HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-09-20 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
Virtual Meeting via ••
September 9, 2020
Call to Order
Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al
Rose, Robert McCormick, Mary Place, Lisa Wallace
YPC Members Absent: Philip Ostriem (excused)
Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Trevor Martin, Associate
Planner; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician
Council Liaison: Kay Funk, District 4
Others: Sign -in sheet in file
Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced that the public survey
for the Housing Action Plan is posted on the city's website and will be available until the end of
September. Virtual meetings or small group meetings for the technical advisory committee will be
held in the near future. A draft of the plan will be made available to the Planning Commission
once available and will later go to City Council for their approval in spring of 2021.
Approval of Meeting Minutes — It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by
Commissioner Place to approve the meeting minutes of August 12, 2020. The motion carried
Continued Study Session: 2020 Coml2rehensive Plan Amendments — Per the Commission's
request, Associate Planner Trevor Martin explained the history of the R-3 zoned property to the
west of the subject property which is owned by West Valley Nursing Homes and has yet to, be
developed. In 2018, the property owner sought to terminate the development agreement for the
property which limited development of the property to multi -family senior living and senior care
residential facilities, in order for them to explore, other uses. They received approval but with the
condition that they must maintain a 1 00-foot buffer of R-1 zoned property between them and their
neighbor to the northwest.
Martin also brought back to the Commission information on the wetlands of the subject property
(8014 Occidental Rd). He explained that it is an intermittent water stream with seasonal water
flow. This wetland is not shown on the city's mapping system, but is considered a wetland
according to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources website. A Critical Areas
Review application would be required at the time a development is proposed.
Discussion took place between the Commission and staff pertaining to uncertainty about
developing this site due to this being a non -project rezone. Some concerns expressed include the
elevation difference of the subject property and the surrounding area and how grading the
property could negatively impact the adjacent properties, and establishing a driveway on the
existing access easement where there is a steep embankment. Calhoun emphasized the need
for this discussion to happen at the public hearing so it is included in the record.
*Chair Jacob Liddicoat joined the meeting around 3:15 p.m., and Council Liaison Kay Funk joined
the meeting at approximately 3:21 p.m.
Discussion on Shoreline Master ,113rogram Update — Calhoun notified the Commission that the
City received a grant from the Department of Ecology to help complete an update to the Shoreline
Master Program (SMP), which is required to be updated periodically. The Commission members
were provided a copy of the draft Public Participation Plan and a screenshot of the SMP webpage
on the City's website. Calhoun noted that the first public notice is anticipated to go out in October.
The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing thereafter where they will be making a
recommendation to City Council.
Other Business — Calhoun announced that after the Planning Commission virtual public hearing
on September 23rd regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and a virtual public hearing
on September 241h with the Hearing Examiner, the Planning Division will be caught up on public
hearings that have been postponed due to COVID-1 9,
Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to September 23, 2020 was passed with unanimous vote. This
meeting adjourned at approximately 3:37 p.m.
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This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician.