HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-09-20 YPC Packet111011119 M DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT
Joan Davenport, AICP, Director
anning Joseph Calhoun, Manager
129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901
ask.planning�yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning
City of Yakima Planning Commission
Wednesday September 9, 2020
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al Rose, Robert McCormick,
Philip Ostriem, Mary Place, and Lisa Wallace
Council Liaison: Kay Funk (District 4)
Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development
Administrative Asst.), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner),
Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist),
and Lisa Maxey (Planning Technician)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Staff Announcements
IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes of August 12, 2020
V. Continued Study Session: 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendments
• CPA#001-20 - Les Heimgartner (8014 Occidental Rd)
VI. Discussion on Shoreline Master Program Update
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjourn
Next Meeting: September 23, 2020
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City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
August 12, 2020
Call to Order
Chair Liddicoat called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al
Rose, Robert McCormick, Philip Ostriem, Mary Place, Lisa
YPC Members Absent:
Staff Present: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner; Lisa Maxey, Planning
Council Liaison: Kay Funk, District 4
Others: Sign -in sheet in file
Staff Announcements — None noted.
Approval of Meeting Minutes — It was motioned by Commissioner Place and seconded by
Commissioner Rose to approve the meeting minutes of July 22, 2020. The motion carried
Study Session: 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendments — Associate Planner Trevor Martin
spoke on the single Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Rezone application that was submitted for
this year's cycle, which consists of a proposal from Les Heimgartner to change the Future Land
Use map designation of a parcel located at 8014 Occidental Rd. from Low Density Residential to
Mixed Residential, and concurrently rezone the parcel from Single -Family Residential (R-1) to
Multifamily Residential (R-3). Discussion took place between Martin and the Commission
members on this application which details a plan to use the property for residential mini -storage
if the change in zoning and future land use designations are approved. A separate application
process would be required for approval of the land use.
Commission members and staff discussed concerns about access to the site, traffic increase,
compatibility with the surrounding land uses and zoning, difficulties in extending sewer to the site,
the topography of the site, the mapped critical areas which affects this parcel, and the lack of R-
3 zoning in the city. The Commission requested to have another study session on this proposal
at their next meeting on August 26th, wherein staff can speak on the history of the R-3 zoned
property to the west of the subject parcel, present a comparison on density of a hypothetical
residential development versus at this site versus the density of a mini -storage development, and
additional information on how wetlands affect this site.
Other Business — None noted.
Adjourn —A motion to adjourn to August 26, 2020 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting
adjourned at approximately 3:51 p.m.
Chair Liddicoat
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician.
ffiF Joan Davenport, AICP, Director
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Y 01' YAKIIM � Joseph Calhoun, Manager
129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901
ask.planning�yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning
To: Yakima Planning Commission
From: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner
Date: September 9, 2020
Subject: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Discussion Information
West Valley Nursing Homes Lot to the East
The West Valley Nursing Homes property was originally rezoned to R-3 during the 2012 Comp
Plan Amendment/Rezone cycle. That approval included a Development Agreement which
limited development of the property to multi -family senior living and senior care facilities and
included a clause that the property would revert to R-1 if said use was not developed.
Subsequent to the approval, the property owner no longer proposed that particular use, and
during the 2018 CPA/Rezone cycle the Development Agreement was terminated and the R-3
zoning/Mixed Residential Land Use was retained.
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The shaded portion of the map above was created via a discussion during the 2018 cycle with
the property owner at parcel 181206-12402 (James Johnson) to create a residential buffer
between the R-3 zoning and the R-1 zoning.
tii preereca trty
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources lists this area as a PEM1C wetland.
This means:
P System PALUSTRINE: The Palustrine System includes all nontidal wetlands dominated
by trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, emergent mosses or lichens, and all such wetlands that
occur in tidal areas where salinity due to ocean -derived salts is below 0.5 ppt. It also includes
wetlands lacking such vegetation, but with all of the following four characteristics: (1) area less
than 8 ha (20 acres); (2) active wave -formed or bedrock shoreline features lacking; (3) water
depth in the deepest part of basin less than 2.5 m (8.2 ft) at low water; and (4) salinity due to
ocean -derived salts less than 0.5 ppt.
EM Class EMERGENT: Characterized by erect, rooted, herbaceous hydrophytes, excluding
mosses and lichens. This vegetation is present for most of the growing season in most years.
These wetlands are usually dominated by perennial plants.
1 Subclass Persistent: Dominated by species that normally remain standing at least until
the beginning of the next growing season. This subclass is found only in the Estuarine and
Palustrine systems.
C Water Regime Seasonally Flooded: Surface water is present for extended periods
especially early in the growing season, but is absent by the end of the growing season in most
years. The water table after flooding ceases is variable, extending from saturated to the surface
to a water table well below the ground surface.
For areas encumbered by wetlands, the City of Yakima typically requires a SEPA Checklist,
Critical Areas Review, and wetland study/delineation during the project phase. Development
within and adjacent to critical areas is permitted if the project is consistent with the various
development standards in YMC Ch. 15.27. The specificity of those standards is not known until
an actual development is proposed. For example, residential uses and commercial uses in
Critical Areas have different standards depending on the intensity of the use.
YdkiHrna Shar6liHne Master P�rograrn
Periodic Review Public Participation Plan DRAFT
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The [hv of Yakima is undertaking o periodic r*vb*v ofits Shoreline Master Program /3y0Pi as required
by the Washington State 3hon+Un* Management Act./ This |ovv requires r*v|*vv and revision of the 3y0P
every eight -years to ensure that |tstays current with changes |n |ovvs and rules, remains consistent with
other Yakima plans and regulations, and is responsive tochanged circumstances, new information and
improved data.
A Public Participation Plan is required todescribe how Yokhno will encourage early and continuous public
participation throughout the process of reviewing the 3y0P. This Public Participation Plan describes the
steps that Yakima will take to provide opportunities for public engagement and public comment, as well
as key contact information and vv*b addresses. This plan |nhegrohyy City requirements for public notice
and participation. This plan is working document and will be adjusted as needed to provide for the
greatest and broadest public participation and respond hzchanges hn public health requirements for
� Communicate with residents, property owners, and other stakeholders about the periodic r*vb*v to
provide them with information about the review, help them understand the process, and direct them
to opportunities to review and comment on proposed amendments tothe 3y0P. This will be
implemented using the outreach tools listed in this plan.
� Actively solicit information from interested parties and encourage them to share their concerns,
questions, and priorities for the Periodic Review process. This will be implemented using the outreach
and engagement tools listed in this plan.
� Identify methods of outreach and engagement with the Hispanic/Latino population to ensure that
Spanish speaking populations have the opportunity to participate fully in this process. This willbe
implanted using outreach and engagement tools listed in this plan and standard translation and
interpretation practices 6vthe City ofYakima.
11111 Provide forums for formal public input at project milestones prior to decision -making by local
officials. This will be implemented using the engagement tools listed in this plan.
Consult and consider recommendations from neighboring jurisdictions, federal and state agencies,
and the Yakama Nation. This will be implemented using the outreach and engagement tools listed in this
plan. In addition, the City plans to consult with the Department of Ecology and Yakama Nation during
the development of draft documents.
The City of Yakima is committed to providing multiple opportunities for public participation throughout the
process. The City will use a variety of tools to inform the public and encourage their participation, as
shown below.
The following tools will be used to provide information about the SMP update and ways to participate.
Website. Information about the periodic review including draft documents, supporting documents,
official notices, and opportunities to participate will be available on the City's website at:
[,�l[gir,rirriiirp e/ irk w / . The webpage will be the primary repository
fl y
of all information related to the Periodic Review process. The page will include who to contact for
more information, questions, and comments. The website has an option for Spanish translation.
Mailing List. The City of Yakima will create and maintain a list of interested parties. The list will be
used to notify interested parties of opportunities to participate during the Periodic Review process.
Interested parties may be added to the list by contacting the Planning Department at
a calla: ir,rirriiirp (: „ya,�, ini a;�, a�,.ggy. Opportunities to be added to the mailing list will be advertised
during an initial wave of communications notifying the public of the beginning of the Periodic Review
process. This will include notices placed in City wide communications such as social media, newsletters,
and emails to interested parties lists on related topics.
Social Media. The City has an active social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Messages will be posted at the beginning of the Periodic Review process, at key project milestones,
and to announce comment periods, open houses, or other opportunities to participate. Social media
messages will be included in English and Spanish.
Summary Materials. At key comment periods, summary documents will be posted and/or circulated
to provide project information and identify opportunities to comment. These will be created in English
and Spanish.
The following tools will be used to invite comment and feedback.
°' Comment Periods. Interested parties will be encouraged to provide comments on the Periodic
Review by letter or email. Comment periods will be held at key milestones in the process. All
comments will be forwarded to the Planning Commission and the City Council as part of the Periodic
Review process.
C) Comments should be sent by email to the Planning division at: a;a,a„ M1,,, all a:air,rirriiirr w : „yaa, ,iiia,aaa a:a a .
1IIINI 1 au a.ustt 2020 City of Yakima I Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review 2
� Comments should b*sent 6v postal mail to:
City ofYakima Community Development Department
l29North Second Street
Yakima, VVA989Ol
= Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will be the primary forum for detailed r*v|*vv and
recommendations tothe Yakima City Council. Interested parties are encouraged to participate in the
process and provide comments during the Planning Commission briefings, workshops, orpublic
hearings. Planning Commission dates will be posted onthe project vv*bs|t* and agendas may be
viewed at:
= Open House. The City of Yakima will conduct at least one open house to r*v|*vv draft amendments
tothe 3y0P.This open house may be held in person, as o r*o|'Um* live online event, or as an online
open house that people can interact with on their own time over the duration of o comment period.
One or more of these options may be used depending upon public health orders in effect. Options
will be mod* ovoUob|* for participating in Spanish, the mode will be determined bythe format
� Public Hearing. Yakima will coordinate with the Department of Ecology on public notification of
comment periods and hearings totake advantage ofEcology's optional 3y0P amendment process
that allows for ocombined state -local comment period /W\AC 173'26'104\.Th* Planning
Commission will conduct public comment period and at least one public hearing to solicit input on
the Periodic Review. Asecond hearing will likely be held by City Council prior to final adoption. The
number and timing ofhearings will be determined during the process. Public notice ofall hearings
will follow state and local requirements for official notification as well osthe outreach methods |nthis
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The [hv of Yokhno will reach out to the following stakeholders to porUdpoh+ in the Periodic R*vb*v
1- Tribes:Yokomo Moiiom'
2, Federal and State agencies: Washington State Department ofEcology, Washington State
Department of Commerce, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington State
Department of Moiuro| Resources, Washington Siohs Department ofTransportation, Washington Siohs
Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Washington State Recreation and
Conservation Office, USArmy Corps ofEngineers, Bureau of Land Management.
3, Adjacent jurisdictions: Yakima County, Se|oh�Union Gap, Moxee'
4, Regional and Local Utilities: City of Yakima Utility Services, Nob Hill Water Association, Pacific
Power and Light, Cascade Natural Gas, CenturyLink, Integra, Charter Spectrum.
5, Equity Stakeholders: Community Integration Committee.
6' Environmental and Conservation Groups: Yakima Basin Fish and \A/|dUfe Recovery Board,
Fuiure.vise,The Nature Conoarvoncy,mUd'Co|umbio Fisheries Enhancement Group, Yakima Valley
Audubon Society.
111111011 August 2020 City of Yakima I Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review 3
,. Business and Economic Development Groups: Greater Yakima Chamber of Commerce, Yakima
Valley Tourism, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Yakima County Development Association, Central
Washington Homebuilders Association
, Recreational Groups: Yakima Parks and Recreation Commission, Yakima Parks and Recreation
Department, Yakima Greenway Foundation, Cowiche Canyon Conservancy, Washington Fly Fishing
Club, Trout Unlimited, and Recreational Boating Association of Washington.
The following is a general timeline including anticipated public participation opportunities. The City will
coordinate with the Department of Ecology and the Yakama Nation throughout the process. A detailed
timeline will be posted on the Periodic Review webpage.
• Public Participation Plan issued
• Initial outreach and comment period
• Coordination with Ecology and the Yakama Nation
• Planning Commission Workshop
• Review under the State Environmental Policy Act
• Open House
• Public Hearing and comment period - jointly held by
Ecology and the City
• Ecology review and approval
• Council hearing and approval
HNINI 1 au a.ustt 2020 City of Yakima I Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review 4
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City of Ya�ki'ma
\MS I FYA <l �vi/'� - B�J&INESS S — RV E::� 3 E::: R, FNI E:.rid S
The City of Yakima i1s, working th,17011gh a Periodic Review of the Shal Master Program (SMP).1.7he
Shoreline Managenlent Act reqUircs local govevrialents to pi,:Hcldically review their SMP and, ifnecessary,
revise their umster progranis to'.
as Assure, that the new master pro rant conlplleS Wlthrappficable law ajad guiddines, in effect at the tinie
of ill and,
• Assure consistency of the rnaster program with the 1ocalgoverniment's comprehi.ensive planand
devidopmenrt regulatiojas adopted under crhapter,36 7oA. RCW, and other loca.l. requnren,lents.
WA State DOE
Public outreach and, en.gagernen.1 wild'be a critical part of thi planning pm,cess. Duie to, the, current Stay-ar-
honie precautions due to COVID-°Jq, in-pffs,orl CA) I'll m uln i tengagement opportunities will be P0Srt.pcnedU1nti1r
ftli irth er notice. H owever, there are anther ways to, get erligaged:
e Conitact us, at asicp,Ll-,,nufing� )ya.Idilrna: wa,gov Or (509) 57r),-6183 to provide coniments, and/or sign tip to
receive ej,nafl announcenalent abouit this projecC
Stay tinned, for nlore opportunities to shave youir persplective as this Pracress continues
13:19certainty regal the 1ength of the may at honve" restrictions to, prevent the spread of Corotmvh,us
could inapact th,e firnel.ine ind sorne nidestones. Once these restrici ave lifted, we,will. share more detail's
AOUt C0111371U.111ity' endagement activities
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