HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-11-20 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes City Hall Council Chambers March 111, 2020 Call to Order Chair Liddicoat called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Robert McCormick, Philip Ostriem, Mary Place YPC Members Absent: Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel (excused) Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Council Liaison: Kay Funk, District 4 Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements ­ Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced the following: • The public engagement plan for the Housing Action Plan is being finalized and is expected to be sent to the Planning Commission before their next meeting. The public engagement process will likely begin in April, and more opportunities will come up in the fall once a draft is compiled. The Shoreline Master Program grant from the Department of Ecology is going to City Council next week for approval; the process to hire a consultant will come next. ;1�1�1�liiillj7 Approval of Meeting Minu,te,s — It was motioned by Commissioner Place and seconded by Commissioner Rose to approve the meeting minutes of February 26, 2020. The motion carried unanimously. Yakima Count y Flood Control Zone District (FCZQ) Discussion — Terry Keenhan, Yakima County Water Resources Manager, provided a document outlining suggested changes to the Yakima Municipal Code related to flood control, recapped the information that was shared the last time they presented to the YP,C on January 22 nd , and emphasized the importance of the city divisions working and communicating with the FCZD to ensure proper review for projects impacted by the floodplain. He went over current flood management projects and highlighted the issue of vegetation (especially invasive species) clogging the creeks. Discussion took place on notifying homeowners in the floodplain of potential regulatory changes, as well as locating or creating a list of properties within the floodplain that use septic systems so City Council can consider implementing special provisions to mitigate environmental concerns and direct money where needed. Calhoun clarified that the Wastewater Division is aware of areas in the city that are connected to city sewer and the areas that are not, and that this issue would not be in the Planning Commission's purview-, however, water and wastewater concerns can be discussed during the YPC's review of proposed subdivisions. Other Business — Brief discussion ensued regarding recommending changes to the municipal code to further limit the allowed construction hours and days, pursuant to concerns expressed at a recent public hearing for a proposed subdivision. Calhoun explained that the Incise ordinance does not fall under the purview of the Planning Commission. Councilwoman Funk added that anyone can write a letter to City Council; the City Manager can direct the appropriate staff to review the issue or a Council member can ask for it to be put on a future City Council meeting agenda. Adiourn — A motion to adjourn to March 25, 2020 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at approximately 4:26 p.m. ,Chair Liddicoat Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician.