seattle, WA 98101 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Pacific Power North Yakima Conservation District . . . . ...... Yakima Valley Trolleys Mike Paulson Manager Paul Edmondson 500 North Keys Rd 1606 Perry Street, Ste. C 313 North 3rd Street Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima Valley Trolleys . . . .......... United States Postal Service .. . . . ....... . ... . ........... US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 796 Maintenance Deptartment Seattle District Yakima, WA 98907 205 W Washington Ave Regulatory Branch Yakima, WA 98903 P.O. Box 3755 .......... Seattle, WA 98124-3755 . WA State Attorney General's Office Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs ......... Yakama Indian Nation 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Superintendent Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakima, WA 98902 P.O. Box 632 Program Toppenish, WA 98948 P.O. Box 151 . . ...... . .... . . . ...... .... . . . . .... - - — - -------- Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Nation Yakima School District Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Trevor Greene, Superintendent Sandra Hull P.O. Box 151 104 North 4th Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd Toppenish, WA 98948 ........ . .... Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima Valley Canal Co . . . ..... . ........ . . ....... . . . Robert Smoot 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98908 \\Apollo\shared\Pianning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 07.22.20 -Form List.docx Type of Notice: File Number: Date of Mailing: -713 DOC. 114 D EX Page 109 of 133 Parties of Record - Les Heimgartner - CPA#001-20, RZ#002-2u & SEPA#011-20 Hordan Planning ServicesLLJLL Les Heimgartner LES LIE P HEIMGARTNER 410 N 2nd St 417 S 32"d Ave 119 S 6TH ST Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 MONTESANO, WA 98563 cw frd f Jathtaoec�rp;ti htb�rt rii vwt,csiexaaatun8arulu�'��to�l ___.�� ��rtwt�u �r^.... ��..........�.-.___.�.__.._.....m John Bresnahan jlvsn,rkl tik0i(*9 eo_tn (requested notices per phone call on 6/29/20) �������� � In -House Distribution E-mail List Revised 04/2020 FName.............. D>< Division E-mail Address Silvia Corona �����_.._ Clerk's�..._ _ �._ Office 4nlvia,( otard�ii)tkiin„11wa go,y Carolyn Belles Code Administration (aroly,at ebyakitriarr agpv Glenn Denman Code Administration G1cr! y,lyer�rlltlg trl ,pkinnawa. qv John Zabell Cod e Administration lolnn.Zakaa;ll rr" wkiinqwwa gmov Kelli Horton Code Administration Kelh llortot t „yak�in1aWa goy PL�..d...a.mR.ossigno"l. .... ......... .Co�dd e...A..._dm mistration ...... ljjTda,.R aw igr layak mawa,pv ...- ...... ___... to Contreras Code Administration Pedro.L o ntrei,r_s, y Jkima wa gtty Suzanne DeBusschere Code Administration i� kya�hnn, ... � �.� �1i� := �s-hgrmaayrrkiilnawdn. oy Tony Doan Code Administration�� II��n 1,;7a�(cya�lli�awa--. Joan Daven ort Commh' P -unity Development P Rosal_inda Ibarra Community Development _. Ioalilda huim,rt.�a�s). �wawr�ov Bob —En . ��.�.�� .... .... 13pi? l�psgro�,I,;INa<r���kain�tww�t,trsv Dan Riddle En gineering Datn.idtilc&akiittnrgiiv Aaron Markham Fireirrzrtw i�o �ckgl7i,�yalw irawrary gov, Pat Reid Fire Patml�e,i�l ctlr�akilpat a. ov u Jeff Ctter _.fie.. ...........�.w . � � ... _.m gal �Ieff �utlryainr,wa. rw � _..- ... ....... Zi _ Sara Watkins Legal Sara. Walkln5yaklr awagry Archie Matthews ONDS Archia ws@)y�tpa a ov Joseph Calhoun Planning _ p anning �o�glnl�. 'alhr�t�il�t=a�yaia��w�°w�r�t c'.av Lisa Maxey Planning ..... Lisa. 9ax_qycc),yy;kgcav Matt �M­uray-'--_Police atth_ __ _w rtlurr?.Yakomawzi q_y Iretta cott Schafer Public Wor ks �ao�I; Sphal"cr�t� Zammarchi Refuse & oit1°tt./aintiilaarchr@ykimrrorttw, dtiv Randy Layman Refuse R;airi9 1 ayitingl„r c�yan,lµtJllawv4,go—V Gre or Sto Transit (jr as g Y rY g ry Strway w raki�mtiwa•ggy James Dean Utilities James.Dea¢1u,yakimasrw^axov, ...... ._ ..� - Dana Kallevig Wastewater an KallgyWity &i11 v al,gov Randy Meloy Wastewater r8 anr„-��ey a)yakimawv gwryv . Dave Brown Water/Irrigation David. BTo-,n@yLikim wwa grey Mike Shane _ Water/Irrigation Mik �ril�laaa�& akmi'1w =n cy ......w.........��� ............ _�.0utsid...�—_ e Distribution .... ...��. _ .... .......... ... -.A.._. .�.......... �........ .............a Name Address Included In Mailing? Pacific -A, stimatin De artment 50 NN Ke s Rd � Subdi g p .....Y ,Yakima, WA 98901 ❑ Yes lKo Power Attn: E vision polices ONE �� ................. �..........�. Type of Notice: _ WL VAC File Number: C 0 Q// -6?6 r� Date of Mailing:/ + Z�x ....... . ...... ° 4 . a Page 110 of 133 ..�ea Maxey, Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 10:12 AM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Contreras, Pedro; Corona, Silvia; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; Desgrosellier, Bob; Doan, Tony; Horton, Kelli; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Layman, Randy; Markham, Aaron; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Murray, Matthew; Reid, Patrick; Riddle, Dan; Rossignol, Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sara; Zabell, John; Zammarchi, Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology; Department of Ecology - Lori White; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Dept of Social & Health Svcs - Robert Hubenthal; Dept. Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Desgrosellier, Bob; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner; Henne, Dennis; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; Riddle, Dan; US Army Corps of Engineers - David Moore; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Parks & Recreation Commission; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth; WSDOT - South Central Regional Planning Office; WSDOT Aviation - Max Platts; WVSD - Angela Watts, Asst Supt of Bus/Fin; WVSD - Mike Brophy, Supt.; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Elizabeth Sanchey; Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official - Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District - Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District - Terry Keenhan; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning - Manager - Tommy Carroll; Yakima County Planning - Zoning/Sub - Jason Earles; Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Kellie Connaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima School District - Jay Baucom; Yakima School District - Stacey Locke; Yakima School District - Trevor Greene; Yakima Valley Museum - Peter Arnold, Exec Director; Yakima Valley Trolleys; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko; YVCOG - Lynn Deitrick Cc: Martin, Trevor Subject: Notice of Application & SEPA - Les Heimgartner - CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA# 011-20 Attachments: NOTICE OF APPLICATION & SEPA-Les Heimgartner - CPA RZ SEPA.PDF Attached is a Notice of Application and SEPA Environmental Review regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact assigned planner Trevor Martin at trey t oi1 rtin,, '. �i wa clay. Thank you! Usa II axey Planning Technician City of Yakima Planning Division p: 509.576.6669 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, 98901 i 14If.) . Page 111 of 133� yam. DEPY I'MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEL( RENT „ddv a Joan Davenport, AICP, Director I Nanning LDuvu,sion . Joseph Calhoun, Manager � IT OF YAMM � 129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 onning ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning NOTICE OF APPLICATION & ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW DATE: July 31, 2020 TO: SEPA Reviewing Agencies, Applicant, and Adjoining Property Owners FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director APPLICANT: Hordan Planning Services on behalf of Les Heimgartner FILE NUMBER: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 LOCATION: 8014 Occidental Rd. TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): 181206-12454 DATE OF APPLICATION: April 28, 2020 DATE OF COMPLETENESS: June 15, 2020 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment (CPA) and Environmental Review requesting to change the Future Land Use Map designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential, and rezone the property from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R-3). DETERMINATION OF CONSISTENCY Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(A), the project considerations are determined to be consistent with applicable development regulations, as follows: 1. The type of land use: the property is currently vacant 2. Level of Development: Non project 3. Infrastructure and public facilities: Adequate public facilities are in the vicinity of this site 4. Characteristics of development: Any future change will require land use review and adherence to development standards Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(B), the development regulations and comprehensive plan considerations are found to be consistent, as follows: 1. The type of land use: The property is currently vacant 2. Density of Development: Non project 3. Availability and adequacy of infrastructure and public utilities: Adequate public facilities are in the vicinity of this site NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This is to notify agencies with jurisdiction and environmental expertise and the public that the City of Yakima, Planning Division, has been established as the lead agency, under WAC § 197-11-930 for this project. The City of Yakima has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) per WAC § 197-11-355. The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained by request and may be appealed pursuant to YMC § 6.88.170. Required Permits: None Required Studies: None Existing Environmental Documents: SEPA#011-20 Development Regulations For Project Mitigation and Consistency Include: State Environmental Policy Act, the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, and the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. REQUEST FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental impacts. There is a 20-day comment period for this review. This may be your only opportunity to comment. All written comments received by 5:00 p.m. on August 20, 2020, will be considered prior to issuing the final SEPA determination. Please IDC Page 112 of 133 reference file numbers (CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20) and applicant's name (Les Heimgartner) in any correspondence you submit. You can mail your comments to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 NOTICE OF DECISION A copy of the SEPA threshold determination will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice after the end of the 20-day comment period. There will be a 14-day SEPA appeal period effective upon the date of mailing. PUBLIC HEARING This comprehensive plan map amendment request and concurrent rezone will require two public hearings; one open record hearing before the City of Yakima's Planning Commission to be followed by an open record hearing before the Yakima City Council. A separate public notice will be provided for each hearing in accordance with YMC Title 16. The file containing the complete application for this proposal is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, 2nd floor City Hall, 129 North 2"d Street, Yakima, Washington. If you have any questions on this proposal please contact Trevor Martin, Associate Planner at (509) 575-6162 or email to: tr v am �1�a VIC?y�al�ffneav ,My' Enclosed: Applications, SEPA Checklist, Site Plans, and Mailing Map Yakima 2015 ND 14)4 Page 113 of 133 . D kRTMENTO DE DESARROLLO C( TJNITARIO . Joan Davenport, AICP, Directora 1 division de 111ani#icaci6n � 1 Y OF YAMMA Joseph Calhoun, Gerente anning 129 Norte Calle 2a, 2° Piso, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning AVISO DE APLICACION Y REVISION AMBIENTAL El Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario de la Ciudad de Yakima ha recibido una aplicacidin por parte de un propietario/solicitante y este es un aviso sobre esa solicitud. Informaci6n sobre la ubicaci6n de la propiedad en cuesti6n y la solicitud es la siguiente: FECHA OTORGADA: PARA: DE: SOLICITANTE: No. DE ARCHIVO: UBICACION: No. DE PARCELA: FECHA DE APLICACION: FECHA DE APLICACION COMPLETA 31 de julio, 2020 Agencias de Revisi6n Ambiental, Solicitante y Propietarios Adyacentes Joan Davenport, AICP, Directora de Desarrollo Comunitario Hordan Planning Services por parte de Les Heimgartner CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 8014 Occidental Rd. 181206-12454 28 de abril, 2020 15 de junio, 2020 DE SCRIPCION DEL. PROYECTO: Enmienda at Mapa del Plan Integral (CPA) y Revisi6n Ambiental que solicita cambiar la designaci6n del Mapa del Uso Futuro de Residencial Baja-Densidad a Residencial Mixto, y rezonificar la propiedad de Residencial Unifamiliar (R-1) a Residencial Multi -familiar (R-3). D TERMINACION DE LA CONSISTENCIA: Conforme at C6digo Municipal YMC §16.06.020(A), las consideraciones del proyecto se determinan consistentes a las siguientes normas de desarrollo aplicables: 1. El tipo de use terrenal: la propiedad actualmente esta vacante 2, Nivel de desarrollo: Sin proyecto 3. Infraestructura a instalaciones publicas: Instalaciones publicas adecuadas est6n cerca del sitio. 4. Caracteristicas del desarrollo: Cualquier cambio futuro requerir6 adherirse a los estandares de desarrollo. Conforme at C6digo Municipal YMC §16.06.020(B), los reglamentos de desarrollo y las consideraciones del plan comprehensivo son coherentes, de la siguiente manera: 1. El tipo del use terrenal: La propiedad actualmente est6 vacante. 2. Densidad del desarrollo: Sin proyecto 3. Disponibilidad y adecuaci6n de infraestructura y servicios publicos: Instalaciones publicas adecuadas estan cerca del sitio. AVISO DE REVISIOIN AMBIIENTAL: Esto es para notificar a las agencias con jurisdicci6n y experiencia ambiental y at publico que la Ciudad de Yakima, Division de Planificacidin, se establece como la agencia principal, de acuerdo con la Ley Estatal de Politica Ambiental de Washington (SEPA) bajo WAC §197-11-930 para la revisi6n de este proyecto. La Ciudad de Yakima ha revisado el proyecto propuesto para posibles impactos ambientales adversos y espera emitir una Determinaci6n de No-Significancia (DNS) para este proyecto conforme at proceso DNS opcional en WAC § 197-11-355. La propuesta puede incluir medidas de mitigaci6n bajo los c6digos aplicables y el proceso de revisi6n del proyecto puede incorporar o requerir medidas de mitigaci6n independientemente de si se prepara un EIS (Declaraci6n de Impacto Ambiental). Una copia de la determinaci6n de umbral posterior se puede obtener por solicitud y se puede apelar de acuerdo con el C6digo Municipal de Yakima YMC § 6.88.170. Permisos Requeridos: Ninguno Estudios Requeridos: Ninguno Documentos Ambientales Existentes: SEPA#011-20 Los Reglamentos de Desarrollo para la Mitigaci6n y Consistencia de Proyectos Incluyen: La Ley Estatal de Politica Ambiental de Washington, La Ordenanza de Zonificaci6n del Area Urbana de Yakima, y el Plan Integral del Area Urbana de Yakima. CC. Yakima CON "PiE., x�I Page 114 of 133 11111" 2015 1994 SOLICITU'D DE COMENTAiRIOS ESCRITOS: Se anima a las agencias, tribus, y el publico a revisar y comentar sobre el proyecto y sobre sus probables impactos ambientales. Habra un periodo de veinte dias para hacer sus comentarios. Este podria ser su unica oportunidad para comentar. Todos los comentarios recibidos por escrito antes de las 5:00 p.m. el 20 de agosto, 2020, seran considerados antes de emitir la decision final sobre esta solicitud. Por favor de hacer referencia al numero de archivo (CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20) o al nombre del solicitante (Les Heimgartner) en cualquier correspondencia que envie. Envie sus comentarios sobre esta propuesta a: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901 AVISO DE LA DECIS16N FINAL: Cuando la determinaci6n de la Revision Ambiental (SEPA) sea emitida, una copia sera enviada a las personas que mandaron comentarios o que recibieron este aviso inicial despues del periodo de comentarios de 20 dias. Despues habra un periodo de apelaci6n de SEPA de 14 dias a partir de la fecha de envi6. AUDIENCLA PUBLICA Esta solicitud de enmienda del mapa del Plan Integral y rezonificaci6n concurrente requeriran dos audiencias publicas; una audiencia de registro abierto ante la Comisi6n de Planificaci6n de la Ciudad de Yakima seguida por otra audiencia publica de registro abierto ante el Concejo Municipal de Yakima. Se proporcionara un aviso publico por separado para cada audiencia de acuerdo con el Titulo 16 del C6digo Municipal de la Ciudad de Yakima. El archivo que contiene la aplicaci6n completa esta disponible para inspecci6n publica en la Oficina de Planificaci6n de la Ciudad de Yakima en el 129 al Norte la Calle 2da, Yakima, WA. Si tiene cualquier pregunta sobre esta propuesta, puede contactar a la Oficina de Planificaci6n al (509) 575-6183 o por correo electr6nico al i I q ¢ f.-n-CAyg6 401awpApy, Adjunto: Aplicaciones, Lista de SEPA, Plan del Sitio, Mapa Page 115 of 133 Site Address: Date of Posting: Land Use Sign ID#(s): W2 2—t) Location of Installation (Check One): Land Use Action Sign is installed per standards described in YMC § 15.11.080(C). Land Use Action Sign is installed in an alternate location on the site. Note: this alternate location ff not pre -approved by the Planning Manager) may not be acceptable by the Planning Division and is subject to relocation (at the owner's expense) to a more visible site on the property. The alternative location is: The required notice of application will he sent to the applicant and property owners within a 300-foot radius after the Planning Division has received this Land Use Action Installation Certification. Failure to post a Land Use Action sign and return this form signed in a timely manner may cause a delay in the application review process. I hereby testify that the installed sign fully complies with the Land Use Action sign installation standards (see pg. 2), that the sign will be maintained until a decision has been rendered, and that the siun willAic returned within 30 dav;s 1roni the da,tc the final decision is issued. Applicant's Signature Applicant's Name (Please Print) ............mm .. . Date .. Applicant's Phone Number Please fill out and sign the above certification after posting and deliver to the City of Yakima Planning Division via email to ask. plan ning*a)yakimawa.gov or in person/by mail to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 North 2"e Street, Yakima, WA 98901. Page - 1 Rev .4 ' 2019 Page 116 of 133 411"'Ir DEPA "I"MEN"I' O! C:"OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1-11andnin Dk'ision Idd ill .loan Davenport„ AICP, Director WY O F Y A�;' W A 129 North Second Street, 2"d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 dsk.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning June 15, 2020 FILE NUMBER: CPA#001-20, RZ#001-20, & SEPA#011-20 APPLICANT: Hordan Planning Services on behalf of Les Heimgartner APPLICANT ADDRESS: 410 N 2"d St., Yakima, WA 98901 PROJECT LOCATION: 8014 Occidental Rd TAX PARCEL NO: 181206-12454 DATE OF REQUEST: April 28, 2020 SUBJECT: Notice of Complete Application To Whom It May Concern The application for your Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Environmental Review was received on March 28, 2020. As of June 15, 2020, your application is considered complete as required by YMC §§ 15.11.020 and 16.10.050(1). Continued processing of your request will include, but is not limited to, the following actions: 1. A Notice of Application and Environmental Review will be sent to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of your site. This notice will include a request for public comments during a 20-day comment period as is required by the City of Yakima. 2. Following the comment period, the City will issue its threshold determination as required by SEPA. The threshold determination will also include a notice of public hearing which will identify the date, time, and location when this matter will be reviewed by the City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC). 3. Following review and recommendation by the YPC, a subsequent hearing will be scheduled for final review and consideration by the Yakima City Council. Prior to sending notice, the applicant or applicant's representative is required to post the property with a city -supplied Land Use Action sign. The sign(s) are available to pick up at the Codes Counter at your earliest convenience. Please Call the Planning Office main line at 507-575-6183 to coordinate sign pick-up. If you have any questions regarding this matter please call me at (509) 575-6162 Sincerely, Ile Trevor Martin Associate Planner Page 117 of 133 v.kima 2075 3F ,�„. LES HEIMGARTNER CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER H Supplemental Information Page 118 of 133 maw MEMORANDUM DATE: December 2, 2019 TO: Les Heimgartner FROM: Brian Bieger, Senior Scientist / Project Manager PROJECT: 75387-000 REGARDING: Preliminary Wetland Assessment — Parcel 18120612454 INTRODUCTION PBS Engineering and Environmental (PBS) was tasked with completing a preliminary wetland assessment on an approximately 2.85 acre parcel (tax ID: 18120612454) located within the City of Yakima, Washington. The purpose of this assessment is to determine the presence or absence of jurisdictional wetlands within the project area and map their boundaries. The field study and this assessment memo were completed by Brian Bieger, Senior Scientist/ Project Manager who has over 15 years in wetland and habitat assessment consulting. Through the course of the background investigation and site visit, a small palustrine emergent wetland was identified within the north/central portion of the site. Although the wetland meets all three wetland criteria (soils, hydrology, vegetation) it is readily apparent that the wetland is supported from irrigation runoff into roadside ditches. The results of the investigation are detailed below. 