HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-12-20 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
August 12, 2020
Call to Order
Chair Liddicoat called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al
Rose, Robert McCormick, Philip Ostriem, Mary Place, Lisa
YPC Members Absent:
Staff Present: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner-, Lisa Maxey, Planning
Council Liaison: Kay Funk, District 4
Others: Sign -in sheet in file
Approval of Meeting Minutes — It was motioned by Commissioner Place and seconded by
Commissioner Rose to approve the meeting minutes of July 22, 2020, The motion carried
Study Session: 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendments — Associate Planner Trevor Martin
spoke on the single Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Rezone application that was submitted for
this year's cycle, which consists of a proposal from Les Heimgartner to change the Future Land
Use map designation of a parcel located at 8014 Occidental Rd. from Low Density Residential to
Mixed Residential, and concurrently rezone the parcel from Single -Family Residential (R-1) to
Multifamily Residential (R-3). Discussion took place between Martin and the Commission
members on this application which details a plan to use the property for residential mini -storage
if the change in zoning and future land use designations are approved. A separate application
process would be required for approval of the land use.
Commission members and staff discussed concerns about access to the site, traffic increase,
compatibility with the surrounding land uses and zoning, difficulties in extending sewer to the site,
the topography of the site, the mapped critical areas which affects this parcel, and the lack of R-
3 zoning in the city. The Commission requested to have another study session on this proposal
at their next meeting on August 26t", wherein staff can speak on the history of the R-3 zoned
property to the west of the subject parcel, present a comparison on density of a hypothetical
residential development versus at this site versus the density of a mini -storage development, and
additional information on how wetlands affect this site.
Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to August 26, 2020 was, passed with unanimous vote. This meeting
adjourned at approximately 3:51 p.m.
Chair Liddicoat Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAG. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Pianninq Technician,