HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-12-20 YPC Packet111011119 M DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director 11 PlOTY I° YAKIIMA anning Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning�yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission ZOOM VIRTUAL MEETING Wednesday August 12, 2020 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC MEMBERS: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, Philip Ostriem, Mary Place, and Lisa Wallace Council Liaison: Kay Funk (District 4) CITY PLANNING STAFF: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Asst.), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner), Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist), and Lisa Maxey (Planning Technician) AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes of July 22, 2020 V. Study Session: 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendments • CPA#001-20 - Les Heimgartner (8014 Occidental Rd) VI. Other Business VII. Adjourn Next Meeting: August 26, 2020 To listen/watch this virtual meeting, please register with your name and email address here: h aaceiaz m.my/ 1 1 gce °l„u1a 1ru.tmjl l`.�:f ay ,t After registering, you will receive emailed instructions for joining the meeting online with your device or by calling in. The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website. Yakima m'mi I I MIS 094 City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes Virtual Meeting via Zoom July 22, 2020 Call to Order Chair Liddicoat called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al Rose, Mary Place, Lisa Wallace YPC Members Absent: Philip Ostriem (excused); Robert McCormick (unexcused) Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Trevor Martin, Associate Planner; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Council Liaison: Kay Funk, District 4 (absent) Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements — None noted. Introduction of New YPC Member — Lisa Wallace — The Commission welcomed Lisa Wallace as a new member, and she shared some information about herself. Approval of Meeting Minutes — It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Commissioner Place to approve the meeting minutes of March 11, 2020. The motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Wallace abstaining. Submitted 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Rezone Application Docketing — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun introduced the single Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Rezone application that was submitted for this year's cycle, which consists of a proposal from Les Heimgartner to change the Future Land Use map designation of a parcel located at 8014 Occidental Rd. from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential, and concurrently rezone the parcel from Single -Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R- 3). Calhoun noted that the Commission will hold a study session to further review and discuss this request in detail at their next meeting, and the Planning Division will send a notice of application and environmental review. The Commission will hold a public hearing later this year and make a recommendation to City Council. Discussion ensued regarding this request which was initially submitted during the 2019 cycle but was withdrawn. Staff clarified that land use action signs were posted on Occidental Rd. and Hope Ln., but the sign on Occidental Rd. has since gone missing and will be replaced. Other Business — Calhoun mentioned that City Hall is still closed to the public and Planning Division staff members are working from home most days during the pandemic. At least one person is in the office each day to answer phone calls and to meet people outside the building to accept applications and payments if they are unable to submit online. Adjourn —A motion to adjourn to August 12, 2020 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at approximately 3:19 p.m. Chair Liddicoat Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician. -1- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,'AH011 Joan Davenport, AICP, Director �(for�uuuuoouo���.. . dIRMLp00u0u0uu0 u a uuru0 CITY O F YA KA A Joseph Calhoun, Manager �i � 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning�yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS SUMMARY OF REQUESTS The Department of Community Development received one request for amendment to the Future Land Use Map for the 2020 amendment review process. The request is as follows: APPLICANT: Hordan Planning Services on behalf of Les Heimgartner FILE NUMBERS: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 LOCATION: 8014 Occidental Rd PARCEL NO: 181206-12454 AMENDMENT Change the Future Land Use map designation for one parcel from REQUEST: Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential, and concurrent rezone from Single -Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R-3). MIS 094 VICINITY MAP File Number: CPA#001-20, Z#002-20 SEPA#011-20 Project Name: LES HEIMGARTNER Site Address: 8014 OCCIDENTAL RD G z. Proposal: Change the Future Land Use map designation for one parcel from Low Density Residential to Mixed Residential, and concurrent rezone from Single -Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Residential (R-3). Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division at (509) 575-6183 Mahe 1)isdaiio(,r: I11fol'inatioll Slogin ll Oil this ioal:p is fol, 1:flallIli llg gild ill�Mi� atinll plGtg nsc's nifl7lo C.:ity ofYalsiiloa assUlnas 110liabdiityfol, ally �rror���, nioissiiolls, or'illacc�tr Dios ill the iilforinatioill pl'o Tided odor, ally actioll or acCioi�.l rlrrt CaIsoil bythe �tsor ill rdiai�.lce �tpoi�.l ally iops rxr i. ided Il('1­61�.1. )afro C imate , 7/31f2020 ZONING MAP File Number: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Project Name: LES HEIMGARTNER Site Address: 8014 OCCIDENTAL RD SITE AW&A K w s A l . ANNE GIIY OF YAUMA an haN Yakima Urban Area Zoning F,;ituN wban ff e:v'hem al R-'I Mgt F'zrnily R-R I"A,Ii Ra,rnily &I %Bs,nlWs Pits mi s 12 02 3 is wl s A HI'iswrl d RursAws ;C'C ;,n•neIIII wan +anew Center Lti,'C i'v'Jn4 fence✓ er'ter CBD Ceiml e,wrem crcvtrlct 13C Cen-ral Croninrevc,ial yid L.kIndmtrirsl V1-2 Heavy Ind us�toiel RD Regent Avebioment J A p(:mrt�5i ppctt.. I 1)1s alirrer Information shown an Kis iiwp Is for lalar Nng and s4slraliorr gaur aosrs wAy Me OW A Yeakhw assurnes no asll'rfy for any orrors, orovicl clsl7ror Irwaxacies in lln:: or for any aclhn lakn, or aclbn not labs Isy to usor'in rnhairco pon n r iira:as or information 1 I i � in i FUTURE LAND USE MAP File Number: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Project Name: LES HEIMGARTNER Site Address: 8014 OCCIDENTAL RD Aff, am a I, ' A, 1 . >11 11111 ClY C F NNE; MA � hYA 'i Yakima Future Land Use Designations Lc 1Derrs ty IResi(_9enlual Vlii„ eid Re—ntiall ��t1ti1111�� Central B,usinars Core Cornmere,iel Cornlrnerciia.l `vfiwed Use^ Fear(ar^�rrre;rc a, Community IIdxed Ure; Irldu7mat lI� I:)l:,uIalIII('I II]fell 111aUoII 5111C,1vA/I1 o I I 1111h 111a I1 Ih fell I]1111I1IIIg and IIIuAI aUo11 11UI I]e]ha'"! oI11y t Iw ( lly of Y7ltl111a IsSUrill'S H0 1 a II lIlly fell ally l'I I01 S, 0Ii1 ,SlO Hf ,, 01 lI1auwIaul s ll1 I lIIfoI ItlartloII I 1 I elvlde d ell foII. any aUloII1 t,ilkeII, oI aUloY I]CA tarlkeII I]y tI1e' u.,r'I lY II.e llanux u1I:]oII any Ilvl1lp] , ell 1II�1fe,1IlvlUe1Y 1I:]II ovlded 11r'II ellII I1ai('(I'tai(,i.i4C 0,0 001 AERIAL MAP File Number: CPA#001-20, RZ#002-20 & SEPA#011-20 Project Name: LES HEIMGARTNER Site Address: 8014 OCCIDENTAL RD Aff, am a I, M . 1 �GI�Y C F NNE; MA hYA�,i II.):,UI a I Iile l"': II]foI IiV7ToII 5lIo\A/I"1 oI I lI1Ih I11,11p Ih foI all 11II1I aIlf,',i III JAI aToII I 1 U I I)Cl hla'"! oI1I,t tIw ( I(Y of Ya tIma III('S 1]0 Ila7I: III(Y foI ally ('I I01 S, 01111.,SIOI] ,, C, 1 II1,7uwl"ad s I Iw IIIfoI IlvlUoII I ) I ovIf,', ed oI foI any al.oII 1`,7<l.'Y, oI ?7l oII I]CA 1`a7 <l.'II I)y 1`"w uh,(,I I I ehanue LII:)oII any Ilvlph, oI II]fe,1I lvlUoII I: I ovItied I w I ('III 001 I 5- 17 1 6 ­5 11 7u x11 2 31 3S -2 21 26 'I �A 2 _ manila yy ........... . GRAPHIC SO Wulla's F L pm- l1w Ml— 6JTY Y�j I 8JNDARY UYIKI.ft � NE AOJUSENT CHARLES ROSS IITI Q, ��l ISUE 0,A4: �, Attendee Report - Yakima Planning Commission Meeting - 8/12/2020 Panelist Details Attended User Name Email Yes Philip Ostriem Philipostriem@gmail.com Yes Lisa Wallace lisakwallace@hotmail.com Yes Kay Funk Kay.Funk@YAKIMAWA.GOV Yes Rob McCormick rob@mccormickaircenter.com Yes Mary Place placeml@charter.net Yes Trevor Martin Trevor.Martin@yakimawa.gov Yes Leanne Hughes -Mickel leanne.mickel@me.com Yes Mike Brown Michael.Brown@yakimawa.gov Yes Al Rose aar7040@gmail.com Yes Jacob Liddicoat jake@3dyakima.com Attendee Details Attended First Name Last Name Yes Sara Watkins Other Attended User Name Join Time Leave Time Leanne Hughes -Mickel 8/12/2020 15:00 8/12/2020 15:52 Call -In User-1 8/12/2020 14:44 8/12/2020 15:52 Email sara.watkins@yakimawa.gov Time in Session (minutes) 52 68 Registration Report - Yakima Planning Commission Meeting - 8/12/2020 Attendee Details First Name Last Name Email Sara Watkins sara.watkins@yakimawa.gov