2 METHODS The method used for identifying wetland boundaries followed the routine approach of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Arid West Supplement (Version 2.0) (Supplement) (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2010). Soils, vegetation, and indicators of hydrology were observed at sample plot locations. Wetland boundaries were estimated based on these observations and mapped on aerial photographs in the field using identifiable reference points. Estimates of wetland ratings were based on experience with similar wetlands and working knowledge of the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington 2014 Update (Hruby 2014). Formal rating of the wetland by completing the rating forms and attendant graphics is outside the scope of this preliminary assessment. The following information was reviewed prior to the field study: a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory maps (USFWS 2019). Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey (NRCS 2019) soils map of the study area. Current and historic aerial photographs included as the background to Figure 5 (Google Earth 2019) i 866,727,0140 FAX -, FBSUSA C4: M Page 119 of 133 RECEIVED Les Heimgartner Preliminary Wetland Assessment December 2, 2019 Page 2 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS APR 2 8 2020 ("Try mv, Following a review of existing conditions of the project and surrounding area, a site visit was completed on November 22, 2019 to document the existing conditions of the site. The National Weather Service recorded 0.04 inches of precipitation for the two weeks prior to the site visit. 3.1 Location The project area is located on the south side of Occidental Road and is within the jurisdictional limits of the city of Yakima, Washington (Figure 1). The approximate center of the site is located at latitude 46.5662462 and longitude-120.616376. 3.2 Land Use The surrounding land use is a combination of high -intensity agriculture, single-family residential developments, and low density commercial developments. The property is located immediately south of a small private storage facility. 3.3 Topography The topography of the site is highly varied and ranges from moderately steep to nearly level (Figure 2). The property is accessed via a small gravel road that leads downhill between the storage unit to the east and a single-family home to the west. The eastern side of the gravel road contains a small drainage swale. The storage facility appears to be constructed on a large amount of imported fill material as it is elevated above the elevation of the road and adjacent properties. This road has a grader of approximately 15%. The subject parcel is located at the terminus of the gravel road and gently slopes to the south (Figure 2). There is a very shallow swale located in the north central portion of the property. 3.4 Soils According to the NRCS (NRCS 2019), there are three soil mapping units within the study area: Gorst loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes (43), Gorst loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes (44), and Harwood loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes (48) (Figure 3). None of these soils are listed as Hydric within the Yakima County Soil Survey. Soils within sample test pits aligned with the descriptions of the Gorst and Harwood loam soils. 3.5 National Wetland Inventory Maps The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps (USFWS, 2019) were reviewed to determine if there are mapped wetlands within the project area. The NWI maps indicate a Palustrine, Emergent, Persistent, Seasonally Flooded wetland in the north -central portion of the property (Figure 4). It should be noted however that NWI maps are generated through remote interpretation of aerial photography and are not meant to represent the extent of jurisdictional wetlands. 4 RESULTS The vegetation on the site is dominated by common native and non-native grasses and forbs that have been subject to routine mowing. Species include bentgrass (Agrostis sp.), Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense), tall fescue (Festuca aurindinacea), common mullein (Verbascum thapsus), hairy vetch (Vicia villoso), broadleaf plantain (Plantago major), buckthorn plantain (Plantago lanceoleta), teasel (Dipsacus fullonum), orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata), Yellow foxtail (Setara pumila), tumble mustard (Sisymbrium altissimum),and velvet grass (Holcus lanatus). In addition to the emergent vegetation there is a small stand of coyote willow (Salix exegua), and red - osier dogwood (Cornus sericea) in a shallow swale that drains east from the terminus of the access road. This 00 X 71272.000 E,m Page 120 of 133 1� irk fr M�� Les Heimgartner Preliminary Wetland Assessment December 2, 2019 r q o ��a� ;tMa� Page wa shallow swale turns south and drains into a subtle depression that drains south through the central portion of the project area. An emergent wetland was identified within this depression (Figure 5). Dominant vegetation within the wetland includes velvet grass, teasel, and bentgrass. Hydric soil indicators were met with low chroma color soil matrices and 10% 5/8 redox concentrations (indicator F6- Redox dark surface). No primary indicators of wetland hydrology in the form of saturation, inundation, or the presence of ground water were observed. Secondary hydrology indicators of saturation visible on aerial photographs was checked on the data form, no other secondary indicators were identified. It should be noted however that since the wetland is supported from irrigation runoff and the property was visited outside of the timing of irrigation, primary indicators of hydrology would not be expected to be identified. The NWI has the wetland mapped as temporarily flooded but no evidence of flooding was recorded in the field. The boundaries of the wetland area were readily identified in the field through changes in dominant vegetation and small changes in topography. Based on a review of the conditions of the site, it is fairly obvious that an emergent wetland has formed in this area due to irrigation runoff originating north of the project area. The land immediately north of Occidental Road is irrigated agriculture land that drains to the south. There is evidence that surface waters are leaving the property in the form or erosion rills forming on the ditch banks on the north side of Occidental Road (Photographs 1 and 2). This water is then conveyed south under Occidental Road through an 8" corrugated plastic pipe, out falling at the point where the access road to the project site turn south and heads downhill. Evidence of regular surface water flows and hydrologic sorting of gravels on the access road were recorded (Photograph 4). Surface and subsurface waters at this point flow through coarse substrate adjacent to the access road and then head east within the Swale at the base of the road slope. The Swale did not contain indicators of flowing water but wetland soils and vegetation were encountered within this swale. Wetland soils and vegetation follow presumed surface and subsurface flows within the shallow swale that heads south from the terminus of the obvious swale. As you head south and downslope on the site, the slope decreases and the wetland stops at a point where it is presumed that subsurface waters drain down through the upper layers of the soil profile, beyond the depths required to meet wetland criteria. Evidence of this pattern has been observed through direct observations of indicators in the field, historic aerial photographs that indicate green vegetation in this pattern, and conversations with the project owner who has known about the irrigation water draining on to the property for years. The location of the wetland is certainly indicative of an artificially created wetland. Normally when an area is surrounded by steep slopes, surface and subsurface waters typically appear at the base or toe of the slope. On the property in question, wetland soils and vegetation were only identified in the areas where irrigation water is draining onto the site and following shallow swales. 5 REGULATORY ISSUES Local The wetland located on the subject property meets the criteria to be classified as a biological wetland although it appears that the hydrologic source that created and is sustaining the wetland is artificial in nature. Wetlands are regulated as critical areas by the City of Yakima under Chapter 15.27 of the City of Yakima Development Code (CYDC). Section 15.27.601(B) of the CYDC states: Wetlands are all areas meeting the definition of wetlands as defined in YMC 15.7.20 and are hereby designated critical areas which are subject to this chapter, except the following: 71272.000 UPo a7 � Page 121 of 133 Les Heimgartner ENVE Preliminary Wetland Assessment December 2, 2019 -APR �(]�Q Page 4 I. Irrigation systems that create an artificial wetland- and � ` ° u o, UIV. 2. Areas where changes in irrigation practices have caused wetland areas to dry up. Federal The USACE typically decides wetland jurisdiction on a case by case basis when there is not a clear surface water connection to waters of the US. The 1987 wetland delineation manual uses the phrase "normal conditions" when determining whether or not a wetland meets jurisdictional requirements. The wetland in question is quite obviously supported by an artificial water source in the form of irrigation runoff. In my professional experience the USACE does not typically take jurisdiction on these wetlands, but the USACE should be consulted prior to completing activities that involve filling of the wetland. State The Washington State Department of Ecology (ECY) typically does take jurisdiction on artificially supported wetland if the wetland in question was not intentionally created. An example of an intentionally created wetland would be a stock pond or irrigation canal. However, if a change in conditions (such as a change in drainage patterns, irrigation type or duration) causes the wetland in question to dry up, Ecology would not take jurisdiction. Based on the fact that it appears the wetland in question was formed by irrigation runoff and that no primary indicators of wetland hydrology were identified during the site visit, PBS recommends that ground water levels be monitored for a growing season to determine if the area in question would actually meet the wetland hydrology indicators. 6 DISCLAIMER The conclusions in this report represent the investigator's interpretation of the specified technical manuals and best available science and may not correspond with observations or conclusions of others, including government agencies. Final authority regarding jurisdiction and permitting requirements rests with the appropriate federal, state, and local agencies. This report is for the exclusive use of the Client for design of the development and is not to be relied upon by other parties. It is not to be photographed, photocopied, or similarly reproduced, in total or in part, without the expressed written consent of the Client and PBS. 7 LITERATURE CITED Cowardin, L.M., Carter, V., Golet, F.C., and La Roe, E.T. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS79/31. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, Washington, D.C. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers; Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Google Earth. 2019. Desktop GIS application. Aerial photograph obtained October 22, 2018 NRCS. 2019. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Web Soil Survey. Available online at: http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx. Accessed October 25, 2018 USFWS. 2019. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland Inventory. Wetlands Mapper. Available online at: 71272.000 Page 122 of 133 a w *gym RECEIVED Les Heimgartner Preliminary Wetland Assessment December 2, 2019 APR 2 8 2020 Page 5 CITY OF YAKI A PLANNING GIV. https://www.fws.gov/wetlands/Data/Mapper.html. Accessed October 25, 2018 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2010. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version 2.0). ed. J.S. Wakeley, R.W. Lichvar, and C.V. Noble. ERDC/EL TR-10-3. Vicksburg, MS. U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Research and Development Center. Attachment(s): Figure 7-5, Site photographs 71272.000 )c. INIDEZx. Page 123 of 133 Zfe, kd ro 71er Rd w O pi 0-10enlal Rd Rd Rd ro Ahmnum Rd Rd CoOkiq& Rd W Meld A veWJM),159t— Ave W Wdehingtwl A— P 010dvnhl Rd 01 Ahtanum Rd T Sour6s:' Esri, HERE, 'arm1n, USGS, Inffirmap, INCREMENT P, NRCBn, Esd Japan, ME , Esri China (Hd'tig Kong), Esri Korea, Esri "I (Thailbnd), NGCC, @ OpeStreelMap confftutors, and the GIS User Community I "d `,,mirnitviev. Ave Yakima Project Site CL kN Not Hill Blvd z V A f'c6dental Rd Rd E 15 2 ESRI WORLD STREET MAP. ACCESSED FEB 2019. o Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, I 8 Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri 0 Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esd (Thailand), NGCC, @ E OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS 0 1 User Community SCALE: 1 3,000' MEN" 0. 1,500- 3,000' 6,000- PREPARED FOR: LES HEIIVIGARTNER. ..... -- — ----- LOCATION MAP Les Heimgartner Project City of Yakima, Washington 9 n yn Page 124 of 133 �� o/i/a%p97N1N Legend Project Area right:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ACESSED NOV 2019. fi, SCALE: 1 " = 300' 0' 150' 300, 600' PREPARED FOR: LES HEIMGARTNER. DEC 2019 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 75387.000 Les Heimgartner Project FIGURE City of Yakima, Washington , 1' 01a Page 125 of 133 Legend 1= Project Area SOIL UNITS FROM NRCS ACCESSED NOV 2019. .. ... .... SCALE: 1 100' 01 50' 100, 200' PREPARED FOR: LES HEIIVIGARTNER, DEC 2019 NRCS SOILS MAP 75387.000 Les Heirngartner Project FIGURE City of Yakima, Washington I Page 126 of 133 WETLAND POLYGONS FROM US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ACCESSED: NOV 2019, Legend r A Project Area e� I Y" SCALE: 1 = 100' 0' 50, 100, 200' PREPARED FOR: LES HENGARTNER. NATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORY MAP mol0wili Les HeimgartnerProject City of Yakima, Washington Page 127 of 133 44 Legend � ~ WETLAND BOUNDARY AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH PROVIDED wemACCESSED ,»a± wp. S dYr y � »«c±/ SCALE: f=1O « 50 22 200' PREPARED ,. „ . \ ?% WETLAND ■ BOUNDARIES .. . , / : . . -`�- ._ - Project... City of Yakima, Washington Page 128 of 133 Les Heinngartner Wetland Report Les Heinngartner Photo 1. Drainage Erosion Rills City of Yakima, Washington Photon Drainage Erosion Rills Photo 3. Culvert Under Occidental Photo 4. Sediment Sorting in Driveway December 2019 PBS PBS Project 75387-000 as 129 of 133 Les Heimgartner Wetland Report Les Heimgartner Photo 5. Drainage Path Down Easement Photo 7. Central Project Area (Facing Northwest) toy' , PBS 2 City of Yakima, Washington Photo 6. Project Site (Facing East) Ar P Photo 8. South Project Site (Facing North) December 2019 PBS Project 75387-000 Page 130 of 133 memo T•O ENGINEERS TO: Yakima Community Development Office Yakima City Engineers Office FROM: Bill White, T-O Engineers Christopher J. Reich, P.E., Reich Engineering, LLC y DATE: March 2020 m; . aX, JOB NO.: 200060 RE: Heimgartner Mini Storage, Trip Generation Statement 03/09/2020 Cc: Leslie P. Heimgartner _ -- - .ly.._ �. ❑Urgent _ -.... _ . Comment ®Please Reply ❑For Your Use ®For Review®Please C This technical memorandum provides a summary trip generation statement for the Heimgartner Mini Storage project proposed in Yakima, WA, referenced to parcel #18120612454. The statement provides a comparison of trip generation potentials to assess whether a ministorage proposal would present nonconforming traffic impacts on neighborhood streets as compared with single family residential use. The study was requested by City officials to help address concerns of adjacent residential property owners. Yakima is the lead review agency for this traffic study. Outside agencies can comment per request of City staff or project applicant. The intended audience is the City and, ultimately, neighbors of this potential project. Please contact our office with questions or comments. The Heimgartner Mini Storage site is situated 440-feet southwest of the Occidental Road/S. 80th Avenue intersection in Yakima. The 2.88-acre property is adjacent to and south of the current Hope Lane right-of-way, a local street, which is also proposed as the site access road. In turn, Hope Lane extends east to 791h Avenue, another local street, which extends north to the arterial of Occidental Road where regional access is obtained to/from project area. 79th Avenue is stop - controlled at Occidental Road, a "tee" intersection between these two-lane roadways. The project proposal includes construction of 40,830 square -feet (s.f.) of seasonal ministorage (including a mix of enclosed garage cubes and covered RV storage) in up to seven structures. By "seasonal", the applicant indicates this would be used primarily for the storage of recreational vehicles used periodically and specifically for summer or winter activities. To that end, site use is not anticipated with the frequency typical of the more traditional "cube" storage land use. The site is zoned R-1 Low Density Residential. This designation allows for the development of up to 6-homes per acre (a total of 17 homes) on the 2.88-acre site. However, the adjacent residential development has been constructed at a density of about 3.9-homes per acre. Thus, the proposed site could be occupied by up to 12-homes keeping in character of the neighborhood, an important distinction with subsequent trip generation analyses. To be clear, the proposed land use of mini storage is allowed per Yakima Municipal Code (YMC). However, it is typical to review factors such as trip generation when a land use proposal may not match historical development trends, as to address factors such as transportation concurrency (i.e. the determination/measure of street capacities) and to address community concerns. Thus, provisions of this study are typical of similar situations throughout the Yakima region. Page 1 , gv, I IN 4 "i Page 131 of 133 Heimgartner Mini Storage, Trip Generation Statement Eal T•O ENGINEERS Trip generation was developed using the practices outlined by the Trip Generation Manual (101h Edition, ITE, 2017). Trip Generation is a nationally recognized and locally accepted method for forecasting trip generation for a range of commercial, retail, and residential land uses. The forecasting methods were developed based on the survey of other land use developments located throughout the United States. Trip generation was determined using ITE Code 210 for a Single -Family Detached Housing and Code 151 for a Mini -Warehouse. Calculations were performed using rates that equate trips to the homes for residential or building area for storage. A description of these codes is as follows: • Single -Family Detached Housing (ITE Code 210). This land use includes "single-family detached homes on individual lots. A typical site surveyed is a suburban subdivision." • Mini -Warehouse (ITE Code 151). This land use is described as "a building in which a number of storage units or vaults are rented for the storage of goods. They are typically referred to as "self -storage" facilities." These Codes best represent the ITE equivalents of land uses being compared with the proposal. As indicated, the ministorage is seasonal, which means ITE data should actually over -represent trip generation for most of the year. Trip generation totals were forecast for the weekday, and AM and PM peak hours of the weekday. These are the timeframes of highest travel impacts within the City throughout a typical week. Trip generation was developed based on a comparison of a 41,000 s.f. ministorage development versus 12 residential homes. Summary trip forecasts and comparison are shown with Table 1. OEM Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Development Unites Trips Inbound Outbound Totals Inbound Outbound Totals Sigle-Family 12 homes 115 2 7 9 7 5 12 Mini -Storage 41 KSF 65 2 2 4 3 4 7 Net Difference - 50 0 -5 -5 -4 A -5 t ® r As shown, the proposed ministorage project would result in 50-less trips being generated during the typical weekday versus that of 12 single-family residential homes. This calculates to 5 less trips being generated during the AM peak hour and 5 less trips during the PM peak hour. 3. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS The project includes the development of 40,830 s,f. seasonal ministorage located on 2.88-acres southwest of the Occidental Roal 801h Avenue intersection in Yakima. Access is proposed by an extension of Hope Lane, which does extend into the adjacent residential neighborhood, The project is located in an R-1 zone of the City, which does allow ministorage. However, the adjacent properties are occupied with single family homes developed to a density of 3.9-homes per acre. A review of trip generation potentials for 41,000 s.f. of ministorage versus 12 single family homes indicates fewer trips will be generated by the proposal versus residential development; specifically 50-less trips during the weekday, 5 less trips during the AM peak hour and 5 less trips during the PM peak hour. The conclusion is the development does not present a nonconforming impact in terur)s of traffic, and that concurrency as planned by the City can be maintained with the proposal. Page 2 Page 132 of 133 N:\200060\20_Planning\200101_Helmgariner Trip Statement dwg, 3/10/2020 9:05:13 AM, Bill While, DWG To PDF pc3 Ci 2019 T-0 ENGINEERS THIS INSTRUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF T-0 ENGINEERS ANY REPRODUCTION, REUSE OR MODIFICATION OF THIS INSTRUMENT OR ITS CONTENTS WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN PERMISSION OFT-0 ENGINEERS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED (n 2 t1 1a -�—D S Wiley Rd @ °- m CL Mz>CL zm� 3 -� m D m D z cn S 99th Ave r O Z 0� �O �m O o0 Z c I O 0 zany 4106 S o t .* r ' S 87th Ave Draper Rd EL G IV �o Dazet Rd M He nr c U) a �101 st Ave m r O C� 13 s O o Z -� aAd y},cf ; w a. & is w s m S 79th Ave 5k Al r.. >v r S 74th Ave 8A1V Is ib6 1. 88th Ave 6)c p aAb 4488 ! =i C) CID n ° o �cro az _ m0CD yp n m a (D CD C L _ .tl Ave A �Ii1L S aAy tg91 S S - rd Ave a any PuZL S m a� a � a Q mill �0 00 S 75th Ave w CD S 72nd Avid r e a if S 68th Ave aAa S